A documentary of our 300km Gravel ride at the Scott Frontier 300, from the Rockcliffe in Scotland to Druridge Bay in Northumberland, England. An Epic Coast to Coast ride taking in 5000m of assent the ride took us 16.5 hours on the 8th June 2024. In this video we show the logistics of getting to the start line, what we packed, what food we took and how we paced and enjoyed the ride.

    The ride is organised by a company called Focal Events, and you can find out more about the event here: https://frontier300.cc/

    There is a 1 day solo epic, a 1 day relay and a 2 day solo event to choose from. We were both riding as solo riders, but spent the day together, chilling and enjoying ourselves.

    this is the finished line of the frontier 300 we’ve been waiting for this one let’s [Music] go so the logistics go a little bit like this we all meet over in Dar Bay and we put our bikes on to a van they get transported over here and then we get on a coach it’s about a 3-hour coach drive over to here in rockcliff we’re now at Castle Point Caravan we’ve all done our signing we’ve got our bikes ready we’re going to Camp here for the night in the morning we take our tent down about 4:00 in the morning to start at halfast 4 cycle about a mile up the road to get to the start we meet all the other competitors everyone’s got different Arrangements some are wild camping some are staying in Vans whatever quite a lot of people are staying here at Castle Point Caravan site and this is rockcliff sometime tomorrow morning there’ll be hundreds of riders here setting off on a big adventure this event you have to carry quite a bit of Kit which is why I ended up taking a bigger bag and cups would I liked but in here we have to go a insulated mid layer so got this sort of fleece line jle uh a warm sort of buff proper fully taped seams waterproof with a hood and then we’ve got full length leg warmers and arm warmers as well and they’ll be wearing like a base layer got two inner tubes here and a repair kit and a decent track pump and in this repair kit we’ve got a mid head net of course uh couple of gas canisters a quick link tire lever tubeless repair and yeah and then of course also have the emergency inser propeller couple of 5 notes and some antihistamines cuz it’s high fever season and of course we’ve got to carry a sort of a GPS tracker as well so a fair bit of stuff to pack in there and I’ve also got like food on the bike so in here I’ve got uh a couple of like chocolatey treats some B Forte bars and some nuts in this one and let me show you what I got in my feed bag so we actually have to carry a whole 1 and 1/2 liters of water and I don’t like carrying big bottles on my bike just personal preference thing so I’ve had to carry um a little cam back type thing as well to make sure I get to the liter and a half stipulated I’ve also got a a light on the front here as well but this little top chew bag dead handy so in here we got like sweets but more importantly we got a whole bunch of rice cakes in there there’s uh some dates and there’s also some peanut butter and Marmite and some ginger and miso as well so lots and lots of tasty treats to navigate this crazy ride I’m taking the Wahoo element just because battery life and the fact you can see this even when you’re tired and the weather Etc this is by far the easiest display to read um but also they give you this little root map which is really cool because it’s all like waterproof paper and it’s got proper Ordinance survey maps of the root and everything so if all else fails you you can at least get a root map out and do it old school how you feeling about the race Vic I’m excited yeah yeah reading my little booklet with it motivational messages in it I love that it’s good ask me in a few hours well four hours we’re going to get up in four hours so let’s try and get 4 hours of sleep like that’s going to happen 4 hours later [Applause] [Music] [Music] so right now we are in the forest of a for about about 4 hours in 75k and yeah so far just cruising along eating drinking getting the kilometers M how are the rice cakes Vic very F any ride like this is basically man versus food competition you got to eat more food than you got can handle really but you just got to get it down we’re on the hiker bike section oh there’s a tree and yes definitely Steep and it’s also a little bit too narrow to properly shoulder your bike getting caught up in one of the trees this comes at what oh about 95 km I think feeling pretty good actually still feeling really fresh just cruising there we go that’s more like it let’s get some distance covered well I got my bike like this quick word on tires so I’ve got the Victoria MZ cows on VI has the goody year Peaks on quite grippy tires both in 45 mm wide so far pretty tough with that choice mostly because the faster downhill sections are dry today so it’s quite dry and loose gravel um and also some massive potholes strown across as well so so been fairly bumpy and haven’t found them to be that draggy on the road think maybe if the temperatures were going to be that much warmer I might have gone something for a little bit Slicker but to be honest pretty happy with how these are doing my God it is the hiker bik it just keeps giving I know GoPro flattens everything but I promise you it’s really steep the waho says about 16% nice just like that the world was flat hold on checkpoint number two F and warm cross on how good is that very 110k so far that last 10K was awesome was all downhill yeah amazing s not mistaken if I love my f [Music] B [Music] made it 180k point just um got Wahoo on charge like I said uh full change of clothes now enjoying some minist soup coffee and some egg sandwiches hell yeah and of course my salami bikes just absolutely really wanting just salt really and savory stuff 120k to go I’ve just been told by the race organizer the leading group if you like about an hour away from the Finish which is mightily uh impressive such a good invent loving the vibe you should really try this right then 200 km done in 10 and 1/2 hours now apparently we are in the final third which is significantly easier so most of the climbing is done might not look like it right now but plan is we can try and average 25 kph to the Finish should be in by 8:00 so this is it the final stretch we can’t not do it now the easiest thing to do is get to the Finish we got 100 m of ascent left to do um and got 70 km of distance so I think you could imagine what’s about to go down we got 100 m of the Cent left to do that clim looks like an absolute vertical brick wall my Wahoo said tent 3,700 we’re currently at 4,900 and we still got 10K to go let’s get it Dy [Music] there it is there’s the Finish Mar a look at that be the Finish hell yeah can we give us your trackers then we’ll give you beer in open yeah well done well done all done first of all you’ve cyle 60,000 km all of you together put together is 60,000 km across the two countries yeah and you need to be proud of that guys 60,000 km this person made it to the end uh she came last year didn’t make it uh she’s com around she got across the line last night she tried so hard that she got across the line and threw up Monica where you at Monica we want this to be inclusive we want it to be make sure that everybody gets something it’s not about podiums isn’t this this is about the adventure and the journey and us together this person had tried We Believe harder than anybody else this person was 22 hours coming across the country wow 22 hours in highs and lows he’s going to have tried harder du deeper and should be even more proud of himself than anybody here this person is gr Walker where you prob come on buddy it’s the morning after and we’re recording our review in our Tepe our TP up ready and waiting for us at the Finish how cool was that it very good good shout thank you Paul yeah good we finished at about halfast 8 last night so just in time to see the sunset and cheer a lot of other riders coming in as well so hit our goal that we wanted to be here before Sunset so well done that was super cool it was such a epic route like set off in the just about the dark just about yeah that hilly sort of fur section everyone yeah everyone was plowing along weren they and we were just steady away we picked up quite a chain of people behind us yeah um yeah which was weird because then they obviously all overtook us we’ll go for the sensible chill and uh get to the halfway point and see how we feel but that paid off yeah I did that the hiker bike everyone was grumbling about the hiker bike I quite enjoyed it I mean it was really hard it was genuinely it was hard but it was a different hard and I I appreciated that I quite enjoy not being on my bike being on my bike for a bit yeah exactly using a different muscle group for a bit just add to the character of the route I think definitely I’m really glad it was in there that was super cool so we got to the halfway point actually feeling well we got we got over halfway because the where our drop bag was was 180k so yeah we got Beyond halfway and we were yeah we were buzzing weren’t we feeling pretty strong yeah I’m still so glad I changed my shorts and took all that time though cuz I felt so strong there but um thinking but then but then but then there was still 120k to go so like the root book say like 3,700 m a few people have reported 4,200 M our final Ascent was something like 5,000 I think 4 six but yeah it was a lot more than we were expect to uh so it’s way hiler than we were expected it to be just like little ramps and undulations the whole way um which to be fair we’re not used to we used to up up up more down but the undulation I think is probably what did it oh yeah so massive like psychological like flip the switch again oh this is an easy finish to actually it’s quite a hard finish keep eating it been so tempting just to like just chill out on the eating and just get to the Finish but no I was still eating energy bars 25k from the finish and stuff me too I didn’t want to but I was so soad I did that so glad that I did so we felt really strong I feel okay yeah I feel okay yeah feel sore like I’ve got a little bit of sore just when my hounds have been on the handlebars for so long and um my muscles are a bit sore a bit weird bending over but other than that yeah I feel all right I think we past it pasted it perfectly I think so and we came in around our goal didn’t we Sunset we were just under 16 hours which pretty cool we didn’t really have a time goal particularly I think that 15 45 whatever it did felt pretty decent I think any longer would have maybe been well it just would have drawn out the serer Fest really wouldn’t it at the end it was good I was I was quite glad it it finished hard because at a halfway point I was thinking I’m finding this a little bit easy so I’m glad it kep a challenge yeah same same when you’re in it it’s not always like that but actually on reflection it it was super cool that yeah it wasn’t just a breeze and it shouldn’t it should be hard it should be hard it should be wrong here going fast enough is not hard we came here to do a hard thing yeah we did a hard thing and we did a hard thing and I feel like I’ve done a hard thing which is what exactly what I wanted so if anyone out there thinking about doing the frontier 300 I would do it the route is the route is really good the guys here got are on really good the rest stations were all brilliant really well placed yeah and really well placed position and all the right things in them not too much not too little there were no cues there was really well managed it was cool you just go in there get your water and get bits of food like the normal there weren’t fancy Restorations but they had everything you needed toilets Etc so um yeah it just made the whole day just it did and it’s a fabulous route absolutely fabulous to ride that far on those kind of trails and on those roads it’s about 50/50 Road and gravel but not 50% of the time but not 50% of the time exactly maybe but yeah the time we spend a lot of time on gravel lot of time on gravel but um yeah it’s well worth it well we couldn’t do a coast to coast ride and not actually come to the coast this is beautiful darid Bay isn’t it lovely it’s gorgeous just had a fantastic breakfast and a cup of coffee supplied by the organization prize giving was really emotional some epic stories Amazing Stories yeah just incredible and uh now it’s going to chill out and enjoy Dar Bay woohoo before uh’s back heading back to the workshop thanks for watching guys I really hope you like this sort of content if you do please give it a thumbs up and think about subscribing to the channel and maybe we’ll do some more epic adventure [Music] videos for


    1. Great video, Paul 👏. You have good taste in OMM….(.It's the same as mine!). As you say it looks like an Epic ride indeed. Chapeau to all finishers! 👏Hope you enjoyed Northumberland and the finish at Druridge Bay…..only a few miles from where I live in Morpeth.

    2. Congratulations to you both, a great achievement. Looks a great route and event. Would you have been better riding a XC Mountain bike rather than a gravel bike? I fancy doing this next year. Doing the Stone Circle on the 29th only a mere 200K.

    3. Well done! As I don´t live in the UK,it would be nice to see more of the surroudings you´re crossing on your trips/races. And where did you fit your Mapdec? Couldn´t see it… Rgr

    4. Well done looks great, ,,there's a ride a group of guys started in Melbourne called the Spartan 333… it's 300km 3000 metres of climbing 3km of dirt, ,such a great day of riding with a bunch of friends. ..

    5. Terrific achievement you two , something to look back on as time goes by. All the training obviously paid off and I’m sure bigger challenges lay ahead. Take care 👍👍

    6. Well done. That's way longer than I've ever done (Hincapie Grande Fondo in South Carolina). Looks very well organised. Doing the Grande Fondo in the Isle of Man at the end of July.

    7. An amazing route and such a well organised event. I live near the start and have watched this grow slowly – it deserves to be on a World Series of the very best endurance events. Well done and top tyre choice.

    8. How was the saddle? Seeing as though you nailed those miles, I'm assuming it was comfortable, but figured it worth asking just in case!

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