Live from the PolJOE dungeon we bring you a podcast special straight after Sky News’ “Battle for Number 10” election coverage with Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak.

    Ed, Ava and Oli are straight on air after the coverage ends to bring their takes on the debate. Come join us.

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    e do love podcast hate nonsense the politics Joe podcast ladies and gentlemen I think we go Pi energy I think we go energy we’re [ __ ] live yes yep [ __ ] it we’ll do it live are you supposed to stay on YouTube live streams I’ll do whatever I want I’ll do I want I don’t need your money and you little [ __ ] will like it as well can’t call them [ __ ] that was weird you just socialize the audience thank God we mostly male audience otherwise that’d be not good apart from that girl who pulled me over outside and other stories to tell me that she you were her favorite I’m sure you get that a lot I’m sure that’s something both of you have to contend oh my God you must know a Campbell yeah oh yeah debate debate debate debate Blood Sport Blood Sport describe that as I think he was nearly crying Sak’s eyes were wet they were they were wet is he a masochist what Beth or oh no by the way Beth RI unreal yeah I thought she did very very I thought that was good I thought that was possibly the most informative bit of media so far from the campaign apart from the politics Jo channel oh yeah obviously sorry apart from our own content clearly that’s a caveat know it was good why because so many little labor you know that lot were messaging me like can you believe how outrageous she’s being she could have done really well during the Spanish Inquisition yeah she was gleeful as she was twisting the knife there so we’ve the the the other sort of long form interview we’ve seen right was was Nick Robinson uh with rishy sunak for the Panorama interviews and in that interview Robinson was kind of doing these long drawn out metaphors like calling rishy sunak the guy down the pub who you lend 50 Quid to and you keep asking for it back every time you see him and he never gives it back to you and it was like extended drawn out not as it wasn’t like Beth she kept it simple there but I thought it was way more informative than just watching Nick Robinson basically like monologue about how bad rishy sunak is why would you want the prime minister to have the space to speak yes yes of course sorry during a general I was actually T in in for the BBC’s um the BBC presenter rather than soon yeah no completely and I thought I thought as well it’s like listening to your LBC show it is yeah terrible do you know that he’s actually had runak as a guest every single he sat there in the studio 500 a.m. 3 hours when I go past Downing Street on the way and I actually pick him up I take him with me and he sits there and just holds my hand Harry yes as you’re calling a taxi driver a racist yes exactly um that’s the that that’s the question I was going to reference that she asked both of them um tell us something people don’t know about you that will make people like you and sunak says I can hoover down Haribo sweeties Yum Yum Yum you [ __ ] idiots I ate sweets just like you you [ __ ] losers you children you idiots vote for me you’re all addicted to sugar and that’s why your teeth are falling out and you’re all fat yeah look I not me you look at me I’m ripped sweet jokes on you because I’m skinny I’m rich and I still eat all the [ __ ] that you yeah but I mean at least that was an answer Harry B would be a premium suite though wouldn’t it yeah if we’re going to get technical okay you know on the sky story you probably discussed this earlier the sky story about him having Sky yes oh yeah yeah yeah yeah inherently upper middle class Behavior not to have Sky you could tell how Posh people are by the size of their television without a doubt okay yeah it didn’t matter what we were going through as a family we always had a big [ __ ] off television always no I’m joking yeah it’s quite an Aristo thing that isn’t it um having a horrible host how will his parents have watched the debate on Sky News well they probably did what we did and watched it for free on YouTube yes maybe he’s got them Sky now maybe if you’re as Rich if you’re as rich as them and you’re not paying for your par Sky subscription yeah so yourself out on that um on the Haribo question though right at least Sak had an answer to that because starma just talked about working in the CPS I’m addicted to Public Service why should people like you because I’m a lawyer all right I’m going to C to you on that one please I think that that actually was a good that had good substance to that answer but I thought the delivery was was wrong so I think that if he had been able to to say to the public I have served you as a civil servant I have worked for you I have worked the back end I know what I’m doing but if you could have sell it in a convincing way I think it would have landed well do you think starma knows how to work at the back end oh it word press I think comparing that to sunx answer as well as what did sunak do before politics got [ __ ] loaded as an investment banker he can’t you can’t say he can’t say like me because my previous work do you mean when he was an intern at Golden Sachs yes is that a lucrative position well I think we be under egging his rule within investment Banks just an intern um that’s what they say about him stand other standout moments should we start with starma should we go should we start with should we go in chronological order starm and work backwards yeah should we go Beth yeah yeah yeah let’s we’ll take be’s order should we do the commentary at the beginning the half an hour of filler yes so what did you think of that not for me we turned the volume down for a lot bit to be honest yeah what would you have done differently started with Beth Rigby introducing Kier stor yeah I don’t think they needed a three person presenting team for that to be fair I didn’t I I said I don’t believe that they’re starting at seven yeah we watched the slow-mo of them arriving multiple times to booze rishy sunak arrived to to booze he got booed in there yeah booing is such a funny thing to do boo boo instead of like a proper hecko like you wanker or something not everyone can Master the Ed Campbell are you sleeping well but I didn’t I didn’t boo her I still I would I that was my next option actually I Noto you chasing pretty Patel down the street booing boo is such a funny like just solo boo sounds so strange yeah but there were there were moments in that in the room where it felt like the whole audience was just GNA [ __ ] get medieval on Su going to swing yeah like I I think I said to you what happens if they do turn on him Beth ry’s I respect to Beth RI but she’s not holding back like 200 people in gby town all this is fantastic for that conversation we had the other day in the office how many could you take of the Parliamentary conservative party question how many audience members could Beth riby take before they get to R we were we were talking obviously I’ve been to really horrible I can’t run away um sha we Shawn being a renowned hard man um with his fist registered as Le lethal weapons said Sean you know how to handle yourself of the he’s [ __ ] coming to show me now um if if you could choose the or if no sorry if the Tory party got to choose the order and it’s the entire parliamentary conservative party versus you but it is single combat so it’s one at a time MH how many do you think you could get through can you imagine who go first cchq and labor are like checking through to see how this has landed on various Outlets who’s who’s the hardest to so so we decided that their strategy would probably be to put like the old e you kill Bill cash yeah oh no for sure like Bill Bill cash is cannon fodder like early doors he’s being sent in but I disagreed with him on that well we can discuss we can discuss the strategems but essentially we thought that what they would want to do is send in the cannon fodder to Tire him out so you send in like you know people that need a walking stick people that are unable to mount a decent fight sex offenders big guys you know like that [ __ ] um kazinski bloke who’s always at like rightwing conferences in Eastern Europe yeah exactly who’s like 10 tags in the unibomber comes in no that guy who’s like 10 feet tall but doesn’t look like he can equip himself very well he’s early and then you hold back your kind of like former soldiers who can fight to the end when Sha’s tired tuken hat merer merer yeah dra David Davis David Davis now he’s an interesting one isn’t he where does he sit in the a cuz he is getting on a bit he is old he’s an old man himself you think so yeah they’re going to be so angry I know right let’s talk about kiss starma yeah um how many could he fight Tory yeah not many I don’t think um first standout moment I thought was that he he he said he was certain that their party would lose the 2019 general election um but he kept campaigning carried on campaigning like a trooper I wonder if that’s the evidence that he gave to the Ford report I think he I think he was um I don’t think he equipped himself very well in those questions about abandoning the pledges about like his General dishonesty I don’t think he answered those questions very well at all um I think that he was taken back by the hostility of it yes I think so I think I think a lot of the audience were as well he was cuz he’s also had this campaign on easy mode like literally before this you you’re going to he thinks he going to come out crack a joke about putting a bet on but better not like a Tori MP it’s like a certain Tor MP you didn’t even get to do that gag because of rig’s questioning well it was sort of answered by that audience member who heckled him towards the end of it right where he was like you you’ve you’ve been up here for 15 20 minutes you haven’t actually told us what you’re going to do or how you’re going to achieve anything you’ve just talked about the past I’m paraphrasing yeah yeah but he said something on those lines and that’s true this entire election campaign he’s been able to to Simply talk about how terrible the conservatives are he hasn’t actually had to confront I mean until tomorrow when the manifesto comes out and there’ll be heavy well there’ll be heavy scrutiny of how things are costed do do you think there will be heavy scrutiny genuine question what are you are you asking like if we fancy doing that or are we going to let it go no sorry I’m I’m I’m asking a question about um there was there was a thing on Twitter that was was doing the rounds um today that was a clip from like the news agents where um I think it was Goodall and and matless were like discussing the like tenor of questioning and they were been quite explicit about the fact that in a lot of the media they recognize that basically the Tories are going to lose so they’re now they’re taking cheap shots they’re now kicking them because they know they’re down and that they don’t expect labor to be subject to the same kind of scrutiny as for example Corbin in 2019 or 2017 when they didn’t have to play nice with him because they didn’t think he was going to win so they did they weren’t trying to butter him up in expectation of him being the Prime Minister for the next 10 years yeah nothing like that what’s his name who’s the guy they buttered up Bronson he buted himself up sorry yes how many could he fight in the Parliamentary conservative is that in relation to the um to the poor br clip that came out is that why they were talking about it because Paul bran today and ITV released the the meeting the the early stage clip so before they interview had officially started the meeting of rich sunak and Paul brand the contentious interview that he took after the in the middle of the D-Day commemorations Ry sunak turns up and he says to Paul brand oh so sorry things run over a little bit but it was great and then sits down and would they have put that clip out if they thought he was going to win the election no probably not no you’re very right um what did we think then about his sort of starma justification for scrapping those pledges in the leadership campaign for she she pushed him as well didn’t she on um campaigning for a second referendum and his response was I asked myself are these country first or party second uh on the leadership pledges he scrapped um after winning the top the top job um what did you make of his justification for that I think will people care that much do they care that much about inter labor party politicking but then I suppose the converse of that is that’s not what it is it’s dishonesty it’s Dison yes that no it’s dishonesty it’s dishonesty but can but can he convince people that his lying is less bad than su’s lying that’s the proposition the proposition is which party is the most honest and it’s a low [ __ ] bar yeah do you think I’m not sure if I agree with you I don’t think the conservatives have to prove that they’re honest at all I think well they can’t no but I don’t I don’t think they I don’t think the electorate are asking asking them to prove that to them I think what they’re asking the electorate to believe is that if you switch government now your mortgage might fly off the handle that’s the only contract they have whereas okay do you remember a couple of months ago there was this concern in labor HQ that the election would drag on too long because that it would become a referendum on K starma rather than a a question of do you want a conservative or a labor government what’s happening now is that there is actually a referendum on starma that is happening well I think that debate was the first time I think tonight was the first time you actually started to see that I thought I think the like the the him the interaction between starm in the audience was the first time where he kind of appeared to be uncomfortable to my to my mind you know um when they laughed at him when he said his dad was a toolmaker and then he kind of like is admonishing them being like well it’s not funny that was aside from being like a supply teacher it was the F you he was kind of outside of the stage managed you know pre-arranged campaign events it was small I would say small element of the uncontrollable and he didn’t look calm about it now I know we were saying that soon looked like he was going to [ __ ] wet himself but I don’t think star I don’t think star came out of it particularly well either starm starm came out of it well in places where he could he could say the question was about this public service is atrocious like the question on dentistry and starm can say oh God yeah no it is I also use a dentist and everyone agrees and goes yes and he’s well done for going to the dentist care but that’s but that’s that’s what it I think that’s how he’s playing this campaign on easy mode he has like a [ __ ] level hundred boost because of the records that the conservatives have and Rich Sak has fully participated in as Chancellor and prime minister and he’s getting just you I think actually think starmer although he didn’t perform particularly well I think it’s probably a net success for him because nothing has happened tonight that that we think at all could derail this campaign for him I think that’s the point I think that what you were saying about him being he was totally shocked at the toolmaker line didn’t land that’s the first time that he’s had a an audible reaction to that line that’s not you know people in the audience going ah yes very good it’s that’s what I’m talking about the referendum on starma there’s scrutiny now on him that I don’t think he has been programmed to deal with because or hasn’t been conditioned to deal with because he hasn’t had to face up to it at all and also this toolmaker line whichever adviser is telling him to keep hammering at home I think needs to call it off because it it actually doesn’t matter if he he presents Posh kiss Dharma and that’s okay over the past 14 years this country has voted four times to put Posh people into number 10 the country is okay with Posh people and they want someone who can Commander them you know we we like dzie and Britain we do yeah do and I think I think it’s okay not to be workingclass it’s okay to be a bit Posh do we think not enough people know what a toolmaker is do you think like that’s an issue I did not know what toolmaker was until starmer said until starmer talked about his dad I’d never heard the phrase before what toolmaker yeah um plumber but do you not think it’s sort of in the [Music] name what could you could you not work it out what kind of tool what kind of tool presumably several I mean but you was just one I don’t know you’re presuming that there’s so there’s so many questions about the do making is feelings answer Natural Born journalist this guy so many question oh my God see how condescending they are to me when I try and participate and they’re [ __ ] thick as [ __ ] you’re the one who said you don’t know what a tool maker does just cuz I’m here cuz I want a [Laughter] competition what do you what do you what happened if someone told you that their M their mom was like I don’t know a pub land lady what happened what well I understand that what do you assume that they did I would assume that they ran a pub okay A Lady of the pub land that through what about if they keep going what what if they they said that their their dad worked in a car manufacturer what did you reckon they were doing I’d assume they worked on a factory line but I wouldn’t have enough information to know specifically what they did right okay oh my dad’s a doctor what kind of doctor that’s not a stupid question no but no no but you you would understand you you you would know what that meant though wouldn’t you you would understand what being a doctor was this this is this you’re not there going well is he making like hammers or chisels you said I don’t know what a toolmaker is do you know could you confidently define a toolmaker someone who makes tools how well like a blacksmith sort of situation I would assume what okay uh they Forge metal po possibly maybe using a d and then they set it in a wooden handle that would be like oh would yeah you’re crafts man of the wood handle yeah um I love a wood handle yeah I bet you’re not even [ __ ] close to a tool well should we look it up what a tool maker is is that the I think it’s going to be that isn’t it it’s going to be like that maybe it’s working on an assembly line maybe could be but we don’t know I think my point is it’s not specific enough well you want him to talk to you about his wife being a nurse as well would you like to know which department Everyone likes NHS that will land every likes so what the country doesn’t like people who make tools people don’t know what toolmakers are I’m going to suggest now that the reason that this argument and and conversation is happening is because of the British people’s Obsession predilection for dissecting to the minute level people’s class background and status and that politicians recognize that if they talk about it it will make people interested in them that’s why I think he does oh okay yeah go on then go off well I’m just okay yeah no that’s it’s nice that was nice oh thank you yeah thank you sorry I thought we no it’s good just confirm you were concerned that we we attack him you were concerned that she was going to turn on you there I saw fear in your eyes yeah but she didn’t sunite looked quite tearful yeah you you looked really sad watching I thought it was brutal I’m really it was like actually I’m worried about my reaction to that I’m close to feeling bad for the guy that’s where I’m at and I I I I felt terrible for him would the British public reelect him out of pity that’s what I’m worried they’re not they’re not a kind Bunch no they’re not a kind lot um that is I mean he had a really she was so soft with him you know that that’s why it was dangerous oh she was so soft at the beginning with him she actually almost spoke to him quite childlike but it is I think it must be incredibly difficult to interview Rishi sunk at the moment because what he’s offering or the level of conf of answer that he’s willing to give over is very thin they haven’t got the conservatives don’t have anything sorry Richi sun doesn’t have anything particularly to be proud of the only thing that he’s got as his legacy is the Furlow scheme and for some reason that I don’t quite understand that doesn’t have any public cut through no one there was even groans today when he brought up the fro scheme no one seen seems to care about it and it doesn’t it’s not as if he’s got some huge achievement to point towards he hasn’t got an overflowing economy hasn’t got the completion of hs2 he hasn’t got I don’t know the hinley Point Nuclear facility is now open and running and we’ve got our own energy he’s got no nothing to talk about and so it must be incredibly difficult to interview him because you know you’re going to get the same basically they’ve sifted out four tiny quite thin answers and that’s all they’re going to regurgitate the entire time even his pet projects like Banning smoking couldn’t even get that through no a win for British American Tobacco we know it’s been hard on you guys recently and uh I Eva is willing at a very reasonable price yeah to act as a sport comparison for the company um two benefit cap from starma you Pro or con the two child benefit cap yeah I’m I’m ATI the two child benefit cap right yeah um and people having two children yeah everyone should have 10 kids right at least you’re one of those natalist couples sure am sure I’m a natalist um and I feel like that was almost st’s answer he was like yeah great idea not going to do it he it’s like uh we I spoke to Amanda icci about it and the video is on the YouTube If you if you want to watch it I couldn’t write this could you um that was just like something out the thick of it which I did say to him actually in the interview um it seems It’s so obvious it’s such a worthy policy like a billion pounds is a lot of money but we a billion pounds is less than what they’ve costed for [ __ ] national service do you know what I mean and and we’re not talking about something as nonsensical in the realm of nonsense as uh conscripting 30,000 teenagers into the military we’re talking about lifting in the long term more than a million children out of poverty but it’s a very very serious thing and not for for not that much money in the grand scheme of government spending and yet he won’t commit to it it’s almost like a he’s he’s almost using as rather than like killing his he’s not killing he’s doing the opposite of killing the sacred cow he’s almost like holding it up as an example being like no we will not be kind to you we will not be nice to you it’s a continuation of austerity it’s it’s almost performative that he’s not going for it if that makes sense well can I cosplay the conservatives Kevin Hollen rake for one moment please I’d like to contest the figures that you’ve just used there cool because you were actually talking about children who are in absolute poverty and actually we’re going by children who are in relative poverty and the number for that is is slightly low still a lot still tons actually nothing says Humanity like nitpicking like picking the exact number of children in poverty yeah yeah was there any Humanity on display in either of those yes I thought starmer talking about his kids was actually like quite touching I thought that was you could you could I thought that was Earnest and genuine that was one of the first times I’ve actually thought he looked like a he sounded like a normal person like I’m concerned about the impact he should be that person more often yeah 100% she be like I’m a concerned that that should be his image instead of just like he’s like the p of Britain yeah Ed Dave’s like at home weeping like my like you know like like Tom Hanks on SNL giving a speech to America about Co in like a dring g or whatever like that kind of image he should try and cultivate instead of being like I’m this bruising public prosecutor I think about the fourth question in I think a light flicked in or switch flicked in Sun’s head and I think that was the most human we’ve ever seen him I think that he actually looked quite broken it was as if the the switch flicked and he went oh my God the last four months have been so bad he was seeing it for the first time why do we think R wants to be prime minister because he doesn’t seem to have any IDE like ideology anything like why does why does he do the job genuinely I think it’s to be able to go and work in Silicon Valley as like a former British prime minister do you really think that that’s what it is do you think do you think he can I think you’ve used it as like a job as a job to do for 10 years do you think that will command like a enough of a salary increase to what he was on already no but it’s not about so I think with people like that once you reach a certain level of wealth that it then becomes less about commanding a salary and it’s more about sort of being an effective person if that makes sense so going into senior leadership roles at places like SpaceX or Tesla or better in the way that CLE did and there’s a certain by being a former world leader you command a certain degree of authority respectability right and I go back to when he interviewed Elon um and there was a really telling phrase in that interview where he was he was talking to him and sunak says and he says it in like a transatlantic Leisure accent as well in the way that his accent shifts around and he says you know um in this job you do x y and Zed and it and it’s you could it might just be like a turn of phrase but I actually think it’s more he doesn’t view being the prime minister of the United Kingdom as some higher calling as some Act of Public Service it’s like being the CEO of a tech startup that hopefully blossoms into a unicorn and then you have a l money to set up your own VC firm it’s I have experience working see I had responsibility for a nuclear armed State now I will come and you know be an angel investor here in Silicon Valley or get involved in this startup or go and [ __ ] I don’t know whatever I don’t think he does I don’t think he’s going to pursue the sort of traditional former prime minister stick of like after dinner speeches and and moving around the city I don’t think that’s him I think he’s I think he’s genuinely one of these sort of super super high net wealth International people that it’s just he wants the prefix of former prime minister of the United Kingdom do you know while I’m inclined to agree with you and I’ve you know I’ve read all of the stuff about how he had enough money it was never about money money people get bored they want Power do you think that possibly there’s part of this that he just wants to be liked because I I I kind of agree with you oi but I just don’t think I under becoming prime minister yes I understand that inclination becoming a backbench MP yeah and his career trajectory until Javid resigned that then then then his whole his whole career takes a turn and then becomes that but up until that point he was just a back bench MP and that was going to be his life for kind of for the well oh ex excuse me wasn’t like I think you know you look what seat does he end up with you know he goes into William hag’s former seat like he he he’s parachuted into a safe seat in in in Richmond um he comes from you know uh the city where he was very very well paid like he’s clearly a bright guy like you add those things up it’s clear that he wasn’t going to be like a [ __ ] Desmond Swain you know it’s he was destined obviously you can still [ __ ] it up there’s plenty that can go wrong but it seems quite clear to me that he’s the he’s the kind of person that comes in and in the same way that you might talk about some other candidates and I think we should probably avoid naming them just for the sake of sort of um not having to list all the other candidates in their constituencies but there are certain people that we are all aware of who are standing in this election who very clearly are going to be on a certain trajectory when they almost certainly enter government with the labor party uh they might be you know relatively big brained economists or people that work in think tanks or you know former soldiers that the labor party keeps putting up on stage to talk before Kama does every party has anointed candidates that are the sort of standout ones just as they have wrong ons right and that was kind of proven with the 2019 general election in this wave of um Tories winning in places they weren’t expected to win that’s how you end up with people like Scott Benton you know getting done in a gambling sting because there isn’t the same level of vetting in a seat where you’re not expecting your candidate to win it’s more can we [ __ ] find someone to stand here um we’ve got a little bit off topic though no no no but pull back R because what you were talking about okay no well on the is it about being liked then yeah um I wonder that because there was a moment when Beth asked him a question and he replied to it saying it was quite Earnest it was almost as if his voice broke a little bit and he said you know I’ve I’ve sat down with you before we’ve spoken about this before we we’ve we’ve talked about this we were friends and it’s well that’s what I think is quite that’s I think is the giveaway because if you think about the sort of big beasts of politics they don’t care what the interviewer thinks about them I think that that’s him giving away that he does care and actually that he doesn’t understand that this is transactional he sees it as actually forming relationships with people how you think about it could you ever imagine someone like someone like Michael Hessel saying something like that would he ever sit down with I don’t know like whoever an big old interviewer and say but we talked about this last summer and I explain that to you really well I think cared I think that’s I think that’s it it’s he is gripped with like a degree of self-belief and confidence that it’s it’s not he can’t he can’t grasp that um people might have a different diagnosis and and cure for the problem to his he to his mind he like no no I am right why can’t you see that I’m right like what is it about the way that I’m communicating this to you that means you’re not you’re not getting it because you know I’m in the full I’m in possession of the full fact I’ve thought about this for a long time I know the answer to it and to be fair there is an element that he’s kind of like a bit of a Cassandra in the sense that like the Liz the Tory leadership campaign where he was up against Liz truss he was literally standing there being like if she if you choose her and she does this like there will be a run on the guilt market like P pensions will be in Jeopardy the economy will crash he literally stood in front of the T membership and said that and they rejected him and they chose her boring Unchained prison it’s like Ed in the back going what is a guilt make that in your factory do you don’t pretend you knew what that was before joke about the tool making thing yes I’m very sensitive now about that on that I’ll give you both a million pounds if you guess what what H Rodney starmer was making oh um making he actually patented a certain tool didn’t he maybe doesn’t say that here right okay I what kind of tool I’m not I’m not I don’t want us to get into what what kiss arm’s dad likes specific well happy to do that okay wait can you clarify something for me can you clarify something did he make a tool does this prove that he was making a tool yes ites Clos don’t worry about it don’t don’t engage what kind of um what do you think the standout moments from richy sunak questioning and for by the audience and Beth rby were a it’s very difficult to concentrate when Ed is and is he is he fuming I’m quitting how angry is he do you know I don’t want to look at him I think you can’t look at him either I think there were many standout moments from richy TX you even said speech there you didn’t even say interview that’s how off you were thrown I’ll deal with this off camera yeah the fact that this is live is actually like a defense mechanism for us cuz if if it wasn’t you know you could get really upset right now but your ego prevents you from doing that because there’s I don’t know several a thousand or more people watching you right now uhhuh and and they can prove this in court if his cameras wow prove what in court what tool did he [Laughter] make yeah um NHS waiting list yeah we’ve had industrial action I think um again I mean we’ve we’ve heard it before haven’t we we’ve heard this line so many time this is this again goes back to there’s not enough substance for to keep interviewing these conservative politicians on because we’ve heard him make that Gaff before that the bigger the waiting list the better that he has achieved oh that was horrendous what what I said or what he the Gaff should go truce and just be like normal to each other and just act in good faith never I don’t know I think it would be a dangerous thing to be like no we will just be sincere with each other now because there’s like there’s several kind of layers of irony throughout well since from when we started this really and if we were to just make Earnest points about politics I don’t think people would like it drop a message if you’d like to see more sincerity on the politics Jo podcast Sean can you see the chat yeah what what are they saying they’re saying the audio is sh that’s right the audio is [ __ ] but you keep coming back like [ __ ] suckers you are cucks you are cucks you you’re bigger cucks than R Sean’s annoy amen does have time there’s nothing that will unite us more than contempt for the audience okay wait okay wait question question if there’s one don’t tell us don’t tell us what it is but we’re just going to keep asking like random like little questions to see if we can get closer to what the tool is y could he make a tool to fix our audio problems in don’t think okay I think um I I think there’s one thing that unites all of us and it’s that our hatred for the audience is greater than our hatred of Ed I don’t hate the audience at all not me I think the well I can’t hear it obviously I can’t hear the stream so I don’t know but fine Sean said Sean says the audio is fine the man who’s got the vested interest and say is fine ladies and gentlemen the way Sean’s been sweating this afternoon should we solicit some somebody questions yeah I take I take some yeah why not yeah drop drop some questions in the chat not about audio if you do ask them about audio I feel like Shawn may drop the banhammer on you um you’re actually banned from watching the content can we oh look Okay we okay we’ve got it up Sean’s actually Sean’s actually put in the chat that he likes the audio like this oh for God’s sake why am I getting I’m getting ads on our own [ __ ] anyway you should turn that down is is there audio on that no no okay fine why well cuz if the stream started playing and then mics picked it up they would have legitimate complaint wouldn’t they oh good look now I can do the podcast and watch myself at the same time this is so great show it to the camera Inception infinite Inception um good that okay wait there aren’t any questions well they’ve only just known that we were soliciting them I can’t oh I want to know which one’s been held for review I can’t hear anything over the sound of my wife being cocked God love our audience man that’s good stuff God love our audience right no one’s put any questions that’s fine well just send your questions in we will answer them uh as we go on I think maybe we’ll do another 20 minutes this the studio manager actually text me to say Sean Sean hasn’t got a clue about the audio he’s asking me constantly shy just grassing oh is she [Laughter] watching okay where’s the these aren’t very good I’m not just keep them they’ll come in they’ll build up I’ve got someone’s coming into the building oh it’s just the bike shed don’t worry cool okay should pensioners pay tax if we’re committing to the triple lock should pensioners pay tax if we’re commit so is that that’s should we have triple lock Plus or triple lock a threshold question that is yeah I mean look in theory I’ll go first in theory um if tax thresholds increased in line with wage growth um you shouldn’t be in a situation where you need to say that the pension will always be tax exempt but because rishy sunak has frozen the thresholds um and we have this thing called fiscal drag happening where people’s wages are rising but the tax thresholds aren’t increasing so as your wages increase you eventually you know move into higher brackets that’s that’s it’s it’s it’s like a stealth way of taxing people right the the progressive thing to do is to constantly increase that lower band make it higher and higher and higher so that people on Lower incomes pay less and less tax um and if that was happening then this wouldn’t be a question I don’t I don’t think that pensioners should have to pay tax on their pension to be quite honest with you I mean it depends obviously on the level of wealth it depends on how much they’re making but if you’re just on the state pension it’s not particularly generous it’s one of the least generous pension systems in in European Democracies um so no I don’t think you should have to pay tax on question on that okay like listen I might expose myself as not being a student of Economics here does it make sense to give money out just to take some of it back supp a cut is it then yeah I mean if is I guess I guess you so you could say like in the interest of simplification maybe we shouldn’t have a system like that um plenty of people do argue that like the tax code should not be whatever it is the 20,000 pages long than it is and be much simpler but the fact of the matter is we have a system where we have a process of things like tax credits benefits um and it there is just like this depending on who you are but let’s say you’re on a lower income let’s say you get a bit of housing benefit let’s say you get some you know um tax credits for having kids being married there is this kind of exchange backwards and forwards of these things um is that necessarily the most simple system no it’s the one we have there are compelling arguments I think for simplifying the tax system and you know would you say we’re going to have one low rate of Taxation for people who make their money via VIA their labor let’s call it 20% we’re going to have one high rate let’s call it 50% and we’ll also tax capital in that same way 50% you know you you can simplify these things um starma was edging on that yes she Beth actually kind of yeah she nearly got him yeah because he’s actually repeated that line over and over and over again there will be there are no plans to raise taxes on working people so and then what what she nearly got out of him was that there’ll be a wealth tax or he’s looking at a wealth tax then she said well what did she say to him don’t like don’t worry just say it it’s okay to want a wealth tax yeah yeah I love that it’s got a good tease she she was presenting she nearly presented us with the star that we want you know she was coaching him to be the most palatable they like it see this is good the kids thing was good tax the rich care yeah um the Green Party had um big tax plans didn’t they they did yeah 2% billionaires 1% millionaires raise the th raise the threshold oh no sorry excuse me raise the um National Insurance on people earning 50,000 and more not sure about that are you telling me that someone that didn’t make sense to me why if you’ve got a single parent or sorry single earner in a household y you’re living in a city earning £50,000 that does not make you a high earner so I know we just talked about simplifying the tax system but actually if you’re going to introduce something if you’re going to introduce bands like that on 50,000 then I think that needs to be okay well that’s for a single person or that’s for single person in a couple or I think it needs to be because if you honestly if you’re in if you are in London and you’ve got two kids and you’ve got 50 Grand coming in per month and you’re renting there’s not very much left over and the kids school fees are going to be more expensive well there is that isn’t there so you’re you’re actually [ __ ] to be honest cuz it’s normal people who are going to be affected by the RIS and can can should we talk about the green green party Manifesto for AE no I thought we were going to talk about [ __ ] debate I also thought we were doing that tomorrow you just started talking about the greens I’m joining in your conversation if we talk about we’ll do greens tomorrow you’re making us come in at 8:30 if we do isn’t that insane by the way anyway sorry I thought there was an election on Ed I thought we still some rights I don’t see why we need to be back here 10 hours and 45 minutes I’ll be honest I’ll be honest with you guys I I can do it without you I’ll just riff for an hour you’d love that wouldn’t you yeah there’s no callers fun the content would be I wouldn’t actually I wouldn’t actually riff it you do an hour scripted Laura sure settled see you at 10 okay six so these guys have to go this is this is how I do it this is how this is how I manage yeah I I play the workers off against each other yeah but who’s it work really well didn’t it what did you say who’s on the cover good that um okay should we do should we do another question yes okay fine fine who would fight harder over a wheel of cheese between the three of us I’m not sure I can’t they post something serious why are they saying things like why does Ed look like Scottish Harry Potter he doesn’t I just have glasses I actually think you look really good at the moment I think you’re actually in your glow up era thank you yeah I actually thought it earlier when you when you walked in with that gray hoodie that you wore on Monday no have same hoodie I actually I thought I thought oh he’s in his glow here is it because I’ve got hair again um I don’t know I quite likeed you like Bal but then there was the in between stage where you said that was really funny you said you said to me quite recently when I was growing my hair back you were just looking at me like o I don’t think this is your GL because I think you’ve always been beautiful thank you I think those those are both nice things I’ll take both of them as confidence there’s no need to play off against each other yeah I don’t know why you need to stoke division I’ve established my reasons for that already did anyone else find the net migration section really frustrating look I’ll say this when Beth rig and like she has to ask this because it’s Central to their um policy platform and it’s been basically the center of their campaign but I just it was just I thought it was such a signifier when she just point blank said to him how many people are you going to deport to Rwanda how many flights are there going to be and I just thought it was such like the we’re reducing these people their lives um and doing something as inhumane as brutal and um callous as deporting Asylum Seekers or attempted asum Seekers attempted refugees to Rwanda and it’s just like how many are we going to deport I I thought that was a real Mo it just it just sort of clicked to me where you kind of go [ __ ] hell it’s Bleak this is Bleak this is Bleak really Bak lack of humanity and they did laugh at him didn’t they when Beth pushed him on um the timing of it like it’s very convenient for you that you’ve just called an election you’re saying that they’re going to take off in July um but I think the audience saw through that didn’t they mhm it’s quite it was quite good having an actual audience there to laugh and Boo and Jer I wonder how balanced it was as well I’d be curious to know what the makeup of it yeah I think they they I mean they did say didn’t they that it was like sort of they’ selected the people there they’re from they were from Grim Grimsby and around the country and they sort of broadly reflective like it was a representative audience basically of current goting intentions well I don’t know I mean it’s been pretty it’s been pretty consistent hasn’t it for the last 18 months so yeah no they they did it based on the 1997 general election just majority majority La members which election would you most like the audience to represent um 2010 2010 because you know when 2012 Olympics happened and that was good the current parliamentary that parliamentary makeup okay nice nice when you real liberals in Parliament still yeah none of this nonsense um any more questions yeah there are loads but it’s very difficult to find them sure do you want to just fire far far one at us would you rather go to a football game with Kier or rishy okay rishy really because we’d probably be in the vicinity of Matt latio and and you like Matt no I just I want to be there you know there’s there’s that picture that goes does around on Twitter now yeah where that is a good one but there’s another one where it’s I think some someone is taking a photo with or Rich’s taking a selfie at the Saints ground and you can see latis in the background like like like leaning around like eyeballing him and that Dynamic is obviously amazing you’re a lizard is what you’re shouting yeah um it’s tough I think it’s one of the a source of great discomfort for the labor party um their staffers and and Kier Fanboys that I think he does quite clearly like like football MH but for whatever reason he is just not equipped to authentically engage with it engage with it like it’s it’s cringeworthy every time whether it’s that extended Arsenal fan TV interview um tough yeah whether it was um bring an ill fitting England top to the Euros final yeah when he well I mean that’s that’s actually quite on brand for England fans to be honest with you you want answer the question who would you rather yeah we are we are you’re talking about ill-fitting football tops I just something and I just heard something about tits ill fitting we didn’t say tits you said tits ill-fitting you’re always lowering the tone sorry he was wearing an off brand wasn’t even like an umro top it was like a plain white T-shirt can I just say though like his the smell of freshly cut grass and horse manure will always remind me of football or in the ITV debat I object to that you can smell the grass right no you can’t if you’re if you’re near enough the goal you can you can I’ve smelled it I’ve smelled it fragrant grass at everything uh no that was actually that was actually at Spurs I noticed it oh they they probably got like Ultra they’re probably spraying out the ceiling yeah oh I forgot I’m not talking about football anymore because I talked about football on Monday morning and then the other commentator turned around to me goes you know even less about football than I do and I was just like holy [ __ ] you’re lucky that we’re live pal what gender was the other commentator I’m going to guess it was a maned well I’d like the check we were all thinking it but I’d like the kids right final okay so who would you like rather go to a game with with rishy rishy what about you probably ster he’s he’s he’s labor Shilling so hard at the moment I’m just going to say it why on the desk we’ve got like a there’s no money involved we probably actually put some money on it cuz I keep make it interesting this no don’t be telling this story what because it’s going to make us seem about the Instagram manifestos yeah you don’t want to tell that story I think it’s quite fun I think it’s interesting story there’s debate on the team about which party’s Manifesto is going to get the most likes on the Instagram page and majestically surpr I would actually say the Tor is are the Dark Horse in this because they’ve somehow 5,000 people have like their Manifesto on Instagram account which is which is actually quite impressive but you are insistent that the labor parties is going to be the most liked out of everyone’s do you know what I think I think that labor party are heading the polls by such a margin and that will be reflected in the what’s so but the conservatives are ahead of the greens and the greens got 22,000 likes so what you you’re just not exactly an MRP but we’re we’re biased we’re so our audience is far more Pro labor than I would say the country at large the Instagram audience yeah so I predict there’s going to be a greater number of people yeah who are going to back the manifesto of the next government yeah and you’ve decided you’ve G to [ __ ] snoy and Ed’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] again which I think you’ve done in the last in every episode this week i’ like to point are you are you detecting some masculine fragility what do you reckon a graphic designer does [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] what graphic is he designing I don’t think it’s that stupid to think because the labor party are so aheading the PO I don’t think it’s that stupid then why have you been going on about it for five [ __ ] hours because it gets this kind of reaction from you okay do you think the lib Dam’s rejoin policy is going to give them any gains or will they stay around the 10% Mark even though the majority now think that brexit was a mistake no I don’t think it was as side what’ you say I don’t think it’ll touch the sides It’s Kind basic them policy isn’t it you know what you’re getting with them I don’t think the country like even they aren’t that that if they when they’re asked about it in media interviews they say look that’s a long-term ambition we’re not saying we’re going to go back into the single market tomorrow we’re saying that’s where we want to get to with our foreign policy we’re doing it today immediate rejoin revoke and rejoin um don’t worry guys we’re back and we all the same privileges that we had before no Euro thank just Scotland with the Euro what was that [ __ ] peep sh on people voted for the Nazis and hate the Euro Jeremy something like that isn’t it like C voted for the Nazis yes yeah um voted for the Euro they didn’t vot for the Euro on par with voting for the Nazis um that’d be good like spiked article or something no I don’t I don’t think people I don’t think the public want to have that conversation because it’s a source of embarrassment for a lot of people genuinely I think people also don’t want the division yeah it’s ugly isn’t it toolmaker son or pharmacist [Laughter] daughter well at least I know what pharmacist is I could talk to my daughter about her work yeah but what kind of farmer are they assisting with [Laughter] [Music] Sean did a really good cure impression oh that was good are we going to are we going to talk about that I don’t know I think you could talk about that I think that’s okay i’ quite like you to do it do you want to pop out Sean can you sorry we’d like you to come and do your impression of stor that you back there if not listening to this he’s just mon where he’s just monitary the audio levels yeah well we were just we were just talking about what starma might have said just before he went out and no we didn’t we said he’s got six minutes what do you think he’s going to do with that and you said I said cranking it and then Sean said I’m coming they can’t hear that they good how good is that um that Tik Tok edit of camela Harris being like do not come do not come don’t think you’ve ever seen that you’ve never seen it and then it cuts to Trum I think we’ve got quite different for you [ __ ] right we’ve got three minutes left one second one let me do it let me do why are you trying to stop me from doing let’s talk about it I think it’s like for an inauguration or something and she’s like do not come and it cuts to Trump at a rally and he’s like I’m going to come and The Crowd Goes [ __ ] Wild it’s unreal unreal there’s never been anyone like him did you see when he [ __ ] pulled out the cheese cheese cheese Cake Factory menu the other day it was Unreal he a interview no he was like $47 for Korean Fried Chicken when I was the president the chicken was American imag Ed’s Ed’s had a really tough time tonight with the to make Factory how are we going to explain the cheesecake no it’s not a factory Ed taking copious notes I don’t get it so what kind of cheesecakes do they make there okay should we round off yeah go on one more with a quick discussion on the absolute genius who put a bet on the election hell yeah my guy skill issue that he an absolute sure thing and he puts it on himself in his own constituency do you not just get [ __ ] sling your mate 100 a quid and say here you are like if you’re going like if you’re going to break if you’re going to do Insider betting if you’re if you’re going to if you’re going to gamble like that like just have some [ __ ] Hoots these people they’re not they’re not good criminals so small time they get caught out if that was an American politician oh they’d have bet 100,000 P for A500 return is that is beta behavior isn’t it it’s CED they like the Americans they do insider trading properly mhm but at least respect some H oh a cleaner some I over here oh so they’re probably freaking out okay unless someone’s got in yeah let’s wrap it up maybe um thank you all you can watch Nancy Ploy stalks go up and down yes um thank you all did anyone bring a key down from upstairs I’ve got the I’ve got keys it’s all right um thanks for watching the live stream I think we’ll do more of these if you liked it um drop a comment if you’re Pro inside of trading um don’t to know what star’s dad actually did go on he was a factory worker who made tools for injection molding plastic sounds like me sounds like to me he made still does oh I think it’s someone in the bike shed like singing along to their headphones possibly maybe they’re watching this could be H that’d be strange for them it would be yeah happy yes not really see in like n hours yeah oh God it actually is in 9 hours no it’s not no it is it’s in 10 and a half hours yes Eva doesn’t know how time works um thank drop a comment if you think 10 and a half hours in between two podcasts is too [Laughter] little drop a comment if you reckon that we could record this at 10 and have the same outcome see you tomorrow goodbye byebye e


    1. furlough doesnt cut thru coz any leader wud have had t do it n tory late reaction t the pandemic ment more lockdowns more furlogh more cost t the tax payer. we're not stupid. it wasnt his magic wand thatonly he cud have done

    2. Lots of other countries enacted similar policies to furlough- I think the public appreciates that with or without Sunak there would have likely been a scheme and so that’s why it doesn’t have cut through

    3. Here you go Ed mate, I asked ChatGPT…
      A toolmaker is a skilled professional who designs, creates, and maintains tools used in manufacturing or other industrial processes. They typically work with metals, plastics, or other materials to produce precision tools and machine parts according to specific engineering drawings or requirements. Toolmakers often use a variety of specialized equipment such as lathes, milling machines, grinders, and computer-controlled machinery to craft tools that are crucial for the production of other goods. They play a vital role in ensuring that manufacturing processes run efficiently and accurately.

    4. I find it amazing that such a left wing news outlet has journalists that don't know what toolmakers are their status amongst the trades. It's a highly skilled job. His Dad wasn't just some random blacksmith.

    5. Deffo with Ed, he was degraded over the toolmaker line while Oli and Ava showed there arses and proved his point. It’s a vague job title that can cover all manner of thing, which is probably why KS has been told to use it.

    6. Re the discussion about toolmakers. I am a former factory worker. There is a strict hierarchy in the factory, with piece-workers at the bottom and toolmakers at the top- a skilled, 7 year dad was a machine tool fitter-which was second in the hierarchy. For industrial workers, you know what someone is saying when they invoke’toolmaker’. Most people now don’t know the difference between a lathe and a milling machine , hence all the confusion when someone uses the currency of the 1970s.

    7. Honestly never experienced audio levels like this before – almost an achievement to get them so violently out of whack constantly. OTOH it was cool having to twiddle the volume knob all the way through – I felt like David fucking Guetta

    8. I think the thing is that "toolmaker" sounds oddly old fashioned – gives "candlestick maker" type of thing. What does it mean, he worked in a factory? A shop? I don't think tools are really made by one person anymore (although I could be wrong) in this country, so it's a weird one. But if you worked in a factory people tend to just say that and elaborate on what they make if asked. I don't know anyone who i would reasonably describe as a "toolmaker".

    9. I love Oli and Ava ripping the shit out of Ed for asking if people know what a toolmaker is and then demonstrating that they have no idea what a toolmaker is!

    10. Furlough thing doesn’t land because he brings it up every 5 seconds and acts like he personally paid it out of his own pocket and we should all be grovelling and grateful to him for making some kind of sacrifice when in reality he just did what any half decent chancellor would have done.

    11. Why does Sunak want the job, because he wants to build connections for his Father in Law (who's worth is apparently 4.5bn). Sunaks money for day to day spending doesn't come from his salary but his and his family holdings in various companies.

    12. Couldn't bring myself to watch because of how quiet nearly all the talking is, but how my speakers almost explode when you're all laughing.

    13. Oops daddy joe thinks they can opt out of the eleven hour shift separation element of the Working Time Directive, but they can’t

      viva la revolution Ava and Ed

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