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    #England #ThreeLions #euro2024

    we’re live from Germany but this show was definitely made in Manchester well according to some this greater Manchester this is Lions Den connected by [Music] E we’re back live and direct from the England camp we were just a little a light Chip Shot away from the driving range where the players are relaxing after the training I’m delighted to be joined by two of the biggest breakout stars of 2024 the one and only Cole Palmer and kobby M boys how are we good looking nice and relaxed I see you got the you came color coordinated looking fresh I was meant to wear something else but that’s put this one yeah he’s got the JP now boys we’re like What day 4ish now talk to me what your thoughts on Camp The Vibes the energy yeah it’s good you know we’re just getting used to it obviously when we first landed we got to the hotel we had to look around was a bit big biger stuff but you know I was settling in and that and it’s good yeah it’s been good enjoying it got a lot of stuff for us to do on Camp as well outside of training you know so not bored or nothing so I’ve seen there’s pedal courts there’s golf there’s a little bit of basketball what you get it into now we’ve been playing P we played for the past two nights who’s me me and Phil yeah yes CBS and Adu who’s winning they you keeping it even no last last night we played and it was uh three2 in games to us okay so it’s TI close it’s TI all right is this going to be like a running thing that goes on throughout the tournament who am I put my money on come on current winners they’re better than us now but we just started so all when we get when we get into it yeah serious all right you’re going to be The Underdogs you know what I respect it now boys obviously we’re here have a good time relax get into it but football is the main thing talk to me about training how’s it been yeah it’s been good you know the pre-amp was good as well then we went away for for a weekend chilled got ready and come out here training’s been good you know the players are top so yeah it’s enjoyable must be nice to come out here and obviously get to play in front of some of those England fans some of those fans that you had the other day there were it like it was a it was a fun session yeah I mean good to on the first session have have some fans around you know and uh yeah n we got a great Squad so training is always a high level and got good players pushing it and stuff so yeah it’s enjoyable see there some clips there some some you know what it’s good to see the boys having fun while still do you know what I mean getting the ey getting the fitness up and was a few games Head tennis I saw yeah yeah who’s the champ I saw I see walks do an overhead kick I thought hang on slow down a little bit you did an overhead kick as I yeah no one saw that cuz he was in the lower leagues so the lower league come on bro now is there a difference kind of moving from like the underage groups to the CD Camp yeah it’s always different you know I’d say the 15s to the 21s are similar cuz you know it’s not as not as high level and as pressure but you know coming in the lads obviously as for the young ones the new ones that made us if you’re welcome so we’re just going to try and perform you mat obviously you boys have I said to you you you both have bur and see both had breakout seasons for your clubs I mean now you’re sat here in an England camp at a major tournament was that on your I know a lot of players have like a a list right at the beginning of the year of stuff that they want to achieve was was that on the list was it do you feel like that you had it to come here this early on in your careers when I went to Chelsea I just this was the last thing that I thought about so to be yeah it’s just all happen so fast yeah cops yeah I mean I was just taking it game by game you know just CU obviously we don’t have the best season so I was just looking for the next game and the next game to just try and get performances in and then got to the end of the season and I was in the prigal squad so I was buzzing it was nice surprise yeah to be fair I mean the seasons that you’ve had is the season you’ve had I mean it’s it’s absolutely well deserved and I feel like he’s just a natural development and you had the opportunity to be on the biggest stage get minutes and prove to yourself that yeah cool I’m supposed to be here so you know what boys it’s a absolute pleasure to have you here in Lion’s Den now we got to talk about the the preparation coming into the tournament Cole serious first goal for England I mean that must have been special yeah was you know I nearly slipped too fair I got and when it went in I thought I might have double kicked it and I think know but no to get my first call is obviously was it was good feeling my family and I were in the crowd so I saw there was a glit in your eye when you hit the cell you were like please don’t was good feel how old were you when you first thought that that there’s an opportunity or a chance maybe that I could score for England in a you know what I mean in a senior game was it was it even was it even on the radar no was just even to get into the first team England squad was would have would have been would have been good so yeah to score was just an extra no doubt now Cole we’ve actually had a few questions from the fans you know one of fans using that they get involved using the hashtag Lions them which is absolutely nice I told you we try and read out as many questions as possible uh Sharia Shukla asks how do you stay so confident and cool on the pitch I don’t know you know maybe it’s a bit from off the pitch as well cuz um f Cubs and I think I’m quite calm and just chilled so I don’t know when I get onto the pitch I just try and keep that same thing and just show a bit of Personality on the pitch and I guess that pen against BOS that’s kind of an example of that being those High pressure moments being able to just you know what I mean bring the heart rate down bring the energy down yeah I’ve had a few of them this season so just try and just stay calm I don’t know I think it’s just just natural comes natural I think just to stay chilled and compos yeah you ain’t going to if you’re too high sometimes you I made it can cause you causes all chaos and stuff so just trying to stay no doubt now Co we ain’t leaving you out we’ve also had a fair few questions for you my bro so uh Sue cross asked what pre-match rituals do you have if you have any on really I don’t like to be um superstitious like I stay away from superstitions so try and just I don’t I try and change what I do every every time really I have the same meal but that’s about it okay same um pestol Pastor solid Choice little car blader as well exactly Cole you got any pre-match Su positions n not no I don’t you know no not really no do you sometimes see in the dress show you thinking he’s taking half an hour to put his shads on like what’s going on yes certain most players have super don’t they they put the right boot on then their left boot off like that but do you know what we actually did a little piece of content uh with Pickers yesterday and that’s coming out tomorrow so I’m looking forward for you guys to see that but he was talking about his pre-match rituals and he’s got a he’s got a fair few so he’s puts his stocks must be exactly the same height he puts one chin pad on first you you noticed that in the dressing room no I never seen it there we go we look out for it now see guys we’re giving you we’re giving you all the behind the scenes exclusive content and guys make sure you stay tuned tomorrow cuz that will be absolutely dropping now we got a little game okay so Cole You’re known for being the Iceman you got a very high standards you only gave the England kit a 9.5 out of 10 I’ll take it that’s absolutely fine uh but we want you and kobby to settle some big debates okay some some spicy topics right we’ve got a brand new game called hot or cold have a look at this see see what I’m saying this is we spent hours putting that together by the way so boys you you might have noticed right you have whiteboard and erasers I want you both to take them out okay I don’t want you to show each other the answers okay so I’m going to give you some topics okay and I’m going to let you I want you to write down whether you think they’re hot or cold right so if you rate it it’s hot if you don’t rate it it’s cold okay yeah nice one first one very very simple but it’s a divisive topic okay check it out Hawaiian pizza pineapple on pizza hot or Co Dead Boys to the camera you’re right you’re right over here CO’s bad no CO’s good CO’s bad CO’s bad yeah it’s Cold’s bad are you changing up yeah pineapple P not that one yeah cold you put cold I was going to say this is this is but I thought Co was good wait I’m putting coold Co you can put coold I put Co there you go all right okay there we go this listen I thought you was going to go different there I think anybody who likes uh Hawaiian pizza pineapple on Pizza it’s got a specific you know what I mean taste bu they’re not the one okay good listen that’s not bad we’re going to move on to the next one this one has been dividing the football football Community okay very very serious bang let’s show it holes in socks I don’t know I don’t know this is just e to their own or really in it it’s no one right or wrong there’s no right or wrong I’m just it’s a debate you know what I mean for person for personally personally how do you feel about it KB’s taking his sweet time I like this is oh I’m I’m I’m seeing a lot of letters on right Luke L is a Luke Shaw all right Fair no I’m not because cuz I’ve done it yeah cuz in the earlier in the season my socks was tight tight yeah yeah but this one they’re too big Fair flight do you know what it’s mad because who that Connor yeah I see that all the time in changing at Chelsea surely the kit Man’s having a he’s having a fume up think about all the parents when a little kids see this and cut the socks I didn’t even think about see back in my day I’m a little bit older than you boys it used to be the ti re socks over the knee and then then then then the socks went super low I can’t keep up with the kids these days am I going to have to start chopping up my my Nike socks no only only for athletes right if your kids at home please do not chop up your socks right even on the way to school you played in your Sunday League no don’t do it all right the next one is really dividing opinions well this is this it’s back on the taste buds Flex let’s check it out olives my cousin loves olives you know yeah it’s obsessing but that’s what I feel like I feel I okay olives so say it’s not a family thing no it’s not a family thing no I like olives yeah see look I could I could see your Pi sat in a little Beach Club you know what I mean just with with the little two the red or green ones green green green red red cold no no no I agree all right you know I respect it guys if you’re at home and you agree or you disagree please get involved in the comments or hit us with the hash Lions Den and we want to know if you agree or disagree all right the next one another football topic the an opinion in change rooms up and down the country have a little look tiny shim pads is that was yeah yeah tiny sh I mean you might as well have a little match boox in there I see we both get go let’s show it to the camera what do we feel you’ve both gone hot yeah you’re enjoying the tiny sh pads not too too small but yeah obviously if they’re too big they get in they can get in the way in that you know what this you know why you know when I knew I weren’t going to make it as a footballer when I turned up Sunday League I had the anle protectors and I had this one us to wear anle protectors yeah me too until I was yeah yeah 101 I was doing that at 25 this is bad this bad news for me all right okay so we we’re both we’re all feeling we’re all feeling the small shim pads okay that’s fair what’s what’s give me the split in the change room small big shim pads if you’re a center R you can’t be wearing the tiny ones I think Defenders wear big yeah I think Defenders we like decent sized ones but all attackers fielders most midfielders small if you got a bit of tech you know what I mean I’m just saying all right okay the final one number five this one it’s a bit of a thinker let’s go let’s hit it bit of snow snow Co what do we like could be winter versus Summer could be you’re on a little ski holiday I’m seeing I’m I’m seeing an agreement here I feel like you l in sympatico not feeling it he when I was younger I loved it but now that I drive yeah no country roads and no snow no ice do you know what I feel like you so you both like if you go on holiday you want to go somewhere Hot War 200 see look at us that that’s why we set up outside Lions them we knew it’s country though it’s cold in the morning and when as soon as you go out to training so when the sun comes out it’s that’s what that’s exactly that’s why we picked it here right in the German countrys side it’s absolutely beautiful now guys England fans are at the part of absolutely everything we do on lines Den so please as I’ve said before get involved using the hashtag lines then get involved in the comments and speaking of the fans over the course of the last few games and the warm-up games we’ve been chatting to fans and they’ve actually got a few questions for you so if you have to look at the screen Cole the first question is for you have a little listen my name is Max and I’ve got a question for Cole Palmer I’m wondering what he does in his downtime at camp in my down time we’ve already heard you in a proper paddle tournament going on it was like a running thing what else all depends how training’s been if training’s been hard I might go back have a little sleep and then s ring my mates and then pad steam room SAA love Island n well that you’re act like you’ve not been watching I’m saying nothing I’m saying nothing okay so there a nice CH one now cobby you’re not the only one come on let’s go let’s got a couple of questions for you as well I’ve got question for K Manu um what how did you feel on your England debut how did you feel on the England debut um yeah I was buzzing I mean it was against um Brazil so it’s not a bad debut to have by the way raous yeah so obviously playing W and against great players and it’s such a iconic game you know England England Brazil so I was I was honored and I was excited yeah what are your thoughts you know like you’re both making your debuts you’re in the tunnel do you know what I mean you’ve got the opposing team to your right what’s what’s going through your head don’t know just a weird feeling like as you’re walking out and you just you actually think for a sec like you’re actually playing for your country you know what I mean like you see all the players you walking out with and you just think like he real you know what I mean that’s the moment where it clicks I guess when you’re when you’re still the national anthem’s going you’re thinking wow this is special I actually sat behind your brother but my my yeah yeah which was which was which cool I see your whole family there and obviously the support that you got absolutely uh incredible now guys if you want to get a question to one of the guys on the show throughout the season all you have to do is head to lions dden and we’ll try and get as many imp possible I think somewhere below me right now the instructions will be there now back to football boys there’s yesterday we had to spoke with some of the more the older custodians of the team they said this episode was out with the old and in with the new we had Pickers and trips in and they said they’ve kind of gone through every single I guess position of being a player you know they’ve gone from Young up and come in to establish England players to now senior pros and they said they quite enjoy the responsibility of I guess helping the younger boys come through is there anyone that you both stands out to you both kind of helped you settle into a squad lers yeah you know what all the older ones have been I’ve been good to to be fair like um hurri Kane’s been good obviously a captain as well the one that stands out to me in particular is Kyle Walker obviously I was with him at city and stuff and we have a good relationship so I’d probably say walks but trip yeah as well so you they’ve good for CS yeah similar I mean they’ve all been good to us like helping us feel welcome and get settled in the camp and everything asking us like is everything okay and whatnot so I couldn’t say one stands out but n theyve all been good to us yeah yeah that’s I think that’s part of why this squad has been so successful is just because every everybody’s in it together and there’s a good mix of Youth and experience and kind of everyone GS in that same way now I want to break down the the call up the moment for the call up for you boys cuz how does it how does it work are you just sat there and you know your phone’s on the table and it says like g. Southgate calling and you’re thinking that’s it’s good or bad news you how does it work the first call that we ever got the the call to say listen you’re in the squad mine was a text we’ll break down go first call or the first call yeah was after the City match you know when it was 40 yeah yeah and I was meant to be going with the 21s yeah on the Tuesday and then we played City on a Sunday and I come back in and I got a call no a message saying you’re going with the seniors tomorrow so I was like thinking you think oh my God yeah that’s a quick turn around as well I just rang my mom R my dad yeah told my mates and that so everyone buzzing yeah mad that’s too sick go didn’t wasn’t you at Camp already yeah yeah so I’d come with the I got called up for the 20 21s and then on the day I was supposed to train they said um oh you’re not training with 21s you training with seniors so I was like okay whatever and then uh yeah sweet I got told I was doing one session so I was like okay that’s cool and then um and then before the session um they told me that I was going to be with them for the full for the full week and so then I was obviously buzzing call my family and whatnot and yeah it was it was crazy feeling no absolutely special that during line then I do endless hours of research I’m just sat home in the lab you know what I mean I found something quite interesting because when I search in the internet it says uh your height is 5′ 7 KOB but I know you’ve been I know I know you’ve been telling people you’re 6 foot H how tall are you around six foot bro around around six foot well guess why you laughing me no no no no no let’s settle this now let’s settle this now because uh got the tape measure I got the tape measure brother I the grd’s gone no it’s not the’s gone I’m going to need help right now okay okay right we don’t need to make it all the way cuz I know you ain’t that all Cole can you which make sure it’s the right way around yeah there we go see this is why I work in TV I’m not in building can you put that right next to cobby and just and just find out exactly cuz what we say head straight head straight yes he needs to be hang on let me spin that around he needs to be 183 to be now turn put your back back this is getting very Ser we’re settling the debate okay what he got has he got the dunks on okay take off about 3 centimet I think take off three centimet bro Cole how we feeling 184 stay still stay still I’m not convinced boys I’m not convinced we it says 184 in shoes 184 in shoes says 183 183 5 511 it says 184 that’s 6 fo R there we go all right okay so we’ve settled it claing that 511 it’s on camera in 4K HD live onl then connected by E it’s not bad listen all right fine no more sending people your six foot bro listen it’s it’s I’m carrying on listen I I feel you cuz I’m on the same wave I’m on the same wave 5 fo 10 gag you know what I’m saying but it depends who’s talking all right KOB is now your chance to uh actually get your own back on me because this is your chance unfortunately this is a new segment of the show that we’ve created during Lions Den and it’s called Ask Josh are you ready are you ready because look no this is how it’s going to work you guys can ask me a question and if I don’t answer it there is a forfeit and the forfeit has been decided unfortunately uh by those obvious people who obviously don’t like me that have to wear full England kit to the first game of the year we had a giant question the full goalkeeper as you can see shs and shads no metal studs no mold you’re only cheating yourself here we’ll see we’ll see it’s a long journey all right boys there should be a question in your minds can you throw something at me because I’m AIT I’m a little bit nervous who in the squad would be the worst on love Island oh my gosh you really stuck me in a hole here who who would be the worst wow is there a timer on this no no listen let me think let me think I don’t I really don’t want to wear this kit okay I love the kit but I think standing there goalkeeper gloves and shim pads I think you take represent your country at the game you know shim pads on do you know what I think you know if all things if everybody was single everyone was chilling I think Dean rice wow the worst the worst I think I think he’d just be rapping and singing songs and talking nonsense the whole time I think he’d be good on there me you he just said it because he’s M that’s why he’s trying to get out of it no not at all you not at all no you can’t flip on those by the way who do you think would be the the best no we asking you you don’t I’m already answer I’m already in trouble as soon as de comes on here I’m in trouble oh see this is why this supposed to be my show supposed to be my show right I think de R okay fair there we go you happy with that answer say I’m with it all right guys listen the games will continue here on Lion’s dead listen you saw I know You’ watched the previous episode but I want to give you a reminder of exactly what not to do take a look at this thing I don’t think I’ll be much better I’m start count what playing I mean look at the aggressive talking of the start now Chang the don’t you I mean that is that’s shocking you boys you just can’t miss the break they working together you’re working together I’ll explain everything don’t worry yeah you can’t miss the break I mean it was it was a it was a shocking performance they still managed to get a semi decent score and for those guys who maybe don’t know the rules you want a quick reminder here we go and I’ll explain you boys everything that’s going on as we walk over to my P hall go in water clearance players will pair up and try and clear as many balls from the table in 40 seconds each ball will have a different amount of points up for grabs based on a player Squad number so potting the Harry Kane ball will score you nine points while sinking the pford ball will get you just the one it’s not pocket science players will pick the balls before they break and we be hoping to get lucky with their squad numbers but it won’t be easy if any ball leaves a table during the 40 seconds then five points will be taken from their score if the CU ball is potted teams will lose a further Five Points from their score if the dreaded black ball is potted teams will lose 10 points off their final score so let’s see if there are any sharks amongst our lions in water clearance welcome to my PO Hall boys the game is super simple okay as you can see every single ball on the table represents a squad number from 1 through 26 okay all you got to do is pot as many balls as possible if you pot your ball cobby the 26 unbelievable 26 points nice and easy Cole you’re on a 24 Sensational they’re already there that means all you got to do is put your two balls you’re on 50 you need to put one more ball and you go top of the leaderboard nice and easy okay yeah when you pot a ball you have to give your queue to your partner okay if you miss you carry them okay you miss a shot you carry on you exactly right so boys I’m going to need you to fill up the squad number balls right here on my table you need 13 of them don’t look don’t look just grab them just grab them and launch them in we can’t do cheating no cheating in my B There we go all right remember you want numbers as high as possible and I know a lot of people who watched lies they connect by E yesterday said my racking was was poor okay so sax even mat and Paul got involved Saxon John all of you I promise you it’s going to be nice and clean today there we go hang on hang on I’m seeing a lot I’m seeing a lot of staring I was looking on the way here I’ve already already grabbed them by all right we need about three more hang on no one more oh we’re all good okay we got boys you got some decent numbers you can keep that one there we go hey hey hey hey no looking a there he goes this is not the smartest to in there we go it’s my P it’s only my second day on the job guys it’s my second day on the job here we go okay have you got your C have you decided who is going to break call the break hang on let me let me just make sure that everything is nice and perfect there wow there we go that’s about as straight as you like boys you’re going to have 40 seconds to pop as many balls as possible nice and simple what all when I break here next exactly miss you keep going if you miss you keep going if you pop you carry on okay you will only go on my timer all right please don’t do the trips your timer starts in three two one let’s go that’s a that’s a great break the White’s got in by the way uh if you didn’t know the white is minus five points if the black goes in it is minus 10 points if any ball leaves the table it’s all you going to have to go fast you got 30 seconds left let’s roll let’s roll you a the 23 look the 20 you want to you want you want to get the 23 comes no yeah you’re saving it remember remember the time’s gone you got 20 seconds to play 20 seconds to play boys nice solid okay remember you got that minus five which means you need four 10 seconds to play boys 10 seconds to play Let’s Go can we get a double can we get a double let’s go CBS 5 4 3 2 1 no no boys hey hey hey not on my table don’t you dare you the rules I mean didn’t say the white ball though I would have move bit of an angle and you’re not here when I said 5 4 3 2 1 go all right we’re going to count on the ball and I’m going to give you 10 points minus 10 points for that outrageous act in my PO hole no don’t start making rules up I’m just saying okay start off it’s a fantastic score 21 yeah that’s solid 16 unbelievable do you know the squad numbers boys 16 Connor there you go 21 ABS yeah 23 solid wow this is a fantastic score by the way 15 13 unlucky for some but I am going to give you minus 10 because one of these balls one of these balls miscommunication of rules miscommunication and I’m getting my ear from my lovely assistant minus five for the Q ball going in you’ve scored a grand total of 73 73 is not bad okay listen this is very serious boys I make sure you can see I’m going to move this around so we got a score of 73 congratulations boys you go top of the leaderboard what clearance Sensational second episode and you’ve gone top I’m not sure that will last boys I can’t lie but thank you very much for coming through to the lies then but the guys the game isn’t over cuz we are back tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. we got the one and only leis D and we got Ollie Watkins in the building guys it’s going to be Sensational you don’t want to miss it you can catch that all over England’s socials YouTube Instagram Facebook Tik Tok and X let’s go boys we’ll see you tomorrow congratulations you might want to have a little practice BR you’re taking forever ha big day [Music]


    1. Do not disturb them, let's focus 100% on football, thinking the ways to deal with strong opponents potentially we may face in knockout round, the winners take it all,

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