What a great time we had learning about some of American history. We were able to open conversation about very important topics, discuss colonization, equal rights, add to our knowledge with extra reading and movies. We are able to constantly learn and appreciate our minds and this beautiful world God has given us to celebrate!

    tell me about Columbus in 1492 Columbus made the first of four trips to the Caribbean on three Spanish ships named the N hint and the Santa Maria tell me about the pilgrims in 1620 the pilgrims sailed from Plymouth England and sign the Mayflower compact ins sign the Mayflower Compact before founding pouth colony and North America tell me about the Boston Tea Party in 1773 colon disgu as Mohawk dumpy from the British India Company to the busted [Music] Harbor tell me about the Declaration of independent in in 1776 con Congress published the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia announcing the colonist 10 separate from England and 10 separate from England tell me about George Washington in 1789 in New York George Washington was granted the full power powers and responsibilities of the presidencies by the US Constitution tell me about the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 the purchase of the Louisiana from France from was PR expolation by Pioneers such as Louis and Clark Congressman Dave croad Dave croad tell me about the Monro Doctrine after Victory and the War of 1812 the United States wor Ro Doctrine which warned Europeans not to attempt to colonize the Americas after Victory good job tell me about the Missouri Compromise in 1820 Henry Clay worked out the Missouri R allowing Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and rain as a free state free state tell me about the secession of the southern states okay the Compromise of 1850 the fug to slave D and The Dread Scott Decision proceeded the secession of Southern States Southern States tell me about Manifest Destiny president poke believed that the Mexican war and against and purchase in the mid 1800s affirmed America’s Manifest Destiny to spread across the continent tell me about the Civil War in 1861 the Civil War began when President Abraham Lincoln went to rule with the sovereign states that had deeded from the union tell me about General Robert E Lee in 1865 General Robert El surrendered to General Aliss as Grant at app man’s courthouse in Virginia app man’s courthouse in Virginia yeah tell me about the 14th amendment in 1868 the 14th Amendment made all former slaves US citizens and paved away the Civil Rights Movement good tell me about tycoons during the late 1800s tycoons like re Rockefeller K and Swift F the nation Industrial Age by developing American resources tell me about immigrants coming to America 1820 1930 37 million immigrants came to America seeking fre freedom in the9 tell me about the United States and World War I and then in 1917 president was son as Congress to enter World War I against the Central Powers 2 2 years after German youo think the Lucan Killing American citizens tell me about the 19th Amendment Elizabeth Katie Stan and Susan B Anthony led the women’s suffrage movement in the United States resting to the 19th amendment in 1920 granted women the right to vote good tell me about Pearl Harbor on December 7 1941 the Japanese bom Pearl Harbor Hawaii causing the United States to join the Allies World War 2 tell me about nato in 19499 States and its allies for later to resist ofet communism tell me about Brown versus Board of Education in Brown vs Board of Education the US Supreme Court who that segregation of public schools by race is unconstitutional and what your was that in 1954 Brown supported education the US Supreme Court rul that segregation of public schools by race is unconstitutional tell me about us astronauts in 1969 in 1969 USS NE arm and Edan were the first men to walk on the tell me about September 11th 2001 and September 11 [Music] 2001 hijack for Aires they flew to and the World Trade Center in nework City one and the pented gun in Washington DC and the fourth plane crashed into a Pennsylvania field on September 11 tell me the preamble to the US Constitution we the people of the United States in order for perfect union established Justice jistic tranquility provide for the common defense promote the general wealth through and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity to ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America I’ll done okay tell me the Bill of Rights freedoms own gunsing soldiers Bill of Rights War cannot testify against s rights right to a speeding trial right to a jury cruel unusual punishment people’s rights St rights Bill of Rights Bill of Rights yes

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