Erzberg always a special one. Pretty gutted not to have been out there in the mix but have to say I did also enjoy seeing it from a new perspective.

    How was my performance in the booth?

    Each week is a step closer to being back on the bike!


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    Lee (STAN):

    M’s already on the on the table or what know get you brigh everybody’s making way what do you do here then I’m busy though are you busy yeah too much stuff to do what did you do yesterday no just vlogging with stun oh you jump ship now have you we’ve arrived just time well I planned it to have just in time I’m going on goggles can you borrow a set of yours he already borrow a mechanic why he wants goggles as well he’s turned up here without any goggles the shipments not come here he is doing something you got any goggles prior planning and preparation prevents piss poor performance I don’t know what to tell you man 100% lost both packages it’s a nice helmet that it’s not bad huh oh theyve got foam in Billy that’s perfect they’re not cheap they’re not cheap oh Dro me water yeah there goes your water right we’re here hburg we’re just in time for prologue day one where does my hat not sitting on my head properly oh look right right then let’s have a goo coton [Music] a [Music] [Music] a w [Music] [Applause] what’s your next job what to do wait until the rain stops you haven’t opened the tent yet no because it’s raining then the water gets into your bike so we don’t want that check oh M’s already on the on the table one 159 [Applause] 155 549 closer this it’s I don’t care I don’t win have you cleaned them yeah brand new land I got me first pit work for the week well I think it’s just a meeting to tell us what my Works actually going to be but either way we got a meeting to go to got me notes instantly more nervous after that few reasons why really partly because that was an hour long meeting I needed to go to the toilet twice and on Sunday I’m going to have to sit there for 4 hours and they said toilet breaks a Poss but not forgot the word basically you can have one but the door would rather you didn’t um and then secondly cuz I was thinking we do like an hour long podcast and my throat hurts at the end of that so I’m a concerned well I’m scared to talk for the weekend until we get to Sunday and be concerned that I’m going to even be able to last talking for um talking for 4 hours but anyway we’re going to have to have a nature piss here cheers muddled over my hand already you at the burg isn’t it a refreshing change from that awful environment we were in last weekend you’re not giving much energy here Billy I’m poorly more passion more passion I’m poor more energy you’re about to drive into Diego [ __ ] you honestly just watch the road baby no SP oh disgusting me out the rain look you we the lasag today today just for you Roxy bil happy you didn’t stay in fed now aren you I KN had a good feeling you know say it then any jobs yet say it nobody cares you coming you no he goes probably he probably knew cuz you’re here and he goes nobody cares he’s here we not missing you and then he go oh actually I’m not going to say that big man still growing still growing yeah red for the road I’m going to film something with Carson Brown at calls dinner that was another thing that come from the meeting not allowed to say calls Diner at any point that’s a serious serious offense in the camera car oh we’re well prepared in here get up are you just come back from the valley yes sir we got her fixed up looking nice polisher for a whole year and then we bring it back forsburg there’s a problem this is still full yeah it’s like the universal currency up at well Cas you case you need to get past the gate or something yes sir that’s why you got to have it and that’s like the emergency you know we’re fully stocked out yes sir the infamous C give her the proper voice over we’re in a [ __ ] box on the side of a mountain taking Billy bull to the infamous Carl’s dinner AKA Carl’s diner AK you’re not allowed to see a diner I’ve already had that lecture oh yeah yeah that 10 of 10 off your salary per I already threw out the whole in the [ __ ] preview clip I threw out the uh dinners getting served early this year that’s so good awesome weather’s still weathering weathering nicely car’s dinner been here twice before on the Vlog so you know what it looks like I’m usually quite good in it didn’t H me FR pipe down there last year ruin my race couldn’t get out that Forest eventually did couldn’t get up the next Forest eventually did finished second stupid German fellow won there’s a surprise Life Will Go On what are you doing oh my God see my my [Music] shoulders goodness gracious me sun’s coming out now lovely stuff I’m knacked done half a day at work and I’m absolutely knacked oh blue deal ah here they are look teamwork here’s my squad that little [ __ ] dress in Orange again I’m going to go in the helicopter do you want to come no you want to come I want to come well I’ve asked for some tickets I don’t know if I’m going to get’s already going in 4 6 you’re but not today so and I have to pay so yeah well I’m going I’m going to try and get some tickets because I want to get video for me uh me insta 360 video you want a job yet or you still being greedy why are you not doing it why am I not doing [Music] it I’m getting crumping me I’m not used to doing this W I swear on I my oh my very impressed very impressed oh God now it’s dangerous yeah he’s going to win ain’t that beautiful Stanley that was lovely [Music] [Music] right that’s going to do it for today cuz this battery is flashing red see you tomorrow day two of the sburg rodo good morning sports fans I decided not to go bother and watch the prologue this morning I couldn’t really to be bothered I’ve I’m pretty tired I’ve had a rather busy schedule so thought i’ have a lie in plus Rox is still ill looked after her a bit well not really but just made sure she had some breakfast anyway 9ish heading up to work got a medium eating in an hour no rest for the wicked it’s raining again what you doing the jobs this morning I’m just Chang the wheel yeah how you shot them yeah that was your pathetic effort really we’re running out of petrol well I asked otherwise you had a mousse and a tire to change yeah that’s why I didn’t put more fuel in talking about um he’ll inquire about all right getting more nervous by the meeting here concerned about preserving me voice I concluded these these people need to continue working tremendous class dismissed and the back for for make youself a cof are in the honesty box of course I this is my Shrine nice bik isn’t it the best B look fast yeah do you need a beer I’m good for now come and find me this afternoon do you need a beer I’m good thank you well done Mark you doing great oh we’ve put a TV screen in here that’s well push radio interview I don’t know for radio eyes iners or don’t what’s going on but he’s following this long what are you looking at look very technical I’ve G all nervous all of a sudden contesting testing mhm yeah we we test that’s what we do what you testing um gearing just changed from a 51 to a 50 we pic we picked the moose that he’s using and then we didn’t have another oneit early in the day this is more look at that’s a lovely h a nice number thank you you’re lucky you’re lucky a friend like me yeah if I can I make this yeah no H50 if you make it see all right you went fast hav you yeah 27 you the bike went fast I was slow I was impressed when did you qualify [ __ ] I’m more nervous [Music] [Applause] the there you go well done I’m very impressed s’s just done a NOA so you’ve got to do nothing yesterday already you yeah but freyler you’ve got to do a nothing n man nothing is going to going to go just hearing excuses man look at the Cho is [ __ ] like 2 m Billy Billy Billy Billy beautiful this place gets no less impressive does that make sense it’s very impressive I’m trying to see [ __ ] it mental oh I can hear things now loud and clear F can you hear me that’s a technical screen that got to been fiber yeah expensive I’m fuing sure the amount of different levels of communication going on radios ears not in ears talking Madness us I said to him to take care about the T I’m just left yeah times six times I’ve seen him six times you got banana on your face thank you appreciate hey hey hey oh next in the line getting nervous if you’ve been here a while you’ll remember Stan’s reaction to his helicopter trick this lens is so [Applause] dirty get [Applause] [Music] out any good thanks thank you thank you very much thank you you oh my God that was a level up compared to when I went on it last time my God insane right I’ll live for today I’ll see you tomorrow for race day hello it’s me from the present um I’ve died a disaster and I former had an SD card the other day when I was filming something thinking it was an old one turns out it was Sunday from asbg to be fair I had actually filmed much on the camera just cuz it was it was such a busy day um obviously our jobs to do or not um so yeah there’s no clips from Sunday off the camera there’s a few phone Clips coming up just now cuz I did use my phone from time to time so it doesn’t really make much sense it’s a bit of a [ __ ] end to the Vlog but I suppose there 16 minutes in now anyway so if you made it this far congratulations here has a little present for you popping up on the screen don’t spend it all at once and yeah back to the Vlog boys are pulling in [Music] right them off I got to run for a taxi the G is the commentary boof good luck everyone [ __ ] hell couldn’t part much further away mate I was too fast for you yeah you were too fast there the parachutes landed making the way to Lazy noon and from there it’s all up [Music]


    1. Well lad you’ve now shown your ability to bump your gums. Good show have to say I was impressed the regular announcing crew lacks his insight. Lovely ROXY definitely not a morning person 🤣.

    2. Lovely vlog all this YouTube practice made Billinthebooth quite good too 🔥🔥 Your reaction to Graham’s move where he fuckin flew through that one gate everyone was pushing through was identical to mine 😂 Moment of the race glad they put yis on the mic 🤟🫨

    3. You did quite well in commentary, i really enjoyed it even though the race wasn't as good without you. Was also good to hear a bit of extra focus on what Graham was managing to do

    4. It's sad that this extraordinary awesome competition is so poorly organized.. Every single year I hope to see real improvements, and I am disappointed. THE START: you want to start the main race in 10 lines of 50 competitors, but it's difficult for you to have, for example, a RED-GRENN-LIGHT START, so there's equality for everyone, without tricks and cheaters (just analise this year's disastrous start). THE TRACK: At least until the 10th Checkpoint you should provide more routes/ larger area, to avoid blockages and the impossibility of continuing the race for those who do not start in the first line but have the skills to go further (you have 500 riders, after all, you cannot send them home after CP3). And as many say, "What is the purpose of having a qualifying race in the 6th gear, at a hard-enduro competition? Having in front of the pack motocross riders that cannot ride hard-enduro?" It's a guaranteed recipe for traffic-jams! LIVE STREAM : when you have 500 riders and for 90% of the time you are focusing on top3 (max top5), you are not doing your job well (Not enough live-cams ontrack, or somebody is sleeping in transmission center?). And in 2024 I don't think it's an impossible task to have on-screen provisional ranking with intermediate times in an accurate and professional way, not amateur , as at past and present. As a conclusion, I wonder when the FIM will intervene in this awesome championship and impose some common rules for all races (start rules, checkpoint rules, gps/tracking rules, etc.) @RedBull, wanna help us?

    5. Heard you on the Ride Companion podcast .
      Then on the Erzberg Commentary.

      Now subscribed and been binge watching all your vlogs and races with you in them .

      GUUU On Billy 🤘

    6. Next year I dont want to hear from you from the booth! Thats just cause I want to watch you win it. 🙂 You absolutely smashed it with your commentary this year though, made it very enjoyable, sounded like a pro commentator, great job.

    7. Billy! You did an awesome job commentating the race!!! It was proper good! Now when you're 60 and the knees have given up, you've got a decent second job lined up!!! Looking forward to see you back on a bike!!

    8. I followed the event live and you were pretty good at the commentary thing Billy, but sure is better to see you out there riding mate. great vlog again, appreciate your efforts 👍🏼👍🏼

    9. I agree, the easiest thing to fix should be the start. Even if they have to do a motorcross style start and get 50 gates up there. However Graham started in the second row last year and finished fifth, Billy went down on the first hill and got 2nd and this year Trystan went down in the first turn and got 2nd. So it could be argued the best will get to the lead in the end. They definitely need to get more cameras on the ground at all the technical sections capturing any lead changes as well as showing any rider doing amazing things. I get they want to focus on their factory riders but you can do that and show some stuff to keep the fans entertained. I like to watch Mani ride but I want to see some competition to. Also redbull get rid of the helicopter, its coverage is useless. I’m not tech savvy but cant they get the top 50 riders to wear a live streaming device that they can tap into and show us footage from them during the race. That is the best coverage and we can hear what is going on as well. I’m sure some will get muddy or broken but they should be able to work that out. That’s my suggestion, any suggestions why they can’t do that. They had good commentators just poor coverage.

    10. What's up with Carl's "Dinner" vs. "Diner"? I always thought it was "Diner", but this year I noticed the spelling and they way everyone was saying it?

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