Is it important to save money?

    Ellie ended up in a bad marriage with an incredibly selfish man. Every day, Dave would force her to work out. But he wasn’t obsessed with her looks. He would hook up wires to an exercise bike and make her turn the pedals to generate power. Dave just didn’t want to pay for electricity. This was going on for years. But at some point, Ellie couldn’t handle it and ended up in a hospital.

    And that moment of weakness, as Dave saw it, would save Ellie’s life.

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    come on a bit more come on Ellie did you do this again sorry honey I can’t do this anymore we hooked up the bike to the power GD to save on electricity are you trying to get us broke I just need some break I I don’t feel well just put yourself together okay I need to finish this game they are counting on me just take a sip or few sips good girl and now start to yes yes yes keep going keep going hi guys I back with you let’s do this [Music] Ellie not again Ellie okay let me take it off well you’re suffering from severe exhaustion darling you need to rest I’ve been telling you hany you are pushing yourself too hard with all this exercise Dave why don’t you make a cup of let see for your wife huh unfortunately we don’t have electricity an issue with the [Music] wiring doctor when Ellie will be back on her feet well yeah the situation is quite serious you know your body is exhausted you need to rest no physical exertion for at least a month a month uh doctor is there any way to speed up the process no no no if you want your wife to recover properly she needs to rest okay I’ll check up on you every 3 days thank you SEC you’ll be fine you take care of her of course oh good day sir good day doctor how is your wife feeling today much better thank you and we don’t need you we’ll manage on our own bye excuse me yeah I need to see [Music] her what’s going on in here I met Dr Mitchell the best therapist in town doctor doctor thank you very much for examining my patient but as you can see I already took care of her and she’s perfectly fine that’s not possible sorry for the rudness but we don’t need your services anymore Dr Mitchell right yes that’s right which hospital the uh the sent Mary’s Hospital St Mary Ellie are you okay she’s fine she’s fine yeah yeah I’m I’m I’m fine doctor and Dr Mitchell is just a miracle worker you take care of yourself hie doctor doctor doctor doctor [Music] [Music] yeah this is Sam Smith has been for an hour sure I can fix your wiring yes I can do the toilet too husband for an hour huh I listen I I’m so sorry I I was just paid for the job but you realize that pretending to be a doctor is a crime in this country please sir please please don’t call the police okay tell me what’s going on in that house fine I’ll tell you everything Ellie not again honey but it’s not me oh probably blong fuse we will have to call to Stan again [Music] oh hi Stan could you check the sure oh doctor what what are you doing here well you had an electrician dressed as a doctor in the morning so why are you surprised to see a doctor dressed as an electrician you are misunderstood doctor misunderstood yeah I don’t think so Dave hey guys I’m here just for a few seconds to thank you for your support we wouldn’t be able to create such incredible stories without you and if you you want to show your love for our videos leave a like and a comments it really means a lot for us you can also use the super sense and get a chance to be featured on the channel if you don’t know how to do it check our guide below I hope you enjoy the rest of the video see you this electricity saving scheme of yours while it’s illegal I got to tell you it’s brilliant thank you how much money have you saved it wasn’t for money she’s love to exercise listen Dave you either tell me or the authorities how much Dave 10K how much about 10K a year bring it here what no Dave you don’t understand anything you see you just confessed to a crime with like 10 years in prison so if I were you I would cooperate bring the money Dave okay I will bring the money doctor [Music] here’s your M Ellie take it you’ve earned it please take it and stop Ellie Ellie you don’t have to ask for his permission listen to me ask yourself do you want to keep on pedaling so that your abuser can enjoy his worthless and empty life or you want to start living for yourself huh you fool she loves me and she won’t go anyway because without me she’s nothing Ellie [Music] he I want to live for myself good now take the money and let’s go we can pick up your stuff later come on but Ellie oh by the way uh you remember Stan oh sorry Dr take a look out the window he just riged the network so that if nobody starts pedaling in like 1 minute there’s going to be power shortage and that will definitely draw attention of tax authorities so your call player please return everything to how it was I won’t L long like this let’s [Music] go about that Tex authorities it’s not true right no but he doesn’t need to know that it’s going to be our secret [Music]


    1. I pay for Youtube Premium which is another way to support your channel. You interrupting every video is super annoying and will drive me away from watching further videos.

      You need to discuss other options — hell, I'd pay you $5 just to watch all these videos ad free including not having each video interrupted.

      Thank you!

    2. This is despicable and disgusting to another level. Slaving your wife on the bicycle to generate power all while u are sitting down and playing games and watching tv.

    3. Quite Coincidentally a similar kind of idea had came up in my mind few months back. The idea was really generating gigawatts of electricity from 2000-3000 such electric gym bikes gathered together in a single power station; where people can generate electricity by just exercising as well as getting paid on an hourly basis, with the option of coming and going freely when the worker wants and anybody can participate, serving both power needs and fitness. Btw that was just an idea..

      But this drama really surprised me where a similar concept came up in a different story. LOve from India.

    4. The husband shouldn’t have forced his wife too exercise just too get electricity, he should be the one exercising instead of wasting electricity 24 7

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