Inside the UK’s biggest obesity unit with a couple bariatric patients. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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    hey what’s up guys Sean back and uh today we are going into the plus- siiz psych ward at least that’s what it seems like inside sunderland’s top obesity unit weight loss Ward now two of you have sent me this video so I imagine it’s something good if two of you have emailed it to me and recommended I check it out or it’s just my UK viewers that want me to watch more stuff in the UK which there’s 10,000 of you in the UK and uh you guys keep telling me you like my sense of humor cuz it’s dry and uh that kind of hurts my feelings a little bit uh I don’t like women telling me that I’m dry but I have a very wet sense of humor Dam it and uh today we’re just going to check this one out see what they’re doing Sunderland Northeast England she’s going to need a wee bit of work come on then one of the fattest places in the UK where 25% of adults are dangerously overweight the average oh no we’re starting with full frontal foa also that lady was just hanging out huh wow the UK television why are you guys naked one of you sent me a clip of this guy that I’m going to refer to as meet mountain and uh his wiener was out and you’re like it’s daytime television it’s weight in this country is now overweight obesity is expected to cost the NHS 50 billion pound a year by 2050 the more you eat the greedier you get sunderland’s Royal Hospital is fighting back with a dedicated weight loss team tackling the Obesity epidemic headon I am Own Worst Enemy yeah but changing the dod okay there’s a lot going on already we got a lady huff and marshmallows we got somebody that’s like I guess a voodoo doll or something they’re sitting there like this this going to be wild isn’t it habits of a lifetime is not easy there is nothing magical that we can do surgically that allows you to eat whatever you want and lose weight that operation doesn’t exist treating over 3,000 patients in the last year it’s the busiest NHS obesity unit in the UK we’ve had 10 admissions today just to catch up with the bat log there’s a conveyor belt of people and you guys just say all us Americans are fat and stupid you’re fat too damn it 10 in a day people who’ve tried every diet under the sun now turning as a last resort to surgery on Sunderland weight loss Ward if we don’t do something now she probably be [Music] dead genius why does why do people use canes why is no one just carrying chairs everywhere this lady’s D level 9,000 [Music] move with 13 years experience the weight loss team are very clear why people are overweight for a patient to be successful with surgery you must believe that what you’re eating and your lack of exercise is the problem no salad or anything healthy salad don’t really matter if you’re slamming it with chicken strips and ranch and all that good stuff but uh yeah we’re eating our fair share of [ __ ] nighttime is a picky at your pick time is it oh pick pick pick yes and what do we pick on chocolate for the patients getting to surgery can take years there’s no family history of obesity as they are vetted to see just how attached they are to food I’m greedy that’s the problem I’m greedy the most difficult bit is choosing the right people to operate on you can’t simply fix everyone with an operation they must change their lifestyle otherwise it’s not going to work in the long term they will simply put their weight back on a lot of people do and I’m getting a little offended that they keep calling us so damn greedy like we’re greedy for Gummy Bears we’re not greedy to other people I’m a very giving person damn it Sharon I’m coming Sharon I’m coming oh my God they did her dirty just not show her just screaming I’m coming the whole damn time 56-year-old dorine Thomas is at the beginning of her weight loss Journey with Sunderland Royal yes I’ll use that up today you’ve got four ham it’s on off so I’ll have to get it while it’s on off got plenty of edge I get upset obsessed with looking just for special offers we’ve got 2 4 6 8 10 11 flash well I’ve ordered five cuz it’s still on offer I’m high maintenance a lot of cleaning to be don’t and you guys said plus-size people don’t clean I’m actually pretty damn shocked honestly and that’s what flashes for Breeze for you guys cuz one time uh I think my mom hired a friend to clean the house when I was a kid she sprayed like for Breeze all over my room I broke out in a rash balls to forehead man that sucked she sprayed it on my bed or something it was awful hygiene comes first every time shopping online is wonderful but if you’ve got it into your head that you’re going to eat anything and everything in front of you it’s a really bad idea at 41 dorene’s weight tipped 31 stone at her heaviest 14 lbs is a stone so that’s what 4 434 at 4’11 I bet her BMI was highed than mine at 605 that’s a good girl she’s been living and sleeping downstairs for 10 months this is my space and this is my last chance to to live beyond the next few years with a grown-up son working away she lives alone and it’s the daily help from Sharon her friend and Cara that keeps her going she’s a big girl she should know what to buy and what not to buy you we take offense to that she’s a big girl he’s a big boy thing not really I don’t give a [ __ ] but some people take offense to it fat acceptance does interfere I don’t interfere I do have a look of disgust when I going really how why have you done she’s gone but it was a pound day Chuck options it’s only 40 calories a cup so I reckon I can have as much as I want of that having been to Sunderland Royal that’s how it works that’s math and if it says that it’s a like 10 calories you can eat all of it the whole damn bag it could be talking about one piece being 10 calories but you can have like 3,000 of for an initial assessment Doran is now trying to lose weight to prove to the team that she can make some dietary changes very good you look at that e got brilliant that’s 4 in one day D this lady’s killing it okay so we’re starting off good I’m not used to this I’ve seen too much too much like a 600 lb life at this point yesterday I was 420 so 29 stone9 and a couple Pebbles it’s a bad habit I suppose what hope gets a taste of everything that I eat but it’ll be the porky puppy oh look at that Porky puppy that’s my thumbnail maybe not a lot just a taste she was given orders by the vet to lose 7 KOs now she’s 24.5 in helping her to lose weight I’ve managed to lose 5 kilos I love her to bits I do she’s created a world she’s clean she’s fed she does her own shopping she doesn’t really want for anything she she’s contained herself in a in a bubble where I think she’s quite she was quite content okay so far killing it we got the hooker bath we got a bunch of online Shopper uh shopping which is great I mean she’s doing better than most of us I weighed what almost 200 lb more than this lady so I can’t really judge her I guess she’s stuck that I don’t know darene I don’t know the real darene I know this lady here I’ve just seen this woman that’s trapped in here I’m just a shadow waiting to come out from somewhere I was more of an eclipse than a shadow but I get what she’s trying to say every patient is given a weight loss Target that they have to hit to get surgery to show they’re prepared to change their eating habits for good 29-year-old housewife Laura l has been a patient with the weight loss team for 3 years she’s already been refused surgery twice because she failed to hit her targets I oh yeah Laura you and me same wavelength I got that thing canceled a bunch so uh let’s see how exactly she’s managing to pull it off I know how the hell I did feel like my eating habits are creeping back up Laura’s been married to 49-year-old Tony for 12 years and she puts her weight down to postnatal depression I was frightened I thought that I’d be accused of being a bad mom and I’d put five and a half Stone on at her heaviest Laura weighed nearly 22 stone and she’s been on lightweight but she’s having Snickers as a snack I don’t know what uh what post whatever depression I guess that’s after you have the baby I guess cuz yeah pre would be before depressant for 15 years after the death of her childhood friend she’s been given her date for surgery but at her last appointment she had failed to reach her weight loss Target you may have your operation canceled and you haven’t lost you weit yeah damn it Laura we should have skipped second lunch and she had just three days to lose two kilos bit right to move that’s going down to 116 should I try on a different floor it’s good I think it’s good that come earlier rather than later yeah you can’t think about it’s going to happen at 1 128 I’m I’m too [Music] F I know this is a fact you can move the scale onto different surfaces and you could drop extra weight it’s kind of funny how that works it’s dday for Laura she’s in hospital for her final weighin if she’s reached her Target she’ll stay in for surgery if you tell D-Day to too many fat people we’re going to think it’s Dorito day so stay away from that one if not she’ll be going home oh 1 to I’ve lost another kilo just disappeared in the night see me I’m gone I’ve starved myself basically after 3 years Laura’s through her gastric bypass operation is in the morning slap my ass and call me Sally this is going to be all good stories huh I’m not used to this Taxi Driver Sarah poret topped 25 stone at her heaviest 12 months ago she led our cameras into her life when she had a gastric bypass operation on the weight loss Ward past embarrassed disgusted what can I say shut up didn’t they say she just had surgery oh [ __ ] this one’s going to hell in the hand basket this this I thought it was going to be all good I didn’t know there was going to be a a rainstorm or thunderstorm coming soon and this lady brought it with the Twix like many patients Sarah had a traumatic past and as a as a child you know from about the age of six till you know 13 you know so consequently I changed to alcohol um you know and I also turned to uh to food I’m so sorry it’s so disgusting that that’s like half the time the backstory like they’re not disgusting I mean those people that do that are disgusting I’d end them all if you let me just give me a license to end them I’d do it can’t look at them Sarah’s been with her partner Carol for 16 years and they married 5 years ago I don’t know what I’m going to wend up with I don’t I’ve met into this next person with Carol’s support Sarah stuck to the diet and exercise regime set by the weight loss team and she quickly saw results I’m no longer diabetic I’ve no longer got high blood pressure so now I’m not a drain on you know the National Health let’s go we’re not trying to be a drain on people but oh this is kind of funny but it made me think of this my dad was engaged to this woman and her daughter was a lesbian and she was like nervous to tell us I don’t know I guess she thought we were going to act weird so I like I knew I had to like break the ice so I just walked up to her and this is my first time meeting her and I was like hey how about them vaginas and she just laughed and uh we were kind of cool after for that by her 40th birthday Sarah had reached 15 Stone she’d lost 10 Stone in 2 years and was relishing her new life I’ve never had a party so you know this is my first first birthday party really this is me now and that is me four years ago before after not too much longer if you keep eating all that damn [Music] chocolate Sarah’s back at Sunderland Royal for her annual checkup I do look totally different when I walk past the mirror I’ve got to give myself a second look you should do what I do and blow yourself a kiss it’s funny but then people people think you’re like super vain I just think it’s funny to do it today’s an opportunity to talk through any problems she’s had since her weight loss surgery she’s still losing weight that’s 14 I had a shitty childhood and I’ve had to battle with that throughout my life took away you know the amount of YouTubers or influencers that are like oh the surgery stops working after a year no you ate too damn much you stretch back out your stomach you’re not limiting yourself you became content at some point your biggest enemy is being content don’t be content cuz I want it all and I’m taking all of it we the crutch of my food and you know then I was left with me and in the Army I may look good on the outside but you know I still got a lot of work to do on the inside you look great you talk about a euphoric period which tends to be about a year long and that’s where the weight comes off uh but when you get to the year 2 years when the weight has stabilized that’s when it comes to the realization that yes you got your weight down but you’ve still got all the problems that are there before surgery it’s mental More Than Physical for a lot of people cuz like your own biggest enemy is always going to be yourself people beats up so much and that’s the thing I hate more than anything CU I was very guilty of that at a point but uh I just wish everyone knew like they were awesome they’re great and uh everyone’s kind of special in their own way and uh just believe in yourself that’s all you have to do but after a year you’ll still lose weight but you have to change your lifestyle I’m really really struggling just started to abuse um painkillers which is now you know got me into a sticky situation you know before I knew it you know I’m uh I’m addicted Sarah started to take Codine for a painful varus vein I’m embarrassed I’m frightened um you know and I’m disgusted in myself don’t be embarrassed more people have fought that demon than anything it’s kind of crazy when you actually like look into it or whatever the amount of people that that’s happened to her first appointment is with dietician Nicola young wheat loss is still going really really well I’m really pleased with that how are things going with your eating then do you have any breakfast at all um typically I have a daily dunker right um or a Laughing Cow dunker you guys have dunar what are we talk dunkaroo that doesn’t sound like a breakfast food a dunker that’s got to be like a donut or something right what about snack in between um I can have like a fun size um uh mini eggs right go on to the second packet I feel terrible sickness so it’s a deterrent having a couple’s really not a massive concern but it’s just being aware that that needs to remain a treat doesn’t it yeah as long as you are I think eggs are bad unless is it chocolate eggs is this a cadberry thing going on where that it must remain at a minimum yeah right thank brilliant I’ll see you later then thanks see you [Music] later hello stranger you all right very welcome next she sees her surgeon Kamal mahwa how are things could we’ve done anything better you know we we’ve not done as well as you expected anything no I think you’ve done everything is fine absolutely fantastic and you take uh she’s pretty small but if she is actually eating all that chocolate it’s not going to last very long but this lady probably needs some counseling to deal with her past stuff cuz it’s traumatic she dealt with some heavy stuff and a lot of people have so I really feel bad for her taking all the vitamins and the minerals yes are you taking any tablets for diabetes at all high blood pressure no no can you climb three flights of CHS without resting I blood you hope so dead easy has you quality of diet improved as as a result of the surgery or ABS everything’s improved tfold anything else I could do for you no no that’s it thank you 12 my surgeon says to me can you climb three flights of stairs after losing 338 lbs I’m probably going to be a smartass and say I’ll climb your wife three times but that’s just me cuz that seems kind of offensive does it not I guess what I would say is offensive too though 12 months on from her operation and Al Sarah is doing well but she’s chosen not to inform the weight loss team of her Codine addiction I thought all this operation would have being a CER T now I’m I’m scared I really am scared you got this I believe in you hipson last year 5,000 weight loss operations were performed by the NHS across the UK over a tenth here in Sunderland year on year the weight loss oh my God you put a fat suit on a guy to practice CPR or do you have to push on the FAA to do like CPR or something why does he got to be fat to learn CPR is that what they’re doing here fireman carry the fatty or something team are seeing bigger patience and they’re at the Forefront of pioneering new ways of maneuvering their extra- large bodies safely training staff from the other hospitals across the country where’s my Hefty hovercraft what the moral of the story Sean got screwed on everything everybody gets more fun stuff than [Music] me after 3 years of trying for weight loss surgery Laura’s finally made it onto the list and surgeon schlock bapor makes sure she’s ready yeah nervous you you look dense relax iting yeah don’t be we’re going to do a loop bypass on you right Laura is having a new operation called the gastric Loop so far loop I don’t know about this one but yeah nervous is normal but uh sweating is good too it’s extra weight the surgeons at sundland have only performed 40 it’s exactly the same as by glass the only difference is there is no second joint right so in theory it is less riskier because there’s one less chance of a joint leaking I know uh and uh but what I can’t control is if you get clots in your legs uhuh right once you wake up right there’s no lying in the bed right get up and walk yes right okay right is that a deal yeah okay a deal yeah we saw uh on 600 lb life somebody didn’t get up they got the blood clot they went to a coma I think that was one of the twins right deal a definite deal Laura never had a general anesthetic now I just want to cry hello governor oh I’m just right no like for my kids that’s it if I could get that out of my head I’d be fine Laura L come to take down to theater I think oh yeah I’m going to be th but isn’t just that maybe if I could carry on fat but forever be healthy but I don’t have that option I’m at a higher risk with it being in my family or diabetes and everything so don’t stress out all that much like stress is a killer uh I just tend to hope for the best and deal with the worst if it happens but uh look on the bright side of things is what I try to Laura I P my originally from London oh yes very nice no love London do you yeah God that is a rarity and this of course is stop her from getting clots in the legs some uhoh not allowed to show the surgery part so so we’re probably going to have to skip this who’s got a high BMI so they risk of actually getting dvts more than 10 times than somebody with a normal BMI she’ll now start losing weight because she’ll only be able to eat small amounts and her body won’t absorb so much food oh sorry all that gas they pump into you they want to hear you fart and they want to hear you belch so that’s a good thing it hurts like hell man all that pressure in your stomach’s unreal and they just cut without part of it Laura is Young and has had surgery to prevent her developing obesity related illnesses later in life candy at 56 Dorene is not so [Music] lucky I know some of you ladies in uh their 60s and 70s just got pretty damn offended by that one but was me it was Sunderland I’m old too I’m 35 every new patient is discussed by the surgeons dietitians and nurses on the weight loss team to decide on the best plan of action yes should right uh Doran Thomas she’s a 56y old lady height 149 weight 1 194 she’s got a BMI of 87 yeah told you she’s uh her BMI is 14 higher than mine and I’m almost 200 lb more than her that’s n does experience breathing difficulties with minimal exertion has to stop sit down every 5 to 10 minutes some apneic events has been referred for sleep studies that’s 13 years ago she’s still shopping for soda on that damn screen oh that don’t look like diet soda either and there were no facilities to accommodate her weight clure does try and carry a chair with her everywhere in case she needs to sit down genius you coming got a psychological history of depression since childhood and obsessive compulsive disorder there’s a good girl very regular binge in Comfort eating had uh OCD myself obsessive cheesecake disorder good girl there we are my legs object carrying me around because I’m just too heavy they’ve done it for long enough and they don’t want to do it anymore yeah your extremities start to go on strike on you but that’s cuz you’re too damn fat yes we’re getting there come on then she’s going to need a we bit of work we’re clearly at the early stages of assessing this patient we need to bring her in firstly to get an idea of what her eating really is like see nqu rolls a whole bunch of other stuff uh she’s locked and loaded she’s got a hell of a lot of good food there see if we can get her way to start coming down we’ll try and see the team want to bring Dorene in for a stay on the ward to observe her eating patterns her BMI being over 80 she’s one big woman offense for that getting progressively worse more quickly every week if you can only give two words and then you have to take a breath because you went to the door and watched the dog outside yeah she’s in pretty bad shape I would like to think I could get a sentence out but I might have been huffing and puffing the damn same I don’t know sometimes you can feel the difference in the days it happens so quickly and yet not so long ago it wasn’t like this 50s kicking you in the nuts huh but uh yeah there’s not a whole lot we do quickly I’d like to say uh with slow ferocity we do everything ass Ding and it was quite clear straight away that she was quite a special case she doesn’t have a social life she’s pretty much a reclus and this compounds her problems even further she’s tried losing weight in the past but has never really succeeded CL if we don’t do something now I don’t think we will have an opportunity to do anything because would probably be dead [Music] yes oh man the noises they’re making on this show is so funny like I don’t pay attention for a second I hear I’m coming oh 24 hours after her operation Laura’s taken the surgeon’s advice and she’s on the Move I’ve got to keep walking cuz of obviously DVT it may help to me little fat legs getting bit skinnier having a little walk down for a fat bird I can go some right sweetie the speed of light I am the fat ballerina on the plane I am the mad woman in the advert who’s like literally I’m like this jumping and doing all that This Woman’s going to start doing the Charleston what the what makes you a ballerina I’d pay to see a pouette or something cuz I’m checking my legs all the time can I feel something is there something there Laura has struggled for 3 years to get to surgery but from now on she’ll have to permanently change the way she eats and she’ll begin to lose weight in the booklet it says four to 6 weeks on pury but by all means try increasing the texture after four most people are Keen to get on to eating something a bit more normal after 4 weeks of pury anyway really about 2 to 3 months from now you’ll be on normal textures okay it’s going to be hard it’s very hard to grasp just how big a like no other part of that man is overweight besides his gut like all his weight’s in one spot it’s crazy how that happen style change is really going to be can’t imagine what it must be like to physically only manage two tablespoons and be full Laura’s TV suppers of mar bars and custard creams are now a thing of the past for the next month she’ll be on a puree diet while the stitches in her new eggsize stomach heal you is Nanny and Papa yeah you brought me that yeah I swear I thought she was carrying in a thing of Oreos man that would have been funny and not funny at the same time I’m a very serious person all right everything went well I’ve got to keep walking as well behind this week I’m the weight loss Ward is full of patients who’ve been addicted to food and for many learning to live without their crutch post surgery is without their crutch what oh he said crutch I swear I heard crotch a year after her gastric bypass operation Sarah has been rushed to A&E after telling her GP just how many coding tablets she’s been taking at a time well over 4 months she’s gradually increased the dosage to a life-threatening level I feel sick her friend Sharon is with her I’ve been taking coal because last night I had um I think I heard that wrong too keep rolling last night what huh last night what it was 40 she was doing so well why doing well sat here if you we doing so well we’ve been friends since we were 11 so I’ve grown up with all of her addictions I just wish I could stop her from doing things look a lot of people like a kind of addiction transfer from one thing to another she doesn’t have food she goes to this VI like vice versa but with her childhood and everything and her losing the one thing that probably made her feel comfortable uh it’s pretty easy to see why that happened if you’d say this to me like you know a couple of months ago we’d be he a a I would have said no cuz she’s doing amazing she wanted her well-being back she wanted the diabetes gone and everything we all have things that we have to deal with she just doesn’t deal with them very well there’s no permanent damage for Sarah but she’s kept in hospital overnight for observation you know I think this has become her next addiction so it’s sad you know what what’s next it don’t seem like she’s in that bad [ __ ] she seems she she seems upset but part of me thinks she’s just in there to check out some nurses or something the only food that I don’t care for is coriander I don’t know why I just don’t like it we like sweets chocolates crisps pies I grew up in a house where me m holy [ __ ] that’s the Harry Potter house isn’t it tell me they don’t look like little Harry Potters oh man I love you guys in the UK Harry Potter’s awesome had baking day on a Thursday things were put in tins and when it was gone it was gone that’s how she restricted our diet but anything that reminds me of childhood if it’s got the right memories that go with it it can be a fa Nostalgia for the Nutella yeah people love to like remember their childhood a lot of people that have good childhoods obviously not the last lady but uh stuff like that people are going to gravitate towards it right Dorene lived at home with her parents until she was 19 when she became pregnant and had her son as a single mom she moved into her own house but she struggled to get work and has lived on benefits all her life woh my mom died and then that’s when my wit really began to balloon in Earnest and it went from 18 Stone to 20 stone gradually up to 31 store it was mostly because I missed me Mom you cannot tell me that’s not Dudley from Harry Potter but yeah she’s talking about it like she gained all this damn weight I put on 60 lbs in 2 months once like these people are not that impressive to me I blow them out of the damn water in a weight gaining contest let’s see today it’s a rare day out for Dorene haven’t done these for months she’s got an appointment at Sunderland Royal with their chess specialist I could happily go back to sleep [Music] [Music] that thing’s plastic too this lady’s about to get a plastic enema she’s not freaking careful the way she sits on that thing all hard Dorene has lived with a common obesity related condition for 13 years I’d wake up and I’d feel as if I was ready to go to bed sleep apnea is a condition where you will stop breathing when you’re asleep that means that the muscles and the fat around their neck will close down the airway when they’re asleep oh just yep we are getting uh rear naked choked by our double chin that’s basically what he’s trying to say and uh the Snickers apnea is not helping that little bit so difficult and literally they stop breathing the brain wakes you up so you get a very disturbed sleep pattern you did well there thought didn’t you I did very well way to go I’m proud of you but if you would have roll backwards over this little twig of a lady she’s done though hi you Terry obese patients with sleep apnea are high risk for surgery Sor needs to get it under control before she can even be considered for an operation have a pie of Ginger wait please I think me breathing’s much better no shot oh my God this lady comes rolling through like a damn gazebo or something morning hi peace to meet you thank you hello now the treatment of choice for this condition is is a treatment called CPAP continuous positive airway pressure and involves a mask that’s right to keep the airway open at night that thing sucks so much oh my God cuz Sean’s a genius once again he decided to take sleep medicine because he couldn’t sleep at the weirdo sleep study place in the middle of heger toown Maryland so that sucker is set to like 787 jet fuel man that thing will shoot right off your damn face I’m pretty confident I could lift the hot air balloon with that damn thing needs to be used on a regular basis for at least 5 to 6 hours a night so that’s why I’ve been tight and much during the day absolutely [Music] right that’s the machine there it keeps your Airways open that however involves you wearing a machine that looks a little bit like an elephant’s trunk you look great that’s very comtable looks I didn’t go with that one I went with the one that went under your nose and over your mouth but at the same time allegedly I know a person uh you will have to pay your insurance $2,000 if if you don’t wear that thing like five it’s five or 6 hours a night but uh there may or may not be a way to get around that and it may involve a relay switch a bed pump a Amazon box duct tape and two holes in each side with a box inflating like a lung allegedly Sean didn’t do that but I know a guy kinky though doesn’t it very comfortable very comfortable oh that’s good once her sleep apnea is under control dorine will be admitted onto the weight loss Wards so the team can start to control her eating and decide why does it look so funny to see this lady jousting through the hospital with a chair what treatment is best for [Music] her man I’m carrying a chair everywhere from now now on locked and loaded with the chair it’s a week since Sarah was rushed into A&E it’s been a harsh wakeup call for her I could have been in like major liver failure now I see the insan of you know where my brain can take me addiction is a disease you know you can fix all of me on the outside but it will not why do you still have them though uh I’m very shocked that she hadn’t taking them all if that she was like really struggling I fix my head and until I actually fix my head and try and change then I will just keep on doing the wrong things excessively Sarah’s addictive behavior has put a strain on her relationship with Carol I like to think we’ve got a future but I couldn’t guarantee that although I do hang on in there and when I’ve come to the end of my tether which has been I can’t count on me fingers and toes how many times that’s been this year if she has an addictive personality why not get addicted to stinky twinky I don’t think she’d object to that that’s a healthy addiction right she pulls it back but I I want it to work you know God bless her she’s trying to do the best she can you know for the pair of us and I’ve just been sat slowly destroying it there comes a point where you think I can’t take anymore you at one point I did leave and it just broke my heart right each time it happens it’s like a piece of your dies Sarah imagine it’s harder on her than it is on the well no I can’t really say it’s harder on her but I think your loved ones watching something like that happen is the hardest thing oh she needs help and she’s got an appointment with the weight loss team I had to tell you I had to inform them they’ve done a major operation on me I had to tell them Sarah parret bariatric Sister Kim common is on the front line iy recognize you there what’s going on Sarah I was rushed into um James Cook a couple of weeks ago and how much were you oh my God you guys have crazy names of places I am never saying I was rushed in the James [ __ ] like I’m not doing that a SE tablet what you should be taking is eight over 24 hours and you would Tak 30 over 24 hours was 30 all at once right so you’re overdosed no I didn’t overdose I didn’t want to Wi my no no no you’ve done that the once the 30 no tablets you’re doing it regular I was doing it regularly yeah do you feel happy with your weight loss EC static MH absolutely it’s the best thing you know that has ever ever really happened logically you’re not that’s the nature of the Beast right mental illness stuff like that or whatever she’s struggling with everything in your life could be perfect but you just can’t understand why you’re so mad why you’re so sad but uh tough times don’t last tough people do you will pull through this I have nothing but faith in you and I wish you nothing but the best but uh don’t beat yourself up too much cuz a lot of people do then do you want me to refer you back to our psychology department I I wouldn’t feel comfortable um seeing a male but you’ve got to gate help what the hell what I do to you come on lady oh yeah well I guess they’re childhood and all okay I just man hate is running wild in these streets and I think you probably know that yourself do you yeah okay thanks very much Sarah okay could have just sat and cried and cried for her for some of our patients poor surgery this is what happens that can’t C psychologically and especially if you’ve got an addictive behavior you’ll tend to go from one addiction to a you know another addiction I think you look really really well in all fairness it’s just you I just feel like you don’t look like it I’ve got to see it right cheers it’s 2 months since Laura’s gastric bypass operation and she’s Laura’s pretty ballsy jumping on that thing in a skirt huh she’s about to flash the damn world and this lady sitting here on her left’s popping all kind already lost two Stone you can just tell in your face and you actually look happier I’ve never seen you in the dress before legs sh pants out you know it’s her 30th birthday and she’s been settling into her new eating regime of soft solids I would probably would have been up here by about six times by now and half the cake would have been gone this will be my breakfast and lunch and Are You full off that mhm it is insane how quick you fill up right after it gets a little harder over time like don’t get me wrong I’m almost 3 years out but after a year what they were talking about there’s no way you should be eating that much more at that point and that’s what people are like swearing I’ve seen what half these influence say that there was some lady Boogie Wings all them they’re like after a year it doesn’t work [ __ ] after a year you stop trying you can’t just shove the food in your mouth as well you have to like do it slow otherwise you then feel sick my stomach now doesn’t tell me that I’m hungry so I could go all day not eat really yeah but that’s not true it sends less hunger signals but you get you’ll get hungry more often every two hours I would say you can be hungry but if you push through that you can go a little longer but I usually found it like 8 hours you start to get dizzy so you do need to eat drink I know I have to [Music] eat rock and roll happy birthday to you sh with 40% of her intestines now bypassed Laura’s body can no longer tolerate sugary Foods she’s only 30 uh I I guess I wasn’t thinking 30 but and her smaller stomach has significantly reduced her appetite she can’t even have a slice of her own birthday cake my cook notes mashed potato chicken Monday three strawberries Tuesday mashed potato chicken three strawberries cabbage no thank you as the pounds drop off it’s a reminder of how quickly she put them on after the birth of her [Music] son right cuz it was the post whatever depression okay she’s not that big in my book but uh she’s doing great as long as she sticks to that that process she’ll get sick of the the strawberries and that mash and chicken so you might want to get some more stuff in there but who am I to say I’ve been eating turkey bacon every morning for like the last 6 months this picture here I was 16 and eight stone bottom picture here I just given birth to Ben I was 14 Stone and the picture on the right here I was 22 and nearly 22 stone in six years that’s full te Stone that’s like two people for half her life Laura’s been on anti-depressants triggered by the death of her best friend when she was just 14 trauma but that’s 196 lbs is the 14 Stone swing she’s talking about so yeah I mean it’s a good bit of weight a little more than I would have guessed I’ve always you know since then felt down you know if you think about I was 16 when I met Tony I was engaged at the age of 16 married at the age of 18 and a kid Tony’s a creep what 16 Tony’s in his damn 50s ew don’t you guys call that a Nots ew Tony uh sicko you dirty old man 20 ever since my best friend was killed something from that day changed it’s I I’ve never moved on past [Music] 14 for 6 weeks dorine’s been using the sleep apnea machine I wake up feeling as if I’ve had a sleep before the machine I’d wake up and I’d feel as if I was ready to go to bed now it’s crazy because you never get into that deep sleep if you have sleep apnea so she probably feels way more rested way more when I actually did use the machine I felt better but I I couldn’t stand wearing it I can think more clearly it makes it easier to be more organized with her sleep apnea under control dorine’s now waiting for a date to be admitted to the weight loss Ward when she’ll be put on a strict diet but thought they were saying she was waiting for a date date like dorian’s got her Tinder on now she’s making the most of the time she’s got left we’ve got a par and has found a new website sweee oh that dog’s getting fatter right so that dog looks bigger to me I think she might be honey [ __ ] us a little bit like she says she’s doing great maybe she’s not doing that great a do you not remember this got sweet tobacco smell of it and I just thought it was delicious proper milk bottles M you know what they are don’t you these were the first mints I ever tasted they the sharp but sweet you’re like a kid in a candy shop dorine I love licorish all sorts but these are mint flavored the way this lady talks about chocolate uh it’s just it sounds a little erotic to me like she’s going to so through the mattress here in a second yeah o so it gives you a little bit more for your money you know it’s just like a [ __ ] is taking me back in time like a p these are my favorites I suppose from sometimes your guy’s accent really throws me off because I think she said tardy or something but to me it sounded like a dick in time I don’t know man it just I don’t pick up on it that well and childhood’s a nice place to go every now and then oh and a free lollipop I hope it’s [Laughter] [Music] watermelon over 3,000 people have had weight loss surgery at Sunland Roy in the last 13 years Ice Ice Baby and each patient is monitored by the weight loss team for 2 years after surgery they know some patients struggle to cope and they’ve set up a support group so patients can learn to help themselves having the surgery did help but after a year of surgery I sort of hit a brick wall I was going back to me old eaten habits again because I hadn’t dealt with anything it’s all right having the surgery but you’ve got to deal with the underlying issues are you going to go back to the same behavior Sarah is 15 months post surgery and he desperate for help to understand her addictive behaviors remember that weight loss surgery is a fairly new uh surgical procedure in this country it’s a tool it’s not the answer you’re going to have to work through everything else and uh a lot of people struggle with that it’s tough man it’s tough on a lot of people or you can just be willfully ignorant and March right ahead like Shawn I just I don’t really think too much about it I just don’t eat so we are dealing now with the consequences The Fallout the more and more we’re doing uh the more I’m becoming aware that surgery really is just a two-day event in somebody’s life uh and that the support afterwards is a very big part of the the recovery I think that’s what you need you need like not just a psychologist you need speciality nurses a big team of you afterwards to support people through the process that would be utopian dream that we would have unfortunately we don’t have the resources in the NHS at the moment we have one psychologist there is a resource [Music] crunch one side C cinos crunch what I’m missing way too much of what they’re [Music] saying Sarah is now off the coding tablets but one of her older habits is resurfacing she’s out whoring isn’t she damn it picking up all these women that’s how my grandma would say it she’s like they were out horing bab that’s why I said it like that cuz I just think it’s funny but uh yeah at least she she’s beat one thing so she’s working on it I’m happy for her also people in the UK don’t get mad that I’m like kind of figuring out this accent I just think it’s funny the way I’m hearing it I love the accent during the cording withdrawal my food is increased unfortunately and it’s not really the healthy salad type food I’m just like a little squirrel I have mustache not that I’m hiding it or anything like that but it’s just under there and it’s it’s out the way on see just like a little squirrel I have a mustache but she meant my stash typical day shift I’ll have those items and I feel a little bit sick yucky I’d wait until it passes and I thought o I’ll have a couple more we advise people not to eat sweet Foods because if she has something high sugar she doesn’t feel well at all but despite that she goes back to it again this is just just the cycle that I’m in and it’s an addictive obsessive cycle I mean that is quite a lot of sugar to to put into my little pouch Sarah is an unusual case we had quered all the way along about how she can cope and we did worry about that in the beginning you allowed to say that I don’t know but yeah she okay chocolates are thing a lot of people have a sweet tooth some people have salty uh Sarah getting the chocolate [ __ ] here over here she’s got all the damn chocolate but we felt you deserved her chance because of the success you’d had overcoming a lot of her other problems and despite all her counseling and everything else she still cannot cope that well as she falls back into her old ways her weight is starting to creep [Music] up 1511 she’s put on just over a stone in 3 months oh Sarah we’re getting sloppy you don’t want to do this do you really go back the other way cuz there’s nothing on Earth that would make me want to hopefully she turns that around dorene’s got her date to go to the weight loss Ward for a week’s observation so the team can assess her eating patterns as part of dorene’s obsessive compulsive behavior is her habit of recording every ounce of food Che eats January yep hit a Platform 9 and 3/4 ton on our way to diabetic alley but uh y let’s go to the weight loss Ward the sixth two baked potatoes plus two chicken and pest already meals uhoh that was at 11:15 a.m. at quter 12 an hour later I had a full liter of white ice cream also are we sure that this dog didn’t eat a bunch of the chocolate this dog looks like stoned or something’s wrong with this dog that I love the dog but something’s not okay right now this dog looks traumatized with a whole madira cake I don’t like Madera cake then I had six chocolate cereal bars 20 Past 4 I had another box then nothing till four and then she had uh Jacob’s cheeks M which was another six chocolate cereal bars then I had 135 G of malteasers and then I had a small bottle of wine is that a lot of grams it seems like a lot of malteasers I don’t know though uh we don’t usually look at the grams here in the US Jacob’s Creek the unless it’s other stuff the round pound deals just sad could could do so much better see I I mean I don’t know what she said but I heard ground pounding Dale so I don’t know what she doing but don’t for no apparent reason I’ll need to be sitting in a wheelchair as soon as possible and the word [ __ ] dorine’s diary will be invaluable in helping the weight loss team understand her eating habits dorine’s catching a breeze huh uh well whatever you got to do is stay cool I support you Dory today she’s going to sundon Royal I have to do it if it was left any longer I might not be living till the end of the year Sharon keeps telling me it’s the first day the rest of my life rain have some modesty where’s your damn pants they just keep disappearing she rarely leaves the house so a weeken hospital will take dorine out of her comfort zone basic hygiene’s very simple normally but there’s nothing normal about being my size Jaren and I have got the routine sorted now she just doesn’t seem to think the hospital will spend enough time on that they’ll do it their way not her way you it’s all right I’m [Music] stuck hope they patter down on the way in and they find those like mint she was huffing earlier or something are this like some kind of point system behind them it looks like yeah I guess maybe they score points while they’re in there I’m worried about her from anesthetic and surgical point of view here’s a very very tired person I’m fading away fast I’m so I’m not laughing at her fading away I’m laughing at the cookies on the wall and the poster with a big slash through it like no cookies she’s lost so many maybe a decade or maybe even two where she could have been much more healthier much more the good news with better check this lady’s prison pocket there’s some reason she didn’t have pants on for she got here here is she doesn’t come across to be a person who’s a self-pity person I won’t bring you chocolate you know she I think has an insight into her problem oh bless her when she say to me have 13 hours solid I you’ve done nothing woman Sharon is super efficient who Sharon my carer I get her in and help can help we stand Sharon Sharon is great but also how dare you Sharon that she didn’t do anything she walked up that whole damn hill carrying a chair even her dog’s La he just like her you know and I need her to want to move senior dietician Morin Bole has heard of dorine’s Little Red Book oh this is what I meant to bring when I saw you last time right everything I’ve eaten since since the beginning of the year down to the last suweet I’m totally honest well where would you say your biggest problem lies then as far as your food’s concerned ice cream pots of ice cream and I I’d have two or three every day right when you said two or three two or three balls or no no not balls uh boxers yes what not balls boxers I don’t know obviously this lady’s problem she’s traumatizing the teramusu like she likes her sweets I we’ve had lots of days like if I just dropped me treats I’d lose 2 a week right so what do you classes a treat then Pano Chaka right and how much would you have that the whole packet six right this isn’t going to be easy you know you’re going to miss food it’s not going to be easy at all she wants to change that’s that’s the good thing H2S are R laws which she kindly put down as 2,32 calories that’s fine I think it’s the only thing in our life thank you very much her weight is restricting what she wants to do but in the end what can you do you can sit and eat I’m sure I mean yeah the pants fly off when you sit down cuz they will crunch down on your waist but uh she was losing she lost four pounds in a day and then she went all chocolate crazy again so I don’t know why these people keep doing great honey [ __ ] me and then they go right back to what they were doing she’ll be honest with us as long as she keeps that Honesty with us we’ll be able to help her morine sets dorine a strict new routine of three small meals a day and no snacking it’s very nice but my favorite turnup made me very happy that the gravy is exceptionally nice it’s a really big thing to leave the house and be somewhere different this is the I want to know what diet she’s on where she can just eat mashed potatoes and gravy cuz I would have went for that first time I’ve been away from home since I had David 37 years ago do you know what it go down nice now tangerine jelly that’s a thing also I want to see uh David I think that’s her son she just mentioned I would like to see him come visit his mom she seems pretty lonely besides Sharon I feel bad for her 5 months after Laura’s B pass operation she’s back in for a checkup hey I’m getting my coat everything everything that’s going to make me Li coming off stand right in the middle of the scales all look at you miss new booty with a smile at her heaviest Laura was nearly 22 stone right it’s just over for 14 Stone 14 St all right is that all right yep she’s lost five Stones since her operation 5 months ago Dam hello H next that’s what £70 I think Laura sees moing we’re pleased that you’ve lost the weight but I am concerned that over that period of time you have lost a lot it’s gone from yeah I guess five months that’s not the best but she doesn’t weigh that much I think she only weighs 196 right now so that’s not bad in five months right give her seven more maybe she’ll hit like 140 too much to having to like make yourself e and we’ll go through what you’re eating in a typical day start with your breakfast in the morning nothing nothing maybe about 5 or 6:00 at night I’d have something four pieces of turkey bacon and a yogurt lunch is always a protein shake for me maybe a turkey stick or two dinner some kind of meat under 10 carbs a day I only drink water Gatorade zero that’s what my diet looks like I don’t feel hungry absolutely delighted with the weight loss delighted she was honest uh and is telling us what she is doing and the struggle she’s having 5 months after surgery still early so I wasn’t worried that it was too much to worry about what I don’t want to get back into is the old habits and we said even though you’re not hungry you need to eat oh my oh my God I heard you’re nut hungry not hungry okay it’s difficult when you not got an appetite I don’t know what that’s like um and you don’t want to eat it’s very hard right so go how do I eat when I’m not hungry how do I do that don’t ask me what to do when you’re nut hungry never been there sorry you know but like on the plus side I’m a proper cheap date you know what I mean don’t even have to feed me or anything now cup of tea and I’m sold oh my God a nut hungry cheap date stop lady you’re killing me for Laura losing the weight is not the only positive change Happ like I for 15 years she’s been on anti-depressants but she’s now been off all her medication for 2 months let’s go haven’t been like worried or panic attacks and now I’m officially not mental maybe little bit Delight that’s awesome I’m super happy for about that a lot of stuff changes for the better but you gotta kind of let you know let yourself be happy so many people just get stuck in this like rut and it’s so hard to get out of but like like I always like to say the only hole you can’t dig yourself out of is the grave super happy for her she got off all her anti-depressants and stuff to know that Laura’s come off her anti-depressants and thankfully with her actually the weight loss has helped her mood I used to say I measure the success of the operation by the size of the smile on the face that comes through oh they have a wishbone I loved Wishbone as a kid they’re just different people you prolong their life and uh you save the NHS a heck of a lot of [Music] money and there’s one more big change in Laura’s life I’ve split up with my husband who have been with 14 years um but it’s been like a long time coming probably a 4 year process you saw that com and he scammed on you when he were 16 and you finally got old enough to know that that wasn’t right now I’m in like a happy place I’m happy with the choice I’ve made and I made a decision purely for me I don’t think my weight loss has had anything to do with it you know why I’m not a big fan of like the older guys dating younger women in my head because I’m 35 right if I were to start dating an 18-year-old today right I am super confident my ability to put them in an emotional blender right I could have you so screwed up you didn’t know which way’s up and down if I had that intent I’m just saying life experience makes a big damn difference when it comes to things like I’m pretty confident she could get her away 5% of the time in that relationship I would get my way the other 95% and uh she would think she’s winning but really I’m giving her that 5% just so I get my damn way like you see what I’m saying it’s just it’s a total difference in life to that 17 years of life experience makes a huge difference and I’m just pleased I’ve done it some people talk about relationships breaking down uh because the partner loses weight that’s probably the life that’s being changed it does happen a lot the lowest weight Sarah reached after her bypass operation was 14 Stone 11 176 18 months after her surgery she’s oh [ __ ] count chocula what are you doing oh but yeah it does happen a lot where people lose weight think like oh I’m better me now new me new man or new me new woman like they think they can do better but I think the person that stood by you most cases is the best but not that guy if he picked you up when you were 16 that grosses me out put on nearly three stone i’ I’ve got a shock there and I just think why why in Earth am I doing it to myself sh a lot and if I look back throughout my whole life I’ve always deliberately gone out to self sabotage she does seem to have self-destructive Tendencies which a lot of us bigin do never thought I’d be here definitely not a I’m sorry be you you got this had a sh we’ve had a think in it you w worth it you just need to realize it for you yes should we throw the chocolate out [Music] no yes we should throw the damn chocolate out Willy woner wil going back to eating habits and it’s hard to get it to to break that cycle again and unfortunately what we thought might happen has happened I didn’t mean any offense by the Willy Wonka like I said she’s not Willy Wonka I know she don’t play that way but what we do is try and get her through this and see if we can turn it around I thought get rid of the alcoholism sort the food stuff out but you know someone else just jumped up and bit me on the ass just got to get some humility in my life just to be grateful that I’m here to enjoy all this be there’s so many dogs is this a show or is this like a series cuz I like and maybe we’ll just find out who Sarah is I bloody Ora cuz I’m sick of [Music] these 6 months ago Laura weighed just over 19 Stone and was binge eating now she’s lost a total of six Stone and she’s enjoying being single again look at you’s here and everything yeah so like and then I go in like a bit here going out on the town to play in the fun tunnel I see you okay go get you a man I haven’t been out out for ages so it’s kind of nice to just be Laura just few hours and then back home and be mom [Music] again ja and Joe went up the hill to some marijuana Jack unzip this fly and said Joel do you wna uh all right so that’s inside sunderland’s top obesity unit kind of fun a lot of people struggling weight loss I mean it’s it’s a marathon it’s not a Sprint like a lot of them did really well I’m happy for her she seems happier in divorce than anything I feel really bad for the lady that’s uh struggling with all those demons in her closet and she’s just trying to it almost feels like she’s trying to work through some things and it’s just stopping her waight loss but we are our own biggest enemy at the end of the day it’s always going to be hard there’s always going to be things to get in the way it’s up to you to like fight through it cuz it’s a lot of pressure that comes with it especially cuz you went on like a show like this but uh pressure uh bursts pipes pressure makes diamonds so pick which one you are are you a pipe that’s going to burst or you a diamond but yeah that’s uh that’s it leave a like leave a comment let me know what you guys think and uh let me know if you want me to check out more of these I know I typically just do my 600 pound life but this looked like fun and two of you sent it to me so hopefully you liked it but leave a leave me a like so I know if you liked it I’ll see yall peace


    1. I'm 5 minutes in and he thinks she's the one that's going to do the cleaning. She's stating there's cleaning to be done. She also has a lot of Febreze. I'm going to restart the video but I have a feeling she's not the one doing the cleaning. Call me crazy but my instincts are telling me she pays someone to do that *hit for her.

    2. Coriander is what we here in the US call cilantro & I can't stand it, either. I think it's a genetic thing, but it tastes like soap to me.

    3. Feel bad for the woman with codeine addiction. I previously worked in a methadone clinic. Some of the patients were there because they'd became addicted to pain killers that they'd been prescribed for legitimate problems. It is an easy habit to fall into without even realising. 🙁

    4. As I'm watching I have a SMALL cup of dryers ice cream in front of me with warm chocolate fudge & Cool Whip. Im not Obese now but I have been. Deserts are special and not very common.If you try to stay away from the carbs & only have a treat every once in a while youll do great. Do not grocery shop when you're hungry and don't keep any junk food, sweets or prosessed carbs in the house & you'll lose weight guaranteed! Just give it ONE week & you'll be amazed!

    5. I want one of these shows to just be all about how these people afford all their food. Like keep a food journal but with prices so every day we can see how much money is sunk into meals and then have it explained how all that could be paid for.

    6. This is actually something I watched a while back, interested to see Sean's take on it love it when he does a UK one

      A dairy lea dunker is like cheese spread and breadstick or tube crisps. Mini eggs are indeed a Cadbury food, chocolate eggs with a crispy outer shell

      Also OMG it took me far too long to noticed that Sarah's taxis license plate was P3ODGY

    7. 37:00 Sean, just like AU & other Western countries, the UK has public health [NHS]. So the mask etc is "free" to her bcoz "insurance" is covered, in bulk for everyone, by our govts through income tax. Ofc all the Realms' health systems need more money for health in 24, but it still functions ok here. <- said as a 'frequent flyer' still alive thanks to our Medicare AU.

    8. At 300 lbs i wish i could have had weight loss sugery. Im still 220-230 up and down and hide it fairly well on my 5'8" frame. I had a major thyroid problem when i was 33. And ended up gaining a lot of weight. Ive lost the same 10 pounds. Lol. Greed, gluttony and lust for food.

    9. Sean, my sleep apnea went away when I lost weight… maybe yours has too? The thought of having to wear that thing again keeps me from gaining again.

    10. A Dairlea dunker is a small pot of spreadable cheese with about 5/6 mini breadsticks. And a mini egg are small chocolate eggs with a coloured coating on the outside. And yes, Cadburys.

    11. I worked for a Dr that would call big men..'ole biggun. To their faces. I asked him why and he said he would get them to lose weight with any means necessary. So that to me was humiliation.

    12. Awww porky puppy!!!! That’s a good Alliteration, and their dog looks JUST like my little puppy, I might just start calling him that as a nickname😂💀

    13. In regard to the diet choices at 16:30, a Dairylea Dunker is a snack pack of cream cheese and mini breadsticks. Mini Eggs are indeed chocolate eggs with a sugar crispy coating, like M&Ms but egg-shaped. They are incredibly moreish.

    14. I really liked this one, I think the British shows are a lot less dramatic and are more good natured and kind. Great vid again Sean 😊

    15. I appreciate that, even hundreds of videos on, Sean always pokes fun at himself, never just the people onscreen, and makes sure that his humor & honesty come with compassion & support. This is a rare reaction channel where almost anyone on screen would be happy to hear Sean’s comments, or at least would find them truthful & encouraging. It’s a huge mental difference from just mocking people, and not only helps the person if they see it, but gives us good positive boundaries as a community. I see it reflected in the comments vs other channels. This community is more plumpies and former fatties gently critiquing something we know well…not tearing people down or acting superior.

    16. Your wit is fantastic. I think it's the alliterations that get me. I love that you don't take yourself too seriously. It's the perfect blend of sarcasm and encouragement. Keep up the great work!

    17. I am literally on the floor crying! Although obesity is a disease, you can curtail what you’re eating. Exercise is important. You cannot eat and snack all day, and continue this everyday. Thanks Sean , I have heard that the UK think that we are the fattest country on the map! Who cares what they think! Sean you keep me in stitches 😂

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