Master storyteller Owen Staton takes you on a visceral oral journey at the time between times. Weaving tales from Welsh Folklore and Fable. Tales of Y Tylweth Teg.



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    e [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] absolutely thank you ever so much Claire and thank you CJ and everyone for coming here today I’m sure you can all hear me well I hope you can and if you don’t or can’t please let me know my name is Owen and I am a Storyteller I am the host of the time between times podcast now the time between times podcast is a special storytelling podcast helping you to relax and listen to tales in a mindful way told at the time between times the time when it’s neither night nor day but the sun has gone and the sky is gray the time when the veil between our world and the fairy world grows wafer wafer thin so thin for a few moments just a few moments we can reach into their realm and they can reach into ours you see now is the time that people see lights in the sky now is the time that people see ghosts now is the time between times the time of the tal with take so join me my friends tonight will be a little bit different as I will guide you through some of the tales who have made me what I am tonight there will be stories tonight there will be history tonight there will be talk of things gone by because as I start and as I try to share my screen I will tell you a little bit about myself my experiences and what I felt and what I know and what has happened to me in the valley above Swansea Port you see that is a truly magical place they say the sun only shines there for an hour a day and then at the height of Midsummer but the Swansea Valley is a truly wonderful place it starts just above Swansea in the town of asra ganl which is hard to say I know it heads all the way up the winding ways up the valley past ABAC crave up past penil to a place called Tavern AAR the Rocks climb up on the valley on either side and trees hang over the the road like hooked claws it is a place of Wonder it is a place of magic it is a place where Tales are told and back in 2004 this young lad Owen was taken there you see Owen was once a police officer spent 20 years in the police force in mid Wales traveling all around those areas I had come from Port Albert the place where I am born an industrial Heartland full of fiery furnaces and with the waves washed upon the beach but they took me to un asra gun Li there to look after the law some of the pictures here upon this screen which I hope you can see show some of the places around there hen Reed Falls there in the top Corner which doubled as the bat cave in The Dark Knight Returns underneath that magical mountain called the kurar or the sleeping giant look at the giant asleep on his back staring up at the sky waiting for that day when he will awaken and rise from the mountains Owen always had an interest in stories Owen always had time for Tales and once back in 1991 I picked up this small book in a book shop in North Wales I always carried it with me it was full of stories myths Legends and lots of tales of that area and when I started policing you could see me there that’s on a Christmas Eve many years ago overlooking the Swansea Valley as the snow started to fall I was tasked with creating a neighborhood policing team I headed my way into that Village Hall you can see at the bottom back in the village of cbin Calin is a tiny place you could throw a stone from one end to the other most of the population are in their 80s or remember things from years ago and I thought it would be great to get involved with a society with a group of people who may need the police’s help but it opened up something to me I did not expect I sat in there one day it was a June day just like today the rain was pouring down outside and I pulled together my desk and sat at my chair I would often do these workshops these surgeries as they were called dropin centers where people would come in and talk to me about their issues but very sell them did they do this I sat there at the table with that book upon it cuz I would take time to read when an old lady walked away in her hair was white her back was bent and she’ came to the table and sat before me I put the book down politeness sat up and offered myself and she said to me ghosts is it boy you’ll end up in Pennsylvania if you carry on reading those books now to me I thought that was strange why would someone mention Pennsylvania and ghosts in the same sentence she placed her hand upon the table and pushed it over to where my book lay and said you know the story don’t you you know about Robert Gould the inkeeper son no I said I don’t well let me tell you here in CBR there was once an inn it was called the new in although it was never new the rain ran down the walls and the fire barely went over a spit and the inkeeper son was a man called Robert Gould one night he was walking just as the as the moon started to rise the sun started to set just as the time between times came into being and he saw a figure in front of him her hair was long and red her dress was well-worn and tattered and she stood on the tree line like a shadow or a Shadow’s Shadow looking upon him he walked towards her but as soon as he did he felt a shiver go from his feet to his head as he could see that she was not of this world she beckoned for him to come towards her beckoned for him to come to her but he turned around and ran for many nights this happened the same time every night the figure at the edge of the trees until one day he took a different path and as he turned to bend in the dark dark nness fell the hooting of an owl in the distance the figure stepped out of the trees and stood in front of him she spoke to him in a voice as old as the mountains and as capricious as the sea Robert G I need you to task for me far away in the walls of a house in Black Stone there is a bag with 200 gold cons take the bag from the wall walk it outside and place it in the water it’s in a place called Philadelphia Pennsylvania meet me tomorrow as the midnight bell rings and do this for me he ran like his legs would would run no more he rushed up through the forest burst into a church meeting where the minister turned to him and said Robert gold we are in the middle of a Hy my son please please you must help me there is a ghost on the road the ghost with red hair the ghost here she has asked me to meet her tomorrow protect prot me please protect me the parishioners gathered him around throughout the next day they kept an eye on him that night they closed all the doors and lit all the candles and suang hymns all around every time his courage didn’t fail him he looked out of the window and she was there the redhead Spirit staring inside as the church bells rang he felt a sense of relief and then the inside of the chapel started to gnaw upon him like he was stuck in a cave where he had been for centuries One By One The parishioners left they expected the dawn to come the sun to rise the second time between times to happen and at this point Robert decided to leave he had taken no more than two steps when the figure stepped in front of him she grabbed hold of him with an icy grip that was like the heart of Winter she blent in with her face as close to his as if she was almost going to kiss him her fatted breath covered his being and he felt his limbs go white and then they flew into the sky he left the ground behind and shot up into the air she carried him about a mile and ducked him into the Waters of Henry waterfall he fell with a splash and felt the icy water all around him she pushed his head under once more and then lifted him up why did you tell them about us why did you say what I told you on the road I help please he cried and then she whooshed him into the air once more the Stars flew overhead so fast the wind blew like there was no tomorrow it felt like the land under him was passing so fast it was like it was like he was stepping over a playing board and then he landed with a thud in a dark house in a valley so dark he could barely see his hand in front of his face and he looked up he knew not where he was the place just seemed different he scrambled around the walls and there in the the dark wall he found a loose Stone he pulled it out and there sure enough was a bag of coins he held them in his hand and rushed out of the front door carrying himself over fields until he came to a lake so Serene it looked like a mirror that had fallen from the wall inside the bag was enough money to make him a rich man for hundreds of years but he grabbed hold of it and threw it far out into the lake where it landed with a splash and he fell back down onto his backside and just looked at the heavens and prayed and then she came again and carried him into the sky whoosh through the air until he landed in the village of cin once more his clothes were tattered his skin was as thick as leather and he rushed into the chapel and collapsed to the ground I have been there Pennsylvania three days have passed and I have returned everything she said was true please do not not let me meet her again he fell to the ground and never spoke of this ever again the old lady told me that story as if it happened yesterday the old lady told that tale as if it was a warning to me not to walk the dark roads of the Swansea Valley but I knew something of stories and I knew that tale was recorded by Edmund Jones now Edmund Jones was a minister from the land of Monmouth he traveled Wales in the 18th century writing down all old folktales encounters with Spirits musings with the twi take and he wrote a book called a relation of apparitions of spirits in the principality of Wales now this is an obscure read known only to the few and those that enjoy ghost stories she told it to me like it was news like it happened yesterday that story was as a alive in the Swansea Valley in the 21st century as it was in the [Music] 18th Mavis Perkins was a name she left after that had nothing to ask the police and off she went I know a little bit about Edmund Jones and now I know a little bit about the Morin go a spirit there in the on Valley there’s another tale of her that happened in that Inn at the bottom there called Tavern a gar as you can see it’s nestled in the mountains there lost almost like a speck on the darkest plain but she was seen outside there after her Antics treasure in the river young men accosted on the road before Vanishing into the forest once again Edmund Joe knew a lot about her and wrote a lot about her in her book and the Welsh you see went to Pennsylvania a lot in the 18th century great industrial heartlands that appeared there taking a lot of Welsh workers it was known that most of the people there were from Cy all those years ago but that Echo still makes its way through the land those ghosts are still as much upon the tongue of the people of the Swansea Valley now as they ever were mayis Perkins had never heard of Edmund Jones but she knew of the story she knew of the Pennsylvania spirit and she knew not to walk the roads at night all those time ago there was another occasion we’re in the same Hall in the same place in the same Village I was doing those things that Village policemen do small crimes Petty thefts the theft of a bike a push bike an old push bike with a basket on the front it had been gone for two days and its owner was very upset but as I sat in the C welfare Hall an Old Gentleman came in and said to me you know there’s a bike you know there’s a bike on the far end of that field just been left oh I’ll go and get it I said no don’t go and get it you’ll have to cross the field it’s too late in the day for that what do you mean I said will you know of the bendi am M the bendi a m the mother’s blessing no I don’t it’s another name for the tal with T he said and the tal with t a rif here you see look in the field we looked out the window and the field stretched as far as the eye could see but it wasn’t just a field of grass there were Tufts great Tufts as you can see there Tufts of weeds and grass pointing out of the ground that’s their hair they pull themselves out of the ground they dance under the Moonlight they sing songs and play their plays and if they catch you they’ll pull you down with them of that you will be sure they reminded me of those trolls like the one in the pink hair there I sort of humored him and didn’t cross the field but I went around on the old road and sure enough I found the bike I returned to the owner and I was a hero not far from that hall there’s a stone Carriage step you can see it there just in the middle of nowhere where the Inn once was it said when the place is dark when the moon starts to shine a figure can be seen sitting on it some people said they don’t know who it is but one person did you see just behind it there’s an old ruined farm called nine on Halloween and when the winter starts to grow cold and the nights grow long they warn their children up there not to go near nine there’s an old disused chapel there there once lived a mean farmer called torum he’d been abandoned he had no friends for he had no soul he was a d dark man his black heart beating in his chest he had only one possession which he loved and that was a small music box which he would play night after night watching a small dancer spin round and round before making his way down to the penai Inn the one place that would take his custom and one night he went down there there was a small Ford across the river on the Rock in the middle of the stream he could see one of the bendi amami dancing under the Moonlight this one was no grotesque Goblin this one was as pretty as the lightest day like a flower on a spring morning he watched her dance and when she was lost in Rapture and ruin he jumped up grabbed hold of her and stuffed her under his coat before making his way up the valley back into the nine Farm slamming the door behind him he sat at his table and opened his music box started to play put the fairy in the music box and watched her dance with the small dancer round and round round and round just after midnight there came a knocking at the door he peered out the window and saw a hooded figure sat outside he could not see its face I can see you watching you have something that belongs to my Lord give it back give it back now he ignored the voice and kept the fairy the next night she danced again but looked ragged this time the knocking came again and he looked outside and there was the figure but this time surrounded by hounds hounds as black as night with drooling Jaws give it back to my Lord came the call again he watched but would not relinquish the fairy holding her close to his chest the next night the knocking came this time a tall figure stood outside the door burst open with a bang like it had been hit by lightning and thunder combined and there was the great figure Gwinn napne the king of the fairies I will take back what is mine and I will take you as well grin upne the hounds from the darkest pits of anon and the fairy folk the bendi a Mami took Tom or Kum and made him walk in A procession of durge filled music through the night and it said that even on the darkest nights at the time between times the time it’s neither night nor day but the sun has gone and the sky is gray that processions still makes its way from the top to the bottom of the Swansea Valley only to reach the carriage step and leave tum Orum sitting on it where he will sit until the end of time the effect on fllor in the Swansea Valley is keenly felt there are so many stories that resonate through the Cent enturies stories that you would not find but in the darkest books deep beneath the Earth the stories of those caves the stories of those mountains John gethin and the candle is a famous One John geim was a local farmer who met the devil on the DI Mountain on the darkest of nights trying to find a treasure he outwitted the Devil by taking a candle and offering his soul if he could only keep until the candle burned out and then of course he blew the candle out fooling the DI and becoming rich after that point the devil catches up with everyone at the end and John gethin is buried in St K’s Church in the heart of a stran in a tomb that just Bears the name death in the local people say the tomb is empty his body was taken all those years ago his family the gethins still live in the town they own a business in a High Street I won’t tell you which one but they will not speak of this story The Farm they live just outside of town is known to be cursed they are parayas in the valley for the surname they bear if he knew I was talking to you about it tonight they would not be happy indeed you see lots of things are based on lots of stories lots of stories based on many myths 200 years ago this very night two men sat in the new Inn with murder on their mind their names were Yago and Gru and they were Wreckers Wreckers if you don’t know would stand up to sea with their lanterns shining over the ocean causing ships to wreck then with their daggers their knives and their guns they would run out kill what was left and take their treasures and Yago and groi had won and lost more Fortunes in this way than anyone had before Yago was tall and thin he wore a Trion hat and he talked in a voice like this could tell where he was from groi was big and fat with a great big black beard and he talked and voice like this and on this night this night of all nights 200 years ago this very night they sat in the new in in aun with murder on their mind you see brother it’s like this there’s a c right as a coach and makes his way up the valley it’s a coach so full of gold that if you open the door the gold would run out like a river if we could get old of that gold we’d be the richest men Wheels i’ ever seen but it passes a place called pen West at midnight you know the place with the old oak that hangs over the road like a hooked claw all we got to do is go up there you take your blunderbus gun I take my knife when I see the coach coming I’ll give you the noise of the owl like this oh you jump out Stand and Deliver the the richest man in world has ever seen oh yeah all right okay we told you this the shepherd is it well let me tell you something let me tell you something now if this don’t happen right you and me are finished Yago and groi made their way up the Winding Valley till they came to the old oak that overhung the tree Yago scampered up it like a squirrel sat there in the tree Gro he went to sleep in a small Al Cove and was soon snoring like a pig far away the church bells rang the night started to fall the moon started to rise the time between times was Upon Us Yago was just starting to lose interest when suddenly he saw a light I he saw one light Five Lights 10 lights 20 lights and these were not the lights of a coach oh no these lights were high higher than the air lower than the ground these lights were everywhere and as they approached the tree his black heart started to beat even faster for these were not the lights of a coach no these were lights being carried by the tul with take the fairies the bendi the M they made their Whispering Winding Way under the tree some of them were grotesque ugly goblins other of them were as beautiful as the dawn they stopped at an old cave in the side of a mountain and called G before disappearing inside and emerging moments later without the gold coins fairy gold there’s fairy gold in that cave I can make my way in there and become the richest man has ever seen Yago watched as the t t vanished into the night and summoning all his courage he leap down from the tree I don’t have to wake him do I I know the password I just call in I’d get down there and I’d be gone yo made his way up to the cave and peered inside oh it’s dark in their mind proper dark but I know the password g g he stepped inside and the Darkness enveloped him he made his way down into the left back into the right over Stalag might under Stalag tight or is it the other way around until he came to a cavern very much like the room in which you sit but all around it were hooks on the walls and from those hooks hung great sacks and from those sacks run r R of gold yo started to fill his pockets fill his coat fill under his hat he capered and danced in the cavern shouting out ha I’m the richest man whe as ever but then something happened Theo didn’t expect what he thought was a pile of rags in the corner just started to shuffle and move what he thought was just a traitor and rubbish suddenly stood up and the rags fell away revealing the skull of a horse the skull of a horse with glowing green eyes and Yago knew he was doomed but he was looking into the eyes of a Mari l the mar ldd the first horse that winter killed the queen of the fairies she spoke in a voice as old as the centuries why have you come here Thief oh VAR I’m not a thief I’m telling you I’m not a thief yo started to empty his pockets empty his coat look listen listen I’m not a thief you got to let me go V you got to let me go I know the password the password is g g g you know the password to come in but do you know the password to leave Yago had caught the VAR on a good night she let him go he burst out of the caves into the valley above Swansea port and would have run all the way to the sea but a figure stepped in front of him a figure with a gun where do you think you’re going brother where do you think you’re going oh oh brother listen we got to get out of here we got to get out of here he lifted his hands and as he did fate as it often does intervened and a single gold coin fell from his coat to the ground if you haven’t robbed the coach what’s that I’m sorry I I let you sleep by now but what I’ve done is I put all the gold in that cave up there there’s a password mind it’s called gattle make your way down and the left back and to the right till you come to the cavern the gold is there you take it that Yago was gone grono he made his way to the cave and peered in G he called went inside and was never seen again a few years later an opera singer with the voice of an Angel called Adelina paatti made her way to the Swansea Valley to build a castle where she would live the rest of her daysa no she called it the dark heart of the Swansea Valley with towers that stretch to the sky but as the workmen dug underneath they found the cavern with the hooks but the gold was gone all that remained was a single human skull a Workman took it put it in a box and placed it under his bed but every night it would scream so he put it on his horse and rode to Swansea to the museum with a great Greek facade and hammered on the door they took it inside and took it to the deepest room in the darkest Vault but every night that skull would scream G until they took it into the ocean opposite mum’s Bay and dropped it in the water where it sank forever but it said that if you listen to the ground in the Swansea Valley even tonight you can hear that voice G God and that my friends is the story of the robbers of penist there are many tales in the Swansea Valley about skeletons in caves skulls on hooks people lost to the darkness and then there is a strange story about the skeleton cave you see in 1946 the caving Club the north Swansea Valley was expanding moving into Caverns they had never been before it is one of the greatest caving places in the UK with thousands and thousands of lost Caverns deep beneath the earth a whole Labyrinth of these caves caught under the mountains the caving Club went into a cavern they had to unblock that was covered in stone that no one could ever have got into in a thousand years and there in the middle of it was a skeleton sitting upright with its back against the wall like it had been there forever like it had come home to Roose there was no way to get into that cave no way to get out no water ran through it no light Shan through the hole the skeleton had sat there and would be sitting there still how many more lie beneath the ground how many more Caverns still occupied deep beneath the caves remains unknown the mar lyd is very popular in the Swansea Valley the mar Lloyd parades up and down the valley between Christmas and the new year every year look at the beautiful Valley now the snow has gone now no police officer Capers upon the Valley Hill people still talk of the Maru Morin ly she took that man to Pennsylvania she brought him back she waited outside the tavern a gar staring and peering through the window it was 2005 and I started to make my Winding Way up the Swansea Valley in a police vehicle my colleague believe it or not was fast asleep and it was 3:00 a.m. we turned the curve near the old oak in penil and there’s a bus stop on the right hand side the picture there shows it as it is today back then it was made of stone like the wall next to it I was so tired I felt like nodding away but I loved that drive we carried on driving we came close to the bus stop and something caught my eye and there in the center of it was an old ragged lady her back bent her hands like hooked cloths her face like the valley carved into life she looked at me I looked at her and she lifted her arm and waved like the good policeman I was I carried on driving and did not stop until I awoke my friend who convinced me they might actually be an old woman in the bus stop so we turned around and went back but of course she was gone I often wondered if that was the Morin ly I often wonder if I can hear grono his voice calling G G deep beneath the earth I often wonder could I am no longer there if the place is still Riven with magic like it was in those days Tom mum sitting on the Old Stone paying his Penance for stealing one of the Ben m the air is filled with magic at the time between times the time it’s neither night nor day the sun is gone and the sky is gray the time when the veil between our world and the fairy world is Wafer wafer thin that time is now my friends when you tell a story something magical happens it’s like a veil between this world and the next World just Falls away and Fable Comes Alive my name is Owen ston you can find me at Welsh storyteller. comom and I am also the host of the time between times podcast there every week I release a new tale told in a mindful way to help you relax and I would really appreciate if any of you here tonight would take a listen take a watch you can contact me via weal Storyteller lots of what I do is on there the sources for this talk are many many of them are oral many of those sources no longer walk these lands the old lady who told me a story copied down by Edmund Jones 200 years ago but told me like it happened yesterday other things are the folkl of Wales ghosts by Dr deith bad and Mark Norman which I think is truly The Greatest Story the greatest book on Welsh ghost stories written in my lifetime and well worth a listen a watch a read or just hold it in your hands the apparitions of spirit in Wales is Edmund Jones’s book that’s available in a new edition filled with ghost stories working class ghost stories told by the people of Wales about the mountains the roads the forests of Wales and I have a small pamphlet written by person’s unknown called folktales from ABBA crave I wish I know who wrote it I wish I knew who put those Tales down so I could give them the credit they deserve for keeping parts of that alive I thank you so much for inviting me here to speak tonight it has been an absolute pleasure to see you all here listening to Tales traditionally told I’ll take any questions if anyone has them wow Owen thank you so much um that was an absolutely fantastic talk I think we knew it was going to be um but yeah the comments at the bottom just show that uh delis here as well good evening delis and delis spoken just before and I know you and Owen are great friends so it’s lovely to have you here does anybody have anything they’d like to to say to Owen I think instead of me just reading it from the comments if you just want to tip in and have a chat with Owen that might be the best way to do it are you happy to do that Owen yes absolutely thanks CLA hey Owen it’s Melanie how are you hi Amel how are you yeah I’m good thank you thank you good to see you um I have a question which is are there more folk tales out there that haven’t been gathered yet absolutely there are there are people who keep these stories close to their heart I can only speak for what I saw here and what where I was and the places I went but people would come up with stories off the tip of their tongues stories about the twi tag stories about the Mari Lloyd stories about ghost spirits UFOs everywhere they are just there waiting to be mined and it’s um it’s a shame that people don’t actually speak as much as they should with each other about stories or tell stories but um yeah just if there’s a lesson in any of this it’s listen to those people who have these Legends because it’s taking an Edmund Jones or a deith B to collect them when really we should all be doing it because they are so so precious I look for them all the time Mel and as you know I tell them on the on the podcast any little one that I can but please guys keep them share them tell them because when you tell a story Something Magic happens thanks Mel thank you Mel anybody else we have lots of comments and lots of than thank you for a fantastic talk uh Christian did you want to say anything yeah so how about a little light-hearted um question so over the top of your left shoulder my friend there is a little figure against your bookcase it looks a little alien like is there a story to go with it don’t know what you’re talking about there’s a figure behind you uh against your bookcase I wonder if there was a story to go with it ah okay I think you’re the only person who can see it well there’s a that’s Richard the ghost he’s Mr ooie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas and he is um when I used to do some stories and always have him on my shoulder I started um my podcast with a um a YouTube channel and in that YouTube channel I would literally sit in the chair that’s over there if you look on YouTube they’re all still there and uh I would tell a story during the um the pandemic I found myself um I’ve been a storyteller for many years but I found myself telling the same sort of five stories so I challenged myself to do a YouTube channel where I would tell a new story every week and I would sit in the chair and Richard was my mascot so that’s why he’s there oh I see thank you no problem fabulous thank you um is there anybody else that would like to uh speak to Owen tonight ask him a question pass on a comment if not what I will do is I will will um the last page the page we’re on now of Owen’s presentation I will put that on um our Facebook page if that’s okay Owen um and then we can share and share your details out with people because there are so many people that should hear your stories it’s absolutely fantastic um yeah and thank you for for coming to do that for us um CJ did you want to add anything yeah um Owen sorry I’m just uh trying to set this up Owen do you fantastic story thank you very much for sharing them tonight have you have you had any experiences you of your own you’d like to share with us yeah I’ve had quite a few um I what I would say is I I believe I’ve had five ghostly experiences in my life um including the one I mentioned in the story with the old lady in the bus stop um do I believe in ghosts I’m not entirely sure um there’s that one which was the most prominent in that I can remember seeing the lady as if she was you know literally another person I can remember this the shape of her skin the darkness about her just the way that she moved everything about that is so so clear in my mind um and I just wish I’d stop the car um close to her um I had I live in this house this house is a um a newish house in that we the only people who’ve lived here it’s only just over 20 years old and during the um the day um just out inside the room I’m sitting now there’s a bathroom and I was in the bathroom and I came out of the bathroom stood on top of the stairs and out of the room opposite me to the left is uh my bedroom and out of that into this room walked a little girl and um no more than five years old four five years old and um literally walked from one room to the other and I can remember I was doing my belt up and I looked and just looked again didn’t feel frightened at all and then just thought what the hell was that followed it into the room there’s nothing there never seen her again not had any experience with her again all I know i’ I’ve spoken to this a couple of times with different people but um it’s a new house it’s on the second floor of a new house but I live on what used to be a zoo unbelievably a place called pens skunner Wildlife Park if you Google it used to be right here and this was where the flamingos lived so whether it was something to do with that somebody who enjoy Joy you know all those times ago many times ago um I sometimes direct plays I direct plays and um in a theater called the Dylan Thomas Theater which is a lovely old theater in the middle of Swansea and I was directing um Arnold Ridley’s play the ghost train very famous ghost um Comedy Ghost uh production and I was sat with the audiences looking down at the stage and the actors were doing their thing in a rehearsal and my young laddies to come with me to um uh when I was there sometimes and I had a book in my hand that had notes that I was making for the actors and I could feel something tugging at the book properly as well not just a a fleeting movement something pulling at the book and I like pushed it away and I started to talk to the actors I thought it was my son but as I did that he walked around the corner with a bottle of coke that he bought from the uh vending machine so so uh there was nobody in the seat next to me so um I I had that experience there and I also had another one in the same place uh just over a year ago about a year and a half ago I directed a production of Dracula and uh on either side of the auditorium there are two corridors that lead to the stage and I would often during the production I would walk into those corridors and look up at the um the stage and uh see how the production was going and I walked into the corridor and when of the actors was by the door waiting to make an entrance and I carried on walking stood near the front and just watched the production and I felt the hand on my shoulder like gripping my shoulder in a friendly way and then quite strangely and almost in a sensual way the hand rolled down the base of my back and I spun around thinking that’s a bit presumptuous from Alice and the actor who was at least 15ot behind me and with a head in the script so um yeah that was another weird one um so yeah plenty of experiences uh CJ but um when I sit and I think and I I look and I I look back at those experiences I always seem to find you know was I just in the in the car late late at night on the verge of falling asleep and perhaps I was um you know sort of boed awake by something um I look at the U the little girl was it just a figment of my imagination was the um the the pulling of the book just a book The heaviness of the book there’s so many different things of what it could be but yeah I am blessed in that these things happen but I’ve got a mantra that if you go looking for ghosts you don’t tend to find them they tend to happen out of the corner of an eye in the middle of the day in places where you least expect it I hope they are ghosts I really do thank you very much indeed that was incredible thank you very much indeed for [Music]

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