Sorry guys this video is cut short because I ran out of data half way through and then youtube crashed. A bit chaotic 😂! You can still view most of the race though.

    our second lap at the first round of the national trophies 2023 Elite men at CIO gsy green so this is my second live stream for this weekend’s races and the last one went really well so I hope you guys en watch um enjoy watching this race so so far we’ve got OE acers on the front and we’ve got Thomas mean trying to catch him up the just behind this race is should be really exciting and I hope you guys enjoy it so this is our sort of area where we’ve got the tents and we’ve got the r recycling Podium and of course we’ve got our finished Banner s decline some smooth riders coming through there just running up I think the uh the essence of this one is disount early and keep the this course is really Technical and um yes so four um good ter in terms of technically Riders then they should be really good at this course which we know many of the people who are competing in this race are so we have some main features including a sand picked we also have um some like steep Banks we have yeah lots of technical features oh and some greasy Corners as well so yeah lots of technical features and lots of places where exciting things could happen for our live stream so if we head over here to the um one of the main technical features on the course then you’ll see people heading up and down there and many people in the women’s race um they got off but we’ll see if anybody can ride up it this time so yeah I’m sure that lots of people are and including me we really hope that Thomas mean does well because he’s um a local Rider and yeah so best of luck to Thomas today [Music] earlier on our women’s race was very exciting and came for some good footage you can see from the tape that today of course is really windy and you don’t want to be on the front so I think we might see some tactics in terms of where the Riders are trying to get on the back of each other and of course we’ll get some people for example fourth place perhaps in the women’s race was just really trying to hold on to that um Podium positions because also they knew that if were was in like if they got Gap the front leaders then there would be no chance of getting back on and of course that wind promotes that opinion so over here we’ve got our sand pit which there have been many roots formed so yeah there’ll be lots of like ruts and the sand pit should be like really tacky for today’s race here Thomas over there we can see Thomas mean going around those Corners he’s in first position and then we’ve got OAS behind him and then Toby barns is behind him if you can’t hear the commentary so here we’ve got our small tampit which is the well yeah I say easier but it’s not exactly because I would say that the sand is probably deeper which makes it harder although it do it is um the shorter one of the two so Thomas me we can see going up that corner there of that little gliding bank and then he is going to come down to round the ball and through the start finish for he sweep thep it’s nice to see that there’s lots of people watching as well on the um course because yeah it’s always good to have the um lots of support for the local Riders and the people who’ve put on these events so there we can see o going through the start line and then you can see Thomas mean coming here along this sort of along this straet on but look at this through thech there that is and overhead you can see see which is yeah and in the distance over there I’m not sure whether you can see it or not got the lighthouse on South Shield Pier so there we go there we’ve got OAS number 10 for Ribble RB bir that is and then here we’ve got number n Mon zumas and some there including number seven number six and number four then of course we have our main sand pair which yeah is probably the trickier of the two simply because it’s longer so you got to keep your momentum for longer but I might be wrong with that because the other one does actually look slightly [Music] [Music] deeper and there’s Paul alen there for of course the and I’m pretty sure that in 23 there for rotor racing that is Reuben Oakley yeah and those AR blackes Go and then we’ve got number 19 and number 28 going through [Music] there it’s really nice to see Tom doing well especially as he’s right there as well if you haven’t already checked out our s sh’s video from last year trying check it out because it is um really interesting and it’s yeah nice to see people watching as well this is my second well it’s first time attempting it for this weekend but yeah also the live stream from earlier women’s race if you want to watch that as well that was quite an interesting race and of course it has commentary as he down this is one of my absolute sorry that’s just a very very cute sausage dog crossing the track there but yeah and this is I’m sure many people’s f one of um many many people’s favorite courses cuz it is really technical which means for those Riders who maybe do a bit of mountain biking or they’re just quite skilled and that’ll be a really good course for them and it also is good for watching as well because it means that there’s lots of features that you can explore and see how they work [Music] out you just justay Thomas man now heading towards the arena entrance again here he comes he’s going to sweep around this corner look at the C he’s over up now he looks cool as a cucumber he looks like he’s enjoying this he’s not under any pressure at all he put himself Under Pressure though he lifts the pier once again as soon as it slows he’s and he’s good that is thereby got that second position now he had to link with all the but it looks like dist all the now Thomas not as he locks the back wheel and drags it a little bit I on over the top look at the speed he’s doing here absolutely incredible now it’s Toby bars comes around the corner now what can Toby guards do this is where you have make no mistakes but look at this is he’s absolutely flying now that corner you can pick because he on those Wheels there he the and drops down slides himself into four position deleted supp you allers simony and all [Music] the what he in a second position that is that second position but look at this R here the rider in third position the are right back now there it is the Ching leall now is [Music] [Music] see 13 [Music] four Lo 18 15 16 hard 14 40 okay guys so we just had a little right watching some of the um Riders through the finish line and so yeah we’ll get back to the com right now it’s yeah good to see that there are more people in the um like watching now but um yeah it’s just nice to see going along it’s also nice to see some of our favorite stalls here for example we have a um we have the much loved Big O hat store today we also have um a coffee band which I’m sure is a favorite for many and then we also have um a pretty gry stand which I’m I know many many people love if you head over to the BS just like at the top of the hill you can see that some of them are actually quite sleppy because the rainover night has made them like a bit not so much like muddy but just that little bit slippy that means it can be a little bit technical going around those Corners which already are [Music] technical hello one of our most technicals on this box is these Corners they can actually get really slippy especially in the second race of the day sorry third race of the day but we’ve already had lots of people on them [Music] so our course here is split into three main parts so we’ve got the main field old here but we’ve got all of our stands we’ve got the main banner and yeah the general sort of Hub of the course over the hill there that you can see far distance that’s a really good place for watching deep sort of sandbank which yeah is yeah I know I’ve said this a lot but it is one of the most technical beds we can see some Riders there coming through into the Finish Line it’s funny if you look at some Riders they look totally like chilled and then if you look at other Riders it’s like you know you can really tell that they’re struggling it’s probably good to be able to have that sort of like almost like Poker Face where you can like oh here’s Thomas mean coming through so he’s obviously leading our race come around these Corners he just looks so you know like not trying but [Music] yeah go on [Music] Thomas so that’s first place going through and yeah I and then this is second place Place although I’m not sure whether this is under 23 or Elites so this is number two for Rebel Rebel Verge and then here we’ve got quite a sort of battle for third we’ve got three Riders we’ve got number four number 11 and number six all packed together and then it’s not that much of a gap between our two next Riders which will be 6th and 7th both of these happen to be monuma Riders on the front we’ve got number 20 and then just behind him we’ve got number nine and then just behind them of course you can forget all Acres Ollie did really well at the um Harrington super cross race he was leading at the front and then yeah Thomas did eventually get him but to be leading when he’s like um obviously year below um is really impressive so roughly they’ve been Racing for about 20 minutes now so yeah and obviously Thomas me and we’ve got in front there’s Paul Alden coming down he’ll be going through these Corners shortly and we’ve got number 16 and then here we’ve got Paul Alden who is number 14 actually there we go we can really see that that second monuma Rider really like pushing to get onto them and there we go just got [Music] on there we’ve got another hope Rider coming through 72 26 just ahead of him and then we’ve got this sort of like four Riders including Nick Craig for Scott and then we’ve got a rotor racing Rider and another one who is Reuben Oakley actually and if you check out the Old South Shields video from last year you will see an interview with Ruben Oakley because he’s really good at interviews and he’s really chatty and it’s a good interview so yeah make sure to check that one out if you haven’t already to get back on one on Reuben you can see just in the um just in between this mod here you’ve got this sort of like Little Rock where you don’t really want to clip your tire cuz otherwise yeah might slip cuz yeah it does look quite slippy and especially around the mud you can’t really see it so yeah that could be yeah something to watch out for the Riders and then 48 is leading a group of three Riders there just behind another and so we’ve got on the front let me see on the front we’ve got number 20 28 and then behind him we’ve got James elves for re racing who’s number 14 and he’s leading a group of 47 and 33 and then just behind them we’ve got number 30 for Hope Tech and we’ve got 41 for max speed it’s really good to see a rider from dside because it’s always good to have people traveling to come to these races because obviously it gives them more people so yeah more people put it on and then it’s really good just in general seen a good selection of today a good one down there and we’ve got 45 and 49 all coming through 49 is Racing for ship in CC so yorra Rider and then we’ve also got behind him 44 followed by 20 no sorry [Music] 55 bit a skid there from number 43 just coming around that corner can smell the sausages from here over at the German sausages stand good to see a local Rider here DCC 56 go DCC and Then followed by Scott 51 got three Riders there coming into this Finish Line thas mean is of course just miles Ahad of everybody else so yeah I think well I’m not going to say it because you know comment takes curse but I think he has pretty much got this race like a [Laughter] tornado we then head up to the DCC gazebo where you can then head into the second [Music] field very [Music] just pass if you look over this um German sausage stand you can see the skyline of South Shield town and just over the hill there we’ve got the fishing chip shops which I’m sure will be many’s destination after the race well it definitely is at local races and there we’ve got Thomas mean heading in through the finish line yeah

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