Today i was arrested for drug driving and it was a terrible experience, possibly one of the worst days of my life. We then spoke to people about what it’s like after being convicted and how it’s altered their lives

    Car show:

    Massive thanks to:
    Scott, Steph, James and everyone at West Mercia Police for making this happen. And Dave Clement from Irwin Mitchell’ Solicitors for all the helpful info at the end of the video

    This video is strictly for educational purposes only and I do not and haven’t done drugs at any point. enjoy 🙂

    Mark McCann:
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    Wife (Jayne McCann):

    Filmed and Edited by:

    Merchandise Store:

    I am being arrested for driving under the influence of drugs this was one of the worst days of my life only a few days ago I went out the lads and got up to a few things I shouldn’t have I then waited 3 days until I drove I wanted it to be out of my system I was trying to do the right thing and I didn’t want to drive over the limit it turns out this stuff can stay in your system a lot longer than that and this is what happened to me I was on my way to work but then I heard that noise we all dread oh I think I’m being pulled over the reason I’ve stopped you is because of your manner of driving but just going have a set the back of my car set put your legs out do you use drugs at all do you use cocaine or cannabis or anything like that oh no so what I’m going to do is I’m going to uh drug wipe you at the side of the road and test you for the cus need what 8 minutes for the result of that okay so that’s it everything rides on this next 8 minutes the consequences of driving whil Under the Influence is an instant due to the police’s no tolerance of driving whilst under the influence and if I lost my license I would lose my job and that would change my life forever so looking at your drug wipe here the test has work correctly and the ti shows a positive indication for cannabis what’s going to happen is that you’re now under arrest on suspicion of driving a vehicle whil over the specified limit so you don’t have to say anything B my harmed defense you’re going to be handcuffed okay because you’re going to be transported to the police station where we need to carry out further test it’s it’s been like 3 or 4 days since I’ve about as you saw on the screen this video is for educational purposes but thanks to West Mercy police I’m going to get the full experience of what happens when you get locked up for driving what’s under the influence and later on the video we’re going to be on the ground with Scott and he is a real policeman to find out how bad Drivin Under the Influence really is and today is the first time I’ve ever been arrested yes I’ve committed crimes in the bedroom but Jane usually gives out the punishment so now let’s find out what it’s like to be put in the back of an actual policeman that’s got a whole lot worse and it definitely wasn’t a comfy Journey it’s so confined in here it’s like being in a cage like an animal degrading embarrassing this is scary it’s not even for real so if I was in this situation you drink in the daytime you drink at night and you know you can’t drive that night try not to drive the next day and then you’re pretty sure that you know that you’re okay to drive but with drugs the this could be like a week later and you’re still over the limit and you could lose everything by not even knowing that you’re breaking the law and that happens a lot in 2023 over 30,000 people were convicted and that is 80 people every single day and today one of them is me welcome to wer police station all right a bit so sick it’s horrible M isn’t it see this is what you don’t see do you that’s horrid I was about to experience one of the hardest things I’ve done in my life it’s the unknown isn’t it sat here thinking what’s going to happen to me and I’m going to take every single one of you on a journey with me to see exactly what it’s like to be locked up for driving been was under the influence how you feeling got goosebumps Maan MCC i n auth your you got stay for the time how long will that be it can be up to 24 hours Sergeant can I just point out um when I’ve been dealing with him he’s been messing with the front of his trousers there any that one yeah I know I appreciate see I’m a little bit suspicious that he may have secreted some sort of item within his underwear so can you authorize a strip search yes absolutely I drive a not if that’s all right no one wants to be strip searched but he’s going to happen we’ll be as respectful as we possibly can the thought of the vulnerability made to stand naked in front of a male stranger even squatting so the officer can check every available storage location okay so strip search you’re going to feel inferior pass it to me it’s got to be searched okay now the next part is you’re going to remove your boxes okay moving to the side this went from a fun night out with the lads to the most degrading moment of my entire life find anything one jealous man that’s what we found it’s really cold in here though isn’t it really it’s quite warm actually would you agree it’s really warm in here today this it proper embarrassing it is like someone’s dignity all just G it’s not there is it you got no dignity have you but this is not something we do generally if we suspect that you’re secreting something then the for your safety your health and wellbeing will authorize the strip search cuz I suppose people could do damage to themselves as well we look after you if we don’t want anything bad to happen to you I’m being escorted to the cell where I’m going to be held now I could be in here for up to 24 hours we’ve all seen it on the Telly but what’s it going to be like in real life so there’s a buzzer on the wall if you need something press it we’re going to wait for the nurse to come but she’s coming from another police station so I don’t know how long she’s going to take okay okay and we’ll come get you when she knows have my phone can I have your phone now right let me show you around my room that’s my view see everything’s like rounded off I’ve actually got a cushion on this one which is better bit of reading up there pressure assistance and that’s my own Suite look at that standing steel that’s disgusting I think there’s a good five or six people in here already I knew this was going to be hard but I had no idea it was going to be this bad and what’s even worse this could be for the next 24 hours what am I going to do no phone nothing to apart from sit looking at the walls and thinking about what’s going to happen next yeah pretty scary I sat in silence pondering how will this affect my life my family my work my whole future all right I’ve Brave lying down but I’ve put M it up cuz I got to put my head against that wall it’s a pretty Grim place in this cell one minute you have a guy next door kicking off and then next it’s total silence this cell was a very lonely Place normally whenever we are alone we have our phones to occupy ourselves but without that I felt really isolated luckily though food was on its way grub am I out no what would you like for food you can have pizza te Masala or a curry chicken Tik Masala yeah yeah I like that I love that no problem one of them com be right up chicken T Masala I wasn’t expecting that what’s he want yeah he wants an all day breakfast the bed you want and uh cup of tea please thing I’m most worried about is my wedding ring if they lose that I’m going to be in so much trouble all day vegetarian breakfast that you ordered and he said he wanted a cup of tea yeah yeah that’s what you wanted sound okay right leave you to it then enjoy your tikka masala Apparently that is chicken Tika Masala think I should have gone for [Music] pizza you are that’s me that is absolutely minging a lot of people have the preconception that police officers join the force because they’re power hungry and want to lock people up for fun so we asked Scott why you joined the force in the first place I didn’t join the police to ruin people’s lives by arresting them for if they’ve had a spliff at the weekend or been a of the weekend I didn’t join the job to ruin their lives because they’re going to lose their jobs lose their mortgages potentially lose their marriages uh however having been to so many crashes and I’m talking a lot of crashes where drink and drugs are involved and seeing the consequences of what happens when people do drink and drive I’m quite happy to a lot of people offer it now you’re dangerous and you’re putting other decent people at risk it’s quiet a very very quiet the silence the echo past the smiles and when the cameras are off it truly was a horrible experience especially as ree made sure I was in there for hours initially I did a roadside swab test but for the hard evidence in in court they need to take a blood sample to test for 17 different drugs which may be present in your body all right Mark okay so next process is the nurse is ready so what we’re going to do we’re going to take you through for your procedure now we won’t show the procedure of taking blood as a lot of people are screamish but of course it wasn’t pleasant freedom is that it is that blood in there yeah that’s it I’ve got to send that off now I I can send off just to make sure if I think there’s any wrong doing that’s my half and the nurse has got the other half she said it was blue blood coming out yeah right okay yeah Li to you so was you positive or negative um that’s the thing I won’t find out for five months what so five months I’ve got to sit there probably knowing I’m going to get done but not knowing I think it’ll be the big one I was really looking forward to today honestly I’ve been looking forward to it and then you do it and it’s like it’s unpleasant isn’t it every minute in there got worse like the start of it was like oh this is no problem but then it just got worse and worse and worse the smell got worse the worrying thing is drink driving is now dwarfed by this new problem drug driving drink driving is a much simpler test you go to the police station blow into that tube and right there and then you’d know your results but with this I have to send the sample to a forensic science lab which can take about six months so this whole process is way more stressful but what you’ve got to also think is the people who are in this situation the people who have to wait 6 months it’s not a hardened criminal it’s somebody like me and you who have made a bad decision and it’s changed into lifechanging circumstances after completing my prison Bush took a challenge Scott took us out in a police car to see firsthand how bad this problem really is and everything you’re about to see is 100% genuine and real life thank you to West Mercy police for this opportunity as what we see is mindblowing okay so Scott has just noticed a vehicle of interest it’s a Volkswagen Golf we’re just coming up to now to set of traff light just ask him some questions to see if there’s any evidence of any drink or drug use just uh come and sit come to my caret might chat with you after pulling over the golf Scott asked the all important question do you smoke at all no do you smoke no you smoke do you use can do you use COC no nothing at all no no no SM canis at all no sure well well yeah I do smoke cannabis like but I don’t smoke when did you last use cannabis last night last night okay what did you use it for uh just like for my back pains and stuff to sleep Stu yeah what we’ll do we’re just going to carry out a quick drug wipe on you okay so put your tongue right out for me right out that’s it after speaking to the driver Scott had pulled over it was clear he was a normal everyday regular guy and not a reoccurring serial criminal however the results of the wipe were not looking too good as you see youve clearly tested positive this yeah all right so he’s tested positive to that so the roadside test is positive he’s now going to have to go to the station and have bloods but this is bad because really this is more than likely going to be a 12 Monon ban and the lad he’s got a job and obviously the consequences for what’s happened now might be might be massive so um yeah real so yeah so I’m going to do I’m going to stick on the front in case you’ve been sound all right just keep doing with your it’s all too easy to get carried away on a night out and then drive a few days afterwards but unfortunately right here are the consequences I was feeling sorry for this lad he was nice polite and actually shook everybody’s hand as he apologized it was obvious to me that this is a mistake that he was going to regret this could change his life that was real life that’s real life hard working lad lad real nice lad real real decent lad but that is not always the case and driving Under the Influence can be extremely dangerous as we’re about to find out going to um an RTC with a uh what you call it like a a runaway uh it’s non-stop RTC so it’s been a collision and someone’s run off from the scene but why if they run off yes stacked it in there pretty well isn’t he for some reason come down here tried to do a right right right and went straight straight straight straight like there’s got to be something wrong to have ran though like whether it’s I don’t know did they have drugs on them were they drunk It’s Friday afternoon now this crash looked pretty bad but this car it didn’t just crash once so there two crashes two rtcs yeah so he’s come out of here pulled out into the path of this red car had the Collision got out his car removed his number plate went down there went down there and crashed again yeah you could probably so there you can see look that’s where he crashed the first time yeah and that’s where he crashed the second time this is why we get drink and Drug drivers off the road yeah if this is the case we’re drink and Drug driver there got to be something after checking out the vehicle it was pretty clear why this driver had done a runner oh yeah that’ be why they ran going have a get that there’s no missing that that’s bad isn’t it we right then weren’t we but obviously the reasons what they’ ran yeah um L with big carrier bags clutching their man bags caught on CCTV leing it for anybody who can’t who hasn’t got scratch and sniff Telly that was massively like ridiculously stinky so but we understand good people make bad decisions we get that you know you see it with the drug driving yeah you know a lot of people we arrest are good people that have made a bad decision yeah as if this crash wasn’t bad enough there was another element which we had no idea about and it’s heartbreaking obviously don’t on film but obviously as you can see from your angle you can see that there’s children in that vehicle that are being treated by the ambulance yeah and some scumbag has left them injured in the car driven off it’s bad that is it knocks up another level doesn’t it it does now yeah makes it more personal doesn’t it really when you you potentially injure children that are probably they come back from swimming but the looks of bit they the swimming costumes so it’s not very nice is it no this really hit home for me we were stood there chatting and had no idea anyone was injured and even worse it was young children I can’t imagine what it would be like if it was Cate inside the ambulance and that is why it’s so important to not drive under the influence but if you do expect to be dealt with accordingly so far I have experienced myself getting stopped and put in prison I’ve even stood next to a guy being arrested for drug driving and now we have the chance to speak to somebody about the consequences after being charged so yes so Alex please tell us tell us a story yeah so I was on my way home from work it was a Thursday evening in the week and uh got pulled over well I thought it was cuz of my headlight I had to dodge your headlight at the time he’s come to window asked me with details and stuff and uh said that I’m going to have to take a A drugs test it was 5 days since I smoked so that wasn’t worried about that at all so when he’s come back and told me I F for this I couldn’t believe it like I I hadn’t smoked for days took about six months for me to hear anything back from them but for that 6 months obviously I was I was worrying then like thinking what the hell’s going to happen if I do lose my a license or go to court or anything like that and then they told you over the limit then then what happened yeah when I got a letter to from them from the police saying that I’d failed the test and uh had to go to court with someone’s to court yeah for drug driving pleaded guilty obviously cuz of the results and stuff like that and then um they give me a 12 month ban and of £700 fine which that’s a p the spot so you lost your license yeah then how what was the knock on effect from there what sort of lots of what things changed it was a bit embarrassing really telling my employer my boss at the time really that failed for drugs which meant I couldn’t have a company vehicle anymore obviously had to leave there I wasn’t working for a good few months after that water obviously get to work and things like that had a l of Domino’s effect on my bills and stuff like got me into a bit of debt borrowing money and things like that struggle to pick up my son as well I’ve got a little boy and uh so to go have him every other weekend and he it’s an hour round trip for me to pick him up whatever so how did you get around uh fortunately his mom’s brilliant like she helped out well she still does cuz I still haven’t got my license back yet but she um drops him up picks him up every other weekend and then my brother helps me out some times as well so you’re having to rely on having to rely on other people yeah even now we’re stuck just going to the park at the minute or long walks or bike rides but even just going to I don’t know western or somewhere that for the weekend I can’t do it food shop have to order online everything evolves around your bit your car which literally affects you so much you don’t realize it till it’s gone it was hard not to feel sorry for Alex yes he was guilty of driving over the limit however he definitely didn’t realize he was for a same as having an alcoholic drink so when the effects worn off you was safe to drive but with with kind of obviously is apparently different when you smoke that weed how long after that does it feel like you’re normal probably a CLE few hours or so so it’s literally that small a window but the next morning you’d think oh yeah no no nothing no effect whatsoever in the morning maybe a bit of a Gand over about it what I can’t understand is how somebody can fully function with no high feelings at all 5 days after and yet still test positive so we got in contact with Dave who is an expert in drink and Drug legislation so hopefully he can help us understand it a bit more but each drug has a different level okay which which the chemists and scientists and academics have basically said if you’ve got that in your system it is affecting you whether you feel right or not yeah okay so irrelevant to how you’re feeling personally the scientists have chemically proven that that limit is a a limit for a reason to R the biggest question that I want answering is how long do you have to wait after you’ve taken something to get into that car knowing that you are save to drive but before that Dave highlights another area we are all affected by every one of us so in 2015 the laad changed because people uh they realize that some prescribed and some over counter drugs as well um can affect the ability to drive so you can be drug driving was taking somebody else’s medication so earlier I stated to my mom I hadn’t driven Under the Influence but maybe now in the past I have I took some of my dad’s Coco demal last summer when Reese WrestleMania slammed me on the scooter I decided to um just come home and take some painkillers and I was still driving and you say that could be count over the counter stuff as well if you talk something like night all uh and there are plenty of warnings the packages of night longw but it’s an overthe countered drug that you could fall full of being either impaired or over prescribed limit for drugs which makes sense I suppose because it could make you sleepy and too much sleepy is dangerous driving a car yeah oh absolutely so what Dave has just highlighted means that myself and probably many of you guys have drug driven when you have strong painkillers this piece of paper comes in every single box and in there is all information about what you should and shouldn’t do and what do we all do throw it straight in the bin now scarily if something does go badly wrong and you have a crash while Under the Influence intentionally or unknowingly it could all turn very bad very very fast drug driving on its own is a some only offense minimum 12 month band but can be longer um but if we start rolve at the death and that where the driving is K’s driving is a really lowlevel offense but adding drugs and a death the potential is life imprisonment it’s so we’re talk a major major sort of uh imprisonment for that sort of stuff that’s like that’s like murder isn’t it you know it literally is yeah well well that that’s what they’re trying to do is is to elevate the level of investigation and all that sort of stuff to be equal to murder this can as you know it can happen to anybody in any age group within a moment things are going fine and the snap of a f it’s all changed people turn into criminals who aren’t criminals yeah so people who are wise wouldn’t come into the criminal justice system do through through what we’re talking about so the big question how long do you have to wait between having a smoke and being able to drive even though there’s no impairment felt or anything like that it’s still traceable through blood and urine and that depends on the strength of uh of what they’re smoking certain drugs certain regularly used drugs uh can stain the system long time days and into and Beyond a week when consuming illegal drugs you are still potentially unsafe to drive even after one week and that’s the scary part there is no solid answer to how long you have to wait and you’ll only find out if the police test you and then it’s already too late the reason it’s such a gray area is because of all the different factors stuff like gender age and the strength of what you’ve been taking it all makes a massive difference and it means there’s no solid answer to how long you you have to wait so after watching this video is the Casual smoke you’ve had with your mates really worth changing your life forever so thank you to Scott Stefan James and West Mercy police for making this video possible hopefully it’s been educational and fingers crossed it will save some lives now Scott will be at some car shows this year so if you’ve got some pointless questions that’s what he loves now don’t forget our car show and the soapbox race it’s bank holiday Monday August the 26th tickets sell quick as we all know and there is a limited number so please if it does sell out don’t send me a message the week before on Instagram because I cannot help you see you next Tuesday 600 p.m.


    1. Suppose weed effects different people. I know people who smoke it while they drive and never had a bump. Back when I smoked it i was 20 I passed my test and smoked a fat joint a hour before. Passed first time. Same with every lesson been smoking all day with friends 4ocloxk come go for a lesson. I'd session all night at my pals jump on my rs125 and go for a ride then go home to bed. I have and never will drink and drive. When I'm drunk I can barely walk why would I drive. From what I remember when I was Hugh I could always walk fine. So to ban someone for smoking one the night before after his been to sleep is ridiculous. Carry a bottle of never fail

    2. Great video @MarkMcCann64 i had no idea weed was still detectable even 14 days later. Every parent should highlight this to their kids of driving age, as a moment of fun with pals could have dire consequences for their licence and lively hood. Keep up the great channel 👍

    3. The fact police put people into metal boxes to transport them around shows they don't care about the safety of people. Seen a few crashes over the years with people seriously hurt because they got thrown around inside the cage. Police also give a rough ride to the station to criminals that they don't like eg a game of ping pong…..with the crim the ball lol. And fact is these roadside tests are highly flawed and give a lot of false positives. I know because I used to work for a company that tested the secondary tests and sometime up to half the secondary tests came back negative or so low they don't result in legal action. The point of that is many places have the instant ban placed on them after positive roadside tests and this ruins a lot of people's lives why then get cleared from the secondary tests. The fact those secondary tests take so long to come back means it's a flawed system. Drugs are bad but the majority of people caught are just low levels of cannabis and the person is not affected by the low levels still in their systems. Still meth heads…..they are great to get off the road.

    4. Seems staged. Police allowed a cameraman into the back of a police van? The professional video cuts between you and the police??? Nahhhh.

    5. Cannabis has an effect on your driving 3 days after your last hit?
      That's some grade A weed. I wonder what the research data on it is?

    6. It's absolutely ridiculous they don't have a breathalyser for weed like they do for alcohol. Especially now that it's legal for medical use. A breathalyser would prove the amount of impairment, as the alcohol one does, and if under the specified limit, no enforcement should take place. It's such a backward system that needs an overhaul

    7. If countries such as Canada and the US have determined that it’s safe to drive after around 8 hours, how can the UK claim that it impairs driving after three days? Follow the science, or fleece people for doing nothing wrong? I guess we know which way the coppers will steer.

    8. Here in Australia ive been done for this a few times punched cones then went for a drive to get pulled over an tested ive got off it a few times to after smashing cones 20 mins earlier an came back negative, got banned for driving for 24hrs and a court date when it comes back positive.. lost a few points i couldn't get my licence for 12yrs at one point had a list of driving offences before i even had a licence

    9. Really informative video Mark …. I have been warning folks about this for a while but they all seem to think I am a scaremonger …. I guess the sad fact is that this wont change most people's attitude to driving after a joint but at least they are now knowingly taking the risk and cant plead ignorance. Well made content as usual …thanks

    10. Just to point out that you can legally drive while having cannabis in your system; we have had legal medical cannabis in this country since 2018! Just don't be an idiot. also, strength has nothing to do with it…. shame on you for spreading more misinformation and creating more stigma!

    11. agree with the copper saying about driving drunk or heavily on drugs is dangerous to others, yes, but to even suggest weed in your system 5 days after smoking it would affect your driving is TOTAL, and utter bollocks.

    12. 4:40 – just want to point out. a strip search should have TWO members of staff (one being a chaperone) to prevent a "he said, she said" type of scenario and false allegations be either party.

      This applies to both the police and prison service. BWV can not be used during a strip search as it's breach of human rights, hence why two people must be used.

    13. The law is wrong – the test shows there are drugs in the system, but that doesn't mean the person is under the influence of them. Traces of cannabis can stay in the fat for up to 28 days.

    14. Try having it 30 years ago when they beat you mercilessly and you spend almost 5 years in prison for a crime you didnt commit If you have a problem, if nobody can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire, the A-Team.

    15. Most people will overlook the purpose of this video and take it as a dig or as negative/ disregard it as irrelevant.

      Admittedly i have used and drove a couple miles home. Thought, "its only round the corner" or "ive only had a couple"..

      This video has opened my eyes massively. 1-2 beers, couples lines, joint or 2.. makes no odds.. enough for all of us to be fucked.. game over. Curtains. End times. Not worth it. We are all better. Much love ❤️ x

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