Together with my good friend Dave we cycled from land locked Wiltshire to the south coast (mudiford nr Bournemouth) and back home a total distance of almost 180 miles and clocking up 101 miles on the return journey.
    Dave rode his heavily laden Riverside 525 bike, a great bike for long distance travel at a sedentary pace, I on the other hand took my lightly loaded planet X Tempest and found the journey a breeze, what a great bike the Tempest has turned out to be, I am very happy with it.
    We met up with Dave’s old friend Bob and stayed overnight at Bobs bungalow.
    Bob was very generous and plied us with plenty of Rum:)

    What a Beautiful Morning uh a beautiful time to start an adventure I’ve got my uh Planet X Tempest gravel bike all packed up with a lightweight back bike packing kit I’ve got my bivvy on the front the r Raider uh bivvy a little tail pack some food and a small backpack so very fairly minimalistic uh I’m cycling out to meet my mate Dave he lives in a nearby village and we’re heading out onund almost 190 mile uh loop and we’re going from where I live now in North Wilshire which is more or less as land locked as you can get uh and we’re going down to the South Coast uh following a little route that Dave planned on commute um what a glorious day it’s probably Tak us a couple of days to do this this journey so I hope you tag along and enjoy the enjoy the journey with us uh it should be possibly two overnight stops we’re not sure we’ll see how it goes can I ask you all just to check your subscriptions uh and if you do enjoy the video then please leave a thumbs up just uh look at the views beautiful this is the tall the tallest tree in Stanton Country Park [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all [Music] [Music] s [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just a short minute ago he was contemplating that the did wasn’t you da going for a swim in the village Pond no it’s not quite warm enough for me S not warm enough maybe in a month’s time we’ll come back and have a dip in the village pond well just uh cycled through ransbury uh have a quick look at the river kennet Dave yeah the ancient river kennet this is worth looking at the thing is now we’ve got a big Steep Hill Spring Hill uh it’s one of the uh toughest in the area so uh that’s just find the next Bend Sor all right now he was coming up behind me it’s a steep why it yeah was going to zigzag a bit behind me that’s right spring not to be underestimated that was a good pull Spring Hill I did it nonstop only chest a good one though if it don’t kill you it’ll make you stronger so we’ we come to the cofton crossing uh it’s um yeah that’s the sea Dave across the the lines then I’ll go across one of the main uh routes I guess it must go to London but this is a cofton Crossing yeah there we are so right parallel to the uh to the railway we’ve got the actual Canal itself and this is the highest point of the uh the kennet and aen Canal and uh I’ll just turn the camera around in a sec and you’ll see uh the cofton pumping station and this is where they used to uh top the canal up just on the way to cinor Deuces and we just come across this this old old building here uh it was constructed in 1899 and we we think that it could be the the the the the place where pump is kept to pump water up and then it’s it’s on a high spot to give it a head of water and then beyond it there’s some railings which is possibly a reservoir oh do Dave we got to lift the bikes over the gate uh this is the advantage of a lightweight bike yeah yeah hurry up got it oh that’s three Dave I’ll come what’s the matter do you do you want would you like a hand just hold that come other side on the wrong side of the log oh it definely thank you all right I can I got I got back da I got back yeah yeah it’s heavy one I holding holding there I think all right two you want no that’s right one two just pance him on the top you go the other side right well done right okay he’s down that’s a light one isn’t it that’s a lightweight bike those we’re in the we’re in the uh small little Hamlet of chisbury and I believe at some point around here the road actually goes through center of a an old Hill Fort well not much a hill Fort but the Run parts are still there I believe so just might be wor stopping and putting the Drone up to see if we can capture that I was looking forward to Flying the Drone here but I couldn’t cuz just back there there’s some horses but actually we’re just in the middle of chisbury uh ring itself and the road goes right through the middle bisects the hillport might be able to see the Run Parts in a minute down the hill I think the ramp parts are hidden in the foliage back there we’ve just sto stopped at the tbus coling born juices stores for a nice spaget I bought myself a m bar and a FL lap Jack so uh keeping the calories going in we’re at a place called Everly uh just across the Sal be plane now and this L bench we’re going to sit here have a b to eat [Music] time [Music] never even station [Music] this is a cenal little village high beautiful yeah so what’s that thing in front then Dave soulsbury Cathedral Sandy soulsbury Cathedral that is yes well we’re just outside the S now covered 6 62 miles or thereabouts just stopping up stopping for a water brake and uh a Flap Jack keep the old uh fuel tank topped up Dave’s having a brewer he’s got his transier out he’s got everything in there and the kitchen sink as well I reckon right about outside let’s get me uh buttery Flap Jack down my [Music] neck Dave just informs me we’re officially now in the New Forest so uh that’s not bad good progress today [Music] [Music] there you know [Music] well we made it to uh the Elm Tree Pub day isn’t it the elm tree at Ringwood yeah at Ringwood at Ringwood so for me that’s a distance Cy of 77 mile or just over 77 mile having a well deserved point we’re going to order some food and then we’re meeting up with one of Dave’s old friends who lives about a quar of a mile away and he says when he found out that we were down he says why didn’t you come and camp in my back Garden so uh we got our campsite book for for tonight and we’re probably going to get a coup of coffee in the morning and toast maybe Dave I don’t know about that s can bu in the garden I might have his spare room yeah you I’ll be in the bivvy anyway uh yeah we’re going to order some food so uh I’ll catch you later well I’m sorry to say viewers that there’s no world camping tonight we made it to Ringwood and we’ve met Dave’s old friend Bob and we’re staying I’m actually sleeping in in this little Conservatory area tonight and Bob is playing us with run and coke uh so yeah thanks very much about mind you we’ve had two points up the pub as well and we have had two points up the pub and we’ve had fishing chip i’ rather a strong so yeah been good in it7 77 miles cycle today and uh and we’ve also got mustn’t forget to let you see Harry so you got to see Harry Harry wake up come on Harry here’s Harry not Harry Enfield Harry up there’s Harry look he’s a bit camera shy right I’ll see you all in the morning right we’re making a move cheers wol right best you feel [Laughter] it Che see you that was nice staying at Bob’s we had a good night there uh plenty of liquid refreshment and now we’re uh making our way down to the Sea all back into the New Forest again riding some beautiful uh quiet Country Roads and tracks and it’s very peaceful down here when you’re off of the main roads nice dayve isn’t it lucky with a weaper again H yeah I don’t want to T saying that from landlocked Wilshire to the Sea you can can see the sea I can see the sea [Music] [Applause] [Applause] your to beat [Music] oats tell to say bye-bye to the Sea lovely spot nice to see the sea now we got to head back home head in land probably going to do another 60 M find somewhere to camp and then back home tomorrow well we’ve uh we just stopped at Mo’s Court apparently uh a big po school around here people about to stop here and there’s a lovely little stream and uh there’s a Ford over there so uh popular for people to come and dip their feet in the water Castle oh lovely oh no we’ve got uh old ponies over there as well yeah so so we’re just back in the grounds of St Andrew’s Church again uh uh this is little little durford Dave isn’t it great or great dford on the way heading back and then just having myself a a peanut butter wrap with some jelly babies there you got to keep the energy going in here we are yeah no idea what it would be like could be quite nice you never know actually it’s not bad [Music] oh: well we’re we’re in the the wonderful saac forest and we’re about 15 miles away from home uh what’s it4 7 Now Dave it’s time’s ticking on S yeah yeah yeah how are you feeling don’t look I’m all right yeah you reck you’re good to try and make you get home don’t you worry about me long as we don’t run out of time yeah okay I think I got I think that’s the hint to get a move on it is it’s a hint it’s a hint so anyway I’ll leave you we’re going to try and push on to get back home now it’ be close on 100 m by time we get home which isn’t bad going for a couple of old boys in the 60s it’s not yeah yeah it’s all right I’ll leave you with some wonderful clips of uh savac Forest hope you en enjoy them sorry I didn’t get to do a camp on this one uh I I’ll make it up to if you want I’m not you no we’re so close to around now we’ll we’ll sh we’ll we’ll try and get home so anyway uh I’ll I’ll leave you with the wonderful shots of uh of savak and and I will make it up to you I promise I’ll uh I’ll go out especially on a on a a camp for you at some point in the very very near future so thanks for watching I’ll see you on the next one bye for now bye for now and thank you to Bob for putting us up last night although it deprived you of a camping session yeah it was a bit more comfortable for us yeah yeah yeah thanks Bob yeah we had a good night and thanks for all the uh liquid Refreshments you gave us as well yes yes I think that might have slowed us down a little bit today yeah yeah we fully recovered from that now yes right on the next one bye for now yeah bye for now [Music]


    1. Lovely video Sandy. Plenty of places to visit in the New Forest area.
      I wondered if you might have made it to Lepe or the old Beaulieu airfield as they have strong WWll links. Possible future destinations.
      Many happy memories of The New Forest from the mid 1960's onward…the days when you could legally have a wood camp fire if you wished (everyone was more used to herding flames in those far off times)..

    2. Thank you for another lovely video report Wiltshire Man! Lets keep doing it all the while we can to enjoy our wonderful surroundings ! At age over 77 years I 'took a tumble' off my bicycle about eight weeks ago! I had just stopped for a breather ,put my foot down through the long grass into a hidden hollow, lost balance, toppled over ! I never had a visible bruise or scratch on my outside but my inside mental condition was very badly beaten up & my confidence thoroughly 'punctured'! After a week I contacted Doctors, they suggested some sort of talking about it therapy!! I needed to do something ,not talk about it ! Seven days ago I was so fed up with myself as I was missing so much going on ,that I just dragged my bicycle out the garage , thought sod it , got on it just went into the forest & honestly didnt want to stop going even though my legs hated me I just kept needing to be out on my bike! ! Today I went out so I could visit some wild Orchids I see each year, THEY WERE THERE & SO WAS I !! I'm contentedly knackered this evening , sitting here having a beer or so reviewing my bicycle rides I'm so fortunate to have had in the past ! Tomorrow morning I plan to be up & out early, after a couple of pints of tea, to see what else is happening! Take extra care now everyone please?

    3. I do a lot of walking including hill walking and wild camping up steep hills with a heavy pack. I usually only get the chance to do one day off road cycling a week and am comfortable up to about 35 miles without too many hills then my knees start to ache so I don't know how you manage the miles you do although I am a few years older than you. Don't you ever get sore or tired legs or knees ?

    4. Hi there 👋🏻👋🏻. Lovely to see you and Dave as you pedal your way around Wiltshire. What a wonderful ride you took us on, beautiful scenery and just loved seeing the horses roaming free in the New Forest 💕💕. Your videos never disappoint Sandy ❤️❤️. Stay safe, well and happy. Judy 🇨🇦🇨🇦

    5. If I knew you were coming down that far I would have popped over from the Isle of Wight to say Hi , in fact I was probably cycling around the New forest at the time .

    6. What a lovely video and a well sheltered overnighter you had with great company for Bob bless him. Glad to see you were treated to good weather, beautiful scenery around the Kennet & Avon canal, Salisbury, beautiful New Forest, Lovely pubs and beer, I recognised the seaside area as being near to Poole and Studland down the road from Bournemouth, shame you couldn't stop a bit longer but maybe in future there might be a seaside one another time thanks for sharing another great video Sandy & Dave 🏖👏 👋

    7. Sandy , I have a Garmin varia radar/ light / camera . In some of those roads having a warning of the cars coming from behind may have be handy . You are more than welcome to borrow it

    8. Thank you for sharing your adventures. You are getting very close to geeing me on my own one 🙂 ps very much deserved rum and coke with good company.

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