Cry of Fear Is A FREE Psychological Horror Game On Steam That Puts You In The Shoes Of Simon, A Man Suffering From Delusions And Hallucinations, Join Us as We Follow Simons Descent Into Madness On This Cold Scandinavian Night…

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    🎶 Music Used in the Video: Various tracks by 2Mello, NCS (No Copywrite Sounds), Neffexx, Venjent & Demon Dice
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    Channels Reacted To: Nukes Top 5 On Youtube
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Artist Credits~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    (Currently Rounding Up All The Artist Credits For My Toggles xD Give Me Time I Want To Give Credit Properly!)
    Head Flashlight: MochibiChan (Ko-fi)
    Pirate Hat: Elly (Ko-fi)
    French Mustache: Beatrice Alfbern (Ko-fi)
    Knife and Blood Splatter: @83nillili (Twitter)
    Book and Bloodbag Hands: Kurumi (Ko-fi)
    Clown Assets: @Meesto_ (Twitter)
    Mask And Katana Assets: Kurumi (Ko-fi)
    Detective Hat Asset: ItsMarichu (Ko-fi)
    Intro Theme “A Blood Debt”: Rhezaanj
    WIP Jynx Art: Frettes on Fiverr

    is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] de sometimes I think about you me me [Music] [Music] think about you you me out make [Music] [Music] your [Music] [Music] walk Ro you could love yourself again [Music] be yourself again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Only You Can Let It Go [Music] I’m walk [Music] [Music] [Music] on can love you you could do too if you you can love me again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let [Music] and now Jinx and electo awaken to the scent of a blood debt [Music] n [Music] w [Music] hello hello oh boy oh boy it is laggy one moment hold on let me see what I can do here uh set my lighting over get rid of that hope you all are having a good day so far uh let me go ahead and get our typical background music just kind of rolling in the back for us there we go there we go that ought to be at a decent enough volume hope you’re all having a good one so far I see you in chat Mary Sue I ended up eating almost half of my foot long sub literally in just the time frame of mentioning that I was going to eat some of it in the start of the stream and it even has extra meat in it so I was hungry I’m glad to see you all here though let’s go ahead and I actually got myself a little little little toggle set up specifically for the cat brain position since we end up over here so often that being said though we should we should make it properly cat brain again the best dog videos of the decade or whatever it was that was on last time has come and past the era of the dog is over where exactly is my what the hell cat dance there you are all right pop there and for those of you who know you know what me getting over here and getting some cat brain going means I got ourselves a nice little nuk’s top five video to watch before we get into the game play just crank that down real quiet in the background and so this is uh it is an oh boy you see it no I did not see it yet holy [ __ ] also why is my headset sounding so weird I don’t know if it’s happening for you guys but my my headset is straight up like spotty and kind of staticky I don’t know if it’s happening on your guys’ side or not but whatever it is it’s kind of like confusing me here cuz it sounds like I got like really low quality signal and stuff but according to YouTube stream is healthy and whatnot so I think we’re okay let’s just go ahead and pop you out and then get you over into the right position believe that’s the right size sometimes you hear static in the Stream but it’s normal I mean this is like on my side which I normally don’t hear the static from like my microphone but this is something staticky on the audio that I’m receiving like the background music keeps getting like staticky and Poppy for a second but if it’s not coming through on your guys’ side we’ll keep moving I can truck through it this is top 10 ghost video is so scary it goes up to 11 uh not entirely sure what that means but I think I think it’s about time for us to pop into this bad boy o somebody stop me I figured I’d get some soundboard bits of the Mask since it was such an inspiration when I was younger this next video was recorded by named Javier from argen Javier says that he was worried about his friend Antonio as he hadn’t heard from him in a while so he drives over to Antonio’s house to check up on his friend okay Javier bangs on the front door no one answers he calls out Antonio’s name again no answer so Javier climbs over the wall into Antonio’s backyard and goes seems like a good opportunity for a uh for some reason bit of what Wellness to investigate what happens next is down mying lagging behind a little bit my entire thing seems to be lagging today for some reason my CPU is topped up at 100 even though I don’t have any extra stuff running you see what other crap I can close down in the background [Music] I have not seen anything yet it just looks like a bunch of a bunch of Holo reloading this hey hey I need to reload the oh [ __ ] whatever is happening the door is getting slammed around a little are you all right I I mean the door is slammed and you have not had a single response yet what is suddenly giving you the idea that this is going to work out for you yeah I hear that buddy what the hell what the [ __ ] it’s just straight up locked on him Javier doesn’t know what is going on and he doesn’t want any part of it decides to just leave the house and call the police but just door just [ __ ] completely locked on you the only other option you have is to [ __ ] boot it down the next 30 seconds are like something right out of a nightmare hi bust it open yeah just [ __ ] punt it boot it put a hole in the damn door if it doesn’t want to open normally what the [ __ ] did you see it I didn’t see I mean I saw the door but is there something else or something with glowing eyes seems to peek over the upper glass of the door cavier has had about enough and just makes a run for it yeah he says whoever or whatever this was it certainly was not his friend Antonio after calling the police over to the residence Javier learns that his friend has tragically passed away inside the house just behind that door that he couldn’t open Javier is so upset and confused by the whole ordeal that he just can’t let it go he decides to return to Antonio’s house in search of answers okay it did not go well bro yeah he’s like 6 feet tall you’re not wrong yeah why is Microsoft Edge running in the background excuse me it’s not open whatever we’ll just have to deal with it heavy energy I don’t know does not sound [ __ ] Pleasant hello hey why is there just like a black screen in the video I can’t even see what the [ __ ] is supposed to be there like I I’m pretty sure whatever this black boxes covered the jump scare I think yeah that’s in the video that’s not something on my side just [ __ ] oh okay also apologies if my uh lip sync is a little lagging behind for some reason my PC is just [ __ ] the bed today I’m doing the best I can though getting the stream out to y’all dude you have just cornered yourself in the bathroom congratulations you youve proceeded to get yourself in a room with no exit except for the one that is being block Lo I’d be less worried about the shower curtain and more worried about grabbing the shower curtain and [ __ ] wrapping up oh hey hey hey hi there buddy what the [ __ ] okay okay dude just dude’s just out for midnight stroll nothing to be worried of is the house there was a dude walking around there but the little square covered it Al if approves of this live stream hey a family living in Kansas City Missouri are away from home one night when their nest security camera captures blond in the woods what the hell okay a shadow likee figure about the height of a child can be seen moving from the up pretty sure that’s just a child figure doesn’t appear to walk or run but rather float at a high speed before look like Aid running small childlike voice can be heard one when their a shadow so all of these times where I’m going that’s not what a compression glitch looks like that’s not what a compression glitch looks like that’s not what a compression glitch looks like this is what a compression glitch looks like it’s either a dark figure on a light background and the like light background kind of like ends up bleeding through cuz it compresses the dark figure or it’s a light figure or like a somewhat lighter figure on a dark background and it compresses the dark figure into darker sha or the figure into darker Shadows it’s all based off of what’s behind it that’s how compression glitches work this is the kind of thing that I’m pretty sure is also just a kid running figure about the height of a child can be seen moving from the upstairs bedroom the figure doesn’t appear to walk or run but rather float at a high speed before it just disappears Into Thin Air a small childlike voice can be heard calling out [Applause] help the family has never exper could just been a kid going yo help me I don’t know how to do this with my toy or something like that the house was only seem any sort of like aggressive any sort of History about the house or land so just what is this let me know what you think godamn kid wi we need scary videos so if you see anything that you think would be perfect for the top five send it to us at nuk toop The Uninvited Guest a family on rote island in Indonesia are gathered to celebrate a birthday when one of the guests captures something truly chilling on camera okay what do they find what do they [Music] find oh boy there we go oh what the [ __ ] is that a mummy is there a [ __ ] mummy in their cabinet a strange Uninvited Guest can be seen looking into the window watching the family that’s that’s the [ __ ] Russian sleep experiment dude’s going on here so tell me what you think yeah that’s straight up Russian sleep experiment bro sitting here like [ __ ] expecting us to be afraid of that [ __ ] what the [ __ ] from the YouTube channel underground explorers is invited to explore a cave on his friend’s Ranch in Texas but the cave is partially submerged in water making very difficult to enter random thing that I wanted to mention I’ve actually been down into uh a cave there’s a couple caves that are set up as uh what’s the word for it they’re like almost like a like a tourist attraction where like you can go there you can pay they give you like a headlamp and like a little bit of gear and it’s just like a basic like walk down cave it’s nothing like crazy like this but I did get to go down into some of those like volcanic tube caves uh in I think it was around like Oregon USA I was down there for like a vacation and a visit to some distant family members uh and I was like seven I [ __ ] you not like straight up seven maybe eight at the oldest and I was [ __ ] terrified of the dark at the time I was like my anxiety was super on edge the entire time my brain was just like looping scenes from horror movies where people go down into caves and [ __ ] so [ __ ] I was terrified and the way that my grandma actually got me to get through it without like bailing out and getting too scared was she started singing Ring of Fire like he went down down down in a burning but they [ __ ] my grandma changed it up to uh she went down down down and the cave grew colder and just like kept singing the whole way through like a God damn D and D Bar and managed to inspire me to not be afraid of it it was pretty cool I’m glad I did get to go on it enter and explore now I’m going to go ahead and say that this video is not exactly anything paranormal but it is very scary and 100% real it’s especially scary if you’re even the slightest bit claustrophobic now in accordance to YouTube guidelines I want to stress no one was seriously injured in this video should be doing [ __ ] like this without actual professional training this is this is a death trap if you don’t know exactly what they begin to explore the frightfully small cave all right who’s got the oxygen meter see that uh look at this we got an oxygen meter now so people won’t be mad at me so yeah look oxygen meter they got [ __ ] gear to tell if they’re safe to do this [ __ ] cool yeah got the wait a damn second I recognize this [ __ ] over here that’s Demolition Ranch I watch his videos from time to time he does a bunch of like uh like kind of what if like gun videos or like oh zombie apocalypse weapon testing and stuff like that or just like crazy like things that you wouldn’t normally be able to see that’s Demolition Ranch there is no way you’re going to convince me that’s not Dem hold on that is that has got to be our boy there is no way I’m believing that’s anyone else cuz that is I recognize that face I may not remember names but I remember faces God damn it the action adventure twins here help himself that’s his voice too I recognize voices a lot oygen danger level bre on a little bit danger danger danger it’s waterproof it is but I don’t think it’s going to work well if like the little intake water it’s going to be hard to keep that thing out of the water oh [ __ ] I see all right we made it out on the demol oh he said it he said the thing he said the thing oh my God he [ __ ] he said the thing you know I don’t think this is going to give us the accurate dude just gets [ __ ] yed down the tunnel in like a split second by something [ __ ] going to do [Music] it dude [ __ ] this you would you would not catch me dead here a like unless I had a map that was waterproof that I could look through on the stand thing ow ow Fu ow ow ow as they work their way deeper and deeper into the cave the passageway becomes smaller and more claustrophobic eventually even room to breathe above the murky water this is when the exploration goes horribly wrong no one was injured emphasis on at the beginning no one was injured in this I love that they’re saying this is hi choer by the way that makes me feel good CU I was scared in here and I’m like what if these guys just come in pie cake let’s climb it no this this is a little a little rough yeah oh [ __ ] this dude that’s freaky as [ __ ] so much water my ears yeah same oh man why are my eyes snor will be nice right by now yeah they are literally having to squeeze their head sideways so that they’re not inhaling [ __ ] water is he under oh hell no fellow cave diver Jacob is struggling area okay what the [Music] [ __ ] are you going oh my God oh my [ __ ] God are you serious this is did it just [ __ ] flood with water out of nowhere that looked like it just flooded like something just influxed a whole bunch of water directly into it what the [ __ ] me [Music] over Alex’s friend and fellow cave Explorer Jacob is a little further ahead in a part of the cave that is so submerged that there’s barely room to breathe as he Ducks under the murky water Jacob becomes confused in pics breathing in a mouthful of the dirty water it was just him paning to back out of the cave as fast as he can but he slams into Alex dragging him underwater too luckily two guys make it out safely with only Jesus Christ it was just him panicking cuz he got a mouthful of water this video once again people even your own friends can be much scarier and more dangerous Jes [ __ ] CH parmal and I don’t know about you but just watching them in that cramp little tunnel gave me the hebbies H now you can watch this entire exciting cave exploration and many more over on the YouTube channel underground explorers Jesus that’s why I don’t do sh video shared to Tik Tok without a source a man is W who knows where the [ __ ] you’d end up if that [ __ ] happened to you even if you did survive it you might end up washed away somewhere in the tunnel that you have no idea how to get out what the hell is coming from under his bed hello room service room service G Scamp cookies man looks under his bed nothing that could explain the mysterious thumping but then a horrific thing comes sliding out from under his bed and the video Cuts now I’m in no way claiming that this video is real but it is definitely very creepy and real or not I’ll leave that for you to decide the haunted USS Salem Seth bord from I jumped so hard my [ __ ] like feet clenched like my toes curled to the point where I almost gave myself a [ __ ] cramp I was not expecting that [ __ ] bro just [ __ ] like looks down there there’s nothing down there and then the moment dude goes okay whatever what was that just [ __ ] oh my God yeah that’s horrifying screw that [ __ ] the YouTube channel Seth and Chase Josh from exploring with Josh and paranormal investigators Steven Dylan from Haunted kns joined together as they set out to investigate the many reports of paranormal encounters on board the historic Navy crew Cruiser the USS Salem although the USS Salem was never involved in any military combat it was often used as when I was younger I was afraid of [ __ ] like that too for a good while until my instinct became if something slides out from under my bed like that it’s getting a fist to the face really [ __ ] hard and if that’s not enough to stop it it’s going to get the second fist immediately after that repeat as necessary was an emergency relief ship and gave Medical Aid to horribly injured victims both civilians and Navy crew it is said that up to 400 people have died on the USS Salem throughout the years including men women and children presely [ __ ] haunted many visitors and employees claim to have seen at least about like a 90% chance there’s one explains to the group of investigators that one very active Spirit on the USS Salem is that of an older sailor who they refer to as Chief and this is I think where the chief hangs out you think the chief is well I think the chief hangs out in here now so you would say that like Chief is the authorative figure the captain of the ship Chief is is the man who who is concerned with people disrespecting the ship and things of that nature Bo when the pandemic first started and I started working at home fist started I let my my hair was longer than yours I like the accent I it was down to like the middle of my back and every time I came aboard the chief would yank my hair what the [ __ ] just [ __ ] Yanks your hair every time you into to communicate with the ghost known as the chief start tying my qu captures some very disturbing responses can you speak into this device in my hand with the blinking red light that’s turn right after we are a what we are something clear as day that’s so vocal too I didn’t hear what it said we are there we are we are oh my craziest ever [ __ ] okay it’s two syllables yeah we are we are alive we are something do we try do we just that sounded like we are there we now we heard them we can tell them that we can hear you yeah yeah bring it back all right I’m going to do it again we heard you say we are something we can’t understand you can you repeat yourself we are what can the chief come down here and talk to us Chief if you’re here watching us can you tell us your name you can you repeat yourself we are what is here Us in the search what the the [ __ ] oh my God I did it again bro I don’t even want to film like bro that was not there that is not something that was get off that’s definitely the chief oh my God bro I don’t want to film what oh my god oh we got some yeah I I just show you this yeah someone someone’s either [ __ ] like the Sub sub audible wave broadcasting freaky [ __ ] or this dude is about to [ __ ] like this before the group believes that they might have made contact with the entity known as the chief and it seems that they have really pissed him off yeah you a large room that is said to be where the chief appears the most just pulls a [ __ ] Ghostbusters starts like [ __ ] throwing books around throwing chairs throwing tables creep there is no Chief only [Music] Z helpless helpless they’re helpless oh we’re helpless that’s way worse something touching my hair just got touched I he did he did reach up to his hair like something touched it my hair was longer than yours I mean it was down to like the middle of my back and every time I came aboard the chief would yank my hair I felt it holy yeah you oh good point flashlights on [Music] flash hel I’m watching dude’s hair closely there’s a strand just being oh what the [ __ ] just like what happened to the ship’s caretaker da something seems to touch say hair but that’s not all they captured now before this next clip it should be mentioned that the ghost of a young girl and her mother are also said to haunt the USS Salem when the Explorers review their footage it seems like they might have encountered one of these Spirits without knowing okay [Music] okay Alice Alice Alice Alice woman’s name right after we heard a woman’s voice did you see it if you watch closely you can see a figure that looks like a girl in a long skirt walking in the background Alice Alice Alice Alice woman’s name after heard Alice Alice bro the ghost is about to start hunting you guys better [ __ ] move holy [ __ ] did the group make contact with the chief or well did the chief make contact with Seth and is this the ghost of one of the women who haunt the ship I leave it up to you to decide I mean that’s very clear YouTube channels Seth and Chase exploring with Josh and haunted Knights the waiting room Trixie Joy Velasco from D Philippines is in the hospital giving birth to her daughter while her fiance dve is waiting in an empty Hospital Ward nearby okay while waiting he sees something that sends a chill down his spine I mean it’s a [ __ ] hospital so I don’t know what else to expect if I’m the hell is under here what there’s no one in the room but as d looks under the bed two legs can be seen standing at the other side of the room he looks up and again there’s no one there de is pretty freaked out okay okay so did he accidentally capture evidence of the paranorm or just who or what do these legs belong to I have no [ __ ] clue but whatever it is is not here for fun Gonzalez from laaz uay says that the 10-year-old daughter of one of her family members recorded a very creepy video while she was playing maybe it’s just a ghost who wants just to play prank some people like you can to the camera when suddenly she gets the scare of a lifetime okay how now I have two forks nice pink one like the knif don’t know if I actually showed it at the beginning in this yellow Fork two knives both yellow pink cup knce and a pink teacup what the [ __ ] just happened I was looking at the cup the baby do something wo see punch it punch it punch it bite it a creepy doll seems to push over [ __ ] consume baby dos it off and continues showing her place bite it into little pieces arm lifts up and falls back down all on its own the girl makes a run for it flipping her camera and yelling for Mama I don’t [ __ ] blame her the video was recorded years ago and the girl is now 14 years old but she is still freaked out by this whole incident they have no idea how the doll could have moved by itself her reaction is too real that is that is too real of a reaction that is not someone acting that is someone scared for their [ __ ] life okay then holy [ __ ] see wait the next day maybe I missed the first bit of the sentence Off the Wall 6 months ago Reddit user amr5 moved into an old apartment along with two roommates since then posters call everything is what feels real will frequently just fall to the floor for unknown reason certain certain this has happened so often that let’s just put it this way until you have learned and like pseudo trained yourself on how to react like theatrically there’s certain levels of movement speed that the human body just doesn’t unlock unless it is [ __ ] terrified like that that girl went from looking at the doll it’s hand dropping to looking the complete opposite direction and running in like one frame that’s that’s straight adrenaline like that if you want to try and recreate that [ __ ] through acting that takes practice cuz that is not something that your body naturally does it’s something that it does when it goes I need to save my [ __ ] life and starts panicking starting to get a bit freaked out one night Reddit user amr5 is all alone in her apartment something happens that is truly bizarre okay [Music] what the [ __ ] I saw that [ __ ] unless that has like a magnet in it that someone’s [ __ ] with you from the other side of the wall what the I don’t think your chair has a magnet in it back and forth on its own then the desk chair slowly moves to face her yeah the video cut off get the [ __ ] out of there because you’re about to get jumped terrified that hurries off to the kitchen to wait for her roommates to come home I don’t blame her now after posting her video to Reddit shocked viewers ask if there might be a more logical explanation for example maybe the air vent above the picture is simply causing a draft so AMR 5 explains that her thermostat is set to turn the heat on at around 400 p.m. every day and that this could possibly cause an air current so the next day just before 400 p.m. she grabs her phone and Records the vent um this is our vent test um we have about a minute until the Heat’s supposed to cycle on and we’re going to see if that do uh to move a move the picture frame okay okay what the [ __ ] was that you didn’t even let the vent go lady you didn’t even do your goddamn vent test one of your shoes is missing ah there it is so much for you proving that it wasn’t the vent you didn’t actually even L stay up there until it goddamn happened what the [ __ ] is the vent on I thought you said it was like a minute before the vent came on why isn’t the vent on lady I’m starting to become suspicious of you he did not come on on yet H while waiting for the heat to come on there’s a loud bang at the door when amv5 goes to check it out she finds that a shoe has fallen down the steps but then another loud bang this time from inside her apartment she hurries back in and finds that the picture frame has fallen completely off the wall see so what do you think thiss here it’s a little too oh the heating supposed to come on oh blah blah blah so let’s test it turns leaves the entire apartment from the YouTube channel TV Twix Dominic set out to investigate an old slowly comes back oh my God and then slowly [ __ ] comes back afterwards with like no goddamn Rush giving plenty of time for anything that was going on to hide so I’m a little sus of that last one the building is a source of controversy and tragedy as unsuspecting employees of the laboratory were forced to undergo horrible experiments to test and study dangerous chemicals boy in some cases chemic were fatal now years later locals claim that the spirit of one of these employees still haunts the building still afraid and still angry it’s around 4:00 a.m. when Daddy and Dominic find a room with a single bed frame possibly a bed that belonged to one of the lab employees they activate the rimod device and quickly realize that something is not quite right okay that is vibrating a lot can you see it that is moving oh wa it [Music] is it’s like bouncing the Springs without anyone bouncing it what the hell what the [ __ ] should we leave this room and let you have your P it’s the first time I’ve ever seen a bed be used as a ghost detecting mechanism but hey whatever works I guess bro the whole thing just shifted towards him okay that’s not that’s [ __ ] terrifying oh my God it was chasing you I mean it could have been that’s [ __ ] weird seems to vibrate triggering the rimod device then the bed suddenly moves toward Danny the two investigators stay calm but when the bed aggressively slides across the room they just get out of there after Gathering their courage they decide to investigate the building laboratory this lab was the site of many horrible experiments and tests cond [ __ ] with in the godamn bedrooms you’re going to go down to the place where they got [ __ ] up and pissed off in the first place 20 minutes or so luck nothing much Happ good luck buddy you’re going to [ __ ] need it terrifying turn I’m out I am [ __ ] What the fu nothing how have you not found anything down here what the [ __ ] I mean it just kind of swung there not anything too crazy uh oh yes we saw it crazy [ __ ] toou Mach try to move something bro I me I’m checking oh it’s just shifting back and forth like something’s tapping it okay what the [ __ ] a metal chain swings back and forth by itself chates like theed frame they discovered earlier huh but did you see it no most terrifying of all the strange translucent figure of a woman in a dress seems to walk across the hallway bro the TV tweaks team doesn’t realize what their camera has C caped and even though they’re freaked out by the bizarre movement of the chair theyed like she was in a [ __ ] medical too with an absolutely gruesome that didn’t look like a dress that looked like a gown according to local Legend a man was tied up and tortured to death in the back of this room holy [ __ ] is telling the story things start to get weird hi him up and punching him locked him in one of the incubators the spirit because I was talking about it screw it is that a face it’s not a face it’s the door for oh [ __ ] fore spe come bro whatever this dude is he is not happy bro just on the inside of the incubator open open open Jesus Christ okay the door is open enough that he has moved to the chair now yeah it might be might be worth getting the [ __ ] out of there you got a lot of [ __ ] activity happening holy [ __ ] the TV Twix guys have had way to create an angry investigators grab their equipment and just head home so did Danny and Dominic captur proof of the Paranormal could this be the spirit of one of the employees that suffered horrible experiments here I feel like if I were a ghost I feel like if I were a ghost I like especially if I had the ability to haunt SL people I would just find random like people that like have no goddamn relation whatsoever to me and I’d just like find some like way to do something spooky in front of them like I don’t know like getting like like the kind of like those apparitions of people who like suddenly like it looks like they got hit by a car but there was no one there or something like that and then when the car passes I just like peel my head up off of the ground and just look Ma I’m road kill like I would I would scare the [ __ ] out of people and then I would immediately turn the scare on its head and just make them laugh their ass off is it all just an elaborate hoax you decide the ghost in the garage this next creepy video was reposted to the internet without a source allegedly a woman named Sarah is is recording a video after she notices strange activity inside her neighbor’s garage what makes the footage so creepy is that her neighbors are not home they’re away on vacation leaving both their home and garage completely empty okay this is the video why is there light flickering all aboard the get the [ __ ] out of here Express excuse me like you either got some pests like rats and [ __ ] in there that are going to try and [ __ ] like climb up the light nope nope see you later train leaving the [ __ ] station right now God damn it get on or get left behind Jesus I saw the [ __ ] shadow of the dude like creep along the right side what no no that’s the second time mother what they have a [ __ ] this is like the goddamn Home Alone [ __ ] party that [ __ ] McMillan or McMillan whatever the goddamn kid from Home Alone did where he set up like a bunch of like [ __ ] Silhouettes people that just were like moving around on P peeks out at her staring right at Sarah before Qui disappearing out of sight now without a source it’s impossible to know exactly what’s going on here but whatever this is is M at a speed that’s just a little too fast for a normal human being yeah so what do you think this I don’t know what kind of [ __ ] like caffeine that godamn garage but let’s maybe not let it out can also follow me on the socials and say uh hey there what’s up buddy hey there what’s up anyway hopefully I will see you again next week all right all right all right let’s go ahead and get the background music rolling again for us while I get everything Popa locking crack a lacking sh wow that should have put me in the right spot yeah uh and then I can I can I can go here and then I can go there get rid of that make it like that and then so I’m not I’m still not entirely sure what’s going on to cause my PC to be so goofed right now but I think we’re just going to have to deal with it for this stream and afterwards I’ll do like a bunch of driver updates and stuff like that try and make sure that that doesn’t continue to be a problem cuz it wasn’t a problem yesterday God damn it when we were playing Yakuza zero let’s go ahead and get into this bad boy there we go and Oh wrong tab there we go click play oh God volume volume warning CU it’s about to be loud oh my God that’s like a [ __ ] gunshot and then if I go here I should be able to snag up oh God volume is still very [Music] loud um there we go there we go are you capturing it you’re not why are you not capturing it specified window is not a game you lie you lie to me Jesus Christ did the volume go back to a ridiculously high level like it was previously I’m going to have to no okay it looks like that is solved itself specified window is not a game my ass options cancel resume game English subtitles unlockables why are you not capturing it this is cheating what if [Music] H why is it being the big dumb that’s picture in picture I don’t need oh now it’s working for some reason uh transform fit to screen and then we’ll slide this bad boy over to the left side okay okay okay okay what is why is of all things the face tracking suddenly cranking [ __ ] a billion CPU from my PC hold on let me see if I can fun with some of the settings on my face tracking and maybe that’ll solve our goddamn issue boom bo boom bo bo boom let’s do that we’re going to do this [Music] to [Music] um maybe we can do this one let’s give that a try okay does it still lagging yes why is it being the big dumb I think that’s pretty much all I’m really going to be able to do here though so we’re just going to have to rock with it should be all right though boom bo boom boom okay let me go ahead and get my introduction out of the way o set my lighting hello hello hello everyone this is the nights side Jinx oh pause that in the background there we go oh I should turn the redeem scare on as well cuz that should be on for this game okay hello hello hello everyone this is the Nightside Jinx back for episode two of of our Cry of Fear playthrough now this game is spooky also apologies for weird desync on uh lip sync and whatnot if you’re watching this after the fact I’m having some weird PC troubles but the show must go on God damn it uh in the last episode we managed to kind of find our way around the city and by kind of find our way around the city I mean we got jumped by a bunch of Monsters uh went through a whole ass apartment building full of crazy [ __ ] and then down into the basement where we had to fight a dude with a [ __ ] chainsaw uh which did take quite a while to take him down but once we did finally take him down we were greeted by some strange like doctor dude wearing a gas mask who claimed that he was wearing the gas mask because he didn’t want to become one of those things and that he couldn’t trust us that he didn’t know if we were real whatever the hell that means uh but without further Ado let’s go ahead and pop into this bad boy just uno momento poor favor YouTube’s still telling me stream is healthy so think we’re Gucci still boom boom okay take a quick sip of my Coy went out on my bike today before stream to get some coffee and some food to eat on during the stream that’s when I got my Subway there’s this coffee place near me um I like I’ve never been there much myself but they had a s’mores coffee on their menu and I was like yes please I need this in my life so I purchased it and dear God it it’s [ __ ] tasty dude like I might have to get more of these in the future slide that over there so I can keep a better eye on my mod all right so we’re down in the basements now oh boy okay um I really don’t remember what I’m supposed to be doing here uh B is my objective thing right g j tab notes [ __ ] okay um well I’m assuming based off of the positioning here we probably came from the elevator so I’m guessing we need to go that way or this way he locked the door better find another way right right this is where the doctor dude went okay how many bullets do I have out of pure simple curiosity one magazine okay so I’m going to have to make this [ __ ] count because otherwise I’m not going to be doing so hot oh boy okay what the [ __ ] is that nope uh hi there well I guess we’re going to have to deal with some of you Pricks cuz it looks like there’s a good number of you floating around managed to sneak through the door around bro okay there’s no one in here there is a magazine nice got some more bullets I need more bullets um okay okay I get the feeling if I try and walk past this guy I’m going to get [ __ ] whacked and he looks like he could follow me real nasty like plus the dudes down there I’m going fight this one in here first careful SpongeBob careful SpongeBob careful SpongeBob ooh some f care SpongeBob why are they not AGG gring me feel like these guys should be attacking me um kind of don’t want to waste ammo on them if they’re not swinging on me maybe maybe they’re just going to let me sneak around them I [ __ ] let me be real I severely doubt that’s what’s going to happen here but I’ll at least [ __ ] try oh [ __ ] it did work okay are they like blind do they not see me what the [ __ ] is up with your head dude there something up with his head but he’s shaking it around so much I can’t really tell what the [ __ ] is happening okay so anything of value in here did it just give me a room to go into with [ __ ] nothing come on game you got to do better than that okay literally just a dead end room excuse me Stevie boy steo he’s got a gag around his mouth you mind if I just like get past you real quick thank you okay okay I get the feeling I might need my flashlight again although the flashlight might end up aggroing them actually now now that I think about it bro the sound of the rain I thought that was the sound of some enemy just going or like some crazy [ __ ] like that I thought I was about to get jumped oh [ __ ] police B police B police B it’s been so long since I’ve seen you police B you’re going to give me the [ __ ] night stick thank you policeman I whack you I whack you much okay well instead of chop knes now I’ve got whack kneecaps oh [ __ ] oh no no no no no no you [ __ ] Gremlins get away from Psychopaths ow ow okay okay holy [ __ ] I was not ready to be jumped by two [ __ ] three crawly dudes I’m glad the fourth dude over there didn’t [ __ ] get involved let’s really quickly Fe up that way we’re not in the [ __ ] danger zone also hello Sam good to see you hope you’re having a good day so far careful swib careful spb oo to call a number with your mobile phone press Z articles for the modern man what is this most of it’s too dirty to make out it seems to be an article about depression sounds familiar don’t delay call 543 214 today 543 214 543 214 543 214 I don’t think I have I thought at the beginning he said that he was out a minute so I don’t know how I’m expecting this to work but I’m going to try hello hello who is this not ni mon what the [ __ ] are you smoking bro remember you shall compl what the [ __ ] are you talking about I need help please 5 God damn it 52 47 okay I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do with that wait I should probably get you on to you seem to be doing more damage than the knife oh [ __ ] can I still dual wield can I like no one’s going to [ __ ] with me now God damn it okay I’ll I’ll hold I’ll hold light and batong for a minute that way I have a way to protect myself as well as see what [ __ ] is coming ahead of me through this there’s a keypad next to it oh [ __ ] I just spaced the number that the dude gave me like two seconds ago hold on 5247 okay my brain said 5 432 and I was like that’s that cannot be right 5 7 3 2 am I [ __ ] stupid 5247 yes I’m extremely stupid Jesus 5427 what am i f am I in hold on hold on 5 2 4 7 brain function okay 5 2 4 7 okay there we [ __ ] go Jesus I don’t know how that took me four [ __ ] tries just to put four numbers in don’t like the look of this place hello batong cleaning service anybody around here need a batong Jesus that was loud no batong necessary yet what do we got what do we got a lot of [ __ ] still I don’t know what is happening here but I feel like there’s a lot hidden away that I am not seeing um there is an upstairs but there’s more downstairs oh son of a [ __ ] uhoh okay well I have officially been locked in a goddamn maze few different ways upstairs but no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this way this way that’s a dead end that’s also a dead end no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] up up up I go not playing your [ __ ] games right now buddy why can I go up here maybe I need to go up okay that’s a dead end don’t like that that’s also a dead end don’t like that okay so upstairs is just death so we got to keep going going down where I don’t like this Reverb hello that end right oh my God my [ __ ] double tap Dash just scared me okay okay deeper deeper down anything of value anything of value no we’re going to go down this [ __ ] ladder immediately though oh boy it is too dark down here I don’t like this da da da [ __ ] [ __ ] I scared the [ __ ] out of me oh my God a save station save station got to love my save station I can take a moment and breathe I can take a moment and breathe for once why do I hear footsteps why do I [ __ ] hear footsteps when there’s nothing there we have ourselves an Amnesia monster situation I think I am not here for [ __ ] water monsters that you can’t see [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] jumps straight to your goddamn theophobia if you have that I’m taking a sip of my coffee but I’m staring down this [ __ ] tunnel to make sure nothing comes towards me tired of my phone I mean it’s pretty necessary I kind of need light from it so I’m going to keep rocking it I’d say I enjoy it quite a bit I can find a flashlight at attachment for the Glock 19 too bad I’m using the batong baby who needs a gun when you have a [ __ ] batong you can just hit him right in the dick okay bravery Express let’s [ __ ] go you [ __ ] move you move oh you don’t need the duck either uhoh uh-oh uh-oh uhoh uh-oh uhoh bro get that [ __ ] tongue out of here ow holy [ __ ] those [ __ ] had like goddamn tentacle tongues that they were whacking me with City sewers [Music] okay listen in here you you you barbed wire Bandits this town ain’t big enough for the both of us you hear so it’s either me or you which one’s it going to be buddy I had ow if I had the Gess it’s probably going to ow stop it you son of a [ __ ] got to remember the dash get out of the water you [ __ ] psychopath how am I missing uh-oh ow okay that’s one down did I drop the Glock 19 no the Glock 19 is still in my inventory I’m just I’m using the batong I need to save my ammo cuz I’ve only got [ __ ] two Magazine’s worth of ammo in it although based off of this [ __ ] I think I might need to spend some ammo there we go I’m hurting but I got a big iron on my hip now [ __ ] think I can see you in the water even yeah I do see you right there how many shots okay if I shoot you guys down you don’t break your Bindings that way I can leave you hog tide and all the actual barbed wire that you Bandits are known for there you are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all right I don’t think there’s more of these [ __ ] but there might be one more more no okay I’m willing to waste one bullet here for reload so let’s do that one bullet down the drain but that’s fine H it’s not a ladder that I can climb is it okay also hold on the audio is Extremely Loud um boom boom apply okay still rather loud hold on ow ow you know what no clip activate no clip okay there we go now I’m not getting tossed around by that [ __ ] constantly thank God for having admin privileges on the server time for vampire head I think that’s a little bit better Pat Pat Pat thank you for the head Pats Mary Sue I could have grabbed the shotgun from the cave I have no idea what you’re talking about we’ve barely gotten past the saw dude um guess we drop oh boy there’s more there’s two of them on top of my ass isn’t there yes there is this way please oh you suck oh you suck game you suck time we died I’m getting I’m enjoying this [ __ ] horn or this uh [ __ ] train whistle too much uh what can I do here to try and preserve my preserve my sanity um I’m thinking definitely start things off with the pistol using the pistol is pretty damn valuable especially against these [ __ ] what get out of here you son of a [ __ ] how the [ __ ] are you going to break open out of your [ __ ] this time when you didn’t all last time oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay that was suboptimal uh oh wait I got to oneand the gun so that I can reload it it would be useful if I grabbed the M16 A2 or the shotgun yeah it would be very useful to have those except I don’t so that’s some wishful thinking go away you son of a [ __ ] okay I’ve got ammo for like one of these bastards I’m going to have to run around them I think there we go can they follow me up here ah stinkies get [ __ ] teab bagged losers oh what’s that you don’t know how to jump do your knees not work huh no knee boys can I whack you from I feel like you can whack me from any dist ow any distance that I can whack you from ow okay maybe we don’t play that game play stupid games when stupid rewards hat hatat hat thank you for the head Pat Chomper do I like pop through that hold on uh boom no uh boom there we go there’s nowhere else for me to go yeah so I just got to pop in this bad boy police Bill no who did this to you it was the [ __ ] barbed wire Bandits wasn’t it the [ __ ] barbed wire Bandits is out here you know what you know what listen you know what godamn it it’s party time b a r t why because cuz I said so where are these bastards out I know there’s more of you [ __ ] round I will avenge you police bill I will avenge you where are these [ __ ] at this is a prime opportunity to throw one at me right here no Prime opportunity here too too no now I’m in a [ __ ] maze aren’t I there we go I activate my stand gun okay I don’t have any ammo left in said gun though so my stand has to go away for now okay he hasn’t spotted me run for it okay they’re quick boys but I’m quicker doorway ain’t following me through no goddamn doorways nerds I can hold the door shut as long as I need to okay hello okay this is this is an actual ladder back to the surface it’s very cold out um I’m trying to keep my eye out for anything that looks suspicious but I’m going to be real with you I’m having I’m having trouble figuring out what’s going to suddenly be become an enemy and what might be safe for me to be near I guess that is kind of what this game does though another entrance okay just [ __ ] coming out of the sewers finding a new entrance and going right back into him I guess time for vampire head Pats oh [ __ ] Pat hatat hatat thank you for the head pets that’s where I get the shotgun okay um I don’t see anything yet I do see a nice save station got to love my save [Music] stations and I see some free ammunition Don’t Mind If I Do which means it’s a good time to reload um don’t think I’m going to need you yet so we’re going to we’re going to switch off of the gun hello hello [ __ ] Michael Myers son of a [ __ ] there’s two of them oh for [ __ ] sake get off of me you prick did I kill one of them no ow yes the one of them that was killed was me I was not ready for some Michael my’s head asses isue but I am this time ammunition reload all right you [ __ ] oh he saw me okay bit more ammunition spent there than I wanted to where’s your friend what oh oh there he is oh out of ammo okay okay just one quick smack after all that bullets got me where I needed to go door is locked do I have a key I do not okay oh hello door is locked by a keypad 5 2 47 okay so I got to find a key code somewhere it’s here oh [ __ ] is that my key code and some fi holy [ __ ] even the construction workers has got fiend laying around uh let’s go ahead and pop that now cuz I need it dear God all aboard the fiend train personal note Jeff welcome to the team I’m sure your supervisor has already gone over the basics but here’s a few things you’ll want to know one the cave is wet cold and filled with puddles watch your step two cigarette breaks every 2 hours most important three the supervisor is a dick four remember the code to section d you’re going to be going back and forth all day so you’ll need to memorize it the code is 279 the last number is covered in ink I can’t read it I mean I I can [ __ ] brute force one digit out of a four-digit combo for sure what’s through here something is wait hold on something is blocking the door there was a window right over here the hell is that is that oil leading that’s oil leading to a rope with a rag okay hold on I think I see what I need to do here you know I can’t exactly do that without ammunition unless whacking it is enough to start a fire maybe in this other room cuz there’s a room here nothing no ammunition okay quick pop of my neck okay okay hold on [ __ ] my memory is already shot uh boop boop boop Personnel note 27 is it 278 279 something my money is on 279 okay 27 98 fine 2797 2799 2796 27 95 hey there we go I mean if you’re going to make it that easy to Brute Force I’ll [ __ ] do it [ __ ] Miguel get the [ __ ] off of me you psychopath get off of me son of a [ __ ] bro I [ __ ] hate you you just took all of that fiend that I had saved up and bled me dry of it you piece of [ __ ] work I got to stop freaking hitting my heema inhaler when I go through goddamn uh when I go through goddamn doorways cuz half the time an enemy just [ __ ] Sprints at your ass and tries to drop kick you the moment you come through what the [ __ ] is [Music] that am I hen hitting him no whack this [ __ ] I got a couple hits on him there we go okay so they don’t take many hits to go down but if I can get them on a corner it’ll give me some protection yeah hi I’m right here uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh uh-oh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh okay I’m good I’m still good I’m still good holy [ __ ] Corners Corners are my savior in this [ __ ] I get the feeling I oh [ __ ] box of nine shells okay okay I’m getting ammunition for a shotgun but I have yet to receive an actual gun of shooting shots at least they’re giving me plenty of corners and I know that I can use the corners to my advantage wherever these [ __ ] arise is there anyone over here feel like there’s going to be [ __ ] faces out here I was correct um holy [ __ ] dudes hi uh I’m here to speak with you about your car’s extended warranty uh are you are you interested in talking about that with me [Music] today didn’t see that one coming did you wait did they not get any closer o they don’t get close to the hole so that you can’t just cheat them in there did you see it although that actually kind of gives me an opportunity to cheat them [ __ ] [ __ ] at least now I’ll have an opportunity to maybe not lose all of my damn Health to uh dick faces through doorways oh [ __ ] speaking of which I almost forgot that nope put the batong away we got to reload our Glock don’t I want to use this yeah yeah I do uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh CPU you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] dude my [ __ ] thing lagged and then dude just teleported into my face I [ __ ] hate games pulling [ __ ] like that okay cool cool cool wait are Hey listen that guy took like four [ __ ] shots whereas all the other ones took like six are head shot a thing that exists in this oh [ __ ] okay I’m going to have to keep that in mind press Mouse two I am pressing Mouse two it’s not doing anything on this I got Mouse one but Mouse 2 doesn’t do anything with the batong um could I get some f I’m running a little low on H pizzle and I would like some f if I remember correctly there’s some here oh the Glock yes aiming aiming with the Glock you are I’m pressing Mouse 2 100% aims with the Glock okay I got that note now I’ve got one bullet so I’m going to give it a try cuz it’s something that I thought I would be able to do damn it okay yeah middle Mouse does aim I I see that now but that is like the most obscure aiming button for any goddamn game uh I need to not have the pistol out so we’re going to go like that there we go okay prepare to get jumped by [ __ ] because [ __ ] are hose and Michael Myers oh wait that’s not the Michael Myers area I was getting ready to charge into his face face it is this one uh what was the code I know it was in chat earlier 279 27 95 yeah that was it okay okay um and then we got to be ready to absolutely Parry this filthy casual this dude so let’s do it Parry this you you [ __ ] prick I didn’t take the morphine I didn’t take the goddamn morphine I’m smart I’m I’m so smart okay let’s try this again and not get meel Meers is Jump scared oh baby [ __ ] Austin pow head ass okay let’s let’s try this aiming thing that Kelvin is talking up that draw his attention no he has not agroed me yet can just shoot his hand off a million times from over here and not have to deal with our stupid Austin Powers dude put as many shots into him as I can at least before I have to pull the night stick out hey perfect okay I don’t listen listen let me be real with you Kelvin when you have a reticle that like kind of gets less accurate when you’re moving you don’t need to aim like this aiming like this will make your shots more accurate but it zooms your field of view way in you can’t see things coming from the side and you can’t turn your mouses accurately to run from things you also just can’t Sprint while you’re zoomed in like there’s a million different reasons why I’m doing what I’m doing trust [Music] me okay get that construction worker fiend Don’t Mind If I Do snag the note take the fiend before I end end up dying again like an idiot yeah no I was about to go save Kelvin but I don’t think I will now I think I’m going to go take on Mr geriatric over here 27 95 there we go I got faith in myself what was that about saving I’ll go save now that I’ve dealt with Mr geriatric hiding in there um do I even have a way to save where did I come from in this place here I feel like I’m okay no I am going the right way I was like I feel like I’m branching into another area I made your jaw drop I’ve never seen one of those dudes go down to that few hits either before so I just had to play it off smooth like okay dude just respawns and [ __ ] one Taps me I would be so mad okay we need we need our duo lingo going on here that way we can deal with these [ __ ] at the corners just need to get their Hammer hand in the corner of the wall that way when they swing it hits that before it hits me there we [Music] go it’s all about finding the angles in the Old Jank games hello would you like to play uhoh I’m in trouble get around the corner there we go did bro just hit me no I hit him I think I was sitting here like what the [ __ ] just happened ow you [ __ ] prick ow stop it hit the wall why don’t you come a little oh f go away go away go away you prick [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] okay swing over here get our shotgun shells we’re actually crawling at a decent pace now too cuz we’re not [ __ ] bleeding from every orifice in our body yeah bro managed to make his way around the corner which is definitely more problematic of something to deal with okay Miguel Myers and Javier you you bastards I got one of you where’s your friend I know there’s two of you here bet you he’s like over there oh you [ __ ] prick head shot head shot head shot where is your [ __ ] friend oh my god dude was waiting to jump me that whole [ __ ] bit while I was fighting there thank God he was [ __ ] checking his goddamn notifications on his phone that’s why I got my phone with my weapon you loser that oh God wait is is he stuck oh no he’s not ow prick head shot head shot head shot [ __ ] prick head shot ow head shot okay not doing so hot but I am alive and both of these [ __ ] Michael Myers look alikes trying to get me to buy their goddamn photos that they just took for no goddamn reason without me [ __ ] asking for it now that they’re out of the well I think we found ourselves a shotgun I’ve also found a lighter and some cigarettes let me take that off your hands real quick buddy un I need to I’m going to do a twist pop on my back okay lumbar supports being pretty pretty swick nasty keeping my back from hurting that direction but every so often it seems like it’s still kind of bugging me not nearly as much as before though so I am hella here for it um I mean I guess I just go back oh cuz now I can I mean I know I can go through that probably I think that’s where it wants me to move forward at but if I make my way back I can light that oil on fire now use the lighter on the cigarettes okay uh cigarettes here use don’t smoke kids it’s bad for you I mean I feel like this dude in this weird post-apocalyptic scenario maybe has earned a little bit of [ __ ] whatever the hell he goddamn wants cuz he is fighting Undead swarms okay I still have the lighter good yay lung disease yeah pretty much I feel like the one time that I don’t really like I don’t really question or get on people for things like cigarettes or alcohol and [ __ ] like that always is [ __ ] post-apocalyptic [ __ ] because those things are used as like stress relief granted used poorly as stress relief by many people and like abused or whatnot but I mean if I’m being real with you this is a pretty [ __ ] crazy scenario to be in and keep your goddamn mind so oh what the [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] what is this uh-uh not interested I can [ __ ] still hear him walking around out there use I mean I guess it’s a good opportunity to test out our Remington 70 world-renowned pump action shotgun dealing a devastating amount of damage at close range Hey listen yeah small things like health benefits or health disadvantages SL SL dis benefits especially anything that’s long-term probably the last thing on anyone in an apocalypse’s mind go away wait can [Applause] I this is why oh [Applause] boy [ __ ] okay this shotgun takes a good number of shots to take these dudes down I thought it would be like maybe two but it was like [ __ ] four so that’s that flipped my plan there on its head you love the game over theme it is pretty cool also it’s kind of funny if I’m holding a direction when I die when I respawn it like thinks I’m still holding that direction so it just like keeps pushing it until I tap that movement Direction okay okay we already dealt with Miguel Myers right right right did we deal we dealt with Lancaster Larry here I don’t know why I’m [ __ ] throwing these weird ass names at some of these enemies but I’m rolling with it save if I kill the Crawlers please yeah I’m I’m going to I’m going to keep an eye on saving more frequently you don’t got to tell me over and over die die die die die die die ow you [ __ ] prick die ow die [ __ ] okay let’s try this angle oh [ __ ] ow okay ow son of a [ __ ] okay get these I want to deal with the two [ __ ] Miguel Myers [ __ ] real quick before I save again I like to deal with as many groups of things as I can before I start backtracking that way I’m not backtracking 70 times an episode yes hello Miguel oh you both have arrived now now things are a threat can I like no okay ow son of a [ __ ] bro I’m going to [ __ ] fight this dude why did your friend get closer I don’t like that ow okay that’s you down now it’s just you ow I need [Music] stamina stamina train off oh I’m going to [ __ ] die I [ __ ] predicted it at least I saw that one coming the moment I [ __ ] whiffed that swing and dude got closer to me okay okay wait wait hold on a second where the [ __ ] oh there it is I was like I’m not finding the keypad door okay crawler [ __ ] let me in the tunnel let me get my du lingo Rock in that way I can speak crawler [ __ ] can speak light knes and goddamn Bonk knes [ __ ] okay okay this is what I like to see sweet sweet sweet that’s him down now this dude [ __ ] okay you’re bit of a [ __ ] archat you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hell dude go away I don’t like you okay get my shotgun shells Run for the shotgun like straight for it I mean I could do that but that’s also going to oh that’s the crawler dude that I killed that’s going to put me in the danger zone pretty rapidly if I can’t equip it in time okay okay okay there we go that took care of them didn’t realize it was going to put it straight into my hands when I grabbed it that did make it a good bit easier let’s really quickly get back here maybe it won’t trigger these weird dudes to prevent me from doing the doing the work to [ __ ] survive the save station oh [ __ ] I know I forgot the lighter I’m going back I was trying to heal my attempt my attempt was at a at was at a save station before grabbing the lighter but I didn’t realize I thought the lighter is what triggered these [ __ ] you sons of [ __ ] [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] oh boy that’s not good okay that’s him down that’s just me and you ow ow okay I have one [ __ ] HP like actually physically one HP this sucks um where did I where did I come into this area at it was this door I’m pretty sure door is locked [ __ ] okay okay yeah I’m I’m trying to get a save trust me I’m I’m doing my damnest here to get one I don’t remember where the [ __ ] save station is though that’s my problem cuz I could have swore it was cuz that’s the door that I came from so maybe it’s down this way oh you [ __ ] prick you’ve got to be joking go go away you absolute psychopath quickly okay holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] progress saved I’m getting [ __ ] tailed by a goddamn lick a tongue uh uh uh uh uh that door is locked I know that door is locked but I I can get around bro and get to this one to get the lighter okay holy [ __ ] at least we can [ __ ] continue on these [ __ ] are out here straight up trying to get a goddamn piece of me as a goddamn snack where where where to make sure we get this damn thing so that we don’t forget it and we can get that extra room open cuz that room had a key on the table I’m pretty sure grab the lighter watch this actually kill me cuz it does like one damage to you [ __ ] kills over dead halfway through the cut scene because bro literally was at 1 HP and smoked a cigarette oh hey brv no worries no worries okay so that isn’t a path forward do we got fi floating around need some fi back through that way we can light the stuff now that there’s one [ __ ] left standing hopefully I don’t die to him because he gets some stupid hit on me hello my name is Chester I a little rat and I crawl around in your walls I am searching for cheese and bullets okay be ready okay bro must have like respawned over in the area that he spawned at originally which is good for us good for us ahead and little bit of light that [ __ ] on [Music] fire oh that’s caps lock I get sent to the French Dimension Jesus all right let’s see what is in this room for us hello key sewer key okay no F you’re not going to give me any F I need my baguette fi where is my bagett there’s usually a few shot bagett laying around the ground from place to place but maybe here all right all right not getting jumped immediatly through as the door oh save station save station got to love my save station what is this place this is the cave sewers okay and what exactly is alongs this place lots of water hey what the [ __ ] are you doing you again wait uh uh-oh oh [ __ ] isn’t that the key who was talking about mace what the [ __ ] do I do against this [ __ ] um so no head snaps [ __ ] oh what hold on what what do you mean there’s like things I can turn why am I getting stuck though power is charging I better get somewhere safe did I just zap the [ __ ] oh I did okay so I’m I’m pumping [ __ ] electricity into the damn please okay okay okay okay okay those two are broken he is definitely making his way towards me still though what if I what if I get him over here and I need to get him to swing oh that one’s broken [ __ ] okay what if I get him over here and get him to swing come on come on come on okay that’s most of them get him to swing I can’t hit that one maybe it’s that one over there I think I see which one I need to do the zap on come on come on there we go holy [ __ ] s for thank God for the good sinking I’m going to need something big to cut free that key first try baby first try skill issue first [ __ ] try you [ __ ] NAD bro really is a licky tongue look at that [ __ ] what that mouth do my guy all right Pierre I think you’ve done enough for us thank you for the assist listen motivate mace with a controlled shock he said he’s going to need something to cut it open so my my bet is I just need to slash bro something to cut free that key do I just like use no h it’s the knife that the [ __ ] dude chut cut this dude’s head off with still around cuz I’m not seeing it he locked the door do a quick little slice you into filets um maybe this door what’s in here okay I don’t like this this looks like I’m about to get jumped and I just just beat a boss fight could I maybe get some sort of guaranteed safety after a boss fight you sons of [ __ ] what is this fi go ahead and take some of that baguette serum okay now I’m now I’m feeling much more opportunistic where am I going to find this dude’s hacksaw though like I need like a proper hacksaw cuz I can’t just use the knife apparently oh [ __ ] speak of the devil I got the saw now I feel like this place is going to be full of enemies run run run run run I [ __ ] knew it you psycho piece of [ __ ] you [ __ ] pricks uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh go away mother [ __ ] once once more I guess into the breach of dealing with a goddamn boss I should be able to do it though this guy’s mechanic isn’t too tough just takes a little bit of knowing how long things are going to take and manage your time not you again oh [ __ ] isn’t that the key you was talking about okay okay okay come on come on over here mace [Music] okay okay okay this one a [ __ ] damn it I tried to speedrun the [ __ ] and I didn’t make it up onto the platform in time oh no looks like mace needs some more motivation yeah the [ __ ] what is this what is this doctor dude even doing again like me and Simon are on about the same track here of what the [ __ ] are you doing [ __ ] m m take that goddamn key like get you to do a little swingy swing uh-oh I was stuck in the corner by his [ __ ] hit box cuz I cornered myself too hard once more into the breach I suppose hey what the [ __ ] are you doing not you again not you again isn’t that the key I was talking about okay okay okay so what we do we get him to swing and then we’re going to hit this one first [Music] speedrun speedrun speedrun oh I’ve already done that one [ __ ] okay let me let me get bro over here oh I need stamina that’s not Gucci let’s get him to swing and then walk away to keep my stamina let’s get him to swing over here come on come on why am I stuck are you [ __ ] joking I was stuck I’m going to need something big to cut free that key dies [ __ ] just dies issue that’s not a skill issue that’s a [ __ ] G map geometry issue these [ __ ] I literally had plenty of time to get up to the safe Zone but I just was [ __ ] spamming every direction and just couldn’t move are you doing not you again wait wait oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] is right yeah okay okay okay okay so we do that bait him into a swing and then we start spinning this one speedrun a [ __ ] sake I let go of it by accident okay let’s go here wait for mace to do his little animation then we’ve got enough time okay quickly hug this dude up on the crop uh-oh okay definitely not that one we’re going to do this one oh [ __ ] okay I jumped it I [ __ ] jumped the godamn shock I jumped the controlled shock like a goddamn Pro okay come on do your little swingy swing I got to keep moving get my stamina back don’t get caught on the boxes junction boxes are not your friend quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly safety hey okay okay I’ll aboard the [ __ ] boss killer Express finally I got it the first [ __ ] time and then after that everything became much more problematic really wish I had some [ __ ] stamina or health I guess stamina I’m doing fine on but it it’d be nice to have some [ __ ] Health let’s just save right there so we don’t have to fight that dude again don’t die next time well we’re not going to have to fight him again just got to make our way back through here cuz after all with with it spawning two of these [ __ ] Ting Ting Ting chicks that’s that’s kind of a problem I don’t really have much that I can do about that like I’ve got a little bit of fiend but I don’t have ammo in either of my guns I don’t think um right equip nothing for you and what about you nothing for you yeah so I’m going have to like make a run for it I think what happens is one of them spawns there and I think one of them spawns there so if I’m quick about it I think I can run like this and get out of the place before they get to me cuz the door will prevent them from following so I think that’s my tactic here haaw thank you all right here we go hey know the path [ __ ] know the I’m going to be real with you I thought that was one of the [ __ ] like hunched over backwards crawly dudes that was about to start jumping me was like out of the fire and into the frying pan I guess um should be able to cut through flesh ah preparing a fine [Music] meal try using the hacksaw to eliminate the [ __ ] Bro not ready for mace part two electric Baloo I mean for real [ __ ] I’m so surprised that this [ __ ] that’s sparking like nuts like this isn’t still electrocuting me inside this damn thing he locked the door is it this one no ow ow ow okay well at least I’ve got a key to what I can only assume is this door behind me let me go ahead and save up again shave station got to love my save station hey okay okay morphine in another save station okay interesting I mean I get why the previous save station was like there because it was right before a boss fight but you’d think that they’d expect people to reuse that save station when they pass it again I mean I’m not going to turn it down free free little save with some f with some f shave up um and then actually how am I on health I’m a little under or a little over halfway I think I need to take some more damage before I down that fiend lump or is it hi nice Jinx here what is a lamp is it something that gives off light in that regards does that make the Sun a lamp and if the Sun is a lamp then would that mean that all lamps are intended ow sorry thank you for smack H apologies I went I went I went full Gremlin for a second there I don’t know what that was something appeared like right there okay be be huh huh be what is happening I don’t like this I don’t like this what the [ __ ] is happening right now where am I what uhoh this the taco banana Club is it still called you will die it is oh boy but I guess the real question is will we die after all everything that’s living has to die at some point doesn’t it hi nights side Jinx [Music] here what do you think I mean I think personally that many things end up living that don’t actually die of old age in fact there’s many things take the immortal jellyfish immortal ow okay sorry die die the room red I mean it’s already pretty much there we just got to take care of the seiling a little bit in the floor do you like this I mean it’s pretty fun yeah there a cool game five out of five IGN you don’t know anything well that’s [ __ ] rude or do I no I’m sorry I’m sorry uh if you could just could understand I never wanted this ow you got to paint the doors black everything’s getting very [ __ ] now I don’t know how to feel about this reality is warping around me I just want you to die just die but [Applause] nuh-uh I don’t like that the door locked itself I better run a [ __ ] a [ __ ] a [ __ ] a [ __ ] a [ __ ] a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] where am I going where am I going that’s not good I have no stamina wow [ __ ] grabby hands out here I do have a morphine syringe I got to remember that I might have to use it mid that whole scenario [Music] okay so don’t go through the door until I have full stamina cuz otherwise things are going to go to hell very rapidly that’s not very [Music] handy all right everyone it’s time scadal Express is Le the station now [Music] baby oh I’m taking damage while I’m in my menu quickly oh it gave me stamina back too oh sweet wait what am I just hallucinating after getting hit by that car when I tried to help that one dude am I in like a coma dream right now damn it the gripping at my grippies hallucinations you what I don’t know what the [ __ ] that was am I going insane [ __ ] I’m a [ __ ] I mean I do have a pretty [ __ ] up leg so it’s functional I wonder who that sick doctor is he must have done something to me he’s wearing a gas mask and I’m not chapter 3 the city is not safe I mean it seems about as safe as Stockholm is from all the memes that I’ve seen seems about on par we got some music playing for us now too I hate that I can’t look anywhere while I’m climbing this [ __ ] ladder I know one of these times right there at the end right like right as the [ __ ] camera goes above the top of where I’m climbing to there’s just going to be a crawly dude staring me in the face and it’s going to scare the [ __ ] out of me still better than the shitty hotel okay I mean fair at least this place ow isn’t flooded to high [ __ ] hell there’s a little bit of flooding but it wasn’t the residential area where you’re supposed to be staying oh [ __ ] okay Ronald Street I mean I guess they’re not wrong I did die once hello guten Morgan so there no nothing over here not even no fiend wow time for vampire kind of in need of some if I’m being real Pat thank you for the head Pats uh HST Chomper thank you for the head Pats we getting bed bugs from the Hotel Beds out in here oh [ __ ] are you okay you better come home now I’m getting worried from mom can I like just dial numbers whenever I want I can [Music] [Music] okay the police dispatch are not doing so hot sounds like they may have run into AAR um looks like I’m on my own oh boy I did call 911 you son of a [ __ ] I called it before you even said me thing oh God another [ __ ] Steven oo ow you [ __ ] suck dude yeah he did die all right what do we got in here locked you know I could use some theme game it’d be it’d be real appreciated if you handed me just a just a touch of some fiend everyone knows that if you don’t have fiend in Stockholm then you’re going to develop Stockholm syndrome that’s the last thing I need right now with all of these creepy ass Michael Myers looking head asses oh [ __ ] a cut scene okay H so we need to head to Saxon Avenue first reach Hansen Square through Saxon Avenue uno momento let me fix this real quick there we go that has been solved and then back to here and there okay oh boy all right police Bill what have they done to you dude wait wait hold on I got another idea for another number I can call [Music] ah wow you’re not even going to let me call it what the [ __ ] Hey listen Heist doesn’t want you what I am I’m not sure it may be delayed excuse me flesh tree that is flipping [ __ ] entire cars maybe we don’t [ __ ] with the flesh tree that seems like a good way to get absolutely murdered what the [ __ ] door doesn’t budge I have no Health door doesn’t budge oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ow you son of a [ __ ] dude how fast is this [ __ ] dude uh-oh uh-oh we’re in a we’re in a nasty position here we don’t have ammo for anything right now okay um keep on keeping on better come home I’m getting worried trust me Mom I’m [ __ ] trying there’s a lot of weird crackheads that are trying to take my fiend okay cool cool cool no hits get our little cut scene just entered the morphine bro was born in it yeah Mo you think that you are you think the morphine is your ally you merely adopted the morphine I was born in it molded by it I didn’t see the light of morphine until I was only a man what kind I’m assuming that means rabbit what the [ __ ] okay so what do I do here cuz it looks like I’m going to get murdered by a tree if I come over here but I’m going to I’mma be real I don’t know what else I expected but it’s a little [ __ ] that their [ __ ] Michael Myers head ass friends can run past it what sons of [ __ ] Jesus okay let’s try let’s try and take out the hammer bro without taking damage again I guess if we do manage to take him out without taking damage I think I’m going to go save again just because I don’t want to keep having to like avoid dying to this [ __ ] you’re a little spicy [ __ ] Hey listen Okay hold up I will check that oh who the who did the H who the [ __ ] what oh it was Kelvin mom says jinx that I’m the doctor with the gas mask I’m such a cool person with a gas mask mom says I’m special I mean I’m kind of the mom of the Nicks family so sure we I’ll give it to you okay what do we got what do we got I guess just our con I’m hope I hope I’m pronouncing that right because it has an n n initially I was just like Kane but Kana sounds more Swedish I think I’m probably butchering it though if I had to guess can I get a Happy Meal I mean we if I can [ __ ] find a goddamn McDonald’s that isn’t corrupted by the flesh trees ow Mother We crave Mountain Dew [ __ ] you’re right I don’t know what I did with all that goddamn Mountain Dew I had stored up am I crazy or just stupid because I did not see that there I mean I’ve got myself to to basically full health now just by using this bad boy Yes Yes We crave chicken Nuggie listen if I’m going to be getting y’all chicken nuggets I’m going to be making sure y’all pay your [ __ ] taxes on them because there is a one to two piece chicken nugget tax for every pack of five so you better make sure you’re ready to hand over the goddamn do de what am I going to do with this [ __ ] thing okay okay okay game okay game okay okay okay okay I’m let’s try this again you suggest I look at the brick walls okay I mean I don’t have any [ __ ] sprinting upstairs of all goddamn things should not [ __ ] you in this game cuz we’ve already dealt with McGee over there we’ve dealt with our cut scene Okay so we’ve got a brick wall here it’s got some typical graffiti we got a brick wall here it’s got some atypical graffiti we got oh [ __ ] hello I see don’t mind if I do just little do a little skidadle just just give it a little around this [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] prick how the [ __ ] is he hitting me from there that’s [ __ ] [Music] [Music] flesh tree goop ASMR achievement unlocked find peace in something utterly horrifying you know I really don’t like the look of this this looks like a [ __ ] area where I’m going to get swarmed by a bunch of [ __ ] but you know [Music] what I dare him to come and fight my ass they’re going to learn real quick that I’m not one to be [ __ ] with dual wield with the phone please shotgun cannot be dual [Music] weld that’s more of a problem so we’re going to go back to the night stick those look like they don’t go any anywhere that one goes somewhere hello son of a [ __ ] I was about to say Girl Scout cookies but now you don’t get any you piece of [ __ ] Jesus what they [ __ ] captured the scientist from Back to the Future oh bullets okay okay let’s just do one of those real quick now is the perfect time Jinx act the ask the m mate Kai for something what what is a mate Kai I don’t like you and I get the feeling you’re going to [ __ ] me up if I try jumping in there without killing you cuz you’ve got a hammer in your hands really don’t want to waste any ammo on you okay go to sleep it’s all right I’ll be back with your Happy Meal toy in a little bit actually I’m going to resave yeah okay there we go okay just some planks some bodos B bordos there we go H got some company down that way and it looks like that’s the direction I need to go you [ __ ] psychopath what is happening right now uh-uh nope not not no comprende Poore sen sen senior [ __ ] it’s a stand in JoJo part nine ah I actually need to catch up on jojo I’ve only gotten to I’ve only gotten into the like pillar arc on jojo it’s really cool and I do want to watch more of it but I’m just always so busy doing other stuff that I never never have time for the little things could watch it some tonight before bed or something like that there we go okay let’s try this again I think this is the correct tactic how many [ __ ] you [ __ ] Psychopaths how many times do I need to hit that the other boards took one whack you [ __ ] pricks wait till they fight the pylon its peak oh I’m I’m excited for it I need to watch more of it it was really funny to see bro just be like oh is that so straight so you’re going to you’re going to murder me where I stay and I don’t think so pulls [ __ ] tommy gun out of nowhere and sprays down the entire coffee shop okay okay okay okay okay I think I’m going to have to deal with these [ __ ] but I’ve got a shotgun for that so let’s go ahead and equip this bad boy ow you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] I hate you woo you why do they double tap why do they have the [ __ ] Call of Duty Black Ops 1 Zombies Double Tap [ __ ] of all [ __ ] moves to give these enemies a double tap move that they [ __ ] basically guarantee if they hit the first one you okay okay shotgun to the teeth that is the plan for these dudes maybe this time I don’t [ __ ] get my teeth slammed in by a hammer in the process time for vampire head Pats Pat Pat Pat thank you for the head Pats Calin um okay double tap bastards not down I thought they were but not quite oh you [ __ ] suck dude okay holy [ __ ] not doing so hot but I’m [ __ ] on my feet so that’s better than can be said for those dick heads this how many I swear to [ __ ] God if I could have just done that if I don’t get to another save station and I die I’m skipping those bastards [ __ ] that oh hi Steve hi Steve number two um I do have ammunition so I do think I’m going to go ahead and use some of that right now I’m cooked I’m cooked you can say I’m cooked but as far as I’m aware I’m still standing pretty high and mighty okay you son of a [ __ ] die don’t know what I’m dealing with up this direction but whatever it is as long as I can get the jump on it and it doesn’t get the jump on me we’re good I Sol it okay let’s just uh okay I knocked him down good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] I think this is a sawrunner Chase back down back to the door and sawrunner despawn I’m not about to [ __ ] cheat the game listen why would I want why would I want to completely cheat the game out of one of its drastic scenarios that sounds like that sounds like [ __ ] [ __ ] talk I may have one but I’m goddamn not one you son of a [ __ ] don’t know oh that’s not a [ __ ] sawrunner that’s a problem speedrun oh [ __ ] just for good measure I’ll put it in the third slot yeah it doesn’t look so hot it’s all chained up I can’t open it oh oh boy oh boy how fast oh my God you’re so fast woo oh [ __ ] God damn it okay I can do that now that I know what speed I’m dealing with I was not expecting bro to move at [ __ ] mock 17 bro hit the [ __ ] all right oh that’s not where I want to be well that’s some free extra damage now I’m moving slower hey buddy move move move move move move move move move move move move I don’t know how I’m not getting murdered here but I am [ __ ] just limping away from bro I don’t know if that’s where I’m supposed to go that looks like oh no okay that was Bros animation couldn’t hit me while I was hobbling hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I want to see what’s through that door I saw that [ __ ] door there and went H maybe I should go in there but I feel like it’s bait I was not expecting that to be the end issue all right buddy Zoom our way down down with as much stamina as we’ve got to work with then we go this way keep hobbling keep hobbling keep hobbling keep hobbling keep hobbling keep hobbling bro doesn’t know how to hit me as long as I’m hobbling doesn’t want to hurt someone with a mess okay maybe I was wrong I was about to say he doesn’t want to hit someone with a messed up leg but he was just hoping maybe I would start running again I think I can do this though for sure [ __ ] spider not today [ __ ] let’s run run run run we’re out of stamina so now we hobble [ __ ] how did I get through that with the hobbling the first time maybe I need to take the angles a little wider what are you what are you talking about Kelvin it’s right there grab it please grab the M16 where what where the [ __ ] is the M16 at excuse me I would like High Caliber Weaponry is it somewhere during the chase cuz it’s not in the tunnels it’s in the oh it’s it’s in the door that he’s in I see I see okay okay oh I see it on the floor I see it for a split second there [ __ ] I think I can pull that off but it’s going to be tough cuz I don’t want to despawn the dude that’s the last thing I want to pull oh look it’s doing the thing where I’m walking sideways is there a good place to Loop him at where I could like lose him maybe doesn’t look like it okay okay just go back for it after well the spot it maybe if the oh [ __ ] if the doorway up here uh if the doorway up here uh has the ability for me to go into it then that’s my aim cuz if I can go into this doorway this one a [ __ ] me the issue that I’m running into is when when I get to the end of this Chase Zone my dude hops a fence and I don’t have a way back that’s why I reloaded to check the door before because I had a feeling I wouldn’t be able to come back that direction how am I going to get this off of you I severely doubt I can stun dude by shooting him or anything like that this guy feels like much more of a problem [ __ ] dude he blocked the path no I almost [ __ ] had that too can I just like GB no clip boom there we go I got it okay okay getting back into those tunnels is such a death trap with this dude Hey listen I know it works I’m not trying to do that is the thing I am intentionally try trying not to despawn the dude because that’s not intended gameplay mechanic I want to I want to experience the game in its fullest all the ups all the downs and if I’m going to get an M16 I’m going to [ __ ] earn it godamn it come on buddy let’s play Let’s Play Let’s Play Let’s Play he did his oh [ __ ] hell there’s like no chance for that [ __ ] sitting right in my face too right there if only like I wish there was a way to like open the door and Trigger him to attack or like knock on it cuz I feel like if he triggered and then I was like right at the door where I could just grab it from between his legs and then run I think I’d be okay but this is this is definitely not very kind go as far as I can and grab it I mean yeah I guess that’s what I kind of got to do got to like get out into the actual streets and then come back okay get my hobble moving give my hobble my hobble son of a [ __ ] dick I think as long as I can get around like that first corner I’ll have an enough time but dear God it is not going to be nice to me about it okay buddy let’s stop sprinting right about there oh what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] so if I’m kind of creep crawling with my low Health like I am I’m going to in a bad spot to try and get around the dude cuz I can’t even walk to avoid him you know what we’ve played through the chase we’ve played through the chase I will I will attempt to despawn him this time seeing as I don’t think it’s going to be possible with how much my walking speed is [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] dude he is so fast there is no way I’m going to be able to [ __ ] outrun that dude long enough to to grab the M16 and get back out of these tunnels I think I might just be screwed if I don’t pull it off I’ll try one more time I want to try I want to do as much as I can to do it legit but okay get to like there get to like maybe I need to oh Brain Blast I have a [ __ ] Dodge move that I’m not using do I have a do I have [ __ ] bullets now okay I think I just need this out maybe I move faster with just this oh you [ __ ] dudee okay I’ve already beat your ass so I’m I’m tired of playing your games all aboard the cheese the boss Express Jesus hot hot hot hot chocolate never ever let it cool something something something something go go go no I ran out of stamina I was literally inches from the [ __ ] door okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I know you’re shenanigan wo didn’t grab the M16 you [ __ ] prick you know what I think that’s fair I think me completely despawning the sawrunner boss so I can grab an M16 I I think I kind of deserved that hit Z to toggle between single shot and burst fire I don’t think I want burst fire burst fire is nice but I prefer to know where each of my rounds is landing M16 won’t despawn I hear Evening Star playing every time I hear a train can I like slide into this no okay take my time actually explore all these dead ends that I couldn’t before why did the music just kick in did bro [ __ ] respawn got an M16 and I’m not afraid to use it you son of a [ __ ] get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me okay is there any fiend laying around here I’m in desperate requirement of fiend got some crickets chirping hit that [ __ ] with the oh a bik finally I don’t need the what the [ __ ] do you mean you don’t need this right now do you really think riding a bike at a high speed to avoid these [ __ ] is not the kind of thing you need to be doing like get on the get on the bike pull out the night stick and just [ __ ] drive by these [ __ ] oh my God scared the [ __ ] out of me for a split second there there’s two of them there why are they blocking that path feels like there’s going to be loots down this way four bullets okay or two bullets what is with the inconsistencies on some of these guys health I do not get [Music] it okay holy [ __ ] I actually dealt with one of the [ __ ] xenomorph babies what the [ __ ] these are the dudes with the spikes that come out of them when they run into you they just run into you head first and [ __ ] explode two bullets is all it takes there’s a lot of enemies down here I feel like this might be the path to go which makes me a little suspicion about that other path what do we got over here a dead end at least I got some [ __ ] Glock ammo speaking of which I should probably make sure I have that ready and available holy [ __ ] actually give me one minute real quick I’m going to turn on some background music for us I got to run to the bathroom should only take me a minute or two though and I’ll get our background music rolling for us once more there we go and I will be right right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n a n [Music] Hey [Music] listen all right I am back let me turn that off the taco banana Club is giving Chompy scurvy they can’t drink orange juice it’s urgent okay um I prescribe you vitamin C supplements you can find them at grocery stores Andes over the counter that’s all that scurvy is it’s a deficiency of vitamin C that’s why they needed fruit with citric acid uh it was actually uh that’s why a lot of rums ended up getting spiced uh with certain fruits as well because it would kind of at least for a while the vitamin C would remain in the rum and they’d be able to drink that to prevent it but I am controlling the game don’t know how the [ __ ] I did that but I will I will take it I guess don’t lose the M16 I’ll do my best I can’t promise anything I mean you can see how low my health is right now so odds are probably not going to be able to pull too much weight here for us but I can do something what the hell hold on I’m seeing a bunch of chat messages that I didn’t read um let me read some of these let me read some of these wait am I crazy okay maybe that’s just way behind the actual chat okay let’s keep keep on keeping on as best we can cuz don’t know what awaits us down here but it can’t be anything good that’s for damn sure oh boy uh whoops nope let’s get that ready I can’t ads when I’m two-handing the pistol okay you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] I knew it holy [ __ ] I literally was like it’s not letting me interact with the door I should be close enough to inter act with the door boom I was [ __ ] ready on that one at least Jesus I’m almost willing to put money on this one having one behind it as well no okay hello spare some fiend for a fellow stockhole me in I guess that’s a no wait uhoh okay hold on let me let me do let me do that to fix my audio also you guys don’t have to see my menus on btube studio anymore I finally fixed that um 2037 that’s our most recent save still okay well maybe I should have been smart and saved again after getting the M16 um [ __ ] okay let’s slowly but surely slowly but surely Temple yes hello chainsaw man you know power is actually a big inspiration of mine oh [ __ ] damn it maybe I shouldn’t focus on grabbing the M16 before despawning the massive threat in the room the the elephant if if you would Hey listen this way this way oh God no I got caught on the [ __ ] banister are you joking me right now out of all of the geometry that you cuck me on in this game that’s so inaccurate you made damn sure that there was a [ __ ] hitbox on that banister okay buddy okay buddy okay okay son of a [ __ ] actual [ __ ] I know I can get through this easy enough but the [ __ ] banister caught me you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] game time for vampire head Pats hatat pat pat thank you for the head Pats okay run run run bro is delayed [ __ ] got stuck on goddamn Subway Surfers for a minute there [ __ ] I just got stuck on it again trying to go up you dick weed game absolute butt munch all right all right around oh God over back down wait now run turn turn turn so I don’t get jump no I still took the hit it’s a fair payment I’ll be I’ll be real that’s a fair payment in my eyes Okay snag up an M sh switch it to single shot cuz I do not need triple shot and then we put this there all right oh almost went the wrong way again it’s getting all framy and stuff stream’s healthy though there we go Uno M take a sip of some beus all right there we go all right dick head down just need to make my way through here it would be nice at least if some of these dead ends had like morphine or pistol bullets in them so that you could at least get something if you pick the wrong path and stayed alive granted stayed alive is a bit of a relative situation currently uh based off of the fact that we don’t have the dude to deal with anymore would be nice if this was something you could enter I really thought it was going to be looks like a perfect place to hide a little Easter egg got to start a blood Money GoFundMe for Chomper or pyo although I think I me asked you previously if you cared if I kept calling you Chomper and you said it was fine do let me know if you want me to call you Piko though cuz your name has been that for a little while where are the babies the babies are this way oh wait no no no no no no this is my pistol ammunition which means that I can use the pistol ammo uh three I can use the pistol to deal with these [ __ ] there we go two pullets right to the Dome what okay three for him apparently four for that one which means the four on this one I can definitely hit me in my big [ __ ] mouth look Ma I’m road kill [ __ ] hell okay M16 acquired Maiden nowhere to be found still although honestly based off of the few maidens that we have found might not want to be finding any maidens in this game uh they tend to have weird floaty arms and bodies and then like if you get close to them to give them a hug the the baby with the kitchen knife that’s like in their stomach is just like hello and stabs you in the dick so oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I heard a Hey listen uh Jinx is losing as much as me oh boy classic RPG wait classic RPG games I’m missing messages here play out Oni I’m not even going to lie I’ve actually thought about getting some of the old uh like what is what is it called like RPG horror maker whatever that like system was that was really big cuz I watched PewDiePie play them like infinitely ago when he played them uh but I haven’t watched or played anything of them since and I felt like they would be a good classic to try out on the channel so I’ll have to look into it RPG Maker games that’s what they’re called my brain was trying to say anime Maker games for some weird reason um right right right okay get our pistol bullets I’m willing to spend four M16 ammo to guarantee those babies don’t murder me um whoops wrong button [ __ ] there we go what do we got me sitting here like what I just picked up ammo for it yeah but you didn’t [ __ ] reload it dumbass one two okay how many shots three four okay that’s more than it should have been one two what am I like hitting the rebar or like tentacle things is that what’s causing me to not do damage when I hit them get this bad boy out one two double tap one two double tap okay there’s H I don’t know what the [ __ ] is up with these dudes either straight up got a [ __ ] Dome and a half almost remind me of like a kidney bean love to see ibben madf father yeah those ones too those are the other ones that came to mind when I thought of it how much pistol ammo do I have I’ve got an okay amount it might be worth me rocking the pistol for a minute here peekaboo okay six shots they haven’t raised their health I just missed a bunch of shots last time there’s another little creeper baby in here which means I want to have you out I got the two shots off on on the plus side I got the two shots off on the down side I [ __ ] missed both of them I think mermaid swamp I don’t think I’ve seen that one oh NOP don’t go there and give free damage to weird barb wire Bandits we need to continue down the path because I need to [ __ ] murder a bunch of little babies without getting injured and murdered myself Jinx quot of the day skill issue hey look at that the Lackey working together to roast my ass y’all praying for my downfall too bad it only makes me stronger there we go apologies I’m doing some quick stretches slumbar support pillow is actually really really amazing I know for a fact my back would be hurting way more than this if I didn’t have it up right now hella [ __ ] shout out to Salem for that you know I got this oh no yeah I’m I’m going to be able to pull it off it’s just with with how low my health is it’s a matter of perfection rather than uh a matter of Survival cuz this I’m like peeking Corners that I know shouldn’t have enemies uh three reload I was thinking of making a redeem all of the uh oooo redeem bro can you please eat some [ __ ] dirt thank you took way too many bullets uh but I was thinking of making one that’s a raw cuz raar is much more my speed than oooo oooo almost makes me feel like I’m trying to gag every time I say it that’s why it’s so [ __ ] expensive of a redeem three bullets okay I’ve got three bullets which means I can save my M16 ammo BRB got to go do do lingo good luck okay I have no more pistol ammo though which means it’s probably beneficial if I put you on three rather than well no I want to have my I want to have my things I can dual wield on the numbers nice severely doubt I can dual wield this okay we’re in single round burst mode or sing Single round burst what a [ __ ] description Jinx uh we don’t have pistol ammo but I ought to be able to put this Spike Walker into the ground pretty quickly no you may not speak to my manager get out of here you loud [ __ ] and then baby is like right here accuracy not my strong suit well let’s try it again welcome back brv that was a very rapid du lingo session don’t worry we’re exactly where we [ __ ] were when you left keep dying to this damn Spike baby I’m going to check the other pathway cuz I can go down the uh like I can go down the hallway a little bit further past the door that the spike [ __ ] Caren lady comes out of but I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to be able to pull off you’re fast as [ __ ] boy Bro went into dualingo and [ __ ] hit it with the I’m having too much fun with the soundboard I haven’t even used a lot of them like I’ve got well at least I have used a lot of them much I’ve been trying to touch on some of them more but I’ve also got an entire folder dedicated to the mask we’ve got somebody stop me we’ve got it’s party time R oh no that’s the guys on the wall we’ve got the roadkill one that I’ve used a few times and then I’ve got another one that I’m going to use here in a minute whenever if we get to another boss or if we get back to this damn baby and it’s still giving me [ __ ] pistol right three reload this bad boy aim around the [ __ ] tentacle rebar [ __ ] 1 2 3 4 5 am I aiming too high I think I’m aiming too high I need to aim at like the base of their neck one two yeah okay okay I see what I’ve been [ __ ] up and then if I don’t aim in I can be more reactive about this [Music] one this [ __ ] game needs a death counter I’m going to I’m going to get a death counter figured out for this game that’s something I can work into the stream deck and I can just press it to up it one and it should display it on the stream as well from what it said so you said that a time ago I know but I didn’t have a good functionality to do it cuz previously I’d have to like Tab out of it and then I’d have to type it in here somewhere figure out wherever it is Type in the new number but now with the stream deck I can literally just press a button and it’ll tick it up for me which is pretty slick nasty if I do say so myself there’s a lot of lot of uses I can use this thing for and I’m going to try and get as much use out of it as I can despite the fact that it only has six buttons cuz I went with the cheapest Like official Elgato stream deck uh but I like it so much that maybe in the future I’ll upgrade to one with more buttons that way more sounds and stuff are available on one page and I don’t have to be like uh uh [ __ ] I’m in The Mask okay now get into spoopy now hit him with the prowler I could have most of the like more common ones all on one page back down off the balcony baby okay okay okay let’s rapidly as quick as we can speedrun this [ __ ] oh out of stamina um I need the pistol which is three I’m going to reload that doesn’t look like I have to stand still while I’m crouching in order to keep my stamina boosted one two three four okay these guys are just [ __ ] appar and can never decide on a [ __ ] Health total one two you see what I [ __ ] mean what is this okay okay let’s not take unnecessary risks one two double tap aim in one 2 3 four 5 six okay maybe I don’t like that iron sights that blocks too much in my vision I don’t think I’m going to iron sights with the M16 if I’m being real Bros out here [ __ ] what is the what is the [ __ ] oh no he disappeared on me there was a uh there was like a Moon mascot for something that their head reminds me of and I can’t quite put my finger on it okay okay I know what’s Happening Here I Am the [ __ ] manager Lady of the bread store bread oh boy this looks like another door that’s going to break on me okay okay don’t budge you [ __ ] psychopath no I only have one bullet [ __ ] uh what excuse me no nope not dealing with one of those bastards right now excuse you [Music] I have pistol ammo okay don’t know who keeps letting the little [ __ ] Gremlins with knives out but those ones are probably my most [ __ ] hated out of everything I’ve encountered okay Fi Fi do you have fi and you need some fiend dude oh is that a night stick I mean I guess maybe if I didn’t find the other night stick won’t budge won’t budge okay ow ow ow ow ow my foot cranked ow I [ __ ] like jumped and clenched my feet so hard my the like muscle connecting to my big toe cramped stretch it out stretch it out stretch it out oh my God I hate this [ __ ] cramp it’s the most painful [ __ ] oh okay okay okay it’s chilling out oh my God it’s like it’s like the same cramp you get if you’ve ever been swimming for a long period of time in your foot it is [ __ ] you game I have one HP you have no right to be doing [ __ ] like that to me I don’t even remember where I came from I got so flipped around by all this okay hello hello I can I can [ __ ] wave Dash downstairs and I think I can even yeah I can wave Dash upstairs wait what since when can I Sprint up and down stairs what is this game [ __ ] doing to me I swear to God I’m going crazy okay moving forward I guess cuz this is a door some stairs don’t trip a [ __ ] me this guy over here is just watching too son of a [ __ ] some stairs do oh no I’m all the way back here still how have they not given me a single save point or am I just blind there’s no way I’ve missed a save point in any of this maybe chat spotted something that I haven’t but like holy [ __ ] if the saw dude was still chasing dude dude I’m not even joking if the saw dude still spawned in chased me after I got through all this [ __ ] and down into that area and died I would be so mad I would be so [ __ ] furious because I do not have the speed right now to be able to deal with him so thank God I did despawn him and then save bro did a three-point Landing thinks he’s a [ __ ] superhero as he pulls out an M16 oh my God I saw the [ __ ] Red Bicycle and I thought it was an enemy okay okay Glock magazine get the Glock out reload put as many bullets as it takes into these [ __ ] one two three oh I mean that’s significantly easier um I should be able to deal with this one with the pistol one two three four four for good measure cuz I didn’t remember the number and I didn’t want to risk it and then one two three okay cool cool cool still saving some pistol ammo got all of my M16 ammo in fact I’m going to equip the M16 now because oh boy lag because dealing with this chick over here with a pistol is a pain in the ass no you can’t talk to my manager Karen go away cool cool cool cool I kept my health I might even survive getting stabbed by this baby thing this time bro was [ __ ] literally a half a foot from me let’s get something that lets me see please give me healing that doesn’t look good um I did get some more pistol ammo which is Gucci very very funny and okay game I see what you’re [ __ ] playing at here can I like use something on this I just want to like use the [ __ ] knife on it break it open won budge can I get some an an Easter egg is nice but you know what’s better than an Easter egg some fiend from inside an Easter egg maybe son of a [ __ ] okay okay well that room that room looks unfriendly although I think that is where the little baby thing spawned that rushed my ass so maybe the room itself is okay here’s [ __ ] hoping cuz I’m about to take damage from something if it’s not redeems three with no space brav door won’t budge okay it was [ __ ] pretty damn cocky of me to look down and help out brub in chat as I pressed e on the door I was worried about um I don’t like I don’t like baby boy here so we’re going to we’re going to bring out the big guns so that I can pop a two tap into you where are you at how many [ __ ] M16 rounds does a toddler wearing trash bags for clothes and carrying [ __ ] kitchen knives take to take down this is why I [ __ ] said like forever ago in that stream when you guys asked whether I wanted to fight like I think it was like a swarm of toddlers or something else I was like I would not fight the swarm of kids because they’re [ __ ] rabid and nothing puts them down what is this [ __ ] dude literally tanked like seven M16 shots [ __ ] hell transition ourselves between our little creepy crawl and our sprinty Sprint to make sure we can minmax the [ __ ] run back time on this damn group of enemies maybe there is like a uh there’s got to be like one of the things around somewhere that I’m missing like maybe in the first room where that lady comes out or in the dark or before it there we go cuz I feel like this is a bit of an excessive run back for a group of enemies that are way past it not to mention the fact that the saw Runner would literally be chasing your ass there every single time you picked that fight and had to respawn back there um um um um um reload I got to shoot these [ __ ] dudes in the head or at least one of them cuz they’re [ __ ] boom boom boom go the [ __ ] away then I just walk through you forgot about that one okay [Music] okay this this is this is painful and now I’m now I’m doing the thing you know what because because Mr Simon wants to he won’t Sprint sideways but because Simon wants to do his little little sideways dance here I’ll let him do it to get us out of there at least maybe that’ll give us the luck we need to finally get past this group I feel like out of like a lot of different games that I’ve seen I thought this game had quick saves but also to be fair I kind of don’t want to abuse those but something like this like I would literally just quick save pretty much as soon as this cut scene ended because I don’t want to Sprint this whole way all right you creepy [ __ ] get our pistol out get our magazine reload oh [ __ ] not what I wanted to do okay through you I’ve got to rebind that that that keeps [ __ ] me over so often I’m going to rebind that right now actually where is tertiary attack or secondary attack you’re going to be Mouse three tertiary attack you’re going to be Mouse to apply hey now now my brain functions like it’s an actual weapon instead of [ __ ] screwing myself over half the time let’s get the pistol out cuz we’re going to need it first although I think for some reason I feel like we run quicker when we’re holding the phone but that might just be my imagination if I’m being real there we go or like if there was any morphine hidden anywhere around here oh [ __ ] pat pat that’s not the right button there we go now I’m at the right lighting thank you for the head Pats brev cuz like being completely real with you just tossing a little single morphine syringe anywhere around here would be enough to make it bearable cuz you’d probably only [ __ ] it up maybe two or three times Max and then you’d be through it get a sip of some beus okay oh God damn it I just [ __ ] clicked it out of that muscle memory and now I’m trying to do it again three shots not bad how am I that [ __ ] bad at aiming at this game okay enough of trying to save the M16 ammo those [ __ ] deserve an M16 to the face at this point they’ve killed me enough times creepy crawling a’t going to spawn me saw Runner can’t catch me saw Runner yes we will I do want the pistol out cuz it’s the first thing I’m going to be using once I get out of this goddamn nightmare [Music] okay one oh [ __ ] don’t get caught on the bike I thought that was a baby running at me I swear to God okay this game is starting to give me [ __ ] PTSD okay [ __ ] Okay I almost did it again by accident I am I am oh I’m losing my touch missed one of those shots oh boy okay let’s deal with [ __ ] Spike Walker Karen over here wait hold on hold on hold on Save State save station fi can I turn this pen and these newspapers into morphine is that something that I have the knowhow let me just try real quick [ __ ] that’s just a thermonuclear device that’s not going to help me at all the [ __ ] God damn it [Music] okay okay okay okay Karen detected lethal Force engaged go away put so many goddamn rounds into you you psychopath is there even anything in here there’s got to be something in here other than the stupid Easter egg holy [ __ ] bro that was way too close I don’t like how [ __ ] close these bastards keep getting to me even when I’m like unloading rounds on them they have no fear whatsoever give me a bite of that [ __ ] head ate his whole ass body [ __ ] my bad that’s not what I want oh there’s a pistol magazine g mean it’ll be useful but how of all things do you not have a save station or morphine anywhere in here cuz before I was bleeding out of every orifice now I’m bleeding out of new orifices and that’s [ __ ] not something that’s supposed to happen if I’m pretty sure uh I’m thinking M16 cuz this is one of the this is one of the little Pokey babies [Music] bro what the [ __ ] bro [ __ ] ran up to me like I’m so sick of this I know that I can make it through it it’s just a process of like perfect play with with my low Health which is not [ __ ] fun son of a [ __ ] I’m going to find the spiky baby and I’m going to put some M6 rounds in its face I am tired of them picking their fights now it is time for me to [ __ ] murder you you piece of [ __ ] how’ you like my song guys pretty sick right pretty sick all right cool cool cool cool I’ll make sure to submit that on my on my on my on my diss track against this [ __ ] game give me the goddamn pistol bullets reload you [ __ ] pistol I’m starting to go crazy here I swear to God how many [ __ ] shots are you going to this game’s bleeding me [ __ ] dry this game’s bleeding me [ __ ] dry I swear to God that’s just cuz I wanted to right why did I pull the Baton out that’s not going to help anyone here my sanity is slowly but surely slipping away from me that’s also just because I’m frustrated and need to vent my anger okay okay okay okay I’ve got this I’ve got this now all I needed to do was get that that bit of pent up for rtion out of the way it was making me play Bad see see no hit no hit I don’t want your [ __ ] pistol magazine I’m not fighting your baby for a [ __ ] pistol magazine suck my absolute crotch [ __ ] where am I I have no ammo baton only I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t like this [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] peekaboo is that fiend is that [ __ ] fiend oh no I am so dead I am not dead I am not dead I am not dead I am so dead there’s a knife baby knife baby despawned cuz he was a triggered thing oh my God I’m [ __ ] spitting all over myself what the hell so that was that way I think so this way hopefully okay this is different although I don’t like the looks of this at all no ammo there free reload let’s get some visibility and the ability to shoot I think that’s going to be my best option oh [ __ ] I don’t remember what was here um maybe here [ __ ] um here please don’t murder me hey it listened okay I don’t like this like one Michael Myers dude and it is game over for me this looks familiar wait huh how am I back here nope no thank you let’s just uh let’s see let’s see what’s what’s behind optional path numero trays cuz that one’s not where we’re going that’s for [ __ ] sure ready to shoot oh right it’s this one okay is there anything even in this room right ammo okay door doesn’t budge door doesn’t budge anything fancy no it’s going to jump scare me but there’s no actual enemy [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] okay okay my nerves are [ __ ] up to 11 right now and the only thing that is protecting me from some of this is my [ __ ] recognition of things that I’ve seen before that one won’t budge reach Sanson hair okay gotcha maybe we need to go through down here again that’s going to suck I was not expecting to come through here a second time that’s for sure feel like there should be a save station somewhere around here oh boy okay here we go YOLO where where where where where where where where where where where run around him run around run around run around it’s a spike baby but there’s a path after the spike baby okay which means I need to run through there with the M16 so that I can shoot okay okay okay I’m opening up more opportunities I’m figuring out finally I think where I need to go let’s see if I can preserve ammunition this time and maybe have some to deal with some of the dudes there rather than having to Sprint through them I mean I could have used the pistol but those guys take a lot of pistol shots and half the time they break out of their barbed wire instead of just hitting the ground which really is annoying hiya parkour jump over that get the magazine shoot one walk through there’s a baby immediately there shoot that one okay okay okay the the pathway is slowly but surely laying itself back out in my eyes really should stop sprinting as soon as my stamina starts regening cuz if I burn my stamina away it takes longer to regen three reload take care of you bro son of a [ __ ] okay okay there’s another one here oh no no no no no no okay one two 3 4 what it stopped I thought it was dead you [ __ ] [ __ ] game okay okay okay okay okay it’s going to be a piece of piece of work today so I’m going to have to fight fire with fire keep the M16 out definitely need to collect the pistol magazine but I’m using the M16 on the stupid Spike babies I am so sick of this I feel like [ __ ] sisifus right now like I get to a point and then I’m like oh well well that’s all folks and [ __ ] detonate into a million pieces okay okay okay okay all right okay all right okay all right all right okay yoink three reload while I’m Crouch walking for extra stuff boom boom boom nice nice boom uh-uh no more of that no more of that okay okay now on to the dick weeds these are the ones that cause the most issues for me yes yes come on out Karen [Music] calculated not dealing with your baby I’m not your babysitter Karen what do we got right Spike baby uh-uh oh [ __ ] well I know how to deal with you what is this one again right right I do recall now I’m not interested we’re going around here we go back over which one is it this one no this one back through here down the staircase of infinite sprinting the staircase of not tripping and I believe if I’m not mistaken we’re going to have some company right here ah hello oh that’s not good that’s not good at all Swift is the wind baby Swift is the wind I don’t know why I put a question mark on the end of that second time I said it okay let’s not die that would be preferable and I’m almost willing to put money on Fall damage would kill me in these scenarios there we go there we go Fi Fi any fi anywhere of course not what do we got we’ve got a decent amount of pistol ammo let’s let’s keep that out hey Sam uh what’s my health threshold oh I don’t know about like 0.5 so we’re kind of having to perfect our stuff a little bit and I’ve been keeping my eye out for a lot of fiend but I have not found any and I feel like I’m slowly but surely going crazy with the run back that it is looping me on can I get a [ __ ] save position please I would like to not go back to the sawrunner location if I [ __ ] die here there’s lights out I’m getting this thing in accuracy mode not seeing anything immediately I don’t know if it wants me to crawl under that or if it’s going to boot me out before I get to it oh I see I’m going to be quite real with you I don’t like the looks of this this looks like I’m going into a position where I’m going to get jumped from a million different directions and I have not been able to save um I guess it’s time to pull the good old I’m not seeing any enemies that doesn’t mean they’re not around though what would be more beneficial is if I did see either morphine or a damn save station h this feels like a trap this feels like a trap a million times over someone who’s laid many many traps this looks like I’m going to get somewhere and then get chased back down here and things are going to get nasty oh my God save station got to love my save station holy Shi beef sticks what the [ __ ] dude this game’s on a [ __ ] power trip I swear to God all aboard the no longer looping the same section train departing now Jesus oh there we go welcome to Gustav doll Park what the [ __ ] silently she flew quiet as a whisper in the dark She Came Upon a river and headed south four-legged carnivore sneaked side by side to his prey ready to strike with whenever a m a movement was made the king of all the birds flew higher than the owl gloating as he went I’m not a fish the equestrian Beast didn’t want her sleep to come so she fled to the West uncalm is this some sort of like hint of something I don’t know what this is where does it want me to go maybe over here ah okay okay oh [ __ ] it’s a puzzle okay okay okay okay okay Sprint down ow hold on four-legged carnivore side by side to his prey ready to strike whenever a movement was made the equestrian Beast didn’t want her sleep to come so she fed fled to the West uncalm Side by Side ready to what I mean the the four-legged ow you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] game cuz that’s the four-legged carnivore okay am I moving something something doing oh I am I am I am I am I am okay let me look at these statues cuz the four-legged carnivore is side by side with its prey so if I know what its prey is I can face them both the same way okay so horse needs to go west lion needs to go west I actually kind of appreciate this break from all of the intense shoot everything in every direction it’s it’s a bit of a bit of a change of pace so we got the lion lion is pointing West already I’m pretty sure I think that was the direction I pointed it right West then oh I don’t trust this for a goddamn second locked um yeah I don’t got a key for that so we’re going to have to look elsewhere oh hey they got a ramp holy [ __ ] maybe I should run the ramp side rather than freaking trying to run up the stairs constantly do we have any other L up placards yes we do okay so this one is the bird and then the one here is the owl Hey listen welcome back you died oh [ __ ] uh okay okay where is it South for The Quiet One South for the owl higher than the owl what does that even mean okay okay so owl go south right is this South I don’t have a compass in this um and then you flew higher than the owl North what the hell I mean you’re really not flying higher than the owl maybe maybe there’s some sort of hint over by you that’s just a light [Music] H I don’t have a map yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this dude is following his he needs to be pointed towards it not the same direction what is this oh [ __ ] there’s another one uh West yeah headed headed west what what is happening hold on [ __ ] [ __ ] let me let me turn the lion to face the horse cuz ow otherwise get up the damn stairs you psych what is happening right now oh framy they like only turn certain ways H really your bro has scoliosis got to go your friend wants to hang out it was fun yeah have a good one Mary we’re probably going to actually honestly I’m a little stumped here so I think with us having been live for about 4 and 1 half hours now it’s probably as good a placees I need to go ahead and end the stream I can think on this a little bit off stream and whatnot not and we can pick back up here uh that being said though uh thank you all for coming out and whatnot uh let me go ahead and move us over to here and get my ult background going again but yeah thank you all for coming out and everything I hope you all had a good stream this game’s Goofy and we kind of kind of got stuck in a bunch of like weird spots but uh I’m I’m definitely interested in at at least finishing it and figuring it out cuz it’s a very trippy very creepy kind of game but thank you all for coming out I hope you lackes all have a bloody great night and as always don’t let electo bite

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