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    Dan’s eBay store – Danshelly
    Shelly’s EBay store – justshelly78602

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    well Friday morning I drove 2 and a half almost 3 hours to get to an auction the roads were we’re way out in M nowhere land now we’ve down small roads trees are down stormed out here I had to drive through ditches low water crossing through the water just to get here then it is Muddy I’ll Swit it around and show you but hey before we get started hit that like button and subscribe to us we need subscribers and and hit the Bell if you want notified and share share share let’s get started on our Walker just a little weather around here today I’ve got the rest of the qus in there drying pretty cool bik there got do little research on that when I get ready craps they’re talking somebody talking behind me saying they got 80 mile 80 mph winds last night so that’s why the tree limbs are are all over the road I gotta be real careful today don’t see a whole lot that I’m interested in hopefully it ain’t a drive for nothing pretty cool that golf grief can how we got stuff under the table I have to 134 134 oh there we go Part 12 how are you today a day already yeah it have 044 r he’ll take you yeah I wish yeah we come in the other way cuz that’s how we come in yesterday I come inway and they said they called us not to come way this morning we put low and so we come in just take a right and take you out right out to the highway out here yes sir uhhuh and then you go either way or yeah you can go either way you go back towards or you can go to yeah it brought me in from that way and low water crossing around tree through the ditches very a couple of girls yeah cleaning the roads for you yeah well thank you it was quite interesting thought it concession stand look at the water you w try to find a piece of Firwood this Creek right here yeah this is a l water too yeah it is [Music] more stop signs quilts all got wet and they’re damp what is that in there I don’t think I need any bolts I got to walk through here again curious what this is have lead fishing I yeah huh and that something I’m going to have to be careful today these things are handier hat did I get it these things get there well I just hope it don’t rain more today or tomorrow it could hold off for about 3 days couldn’t it yeah [Music] sure it need to get wet before that [Music] no kettle look like it hold water what kind of Park in here are you talking about radiator body stuff all got wet all roughed up now buddy this is a two-day auction so I don’t know if we’re coming back for tomorrow or not we’ll see I’ll go out and look at the stuff itself tomorrow oh my gosh hor car know I don’t know where that go should have brought swamp boots long pants it’s going to be a miserable day oh yep I don’t see much out here Peak my curiosity maybe the Gul old grief cans yeah a little little be flter iron car Wagon Wheel if I’m being right hand jury can holder right over there this thing have any value to it don’t know we’ll see and this here I don’t see why they have a two-day auction we’ll find out see how fast the auctioner is because to me there’s nothing here there’s a few items hopefully I’ll get something but like got in here there I don’t see much but one man junking my man’s treasure oh boy we appreciate you all don’t talk to my ticket Rider at anytime he’s got one person list to that’s either me or way use same number tomorrow you can use your same number tomorrow pay state Sal and you got to pay state sales tax credit card 32% credit card is working 3 and 12% if you use it told you 3 and half% on the credit card [Music] next Saturday will be North abine at Fort Phantom Hill had a big sale up there and it’s going to a lot of good stuff in it it’s got to tractor looks like it’s never been rolled off a showroom 129 hours and it’s got a nice it’s just got a lot of stuff up there all right that’s an that’s North abing 15th back at w place for a huge sale and I went by there last night and looked and it’s full of good stuff we can’t take any more Consignments for that sale it is full we can’t take any more Consignments till July the 22nd oh the next sale will be July the 22nd all right that’s enough talk let’s have a sale here what El he got a bunch of sales watch the internet hey we got all them brochures over here you pick them up we got Flyers on most all get you one over there and pick them up over there we’re booked to the end of August all right here we go all right okay back start the back this way what is that green thing that’s a Feer a feeder right there who get for [Music] $22 okay what dolly dolly all right here 15 15 here $10 23 $10 23 I got AAL table got a metal table $10 you got it for $10 sir $10 $10 yeah little problem ear here you go here you go that table over there do table $112 by number 22 by 22 right here all right wait got something right there all two stands two stands Collard huh a horse collar and a collar yeah try to get us a description on every ticket please cuz they going to need it all right here you go two two c i mean one C and two spans all right here you go who get five who get a dollar1 Bill 22 isue right [Music] there sacks there a lot of sacks and that ho all right here you go who get $5 e more $5 to that who get five55 Bill $2 $2 [Music] 45567 number2 32 stand right there it’s a tire changer all homemade tire changer break down fight for that i’ [Music] like all the way down all second St too there $5 $2 $2 that $2 put that with it $223 all that five five I got you got your number 14 14 there’s a ma right there way get ma bu stuff on it you get it you get it too all right here to go f for the2 got the box or something all right here go boxing de get5 for that that was clay clay PES Target Clay Target and Target and Target full box of them F the Box $5 hey five one of now $2 two dollar2 Bill two $2 $2 $2 s a dollar bill number 42 * 4 here’s power binoculars here we go $25 25 get get $10 B about 15 8 10 $15 B 10 12 High 10 12 and high a good set there guys 10 12 High $5 17 17 2 2 $20 23 10101010 12 10 12 and 12 and S $10 32 Toby ke here we go5 $22 a doll for two two three3 $2 three33 $2 three $2 number three on the out5 $5 $2 three three $3 $3 $23 33 so them $244 here these crosses now all that all that $5 r$2 doll Bill $1 got doll $21 bill [Music] 20 oh here’s a camera look here old finish camera get them on $10 hey $10 bill leave $55 $2 hey $2 three three3 $3 $23 $2 that be 486 46 little baby blanket $25 825 $10 15 1015 20 Big5 30 35 40 five 45 sold $428 there a no dumping sign you get around $25 B5 $105 that’s 57 $10 10 12 half 10 12 High $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 about 17 half 17 High about 20 $20 about 20 20 so 17 High number 24 little Oriental chest right here jewelry box very nice look at this here we get $25 25 $10 for $10 $105 $2 three $2 three $2 three big three three $2 three three sh them $2 three more cameras sell them all all them cameras High $5 18 look at this Quil here the 4 qu $50 50 30 40 40 50 60 70 $70 ma’ $70 $60 7 get $60 28 here’s some more Avon Avon here we go $5 for everything she’s got5 B $2 two two h a dollar dollar Aon dollar bill two three $2 three big $3 David $3 $3 sod $2 here’s aluminum and a forland pan here we go granny $5 hey $5 bill big $2 big B three a $23 B 33 $233 $222 Okay quilt quilt $25 25 30 40 50 $505 5028 uhoh porcelain now cleator sign here to get sign 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 85 $85 7580 $80 about half price 7580 7580 $75 22 here is some pens boy look at old pens right here here we go $5 $2 dollar $21 two Bill 28 three 23 sorry there’s been another $7 pen $8 P Rob get 57 572 get get 10 15 $15 15 12 that’ll be 16 16 oh look at that red quilt $25 30 40 50 60 70 get get 80 90 get out $90 8090 85 get about 90 get about five 95 95 95 M sold him $90 28 here we go here an old jar with the old Li here we go $5 good Ball jar right there $5 hey $5 bill $2 big about three big two and three four four four four big three and four so $336 okay we got two Furniture clamps silly yeah but other one there is a draw knife draw knife sell them both $5 both up hey $5 five5 $2 B three he $2 three big $3 $3 $2 three four big five b five five six6 sold $529 uhoh look get this one that’s an old one right there baby yep that is an old one I can tell from here $100 ra 50 25 hey 35 35 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Big 95 105 105 $1 bill 9500 105 105 105 back about5 sold $100 bill number 12 here’s a jug boy look5 85 Bill two three four four4 four five you get on six you got to be six yeah seven eight yeah nine yeah 89 $8.9 sold them $8 for no where you want that for .99 it says $4 there we go on a little assorted cabin right there you get $55 bill you should have look $5 $2 $2 $2 two a little Sal cab $2 put that Mallet with it that’s a good M $2 hey $2 three big out out two three big $3 $3 s $2 number 33 there uhoh look at this one $100 huh $100 big get B 25 25 35 big 35 man 35 big 45 55 hey 55 55 65 75 B get $75 hey 75 70 B 75 $80 $80 sold $75 28 here is a nice face right here here we go 1055 Bill he big it’s a weather rock is it working yeah but it is it worked last night okay $5 guaranteed to work 7 and2 5 7 and half get get get 7 $6 $6 I’m going say it too five bucks 25 25 oh that’s a tobacco cutter yeah cigarette cutter right all that stuff right there $10 made Paris France I was over one time oh man here to go s all that $10 half come ons that’s 7 that’s a li it’s worth $5 not 7 all 7 10 10 so 7 number 28 7 28 okay what you got I got some jail Keys you get put in jail you can get out with these right here all here you go skeleton keys for a jigle house go get5 7 sell $5 number 445 number 44 all right what who’s up go huh flag is that the 48 state you know oh you don’t know all right here you go it don’t matter no it don’t matter here you go on the flag $10 $5 bu 14 122 you been 122 now 15 15 12 15 15 16 $16 15 going to be 16 now 17 17 now 18 now 19 now 20 now 1 22 Now 23 23 23 24 23 now 24 would have been 24 s $23 over 28 23 number 28 28 here’s a Barlo Nick stronger strong Becker check that right there on the end it’s probably the oldest knife in there let me see blade choice on these knives right here I got choice on Y come look at them choice on my 10 you better check that right there too 10 11 11 this is a queen now this is a queen right here guys three bladed Queen three bladed queen I’m on the money $101 10 10 sold them $10 number four anybody else want a knife for $10 anybody else want to now for 10 bucks all right if that’s the case we’ll just sell them all sell them all right there $5 buy get them all 10 that’s half shocking me 10 that’s one half what and a half $20 number 28 that’s got 48 48 St okay that’s a 48 state flag right there 48 state huh I don’t care all right here you go 10 15 15 20 15 205 25 25 25 25 30 305 32 and2 now5 35 now 72 now $40 now 2 and2 $40 2 and2 now5 45 now 72 now $50 now 2 and2 52 and2 55 55 you do it 55 55 55 right there now 72 72 now $60 be 60 48 60 60 60 now 2 and A2 62 and2 now 65 now 67 and2 sold it $65 number 28 $65 number 28 thank you everybody all right what you got here military pins yeah let that man look right there Che over see them all right7 Army 1917 Army book right there horseshoer show them show them show things right there too heck all right here you go you want to get five for Norman when you see them let me know if you do who get $5 I got five now10 buy 10 $5 buy 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 s them to you $10 number whoa whoa whoa whoa you got T 15 wait a minute $16 Norman 16 T bed 16 7 16 Norman so them out got $16 bar is that right $15 bar 45 I’ll get it right in a minute thank you both thank you both all right here you go all right on what Oak Farms Ice Cream bucket full of hey where y’all y’all seen them flashlights today out here someplace huh well he said there’s some flashlights and spotlights out here we just a got to them okay I thought maybe that got thought maybe the wind Lord them Oklahoma all right here you go all I bucket full of stuff all right let me look at all right oh I see what it is yeah it’s a water hose stuff connectors who give a dollar for that bucket $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 sold itll bill number 43 do Bill number 43 let’s go all right send us a little pile she’s got right here she’s got a little pin knife she got two H rocks and some old old old pins right there and maybe an old badge in there there’s a badge right there come from Ranger Kellogg Kellogg back come out for C box guys that’s old now all right here you go all right $5 72 7 get all that for $667 7 697 thank you very much $6 buyer 15 15 buyer 15 okay next Nigerian half pennies Nigerian half cents I think they’re half they say half on it yeah look at these Nigerian pennies you’ll be the only car in the world with all that many [ __ ] oh they’re one pennies oh it may be a penny Nigerian pennies they’re made out of bronze made out of bronze all right here you go who get $5 for $55 $55 510510 10 57 7 $1 122 122 122 122 10 122 it’ll be $10 bar 15 $1 bar 15 let’s go all right get him in there get him in there get him in there all where did everybody go I need help guys girls I got to keep it there drer Dr Pepper in in intact all here you go that’s a 10 two and four all right5 for five five five five five five five 75 sold them $5 right there bu 23 is it bu 23 $5 all right next all right next uh I’m going show you choice if anything she’s got laying up here come on up here and look at it on this advertising stuff CH EV what’s that right there okay that’s a cork cork cork puller all right here you go choice on all that all right who get five for Choice watch out get a fire get $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 oh my God you better look at this what it got in it hey Unc something in it Milan quartz all right just got the watch the chain all I’m G to give you $5 T out Buy I 10 $5 I 10 $15 now 172 so $15 buyer 22 that’s a buy right there buyer 22 all right come on buy here’s a b wait a minute what you got here is in por no no all right set up two metal signs might all right your middle all right s who get $5 for $5 $5 $5 $5 $55 where $5 now 75 $5 75 sold $5 who was it 33 $5 33 here’s a box full of stuff full of waterin it’s a game station got some water in it we charging this for the water who get $5 for that $5 all it need is drying out who get $5 it on $5 $5 $5 $5 I sold it 57 half 572 572 sold it $5 n $5 n I have an Arro you got an arrowhead I’ll start at 20 you start at 20 bucks now five short to them 20 now five 25 25 30 30 5 35 35 305 35 40 40 35 $40 40 35 40 3540 40 40 sold it $35 number 24 by 24 okay here’s a box of uh miscellaneous cleaning supplies all right mostly fishing stuff she said is mostly fishing stuff we get $5 $5 7 so it5 number three5 number three all right come on number three okay what oh sell all this stuff right here this is G antique garden stuff antique garden stuff all right who give a dollar bill $2 at least some of it is $2 three two now three give me three now four now five four five four five so $4 bar 25 $4 bar 25 okay got a hat stretcher hat stretcher all right here you go how much on it $121 two1 who give a dollar for it sold it dollar bill number 21 dollar bill number 21 here’s a really old Bolo tie one of them’s got a Road Runner on it one of them’s got a eagle on it they’re both old now I’m going to sell you choice on them on the b t $510 to buy 10 now 122 122 now $15 for CH now 72 72 now 20 that 2 and A2 22 and2 22 and2 for it worth more would be 22 and A2 2 22 and two and A2 22 and A2 $20 you on to both buyer number uh 15 by 15 here’s a little grinder and two grinders i s Black and Decker who get five bucks for them 7 and A2 five 7 and2 sold them $5 number 33 David on the golf cart okay uh whoa here’s another bench grinder got got mail look at this bench grinder boy it’s got a big wheel on it who’ll get five it’s commercial now who’ll get $5 you sharp some stuff $5 $10 about 10 now 15 what 10 now 15 10 now 122 what 10 12 12 that’s him 15 that’s way out there way out oh I can’t see that far 15 now 20 would be 20 20 20 20 48 what’s his number 38 38 $15 just set it down he’ll come get while he’s fishing out there right now all here you go set all these turnbuckles all them turnbuckles $5 have $5 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 you want them $5 72 now 10 I shouldn’t have waited on you0 10 sold to him 33 Old David got them all right oh look out now I got some lures here that might be really old I do not know but there’s a I know one thing every one of them will catch a fish sooner or later sooner or later every one of them is guaranteed to catch a fish there’s 20 of them in there now I’m going to sell the tray is that right I’m going to sell 20 of them for one money who give $200 who give a $100 $100 $100 $25 for 20 of them $10 now 15 it won’t be back I 10 15 I 10 15 I 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 and I have sold 10 number three three three necklaces handmade they’re Chevrons Shamrock Chevrons from Nigeria Chevrons from Nigeria oh they come a long ways Boys sell choice on them or what you going sell them a set anybody does anybody want to buy Choice okay okay I just sell them all three then sell them all three who’ll give me $50 one $50 come from Nigeria we’ll get $50 we’ll get $25 25 25 I SP more time back it up have S today who give 10 for them what be $10 what be 10 five bucks thank you now $10 to buy 51 five you B nor flight squ $5 $10 going to be 10 5 510 510 well that bring T glass I sell $5 14 is that right 14 hey look at here here’s a grinder Craftman now I want big CRA drill 10 122 122 122 so it $10 right there to Bar number 37 37 now you talking about an absolute dangerous knife here’s one right here here you go oh you can stick that to a bear if you hit him in the heart he’s going down all here you go about $10 15 15 20 15 and I so $20 right down there to buy 4 46 by 46 be careful with that knife that day son it’s dangerous all right here you go that what is that some welding stuff some welding leads right there5 to buy what stuff 5 huh AR Geer 5 7 57 10 I got him 7 $10 bit 10 back hereit $10 10 10 give 10 sold it 7 my there bu 27 by 27 all right huh okay HS got a bucket over there all right on a water bucket right there oh got the Nole on it well get $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 now 72 I got five here 7 half now $88 n n 10 11 $10 by number we’re on the money now number 44 $1 44 all right tell them ele family of elephants family they’re wood ATI yes all them wood elephants here you go all right 20 bucks who’ll give 10 for them what bet $10 now 15 you be 10 now 15 you get them all now $15 10 on elephants 10 to 15 what 10 to $15 10 to 15 s $10 number three elephant buying girl okay I got a PA I got she’s fixing to do 4550 $50 big get get get 50 get get 4550 55 60 about five about 70 hey $70 $70 65 70 $70 75 80 $80 B around 80 big 85 $901 110 110 I have sold of $100 bill number 20 that’s how you do a fire Cale well I’m home from the auction have a long day off the next day and uh I’m finally getting my truck unloaded we show you what all I brought home with me some of not so good today that’s some of pretty good I’ll do all right that’s is what all I bought I’m a sucker for bicycles the old ones Coleman heaters the Texas Southwest cattle razor sign I’ve had one before and sold it I’ve got I gave pretty good money for it but I should be a about double it old gas station uh numbers they’re on aluminum they’re metal embossed tackle box with some tackle in it the old Jerry cans and then there’s a holder you never find a holder mirror I go swap meat a corn sheller bought the big old pot at the end of the sale cheap five bucks if Shelly don’t want it I’ll sell it probably get $35 $40 out of it horse collar I put HS on it and sell it for a wall art and box rocket Bo launcher box and tool boxes there’s a a hatchet if say it’s from an airplane like up that youve up in Alaska for If It Go a survival hatchet or something like that I don’t know I have to do a little more research yeah I’ll research and see what it really is I’m just going by what they told me and there’s another Hammer Hatchet nail puller all together there have an old uh hose reel vintage I like the little wheels on the back I’ll sell that over warington antique shell somebody’s yard art wire baskets always do good with them there’s a one uh saddle sturup metal table I’ll do fun with that probably might leave it alone or sand it down and repaint it white and paint the legs black stainless steel cabinet there bought it it at the very beginning sale I think I give a dollar or $2 for it I couldn’t pass that up for that another tackle box and there a winch in there uh fuel sale take that swap meat Big C Iron Kettle no cracks Hol water there’s no nobody’s drilled a hole in it I gave I think 110 for it I’m hoping get 250 out of it I’m a I like old Gaff can so I bought it for a couple dollars probably put 15 on it and that that just that’s just the first step of it and uh over here I got them brph they’re heavy too brph line headge two of them uh 45 records there have a whole stack of 33s uh Cal iron three legged spider have a pretty good one I think I have a lid for it cornbread made in USA this one here number s GE I I might be I don’t know what that is this here’s a chicken fryer chicken pan what they call it but I’m pretty sure if an unmark uh grizel by the handle and then there’s just a newer po Lodge there’s a couple pans there and what’s up in them plastic bags I’m going to pull out and look they’re completely full that’s all denim wear blue jeans uh overall I give $5 for everything surely $5 worth of blue jeans in there somewhere we’ll find out I have a 9in rear end I haven’t checked few what the gear ratio is but for five bucks I’ll take it swap meat hopefully get $50 $60 out of it here’s some more stuff this here stuff here well I spent I spent quite a little bit of money on that stuff right there and that there was both been a box of sterling silver and I don’t see one mark on any of it now the longhorn tie tie clip now that’s Mark Sterling with the rest of it n there a Zippo ligher Mark Santa Fe drilling there’s some pennies there a dagger pretty cool looking there have a Hubbly uh femi truck there have a Camaro you know that that stuff and this stuff here just don’t have much value but for I just give a dollar or two for the some of this stuff here have a a longa Burger Basket Pottery pip PL new still in the box so we’ll see if we can’t sell that on eBay and a lot of it like this stuff will go on eBay and that stuff there and these here are Japanese grolls I don’t know anything about them I just seen some sell here while back and bring good money and only reason I bought them I’m going to gamble see what the what I can get out of them well here’s the pile jeans i’ I all the jeans out of the uh them bags I bought at that auction for $5 I bought oh and there’s a bag of belts in there so that’s going to be all right this here is all scraps I will try to find somebody to do quilting out of blue jeans and then hopefully I can sell that to them or gift it to them or something get rid of them here more of the jeans here if out that them are some big guy jeans there I think they’re 51 or twos but other than that now got to go through through them and Shelly done pulled I think eight pair out of here that were really good so we’ll see surely make my $5 back well she took eight pair and she but I I’ll never see the money she’ll she’ll sell them and keep the money that’s way it goes here’s all the hats I bought I at that auction there’re some pretty good ones here I think right here these are good I really like the Massy ferson hat look at the short bill on it the golf and Eiser bush hat there that’s old and there a pile more they’re just common hats you know have a whole bunch more than just local people’s hats yeah I should do pretty good with these and with that I’m done uh did I got showed you a picture of me washing my jeans had to wash them cuz they all got wet the night be before the the sale and they got they pretty stinky I can’t even I wouldn’t even give them away stinking that bad so I broke out the old ringer washer and washed them all took me three days but I washed them all and got them dried and they smell a lot better with that we’re going to call shut this one down it’s a long one sorry about that oh and then I have hey somebody on on the channel commented that I didn’t have any teeth I need to go buy teeth I can’t help it I don’t show my teeth all the time but that’s way it goes and uh we’ll catch you on the next one and hit the like button subscribe and share share share and hit the Bell when you want notified we’ll catch you again

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