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    welcome to beyond the coverage I’m Chris horer today’s edition it’s time to cover visma Lisa bikes torto France plan and what they have been up to what they are up against when we’re talking about the wall because we have of course yonas Vino crashing out stage for the bass country and W van art crashing way back in the classics at dwar D vanderin that Jorgenson his teammate from viz M Lisa bike went on winning that one day classic and since then W van Art’s already been racing in Norway so I believe there’s not much question of about the appearance of w van art making this year’s 2024 Edition but when I turned into cycling news they had both coaches from yonas up there he had his coach Tim and then W had his coach commenting to cycling news and they’re basically saying both writers are 50/50 well yonas 50-50 absolutely we can all see that that was a hard devastating crash at stage four of the bass country W’s already been racing at Norway and what I saw the little bits of what I saw at the finishing stages of Norway W looked like he was exceptional since then before then after then all the way since the crash there dwar or vanderin we we look we look at some of the straa records from welp he has hundreds of thousands of people foll him so he posts up on straa often but we see that he started off training again after crash at dwar or lern with a soft week of about 270 miles started building up with 300 plus miles and 400 plus miles and he had a four or five we period that ended with about 550 mil for the week had a softer week at around three something and then he had another big week and then lately we saw a really big Training Day a couple days back from well van art while he’s up in teens at altitude with Jonas vineo training and Kristoff laort they had a big big Training Day Kristoff leaport well van art where they covered 16,000 feet he rode seven hours on the bike and it looks like he’s building up his week again so four or five solid weeks of training where four of them are really good the first one soft a soft week to recover from those four weeks of training now he’s building back up to the torto frats he didn’t do dolphin a which means when you skip dolphin a it means he’s already into solid training two days ago where guys were starting to recover on Monday and Tuesday from Dolphin a because while vanard didn’t race dolphin a he can he has big training days that means he has two solid weeks to build up still the tour to France where I told you guys earlier on the butterfly effect editions that guys doing Dolph they had about 10day week period of solid solid training rest after Dolph 10 10day not 10 week 10day period Then few days rest three four days before tour to France leaves in that 10day window there where W vanart has more because he didn’t go do dolphin a did Norway and now he’s been able to continue that week a little bit more instead of 10 two weeks he has solid training before going at Tour of France I don’t think there’s going to be any doubt we’re going to see W van art showing up at the Tour of France barring some kind of illness now remember they’re training up in teens which has been cold up there it’s been 50° and 40° days up there which means the mornings are crazy cold right we’re talking 30° weather up there in teens in the morning then it warms up I would assume since they’re up in the Alps in France that the weather when they say it’s the warmest and it’s going to be 50° it’s warm for a short period degree at 50° of course when you drop down the hill it’ll warm up when they get into The Valleys then they climb back up over all the climbs it’s going to be cold again not not my way that I like the train I’m more towards the mads Pon and I’m more towards the Brandon mcnalty training over there in Phoenix Arizona where it’s nice warm and hot I’d never want to train in Phoenix but hot and warm like Brandon MCN is experiencing where he just got done doing another hard day of 100 mile training there in Phoenix Arizona so Brandon mnal is looking sharp like I already talked about but that’s a little off script let’s go back to vimal bike now when we’re up there and we’re looking at W van art and we’re looking at Kristoff Le port’s training stuff at those big miles well that tells us that probably Kristoff Le port’s feeling good he’s coming back around he did do the jural he crashed out went home but he’s had crashed out early in the first week near the end of the first week of the jural so Kristoff leaport form should start be coming back up if he’s up there training with W that’s a good sign because he’s already on the roster to do this year’s Tour of France when we look at the roster W van Art’s name is not on there and of course the article on cycling news is still talking about 50/50 I believe he’s on the list I don’t think there’s any doubt about that so you got seven guys on the list of course Jonas is one of them that’s the question mark will yonas make it we go back to the cycling news article it starts talking about that 50/50 of yonas Figo let’s say doesn’t make it we go down to the bottom of the article they’re talking about Jorgenson as being the race leader for viz Malisa bike okay if Jorgenson is the race leader if he’s A1 leader then sep cus has to be AB they’re sorry one a one b and so that means sep cus has got to be up there too so you got two Americans if yonas doesn’t show up going in to the torto France with a shot at leadership role of Vima Lisa bike this is the Epic opportunity that sep cus has been waiting for he won the Bal to espa last year in 2023 with Primos rogach and Jonas vineo on the squad clearly they were a little bit underperforming at the beginning we know later from the stories that yonis vineo was sick in the and the tour of Spain Primos roget had some issues but even later when we’re talking about the angoo stage when they’re attacking their American teammate SE cus up the langaro sep only lost seconds up there the Primos roll glitch and yonas Vino who looked like they were getting sharper and sharper through last year’s Bal up but now Primos rogach is gone they traded him off he’s going over to Red Bull Bor hanro and yonas of course is injured so will he make it well if he doesn’t make it like I said two Americans leading the number one team that w last year all three grand Tours this is a remarkable moment right here for sep cus but then we just back it up before the start of stage eight of dolphin a and SE cus was sick he went home now he’s had two soft days of training so can the American get his form up and ready to go well if he does and he has the time to do it sounded like in the interviews he had what I thought was a head cold but I’m purely purely without talking to him without hearing without reading anything about it purely specul here of what kind of sickness he has but just from his interviews it sounded like he was a bit stuffy if that’s the case leaves Dolan goes back over and starts his training at home at this moment he has plenty of time to get ready and at this moment when you start looking at Jorgenson and sep cus when there’s four favorites going into the tour to France yonas doesn’t make it that’s why those two become the leader now there’s three favorites we know Rog we know roget well he can crash he can crash himself out of the s of France we’ve seen that happen that leaves two favorites left REM coool we saw it last year as walta spia that wow he can have some bad days that leaves one t Pacha he did the jro did tellal you now he’s still my absolute hands down favorite to win the Tour to France at this moment but if we’re really seriously looking at the general classification sep cus and Jorgenson have a shot of going Podium at the tour to France if one of them are riding on spectacular form Jorgenson’s a question mark going into a three-week stage race but we saw him ride three Mountain stages back to back at dolphan a so it’s possible jorgan s could go something solid at this year’s tour to France and that’s why they’re talking about him being their their leader for viz molissa bike if yonas SPO was not to show up so leader one a Jorgenson I got to assume they’re still leaving sep cus as a possibility of being a one a or 1 B for sure but if the American can come in the other American sep cus if he can come in those two Americans have a shot at going Podium at the tour to France they’re going to have to be wise they’re going to have to be perfect but it’s a realistic shot that VI molisa bike without Jonas vineo with all the chaos that they’ve had after the spring race has started all the way from stage four the bass country they had been fantastic all the way in the classics to dwarf or vanderin they had been solid and winning races and then those two races just completely changed their whole team where now we’re looking at and thinking like oh they can’t even do anything at the Tor to France but they can there’s absolutely no doubt about it I believe wal shows up we know W will highlight Tour of France stages left and right so there they have that in the form of w van Ard and then General classification they don’t need a whole lot of luck or any luck even to be able to go Podium at the tort of France with sep cus and Jorgenson on their team and really when you’re looking at those two Riders there’s other guys when we’re talking about the Mel Landa he can Podium at the tour to France the guys from inos well Egon Bernal we see him at tour of Swiss I’ll talk a little bit more about that later so if you haven’t seen stage four you might want to tune off later but I’ll give you heads up and when we start looking at the other inos writers like Carlos Rodriguez he’s a big- time favorite too but Jorgenson’s already shown that he can climb with Carlos Rodriguez right it was Jorgenson pulling on that final stage eight of dolphin a so we know Jorgenson’s on the level of Carlos Rodriguez which puts him on the second page and near the top of the second page starting the T of front so Podium is still doable for viz Malisa bike now we go back into the article we’ll see there where they’re talking about what yonas Vino needs to do to get himself ready for the Tor to France so far at the very beginning of the article when they’re talking about yonas his coach Tim has said that he’s met met the check boxes for the early part of training he did say this time last year they were they were higher in their Fitness and can do more work that’s obvious after the crash of stage four but he says so far they have met all the criteria with yonas finny go through his training now it needs to be where when they start to amp the training up to some real high high quality training that yonas still has to have those Sensations that when he gets done training the next day when he’s on the bike he’s got to be able to go yes I feel good I feel the changes coming to my body where I know I can start to tour to France so 50/50 is all dependent on of course how yonas vgo feels after they start getting into some more intensity in these last two weeks of training that yonas Vino has available to them they have to be good days of training but most importantly most importantly each day when they finish their training up in teens yonis Vino has to feel good that night and start feeling better each night afterwards even as the workload becomes harder and harder and as a professional athlete as the workload becomes harder and harder that’s when you start realizing that you’re on better form when you don’t need a rest day the next day when you go out and do a 5 hour six- hour training ride like we saw W van arts on straa where he did seven hours monster seven hours of training going over at least four Mountain passes if you’re wild vanard big guy you probably count as six mountain passes you’re like her you’re selling me short I did six mountain passes okay the big guy did six so he had a monster day of training so after a training day like we saw W van art and Kristoff leaport do when Jonas Vin go those goes to those trainings the next morning when he gets up and he can go out and do another 6 hour and feel good that night that’s when you know he’s ready for the tour to France so when you’re reading that article and this coach Tim is saying he has to get through these next two weeks with good Sensations and he has to have that wow feeling in his in his legs in his body that says now I’m ready doesn’t have to go into the first week as sharp as he was in last year’s tour to France and he might even go in there feeling better some of you guys are like hey Chris he punctured his lung he broke his collarbone he broke his ribs yes I understand I’ve gone through that I’ve lived through that throughout my professional career there’s still a moment once that’s healed that the body goes back and wants to be the best that it’s ever been before and always getting up to that Peak to where you’ve been in the past is easier coming back to that Peak if you’ve been there before versus where we see a writer like Matel Jorgenson who’s he’s re he’s remaking that Peak his Peak throughout 2024 season is always going higher and higher and this year at the tour to France might be the best we’ve ever see Matta Jorgenson so again he might be their leader for viz molisa bike if Jonas doesn’t show up and they could go Podium so don’t give up hope on viz M Lisa bike just because the season since stage four the bass country Andor or Lander and has dropped an expectation when we go into the Tor of France they still have a solid team now who else would they bring if we’re looking at their squad well we go over to that tour of Swiss this is the time to tune off and like And subscribe and leave beyond the coverage because I’m going to cover the last final climb of tour of Swiss stage four now when we start looking at that stage these are two Riders right here if Jonas doesn’t show up in this breakway here sorry in the break in the front group of GC favorites in the break they’re already up the road we know the stage winds going going away up there from the ban Victorious Rider torson Trey in as he’s going to win the stage but when we start looking at the GC guys what I want to talk about here the two viz molisa bikes we got Keon ult Brooks in there and we also have the next guy Wilco Kerman Wilco kerman’s had a very light schedule of racing so far in this season he’s only done two other races before Tor of Swiss and when he crashes at 6.5 kilometers ago just just under seven he crashes because of the wheel overlapping of Del Toro and front who got caught looking over his shoulder now this is where what I really want to show you here from bz molisa bike Wilco kelman’s chasing we look at Del Toro Del Toro had his teammate Finn Fisher black pulling him back Wilco Kellman probably took a second longer to get up on his bike after falling down and now he’s doing a big effort up a monster climb here at tour of Swiss and doesn’t lose much time when you look up there at the front UAE team members it’s Del Toro driving that group and you look at the back Wilco kelderman when we’re all said and done lost about minute to Adam Yates and this was in six kilomet of of full gas pulling back there on his own in the wind the whole time while Adam Yates had his teammates in the front until about three three and a half kilometers ago when he attacked went solo and took the race leaders yellow Jersey at tour of Swiss but when we look at that race willco kelderman looks like the rider that you would replace Jonas Vino with at the tour to France because to me it looks like he’s getting on fine form Keon UT Brooks too he did the jural detal he was sitting fifth at the jur to tell you when he got sick and then left the jro now he’s coming here at torf Swiss and he’s finishing in that front group too so most likely when you’re looking at viz Malisa bike if yonas doesn’t show up they’re taking Kean utter Brooks or Wilco kelderman from tour of Swiss whoever comes out of that race in fine form most likely will be the riders for viz molisa bike that are going over to the to the Tour of France to start in 2024 there’s tons of quality Riders still with VI molisa bike and hopefully that black patch of perod that they’ve had since bass country Endor or Vander and is about over worth if yonis Vino shows up on fine form at the torto France but if he doesn’t don’t give up hope because they have the two Americans now one more thing I want to do a little bit of the butterfly effect on some more of that talk of the final stage going up there at T Swiss on stage five because they were some Knuckleheads first off we see little elre riding the front and we see Enos riding the front before UAE te memer are on the front now if we look at Brandon River on there pulling there for aegon Bernal aegon Bernal is the Big Hope coming into this 2024 season because he’s been writing good since Colombia wrote good at gr o c caminho and he’s been riding solid throughout the season and that tour Swiss I expected him to really shine at tour Swiss and be able to win the general classification but Egon Bernal when you riding Brandon Rivera on the front and you have four UAE memores writers in that front group Adam Yates who takes the race leaders yellow Jersey was in that group Almeida is in that front group Del Toro was in that front group and Finn Fisher group Finn Fisher black was in that front group but yet aegon Bernal has his teammate riding on the front why would you do that and why would you put your team the right on the front if you’re not on the front maybe Finn Fisher black is on the front maybe Del Toros riding on the front sooner he rode later and that’s what split the group but maybe if he’ Rod ridden sooner when Adam Yates attacks maybe inos have Brandon R Rivera back there to be able to do the work for Aon Bernal and pull back that attack or at least bring it closer to Adam Yates Aon Bernal feels better maybe he can do something but tactically inos were a nightmare on this final stage and liell Trek where they had skill most riding his team before UAE members same scenario he got attacked by too many numbers from UAE te memes Adam Yates went up the road he played games back there sitting behind enrik Moss thinking other guys would pull it back and instead we know skilos has Fine format t s he might even win the general classification when it’s all said and done cuz his form looked that good but Adam yates’s form looks good and UAE te memores wrote intelligently versus Li Trek theyve panicked they put their guys on the front rode before UAE members so they’re Knuckleheads too so when we get into the Tor of France keep an eye out what’s happening here at tour of Swiss because two of these Riders from viz malissa bike one of them’s probably shown up at the tour to France Aon Bernal already failed tactically at tour of Swiss on stage four little TX skilos he failed tactically on stage four of the tour of Swiss too so when you start looking at this these guys are making mistakes and we are two weeks away from the Tour of France starting this is a big- Time knucklehead moo on stage four make sure you guys like And subscribe this Melissa bike is going to highlight the tour to France in one form or another and of course it’s coming around the corner so hit that like And subscribe button I’ll see you guys on the next Edition real soon


    1. I'm so far down the Jorgenson rabbithole so I'm just gonna say it. I dont know why but I have a feeling something is going to happen to roglic, remco isn't good, jonas doesn't start and Pogi cracks because of his ride in the Giro and Jorgenson is going to win the TDF

    2. If Pogacar falters, Adam Yates could surprise many this year. Has been a top performer in the mountains for years. I think something dramatic would have to happen for him to be given the go ahead to try to win the overall. Cannot see Vingegaard lining up for the race this year.

    3. Remember how Jonas' father was turning to the media, because he wasn't informed well by his son's team Jumbo-Visma. Therefore it would be the most miraculous thing in cycling ever, if Jonas might attend Le Tour in a stellar and potentially WINNING form. Especially, if you consider how Primoz & Remco were struggling at their debut on the Dauphine, with being far less affected by that horrific crash in Basque country. The consent back then was, that this could have been a career threatening crash, determining Jonas' future performance somewhere next to Chris Froome and Egan Bernal…

    4. I think wout is targeting the olympics. I know that Chris is of the opinion that the tdf is the most important race, but it seems the olympics are a really big target for wout

    5. For me, it’s about the mountain stages. Watching the drama in slow motion ; the suffering , the devil running along side. Who will really have the fitness to put time into all the others?

    6. I am 99% sure that he will make the tour and will be on a decent form( at least a podium form). And even if he actually is in a shit form I still think that he will go to the tour just to scare UAE=)

    7. Looking at Yates performance at altitude yesterday, UAE might have cards to play that will stretch the other teams. Do Bora or injury hit Visma have the team strength if UAE play a 2 card trick? I don't think Soudal do & Ineos given where leaders are they should be making the other leaders chase before deploying their resources.

    8. Here's the thing. Jonas needs more time to improve his fitness and his DS just more or less confirmed this. Unfortunately Jonas is out of time. The best he can do is focus on the Vuelta instead. Otherwise the TdF will be a total meat grinder for the unprepared. Let's say Jonas comes in at 90% then he won't make it to Day 14. That's a terrible blow for the defending champ. It's best to keep his ego and sanity intact by skipping the Tour. Any DS worth his salt would agree.

    9. Seems like Visma will soon face a serious dilemma whether Jonas or Jorgenson should be their captains for grand tours, not just this tdf.

    10. Jonas will be going to the TDF. If not, there is no way Kuss is on that level, the Vuelta was a flash in the pan, as a leader, he's top 5, at the very best.

    11. TdF may turn out to be like this year's Giro, the most interesting will be the two podium spots behind Pogacar. UAE and Pogacar are simply too strong. I hope Bernal can challenge!

    12. Wouldn't it be something if two Americans (from the same team no less) were on the podium at the end of the Tour? The Europeans will be cranky if that happens. 😄

      Have two Americans ever been on a TdF podium in Paris? If not, Visma would make history again.

    13. I'd say Wout doesn't go to the TDF. He is a professional athlete why would you not want him at a training camp? Seems ludicrous to try to analyze training programs as TDF training. Especially when he announced his intentions and started the training over 6 months ago.

      If Jonas doesn't go I sadly see Visma-LAB falling into the trap as other teams of trying to save irrelevant GC position number 8. When you have second tier GC contenders from other teams like Mikel Landa and Adam Yates you can't rely on a podium spot without Jonas. Sure they might be a contender for some stages but that isn't going to be a success vs. the last two years. I'd say the real problem is Jonas calling out for harder GC days which I think is a tough call for the team, even GCN was calling out a couple of TDF debutants for Visma which doesn't help with that goal.

      For the other teams, their strategy remains the same regardless of if Jonas goes or not.

    14. I grew up loving the road bikes, its awesome to see Sepp Kuss do whats hes doing, an american who happens to b e the same age as my youngest son!! 9/13/1994!!!!

    15. Roglic left Visma because the team decided to make a mockery of their tour. They were forced to dumb down their ability to accommodate Sepp Kuss. This made him realize he needs a new space where he doesnt have to be an option to a Jonas or Sepp

    16. I have been thinking about this for a long time and here is my take. Unless Jonas is at 100%, which I personally doubt will happen, Visma /LAB should keep him out of the Tour. Jonas is too talented a rider for Visma to push him to compete in the Tour if he is not completely ready. Jonas is still a very young rider and his value in the future is far greater than his value for just this year's Tour. I am hoping that Jonas does not try to ride the Tour but waits until the Vuelta to come back.
      Sepp Kuss has looked totally out of shape this entire spring. He is not ready to lead Visma/LAB team at the Tour. I find myself questioning his ability as their top climbing domestique as of right now. This is where Visma/LAB will miss Kruijswijk who was riding well this spring.
      Jorgenson has looked so impressive this spring. It is not a fluke. Jorgenson impresses me with his intelligence as a rider. He is excellent at managing his energy out put and has a good sense of strategy.. My biggest concern with Jorgenson is his size. Jorgenson is not only tall at 6'3" but he is a big guy. How he will hold up under three hard weeks as the top GC guy is unknown. Matteo himself referenced his size as a prohibitive factor as a GC guy in a grand tour ina GCN article last Sept.. However with his work ethic and riding intelligence, he still may have an outside chance at a podium.

    17. I was a visit my fan then I'm a visitor fan now and I will be a visma fan all during this next year they've got great coaching and they know how to employ their resources they are never to be counted out because they know how to utilize their talents and rotate and keep a deep bench and they race intelligently

    18. love Sepp but his form is way off and regardless what you say he was gifted the Vuelta for what hes done for Jonas and Primoz it was well deserved. but it was gifted.

    19. It looks highly unlikely Jonas will be anywhere near good enough to even podium, bar misfortune, if Pog has the same form from Giro, nobody will touch him.

      WVA needs wins coming into the tour, he has one too little this season, Jorgenson has been flying, but given his height, weight and shoulders mass, I'd be surprised if he managed a podium, more like a top 5. Kuss looks off, Visma morale looks low in general, from the season they had last year to getting such a kicking this year must be hard to recover from, so though they've shown great reliance before.

      Adam Yates is flying.

      We're going to see new young names make their way to the surface.

      There's so much crashing these days there are 2 races, the first is to stay on your bike, 2nd GC, stages or other.

    20. Watched Chris's analysis on a race last week and they were amazing, I'd like to see a nicer looking studio. I think jersey's hanging in the background is lame and takes away from Chris's great analytical brain and high end pro experience. Top notch otherwise. So doable to make a nice cycling studio.

    21. Sepp has looked, so far this season, more like a 2c option rather than the 1b you describe.
      In my Chesterfield DS opinion, if Jorgenson can't do it, Visma ought to go All-In for Wins-for-Wout

    22. Chris, good point on that Ineos Rivera-Bernal comment. Eurosport's Brian Smith complimented Ineos for "doing their own thing" despite the fact that UAE had so many riders and some obvious motivation to win the stage. I just assumed that by that point, Brian had been over-exposed to the inane idiocy of his boothmate….

    23. Just remember everybody, crashes happen. You never know. I am not wishing Tadej crashes badly, but it does happen. I do tire of his, "I have to try and win freaking everything" attitude, ala Eddie Merxx. Though when you are that much better than seemingly everyone, why not?

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