Opening Weekend at Bolton Valley Bike Park in Vermont. This is still one of my favorite places to ride. Being opening weekend, and after a series of rainstorms only expert and intermediate terrain was open which made for some spicy fun. Additionally a surprise thunderstorm in the area, shut the lift down and cut our day short.

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    all [Music] right what you guys doing good to yourself get a little money up there yeah I kind of figured it’s uh wouldn’t be an opening weekend without some mud right have fun thank you thank you I was looking at the for and I was like if we manage to not get out the door until after 12 then we won’t have any more rain I think these blue batteries are ter yeah LaVine is open I I’m going to skip I I know my limit and um R A it when it’s wet okay I’ll meet you a race course yeah don’t get lost I’ll try not to all right here’s a trail that I suck at woohoo there probably the trail that ride the least here go no no no no no you’re fine you’re fine that part’s really hard and it’s never not slippery here yeah good to know I think that’s my wife you’re fine good job how’d you make it through that section through that section yeah yeah oh I mean I know that the rock is coming I uncp and I sh to the left you’re just like foot plint on the Rock and push and keep [Laughter] going Bottom out and the blue jump tril oh at the bottom let’s go have a good one [Applause] woo breake has been christened yeah course feels way better okay yeah yeah you’ve already used more travel yeah but all in typical Bolton fashion things are nice and spicy yeah I I find the tech here uses a lot of mental energy to get through so you like it’s nice when you can get on a trail and you don’t have to think for a second I I I like the flow here just cuz it gives you a quick break and you’re not on edge but when you’re on a tech tril here you’re on a tech Trail like a full-on old school New England downhill of course so I love it it’s also why sometimes scares me I get scared and some of this stuff scares me I had a few close calls on the last lap anyway uh we’re going to go up and do another lot okay let’s see how Spillway shoot’s doing it’s bone dry on all right if you come to Bolton you see that it’s not double zero it’s a lot beautiful y all right let’s clean off the lens cuz I got stuff on my goggles so means I have stuff on my lens easy to get off balance okay let me go ahead and clear my goggles cuz I was something right in front my eye I think we’re good could barely see for a hot second oh look at this nice Moto rck all right sketch this part of the whole Trail making onto some of these Bridges what’s going on man going not too bad so wet it’s fun you’re in you’re not on a downhill bike no this this is a I’m not a downhill bike on a day I I feel like I’ve never not seen you on a down bike the bridges are what’s slick yeah yeah if I all my bad crashes here have been because there’s a turn right before a bridge contacts lift is closed right now because there is lightning in the area even though it doesn’t seem like it so we’re going to go pedal up and uh go ride woo you did it today I went for it today I got bike length short but I started from right down there yeah dou today yeah so you try might as well try oh God I can’t see sounded like a case dropping in all righty this is going to be sketchy okay might that’s visibility kind of sucks right now [Music] holy out H there went the other way oh this is a terrible idea you got dude I stood up and fell did you you did they jeans on C Cotton’s known as being a really good water repellent I know right cotton shirt jeans on only thing is that I had a r on I took it off cuz it started being sunny I thought last was CH all right the goggles have come off too L I’m going home yeah I’m done yeah that was fun though that was really stupidly fun it was not something I like doing every all the time but all right I can almost guarantee none of that footage from the last run was usable but let’s just say it was uh spicy and very fun lift cot closed thunder lightning can’t do anything about it that’s just the way the world work sometimes so uh quick day Bolton but uh fun nonetheless so we’ll be back also if you’re in the area and you’re riding Bolton the trail that Haley and I built this or last summer and that we opened this year is just on the road so go check it out um I’ll leave a link to that in the description below and and uh yeah I’ll see you guys next time peace


    1. Phil – here's a trail I suck at but proceeds to make it down. Me- sitting here stuffing my face full of jojos watching and thinking yep I would have died 11 times in the first section if I rode this trail. 😂

    2. Dang Phil!!!! You never surprise me with your skills my man… what bike where you on for this venture and what tires were you running to get the traction you had??

    3. Im just watching at 9:50pm 6/14… and I’m a bit nauseated with what seems like the GoPro setting.
      Could this be what you uploaded again with?
      Granted, I’m only 3:50 in, but I’m just not feeling this setting, or something. 🤷🏼‍♂️
      It has a fisheye effect that’s weird.

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