Ashley Wadsworth from Canada began a long-distance friendship that turned into a romance with British Jack Sepple on Facebook. The two had long dreamed of meeting each other in person, and when Ashley finally visited her boyfriend, they couldn’t be happier. However, Ashley is about to discover that sometimes the people you meet online can be different from who they are in real life, and may even be dangerous.

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    I can’t even begin to imagine what happened to that address and what Ashley had to go through. That a man that’s like four years older than her is like buying her stuff and sending it from England. – It’s like a sick game in his head. – Ashley Wadsworth was born in Vernon, Canada on July 25, 2002. She and her older sister Hailey lived with their mother Christy Gendron. Despite their parents being separated, their father, Kenneth Wadsworth, remained close to the girls. Vernon was the perfect place for Ashley growing up as the area allowed her to enjoy horseback riding, skiing, boating, and playing tennis. In school, she was outgoing and friendly; befriending even international students. Like most people born in the age of social media, she was active on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram even at a young age. She and her friends confidently navigated these virtual spaces to meet people. Ashley also saw this as a way for her to expand her social circle, so she sent friend requests to people she found interesting and messaged men she thought were cute. The vibrant young woman also dreamed of traveling someday as she was curious about the rest of the world. While she couldn’t travel yet, social media gave her the chance to hear from people in other parts of the world, allowing her a preview of what she could find out there. On one occasion, a friend on Facebook introduced her to Jack Sepple from Chelmsford, England. Jack was born on September 1, 1999, in Chelmsford, northeast of London. He grew up close to his mother, Tracy Dalton, and sister, Nadia, but was estranged from his brother Jordan. Jack didn’t have any friends and was frequently on social media, so even though he was three years older than Ashley, the pair began to communicate daily. Ashley was convinced that their connection was innocent, given that they were in different countries. After a few months, she began mentioning Jack to her family, which worried her mother. Jack sent photos of himself to reassure Christy, convincing the mother to allow the conversations to continue, though she assumed their friendship would fade soon enough. – He presented himself pretty well to my mother and I. – However, as months passed, the friendly interactions turned into infatuation. Jack frequently sent gifts to Ashley, something that her sister, Hailey, questioned. But since her younger sister enjoyed the attention, they let it continue. Still, their mother remained firm that Ashley couldn’t fly to England despite her daughter’s insistence. Around this time, Ashley and her online friend-turned-boyfriend began fighting. This was because Jack suspected that Ashley was interested in other men from her hometown. Their arguments were tame at first, but they eventually escalated to the point where Ashley would block Jack from all her social media accounts. In turn, he would create new accounts to message her or get her attention by sending messages to her family and friends. He even showed his devotion to her by having Ashley’s name tattooed on his arm. Learning these, Ashley’s best friend, Tianna, pointed out how Jack’s behavior was a red flag. Ashley, however, excused it as part of Jack being passionate. What mattered to her was that he had a good heart and he was nice to her. In 2020, as the world was grappling with the global pandemic, life was changing fast for Ashley as well. After graduating from high school in June, she deferred her enrollment to university. Instead, Ashley began working part-time in fast food restaurants and clothing stores. This allowed her to grow her savings. At the same time, she began looking for a higher purpose and was drawn to the Mormon teachings, leading her to get baptized in April 2021. In contrast to her personal and spiritual growth, her relationship with Jack deteriorated; the details of which she started hiding from her mother. Despite his insecurity about Ashley dating other men, Jack was dating other women in Chelmsford. Ashley discovered this when she started receiving calls from some of these women who asked her to help calm Jack or convince him to let them go. These would lead to fights between the couple, but Jack would always convince her to forgive him. The pair chalked up their disagreements to the distance between them and believed that things would be better if they were together. Hopeful, Ashley saw her gap year as the perfect opportunity to travel to Chelmsford and improve their relationship. Despite her parents’ hesitation, they could no longer hold her back as Ashley was already an adult. Out of caution, however, Christy searched for Jack on the internet, but nothing alarming came up. – I said to him, “You know Jack, I’m sending you my baby so please take care of her. I’m trusting you with her” and he said, “yeah, I’ll guard her with my life, i’ll keep her safe I promise”. I said okay. – Finally, on November 12, 2021, Ashley boarded a plane to London. With a six-month tourist visa, she was excited to fulfill her dream, completely unaware of the horror she was traveling towards. Upon Ashley’s arrival, the young couple took a photo from the airport and shared it on Facebook, assuring her loved ones that things were starting great. At this point, Jack was staying at a one-bedroom house on Tennyson Road; one of the rougher neighborhoods in Chelmsford. He welcomed his girlfriend from Canada into his house to stay during her visit. They even brought along a kitten they had rescued. The couple spent their first days together, exploring Chelmsford and nearby London landmarks. Ashley filled her Facebook and Instagram with photos of them enjoying each other’s company. At night, Ashley would call her family and excitedly narrate her experiences. Her parents were relieved that their daughter was enjoying her adventure. Like I thought this is great, like perfect, it’s going fantastic, what could go wrong? – However, after a few weeks, their trips became less frequent until they were home every day because of their limited finances. – Jack wasn’t working and I said like, “You guys just sit there all day?” – As they spent more time together, the difference between the couple also became apparent. While Jack preferred staying home and playing on his Xbox, Ashley wanted to meet new people and explore. However, Jack forbade her from talking to the neighbors. He also dismissed her attempts to attend church services and meet with American Mormon missionaries who were in town. Still, Ashley secretly communicated with the missionaries through WhatsApp and deleted the app afterward to prevent her boyfriend from finding out. The new friends she met there also observed how controlling Jack was, especially when he didn’t allow Ashley to join a road trip. Despite living together, Jack’s insecurities continued. Near the end of 2021, he discovered two British phone numbers blocked on Ashley’s phone from years ago. He instantly assumed these were men she had been talking to, so in anger, he hit her. After the incident, he confessed to his mother, Tracy, about what he’d done. But despite his remorse, the vicious cycle of insecurity, accusation, and aggression against Ashley would repeat. Meanwhile, Ashley turned to her sister, Hailey, once the beatings started. She confided in her but made her promise not to tell their mother, threatening to stop communications if she did. By then, Ashley was aware of Jack’s psychological issues, including his experiences with harming himself and his need for anti-anxiety medication. Despite this, she was determined to stand by him. To protect herself, however, she started a secret Snapchat folder to document her bruises. As his harm to Ashley escalated, Jack would also spiral into anxiety and guilt, leading to him taking a dangerous dose of his medication. Luckily, Ashley was there to call for an ambulance and rush him to the hospital. Once they were back home, she took on the role of his caregiver and helped administer Jack’s medication, which she kept in a lockbox for safety. This was a responsibility that she took seriously, even refusing to go home once her mother found out about Jack’s issues. To Ashley, this was only a hurdle in their relationship that they could overcome together. – I feel like he was trying to get attention of some sort for her to try and get her more into him, I don’t know. It’s like a sick game in his head. – In early January, Tracy and her new partner took the young couple on a trip to the coastal town of Rye. She hoped that a change of scenery would improve Jack’s condition. At the time, they seemed like a normal family on vacation, taking pictures along the seaside village and eating in pubs. These photos, which Ashley shared on social media, assured her family that things were improving. However, shortly after the trip, Jack reverted to his ill-tempered behavior. His paranoia over Ashley’s interactions on social media worsened to the point that he demanded access to her accounts. Ashley relented and gave him her passwords to prove her loyalty. Despite this, the physical mistreatment escalated. After Jack smashed a mug on Ashley’s head, she video-called Hailey while her boyfriend was in the background, pacing and screaming. When this incident happened again, Hailey decided to intervene. – About a week later they got into another altercation where she Facetimed me and he had started throwing objects at her while we were on Facetime. And then that’s when I kinda said like I’m gonna let mom know like it’s not going the greatest. – Given these, Hailey and her mom begged Ashley to come home, but she refused. Ashley believed that Jack was still the sweet man she had known all those years. She prayed that the medication or her love would make him better. As the days passed, however, it was clear that the worst was still to come. On the morning of February 1, 2022, Jack’s neighbor, Helen, was preparing for a doctor’s appointment when she was startled by the sound of screaming from the apartment next door. Then, at around 8 am, a barefoot Ashley went to her door, crying with a bleeding palm. Jack had destroyed her cell phone and thrown their cat to the wall. Ashley was worried Jack would harm her further but asked Helen not to call the police. Instead, the distraught woman borrowed Helen’s phone to call her sister. She explained to Hailey that Jack had hurt her again and she feared he might do worse. This time, Hailey and Christy were not taking no for an answer; they wanted Ashley back home immediately to be safe. – I said enough this is done Ashley you are coming home. She said yes, mama. However, due to the pandemic travel restrictions, the earliest flight she could get was in two days. Still, this was something they’d all waited for. Ashley and her family ended the call at about 11 am in Chelmsford while it was 3 am in Vernon, so Hailey and Christy went to bed shortly after, comforted that the woman was finally coming home. What they didn’t know was that after calling from Helen’s phone, Ashley went back to Jack alone to talk to him, much to their neighbor’s worry. By morning in Vernon, some of Ashley’s family and friends woke up to several panicked messages from her asking for help. The messages were sent not long after their last phone call, between 11:22 am to 12:38 pm in Chelmsford. Ashley’s loved ones tried to call her back several times but could not get through. Fearing the worst, they searched for the contact of the Mormon missionaries in Chelmsford and established communication with Jamie Ashworth. Jamie was friends with Ashley and knew about her ordeal with Jack. Learning of her panicked messages to her loved ones, she immediately checked up on Ashley. However, when she got there, no one answered the door. This prompted her to call the police, citing the history of harm Ashley had endured from her boyfriend. Meanwhile, in Vernon, Tianna and some of Ashley’s family members started receiving messages from the woman, explaining that she was only looking for assistance on her health test and assuring them that it was already resolved. Wanting reassurance of her friend’s safety, Tianna continued messaging her but was ignored the whole day. Back in Chelmsford at around 4 pm, the police arrived at the Tennyson Road property 10 minutes after Jamie’s call. Someone was inside the house but was not responding to their demands to open the door. After a few minutes, the officers broke down the door and entered by force. Upon doing so, the officers saw a stunning sight. Jack Sepple was sitting on the bed while a woman’s body lay beside him. When he looked up to the police, he apologized and said he had gone psychotic. Paramedics immediately brought Ashley to the lawn and attempted to resuscitate her. However, after a few minutes, they announced that she was beyond saving and had passed away. Jack Sepple was arrested and brought to Chelmsford Prison. He refused to answer questions and instead wrote down a non-chronological account of the incident, emphasizing that he was under the influence at the time of the crime. He blamed his mental breakdown for what happened to Ashley. However, his toxicology results showed that he only had a small dose of a mild substance in his system along with his prescribed medication. Furthermore, a psychiatric assessment determined that he was mentally fit to stand trial. The authorities also managed to piece together what happened after Ashley spoke to her family in Helen’s house. Upon returning to Jack’s home, the man discovered that she had already booked a flight home. Jack was inconsolable and consumed by fear that he was finally losing his girlfriend. To regain control, he began to throw her around and beat her up. Then, sometime between 12:38 and 12:45 pm on February 1, Jack strangled Ashley and stabbed her 90 times with a kitchen knife. After the incident, he pretended to be Ashley and messaged her family and friends who she had asked for help, hoping to convince them that she was alright. Afterward, he went about his day like normal. Investigators noted that he even played Xbox and updated his Facebook profile while Ashley lay on the bed, covered in blood. – Jack Sepple updated his profile picture with a picture of him and Ashley with the term “Mine Forever”, and the point when your partner is murdered next to you. The thought of updating your Facebook profile is obscene. Jack also recorded a video message meant for Ashley’s family, though he didn’t send it. In the video, he admitted to his crime and apologized for losing his control while Ashley’s lifeless body was shown in the background. He even defended his actions by saying that he couldn’t let her leave. Then, before the police broke through his door, Jack was on a video call with his sister to confess what happened. Due to the overwhelming evidence against him, Jack Sepple pleaded guilty to the murder of Ashley Wadsworth in September 2022. During his sentence hearing on October 10, 2022, prosecution counsel Simon Spence narrated Jack’s years-long criminal background. Among the audience of journalists and spectators were Ashley’s grieving parents, who were stunned upon hearing Jack’s glaring history of mistreatment and mental health issues. Jack’s obsessive and violent behavior was first documented in 2014 after a victim he’d dated filed a restraining order against him for posting her private pictures online. The photos were taken without her permission and had been posted in retaliation to their break up. Once the order expired in 2017, Jack started hounding down the victim again by sending her messages, warning that she would never get rid of him. His violent behavior was not exclusive to his romantic partners. Tracy also suffered harm whenever they got into an argument, leading to a temporary restraining order against her own son in 2018. The same pattern would be present in all of Jack’s succeeding relationships from 2018 to 2020, all of which were happening while the man was chatting up Ashley as his online girlfriend. In 2019, he was charged with false imprisonment and coercive behavior after locking a woman inside his home. Unfortunately, the woman failed to attend the hearing and provide evidence, resulting in a non-conviction. Jack was only served once again with a restraining order. A few months before Ashley arrived in Chelmsford, Jack met a woman on Facebook and moved in with her to the house on Tennyson Road. However, after witnessing his jealous and violent nature, the woman broke up with him. In response, Jack strangled her and locked her inside the house. Luckily, the woman escaped through a window. However, she did not press any charges, preferring to completely cut off any communication with Jack. Unfortunately, despite his long history of violence, Jack only faced true consequences after being sentenced to life in prison for Ashley’s murder. After his sentencing, he sent a letter of apology to Ashley’s parents, Christy and Kenneth, which the grieving parents dismissed. Instead of giving their daughter’s killer hope of forgiveness, the parents wanted to focus on helping others learn from Ashley’s ordeal. They emphasized researching a potential partner before getting into a relationship and calling the police if a family member or friend is in a bad situation. After Ashley’s untimely demise, only then did they learn about Clare’s Law, which allowed police to disclose the criminal history of convicted perpetrators if a possible victim is at risk. This would’ve allowed them to look into Jack’s criminal history before allowing Ashley to move in with him in another country. In light of Ashley’s tragic end, law enforcement reviewed their processes for identifying high-risk perpetrators and at-risk victims, hoping that with an improved method, cases such as hers would be prevented. – The legacy of Ashley’s death, is Essex Police have moved towards a new matrix to identify the highest harm offenders to make sure that the likes of a Jack Sepple are identified as people who may commit harm in the future. – Ashley’s remains were brought to Vernon where she was finally laid to rest. On the anniversary of her passing, friends and family gathered on the shores of Okanagan Lake to remember her life. They affirmed that Ashley’s beautiful smile and contagious energy will forever be in their memories. Her family thanked everyone who supported them, even those from England who also held a vigil for Ashley. They hoped that by sharing Ashley’s experiences, they could prevent others from suffering the same fate. That’s exactly what Ashley would have wanted, to help, that’s who she was. To save someone else if they hear her story, to save another family, another young girl or boy. To save them from these signs that start. To reach out for help before it’s too late.


    1. I hope they don’t put this coward in protective custody !!! as a matter of fact, they should put a sign on his back, saying he beat a young girl to death and stabbed her 90 times ! Trust me I did five years in federal prison he won’t last five minutes !! He’s a coward any man who abuses a woman is a coward !

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