Hello again, Dashflix viewers! Here’s a new episode, bad drivers, nervous moments, scary dashcam recordings! Be careful, stay safe! I love you all ❤️
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    ▪️A big thank you to everyone who sent their videos to us and allowed us to use them!
    📌Credits & Timestaps:
    00:00 Intro
    00:21 David and Simon | STOCKWELL
    00:56 Steve Moore | UK
    01:22 Jane Austen | UK
    01:44 Stupid Driving in the UK | NETHERTON
    02:36 Dash Cam footage | UK
    03:42 Thorpey | A249
    04:20 Just Bad Drivers | UK
    05:32 UK DashCam | BRADFORD
    07:22 Outro
    #ukroadrage #ukdashcam #dashcameras


    1. Sadly there are a few drivers in this video compilation trying to say that the other driver/drivers are bad but there are the ones messing up as well! 😱😱 Driving nowadays it is like a circus, way too many clowns and none of them is making me laugh! 😂 😂 😂 Use the public road responsibly please! Obviously you will see a few bad "apples" amongst the good ones, so prepare yourselves, it is going to be a bumpy ride 😂😂😂 Have a great day 👍

    2. 1:50 arrives at a queue of cars and then tries to race away to get ahead of the first car, that then gets past before the merge point. So focussed on the merc cammer didn't even notice the pick up overtaking the lot of them over the hashed markings/opposite side of the road.

    3. 4:50 doesn't seem to have a no U-Turn sign, so think it's maybe legit. Little loophole 😊 (Though not sure about the a painted arrow, and whether that's enough to dictate no right turns?)

    4. The coach driver is not in the wrong, they were trying to merge onto the duel carriage way, and the dash cammer just sat there at the same speed, could of easily slowed down to allow the vehicle to merge on. The impatient person is the cammer, could not slow down a few MPH to allow a vehicle on… Ridiculous that common sense is completely lost with some drivers… xD

    5. Chambers describes a gentleman thus;

      'A man of refined manners; a man of good feeling and instincts, polite, courteous and honourable; a man of good birth or high social standing.'

      Please don't describe the idiot in the first clip as a 'gentleman', and he is a 'man' only in a biological sense.

    6. Coach clearly sufficiently ahead to have the right of way, camera car only had to slow, allow the police car past, then go past the coach. More than a few drivers with dash cams are somewhat righteous and pedantic.

    7. 0:20 proving that all two wheel road users should undertake mandatory training, be licenced & registered, with the registration markings required to be printed and worn on hi-viz clothing. I know there is always a pile-on from the cycling community opposed to any legislation for them, however actions like these from the menace of illegal riding, really require the law to be changed and full law enforcement applied.

      1.53 it is only polite to leave the lights & merge in turn in the order one arrives at the lights. It was your lack of roadcraft and respect for other road users that caused the incident.

    8. I REALLY DESPISE!!!! these e-scooters especially those which are hired from the the likes of VIO the riders are most likely not to obey the road regulations. Riding on pavements running red lights & not shoulder checking & using the turn signals in advance or at all. not stopping at junctions etc, etc, etc. ☹️😠😡👎. They are a complete MENACE & HAZARD!!! to everyone else. & It doesn't seem to matter what so called rules they are SUPPOSED TO OBEYING!!! they still complete have NO REGARDS to others. & I'm still seeing two or three up on these things & under 18's as low as 12 (ISH) on them. I thought you had to have a FULL!!! drivers licence to hire one it seems NOT!!! or the so called company that hires these UGLY things simply DON'T Care as long as they are making money from the hire of these things. Personally I would love to see these things BANNED PERMANENTLY!!!! from our roads & streets. The are are causing more problems & issues & even accidents to others & all you get is a mouthful of ABUSE for it & then they ride away without so much as sorry or are you alright NOTHING BUT VERBAL ABUSE!!! & They come past you within inches & not a care in the world. As if they own the place roads , streets & pedestrian areas. They MUST BE STOPPED!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡 Because these incidents will get WORSE!!! if they are dealt with MORE SEVERELY!!!

    9. Sorry Steve Moore but you are in the wrong. You clearly see the bus ahead and all you had to do was come off the gas a little and wait for the police car to pass then you could have overtaken. Instead you rush up to block the 15 tonne bus and expect him to slam on the breaks just to let you pass? You really need to be resitting your lessons again. This is terrible driving. Whats more you sent this in thinking you are the one in the right shows how entitled you really are. I would be embarrassed to show this to anybody.

    10. The coach is limited to 62 MPH. It cannot accelerate to stay in front of the vehicle with the camera. It is down to that vehicles driver to be aware of the coach and it’s limitations and adjust its speed accordingly. Check the Highway Code

    11. They are all over the north east like a rash right now, always masked up and brazenly using the public roads with not a care in the world. Right this minute in my house I can hear illegal bikes in the area.

    12. First clip, you should be able to claim from the Motor Insurers’ Bureau if you haven't already.

      Dashflix the word retard is offensive and derogatory and has been for a long time. Want to maybe use words that aren't slurs?

    13. I am in two minds regarding electric scooters and other pev, on one hand they are an excellent way of reducing congestion and emissions in urban areas. They need to be embraced as they will make up part of the transport system in the future. The problem at the moment is that there is a lack of legislation around their use.
      Currently I see these scooters being riden on footpaths, shared zones, cycle and bus lanes and in the road. Being ridden by under-age riders, with no drivers licence or helmets, (which are compulsory for pushbikes locally), and being ridden 2 or even 3 up. But because there is no legislation the police seem not to involve themselves.
      Also while it must be recorded somewhere who hired the scooter or for privately owned, who the keeper is, and the hire scooters are also gps tracked and geo-fenced, there should be minimal difficulty in identifying the rider/ owner.
      Overall what is required is for users to take responsibility and ride within normal road rules.

    14. Anyone not from the Christian Race is from the Tree of good and evil.
      Yahweh (YHVH) the creator God, who's name was removed 7,500 times from the Bible.

      Praise Yahweh, our creator, our savior, and through the flesh as Christ our kinsman redeemer.

    15. Motorcyclist can filter , both the quad bikes are being illegally ridden , as a motorcyclist and car , lorry driver-rider I see car drivers deliberatly blocking motorcyclists by narrow minded posistioning , they should stop getting so hung up about being passed , often whilst rideing at the speed limit I will be passed by a car driver exceeding the speed limit and then find them stopped in front , and they do there best to prevent you from passing whilst queing .

    16. Gentleman from Africa didn't stick around and didn't bear the responsibility for his fault? What a totally unexpected twist!

    17. 1:45 cammer and merc race away from the lights. Cammer bottles it, then hates on the merc. Both cars as childish as each other…..and no mention of the pick up flying round everyone over the hatched area.

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