Iconic Motorbikes unloads a massive container of some truly iconic motorcycle imports from the UK! Watch until the end of the video for a little surprise!

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    UK Container Preview


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    Soundtrack courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

    [Music] this container comes to us from our partners in the UK and in addition to the usual special motorcycles that we see on container days there’s actually a little bit of a bigger surprise in here so uh we’ll show it to you in just in a second when uh this fine gentleman come on down Daniel so these things come with security locks and you got to cut them off so that’s where we’re going to start with what’s that I oh yeah I could do bulk Cutters [Music] but [Music] sweet starting off with the CB 4004 the waterfall pipes can we see what the surprise is yet no we can’t all right well we’ll start undoing this getting some of those boxes aparts out and throughout the day we’ll be highlighting our our favorite things in the container it’s going to be a good one [Music] all right well the unloading has commenced the first bike out is the cb400f with the waterfall pipes uh we got Kento Manning the forklift Julius Lo and Alex are up there uh doing the actual unload we’re expecting to see 30 bikes in there plus that’s surprise I keep referring to but of course we’ll we’ll wait for the reveal on that so uh as the day goes through I’ll try to pick a couple of highlights that I like for example that ZX7 or as they called it ZX R 750 in in the UK but that’s my favorite paint scheme for those bikes so cool to see that we’ll show a couple highlights as we go through and then at the end when everything is unloaded I’ll do my usual walk around and and point out some stuff that’s pretty cool so hopefully you enjoy what we have to share and uh I’ll see you in a little bit [Music] [Music] this is a Honda RC 45 one of our favorite bikes here iconic motorbikes this one was actually sourced by one of our clients who uh asked if he could take up some space in the container so of course we said yes 529 miles on it which is pretty impressive uh you know when this was shipped the fuel was drained but I can hear the fuel pump Prime which is encouraging and also the tank doesn’t look too bad it actually looks pretty nice it’s got a farum Honda uh keychain on it right now I don’t know if it was bought directly from them but I do know that these guys currently do have a really low mile nr750 for sale uh which is pretty cool and I think they might have another RC 45 as well so always cool to see bikes like this out there just a couple of minor scratches and things like that but nothing that can’t be cleaned up so that’s a cool one got a Honda NSR 250 right next to it the super Edition uh then we’ve got that ZR zxr and the purple and a Suzuki s ride jiger oh wow and then there’s this that looks like is that A51 SP2 it’s sp3 it’s an sp3 oh man that’s cool okay oh pretty excited okay well we’ll uh we’ll get into that one a little bit later nice [Music] he well we’re about halfway done with the unload and there’s some really cool bikes to talk about I’m going to start with the jiger SRS and the reason why is because a couple weeks ago Adam and I were at the quail motorcycle gathering and he was uh on a podcast there I believe it was Misfits motorcycles and misfits and one of the questions he was asked was hey what do you think is an upand cominging bike in terms of valueing what’s going to be what’s going to rise in value and Adam and I don’t really look at motorcycles in that way we don’t think they’re Investments you have you spend money uring them and maintaining them and things like that you should be buying these to have fun with uh not to try and and flip but that’s a whole different thing still you know in the spirit of the question his answer was this gen this the SRS the Suzuki jiger uh s- ride bikes and so we have a couple here that I want to show off uh because they are in liveries that you don’t get in the US so I always uh am pretty uh tickled pink by that kind of thing you’ve got this uh I don’t know what you’d call it like a like a bronze or copper orange sort of variant but then uh here with the stripes it’s got like an exposed metal and and a look like it’s been T torn away or or peeled away just kind I mean it’s an interesting look this one’s got a Yoshi Mir exhaust braided brake lines and that data tag security system where where Parts get etched so that you know if if Parts gets stolen off your bike then uh you can still track them down but it really is just a cool interesting Livery there uh but it’s pretty wild but it’s not nearly as wild as what I’m about to show you next so you can see behind me there’s some cool bikes uh rc45 A51 sp3 that kind of thing we’ll talk about these in more detail but the reason why RI is followed me is this thing I cannot believe this is a factory paint job when when our partners in the UK said they were you know sent this to us or photo saying okay expect this coming I thought it had been repainted I thought they were just kind of pulling my leg but uh no they showed proof that this was a factory paint job from Suzuki I’ve never seen anything like it I don’t know how many they made of these they definitely didn’t come in the US this way so you get uh kind of like a base gray with some purple some neon yellow and then I don’t even know how to describe this pattern looks like uh just looks like you’re going by a forest really quickly at speed or something like that this is actually a surprisingly stock example I mean it’s got the original exhaust the turn signals unfortunately it looks like these have cracked which does happen sometimes in transport but that’s an easy fix it’s just got 12,000 Mi on it um the one modification I see at first glance is actually it’s got Graves Motorsports clipons on it which is pretty interesting but really The Stand Out Here Al so here if you don’t mind you can show you can see the graves right there which is pretty cool but obviously the standout here is this paint job and really basically just this fairing uh I’ll be very curious to see what people think in the comments or on social media and and frankly how it does on the auction site if it either do does really well because I mean where else you going to see another one or I have to admit I don’t really think it’s the prettiest thing in the world but what are you going to do so there you go a couple of cool s for you are you ready for the craziest delvery you’ve ever seen in your entire [Music] life I cannot believe it’s real [Music] obviously the fun part of today is seeing all the new bikes and the different stuff the less fun part is having to take out everything that’s inside the container not just the bikes but the the wooden supports and that kind of thing so thanks to Lo and Bruno and Alex up there they’re uh you can see they’re unscrewing a bunch of stuff got we we can’t we have to return the container completely empty so all the wood framing that’s used all the planks it’s got to come out and so uh they’re done unloading the top half so they’re kind of taking apart the structure so that we can get access to the bottom half get those bikes out and finally show you the surprise I keep hinting [Music] at I was excited about the uh the black bikes with purple and pink accents earlier and well Alex just wheeled out another one this is a jiger 1100 it looks like probably a 93 or a 94 model so you I was already going to talk to you guys about these two but this just completes the trifecta that’s great yeah if you don’t yeah just right there is fine and then I don’t know if you can see it all the way up there but what’s it done here you see that he’s made it look like a be a beex beer can the on the remote adjuster there on the shock but Friday night Bike life 18,000 mil this is cool I mean it’s got some wood on it just from uh disassembly earlier but uh we’ll get this thing cleaned up and running it be pretty sweet so we’ll do uh all right we just talked about this when riff comes down from his mighty perch up there we’ll spend a little time talking about these two as well [Music] all right so I’m in the middle of doing some social media but I just wanted to point out you’ve got Carlo over there Carlo is one of our auction Riders and one of the nice things that he’s doing right now is as everything gets unloaded off the container he is taking a photo of it and we’re going to create a page called a container preview on our auction site for our members to see uh so maybe you know that if if you are a member at iconic motorbikes you get some extra perks whether it’s discounts on Transportation or discounts on service work uh even the ability to access what we call the coming soon page which gives you previews of listings before they go live if you want to try make an offer that kind of thing so as part of the coming soon page Carlo is going to be doing a whole preview of hey here’s every bike in the container uh which of course we also use as reference here at the shop so thank you to Carlo for that I guess next up for him is that kr1s [Music] well I keep alluding to this surprise that we have in here uh all the motorcycles are out which means it’s finally time to reveal a 1966 Ford Mustang it’s the first time that we brought a car in uh internationally this was done on behalf of one of our clients actually one of our original investors from back in the day a great buddy of ours and uh I guess the history of this car is that it was bought by a family new in America and then they moved to Europe about a year after that and the bike the car car got shipped out there so our buddy has uh is bringing it back to America we’re going to check it out once we clean up the container and get this thing unloaded pretty cool all 30 bikes or actually it turns out it was 29 Bikes Plus the car but all 29 bikes are unloaded let’s check them out some cool stuff here and in exciting news the uh the Mustang does actually fire up so it’ll make it a lot easier when we unload it in just a moment but more on that later uh I want to just pick I’m not going to talk about every single bike here but we’ll just go through the basics I’ve already mentioned a few of them already especially on this side jiger srad in that cool paint job kawaki k1rs the 252 stroke purchased by one of our clients uh not for sale he’s keeping that one there’s a couple of cool zxr uh in the collection here so Kaw Kawasaki zxr 750 otherwise known as the ninja ZX7 here in the traditional kawi colors this thing again craziest color scheme I’ve seen on a motorcycle in a very very long time so I’m really curious to see how people respond to that one uh jiger 750 Honda CB 400f the uh with the waterfall pipes there we have another one that we’ll show you in just a moment another 400 but this time a newer one a late early ’90s jiger 400 in that uh fantastic black purple pink scheme jaati A51 sp3 uh this one did we talk about this in detail yet let’s talk let’s let’s do it sorry I’m I’m uh I’ve been kind of alternating between YouTube and social media all day so I don’t necessarily remember which one I did for which but this one I do want to explain a little bit about sp3 stands for sport production 3 the third generation that they did these I think Ducati eventually had about seven different SP bikes uh based on the 851 888 chassis so this is an 851 SP 3 like I said uh for the sp3 generation Ducati made something like 534 of them just about this one’s number 290 and uh the bike came from the factory with up you know 888 motor close ratio transmission Olan suspension uh remote Master cylinders uh what else this one has a couple of Corsa Parts on it I believe oh sorry before I get to the Corsa stuff the 851 sp3 also got a carbon fiber front fender uh this one is kind of a cool one to me because it’s been ridding it’s got 34,000 km on it uh the front forks were recently rebuilt it’s got a new rear tire uh that obviously all happened before it came here and of course our service department is going to go through it give it a proper condition report and see if the seller wants to do anything else before it goes up on our auction site uh modifications for this specific one it does have stock pipes which is cool uh but it has Samco sport hoses Corsa rear sets uh bonomi racing uh clip-ons here you know couple things here and there uh I the battery works and the fuel pump primes but there’s no fuel in it just yet and I don’t want to fire it up until our shop has had a chance to look at it but uh this is a pretty cool one that I’m excited about and we should have it up on the auction side pretty soon there’s also this rc45 but we did talk about the rc45 already so let’s continue on here uh Honda nsr250 that our client sourced and asked us to help with Transportation so this one’s not for sale but it’s a cool one with some T exhaust and other things uh we’re going to be spending a lot of time in the next couple minutes on cool cool liveries and this one for me is particularly special the black zxr 750 we get a lot of requests for this we get a lot of requests for kind of a sister bike to this in the jiger world which I’ll show you in a few minutes uh you know nothing nothing fancy here it’s pretty straightforward pretty original 14,000 mil Micron exhaust the little spoiler that this generation used to have which I always thought was kind of amusing uh but for me the highlight of course is that paint job so cool there’s a few people that I know already already want that uh another Sr like what we started with in the beginning couple of generations of zxr here so uh this is a 400 here I believe this one’s already spoken for and then we got two 750s so here this looks like a J model we’ve got the uh the solo seat the homologation special and you can also tell yeah if it has the extra hole here so you can adjust the carburetors uh the flat siid there helps you identify as a J model versus a k model and then here uh this is an early H2 or sorry early zxr I should say uh either an H1 or H H2 an 89 or a 90 this one uh one of our clients Bill he purchased this one for himself so not for sale but we do have another one over there we’ll show you because we have always had people asking for the first generation of the zxm so that’s about half the lineup let’s uh make our way over here shall we thank you riff couple of Two Strokes uh this one’s a project vj21 uh RGV sorry yeah RGV 250 I should say but uh this I’m going to have to confirm with the seller exactly what he wants to do uh this one’s kind of cool we we highlighted it earlier briefly or actually I did on social media so now it’s time to do it on YouTube let me uh thread the needle here so this vj21 it appears to have aftermarket Bodywork on it but it’s uh they did do a factory version of this the Pepsi Livery tribute to Kevin schwanz and his uh Grand Prix bike so it’s pretty cool I I think I think it’s a great Livery and you’ve also got uh kind of the fake Kevin Schwan signature up here on the tank 10,000 miles on it so I’m looking forward to seeing what the service department has to say about that and uh how quickly we can get it up on the auction site for everyone to check it out oh look I didn’t even see that earlier the the remote reservoir uh for the shock adjustment or remote adjuster I should say done up to look like a Pepsi can as well that’s pretty cool uh another zxr 400 the red cb400f with the waterfall pipes now this is this gets cool uh we have I don’t know what inspired these guys but they did a great job tracking down jinxers in a lot of interesting deliveries so I want to spend some time with this uh riff already showed you the amusing sticker on on the back of this uh regarding passengers so uh this part’s not OEM that’s just been added but that that’s a fine stock paint job no problem there this is where it starts to get crazy I know we we did talk about this a little bit so I’ll make this one quick although I guess when you filmed this you were up on the top of the container so now you can get a closer look at this very vibrant purple paint job all right so that’s one then there’s this thing oh what a beauty we have people always ask pass ing us uh for this paint job specifically I can tell already on the brake there going to need a fluid flush among other things but uh yeah 17,300 Mi super super desirable Livery on this so I’m pretty excited about that but it keeps going I this is so cool this one’s been ridning a bit 46,000 km on it uh I guess uh I guess they’re really into purple at the moment our partners over in the UK ixel exhaust but my God big fan go a little white and red in here for you to mix it up also 43,000 km on this and then lastly but not least we just call this video purple day instead of container day oh that’s also going to need some brakes but look at these things I this is crazy to me this one’s also got the rear sea Cal which is cool but uh a sticker from when it was originally sold presumbly Moto Center in it looks to be Germany but uh but yeah so a bunch of jiger as you can see there on the belly pan this is one of the 1100s so one of the we don’t most of the bikes in this container are either 400s or 750s there’s a couple of 1100s this is uh of course one of them Acro pipe which looks legit pretty cool there’s another jiger here aftermarket paint on this jiger 1100 slingshot a first gen Yamaha R1 which is always cool and uh then a couple other ones here that are pretty special so this one will be going up for sale it is if I remember correctly it’s an 89 uh people that know more than me can identify just based on the swing arm but I never uh I don’t remember that Adam would know but yeah either an 89 or a 90 uh but this bike will be going up for auction and we have a lot of people that I’m asking about it so this should be an interesting one of of course we got to get the uh paperwork handled and our service department will take a look it has 20,000 miles on it and we’re going to wrap things up here with this Ducar Ducar Dharma a 900 SD this one like everything else came from our partners in the UK it has uh pretty extensive service history 30,000 Mi on it we’ll cover everything in the auction but uh about a couple years ago it was repainted uh got FPS Wheels got a couple other things carbs were done uh sort of a mechanical restoration I guess you call it that and it’s supposed to be a strong Runner so I do look forward to giving this one a test ride and uh we’ll go from there but uh so there are your highlights I think for me sometimes when I do these I I just improvise it right so it’s just whatever catches my eye at the moment sometimes I like to talk about the performance of certain bikes like the A51 sp3 but today as I look back I just the pain jobs are really what stand out for me which is kind of cool I wasn’t the world’s biggest uh fan of the water cool jigs are on the heavier side but nowadays any of those bikes from that time period isn’t going to be super super fast or modern feeling you’re going to you want these things now cuz the way they make you feel and capturing a bit of that Nostalgia and I got to say that those paint jobs at least for me they definitely do it so hopefully you feel the same way if you have any questions about some of the bikes that we uh showed you here you want to know more or anything like that let me know in the comments I’ll do my best to answer and uh yeah if you’re a member look forward to seeing these on our coming soon section so you can uh see if there’s anything you want to maybe make an offer on before it goes up for sale and uh I guess that’s pretty much it thanks so much for watching we’ll see you on the next one you want to try it one more time I would [Music] like I all right well you heard the Mustang fires up which is great but uh it doesn’t really have the suspension to clear that Gap so these fine folks are going to help us with the flat bed and uh we’re going to hopefully just drive the Mustang off onto the flatbed and have a lot of faith in the brakes we’ll see what happens says he’s done it a bunch of times and it sure looks like it just going to lift that up a little bit oh yeah this will be basically flush Perfect all right we’re in drive oh I can’t see there we go nice all good this is a pretty cool car I have to admit 289 automatic transmission does sort of Transport you back to the 60s I got parking brake and foot brake I don’t know if that means anything but that’s what I’m doing all your okay parking brake off I’m fine in terms of like bumper clearance right oh yeah you’re all right the oil level is very high because it is confused about how far up it is well the horn does not work but so that means it’s not really iconic hey there you go we got a car out of a container [Music]


    1. All those bikes and not one original fireblade, the bike that re-wrote the rule book. With regards to you loving those paint jobs, it’s always fair to say the USA has been the opposite of the uk when it comes to taste. All those Gixxer’s have been exported because no one wants purple or gold ones anymore. The best bike there is the 90 GSXR 750L in the right colour for me.

    2. RC45 still has a valid UK MOT !!!! shipping classic bikes bikes back to America ….. changed days ….was the other way round for decades .

    3. Unloading a MASSIVE Container of JAPANESE Motorcycles Imported FROM the UK !
      The reason I say this, is because, I was expecting Norton, Truimph, BSA etc etc

    4. I’m from the uk and I’m feeling a bit gutted 😢that all our classics are being sold abroad, but in all honesty if we don’t buy them now while we can it’s done to us. Keep up the good content. New sub here 🎉

    5. You seem like smart guys. But its insane your risking a guy falling off the forklift platform. You have vidoe evideance of osha violations by not having railingsa or wearing harnesses. One guy gets hurt and the osha fine will put your buisness under especially since you have published video proof of your violations. Hope no one falls while unloading bikes

    6. @12:51 i got a 1990 GSXR 400 exactsame colours as that, sitting in my shed, bikes complete but its been sitting for a loooooong time needs alot of TLC i'll get around it at some point

    7. I really cannot understand how it is viable to buy and transport these bikes from the UK to the States regarding profit margins however it seems to work when bikes are coming from the States to the UK

    8. They don't look that well packed, I think you got lucky the ship didn't roll much. It will be interesting to see what happens with this business in the future, hopefully the economy holds up.

    9. Any of the 400 pocket rockets would have been grey imports from Japan as they were never officially sold in the UK. They were all the rage back in the 90's.

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