In this episode Patrick Broe and Benji Naesen review the second season of Tour de France: Unchained.

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    Lanterne Rouge

    Benji Naesen

    Photos | Cor Vos (unless stated otherwise)
    Profiles | La Flamme Rouge
    Results | FirstCycling

    00:00:00 – Intro
    00:02:40 – Season overview
    00:07:44 – Vaughters & Carapaz
    00:09:00 – Pogacar’s presence in this season
    00:15:04 – The use of Gino Mader’s unfortunate passing
    00:19:16 – Ben O’Connor & AG2R’s presence
    00:24:20 – Was Cofidis missing from the show?
    00:26:45 – Alpecin’s villain arc
    00:31:50 – UCI’s penalty problem highlighted
    00:34:20 – Drama in the INEOS camp
    00:43:00 – Deceuninck-QuickStep & Mohoric episode
    00:44:33 – The missing GC battle
    00:47:00 – Doping speculation
    00:55:30 – Richard Plugge’s drinking comment
    01:03:00 – Overall thoughts
    01:14:19 – Rating the season

    welcome back to the ltin Rouge cycling podcast in lie of a weekly show this week we bring something maybe even better a oneoff the review of the Netflix series Twitter France Unchained season 2 brought to you by our show partner join cycling and I needed joins adaptation or adaptability uh this week as both of us are out of town Benji but more on that in a second uh the Netflix series dropped on Tuesday I think well like Monday night at midnight so Tuesday I don’t know if Luke already started watching in the middle of the night Benji uh we should tell people where we are Benji because we’re both in unfamiliar setups you look like you’re in a green screen prison where are you I’m basically in an upstairs uh bedroom in my parents’s house because I’m staying in Belgium for the week I uh I had to go to Belgium to go to a launch event of Netflix uh s through the fron and chain which was basically running up a mountain in Bonia which I I got to the top it was it was a pretty cool a pretty cool thing they they built like a 7 m extra high thing on top of the highest point in Belgium just so that we could Ry to the highest point ever which which is what signal or something switch that around Sange okay they let you into won yeah shocking huh yeah then again I haven’t roasted any wonan Riders yet it’s usually the ones it’s usually yeah it’s usually there’s Anor de and then Phil Jill there’s uh van Hills he Flemish it’s Flemish I think okay anyway um I’m in Tena it’s freezing it’s raining outside it’s not freezing it’s like 5 degrees so not technically freezing there’s a m looking at me and he’s been screaming like they’re building a burrow just there and they’ve been screaming the last hour maybe because they’re watching Adam Yates uh and Al MAA uh right away from everybody in Swiss but anyway that’s where I am the moment is is pretty rainy and cold so we I’ve had plenty of time to watch the series Benji how did you do it like what’s your what’s your system do you watch it solo you watch it with your wife you watch one at a time or you just go eight straight like an animal I go absolute ape [ __ ] when it’s online I’m like oo episode one is online and I binged it within 5 hours and a half which basically means I barely took any breaks in between so that was the the go-to for me Absolut no life for five hours straight I do two at a time otherwise I get B I get I just I do try to do two at a time which is still you know nearly hour and a half two hours um this season Benji before we get into the nitty greedy we’re going to go through all the story lines Pitcock and cummings Gino maer did they handle that in a tasteful way taty pater and UAE back into the show alberon’s villain Arc uh vs makes an appearance on stage one episode one there’s Al Philip and the ever was it even drama and then of course the grand finale the Mario and Richard plugger beer drama as well as how they dealt with the GC fight we also talk about what’s missing you know there’s not every stage gets gets coverage particularly the Sprints cidus were missing and is that a weakness of the show or is that just an inevitability of tracking certain teams so we’ll get into all of that but first impressions Benji how did you feel when you started watching it did you think this is cuz yeah you and I had some critical comments of the trailer and I don’t think they were wrong in hindsight either what was your first impression watching this honestly I started enjoying it from the start and it never really stopped there were a few episodes that were great there were a few where I was like okay this feels like a bit of a filler episode but that happens every time with a TV show and especially with a show like this that is based on true events and arrays that you have to base something on sometimes actions in then spoilers oen winning a breakaway stage sorry but that that feels like a a last week Sprint stage to me yeah I actually liked Asen I really liked actually I didn’t know anything about him but personality wise I really liked him um but yeah is that it’s not Netflix high high drama or is it it was just more me personally like oh I didn’t know Casper asen’s like an interesting guy I really liked him but yeah to your point is they they wanted Al Philip to win the Lefay stage you know that’s the dream yeah and I also feel like when watching and when comparing it when reviewing it I tend to compare it to season 1 and there’s just a few things that made season 2 better for me than season one first of all we’re going to talk about it pretty soon pachar being in this makes it better in my opinion in addition to that I feel like in season one I had these feelings of like I think episode one was like half an episode about St on Biser who eventually ended up crashing 17 times in that time tral on one end that’s a slightly interesting story but ah I don’t care too much especially for like the the number one episode that needs to hit you know yeah yeah and also there was not this year I think this year there was a higher level of assumed knowledge like they did not explain how cycling works again in episode one or two uh they’re like isical yeah season one does that and I think I’m not saying they should do that they should they should and uh but they’ve done it in season one and they sort of move on with a level of assumed knowledge even they explain the points competition year instead of uh how GC Works in Grand detail or stage wins Etc I thought it was good I really liked the first four episodes I did think it uh also given the considering the material they were given in terms of the GC fight of the last two years they were given I think some pretty good material I don’t think they did the best job in the last three episodes bringing that battle to uh dumal uh but the it’s a French word I don’t really know what it means I think it means to a climax I’ll take it I don’t really know um man’s in France for four days and he’s like oh do more yeah yeah um I don’t yeah I I thought it was actually a ended with a little bit of a whimper actually um but that’s but I thought the first episode was really really captivating and I liked it I still thought it was very very good and I liked it and I would recommend anyone to watch it but uh but before we get oh yeah watch it on French original oh yes now that is something and I think boxto boox Productions had to tweet that that like they’ve the default option in many countries is dubbed and then or English dubbed and it’s like no like I don’t know what the viewing habits are in America I know in Spain in Spain they watch everything dubbed so crazy uh yeah and Germany also a lot of dubbing I think but in Australia I we would never ever ever watch anything dubbed you would watch it with subtitles and especially like Naros is Naros is a good example cuz Naros has a mixture of English from the American DEA guys and Spanish from the Narco traffickers and it’s like 50/50 let’s say and I would say in in this series it’s 50/50 maybe uh English and 50% French or Slovenian or another language other than English and um yeah clearly you should put it on subtitles and French original and box to box had to tweet that uh because yeah I didn’t even watch that anyway that’s good point Benji good good note to the viewers uh but let’s do episode one first we get into episode one or maybe one that that storyline uh Pat is there but V’s Benji I think he does the right thing in both seasons where he’s like I got to play up to the cameras now should he F be in episode one no maybe not did caraz you know I also think it’s nice how they showed that like they invested so much money in caras he crashed out of stage one of the tour and you’re kind of left rudderless after that now is when JV saying you know this is if he crashes the the whole team collapses okay A little bit of hyperball for the cameras nothing wrong with that but it is true that like wow you prepare this guy you sign him and then crash to stage one that is a gut blow actually like um I’ve almost forgot that yeah for sure but I also feel like in comparison to the Biser point I made earlier this year I felt like that segment of copas went through faster through that in that episode in my head which I think that being tightly paced is is a much better thing compared to last year so that’s a that’s a positive on my end and like there’s not too much more to tell when it comes to that story just the preparation’s there and he crashes out but you said it indeed poacha is in the show and I do want to highlight this already because he’s already present in that first part of the first episode I think where you see his recovery from the injury he had at lbl in 2023 him running up the stairs with the the wrist thingy on his wrist and I think pachar being in the show while watching the show I don’t think I realized how much influence it had but afterwards then you think okay but this year in this season every single GC battle was told from two perspectives while K Gro in season 1 came from one perspective and that adds that extra layer of information from another team a bit of emotion from people that you haven’t seen emotion from in season one I I think that makes the show much better even though while watching I might not have realized that if that makes sense yeah it definitely makes it better to have both of them there like with either vingard or pagach you don’t leave the show thinking wow I really know a different side of him like I not really like there’s nothing yeah no groundbreaking or really like whereas Asen I didn’t know him really um and I showed a little bit different side to him but yeah the it was just it’s just needed it’s like the Sten had to join the show a drive to survive eventually you cannot tell a GC story without Pacha there uh otherwise yeah he’s just this sort of third party over there to be defeated um but then I think UAE did it like they they provided the footage or they they had a lot more control over the the videos maybe in the race but then the Vox the talking head afterwards I didn’t predent I didn’t really notice a difference if you told me to watch it blind and I didn’t know that and say which team had control and which team didn’t I’d have to really think about I couldn’t really know this maybe there’s there’s not so many scenes on the bus with UAE in this in the show yeah that’s true I also feel like I didn’t I I realized that that was the case this morning when Luke told obvious so I didn’t notice it in the show itself but I do feel like it’s a precedent that you set that other teams might then be like okay if that team can provide the footage themselves without needing Netflix to be everywhere in the bus and so forth then why are we not allowed to do that and the reality is because Pacha is more important than you but I don’t think Netflix can just straight up tell that to a to a random team yeah I think some teams have just got to cop it you know if you want to have the exposure and you want to be on Netflix then you got to cop it um and they need the the one of maybe the protagonist of the tour last year and and this year but before we get into the next topics a word on our show partner join cycling the best part of about join cycling for me is the ad adaptability so for example I have to come travel this week I don’t have my bike with me Benji’s traveling as well uh which we’re both doing a little bit more than when we were just sedentary podcasters all the time but that also means don’t have the bike with me what does that mean if my training plan I can go into the joint cycling app and I can just tell the app here’s my availability I can blank block it out for a week I could do it on a day byday basis I can reduce the availability okay I only have an hour a day to maybe do do a run or a short ride this week it’s almost nothing so I put that in and then the plan my uh FTP Builder plan at the moment adapts perfectly then I don’t get credit for that of course I’m not getting credit for not training but I don’t feel like I’m just falling off the rails and then I’m like what now I’ve ruined all my progress It’s like it’s an it’s just a an unavoidable thing I put it into the app the app recalculates maybe my uh my due date is is adjusted for the finish of the plan but we we go on and I don’t feel like I’ve lost everything and me for me psychologically that’s very very important cuz sometimes yeah I can be on a roll and then over Christmas family came over in December and then I lost four days and then suddenly I just stopped training for 3 weeks I just for whatever reason even though I was on a good role but this really keeps me on track so that is one of the main benefits of joint cycling is adapting to you and even planning for when you’re not training and then adapting around that so thanks as always to join cycling our show partner and you’ll hear more on them in the coming weeks next week got a big episode planned as well on training with Jim lenberg the CEO of join cycling as well as during the Twitter France they have some special challenges and maybe surprises for you uh that we’ll let you know about later so a little teaser there uh but stage one Benji I can’t really remember how it ended I guess who took yellows is with the Yates Yates and Pacha there was no talking head with Yates that kind of was just shown there was no like yeah extra stuff so what about W I feel like vismer have kind of jumped them a little bit because I feel like I’d seen that W scene before on the bus have we seen that scene before ooh I don’t know actually I don’t know if we did I can’t remember that scene you you mean the scene with where go he doesn’t say God for my friend he says oh God what he says what I don’t know I try to make a sound that sound like Angry who is done M that’s what he shouts is that it cannot happen no that means how is that possible oh okay think Philips okay but I feel like I’ve seen that scene before but maybe that was uh only in the in the balock countries with the Amazon yeah maybe but yeah vingen comes in it’s kind of there wasn’t actually any beef which was a little bit disappointing um cuz I uh moving on to something a little bit more serious Benji I want to talk about in two ways so there’s genome features more than I expected in the series uh MH I wasn’t of course he’s relevant to the bahin Victorious story of the TT of France I didn’t realize Bahrain were in the the eight chosen teams uh originally maybe that was they were in 21 22 I forgot but they were in the The Chosen teams or maybe they decid to do it afterwards with Bill ba and morch CU morch was is so eloquent but the okay two ways I think the way goo Mater is used generally in the series I think to me is a little bit distasteful a little bit too much MH I think the way ma is part of the baring Victorious TT of France story is beautiful and I really liked it so two so it’s but two different things I the stage one and Stage episode one episode two where G like I thought a little bit much uh but yeah generally for the how did you feel about it I’ve got a similar feeling on one end you’ve got the in memory of off XOM Mater part of the show where you’ve got bahin trying to trying to win races with Gino in mind winning for Gino riding for Gino that storyline that that’s emotional that’s that’s vulnerable that’s heartbreaking that’s that’s rewarding when it actually pays off in a victory if that makes sense and that’s that’s that’s the great part but I agree that sometimes it came over as um as you know passing being used as to bring over the points of the sport is dangerous and that’s a bit over the top for me personally but yeah that’s just my take play advocate of the devil the it is dangerous and what what clear way to illustrate then a young man lost his life tragically 3 weeks before the Twitter France started on a descent so there is that Counterpoint that it’s not distasteful because if you want to illustrate the dangers of the sport which are real to an audience you can say this happened and but then when you pair it this where that that fine you can do that I have no problem with but then it’s like paired with like guys being like yeah in the Sprints you got to kill each other for every place and this is the danger then I was like okay this is not bit too much um uh so I don’t think it was crazy it wasn’t like really really bad where I was like this is a I just would have done it exactly like that but uh yeah it’s it was part of the to story Gino made especially for the bahin Victorious team and I thought the episode with bahin is maybe my favorite episode of the series actually with po I interviewed him once really articulate guy and uh yeah it’s just really really nice to to watch that and also moric and I also forgot while Paul’s on the stage they didn’t show that either kind of like his win on live TV didn’t go didn’t get shown on the betex yeah yeah that’s true by the way just to add on to the conversation when it comes to bah they were not initially planned to be in the show but after Gom Mater passed away into the Swiss the storyline of building towards the Tor France I think that that’s when that decision was made it’s how I perceived it from the producer yesterday okay okay I mean that’s smart to be honest uh because yeah they have a scene with Po in uh in P Vasco surfing Before the Race but yeah the the Bahrain episode really really liked it I also thought uh I like their bus scenes to be honest the way they’re talking about okay we want to be in the break but we don’t want to be we want to be in the break with specific people we don’t want to just be represented on P don’t want to be the yeah tug buddies help nikkas aren’t helping I I actually I like seeing the directors also of Bahrain um as well so that episode got a big uh tick for me Ben o Conor and Asia to Benji this is like we talk about pagach already we talk about vingard the protagonist of the show Julian 11U and Ben o Conor what is going on here how many episodes were they in like what percentage of screen time are they in uh I think they’re in six episodes which is a lot in an eight episode show yes they’re definitely in the first three I think they’re in episode five as well um and eventually we return back to phix Gull again later on so yeah I think they’re in uh in about six episodes I think if you count the minutes that Ben Conor is on screen he’s probably the most on screen of any rider in the race which the thing is I’ve got multiple sides to this okay on one end I think AER in the show too much facts they are in the show way too much relative to their interest to people and their performance in the tour they it’s just way way way too much fully agree there’s too much jul there’s there’s too much Lau even for me even though he wasn’t actually the the biggest one of the tree when it comes to OK Conor I did like the parts of his storyline I do like that you see a rider across multiple episodes to see their evolution throughout the race cuz I like the character development in the show when it comes to benok Conor as in starting as leader going to Breakaway Rider the nor seing for phix G then going to Breakaway Rider I like that that that travel you go with Ben o Conor but still I think they could have done that in less screen time when it comes to OK Conor on the Felix G side I think it’s good that you show him but there were a few weird things with Felix G the whole Beno Conor hindley drama drama on Mari Blanc stage it wasn’t mentioned that daflon well aser was riding in that breakway because was in that Breakaway and on another episode there was some audio editing like they had in drive to survive to be clear I did not notice this my wife did when she watched it so you should probably she should be on the Pod Benji kie it should be guess guest she probably no everything in this season just just like a podcast with your wife and my wife and we’re just gone and some of the wives here we could take a holiday on the third week of the tour and they just take over now on a serious note on a serious note when it comes to what she noticed was the P stage before that stage phix G was not in the top 10 yet and in that stage neither it was later in the race that he ended up being in the top 10 and in the audio the DS from aaz was saying to phix G Felix you’re you’re you’re you’re ath now I think they cut that audio from a later stage and they put that on that part which I think it’s okay because it’s not influential for the viewing experience but I did miss the the G part in the Mari Blanc stage if that makes sense cuz that that adds to the explanation of why they’re pacing in the first place to be clear A2 in my opinion did absolutely nothing wrong in on the Marie Blanc stage you have a chance with G who was flying in Swiss the two weeks before you have a chance to win a tter France stage did they maybe pull a little bit too much uh should they have been putting guys in moves ber should ber have been jumping to make hindley close mhm okay okay maybe but also I don’t remember I also remember Bora doing a really good job with Bookman and hindley because they were getting attacked in The Valleys I remember because yeah yeah we W you I think vanard jumped ahead or it was not like everybody just rode to the base of Marie Blanc happy to let ji hinley win the stage uh maybe it turned into that way I think inos PA I can’t remember but I don’t I don’t remember thinking aj2 really [ __ ] up tactically here I don’t think so um maybe even gold drops hendley in in a different year so the but yeah there just like the pressure uh it was the the I think they used okona to show what pressure does to the to the athletes and how they can sometimes respond in different ways sometimes badly to the pressure um now yeah it was over too many episodes I guess I think you could have done just one ag2r at the start and then done Redemption arc on C La L’s where he pulled for go and that would have been probably enough um but yeah ji is good on like you got to also admit Benji like MH they’re better on camera Ben they’re given more drama on camera Ben JY and laven than gisha and and and nman and vingard for sure so it’s like it’s also this is an entertainment show we can’t be like well vingard and pagach they are the best Riders so they should be on on screen proportional to their time they were on screen in the race and last year I really remember saying that I really like JY being in the show so maybe it’s a reaction to last year from the producers that they were like okay people love part in season one maybe we’ll do that again for season two more but a bit more expansive I would have liked I got no problem again with having more French teams in I would have like take out the extra age2 hour episode and this is where what they miss Benji add in Cedric vaser and Vincent LEF uh Victor LEF not Vincent laue Victor LEF and Cedric vaser because also I reckon they could have given you some good quotes I reckon Cedric vas could have given you some good quotes and coffers would have happily been in the show right yeah yeah yeah what if you think Netflix ask Victor Lefay and Cedric vas do you have a day to do a post race interviews and we make it look like you’re always in the show you think they’re going to say no come on of course they will and that’s that’s also a point I have when it comes to the show the one thing that I now can remember that is missing in the show is is Victor LA’s Victory is not emotional in the show for me in real life it was emotional and that is because there’s no it was you don’t know sucked in the tour for like 10 years and for the mainstream public vict lafi was unknown in the first stage he just showed up and he’s with pogy and finger guard on coach of PK yeah it was a huge thing so yeah I I thought he could have had some Jews but that’s just the nature of pre-selecting right it’s also but that is the difference to drive to survive they have all the teams right and all the drivers the 20 drivers in the in the 10 teams advocate of the devil that’s also the nature of the sport unfortunately you can’t do you can’t do anasha you can’t do total you can’t do all of them uh either it’s just impossible with what 20 teams at the toour of France uh but yeah I was urised to see I would say the hindley drama and the drama between Jil laue and okon was probably the like the biggest drama of the Season uh as well and it’s but also you know who gets away Scott free Benji you know who’s paid well on that team who gets away Scott free oh God I’m trying to go through the has he left the teams though no he got an extension I do not remember who you’re talking about Ben K are was in that team I don’t you remember exactly um and it’s like he did do the tour no yeah he did and so he kind of gets away a bit SCF free uh but anyway that’s that is what it is uh other topics Benji other things you liked Al maybe Alon alon’s villain Arc maybe go through that for us we got to talk about the Alon villain Arc obviously when it comes to the 2022 Twitter there was the the fact that they had the best Sprinter which is yaser philipson and the best lead out which is M vpol that’s a fact but the other fact is that they also sprinted Dangerously in multiple Sprints or the dangerous Maneuvers in the lead out which caused vpol to be relegated philipson to not be relegated but he probably should have been a few times or at least once in this in the race he gave the elbow to yopa for example Luke Luke is still angry about it I can hear him huming outside of the mute butt but well about whole that whole thing you’ve got both sides and the importance in showing this into the front and change for me was the balance between the two is there a nice balance between the two and I think I think the show perfectly delivered that episode that is my favorite episodes because Al one in real life yeah when it comes to the twitterr in real life I don’t like it when ride his elbow when they deviated Dangerously but for the sake of a TV show I love drama I love this [ __ ] I need a villain Arc in a TV show and you’ve got kind of the the good side and the bad side of both the the light and the Dark Side of alason and I think that episode was absolute perfection in that sense you’ve got the the arrogance of philipson in moments like saying [ __ ] like we’re we’re not here to make friends or for example flick on the pool saying I have no clue how much of fun is the team paid it uh or or or when Yer Phillipson said uh it’s worth it to sacrifice vpol with a relegation if it gives us a stage win like I love that in this show yeah and they could have even done more with uh if you gave a 22nd flash interview to Pascal Lor after stage whatever 18 and see what he thought of yasper Phillipson but yeah it that one was just there is no embellished drama there Netflix didn’t make Netflix did not create a fake storyline here they accurately portrayed what happened in the tour and then they put the cameras on the Alon guys and they did their thing on camera and I was thinking fuing hell like the camera they know the Netflix cameras are there and they’re like yeah what like Kristoff Rudolph he’s my favorite character in both seasons Kristoff Rudolph I really actually I think he’s the goat like he’s he’s so like calculated robotic but like in a funny way I think he’s going good sense of I think he’s got a good sense of humor I think I actually like Rudolph even though of course he’s like win I don’t care you get there um because I don’t think he cares about being liked he he really doesn’t um and then Vanderpool also actually doesn’t really seem to care because he he’s like yeah pay the F whatever philipson I think I think he actually will say all that act like he did on the B and then he will then care why don’t people like me it’s like dude you’re an [ __ ] all tour like and then in the behind the scenes on Netflix to camera you said yeah I’m I’m being an [ __ ] like it’s so people aren’t going to like that very much um I will say like are they wrong Benji because then when you include the quotes from like laf laf is saying yeah this is how it is you’re going to for totter France stage fight every inch and you got to kill each other and then can he then complain when yakobson cops an elbow in the ribs and goes down well if it is the case it shouldn’t be like that that’s my take on this like yeah I agree with you and it it’s kind of when when people say oh there’s Sprint deviations like this in every single stage you need to relegate everyone then that’s just not true that’s just factually Incorrect and that’s a defense people use when they can’t handle someone being relegated for something they did wrong because they like that Rider over other Riders and let’s be honest about it Le fav will be angry if a deviation happens against his own Riders but if yson does it he will be like nothing went wrong like Sam Bennett in the VTA a few years ago the day I got banned by quickstep on Twitter remember I don’t remember you’ve been banned by too many teams on Twitter aana Noy I’ve been unbanned by everybody now really yeah yeah even a shocking it cost me a a friendly relationship with nik nik vov Jr to make it happen but yeah but the voo boys are nice um yeah yeah the what was I going to say oh I’ve lost it no I’ve remembered I actually think it’s a massive credit to Netflix that they out of everybody have teased out the absolute absurdity of the current Sprint rules and their theet ENT clearly portrayed andr you have Vanderpool laughing on camera about getting a fine and they’re like rud and then Kristoff’s like we pay the phones some of them and you know like and then it’s like well [ __ ] like goomar did it the other week in in the lead of Kristoff this is no sanction and UCI is bringing in the yellow card system so they are I think trying to address it uh and I think that is a good thing we’ll do a separate episode or about yeah latest news later a long story about that but it is interesting that or I think yeah credit to Netflix that they actually really showed that that absurdity and problem with the application of the rules I actually think vanart comes across very well in like the uh where he says yeah if they stamp their foot on stage three yeah and relegate philipson and I don’t think he did it call me bi or whatever but I don’t think he sounded whiny like he cost me the win no he’s just saying if if you if you stamped it out there maybe the rest of the two of the Sprints would have been a little bit safer um of course the one thing I want to add there is that with that stage three it’s not just philipson that’s in the wrong there for me it’s also a PL a Sprint stage that has a corner in the last 200 meters which according to the UCI guidelines for Route creation is not allowed in the first place so I think there’s two things to obviously an ASO funder no not ASO funder but like a Netflix show about an ASO race is probably not going to point at that one that specific thing and it also wouldn’t even necessarily fit in the episode story I think so I’m okay with the angle they took but something else about Alison or can I continue to the end’s episode oh no I just think yeah like it it it is also interesting seeing you know how hungry these guys are that like philipson was Furious in the third week that he didn’t get to go for this Sprint like they’re still got that me that winning mentality it is interesting seeing like and he was [ __ ] furious and the quote that he the two quotes first of all Phillipson that said you can win as many races and then you’re on top but once you lose a race you’re nothing and then another quote by by Pitcock in any episode that I do want to talk about I think that was a quote of um you’re only as good good as your last race which is also an interesting quote which I don’t necessarily agree with CU you can have a bad day in life not necessarily representing your your current form but it’s an interesting quote for sure but about that anyos episode yeah anyos while the alpon episode was very natural and came over very realistic coming when it comes to the inal episode I feel like there’s a few things in this EP first of all there’s basically a drama that is being represented between Pitcock Rodriguez and cummings the the inal trifecta in this episode yeah pitcock is going for GC Rodriguez is going for GC Rodriguez is is a very nice guy in the show that I want to get out of the way first and it’s the relationship between Cummings and Pitcock and how Pitcock is being able to handle potentially having to work for Rodriguez cuz Rodriguez is doing better GC there’s a moment where [ __ ] says into the into the camera that oh we didn’t really see it coming that Rodriguez would do better in GC than pitcock and that sounds incredibly realistic to me to the point that it sounds scripted does it he was contract he was contracted to moar at this point because they didn’t think he was that good uh I agree with you but they can’t be that stupid no I agree that I think I think yeah halfway through the tour I don’t think it’s a surprise to Cummings that Carlos Rodriguez is riding a good GC yeah and like I think another part to that is then the whole story part where where Cummings goes to Pitcock at the massage table to ask whether he would be okay or to to to kind of present the idea of whether he would be okay for riding with Rod for Rodriguez if it’s necessary I don’t know if this is misrepresented but it’s it’s being represented as being after after like one of the earlier stages and I I looked at the exact stage and he was only one minute behind Rodriguez both in the top 10 if that actually happened if Cummings went to Pitcock at that point already that’s early for me I I want to go on a full peock defense ran here now listen I don’t doubt I don’t doubt that maybe there’s been issues or or but yeah sorry okay to to assist you to add dis is your point the point that a lot of people are creating and that I had a small feeling of while watching is that Pitcock would come over as entitled towards being able to ride for GC which I think in the situation that Cummings came to the table is fine but go on the defend r okay let’s let’s do some context Thomas Pitcock okay is what early 20s what is he 20 24 they given him a contract till the end of 2027 he’s won on Al thew the year before he is not given that contract to just go in breakaways and win stages that’s not the that’s not the the vision I assume I assume the vision is to to France GC he is prepared for the tour with that objective I assume they’re going to the tour and he gets to go for GC Carlos is also there Carlos were can also go for GC Pitcock in 23 uh in Swiss like he in Swiss he wasn’t that good but then he’s second in Le age third and un still and you’re sort of hoping like this is the generational talent that can sort of do it anyway he goes to the Tour stage one and two is all right stage one not that good but St he’s fourth on stage two and he attacked as well and vanard spent a bullet closing him he then goes to Lura good on the I would say like pretty solid um maybe lost 19 seconds to Rodriguez and then on the tolay stage he was like pretty solid as well finished like one second behind Adam Yates yeah but yeah caros gapped him again P doome which is not shown he drops Rodriguez on P doome the last Mountain Top finish before Grand Colombia drops him not by much but does Gap him then Henley is in in third the goal is the podium okay Henley is in third by one 1 minute 42 ahead of Carlos and he looks way better than Rodriguez pidcock after stage 12 is a minute behind Carlos he’s closer to Rodriguez than Rodriguez is to Henley so yeah poock in eighth but he’s I would say up to that point doing a pretty good tour pretty good it is no way at the point where you tell the guy with the context I just said about the contract and the vision there’s no way you can tell him at that moment I don’t think to throw it all away for a guy sitting in fourth who also got dropped by pitock on stage 9 secondly strategically it also doesn’t make sense strategically the way I would see to beat hinley is you use Pitcock to do some crazy descent on a on a clim to put put hinley under pressure in week three or something now now that doesn’t end up happening but that’s why when pitock when they go to him and he’s like it could be scripted for context it could be completely scripted but when they go to pitock and they say you’re going to have to sacrifice for Rodriguez he’s kind of like um he I’m not sure about that like what what do you mean he was kind of taken off guard so you’re crying Benji my Wasing I was perishing wasy I just made Benji cry just such a good defense of Tom Pig’s character but amazing cavat it could be completely scripted I do not believe I do not believe there is any problem between Carlos Rodriguez and Tom pitock I also do not believe that Carlos Rodriguez before gr columia banged his hand on the table and said we go for me there is no way so it is a bit scrip if anything Carlos Rodriguez is probably too nice within a team atmosphere is how he looks he looks like that that that teddy bear that that kind of uh won’t necessarily dare yet because he’s still a young Rider to hammer that table and say and be like Thomas and say I don’t want this guy in the Breakaway I don’t want I I need this guy to ride for me whatever stuff like that that that I don’t see Carlos Rodriguez doing necessarily and I fully agree with your defense like it’s as simple as that it’s too early for that and that’s also the the take I have on the inal thing and I feel like that’s why when I was watching Stephen Cummings came over slightly poorly in in the way it was represented because of situations like that I don’t remember too much else when it comes to the in’s episode to be honest well I kind of SED the quato win because kovski also won on that stage um I call it Oscar De La Hoya he’s Oscar de la hoer of cycling The Golden Boy Who the hell is Oscar De La Hoya he was like a American Boxer but he had like he was really he was like he never had any like cuts on his face or anything or like he didn’t look like a boxer you know he didn’t speak like a boxer and then you put him in the ring and boom boom uh only loads of brain damage him and kagi and and Mayweather that was I love that period of boxing all right I I think I’m going to give inos a little bit of Ben benefit of the doubt and and say that bit was a little bit embellished but also Netflix did not create Cummings telling pitcock to wait in the radio on the car that also did happen yeah so on stage 13 and then listen in the end peock completely collapsed on stage 14 so um but yeah they also I think Gary McQuade on Twitter said that they didn’t show Pig coock waiting for Rodriguez on stage 20 to help him saay fifth after he crashed so yeah but at that point it’s obvious e who needs to do what so I I also think that’s on the other side there’s not much credit there because it’s like come on you have to yeah if he doesn’t do it there then it would be [ __ ] stupid so yeah yeah it’s only the most logical thing it’s a bare minimum yeah uh Al Fleep and La fav’s drama to be honest we can do this quickly I don’t think there was much they mentioned the contract it sound like a spicy quote quickstep seemed like a pretty happy family to me frankly they were like stressed about not winning a stage but it seemed like not uh it wasn’t did not seem toxic whatsoever it was before the blow up we had at the start of this year right cuz like yeah yeah the whole quote about Mario ruse from Le I think that’s way worse than anything that happened before that whole discussion so because Al knows he’s getting paid a lot he wants to perform you know yeah I agree there was not much drama there there was quite a bit of drama when it comes to M un plug but before we get there yep asra moich episode felt like a filler episode to me I already said it it’s kind of like that the last Sprint stage on stage 19 in a ground tour everybody’s like oh why is there a bloody Sprint stage here that that’s how that episode felt I I enjoyed parts of that episode like obviously the M inter I enjoy hearing but I also is it weird to say that it didn’t hit as hard for me in the show because it felt over edited but they cut it in into 20% and they didn’t show you the angles changed a bit and it’s not as raw you know yeah like that interview was incredible might have even been the highest Feud video I had of the tour last year just about on a random transition stage yeah uh not complaining so yeah that was an incredible interview and people outside of cycling also saw that interview that that broke through a little bit outside of cycling I think Benji I agree that episode should have had I feel like we missed they missed the Jabs and tight battle and the inching towards vingard from paga in week two yeah and how tight that battle was how they didn’t leave vingard didn’t leave his wheel they followed each other from start of the stage to the end of the stage Pacha attacks on JLA it looks like he’s going to take yellow they didn’t even show the attack on ZL they showed the Sprint that got blocked by the motor they did not show Pacha gapping vingard and vinger guard coming back I feel like they should have built up 14 and 15 a bit better before the TT I see that and I think the whole story the whole thing about that discussion is when it comes to the balance of showing GC it’s as if they have episodic arcs about certain Riders and then a few story arcs that cross across the entire season like the Ben Conor one but also the the GC battle and because it’s so spread out I feel like it might simmer down the emotion at certain moments and I agree that the show didn’t convey the the evolution of how the race went where yes pogacha had that bad day on on M Blanc but then the day after after pogacha F back that was included but then after that there was kind of this this moment of the race where for the first two weeks or the first 10 12 stages whatever there was the upper hand when it comes to Pacha due to his explosivity and vingo tried to respond to those and then kind of blew up on a on on on C kind of is is how I felt and then it kind of built towards Vima trying to reduce that explosivity by hard pacing climbs throughout the races May maybe that’s just a bit too tactical and maybe we just want that because we love cycling tactics oh but I think there was a villain Arc to do there as well you could do I would have prefaced like 14 Pino is jumping in the break and Vima look like they’re chasing him and shutting down the break when they’re pacing and you could have done that that’s all you can preface the Bad Blood later in week three with that there’s also some narratives you could used with it because Vima were not letting any break go uh on 14 uh now pacing so you know Demari get him on front of camera uh he’ll let you know and but yeah it’s uh uh onto the the sort of the finale of the Season Benji where there’s the benac Conor Redemption Arc with helping G on on the C the L stage and you see how much it means to ashelle to win not just a stage but indeed the queen stage that’s nice I I enjoyed that that part of the episode but then there’s I think these two two topics are kind of intertwined in the show which is vinger guard’s uh stratospheric stage 16 TT and then the doping speculation and then the beer comment from Richard pluger and Mario’s response the they like there’s like a linear these are all tied together and uh yeah they showed the the TT from vingard actually quite early because really that’s the end of the tour and they show that on episode seven or six I can’t remember three third last episode and so that was kind of yeah that was where I feel like it that was the Dumar or the big Crescendo and then but how do you just as my word of the word of the week probably heard someone say in the supermarket I’m like more more U how did you feel about the TT episode whatever it was six or seven well first of all the fact that pogach is part of that storyline adds to the adds to the display of that we’ve had the discussion already but it really hits in that DT episode for me especially in the the first 5 to 10 minutes when it’s actually about the DT both was talking about the preparation towards that time trial and the events that are happening during that time tral and then it it transitions after the time tral into oo that was a crazy good performance with some uncomfort in parts of the pelaton and in parts of the public they show Twitter messages I’m I’m I’m happy that none of mine showed up but but it was that transition that what sorry did you defame him I don’t remember oh yeah I don’t think you slandered him but there’s this like gradual transition into that which I I enjoyed that because it’s like the it’s like how it works in real life every times there’s a a super insane performance from a cyclist we had the same discussions after PL Bia we have the same discussion when it comes to this time trial it’s every few years that there’s this one performance where everybody’s like holy holy [ __ ] what just happened and on the you got the good side of what just happened you got the bad side of what just happened where it’s due to the history of the sport people start to question is what is happening real and I like that the show delved into that it didn’t delve super deep which I don’t really expect the show to do but it displayed that not everybody was comfortable with the situation does that make sense yeah and that was the reality there was especially uh yeah on Twitter or in the French Press you know like uh doubts doubts cast on that performance and it’s the same I remember I was doing a stream I was doing a stream after pogy one on PL to B and I just shut the stream down because the the live chat was just polluted like um like I couldn’t talk about couldn’t talk about the stage and so it’s it’s sort of vingard unfortunately or has to Bear the brunt of it but that’s because he’s the tour to France winner and it really wouldn’t matter if it was him it wouldn’t matter if he was doing five watts per kilo like f or wigin it wouldn’t matter if who it was I I I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree as if the Ws was still high it’s a difference compared to the rest that makes it yeah makes it the discussion it was so if it SW was Realo that discussion would probably not have been there yeah un the others were for w you’re talking about 20 2011 cycling 2012 cycling damn it that’s got 11 shut up hey he won before any British rer won the Tour now or no was Wiggins the first British gu to win the Tour I think he was A’s got one year in ashes this year stay tuned for L ashes pods basically a Brit anyway huh oh yeah I’m making so many enemies I should I’m sorry Australians I’m sorry myish family wouldn’t be too happy about that but um I’ve lost my train of thought um did I think do I think the whole Twitter France winning episode should have been about a doping discussion no personally I was surprised to see so much do I think in a way Netflix tried to use it as a way to like say this discussion happened it did it it happened in the press and then you have Steve Chanel with the ab sample tubes on the table and he’s saying they’re tested more than everybody else I think they’re trying to in a way they’re expecting that the Casual audience has this perception very unfairly in my opinion the Casual audience has this perception from the past of the sport ah the the cyclist and they do you said we said many times you go to speak to someone on the street Twitter France ah they’re all doping they’re all doping a Belgian free tour every conversation I have there ends up with other they all doping anyway so yeah that’s the mainstream feedback they’re trying to say that discussion is happening and then they’re creating it and then responding to it by saying they’re tested more than and I don’t know if who would was some other writers in a in a in the the interviews Talking Heads were like we get tested well no it’s Mario even I think Mario said they don’t talk about it in other sports where the only sport that talks about it um I think that’s a fair argument it’s true like man people are going to watch the Olympics this year and they’ll watch the running events and they’ll be clueless and it’s like go on to Twitter and go to the Athletics Integrity unit Twitter and look at how much has been posted the last 2 weeks it is [ __ ] insane like okay you want yeah but the fact that those other sports have that doesn’t mean that people aren’t allowed to question the sport of cycling which also has a history when it com think if if there was a Netflix series about the Champions League finals from quarterfinals to semi-finals to finals would after the winning goal is scored by pep guardiola’s Manchester City yeah would Netflix spend half that episode about that the answer is very very clearly no but I don’t think that’s the fult of the show I think that’s the the nature that our sport is in compared to the sport of football where that is not a topic of discussion every single day while in cycling doping is a topic of discussion on a regular basis so I also found the amount of time that they spend on it actually good I like that they spend this much on it and it it having spent on that also runs into the Modio versus pluger drama which it kind of sets that up as well and I just think they they they took the angles well in the in the the doping speculation of course like then you start overanalyzing the responses of every single like team manager that’s on screen I they they went over every team manager like ROV spoke about I would have loved to hear jetti take during that segment but that’s just my personal opinion I would have liked to have seen yeah I would have liked to seen pogy asked the question about the the TT well it won’t happen because that is footage made by UAE just they even do the talking head afterwards but I don’t I don’t know that’s how the news was presented yeah but yeah and as well when like M says Uh there’s no truth in cycling as he cut that from elsewhere or maybe MW is straight up light n don’t believe it I don’t know um the way it was cut seems to be that way but uh yeah it was certainly a topic of discussion last year I think maybe a little bit too much in the show but um I’m okay with it we move on to what it set up which was what I didn’t know that Richard pluger he appears mainly talking about uh the beer gate and he says that he did it to draw attention away from yonas because he knew after the TT that would be the point of discussion and to sort of shift the focus almost to bring the eye of the world onto him um and and then we see Mario’s reaction if I got to be honest like we’ll talk about Mario versus plugger in a second but about the the plugger brings that idea forward during the Tour of France last year to um deviate from the discussion doping speculation around Yano I think from a PR perspective that’s on one side clever to do that on the other side may be unfair towards the team you’re talking about that’s also my opinion on the other hand it to me it’s very dumb to then a year later say that that is why you did that in a TV show and basically like it’s like as if he’s proud of saying that but now it kind of backfires because now everybody knows oh they he plua tried to deviate away from the doping discussion last year that’s that’s the weird part coming out with that this year I think he was doing it to try and and he even said to say it was not personal to France and group fdj as a proxy of France and toino as a proxy of France I think he was saying literally like I think he was trying to yeah make it not so say was not personal uh to them now listen he did say French team he could have said there are teams I have seen when I have been at races in the past who exactly we were at the hotel I saw a French team and I think the did the rest by the powers of deduction of who shared the hotel I think uh I got a little bit upset and thought it was it was sad like it really affected Mark Mio and uh like he really really really took it hard um and that that made me a bit upset because I always have personally this feeling of like people can criticize me but if they criticize my friends to hurt me or something I don’t like that those people don’t deserve that I feel like M has that feeling of you can attack me he said that you can attack me don’t attack my put work in yeah cuz to M it felt like plugo was discrediting the hard work that his writers did and I think that’s a fair take to have when it comes to m m in this in this show but in the end like I’ll be honest whatever happens when it comes to drama in this show if you put m versus pluger on TV to try and discuss it Mao will always win in an onscreen in an onscreen display of things because he’s got on screen Charisma and I’ll be honest Richard does not I think it’s just like I like seeing the two antagonistic personalities you’ve got the like emotional yeah I really like P head tohe head I think it works really really well um when they cut between the two it’s like yeah it is entertaining the the antagonist part of the teams I think went too far in this discussion as in on one end you have Vialis the the scientific team being represented and dup is kind of being represented as they only work on page but let’s be honest about it without any signs in that team Kung wouldn’t be doing as decent ETS as as he has been they wouldn’t have the young talent in their team as they have in the team so it they I I feel like they were it’s weird because m is saying it himself but it’s as if it was too extreme when it comes to group because they’re not just a a puddle that that’s a weird [ __ ] expression they’re not just a puddle what am I trying to say you know what I mean they’re not banic hook that’s not what I meant I mean like they they also have some signs in the team it’s it’s in my opinion below Vialis but it’s not like it’s level no no no they’re not working at like an amateure level like they’re a good team um but yeah I just thought it was it was sad that like it was supposed to be Pino’s goodbye and Pino is sort of saying goodbye and and Mario still has it on his mind you know it clearly like and it is also true Benji like Riders do drink beer during grand Tours that is also true like we cannot I also think that if you want to come on camera and say I don’t know about that TT we’ll see what the samples say in 20 years the truth always comes out well if you’re going to say that then if your if your Riders are drinking beer on the rest day not saying his or whatever but there are riters to drink beer during grand Tours it’s just it’s a proxy for maybe a varing tear of professionalism do not be surprised if people come back clap back yeah but I don’t like those two being represented against each other as in I think it’s perfectly all right for people to to question the biggest performan in the sport that or stratospheric compared to the usual performances and on the other side it’s fine to to say oh a team shouldn’t be uh Team shouldn’t necessarily may maybe drinking alcohol during stages will hinder your performance that’s also fine maybe it works as as motivation for if you’re I don’t know like there’s also a human side to the sport in that aspect I I do not necessarily believe in that when it comes to alcohol but it’s like those don’t need to be as opposed as they were in real life and that’s to the show as in real life so you mean they like they position visma as like the in the words of Maro like the Germanic like cutro data Germanic like like data boom boom boom and then inversely they kind of positioned group armor as if never working in a scientific way as if doing everything on and that’s that’s not true that’s yeah that’s not true like they yeah they also work in a in at a high level and they have madz gregar Lenny performing at a very good level um so and yeah they scouted young guys really well and their de development team is one of the best in the world like they just produced P I do think that groupama has often made mistakes by making decisions based on emotions yes so that ISS team rosters yeah um opino even like the irony of that Marin stage was he should have stayed with b and Pitcock longer and instead on the second last climb he said I’m going to go full panach mode yeah yes but as a consequence he gets combativity you’ve got the cool moments in vage P winning the stage will be better as a fan of the sport I’d rather see that moment he wouldn’t have won the stage anyway in my opinion probably not probably not but yeah that’s sort of how the series ends which is which is that was like the main the final of it I guess it was the most appetizing form of beef and drama so it made sense to hold it to to the last episode uh uh but in yeah that’s that’s how the season finished I don’t think oh yeah I think Sean Z being the final stage hinders the first two seasons I think next season will be better in the final because GC will actually end at the end of the race on the time trial because Sean said they’re like oh yeah by the way here’s Jordi ma You’ never seen him before he wins this like who the [ __ ] Jordi Mayers and to be honest I was also when I saw the I was like Jordi Mayers where you been for three weeks um so maybe did capture uh but yeah you’re right like it’s Sean Z say is a strange strange way to finish a sports event isn’t it um when you think about it so yeah this TT if it’s close this year it’s like when you’re when I’m trying to make a video of climbing a mountain it’s pretty silly if the the second half of that mountain is flat and the first half is the hardest spot cuz you’re you’ve got your climax in the middle of the video that’s how it feels in this series and that’s what I meant with saying like they did TT early and then it’s like okay but the race is finished now um the but yeah okay last year we’ve gone for an hour Benji I’ve we’ve clearly talked about it felt about a lot you know we are I wouldn’t say we’re casual Watchers of cycling I would say maybe like above average in terms of watching cycling and if we’ve got this much to talk about about the show clearly it’s hitting on some stuff so it’s clearly successful uh I think you cannot deny that and also that it’s an enjoyable piece of entertainment I also cannot deny that I enjoyed watching every episode but before we finish off with like a rating compared to season one I don’t really remember season one let’s public as well shush it shush it we’re asking the people for their opinion no no no for last year we gave it a seven okay fair when it comes to your opinion on the show if you think it was good bad what’s your favorite episode what’s your worst episode what characters did you like the most were you most shocked by when it comes to personality in the show drop all that stuff in the comment section if you disagree with us on points drop it in there as well we want to hear all your opinions on something like this because it’s just an opinion of two people here and like we just said we’re watching this from the glasses of people that analyze cycling for a living but that’s not the case for necessarily everybody and there’s different people with different perspectives on the sport whether you’re a mainstream viewer whether you only watch a t FR whether you watch half of the calendar whether you are a fanatic fan from a certain team and feel like they’ve been unfairly treated we want your takes in the comments for sure I really want to hear especially yeah characters your favorite quote what’s one thing you learned from the series that you made you sit up and be like wow I didn’t know that or W I didn’t know that was happening behind the scenes and that’s when I have that yeah so one thing it was the inos thing I think for sure they wound up the drama way more than it was I don’t think Carlos and pitcock were having beef on the second rest day no way but I did not know that would happened at all I also don’t know that Ben was was Furious after stage five I did not know that happened at all yeah so those two things was there anything for you or did I steal your one no I think the hindley one is also the the Ben Conor hindley one is also the one where I I didn’t necessarily trigger that after that stage that but Conor would be angry at Henley no would be angry at his team for facing with uh Gull in the breakway necessarily and therefore giving hinley more of a gap on Ben o Conor I I didn’t see that storyline necessarily coming and I think that’s I think that’s the main part okay favorite character think that’s that’s it my favorite character they’re not humans or Riders they characters now is there a Netflix show they actually are yes Lipson oh I’m close Kristoff Rudolph Star Wars I can’t turn away when Rudolph is is like what is this man gonna do next and what would you compare roof to towards the TV character because I’m comparing yper philipson in the show to to Darth Vader no I think Rudolph is Darth Vader and like Phillipson is like the porn of Stormtrooper of yeah he’s a stormtrooper of Darth Vader yeah and I always like yeah with ra I think he’s like Luke I think he’s like Skywalker because Yas for philipson used to be like maybe a nice a nice Sprinter who he wasn’t doing this in 2020 and then Darth no Darth Vader is Skywalker no [ __ ] I don’t know how oh my God Darth Anakin Sky Walker who’s Luke not mcregor is l g McGregor oh [ __ ] Christ this segment oh my God no that’s obw canobi whatever man um I’m R2 I’m r2d I’m R2-D2 yeah that little robot I think R2D2 with a la botomy or something rodolph the Darth Vader he’s the best character in the show in my opinion uh what’s and I love how everybody else hates them in the show everyone hates love them this is what you want um this is TV Cinema yeah other was great um what’s your favorite what’s what’s a quote that you thought was like it’s never going to make the trailer it’s never going to make a Twitter card but what’s a quote that you were like that’s a little bit interesting that he said that why why was I not prepared on this question I don’t remember uh I just thought of it then cuz I’ll I’ll I’ll say mine to and you give you time to think my one well yeah they ask vingard do you think pagat is 100% And he says yeah yes he is for sure at 100% And I do not think the crash affected him and I am glad that I can beat him at 100% I was like okay cuz that was the narrative a little bit right like that oh pogy had the crash and Ving was like no he was good I beat him that’s how it is I think that’s also how you need to do it I think that’s also mental psychology and also psychology towards your opponent as well where you’re saying no need for your nonsense I know I beat you at your best kind of you know but normally vingar not v v like ah I don’t know you know he’s magnanimous like maybe pogy you know it’s hard to say I really don’t know maybe it was he like not 100% I beat him happy to do so yeah I I like that quote that’s true I I can’t think of many quotes go ahead hogy he said yeah vingard and visma on cter they thought they could kill me they thought I mentally cracked and yonas was overconfident and then what like that was good as well I like those two from the I just wish there was a little bit more from the GC guys like that I really like that stuff I love the the the back and forths in the in the in the visma Lisa B yumbo visma cam last year where on one end you’ve got like super confident on one of the Stag and then the next stage when when C happens it’s like we’re not winning the tour this year no I think that was in the do as well after p d zon is like it’s done and then half an hour later he goes to your he’s like you did great after that’s the thing is like actually they have the reputation of being like all dramatic but dramatic it’s every team is emotional every team when stuff goes bad stuff goes good as emotional everyone is a human being there’s some some teams where with yo probably because of 2022 FRS where they have a little bit more trauma in the past which might extremize is that a word extremize now it is a reaction like that when you see pogy’s doing well yeah when you thought he was no good and then he’s good and then you’re like oh no and you when they saw pogy attacking away own cter they were making the same noises as you did at the start of the episode as a mmid that was mid dude mamuts I wish i’ brought Toby here cuz the mammuts I think he would get on well with them they’re like borrowing they’re kind of pathetic they’re scared of everything I think Toby would really like the MTH yeah yeah they’re cute they’re furry they like the cold and the wet and yeah I like the MMS um they dig a little borrow just there cuz yeah we’re I’ll show you I may as well show you oh by the way we finished wrapping up the Netflix show but we’ll give a little bit extra but yeah I’m just there’s the I’m happy that this time you actually take the camera last time you tried showing something was a few years ago and you just you just pointed at it without showing it yeah there’s like so there’s the the the Tena or like not Tena um around the lake and there’s like the the ski slopes up there it’s different to Andor you know it’s like more groomed and everything there’s more infrastructure more things happening but like little bit less natural i r a lot at the moment but um I went up to the to the rock formation there got sunburn to hell um I we live you forgot sunscreen yeah dude oh my and you were like a it’s it’s not enough that I don’t feel bad about losing my my sunscreen is what what you posted on Twitter and then everybody was shouting at you that it actually makes it worse could it CU it shines back on your face I didn’t even have my sunglass I was walking up there I was walking up there I was like I got I got to like 25 100 m I was like just and then there’s snow everywhere snow really like a lot of snow up there and I was like I couldn’t see I was like making the mmit sounds and then I can yeah the snow and now the burn is was way worse yesterday when you were on top of a mountain for with visma is sunscreen a team expense I [ __ ] [ __ ] wish it had been I went to the store maybe I will I to the store so expensive the supermarket cuz yeah at the top of the mountain the supermarket here in Tena everything is like 100% more expensive I got the Nia I got the kids sunscreen and it’s like a small ball like this big is €22 is a kids is blue sunscreen cuz I like kids spf50 it’s way better for your skin always get the kids spf50 sunscreen did they give it on height or something what do you mean they’re like sir sir you you can’t buy the adult sunscreen you’re 100 you’re we’ve seen we’ve seen you come in here sir you’re too small here’s the kid sunscreen for you yeah that’s what happened but yeah22 for a small ball sunscreen but I like if I get another burn I’m finished I have to go to the hospital so I really had no choice but then it rained all today so yeah that’s a little bit what’s been going on and uh went for a nice walk with Mato yesterday and we forgot to rate the season oh yep uh seven and a half off for me it’s 8.25 okay we’re close yeah seven and a half I think it’s it goes to an eight to a 9 if they change out the filler asgar morch episode and reduce the ag2 I cannot go above 7 and a half with the amount of ag2r that was in um although it was good drama not not withstanding so yeah it was very good I would re I’m going to watch it again I would highly recommend to everyone to watch it even if you are a hardcore fan which probably you are if you listen to this show I really really think it was quite good I think it’s still ultimately very very good for the sport I think having this series and the fact that commercially it seems to do very very well uh Luke just brought up the the daughter of the viewership da it’s only been out for like two or three days but uh last year commercially it seemed to do very well in in many countries so it’s very positive and I hope it continues and indeed I think it is continuing for season 3 uh any last thoughts Benji before we get out of here not really that’s it bye all right thanks see you latero


    1. I honestly think the Alpecin arc could hook normies onto the show the most. They showed them as the perfect bad guys. The cocky winners that you 'hate to see win' narrative works perfectly

      I do think the show missed an opportunity with the Asgreen win though. All the teams made Alpecin do all the work on that stage and that's why they couldn't close it in the end. It would be perfect Karma for them and I don't think it would be hard to explain to the average person

      Also minor nitpick, they should have shown Campanerts full sending it at the flag drop for every stage start. Even if they had to repeat shots lol. Looks dramatic and also would have been funny

    2. While crashes are a part of pro cycling I cringe when any broadcaster (to include NetFlix) spends too much time on this. This is such a beautiful sport and the focus on crashes takes away from the other aspects of the sport.

    3. The AI dubbing over Pello bilbao in a british accent when he was clearly speaking english was fucking insane. So so so so so so bad i cant express enough how slop that was

    4. Really enjoyed S2, probably more than S1. I really could've done with a lot less Ben O'Connor screen time though. Just not that interesting to me. Really liked having Pogi in this season, but would like to see more Pogi in the future. He is the most interesting personality in cycling right now, get him to show his fun loving side, rather than so serious. I think the crashes/danger element is really overplayed and is a bit grotesque. We don't need crash p*rn, we want cycling. Really enjoy the clips of these riders training on their home roads. I also really like the clips that show the race and the scenery. On TV the image is so static and you hardly get any scenery (unless it's a helicopter shot), but Netflix was able to show amazing scenery while these guys are riding. Great season, I've watched it twice through already lol

    5. I didn't like how much they tried to make cycling seem like the most dangerous unenjoyable sport full of arrogant pricks, show the fun. I don't know how many new fans are attracted via that drama, and if they are they're probably gonna be disappointed when they tune into an actual race. And for the fans that enjoy cycling, I think most would prefer a realistic and insightful depiction of the race rather than a dramatised one. Storylines just seem a bit off compared to last year, Pogacar wasn't utilised enough. I enjoyed the Bora bits a lot though, just good vibes. Oh and I'm mad they skipped Pedersen's stage 8, hopefully lidl-trek are a part of the next one

    6. I did not watch the first season and I was not planning on watching Season 2, however, based on your review, I think I will have to watch this season. My fear was that the series was likely to be overly dramatic, however, you have convinced me that they did a generally good job.

    7. How is that your favourite quote because is just complete BS from Jonas and I'm amazed that anyone would believe it? Pogacar lost 4-5 weeks on the bike and his CTL was well bellow CTL needed for TDF. Then Visma (knowing this) rode every stage ridiculously hard trying to put as many TSS to Pogacar. What they did is made Pogacar form (after 2 weeks) goes negative 90 as Visma didn't allow any time for his recovery and without the base and high CTL there is impossible to survive 2 weeks (let alone 3 weeks) if the tempo is so high. Then Jonas comes and say "I beat him at 100%"? Wow..

    8. This series was the reason that I got interested into cycling, so it does have a special place in my heart. I think it's a great way to learn some of the basics of the sport and different riders and teams.

      However, it is not perfect, and there are times it falls into this over the top "artificial" drama and black/white perspective. It should be seen as a "first contact" series, but there is so much more to the cycling world that it is not present. I liked this season more than the first season for the variety of riders shown – but I believe that they tried to cover some many important and relevant topics in a short amount of time, that it felt lacking and bit superficial approach.

      My favorites were Jakobsen and Wout Van Aert, really love all their scenes and commentary

    9. Regarding the whole Carapaz thing and Vaughters playing it up for the cameras… I remember Matti Breschel, DS on EF, being asked in a Tour preview show on Discovery about Carapaz' chances, and he was like: 'He's not going to perform — he's not there'. Vaughters would have known that, so just like him sitting there in season 1 playing up the need for Powless to win stage 12 (Alpe d'Huez) to save EF's Tour when Cort had already won stage 10 it was all just nonsense. Vaughters is a used car salesman — he'll say whatever he needs to get a sale. He has no credibility. And if you're still in doubt, ask Phil Gaimon how he handled him at the end of his career. Vaughters is a joke.

    10. Thanks for the tip re watching French and subtitles. I’m halfway through and been watching English dubbed and it just seems a little bit whacky.

    11. Really grateful to have this series even if I didn't totally love this season which seemed kind of uneven and a bit mean. Maybe it's just my feminine gaze, but the focus on gritty realism over the spectacle and romance of cycling didn't hit with me. I wanted slo-mo close-ups of the sprints so we can see how truly terrifying and exciting they are. I wanted more of the roads, the riders, the jerseys, the fans, the muscles, the blood, sweat, and tears, and less of the boring old men in cars. Less trolling, more extolling.

    12. Episode 4, for Gino, was really amazing. Broke me down. Really showed the team’s determination to honor Gino’s memory and dedicate a win to him 😢
      RIP Gino Mäder

    13. Rogue choice focusing on BOC so much but I actually thought his story arc was the most interesting of the show! Seeing him having to accept and then embrace folding into a domestique role was probably the most insightful "behind the scenes" moment of the series, plus the tension with team management actually gave it a real sense of conflict unlike the fake manufactured drama from series 1 (and parts of S2). Also helps that O'Connor is such tightly strung and emotional guy, stick a camera on him and you're bound to get some good footage lol

    14. Dénouement is what happens after the climax in a story. After Patrick’s misuse of the word, I wonder if he’ll be allowed to cross the border into France again. 🤔

      He’ll probably even have to renegotiate his usage rights terms with ASO. 😂

    15. Plugge and Madiot looking like a couple of petty eejits was not flattering for them even if it’s true 😂😂 I got bored with it and honestly think it would be lost on anyone new to the sport

    16. Lads cycling is very fairly criticised for doping. And it’s not casual fans it’s cyclists every cyclist I know some at a decent level think these guys dope somehow it’s now not talked about but cycling isn’t clean and I’m ok with it I still love it and it’s still impressive but they are 100% on gear

    17. I just came here to comment that this is the first time i comment without watching the podcast because i didn't watch the Neflix thing yet! Spoilers everywhere, ah! Cya soon mates! And come to Lisbon in August, it's not that hot!

    18. don’t like how the doping issue is talked about. always repeat empty burocracias and pointing the suspicions only to the winner. i think pointing out and blaming the successful athletes within a broken system as it was in the past is not the right way to adress such a complex matter. and what happens on the road can never be erased by the body that let it happen… 😉

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