Ukrainian FPV drones destroys 47 Russian motorcycle troops in Avdiivka.

    A video shot by a Ukrainian FPV drone unit apparently this week depicts one of the Russian military’s up-armored assault motorcycles wearing crude camouflage around its welded-on anti-drone cage armor.

    [Music] Russia’s Mad Max style war bikes were already pretty weird now they’re getting weirder and more vulnerable a video shot by a Ukrainian drone unit apparently this week depicts one of the Russian military’s up armored assault motorcycles wearing crude camouflage around its welded on anti-drone cage armor it wasn’t quite the two- whe equivalent of Russia’s awward metal encase turtle tanks but it was close and it almost certainly suffered all the same drawbacks as the turtle tanks poor mobility and visibility [Music] once the Ukrainian drone spotted the boxy camouflaged bike Bly motoring along a dirt road in broad daylight somewhere along the 700m front line of Russia’s 28-month wider war on Ukraine the outcome was all but certain an explosive first-person view drone from the Ukrainian Apache fpv strike group chased down the bike and blew it up it’s possible the rider or Riders never saw the Drone coming it’s hard enough to see through the bulky metal cages rushing crews are welding onto more of their War bikes in a desperate effort to protect them from fpv [Music] drones it’s probably even harder when those cages are wrapped in camouflage after losing around 15,000 armored vehicles in Ukraine the Russian military got desperate for transp ation and began buying up inexpensive Chinese golf carts as well as Chinese and Belarusian dirt bikes soldiers have ridden on lightweight four-wheeled vehicles and even lighter two- wheeled Vehicles since at least World War I but they rarely rode those flimsy Vehicles into direct combat instead keeping them well behind the front line for support duties several armies experimented with armored assault motorcycles during and right after World War I but found them unwieldy lacking the speed and maneuverability of an unarmored motorcycle and also lacking the protection of a bigger wheeled or tracked vehicle the armored bikes occupied an unhappy Middle Ground nevertheless during World War I the German Army equipped a few troops with motorcycles and ordered them to attack Allied positions as a real world test of a bad idea the results were pretty tragic according to n kuoo needless to say the idea of deploying motorcycles for direct combat was abandoned 100 years later the increasingly vehicle starved Russian military revived the idea but only because it had few other choices [Music] the idea was for bike troops to speed up to Ukrainian lines faster than the ukrainians could react once within Small Arms range the bike troops would Dismount and fight on foot in practice the bikes were neither small enough to avoid detection by Ukrainian surveillance drones nor fast enough to dodge strikes by explosive fpv drones when Russian motorcyclists attacked positions held by the Ukrainian 79th Air Assault Brigade early last month the Russians were beaten in the teeth by drones the Brigade [Music] [Music] claimed a few weeks after the first bike troops rode into battle some of the survivors began installing anti-drone cages on their bikes essentially copying the practice that transformed some of Russia’s tanks into up armored turtle tanks the problem of course is that a 40ton tank with a 1 horsepower engine can handle add-on armor much better than a 200lb 100 horsepower dirt bike can this is a lesson the Danish Army learned after World War I when it ran Trials of the fp3 armored bike the high mass of the vehicle made steering difficult tanks encyclopedia noted CrossCountry Mobility was minimal [Music] the Russians appear to be compounding their error by adding camouflage to some bike’s cage armor impeding the rider visibility as well as their Mobility worse the camo is badly designed traditionally good camo featured designs of irregular colored shapes that made it difficult to determine the outline and form of the camouflaged object according to the Imperial War Museum but the single color camo on the Russian war bike struck by the Apache fpv strike group hit actually highlighted the square shape of the bike’s cage armor causing the bike to stand out on the landscape rather than blend in the Apache fpv strike group was unimpressed [Music] the first barn on two wheels in our Direction the group mused on social media punctuating its post with an explosion Emoji in the combat zone Russian forces are setting records not only in terms of losses of their troops and Equipment but also in terms of the use of offensive means Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has already publicly announced records of Russian forces usage more than 3,200 but Russians are also setting records in the use of fpv drones in the incomplete month of May over 5,500 fpv drones were recorded in use this is the highest figure for the entire period of fullscale War [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no w [Music] [Music] where AR [Music]


    1. 100 HP motorcycle? Ah no, a 1340 Harley/SS type engine isnt even 50 HP, yeah poeple put car motors in bike that have way more than 100HP but not those wanna be knock off Harley Davidsons, nevermind the dirt bikes …

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