this is really cool we taking the plane right on the tarmac there is my workstation this is the pool be the view what they got home boy and home girl or two home boys let’s hope we don’t hear them let’s hope you don’t hear them from the news but well the same goes monkey see monkey do monkey see she want go bab today’s our lucky day Serena uh Serena right yes two new bottle two new bottle new bottle of Black Label a new bottle of champagne just for us Queen L came and claim this portion of it [Music] we have our own channel we’re all always [Music] curious morning um 5:30 a.m. be checking out um of Paris the Hotel La Pavilion de r we flying to beitz please go check out the last Vlog we was in Eiffel Tower but this is a brand new Vlog we’re leaving now to go in the elevator come with us too bad we have to leave this hotel but this is where you dine inside beautiful this is Babe right here watching um television and they’re preparing for breakfast it’s 5:30 here this is the inside of the lobby area this is a restaurant actually in a bar over there yeah but this is the inside arriving at the airport not bad it’s like a 20 minutes try from the hotel so we just checked in um it’s really quick it’s like a local well not local domestic right domestic flight um already checked in everything was like hasslefree it was just a to early however they got dutyfree open here very early in the morning I’m not sure why your friends Airport please not open jyree at 6:00 a.m. cuz money you got to spend over here waiting for a flight but bab’s like shopping around yeah bab is undecided which is good it’s undecided my little C here um this me section here Bo buy me something now well money done here we put on perfume this morning sideb makeit but I try this perfume uh why I S it smells really good let me get see be buy for me let me ask you this is really cool we taking the plane right on the tarmac nice heading on to the runway my Paris it’s hour and 20 minutes but B make sure gu she biscuit biscuit bis bab one hour flight we have not juice or water mom it’s really good it’s biscetti biscuit big city wow beautiful W [Music] touchdowns airport welcome to beit we’re here over here guess we here W very beautiful guys see beautiful beautiful see so our bags made it safe from like 2 weeks ago via DHL here’s where we going to be staying um this is the house it’s really huge inside I’m going to show you guys later on that’s the house and there’s a jaguar and a Mini Cooper there for us and that’s the entrance but it’s really beautiful that’s the house and this is all the house here too and that’s my red bench there’s some firewood then check this out it’s really cool there is a laundry room then you have like a nice little area it’s a different section of the house this is all the outside you have here a walkway and it’s nice breeze you have a back hangout spot right here this is the back of it all these garden and you have like a whole area here can’t explain can’t explain the what the grass is getting water now check out the back here nice view there’s a next section here I got a little bed going on here check it out all this here back here and then you got the pool I didn’t go in the pool yet cuz I’m not sure but we’re staying over there that’s the pool infinity pool overlooking France beautiful the dining room area which I don’t think we’ll use this is the inside that was the um living room not really that’s the dining room sorry there like a walkway you have this door here that goes to the outside right here on the outside and then you have like all these uh baskets this is the living room wow it’s really big really really big a secret door over here but this is a living room with a TV and this is the outside let me show you guys our room this is the it’s a big living room check it out this is a full bar what do I have here a little Hideout spot but yeah full bar let me cut the the light off uh what do they have here Hideout bathroom pingpong table a little mini [Music] gym TV playroom area and let me show you guys our room right here here is my Workstation this is the pool this going to be my view right here let show you guys was I was outside here just now all right and here is the um batroom his and hers sink me boom bathtub restroom shower b b your local French girl here we got to go out you guys saw the place you guys didn’t actually see the full place it was rushing cuz we excited but guys so that you know this red bench is lubaton is it am I saying that right he used to stay here and this is his bench that’s what I was stole says Christian lubaton bench and this is the house here and my car is over there but um baby is actually looking bab we looking for fruits yeah down here you look very French what’s your French name so guys for this trip you you guys call Lima L okay just skin sh teth there I used to go to Bishop’s High School 1992 finally my professor came through whoever he is if he’s alive or if he’s dead I don’t know he’s french guy in Bishop’s High School um he taught me jumapel Adel farad ilel is Lima but that’s all I know jel is what’s my name and ilel and I know just another guy just taught me in French goodbye is salute or OA o all right so we going on um for a drive and um babe looks cute with your friend babe you look cute man [Music] right all right we we going to um uh a quick drive up to beitz to check the place out 10 minutes away yeah guys it’s where we staying it’s 20 minutes from the border of Spain so we’re going to go to Spain but not today we’re just taking it all in you know I got a tank babe I always want to drive a Cooper and babe came true get me me a Cooper however Arena and Mac if you see this I want to show you guys something the car is uh from 6th and they got a special note to me here I don’t know if you can see it what it says here babe Mr con de Mr con thank you so much all right so you see us supporting y all the way in France so be fine parking let let that’s limia right there we walking um the weather is kind of um not um as good as yesterday but we’re going to this beach check this beach out cuz I’m sure we’re going to be at the beach gu what guys we found a water side bab Tak hot because the breeze is very northwards of 35° Southwest but let me show you guys the um the beach it’s a bit windy but check it out ice but it’s a bit windy all right so when we go to St Martin um you know we have car 4 TR have a big up yourself we found a car 4 here um I guess cuz it’s a French French um Supermarket that’s one good thing so um hopefully you can have Masala I’m looking I’m just joking we trying to get familiar VI our first the place is beautiful yes very peaceful very peaceful quiet you guys are going to see a lot more but we’re just trying to drive around and get familiarized you guys just guys just saw the um the beach but it’s windy um and it’s Saturday but um yeah at least we found a supermarket we found yeah we found a wine place we found a lot of places so we’re just doing a tour the Beats right now one thing I noce a lot of bicycle plenty bicycle all over so we we’re checking it out we have liquor at the um house but just for you guys to have an idea so J Miss is like $21 they have uh Jack Daniels Red Label I don’t see no black label but the price is not bad um and Dave is somewhere trying to get the wine so you guys know the French eating small portion right like we we could bu two traders to no no we don’t buy that we just go for 18 18 pack and BJs bab show them the four EG you want four egg you got four egg in the pack for $2 four egg so that’s why people small small for 18 18 pack and oh your car your family oh you sale you want 24 pack so B if you got to buy Coster cost from asjid how much is this you need oh God let me show you guys the wine price hold on also you can pick any uh wine you want and the prices for wine aren’t bad they got wine from like three uh EUR and you got like €1 of whatever you you want to get whatever you can afford this one is actually 36 so yep carry four and they got a big big beer section hinein and this is the one I was drinking on the road in Paris and TR if you watch this they got your um Desperados over here all different kind they even got Corona um yeah and baby summer finging chips what you got babe just in case mhm and get a little qu bottle oh kind of French gu for the yeah yeah see no one don’t people smile smile I used to go buy qu bottle for my dad when I was little in y d get look babe for truth look you’re in America we have big chips look at these chips for $0 89 wow look at this right here yeah man anyways you got go somewhere else watch bab by she needs your rice she can never be French babe buying rice buy rice but look this one’s a perfume rice babe the one next to you Rose long perfume rice it’s like white anys you’re buying rice more like car boil yeah we bought a um the guy says this wine is good so that’s what we’re doing right now so we found a place to eat right but um they got so much choices of burgers babe got homework right now straight up homework but we’re having two glasses of wine to start with you know know I’m going to have the bar code thing right I’m not a bar code guy cuz you had to scan the L however babe ordered me um bottle of um white twine white wine for babe and I get him two B two glasses of red wine you found this burger spot babe how many burgers you got there about 15 different types of burger I guess I’ll Dr some water too I guess you should yeah it’s a very gloomy day today um so um let have some burgers show you guys and have some WI Cheers Cheers we walking they pay 50 Cent randomly and now they’re playing um what’s bab Bob Marley Bob Marley yes so they know we here we have arrived and bab I like your hat babe that’s my hat from Portugal that’s nice right I got to buy a from you walk with there right yeah look at without H what you think anything think man look decent once and for all right nice nothing there cheers [Music] CH when they say fries right babe I thought was like you know them regular big American fries this is fries yeah yeah potato chips they just friy it in fresh oh wow it’s cool right how t try it it’s really good fresh let me see hold on Wow all right having a fries bab babe got your burgo it looks good inside right I have a truffle Burger truffle burger and I’m going to make do with Tabasco sauce today yeah with the fries and babe I got a opening for me you got a burger of the month yeah it’s like a chicken yeah and um yo it smells good right yeah and I got the fries we going to eat now here what happened right we just eat BG we want more drink this Saturday but yo look Dy parade behind me there by kind of raining to like for eat plent like for drink plenty by wow he watch a video babes right you’re going to see how much pill behind is it’s like you can’t even pass through there anyways we want to be one more drink before we IDE head inside so the rain came down so you can’t might come again this is such a good idea you waiting we waiting all right here what happened the rain just drizzling Saturday night you see that right exactly no lie Breeze blowing heavy so we decide to go home man you know light flash those right that’s a sign we going home home our first Saturday in beit so we go home man call it tonight yeah and we need rest cuz the time difference with the sleeping too yeah yeah so didn’t sleep much it’s raining so we going home all right we going home so the place look gloomy gloomy and it’s 9:45 p.m. but there’s still a little light in the sky and we in the country Back Road check this out right you got home it’s 12:35 a.m. in the morning which is probably this is Sunday morning 12 12:35 a.m. which is uh there 6 hour difference so it’ll be what um 6:35 something like that 6:35 p.m. or 7:35 I just woke up babe so had um you know I can’t sleep but I left bab me neither I left babe alone I can see babe drinking the wine that’s not a big deal but guess what she get besides the wine babe me crunch crunch crunch bab get Sal sa wine by in bed wow somewhere just oh shs all right all right bab enjoy yourself the time difference really messing me up I came home like um we came what time we came babe we came like around 10: p.m. from dinner which was uh 5 5 in New York 5:00 p.m. and I slept for a little bit for an hour or 2 hour I was sleeping at 1:30 today which is our time here in New York that was morning 1:30 was 7:30 a.m. there so I I took like a three hour nap that’s why I’m up can’t sleep up watch some um Qui critics yeah actually yo I can’t see actually but an act for a good laugh and um babe now tell me she for a swim me know work out but mean think cuz the pool right over there see there anyways you some rest now B all right be sa get a sa my sister all right my sister thanks for the SAU FBS all right pick up yourself FBS one hey anybody big up to later on we do some big up later on you got do Auntie from Minnesota yeah Auntie um daughter going forget you tomorrow tomorrow on da definitely birthday is coming up okay I have to give her a shout out all right let me go try to get some rest me now I drink a um glass of wine hopefully I get some sleep because I really can’t sleep left oh shs B there’s a bottle in the car which I’m not for front this always got plenty one yes the whole room will we show you guys I know I know all right all right later morning Sunday um Le and I are going looking for some coffee and the W the rang just don’t fall they’re going to try to do something the winded kicking last night is a fruit place the winded kick in and um we slept but um we heading out to see what going on babe how long find parking half an hour by the way guys there’s no big car here we get the biggest SUV every cars there are small they have a reason cuz parking is hard to find parking tight but anyways we find a nice tourist place you going walk around it’s now what time now 12:30 we didn’t drink coffee yet so we got to get coffee all right bonju lame there Lima right here hanging out we at a a Margaret Coffee Spot having coffee that’s life finally we found coffee here what happened now right so everybody speaks French me and lame speak English this place was empty so if you start drinking coffee everybody coming up for coffee cheers L I like get my coffee even though it’s what Happ almost one you know it’s almost one my time it says qu the 7 so it’s perfer time to me coffee time babe you got to show this area it’s really nice show you guys yo check their garbage been on the road that’s their garbage right here not her this right straight at me bud but yeah we had a um it’s like a well like over here have all these small small spot this is the um coffee shop we went to and a reminds me of um actually saying Barts we’re going to go take a walk bab we’re going to take a walk you know what I mean right you I I brought you here for stores we can take a walk okay all right all right it’s Sunday and we just weed a bit I can’t see from so far oh hotel hotel Florida but we’re doing the whole tourist thing today that’s L right there Hi lame and um yeah we walking around check out some sceneries so we found a nice church right by the um ocean and it’s like a little square all right let’s go B we want to go to now okay walking thank God it’s Sunday bro thank God it’s Sunday babe shopping it’s a nice um C it’s nice in the glass case bab I see you um but we walking around it’s a it’s a huge strip of shopping area restaurant bar Hotel so we just we just walking right babe we just walking all over the place yep yep I knew it babe found them allall now she want a glass baby bab and that’s me all saying no try on let me see a look n it’s not worth it I just joking guys um anyways we in a mall we found a mall a beach right here finally guys I kind of I kind of talk babe out into not buying this Chanel I’m happy however I got to say something before we come back to America me smoking cigarettes you know why all the females there not the male the females there they’re just smoking cigarette like nonstop by I guess that’s a French woman thing right no it’s it’s a that European thing I think in Portugal that happen yeah but more so them girls them guys are smok them girls are whip out them cigarette in the just smoke bik anyways we walking walking it’s nice here we found a spot so we walking that is the beach they got a casino it’s like dong Tong beit one hotel two Hotel they even got a TR look at that train on I’m trolley train thing but yeah the weather is not that great today but we’re going to come back cuz we’re here for 3 weeks yeah we just walking to our next um spot so bab’s actually going to get something which I approve cuz it looks cute on her um finger and she’s looking looking bab you got to pick pick a nice this one is on me all right I Dr okay bab’s gotting this right here we’re going to put um either a lock or a key so let’s see what she decides right babe what do you think babe okay babe come see your by watch here L Madame L let me see and it’s got like her birth charm with my bir Stone what and there’s birthday babe I I buy three more for you if you know for call place name give it a shot what’s your name what’s your name who am I they blushing anyways that’s where you came from me just spicy one ring guess what she next question she hung yo I yo somebody please I turn in bankrupt W I just buy she one ring I talk her to the Chanel now she want she hey you bu you can eat yes and you can just SP out all me money anyways we’re just having fun we going to get cuz me hungry too we are looking for something to eat it’s like a busy street um a lot of options but um I know babe what you got here babe I thought it was barbecue you see what it says barbas we studying the menu we found a spot to eat right you know babe she got get she little Curry and everything thing however I got this thing called a Monaco and babe got his here a pastel drink it’s called Apple spits and we had a place called PLO it’s a franchise right I got glass of wine I’m going tell yall why that’s babe right here this is me hand on the table look babe babe need a boot what you say bab I need a boot to s for this chair so this place it comes with a scratch you buy a food and you got a scratch and you can win a free burger what do you wi babe know so you know how you scan the barcode right you got to scan and pay and get the drink so I scan it’s called Monaco so I think was a fancy drink it’s say beer but it’s like icy we have one and it’s in French so I figured let me get a glass of wine [Music] too I think she want a trip to Peru say Peru anyway how’s your food your Apple sprits tastes good I’m happy I was really hungry hey you got feed CH or taste taste it everything I have you got it’s sweet what’s wrong with you like you brush your teeth with different sugar fin drink to the red drink there and drink me wine anyways let me go on and color for priz now all right she come ask her there baby drink and then bab’s having um coconut C with rice Leno and I’m having a regular burger yes me so tall right here have now so I B um air pastel and um I order Monica cuz it looks Fancy on the web menu now when I taste this thing yall have got IC before or um them um cream soda and them thing this thing is times 10 I thought Monica was a fancy fancy name taste good forever just told bab I going be drinking you me this is wine went to Portugal last year wine was cheap for I say to himic you know but no by the way I told you guys I was check out my bow bam done show your ring the ring your B it’s cool right it’s your um her Stone got walk somewhere um now that I feed sh um I’m going to go walk and open my appetite again there a lot of food after here by the way guys we just found out Purdue means you lost we win the scratch we heading out check this part out bab say she got me by hook or crook small Beach right here then look at these people on the beach they said they got to come today anyways we’re going to this attraction but babe look over there right there yeah there’s another one there we got to go they look park right yeah andway babe don’t eat she fully charged we’re going for a walk good nothing like a full belly all right so babe is fully charge up right she got your food she had three glasses of wine one or apostel but I want to show you guys The View man yo we making we make chew with the weather jacket but that lady’s walking nice show them this lady look at us in jacket it’s not cold it’s little teeny tiny bit cold basically lady they’re in the water right now she on she on Sponge let me show you hey it’s this spot here right which I see can oh there’s two more coming hey watch what going on here boy she don’t want to go but he’s like wow you got one more you want to go no yo I think last vacation and they like they got to go to the beach I can’t make it up watch they’re going for a plunge by n no what what do what reaction here now watch the water is clear though watch the tip to in and body let you go the water clear let’s go B let’s go come back a next day check this view out there we’re going over there got take off my hat but look at it right here it’s beautiful check this view out yo and they still in the water over there by look you see them in the water wow beautiful beats yo check the background of this thing did some pictures in there but that’s like it’s beautiful let me show you guys from different Ang baby you hold on right there right bab make up cover it cover it every was coming up be right here check this up and we’re going right over there and look like car I just need little one Sun W check it out beautiful right babe yeah those guys up there n they’re didn’t get too much gra for me bu want too many espressos yeah but I like this spot here this little and want here let me show youall babe hold on you guys see me without my heart look at my hair you blowing yeah I a nice hair the babe that was cover it up you know they got a hole in the wall that was a hole in the Rock now we going to this famous spot that we saw on YouTube when he was like um youtubing Stuff how to like things to do same like when you guys see our Vlogs inspire you travel to come see what we’re doing while other people Vlog but once we knew we were coming here we started doing research all right so we going to go to this next spot by the bridge all these wordss in the sky me know for when you get home boy and home girl or two home boys let’s hope we don’t hear them let’s hope we don’t hear them from the news but and be safe we going [Music] to normally the waves will come in here here and crash on this bridge but thankfully today not today cuz we’re here and I call Mr and Mrs wave to chill out this says they’re going to chill out but we’re walking towards this right that’s where we were just now and that’s the beach really nice area I’m trying to speak um little loud so you guys in here cuz it’s very windy this is Babe right here so Madame L where we going trying to clear up this hole so we can walk through but this whole everything it’s a busy hole right busy busy hole so we going there right now all right we’re going through the hole right through here bab going through the hole yeah baby go [Music] girl we make it through the other side of the hole and this babe right and baby always find a car watch your babe there right there’s a lot of tourists here by it’s a bit cold came out to um see the auspicious aici Monument on top there aici you trying to sit there I know she’s trying to say you trying to say what you what do you think we trying to say auspicious what the weather wasn’t the best this morning but it turned out to be good look at look at remember he going to drive you on top of that mountain go all the way down to the it might be windy guys but we made it yeah it’s really beautiful yes it’s really Beau sry for the it’s all right it’s all right check it out trying to move the camera as slow as possible be over there and this is one of the LA Plage the beach and you can see a lot of tourists and be tick tocking me Tik tocking or something [Applause] [Music] see right here big is beautiful it’s [Applause] back well the say goes monkey see monkey do monkey see she want go top there babe go touch the lady head watch babe watch bab all right and Moses return from Exile watch Moses right here bab watch B babe hold on right [Music] oh SK my great grandma Grandma can I this bab make it down back we head now to our next adventure is that babe I go to than keep now down with the tourist thing all right we done with this spot here now we walking through the hole a lot of people go through this hole right here yes a lot of people pass through this hole before so we’re going to this hole and we going to get some drinks Maybe yes us up yeah we got we have a lot more time here to explore a lot more yeah all right one last look look over there it’s beautiful stop right there I’m coming one last look at this spot you got the bridge as I said the water come up as high as the bridge it’s beautiful Yeah well yeah but if the water had come up on high tide trust me I would not be here maybe maybe this young lady right here can come up but now me but this is it right here where where babe oh yes yes we right yeah we can go yeah but we had our gym membership it’s there it’s in there all right maybe we will go all right we’re going to head out but take a last look really quick right so you [Applause] see you guys saw them earlier when he said there on Cops police one of them was all the way in the water till out there and he took a while to get back I think the W kind of wees fast those if you see the French out I’m glad he got saved I think he went do some videos I don’t think so kids being mischevous shouldn’t be there my point is fast only only subscribe yeah curious yeah understand French people they subscribe uh bunch of for always curious got to find out what that means in French any you guys are safe going to drink some drinks now B yeah check out this view wow it’s a lot of views here got Castle over there Paul used to live there Shan Paul Jean Paul pier and you got LA right here but it’s really nice this place is nice so this is this this is the fish out of that aquarium I’m joking behind there’s an aquarium but as I said we walking walking right check this out babe was saying some of the fresh seafood is out here wow look at it man beautiful beautiful and then just having to put tree Stone up there make it a puzzle but it’s really nice wow I like it on here we about to go down here and see what’s what’s up down here gu she glass sprit or air going on here full D keep parade mod she make it man right there go bab go go and take a picture of it so here happen [Music] mon hold on hold on hold yo all the um Apostles sprits and everything Bor on the launching thing don’t walk out yeah but it’s nice though we just actually really really almost come book you a ticket you come Air France brings you here Delta American Airline cath Pacific Emirates Air France actually bring you here oh yeah yeah air fans come here locally from Paris to beit are you going to check out some other stuff cuz CU we’re curious today all of a sudden we curious tell she’s a monkey watch break her Branch break her Branch wow all right there’s our next spot you know and you um look at this view over here but babe come on want tell you something come you guys know how we tra bab be careful please oh oh skes I know see the way here what happened you know you can do like tour guides and stuff yeah I know that right but me and babe man the money you going to spend for the tour tour guide they’re going to tell you well Jean Pierre was there in 1652 then emolia ests came like I know it’s history and everything but we like for like explor yourself like if you go to tour gu we can’t jump up the thing just now they W bring it to the tree with a bunch of people and listen guys when you travel Don’t Be Afraid like you know just what do you want be yourself yeah I mean if you going to do some St the two clim point rock or like those two that was on the Rock had to come for them that but um yeah joking leader but um yeah so far we’re having fun yeah the sun’s now coming out what time is it now after now it’s oh I know what time it is it’s like 10:30 um New York time 4:32 here go Pakistan and um it’s they’re playing India right now now it’s 4:30 here and the sun’s now coming out and it get dark like 10:30 11: p.m. yeah all right we going somewhere else where you coming up B going on there my gasoline done yeah I know my gasoline done so we’re going to recharge so look exactly my point right you get the tour guides there right but then they stop wa somebody got a p and them thing whatever the case is and they won’t take you to certain places like now we want to go we was up there they was by that tree somewhere there but where you want to go now all right all right let’s go take some I’m not over there reading some books it’s beautiful though you found the next spot where you have all the Surfers I guess they’re feeling adventurous is their thing this surfing I’m Sorry Miss the is known for surfing the SF first town they love the surfing out there see how much of them today and the weather start out not great but that’s what they love to do here and the fax is known for curiosity but not surfing so if you’re curious you come watch it come to yit and you can serve we got back to the tower but not today not today check out this little wormy warm here wow pretty cool and I found some other spot wow these are boor guys man we going to the beach right now not till I go in the sand just to walk and get familiarized with it yeah check it out so babe find me in front of a boat show but yo this part here is actually nice too yeah it’s a big beach yeah let me show you guys scene if you look behind me let me P the camera around it’s this babe soaking it all in B of the boat the B of the boat ship actually the flowers over there those are probably all hotels hotels right across there babe that’s one of the fancy hotel to talk about yeah but our money didn’t reach that far yet I’m sure tomorrow money going to reach there and yeah as you can see we ining up right and boys are my face are feeling very very adventurous but she fallowing there by what going what you going to catch one you make it you make it yeah you make it by the man make it by oh you make it then he is it’s beautiful here and now the sun is actually coming out but this is one of the main Beach that they have are we walking some more check out the beach it’s not a good day for the water today but people are out I just saw a bab bab was over there bab is right here she making an important phone call but this is the beach right here the Surfers over there all let we go taking a stroll hey happing in America they get Boardwalk he said get concrete walk but it’s a long stretch of um Boardwalk um SL concrete walk SL concrete walk front stores and restaurants it’s nice it’s nice the place me it right the place meit so yes this is like the famous hotel they’re talking about and this is the beach front babes here and you can walk it’s a long stretch hotels shopping area but it’s Sunday so we exploring we did a lot of exploration today we going to this Carousel over there and then head back to the next spot getting tickets to next we going to the carousel right here on the carousel thank let’s go get on choose your uh I thought you were going to pick the onean come come go here so what what going on here right so B decide for ride the moreid right the ocean uhoh bab camera right donkey for find donkey hold oh god there you go what you going on here I can make it up by what she hey mmed all right we doing a little um enjoyment right amusement park it’s not an amusement park it’s alone on the Carousel and some other family bab how you liking it w oh oh sh look at fall that be some D parade right there but I can’t make it up everyone ride the wave be riding a more babe you easy and they got a little shark here bab in a kid came out right and there Bambi who Bambi oh Bambi okay all right and then you got homeboy next to me right here yeah see homeboy right look homeboy right herebody walking Dy walking bab right there good job good job this is a famous hotel behind us in beit we just read the information some Queen Eugene was married to Napoleon thei and the beach behind here us she like to come out from the veranda and watch out so from July to September Napoleon B her it was like a little hangout spot in 18 B 1881 1881 well since 1881 Queen Eugene before that right but 1881 the empress took over and apparently those might be Queen Eugene family walking there Mrs Eugene and all of them Eugene money um well guess what be make it where a be like this I hear what happened now because we here Eugene look at this sun now the sun came however um June is what date June something 2024 watching a happen there right now Queen L came and claim this portion of it we watching the tab go they got big T game going on here watch Sky say hey full dkey parade mode watch here Bo who what them girl most strong boy what you going on here watch watch watch watch she fall down hey what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa still going strong Bo anytime now hey this is it by this is it wao anytime now both of them nobody going much what you going on I feel this side going to lose and this side going win what you going on here wao wo uh-oh trouble trouble it’s a tight game it’s tight it’s tight strong Bo the game going on uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh [Music] uh-oh what’s you going here oh they win they win they win oh they win they win they win they win they win they win they side win they side win I just call up Louis theii and Napoleon grandson and um I know um what the queen name again babe Eugene jeene Eugene this the first she say what happen y coming so guess what be curious cuz the drinks here is like Manhattan price but me pay me $25 for a bottle of water curiosity yeah you going in hey what happen tell this the man let me bring me truck to right check it out where are parking VIP what you going on here VIP see me um vehicle right there where I rented and it’s right here we going in babe you going go and make it you curious we’re going into the um famous spot so I asked for Johnny Walker and they gave me the entire bottle but this is the bar right here it’s beautiful and they have a fancy book Babe doesn’t know what she wants to um get no book to choose from all right this is how they do it oh they stamp the eyes very fancy check her out the best bartender in BS right here her name is Serena that’s what you say your name right Serena exactly Serena that’s beautiful well thank you Serena you’re welcome my pleasure and now for the boss lady herself Lima I’m having shut here whatever bab is having she always picks something fancy and again this is the best B bartender right here I know she’s under pressure right now right get another bottle of CH oh wow brand new today’s our lucky day Serena uh Serena right yes two new bottles two new bottle new bottle of Black Label a new bottle of champagne just for us we’re very lucky today you guys saw babe and I we um came having a drink made a few phone calls I’m just joking but just having fun and cheers travel see the world um one one flight at a time um it’s very nice the whole black black yeah yeah but chair is R but black I like the ice um Serena is very detailed and the way she makes her drinks um yeah yeah obviously right but cheers man she cheers with olive cheers now we’re having a proper dream but here what happen right you buy ferar always curious guys listen I show off I’m my show off right yall know me my joke right so this is the most fanciest hotel they have in here I don’t know the most fancy but it’s what I Google it it is the most fancy hotel trust what telling you but you know what anybody could walk in and or you can make a reservations to the restaurant yes yes or you can stay if you get money like you I think the house where we’re stay I I got fancy I got a few friends excuse me your friends I’m talking the house where we’re staying is pretty fancy babe this is choke to the house we stay no ocean but I think we did good yeah but anyways guys we’re very fortunate I’m joking and they had they had two drinks one too many plenty plenty drinks drink yeah but it’s really nice let me guys show you a view of the hotel itself we can’t go to the room we didn’t book a room yet but I’ll show you the Hotel this is the pool right here that’s the ocean where is babe babe that’s my girl lame she got and she back K by right here a whopping right I can’t make it of the bathroom here going fall Long Way to the bathroom here right you got men and woman use the same bathroom let me get tissue here to open the door for you I use this thing here so you drop it in something and that’s it very fancy you a clo that is a little warm use it and they give it to the guy in a bin and they replenish it anyways a god H towel is me and you throw it right inside here and you can peep through that by the beach and the B of the outside a gun it’s very fancy check it out man and they have like these jewelries inside and they have like all this fancy jewelry but babe you can get this right wow price tag so I’m sure you can have it no you tell them girl you want it let you buy it if there’s a price tag on it I guess you can have all right so here’s where the king and the Queen used to sit Napoleon theii and queen the queen right here by by at least it’s here we leaving but we close the Vlog out now this is Babe right babe thank you so much if it wasn’t for you it wasn’t for me you know but baby’s right here we leaving we had a out it’s beautiful Priceless they got old saying we came we saw and we conquer listen today’s our first Saturday Sunday by Sunday um you guys it was rain this morning when we woke up we’re a bit depressed what are we going to do the sun came out it was a awesome awesome day we came to Napoleon the third that my uncle and Eugene that’s not the name of the hotel well I know the name of the hotel I don’t know right now but they used to Bab I told him the story before yeah but the hotel is not napole and theard so the bar right where you was where we used to where we was drinking at that’s was that was his office office yes yes so we were fortunate to drink in his office however we’re going to end the Vlog here thank you guys so much yes so much more to come but thank you so much it’s on your second day here in France yeah and thank you so much thank you for staying with us hit the like button write your reviews tell us what you think if you have any tips for those who’ve been here thank you thank you thank you thank Paul if you watch this and Serena the bartender thank you guys so much that being said that is why it’s important that as guy we make decisions based on the fact thank you good evening and remember we have to stick cuz I probably did it too because of you feelings I handle with recognize they handle the glare you know I ain’t the type to walk around with matching shirts the relationship is he but I will match a work I want to be the one to make you happiest and hurt you the most they say the end is near it’s important that we close to the most high regardless of what happened on him let’s rely when you need someone yeah I will be by your [Music] up is a for yeah yeah second it’s important we communica tun the fate of this Union to the right pitch I never call you my to even my boo it’s so much in a name and so much more in you if you understand the union a woman and man and sex and A tingle is where they assuming it land but that’s fly by night but you in the sky right these cold sh nice Moon you my light If Heaven had a height you would be that tall ghetto the C shop I see that all let’s stick to understanding and we won’t fall For Better or Worse times I hope to me you call so I pray every day more than anything friends will stay as we begin to lay this foundation for a family love ain’t simple why can’t it be anything worth having you work at annually granted we known each other for sometime it don’t take a whole day to recognize sunshine [Music] need someone I will be by your [Music] side there is a light that shines for you check it’s kind of fresh you listen to more than hip hop and I can catch you in the mix from beauty to Thrift Shop plus you [ __ ] pop when it’s time to thinking you fresh exes and Beast I Sur rhy to at times when I’m lost I try to find you you know to give me space when when it’s time to my heart’s dictionary defines you it’s love and happiness truthfully it’s hard trying to practice after this the time we committed love it was real good had to be for me to R and it still feel good I know the sex ain’t going to keep you but as my equal is how I must treat you as my reflection the light I’mma lead you and whatever’s right I’mma feed you yo I tell you to rest when I see you peace you need on I will be by your side there is a light that shines special for you and [Music] me Pass Me By oh God give me a look at the other [Music] side [Music] excuse and I’ve been living fast life but I see slow oh no and you see my lifestyle I got in the see many people outside stand defend like girl say she so I if you in love clearly you go to your breakast I’m not can you see i’mi I’m not faking this no fi you see this feelings I’m not catching I’m just I BR my [Music] bu so make get bage love the image happiness bless me you to me next you [Music] knower slow down [Music] make Mone Happ I my [Music] business I broke my [Music] bus [Music] right feel if I BR my [Music] business for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music]


    1. France is really beautiful. You guys had a nice trip.. I like the French pronunciation of Lima..Lemay, lol..❤💯🙏🇬🇾💪💪

    2. French

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      Très belle vidéo, passe un moment formidable. Restez en sécurité et belle. Cheers🍷💕🍟🇬🇾🇨🇦

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