Here it is!!! – The very last video from our guided group bike tour across Portugal and Spain with Fold N’ Visit Cycling Holidays:

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    [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] slowly up and down we have time let’s do a very good walk notes because today as you know what is the last day it’s not the most difficult one but you already have five days in your legs so let’s go easy down okay the air was filled with excitement on the final day of our week-long bike tour to Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain 25 individuals from all around the world had gathered in porto portugal and ridden for five full days to the north now there was only 40 kilometers to go before we reached the shrine of the Apostle st. James the great in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela traffic was heavy on the Camino footpaths on this particular day but the spirits of everyone on the trails was high [Music] [Music] the scenery on this last day of the tour did not disappoint there were times when we found ourselves cycling on narrow dirt trails that pass through shaded forests and other times where we were able to bike along easily on beautiful paved roads that pass through small towns and villages all along the way locals and pilgrims alike greeted us with friendly smiles as lunch time drew near we found ourselves cycling into the center of padrone Spain a town with great religious and historic significance [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in what felt like no time we found ourselves in the center of the city and standing in front of the famous Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela [Music] we had done it and the tour leaders from Fulton visit cycling holidays were the first to congratulate us on the completion of our ride [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] Oh dinner together Ruby it’s 8:00 at your hotel right now we have the art part to do it’s going with the bikes part device and after that go to the bottom to take the cat the Campostella in the square store you go to all the way in the end of the despair down to the right it’s easier if you go there in the morning because in the morning we don’t have so many children reaching in here in Santiago so in the morning it’s easier what time did they open [Music] [Music] it was interesting to just sit and watch the people wandering about in Santiago de Compostela some of the people I knew were locals who have walked these streets hundreds or thousands of times in their lifetime while others I knew were pilgrims like me who came to Santiago de Compostela for a wide range of reasons some come to the Cathedral in the center of the city for religious reasons while others choose to come there for the history some make the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela because they saw a film about the Camino and decided for one reason or another that this looked like something that they might like to try themselves and others like myself come to the scenic city and northwestern Spain because it’s not really about the place itself but more about the experiences you have getting there along the way [Music] say how it’s done cool let’s see it this is the this is the normal one they put your name and the date that you made it yeah and this one it’s a personalized thing again my name how far we traveled from where we came and a date we completed it well now where is your passport book oh yes every five minutes for the last six days yes here it is so it’s it’s getting full anyway these stamps are every city and stop that we made the routine is to go in and ask the person inside stamp it for you when you pull this out they all know what to do so we’re adjusting the problem so there it is and you have to get how many stamps and there you get this was a forget two per day yeah which we all do it easily and then of course the final stamp is right here at the pilgrims office in central given by the pilgrims office in Santiago mmm Spain so you did it you complete it identity mission I completed it yes I did [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] absolutely [Applause] that’s a preset like blenders we feel a great sense of accomplishment right and we have achieved it’s a real milestone in the lives of some of us at my age and middle-aged folks one of the things that stands out in my memory is of the wonderful the number of friends we’ve made the contacts we’ve made with one another but the my the purpose of my remarks is just to pay tribute to this man and give you the reasons why Sergio we love you and your number one issue is the safety and security we have gone through hell to the ladies beaches we’ve been there uphill and downhill but I’m fine I’m trying to make is the safety and security by you and your team you’re using more guys are are really special and my mind anyway I I would like to the same pay tribute to each individual but there is no time all I want to say is I will highlight one of them it’s the vein is the van the mouth of the bomb yeah [Applause] because there [Applause] before coming here acid I was dragging to my friends that we were we were going on this trip and that my wife had organized this trip chorus and that there was a band following us but I told everybody because of my advanced stage it’s probably an ambulance disguised as a van but the van traveled it transported the sick the injured the frustrating swelling tired anyway I have I could go on and on but horse neighs tremendous accomplishment for me it’s been on my bucket list for many years I’m so proud of myself and proud of you and I consider myself now part of bowels team [Applause] anyway on behalf of my wife and myself and my friends partly a lifetime of adventure and taking them on trips trips right around the world [Applause] not knowing what the terrain extraordinary stay was wonderful we went [Music] but I really want to thank Sergio and Tiago and Josie and Pedro you made a wonderful trip for us and this was really magnificent and I came on this trip to challenge myself and while many of it was beautiful scenes oh my god the cover study where I go on and on but for a lot up and down and there was human power power [Applause] hello I’m Darren Alf I am the bicycle trained pro since 2001 I have been traveling around the world on my bicycle and since 2007 I have been teaching other people how to conduct their own incredible bicycle tour and adventures anywhere in the world now one of the things that I like to do as the bicycle turning pro is to show that there are different types of bicycle touring sometimes I show myself and others camping in a tent and sleeping under the stars and other times like on this particular bike tour I like to show that you can bicycle tour with a little bit more luxury stay in nice hotels be guided along a route by experienced local guides have a lot of the details taken care of for you so that you can simply show up at the start of the tour and enjoy yourself by riding your bike and not having to worry about where you’re gonna sleep at night or which route you’re gonna take and all of the other details that come along with planning your own self supported bicycle tour and this particular bike tour the way of st. James bike tour with Folden visit cycling holidays was not my first guided group tour that I’d done in the world I’ve done several bike tours like this in other parts of the world but I can honestly say that this bike tour with full visit cycling holidays was one of the best guided group bike tours that I’ve ever participated in and it honestly had a lot to do with the people working at the company I just really liked these guys all of them that were that there were four tour leaders on this trip and each and every one of them I just thought was incredible so down to earth so friendly so helpful there were no real issues on this trip at all and I had a great time and I know that everybody else participating in the tour as well had a great time so I like this trip so much in fact that I’ve decided that I’m gonna go back to Portugal again in 2009 and participate in another bike tour with Fulton visit cycling holidays it will be the silver coast bike route this bike tour that I did in this video was the way of st. James bike tour which went from Porto Portugal up to Santiago de Compostela the the bike tour that I’m going to be participating in in 2019 is the silver coast bike tour and it goes from Porto Portugal down the coast to the south so very similar terrain I think but a completely different route and not only am I going to be participating in this particular bike tour but I’m inviting you to come along with me this is a bike tour a guided group bike tour with full visit cycling holidays that you can join me on so if you have ever wanted to go bicycle turn in Portugal if you’ve ever wanted to go bicycle touring with me the bicycle turning pro or if you’ve ever wanted to be featured in one of my bicycle turn pro videos here on the bicycle turn pro YouTube channel now is your chance I am doing the silver coast bike tour in September of 2019 with fold and visit cycling holidays if you’re interested even if you’re just interested in participating in this bike tour please check out the link in the video description down below there’s also a link on the bicycle turn pro events calendar page so check that out and if you have any questions or you actually do want to join the tour in September go ahead and contact either myself Daren Al Fateh bicycle trained Pro or contact fold and visit cycling holidays directly and simply tell them that you want to participate in the silver coast bike tour with bicycle turn pro in September of 2019 thank you guys so much for watching my videos here from the way of st. James bike tour I really really enjoyed not only participating in the trip but sharing the adventure with you and I hope to see you in September 2019 in porto portugal for the start of the silver coast bike route with folding visit cycling holidays thanks for watching guys see you on the road bye woo

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