I explore my new surroundings in the glorious WA5.

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    #bimble #bimblism #bikeride #bikepacking #cycling #explore #history #warrington #sankey #bewsey

    good morning bimblers well actually it’s the afternoon bit of a late one for me this one had to get our Molly ready then he had to wait for her and Mrs bimble to go out so it’s after midday now but I’m only going locally we’re just getting back into this wing of things so I thought we’d do a sanki bimble with a little bit of Bey thrown in for good luck so let’s stop messing about it’s been too long and let’s bimble just around the corner [Music] you know all of church bimblers and I passed this one on my way to work every day it’s disused now but when it was in use it was called St Luke’s Church pot fact back in 2012 it was up for rent and I had the bright spark idea of recording music in there I even went to a viewing the rent was £400 a month can you imagine it a whole church for £400 a month so I went to the view in and whilst I was inside I noticed that the traffic noise was atrocious as you can hear right now plus the fact that there’s a hand car wash just over the road and you could hear it plain as day I thought is it cuz the windows are broke could I fixed that or is it just cuz it’s got a really high roof with the rafters so I finished the viewing and I went home and I put my head in the Loft to see whether I could hear the traffic noise in my house and I could it was terrible there as well so my dream was over my dream to record choirs and Brass bands in a church but I still wish I’d rented it £400 a month could just ride me bike around in there I mean I need a church to house all these bikes I keep buying it was built in 189 2 and it was designed by a George Frederick bodley we’ve mentioned him on the channel a few times he studied under s George Gilbert Scott and he overseen Sir George Gilbert Scott’s grandson s Giles Gilbert Scott when he built the Anglican cathedral in Liverpool and he was only 22 so they needed George Frederick bodley to oversee what he was doing to make sure he wasn’t doing anything Daft we visited another church designed by Mr bodley in mafrum 2 bimble should go and watch it but for now let’s B [Music] more to me you were the sun itself to me you were a warm in hand the melts to the Bone the flowers grown from my [Music] heart to you I was a drifting line drawn between a light to capture but only show and pictures s from my arms oh over time clouds kept the light from those eyes still love grown comes you and you know I’ll never let it go you finding time I’ll never let it go you find it’s right I’ll only ever know how to speak my mind I’ll only ever know how to speak my mind to me it was a long mistake to me it was a golden handshake to repply those lazy arms in my [Music] heart to you it was a dream it mended to you it was a dream suspended to relocate right from the break to the star two of our stops today are that way but we’re going on a detour bimblers that way to see a scheduled Monument that’s Bim more time clouds kept the light from those eyes still love grown comes you and you know I’ll never let it go you find in time I’ll never let it go you find it’s right I’ll only ever know how to speak my mind I’ll only ever know how to speak my [Music] mind oh over time clouds kept the light from those eyes still love grown cons and you know I’ll never let it go you finding time I’ll never let it go you find it right I’ll only ever know how to speak my mind I’ll only ever know how to speak my mind my [Music] [Music] mind so here it is bimblers the schedule Monument barow old Hall just by the ledure center in great sanki as you can see there’s no Hall here anymore so where’s the scheduled monuments well it goes around where the hall would have been it’s a moat apparently there are 6,000 plus Moes in the UK and most of them are in the Midlands and on the east coast of England here in the ancient Township of bold which is where we are in between Warrington and St Elli there’s apparently six moats which according to Historic England is a lot of Moes so that’s why it’s of special interest there could be all kinds of medieval gobbins in these Moes if it ever dried up for long enough they could come here and dig it up but as you would expect it’s full of water just like a moat should be according to Historic England most of the moates in the UK were built between 1250 and 1350 and the first records of barow old Hall go back to 13330 Peete moat times they used to build Ms around castles didn’t they for defensive reasons but Moes like this would just dug around people’s houses to keep up with the Joneses someone down the road had a moat so you wanted a moat it’s a bit like conservatories someone on your street wants a conservatory and now you want a conservatory or someone on your street had Stone clading put on the Terrace house and you you want Stone cladding on your terorist house so that you can be like Vera Duckworth according to the plaque outside four acres of land was leased to a Thomas deur or Thomas deau I don’t know how you pronounce it it’s sped b a r w i don’t know what letters you’re supposed to pronounce I guess it’s from French but it was leased to him by a William La Butler we’re going to be speaking about the butler family in our next Portage they sold it to a sepa Lee and we’re going to be speaking about the Lee family as well only less favorably so this is the schedule Monument a patch of grass by a Leisure Center classic bimbis [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] only this time things to show me but life just keeps turning back to the way things will before for all knew this time you would still see all that became a TI from the way things were before it just proves to me how it’s meant to feel we have a motive we have time we were meant to extraordinary lives it changed with time you still know me we just keep facing back to the way and so bimblers we reached Beauty old Hall it’s been on the list for a while it’s one of the major Warrington landmarks but unfortunately it’s quite hard to see it’s surrounded by thick Woodland and in the middle of that Woodland is a 12T moat I told you they like moats around here it’s Posh Flats now so they really don’t want you to have a look around but I did manage to catch a glimpse over the back gate for you and maybe a glimpse over the top of the Trees of the chimney but that’s as good as you get in you’re going to have to make do with the stunning vistors the name buy comes from the stunning Vistas comes from French bosi meaning is beautiful or beauty seat the old Hall was built by a French family the labota family you might have heard of The Butler Family if you’re from Warrington it was built by a s William Fitz Almer La Butler in 1270 Peak M building times no wonder he had one it would have been a one-story wooden building typic typical of medieval halls but in the 16th century they built a posh brick one and most of that still stands today with a little bit added on in Victorian times and a little bit added on recently for the Posh Flats the main claim to fame of the brick building is that in 1745 Bonny Prince Charlie stayed here for one night but the old wooden building is where it all went off in 1461 so Thomas Butler was born there they dropped the LI bit from the L Butler Family to make it sound less French so Thomas Butler set up a free grammar school here in Warrington which is still there so Thomas Butler High School he inherited Beauty old Hall when his father died when he was just three years old that was Sir John Fitz John Butler and he was murdered here at Bey old Hall he was assassinated by two Posh lads s Lee if you remember s Peter Lee owned barow old Hall and the Lee family were right Posh they lived over at lime park near Stockport they’ve got a street named after him here in Warrington his accomplice was another Posh lad Sir William Savage Savage by name Savage by Nature my runor bimblers might recognize the name Savage from the area Rock Savage and rock Savage is where you have the Power Station isn’t it so they had streets named after him and power stations named after him but for some reason they went into contract killing and they were contracted to kill Sir John by the third Earl of Derby Edward Stanley they bribed a servant to light a candle and put it in the window when Sir John Fitz John Butler went to bed and he did it and upon seeing the candle they tackled that 12 foot m in a corico they gained entry to the hall and a Chamberlain kicked up a fuss so they murdered him then they murdered Sir John Fitz John Butler and that treacherous servant they young him from a tree so he wouldn’t give evidence nasty lot these Posh Lads aren’t they anyway even though you can’t see the old Hall The Gardens are quite fabulous it’s well worth a walk around there’s a maze lot of nice Vistas no wonder they called it Beauty seat and there’s also stretch of the sanki canal which goes up into the gardens speaking of the sank Canal let’s we were meant to lead extraordinary lives at over lines days keep moving but time just keeps falling back to the way things were before it just proves to me how it’s meant to feel we have a motive we have the time we were mentally extraord Li it just proves to me how it’s meant to feel we have a motive we have the time we were meant to leave extraordinary [Music] lives I’m currently stood in a lock on the sanki canal aka the sank Brook navigation aka the cellin canal if you went to my live bimble at Christmas or you see me at Warrington Music Festival you would have heard me talk all about that I was talking about the Blackburn family that lived over at Orford Hall which is now Orford Park you know here in Warrington the sank Canal was opened in 1757 to transport coal out of St ellin down into the Mery to be used for all kinds of industrial processes it was the Elon Ed family that discovered a seam of coal by accident in 1540 they were digging some clay pits but they found that seam of coal black gold Texas Tea no it’s not oil but near enough it meant that coal mining kicked off in cellin in a place called Sutton Heath and it was very expensive to shift the coal around so they needed a canal and they built the first Canal of the industrial era the world’s first Canal apart from French one called the canal deidi that was dug to transport wheat around France but we won’t count that this is the first canal and most of it’s filled in you can cycle along the sanki canal all the way from Spike Island in witness into the center of cellin by the old Glassworks doesn’t affect us bimblers part of it being filled in but this little section that I’m stud in right now is quite interesting you still have bits of Canal sticking out of the grass you’ve got this lock that I’m stood in and you’ve got a dry dock down there which would have been where they would have fixed up the Mery Flats they were flat bottom boats that transported the coal out of cellin and into the Mery and they would have transported salt out of North witch and into the Mery and transported sugar out of Liverpool and back up to St ellins and when they stopped transporting that Sugar that’s when the canal closed in 1959 you can kind of blame my granddad gyore for that he was a lorry driver and he used to transport sugar from the taton L sugar Silo in Liverpool to St ellins he says that’s why his front teeth rotted out when they were loading all that Sugar onto his Lorry they used to give him big lumps of brown sugar to suck on in the cab as he was driving along at about 20 M hour in those old lorries down all the a roads so he’d just be smoking rollups and sucking on big lumps of sugar hence it rotted out his teeth me other Nan and Granddad they got their teeth removed and false ones fitted as a wedding present according to an article in the warington guardian from 2015 there was a phantom pointer that was coming to this stretch of the sank canal and pointing all the Brick Works making it watertight in hopes that they would reopen the sank Canal you could probably do with coming back it’s a bit overgrown isn’t it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]


    1. Good bimble mate talking about rocksavage power station theres a pill box by the security gates when you go down the long path to your left

    2. Ah, I thought it was you. I'd watched one of your other videos just a couple of hours earlier and then rode past you as you were filming at the dry dock. Next time I'll say hello. ☺

    3. Long time no see Kieran ,great to have you back, you have been missed i used to live in Latchford Wa4 ex neighbour possibly 😀. also there is a moated farm in Frodsham so you will have to go back to my home town and find it 😊😊😊

    4. Very interesting video, Thanks for making it.. As you love a church. i visited an interesting one in Gresford near Wrexham last week. A very grand one, in a small village. Even the vicar couldn't tell me why such a place was built. One day you need to visit it👍

    5. Hi nice video, thanks for highlighting the Sankey Canal! You finished up at Winwick Quay which was the repair dry dock & maintenance workshop for the canal. The M62 runs past it. You were stood in Hulme Lock, the remains of the lock keeper's cottage are in the undergrowth. Sankey Canal Restoration Society is planning to do some maintenance shortly. The canal closed upstream of Earlestown in 1931 (but remained in water), sugar traffic to Earlestown stopped in 1959 and the canal formally closed in 1963. Warrington Borough Council enthusiastically filled in the canal from Newton Brook to Bewsey in the 1970s-80s.

    6. My elderly father was born in Warrington during the War. He was brought up there, and married there before migrating with wife and kids to Australia in the 1980's. He's on his final legs now, bed ridden with dementia, and hardly able to see or hear anymore. I hold my phone up to his ear, and play your marvelous stories for him. I sense he can follow along and it takes him back to happier times when he was a younger able man enjoying Warrington in simpler times. We appreciate you taking the time to create and share these stories near and far, delivered in a familiar and comforting accent. To many of us, they mean more than you know. Thank you so much!

    7. Hi Kieran. Love your videos. Welcome to my neck
      of the woods. Re your music: Nip down to The Sloop and try to sort out a gig there…..Maybe if i see you in there i'll buy you TWO pints.

    8. Well as a longford lad kieran the sankey canal had to be where my magnet journey had to begin , loved this bimble mate, marvelous 👌👍

    9. OMG, I pass by your back gate now and then on my bimbles down Sankey Valley on my Cyrusher fat tyre lekky bike from Golborne. And you passed top of my road in your Pennington Flash 'Bonk' video…🥰🥰🥰

    10. There's a rather excellent moated farmhouse just off the A580 East Lancs rd at Astley, as it passes over the Bridgewater Canal. A better example would be difficult to find I think?

    11. Even though they have built many thousands of new houses all around Warrington you can still travel all across from Penketh to Great Sankey on pretty rural roads with plenty of green spaces, and Great Sankey was were you went into Burtonwood and the old American airbase, rumour is that they wanted to turn the airbase into Manchester airport after the war! but due to subsidence from all the mining in the area, seems that a seam that ran from Bold Colliery ran under the runway at Burtonwood and had caused a drop in the runway! so instead it was built at Ringway. in the 1960s we used to go and watch the WB-29 then WB-50D Superfortress taking off, they were used to collect weather data for the US forces. I think their is still a part of the original runway at the side of the M62.

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