0:00:00 Welcome
    0:02:21 Topic
    0:03:52 Webinar Host-Speaker – Anastasia Yianni, CEO of Cyprus Sotheby’s International Realty https://instagram.com/anastasia_yianni_eng
    0:04:50 About experts of Cyprus Sotheby’s International Realty
    0:07:32 About Sotheby’s International Realty
    0:09:54 Agenda
    0:10:53 Cyprus Property Market now
    0:14:01 Report INSIGHTS https://www.cyprus-sothebysrealty.com/#report
    0:15:03 Traditional Drivers of Demand for Cyprus Property Market
    0:09:30 Advantages of Cyprus
    0:18:13 Tax Advantages
    0:20:05 Living Costs in Cyprus
    0:20:24 Healthcare in Cyprus
    0:22:17 Education in Cyprus
    0:24:05 Additional Drivers of Demand for Cyprus Property Market
    0:26:12 Pafos area, speaker Milan Shah
    0:35:22 3 bedroom villa in Pafos
    0:39:05 Limassol area, speaker Olga Khokhlova
    0:43:21 3 bedroom penthouse in Limassol
    0:47:35 Larnaca area, speaker Emily Aspromallis
    0:52:07 2 bedroom apartment in Larnaca
    0:54:13 Famagusta area, speaker Renata Maerz-Abdurazakova
    0:59:40 Apartment in Protaras
    1:06:06 How do we work?

    📣Main speaker:
    Anastasia Yianni, Managing Director of Cyprus Sotheby’s International Realty, co-founder and CEO of the company

    Olga Khokhlova, Senior Property Expert
    Renata Maerz-Abdurazakova, Property Expert
    Milan Shah, Real Estate Agent
    Emily Aspromallis, Property Expert

    Webinar Program:
    ✔️ Overview of the island’s geography, culture, and appeal as a property investment destination.
    ✔️ Region Spotlight: Explore the diverse regions of Cyprus, highlighting unique features and investment potential. Areas with high growth potential and investment returns.
    ✔️ Current real estate market trends in Cyprus
    ✔️ Lifestyle Considerations: amenities, leisure activities, and local culture in different regions
    ✔️ Case Studies – real estate investments in different regions of Cyprus
    ✔️ Q&A

    📍Book your free consultation: https://cyprussir.com/consultation?utm_source=youtube
    Knowledge Center: https://cyprus-sir.com/
    Choose property in Cyprus: https://www.cyprus-sothebysrealty.com/property

    Reg No 1013 | License No 517/E

    dear friends I’m very happy to welcome you to a quite unusual webinar that we going to have today and I hope that you will like this new format that we have prepared for you so before we start and when we make our introduction I want to say huge thank you that you found time in your no doubt very busy schedule to visit our webinar and to find a little bit more about our wonderful Island and when I do my introduction I would really be very grateful if you can chat type in the chat where are you now are you already in Cyprus or are you only thinking about our amazing Island are you considering relocation or you want a summer house what is the reason why you joined us today for once again I want to mention a very uh very interesting and New Concept that we have never tried before uh I can see people from friends for taxation uh I have a comment about the internet guys can you can you please tell us if the internet is okay if you can see and hear me well you can just put plus and I can see people from Lara London investment I can see some people who visited us again H very nice to to see you online again and it would be interesting to hear your feedback how you like this new try that we’re doing I can see Israel Vietnam papers and amazing amazing geography and it will only point that Cyprus is very attractive for many different nationalities I can see even from China so excellent I can see lots of people from everywhere and today we are going with you on the journey across our fantastic Island and today I will not be doing it alone I will be doing it with my colleague what we are going to do will actually take you with us to different regions of Cyprus and during our webinar we will have live connections with the uh location in puus location in Lio location in famagusta area so during this webinar I we hope that you will have a chance to actually feel like you’re already in Cyprus to see with your own eyes in real lifetime what is happening here and to have a glimpse of what separate properties look like so I’m very excited I hope that the uh we will be technically correct and we will not have any hicups but if we do any hiccups I apologize in advance but I do hope that everything uh goes well have these more interactive and sort of uh transmission from different locations for those of you who don’t know me uh allow me to introduce myself my name is Anastasia Yani and I’m CEO in partner of Cypress s International realy what is also very important and I think it’s even more important than my position and the my name what is very important is that for the last 23 years I’ve been working in Cyprus real estate I moved myself to Cyprus 24 years ago so I’m also just a person who relocated many years ago I am a mother I am a professional so my experience just like as experience of my wonderful colleagues is both professional but also practical and today I’m extremely excited to be joined by our team by the members of our team who are located in different areas of Cyprus so for liol we will be joined by Olga HLA who has been living in Cyprus for over 20 years she knows almost everything about property market and lifestyle again she has worked in various positions first in the construction company and now she is a senior property expert in our company and she has actually last year she was our the winner of the top producer gold awards for the whole company so she’s very experienced and very knowledgeable for the area of pusta which isaas and paral I will be joined by Renata who is in charge of that area and she is an expert for that for that region she has been living in Cyprus since 2018 and she actually moved from Netherlands so she has something to compare and what is amazing she’s speaks uh German English and Russian as well for Pap area I am going to be joined by uh you see it’s not only ladies who work in our company I will be joined by a wonderful gentleman by the name of Milan sha who has a degree in real estate and actually he is amazing in his job he has been living in London for a long time and now she’s he and now he’s working with us uh representing Pua area Anda I’m going to be joined by Emily aspro malis who has joined our company not long ago but before joining us she was working as a real estate broker in America even though she has separate roots and luckily for us she returned back to Cyprus joined our company so you see we have prepared a great team of experts this is our whole team we are represented in all areas of Cyprus meaning that it’s pus liol Lara and even we deal with some real estate in nikosia everything we do we offer to you our expertise our efficiency our ethics and we’re trying to do everything in style as well Cypress s International realy is part of the largest International luxure real estate brokerage Network in the world uh s is international realy with offices in 84 countries and why I think it is important because I personally and all our team we all understand that you have choices Cyprus is not the only option I’m sure that some of you are considering Alternatives maybe such as Greece Portugal Spain or any other country in the world for that matter so as part of the International Community we actually know what is happening the countries as well and we have a knowledge to compare and advise you why Cyprus is suitable or maybe in certain cases Cy is not suitable for your tasks and we will be the one advising you because our opinion is that first and foremost we are your advisors we are advising you about the possibilities and options that are available in Cyprus we are working with all developers and lots of private sellers so we’re notated with one company we always try to find properties suit able for lifestyle but also we work with investors and we have excellent collection of investment properties with high return of in on investment we work adhering to very strict due diligence procedures so all the properties that we deal with have been checked from the legal point of view we are very multilingual we speak English German French Greek Chinese uh Hebrew now we have a new person joining our team who speaks Hebrew and we always work work with high ethic and Professional Standards we are licensed real estate agents which is very important because in Cypress it’s licensed profession so when you’re dealing with any representative of our professions you should always check for the license so today we will talk with you about Cyprus in general but it will be a short introduction the main point of our webinar today is to show you different areas and to speak with people who live in the area and who are experts in real estate in that area so you can have a feel for the diversity of Cyprus to understand what is the difference between the areas and also could this area be for you so let’s start of course as always when and if you have uh questions please feel free to type in the chat box we will definitely either answer these questions during our presentation if it’s suitable or we will leave at the end of our webinar enough time to answer all the questions and to start with I want to give you a small flavor of what is happening in the real estate market now or for that matter what is happening with sales because if you’re considering investment or even if you are moving for for relocation or you are considering holiday home it’s important to understand what is happening with the Dynamics of the uh of the market and the last couple of years we have great years unfortunately the reasons for for these activity were not always good because we have seen lots of people moving from all uh from all over Europe and Middle East because of the wars but now unfortunately it’s again we understand that this is going on so now the market stabilizes after the last two years of very active growth and you know in Cyprus all the sales transactions are recorded in the land registry and and these statistics is open so even you yourself can understand and see what is the distribution between the areas what areas are more popular why is that is there a reason does it mean that the prices will be going up if you’re considering investment and if we look the distribution of sales between the areas generally with all the sales we can see that liol is leading the way and then we have nikosia larnaka and paas following the business capital of uh business capital of Cyprus however we can also see the statistics of how the foreigners are buying in Cyprus and we witnessed that the first uh few months of the year we see less transactions but as I mentioned earlier it is expected now we’re going to the normal uh normal supply and demand cycle cycle we go to a normal distribution and normal demand so if we look at the attention from foreigners to Cypress real estate we can see slightly different picture we can see that always paos and liol are the leaders and in this case Papas is actually leading by the number of transaction Lara is going very strong because it has huge investment potential Nikos is less popular with foreigners just because it’s the only area that is actually uh doesn’t have any sea and when you come from abroad of course you want to be near the sea famagusta area just because of the size has less uh less transactions but nonetheless it’s a very very popular area if you would like to find more not just the standard statistics that you can find at the land registry every quarter we as a company publish a very interesting report where we analyze in detail Residential Properties and unlike the standard information we not only show you the number of transactions we actually share with you transaction value so we also share data per region and data per price bracket where you can see how many transactions were done let’s say between 200 and 500,000 and above very interesting report and we will be happy to share with you either by following the link or you can always subscribe and follow me on Instagram and push me to be a bit more active uh in that uh uh in that platform so why do we love the this island and let’s start with something which is very obvious of course in Cyprus we have amazing weather it’s not so um I think it’s not so important in summer when you have great weather as well but in winter in Spring and in Autumn Cyprus is definitely s because we have officially 340 sunny days per year we do not have any heavy industry so the air quality the water quality the beach quality in Cypress is they’re very very high we do the pollution is quite low so in general the environmental characteristics are excellent what else excellent we have we have excellent healthc care and I will share with you a little bit more information later we have very hospitable locals in Cyprus as a Foreigner myself I can definitely vouch for it I have never ever felt unwelcome and I think that when you consider holiday home or investment or relocation this part is important you want to be welcome you want to feel comfortable you want your kids to be to become part of the group and you want yourself to become part of the society what I believe is very important is that in Cypress we have British law-based legal system which means that it’s precedent law and it’s quite E easy to understand what is happening English language is widely spoken and in fact this is the business language of the island so even your documents even your sales contracts even your purchase documents or rental contract they can all they can all be drafted and signed in English and for that matter they can even be dual languages English and German or other languages as well and I believe that for transparency it is a very important matter Cypress is a safe country with so many things going on in the world I think that we all want to be safe we want our families to be safe we want our kids to be safe we want our business to be safe and Cypress offers these uh OPP this option we have good quality education which I will cover a little bit further and in general lifestyle opportunities are excellent you know I’m sure that if you have been coming to Cyprus before or even if you come for the first time hopefully after our webinar you will notice that it’s a great place to live it’s warm welcoming modern it has everything restaurants amazing shops excellent infrastructure and of course excellent tax system and I noticed that before uh we have interest in taxes in this particular webinar I will not be going into exact details for everything because a we’re not tax advisors but and B we will be very happy to arrange for you specialized consultation with the best experts in Cyprus for Texas but just to give you a flavor what Cyprus is offering here you can see that Cyprus offers lots of zeros uh regarding taxes and I think when it comes to taxes zeros which are all clean and not offshore is really really good thing so in Cyprus if you become tax resident non domicile tax resident then for 17 years you will have 0% on passive income there is 0% property tax in Cyprus we have 0% inheritance tax pension tax is only 5% and corporate tax is only 12 and a half% however if you are moving businesses and if your business is connected with intellectual property then your tax will be even less and in certain cases it can go as low corporate tax as low as 2.5% so overall it’s an excellent clean white tax jurisdiction and of course such amazing tax system becomes a huge driver for the interest of people from all over the world we have clients from America we have clients from France we have clients from all over Europe who want to improve their lifestyle but also to pay less in taxes for the cost of living I will not be going into details because it varies because like let’s say like restaurant meal you can have a meal from 1013 or you can have a meal for 200 300 because there is a huge choice of restaurants I mentioned earlier about the quality of healthcare and I believe that it’s extremely important to know what options do you have especially if you’re coming to spend longer time I was surprised myself when we found that Cyprus actually is uh at the 26th Place at the world ranking I love the figures below and there is a joke in Cyprus when they say that men live up to the age of 82 and women never die but overall joking sides the life expectancy is very high in CPUs and I love the figure 245 which is number of people per doctor what does it mean it means that you will never wait if you need to see a doctor there are lots of options available either you will be qualified for private insurance and private visits or even as a foreigner you can be qualified for national health insurance system which is called yes and which is brilliant if you are European citizens you qualifi you going to be qualified automatically and also if you’re non-european but you uh get immigration permit permanent residency you can be qualified for this Health Care system as well and with this system practically each visit to the doctor because you have a family doctor is only €6 you practically have free tests and operation lots of discounts on free uh or practically free medicines and you have access both to public and private hospitals overall excellent if you are moving with children we have amazing system very important that again you have a choice either you have your kids can have access to cess Public Schools the education is in Greek and follow Greek curriculum or you have access to excellent Quality Private education in most cases private school for British curriculum and they the kids pass uh uh igcc exams and a level exams just to give you an understanding of the pricing for Primary School uh private school will cost you between 3 to 6,000 and for middle and Senior School uh between five 10,000 it’s not only about schools Cypress actually is making a strategic goal to become University Center of Mediterranean and we already have lot of Coles and universities more colleges and universities are opening almost every year there are lots of sports and art schools in general s is definitely family country and very child friendly environment and of course activities and education and hobby groups they’re not only open to children they also open to adults and now uh I will just quickly go about the traditional drivers it’s lifestyle taxes permanent residency and of course in investment notice additional drivers and one of them is the opening of the new universities that I mentioned headquartering program of the government where government is making a very attractive tax system for new businesses to come to Cyprus and open the headquarters in fact Cyprus is becoming uh Tech island of Europe where lots of it research and development companies are setting headquarters and bringing their employees there was a new change in the legislation uh for naturalization easier naturalization or I would say not easier faster naturalization of Highly skilled employees and what we noticed after covid that we can see more and more people who realize that actually we can work online we can make money online but we ourselves and we can move our families to a better healthier lifestyle I would say that now we can see that lots of people are considering Cyprus because they want to have healthier and happier lifestyle and Cypress had an option to offer it and now we are moving to our regions and we start with the place where our company started uh this is puus and let me quickly answer is Cyprus is in the EU shenen area no Cyprus is part of EU but it’s not part of shenen area even though we are all I would say that we are moving towards entry and uh we are I think just steps away from joining shenan area as well and now for puers I’m very happy to invite Milan to join me while he is joining and we do the connection of our first first live interaction let me tell you just a brief introduction of U of puas area so puos is uh the western part of Cyprus and it is one of the most beautiful Seaside towns in Cyprus uh located in the west coast of the island and the legend says that this was the place the birth plate of the birthplace the goddess of love and beauty of fradi it also was the first or one of the first capitals of uh Cyprus and it has such a rich history that unes actually has listed the entire set part of a town as cultural heritage and now Milam please join us hi guys um thank can you hear me yes okay fantastic right so um thank you again um I just wanted to uh start off with a brief introduction of myself uh my name is Milan um I was actually uh born in London um but uh I grew up here in paos so uh actually both are uh feel home to me um and uh we relocated as a family uh back in 95 so I’ve been here for quite quite some time and have seen it uh change uh quite a lot um over the last uh few years um actually it’s changed a lot um from five years and now the last couple of years we’ve seen a lot a lot of changes for the good for the better um so yeah it’s been it’s been really nice um I actually went to a public school um so I speak uh Greek and obviously English as well um and public school was excellent um but as you’ve said there are also um private schooles available as well now um so that’s convenient for those that are thinking about relocating here um I graduated uh in 20 18 was it too long ago now um from one of the uh private International universities here in paos um in real estate in valuation and development um and then I started working as a surveyor for a few years I went back to London and worked there as well um and then came back just before uh covid and the pandemic and was very fortunate to have been uh here during uh all the craziness um so I got to enjoy um more freedom and more Sunshine which was uh which was good and now I’ve been working for uh three and a bit years um for SBE International royy which has been amazing um so paos um if has a population of 100,000 um it’s situated on the southwestern part of the island um so it’s got the best uh sunsets of the island and an as Anastasia had mentioned as well um it’s uh it has um a large part of it which is um a lot green area and very um lowrise buildings as well so so um it’s uh it’s it’s a good place for those that are looking to get away from the city uh even though one of the uh Australian portals uh recently voted uh pafos as the best small city to live in the world out of 50 cities so that’s uh quite nice um and actually pffas was voted as the European cultural city um in 2017 as well so lots of pluses for paos I’m quite biased uh to it versus the other cities but every city has its pros and cons of course um hospitals there’s obviously the public um and private hospitals as well um again as Ania mentioned uh Cyprus was voted as I think it’s currently ranked as the 26th in healthare in the world um so excellent uh Health Care uh here um and there are also um private uh schooles for those that are looking to relocate here so it’s a great place um for families with small children um and also now there are four three international uh universities with a fourth one um opening shortly as well so those that are looking to study here again excellent place and we’re seeing a massive increase in um students that are relocating here so um excellent place as well for investment um or to relocate um with your kids um paos is actually uh divided by municipalities um so um it’s hasn’t got a lot of traffic and pretty much um your 50 minutes driving distance to anywhere that you need to get to um it is uh also uh the city where it has the second uh International Airport um and and the marina which has been under study as well um so that’s in the plans and we’ll exciting to see when that comes there to fruition and of course we’ve got the Kings Avenue Mall down by the harbor so um it’s a good spot as well to be um for those that are looking to be close to the amenities close to the touristic spots um we’re actually now located in tombs of the Kings um which is another world heritage sit um and very close to the Sea and I’ll take you around the property just in a moment or so um but like I said uh paos um has got a lot of green area we’ve got the mosaics um we’ve got Aphrodite’s Temple um and many other things uh like that um we’ve actually got four Golf Resorts um so great place for those that are looking um uh who are into golf um and horse riding and uh spas and resorts and and all all of the sorts so um great place um for those that want to either have a second holiday home or just for those that are looking uh to retire so um we’ve actually seen a massive increase um for from the digital Nomads um because they can work remotely um and it’s a great place um for all ages really um those that are looking uh with family um those that are looking for a little bit of Peace in quiet it’s nearby limur only half an hours drive um which my colleague will cover as well so for those that are looking for a bit more of uh the the bustle of a city um then it’s only a short drive away um so it’s it’s a really good place um and takes a lot of boxes for all the different uh categories that are looking uh considering Cyprus um to to come to um yes I think that’s pretty much it for for PA and I forgot to mention in the introduction that you know normally at I’d like to maybe go through the graph quite uh briefly just to explain the different uh price prices um for properties uh here in looking at a range of 200 to 400k um one two bedrooms um both resale and new properties of course it depends um on whether it’s a new property um or a resale property um whether there are any views whether the distance to the amenities to the Sea um all this will play a part in the price on the quality of the finishes etc etc um so that’s the sort of range that you’re looking at for uh for apartments um and then also for for Villas um I would say price start um from 500k um and go up to 750 million um Etc and obviously Sky a limit depending on what you’re looking for um so uh let’s let’s talk about this uh property um ifia could just go to the next uh graph um next slide even this is a uh three bedroom property um the covered internal including the Verandas is about 140 square m um and the plot size is uh 250 um let’s have a little quick tour of the place um so as you can see here we’ve got um marble flooring um and have a look outside here we are we’ve got their own uh private pool with ceramic tiles and we’ve got this lovely uh feature of the tree going through the property um it won’t spoil it don’t worry it just looks really nice you’ve got a fairf concrete um and the white contrast as well which is a really nice touch and follow me so this is uh the kitchen we’ve got um laminate wood for the uh kitchen units we’ve got Granite worktops um and or BOS appliances as well um in this property we got split AC units um if you’re buying Off plan then of course you can um add on uh underfloor heating or Viv as well which is sort of the new uh standard as well um and let’s quickly go upstairs as well we’ve got a guest toilet on the ground floor and three bedrooms on the first floor I’ll quickly show that to you so we’ve got one uh bedroom here we’ve got um the other family bathroom here laundry and two bedrooms this is the master bedroom on Suite with a shower we’ve got engineered uh Woods for the flooring again split AC units and the cover veranda and just look at that SC view we’re obviously walking distance um to the Sea um and the bus stop all the amenities um the price for this one is 645,000 plus bat um it is available for purchase um and is an excellent opportunity for those that want a second holiday home um for investment to rent it out um and I would love to uh meet you in person and show you options like this and similar options depending on your needs and requirements thank you very much I see you back to you back to you because I think that that’s what they say on TV so Milan thank you very much uh during my introduction I forgot to mention that we decided to do this viewing so I asked every uh expert from every area to pick one property so this one property is only a sample it’s only an example of what you can see what you can buy I asked them to pick a ready property so this is just an example of you can pick and choose of course as an agency we have multiple options and we will be really happy to show you various cities but now Olga over to Lio hi friends can you hear me well is connection good I would like to welcome you to lias thank you Milan for a lovely presentation of pathos to be honest I love buffos as much as I Lio but since currently I’m located in Lio I will try to share my love with the city it’s absolutely amazing place where you can find absolutely everything for every interest every age uh I’m living here for last 23 years and uh I’m dealing with real estate all the time so I I liveed 13 years in Pap and 10 years in Lio and I can say that Cypress is a lovely Island and uh obviously lias so is one of the most popular cities in Cyprus I’m sitting in the lovely Penthouse which I’m going to describe later I’ll start a few words about limao Lio is a one of the second largest cities in cus it’s the biggest uh uh port and uh city of the skyscrapers later on we’re going to be able to see it from the balcony and uh liel is very known for uh its diverse night life and cultural Traditions it’s also the city of business it’s business capital of Cyprus a lot of businesses have Offices here due to low taxation with Anastasia mentioned earlier and uh many International companies have headquarters here the population of lias so is 262,000 people uh Lio has very good hospitals it has private and government hospitals and medical centers everybody speaks English here so you will not find any difficulties in liasing communication uh education is on a very high level we have lots of international schools I personally have two kids and we love the schools here they cannot they don’t want to miss a day from school uh FIS Grammar School Pascal St Mary School uh lots of Heritage lots of new schools opening due to high demand uh most of them are based on British curriculum but uh we have based basically students can continue studying everywhere in Europe and uh UK and USA whever they choose we have educational centers lots of very good high quality kindergartens uh cots love kids so it’s a perfect place in Lio it’s a perfect place for families with kids now we have amazing infrastructure we have Lio Marina we’re just 40 minutes away from larnaka airport and we are about 35 minutes away from Papas airport it’s both very big international airports with very good connections everywhere we have MOS we have uh supermarkets uh hypermarkets we have uh lots of shops so basically of course we have a lot of culture and history we have kurum Apollo Temple and lots of other architectural uh Heritage we have entertainment probably the biggest uh the most known place for entertainment in Cypress is Lima so we have City of Dreams Casino which is not just a casino it’s a lovely place for um just entertainment we have we’re all waiting for golf resort which is going to be open hopefully next year and it’s a huge event because all of us will love golf and it’s going to I think it will bring more and more people to lias we have uh wineries very U known wine Roots we have concert Halls lots of uh groups coming here in Lio specifically so it’s a lot of things to explore and uh for every age so basically if you’re family or if you’re a young couple or individual or entrepreneur we can find lots of things for you to do in lias now uh we are here in a penthouse and I would like to see the view to start with the view the view speaks to itself we are located in a very nice quiet area in the middle of lias called musaka we have a l c we’re on the third floor of the three bed of Penthouse now the project is really unique because it has an infrastructure within the city we have a swimming pool SAA small outdoor gym and a kids playground it’s a newly finished property with two blocks of apartment and some privately owned Villas and this property is ready to move in so as soon as you are ready we can show you the property let’s go in and quickly have a look this is a living area now this is a very very good developing company uh we can see that the ceilings are very high about 3 m High we have under floor heating very high quality materials we have lovely equ kitchen uh air conditioning so basically everything is ready for you to move in very smart design on the right hand side there two bedrooms with one bathroom you can use it for the kids or one for office one for your guests and then there is another bedroom master bedroom which has ins it bathroom and walking wardrobe now there is very feature which not all the properties have you walk in we lost yes our crew in Li okay let’s hope that the girls can move back to the area with good internet but I hope that you have noticed the view the nice uh surrounding the nice project and uh okay and I think that the most important thing that we also need to mention is like when you can consider liol so I asked our our experts to tell us how would they characterize that it uh how would they characterize that liol is for you if so liol is for you if you’re looking for an active exciting yet very safe lifestyle liol indeed has something to offer for all ages all budgets and and all ways of life so it’s true that if you want hustle and ble of the big city then probably limo would be the best place to be it’s also a well-known Business Center with many International businesses who have their headquarters and their their base there it has great schools okay being from papers I wouldn’t say that they are the best schools in the country but definitely liol offers many more different schools and offers like everything else in Cyprus offers great uh he excellent Health Care system so I think that we will ask Olga to join later so we can say thank you but now we are moving to the area of larnaka so larnaka is the hot spot of the conversation for the last few years and while we’re waiting for yes Emily is here so let’s wait okay Emily excellent hi every everyone I hope the signal is okay and that we will make it without any kind of technical difficulties H my name is Emily as anasia kindly introduced me and I’m excited to talk to you today about the promising area of larnaka Cyprus it’s a beautiful coastal city H it’s actually the oldest uninterrupted settlement in Cyprus so there’s a blend of history with culture and promising economic growth uh according to the if we could show the presentation Anastasia we have the map of of Lara Lara has a very strategic location which it’s very convenient for visitors from abroad uh or people that love to travel in general due to the proximity of the the Lara International Airport uh this is the largest International Airport we have on our Island H and it’s all within minutes of beaches and coastal areas and promades like fudz and McKenzie areas if you’re familiar with with Lara uh if you’ve ever traveled here before you’ll remember when you descend from the airplane when you arrive to to Lara from the Lara airport you pass by the beautiful sea the McKenzie area and it’s uh it’s really magical it’s everything in very close proximity the property prices in Lara are currently more affordable than tfos and liol for example which offers a really great uh potential growth for buyers um of course now apartments are in higher demand than houses in our region as you can see from the from the chart H and the prices for apartments start from around € 135,000 until uh median price around €300,000 for a a really decent uh two-bedroom unit uh for houses the prices uh start around 400,000 for a house and can go up as high as they as high as uh a SE front Villa so uh we have a really large diversity in the market and the real estate market in Lara it’s diverse and really fastly growing we have a portfolio in our company with luxurious SE front Villas and modern city Apartments so there’s really something for every Investor’s portfolio the city is currently under going a transformative phase as Anastasia said so there are a lot of substantial infrastructure developments there’s a lot of new construction going on new housing and other uh facilities and a lot of in general projects that are boosting Lara’s growth at a high rate uh excellent international schools are available existing now we have three international schools we have uh amazing Health Care Facilities uh existing shopping centers we have a new Metropolis M modern indoor shopping mall as well as a variety of dining and entertainment options uh most important of all also as Anastasia mentioned earlier is the the safety of the area it’s a really safe and relaxed environment so it makes a great uh investment opportunity as well as a place to call home or to have as a second home today I’ve decided to highlight uh my property h a two-bedroom ready to deliver apartment in the city center of Lara uh this actually apartment is walking distance to the Marina and the FAS promin that I mentioned and uh doing so also it’s very close to the international airport in Lara and I’m actually in the apartment right now so I will be able to show you the the unit in right now basically just I will close the camera and return okay we are inside the apartment in the living area this unit is two bedrooms as I mentioned it has 83 square meters internally and uh it’s a very open plan as you can see by the we will move to the to the area here H there is a a dining room and the kitchen all connected uh the unit also is completely fished so it’s so furnished and it has all of the electrical appliances it includes also a concealed air conditioning unit in the in the living area and under floor heating with a heat pump which is all functional is all uh prepared and ready to move in so as you can see the quality of the construction also is very good uh and considering the the location the the price of 310,000 plus V8 with key ready apartment is really really great H let’s take a look at one of the bedrooms to have an idea this is the master bedroom it’s a nice size it has unit split unit in the bedrooms and to my right there is a un Suite toilet and we have also very nice storage for the for the closets so overall there’s also one guest toilet here for the guest and space for your washing and the prior use so overall according to the location we are walking distance again to the marina into the pral of fines which is the most popular area of laa so considering all of this it’s already to ment for you the only thing missing is you so I really welcome you and I wait for you to to join us in L thank you and we are moving with you for to the final area of Cyprus we are moving with you to aaas the general uh name is famagusta area and I’m joined with Renata and renate is town of protaras correct yes I’m in the heart of the protaras thank you Anastasia good evening dear friends I would like to welcome you on the Easter part of our beautiful island um called famagusta it is the smallest area and we have a population only 55,000 consist of three three main towns ayanapa Pras paral and we have also several Villages today we will concentrate on ayanapa and Pras because these are the biggest touristic resorts on the island so ayanapa has uh plenty of uh different accommodations if you would like to spend your holiday here you can start with bed and breakfast small Apartments luxury villas and hotels from one to five stars everything you like ayanapa has a greatest number of the beaches 27 half of them have a blue flag award which means you have all infrastructure around you cafes changing rooms bars also infrastructure for people with disabilities that they can come enjoy the views and actually go to the Sea touch the water and swim if aappa has um an image of U Party City and people mostly think that this is for young people the image is changing and Anapa is doing quite a lot to attract people of different ages and aapa has a lot of attractions actually we have very famous underwater Museum musan where you can dive and see different sculptures we have sculpture and Cactus Park we have several water parks we have H little lionaki which means little Fisherman’s port with a very nice area we can where you can sit and dine and enjoy the views we have very modern ayanapa Marina with luxury villas and the only High uh Skyliner in our area which is you can park your boat so ayanapa is um can offer you plenty uh and variety of different uh entertainment facilities if we say about proas protas is most mainly for families and not only families from around the world come here to spend their holidays also locals from nikosia from liol from larnaka come here especially in summer July and August the hottest months in the year to spend their time here so it says that we really have the be the best beaches on the island and I am now in the heart of proas I am in um a unique project we don’t have something similar here I can explain you why because um most of the coast of protaras and ayanapa they are with hotels there are no apartments and um the building I’m now in has a beautiful view I will turn my computer a bit later and explain it to you um before I do that I would like to mention another little town in our area paralimni paralimni is a city where the life is all year around it’s boosting with life so people live here people work here kids go to school because it’s the smallest area we have only one international school cenon but it’s a very good school you can learn different languages Greek English French German Russian we have several um nurseries uh in um English and Russian language we have a big hospital we have several private hospitals I hope you will not need a hospital when you come here you enjoy your time you enjoy your holidays so it’s um an area where mostly Villas are built projects with Villas from small cozy projects with six eight houses up to like a little Villages where you can find 50 70 but the trend is changing as well if before Fusta was seen as a area only for holidays now more and more families are coming here to leave so they are buying either a house or an apartment and they are staying here all year around and leaving for holidays somewhere else so I would like to show you an apartment I don’t have an operator with me so I will be doing it with my future and I hope you will have good views please tell me if you cannot see well so we will start with the c View so we are around 3 to 400 m from the famous beach in protaras which is called thory Bay you can see the whole F uh the whole Pras town like on your palm and this is one of the opportunities to purchase maybe even this apartment we have a nice living area kitchen fully equipped it’s spacious and area has a lot of light the apartment has two bedrooms this is one of the bedrooms again is furnished you can come with your suitcase and leave here fully equipped bathroom second bedroom you can see there’s plenty of space you can put a table here you can enjoy the view from the window I hope I can show it to you as well so there’s a SE view here as well and another passord and we will to the living area with fantastic views so I hope you could see everything I would like to add um to this project that uh it has all facilities including pool including gym including Reception Area it’s very close to the city center with all the shops and restaurants it’s very close to the beach within 2 three minutes you will be there and um it’s lovely place to live I live here with my family for six years and I think it is the best place for me and my family and um I would like to mention some uh prices as well um as I already said mostly we have projects with Villas but we also have new projects with apartments and apartments not just block of Apartments but apartments with infrastructure where you can have one or two pools where you have gym where you have a little cafe where you even have shops or restaurants so the people are asking and demanding uh some more infrastructure and developers are doing that so they’re trying to follow the trend the prices we have here for one bedroom apartment is approximately from 150,000 two bedroom apartments start from 190 and um the vas uh start from 420 up to couple of millions of course it depends on the location closer you are to the Sea more expensive they are but we also have uh villages and if you have a budget around 300,000 so it’s possible to find a nice little cozy three bedroom house in one of the villages and you need to drive just 10 15 minutes to be at the beach so we have plenty of choice and I would love to see you here to introduce you our region to show you everything everything I told you today so I think it’s better to see one time than to hear 10 times and if you ask me why would you why would why should you stay here or why would you stay here if you would like to escape from a big city if you would like to see the beautiful blue water as I do now and I enjoy that view you have um golden beaches you have very very hospitable local um they love children they love uh all people who come here and if you would like to raise your kids in peace and quiet and also give them opportunity to be with the nature this sport will be for you thank you very much Anastasia back to you rata thank you very much uh and I thing that we had a chance it was like Cyprus in one hour see every area meet the team meet talk in a way the real people it was not a compet was there press that will be suitable just for you so uh before I complete and before I come to the questions so actually if you have any qu questions please type now while I can explain how we’re working mentioned before we work in all the areas and our job is in fact to advise you on what what is available in Cyprus what options what are your tasks so to establish this first thing that we will do we would always have a personal online consultation or offline in one of our offices with our property expert and in fact you can see the red button book your free consultation you can ask for the consultation and we will be happy to do it where we discuss your goals if Cypress is suitable for you then we will prepare everything for your trip we will explain you what documents you need for the bank what documents you need for the permanent residency and immigration we will plan the trip prepare the itinerary prepare all the meetings uh arrange for legal and tax advises we will help you during your visit in Cyprus with viewing and selecting property we also guide and insist you through the whole process of buying the property and not only even after the after uh the purchase of the property if you need anything or or if you plan at one point to sell the investment in the future we will be very very happy to Market it for you and I do not see any questions so in this case I just want to say huge thank you I want to apologize for some technical difficulties that we had with our live streaming and uh just like all my colleagues all the members of uh our team I would like to invite you to visit Cyprus because we tried as much as we can to bring the Cypress closer to you but nothing will compare to your personal exploration to you personally walking the streets feeling the sun on your face and swimming in the sea and seeing the beautiful choices of propheties that are available for you so I would like to thank you once CE again I hope to see you in Cyprus I hope that you will come and visit us even if you don’t want to buy the property we would still be very happy to meet you and on this note thank you very much to the wonderful team and thank you very much for the great audience thank you

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