want to join us for the ride to Scotland? Do contact me 👇👇👇
    Here, are my Socials links reach me if you wanna join for a group ride.

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/dpes_mgr/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/dipeshtmagar24/
    TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@dipeshtmagar?lang=en
    The latest video link – https://youtu.be/y7Dsd7zrS_o

    PSM STYLE M3 SPOILER INSTALL VIDEO link – https://youtu.be/XSVOV1FUW78?si=MtSfovCGj2crA0z0

    RIDE TO LOOMIES CAFE LINK – https://youtu.be/kvpYQdR6iuc

    My Socials links
    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/dpes_mgr/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/dipeshtmagar24/
    TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@dipeshtmagar?lang=en

    hello and welcome back to my channel guys hope you guys are fine so I’m going for a ride with my new friend so let’s see if it charges there you go it’s charging 43% and let’s see let’s try this out so yeah the only reason I uh put this is CU I have lots ofet I need to char that and all good thing is cuz we’re doing while camping I’m going to need this power supply cuz uh oh oh rookie mistake stand on yeah spech fore so hopefully it will work all right cuz Scotland 6 days spech spee fore spee which is halfway and Lake we’re not sure yet 500 route so if any bikers wants to join feel free for speeech bike like I said so it’s going to be a fun ride guys Scotland go so I’m very excited for that and so it’s going to be a fun ride and stay tuned to watch that Scotland nc500 video it’s going to be a long ride but it will be fun at the same timee spech spech speech I am on a very happy mode fore speech ] for speech speech speech ] for speech fore speech speech fore speech for forign speech ] fore speech foreign speech fore spech spee speeech ] for speech fore speech forign speech foreign speech foreign speech ] for speech for speech IGN [Music] so which should be handy while I’m traveling to is like 20 minute ride so not anything speech for [Music] speech Let’s Go Gang gang around speech for speech [ forign speech spech fore speech spee speech speech speech speech ] speech [ forch [ for speech ] for for speee speeech speech ] foree speech for spee spech for speech speech for Fore 650 okay 650 F all right 650 f [Music] spech hands down so yeah I speech fore speech forign speech [Music] [Music] [Music] speeech spee speech The View man fore speech IGN speech fore spech [Music] IGN for speech ] foreign speech going [Music] down speech [Music] speee speech [ speech fore speech IGN speech foreign speech foreign speech foreign foreign speech ] forign spe speech ] speech ] foreign speech so guys speeech spech IGN speech for speech speech IGN speech ] forign for so this is good ASE speech which is like not even 10 minute from here so yeah I’ll see you guys in next video

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