Short and sweet, we make a few last minute tweaks and install fenders, bags and rack mounts for the custom adventure bike packing all-road gravel bike framebuilding project! The only thing left to do is pack up to go on a little overnight weekend bike camping tour!


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    okay bike Farmers we have a complete bike here that said it’s far from perfect there’s a few things I need to do before I go on my overnighter this weekend what I’m going to do now is just to get through the weekend I have some adjustable stems which is super corny and cheesy but it’ll get me in a more comfortable position to ride 140 Mi this weekend or whatever it ends up being I think when I get all this taken apart I’m going to just kind of put this in the Vise and start bending it into shape and see if I can bring this down a few inches it’s steel so it bends I probably won’t do that while I’m filming I’m just going to work on it on my own and put it back together and show you I’m excited there’s still a few things we got to do put on some bottle cages and that sort of thing I’m going to give it one thumbs up and one thumbs down at this point but we’re going to go right [Music] [Applause] [Music] well take a look at that so yeah this is corny as hell but it at least gets me an idea of where I want these bars so I can either order a stem or figure something out with the red shift or I don’t know what and then this actually bent into shape really nice it almost looks on purpose I mean I guess it is on purpose but that totally works for the bag I don’t have the bag on it right now because I’m gearing up up to tape These Bars okay so the plan with the bars is I want it extra squishy and I want to leave a little bit of room there so I’m going to take some electrical tape and tape this down here first and then wrap around it so there’ll be an extra padding all the way around cuz I have a feeling I’m going to be right here a lot of the time so I suppose to get started on the process I’m going to start that right there oh why did I leave my scissors way over on the other side of everything I don’t like ripping electrical tape I prefer to cut it I like dealing with a sharp edge you’ve watched the Bear right the chef he does [Music] that I don’t have a real solid plan here I’m going to wing it I think I want to wrap all the way around up in here too just give everything a nice soft feel all right I think I’ve got plenty of [Music] tape okay when I finish tape and this is I I prefer that it was going this way around that would have meant another lap and this is acceptable but I kind of hold it out here and then I just imagine a straight line and space and that’s what I cut on I’ve seen that done other ways little wonky just try to make it as clean of an final Edge as possible and then I try to only have one width of finishing tape too which is sometimes easier said than done but I usually do a few wraps really really tight and then one sort of looser or not looser but just so it’s not stressed out try to finish it underneath ooh that’s nice gives me lots of options okay it’s all wrapped up I just took it for another little ride it’s very comfortable so I think the cockpit is done let’s accessorize this guy so I’m going to put the big bottle cage here and that holds my thermos and a little one here to hold the water bottle that I’m drinking out of and then another one down here that’s got a full wrap that holds the spare bottle of water oh dropped the [Music] screw uh-oh cross threaded that’s the risky run using the power tools it’s all good [Music] okay and I have a frame bag here a half frame bag again from Swift Industries and it matches my Rando bag the oette I can’t remember what they call this I think they call it a half pack maybe but I like these cuz you can get right in there oh a nice little flashlight I should put that on the tool [Music] bench how about that shaping up I think for good measure and for prosperity and I don’t know what other reasons go ahead and throw the handlebar bag back on there’s a better way to do it but for demonstration purposes I’ll just throw it on there like that this is always nice at the end of your ride for the day you can go to a grocery store or something and you can just kind of pile stuff on top of here and then this strap can go like that and it just holds it down in your grocery bag and you can go up to Camp it’s usually how we play it everything moves pretty good eventually I think I might have a fender hooked up to this but for now this is where I’m going to put my [Music] light okay I’ve decided to cheat with the fender and I’m just going to go with some basic clipon ones um but I’m going to screw it to the frame I pre-drilled a hole on this one and I have the bolt hole underneath the brake Bridge here and I just kind of mocked it up and I think it’s going to work great in theory shouldn’t be a [Music] problem okay then that just kind of sticks out there and if it rubs on the tire then we’ll just kind of heat it up and bend it a little bit try to get it to not flop around too much and then the backup plan would be to lay it over the top of it um we could do the same thing and then zip tie it or something but this is much cleaner so I hope it works there’s only one way to find [Music] out man this is a tricky wheel to get on and off that’s for sure there we go oh yeah I switched the wheels too those other wheels that I pulled off were sliding in these drop offs so this is these are the wheels off the allrounder I’ve got some parts on order I’m going to build my own wheels just got to get my act [Music] together so no rubbing it doesn’t look terrible kind of like it actually that’ll uh just kind of keep the mud off me so the front one is pretty simple too this is the rack bolt we can use it on the rack nut [Music] not sure if I’ll have to do any bending of brackets yet [Music] but try it as is see how we go from [Music] there it’s pretty good little bit of rubbing on the brakes for no good reason I kind of like that you know instead of full-blown fenders oh okay it’s pushing on the brakes so that’s a problem we’ll have to do some bending of the bracket needs to be more right angled unless I heat it [Music] up all right we’re going to slide it down [Music] the problem here is you get some toe overlap it’s not the end of the world and you can you can lob off the front of that Fender it really doesn’t do anything especially if I’m running a bag bag is going to catch most of it h maybe I will just lob it [Music] off there was it lobbed off no interference with that brake and way less tow overlap you know better line that’s pretty good okay fenders frame bag front brag front bag so for bike packing I have what do you call it one of the big saddle bag things it’s not really it’s a it’s a dry bag holder with a dry bag and then up front here I have little problem solver bow ties that I’m going to install and we can just strap dry bags to the fork so we’ll do that now and I’m really curious to see how this turns out so I’ve used this system in the past and it’s done well for [Music] me so previously I’d do that and have it kind of hang Hing down from above but instead this time around I put on some bosses right there so I can mount the butterflies right to the fork it looks like I’m going to need a little bit of a spacer washers or something back there find a couple of water bottle spacers these are pretty cool and I’m just going to I got to space out that boss just a tad just to get it past the fork blade but I think these should be perfect [Music] yeah good and tight and then uh just with voet or voila straps you can just attach a dry bag right to the side of your bike it’s the simplest way that I know of to do it and I think just for skewer reasons mostly on the other side I’m going to move this one up to the top that makes more sense too if I ever put on full fenders they can bolt back there also this is going to angle the bags and make it slightly more aerodynamic right if they’re angled down the wind will kind of go over them more which you know I mean it’s not like it’s a race bike and I’m flying this big Spiner out front but still it helps I don’t know riding into the wind fully loaded with a front load really sucks and I don’t know for me any little bit it’s going to help whatever can make me feel a little bit better about that terrible situation the world’s smallest cargo rack there you have it pretty cool well I think I have an assembled bicycle I think this is ready for adventure there’s still some stuff I got to iron out still some ShakeOut stuff I ended up putting this titanium stem on it that I had in the bin that I originally imagined for this build and then you know the stuff with red shift kind of changed that plan and I went down that rabbit hole and then had the adjustable stem and really the adjustable stem did put the bars right in The Sweet Spot which is just like an inch or two up and out from this stem it made a difference but it’s not the end of the world and looking good is what’s most important so I’m going to keep the stem on there for now it’s good enough for now but I don’t think it’s going to stay I think ultimately I need to order the right stem for this bike U but I can’t do that in the next few hours uh the next few hours I need to dedicate to gearing up for an overnight bike camping trip and load the bike up for camping and we’re going to do about 65 Mi out and 65 Mi back so perfect little 2-day one night ShakeOut ride for this just to see if it truly is ready for adventure I’m not going to get too far away from home at all um can always call for a rescue if I need it so um that’s the way to do it you never want to build up a bike and then go on tour like always always always go out and shake things out and try to break the bike and beat it up a little bit you know I kind of know the the weak spots on this at this point U know the things to watch out for I know the things I’m not totally stoked with I’m going to bring along a multi-tool and some other stuff so I can make adjustments on the Fly um and I’m going to bring you guys Along on that ride it’ll probably be a separate video I think we’re going to call this one done and then uh the next one will be uh gearing up the bike going on the trip a little bit of camping and uh you know more of a ride type video thank you so much for tuning in and coming along on this very long very troubled Journey jne um it an Epic Journey as they say um this is the most rewarding work for me being a bike nut I mean it doesn’t get much better than this so it’s great to have this platform to share that with you if you watched it all incredible thank you so so much if you just watched this video and stuck it out to the end thank you so much that’s the number one thing you can do to support the channel and participate in the bike farmer Community if you want to help me keep this thing going please consider sending me a super thanks that’s the heart with a dollar sign in it you can just send me a few bucks I wish they would just call it Taco money cuz that’s usually what ends up happening to it but uh it keeps me fed and happy to do this work for you or consider a sustainable monthly membership that is really nice to know there’s guaranteed X number of dollars coming every month I’m growing that membership I think we’re up to 50ish you know I think the bigger channels have thousand or more you know and that’s just really what keeps them going so please become a member you can do that right here in YouTube it’s like patreon but you don’t have to go to another platform so it’s all right here um but that really helps now for yourself the number one thing you can do is click that notification Bell so you and your bike can stay tuned [Music] [Applause] [Music]


    1. Half the fun of owning and commuting on a bike (yes, even in the winter here in Norway) is outfitting it with accessories to suit your needs and preferences. For me, the first thing I bought was a big set of mud guards.

    2. Have you ever had trouble keeping the B17 in position? The rails are slightly smaller than standard and I've had them slowly slip and shift during rides no matter how tightly they’re clamped. I’m currently making some .1 mm thick brass shims.

    3. i hope to see more adventures of the bikeframer haha, what an amazing series, you are a very talented mechanic and seeing your though process thru the build was incredible

    4. Cool watching this series. I finished my 'similar' build a few weeks ago. Well phase 1 (ridable)… Parts bin builds can be touch and go and my build faught me most of the way as well, one day I somehow stripped every single bolt I looked at… which along with some incompatibilities forced a few quick reassesments in build direction 🙂

    5. i’m looking forward to seeing if you accomplished your goal to exceed the strength of your old frame…it appears that you’ve used the proper materials and did a superb job in the build…hope she gets put through the test and shines!
      great job !

    6. RE: Wheels slipping in dropouts – Had that problem with newer skewers because they don't have as much bite as old-school. Heard that dropping some lube (you know which brand) in the cam works and…it does!

    7. I think I just got a confirmation on a couple of ideas I had for adapting fenders to a couple of bikes. Thanks.
      Back to the subject: as a firts version, it came out very well! Can't wait to see it on the road – and to see the new series that will certainly follow, "how to improve on the first prototype"!

    8. Me n my friend doing a trip on bikes. I was thrift shopping I found a brand new set of planet bike mtb fenders. I added them to my bike. I’m using an old specialized steel frame mtb for the trip because if it simplicity I added racks and probably using the B.O.B. Trailer I also diy kitty liter things to add to the racks. They are pretty good for hauling things.

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