When you think of a bird’s nest, you probably picture a typical bowl-shaped structure made of twigs and leaves, right? Well, it turns out some bird nests are a bit more complicated than that. In the same way that we humans have different preferences when it comes to finding a home, different species of birds build their nests in different ways. Here is the list of incredible ways birds build their houses.
    1. Weaver bird nest
    You might see a weaver ant nest but have you seen a weaver bird nest? Weavers are small birds related to finches. There are an incredible 57 species of weavers and all have their own styles and strategies for building elaborate nests, but no matter the various styles or materials used, all are mind-blowing.
    Typically it is the male birds that build these amazing nests as a way to woo females. The better the builder, the more likely he is to find a mate. Many species start out with just a single strand of plant fiber and begin the seemingly miraculous project from there. This is one of the structures built by animals that you may see caught on tape on the animal world channel.
    Many species weave very fine nests using thin strands of leaf fiber, though some, like the buffalo-weavers, form massive untidy stick nests in their colonies, which may have spherical woven nests within. The sparrow weavers of Africa build apartment-house nests, in which 100 to 300 pairs have separate flask-shaped chambers entered by tubes at the bottom. Most species weave unbelievable nests that have narrow entrances, facing downward.
    2. Hamerkop bird nest
    Hamerkops are esteemed for their most amazing nests, which may contain material including sticks 1.5 m in length and assortments of human debris such as bicycle tire tubes.
    This animal home begins as a V-shaped cup in the fork of the tree and the sides are gradually built up basket-like around an internal cavity. The roof is a real masterpiece and is constructed with one bird inside and one bird outside the nest.
    3. Ruby throated hummingbird
    This most amazing animal home is made of a slender, often descending branch, usually of deciduous trees like oak, hornbeam, birch, poplar, or hackberry; sometimes pine. Nests are usually 10-40 feet above the ground. Nests have also been found on loops of chains, wires, and extension cords.
    4. Bald Eagle nest
    These animals are found in every US state except Hawaii and much of Canada and northern Mexico. These adaptable birds have been studied closely for centuries, and their nests are of particular interest given their colossal size and weight.
    These animals build house that are constructed with care and attention over the course of 1 to 3 months. Nest building is very much a cooperative process, though the female often takes the lead in building the nest while the male supplies material.
    5. European Bee eater’s birds
    There are amazing animals who built amazing animal homes and got caught on camera for their splendid work.
    The European Bee-Eater builds a nest by burrowing into hillsides and slopes. These birds are approximately one foot long and about four inches high. The European Bee-Eater’s call is a high-pitched and fast-paced trill that has a very sweet sound. The call may also include some scratchier notes.
    6. Sociable weaver nest
    In Africa’s Kalahari Desert, sparrow-sized birds called Sociable Weavers create enormous nesting structures that act like avian apartment complexes, housing weaver families by the hundreds.
    The social weaver nests themselves do an amazing job of staying cool in summer and warm in winter, which may be why a half-dozen other bird species vie for unoccupied nest chambers. The interlopers include barbets, lovebirds, finches, and the Pygmy Falcon, which sometimes eats skinks. Even cheetahs climb into the trees to sprawl over the domed roof of the nest and soak up the sun.
    7. Bower bird nest
    Bowers is not nests. After the male dances, sings, and grovels along the ground, seemingly begging a female to accept him, they mate, and the female usually leaves. If she lingers, the male may drive her out so he can tidy up his bower and prepare for the next song-and-dance routine used to attract yet another mate. Sometimes these most amazing homes look like beavers’ nests from the animal kingdoms.
    8. The Penduline nest
    This is one of the most amazing homes built by animal architects. These skillful animal architects build incredible pear-shaped nests on the branches of willow or birch trees. First, the male begins the construction of the nest by attaching plant fibers and fluffy seeds to the twigs and branches. Then, with the help of the female, they vow the other parts of the pouch-like nest with spiderwebs, wool, wild animal hair, and other soft plant material. The result is a very elaborate nest that is suspended from the tree.
    Which bird nest is best? Which bird nest stole your heart? Don’t forget to comment below.

    think of a bird’s nest you probably picture a typical structure made of twigs and leaves right well it turns out some bird’s nests are a bit more complicated than that in the same way that we humans have different preferences when it comes to finding a home different species of bird build their nests in different ways here is a list of incredible ways birds build their houses Bowers are not nests after the male dances sings and gravels along the ground seemingly begging a female to accept him after mating the female builds a cup-shaped nest in a higher more secluded location in a bush or tree Hall she builds the nest alone and being solely responsible for laying eggs incubating and feeding the young laying a clutch of 1 to three eggs depending on the species she incubates them for 12 to 15 days the eggs are strikingly marked by scribbly lines of brown gray purple and black as if an artist had dribbled ink on them these patterns probably help to camouflage the eggs many species of oven Birds build a characteristic Dome shaped nest of clay which resembles an old style Woodfired Baker’s oven and is the basis of the common name of this group of birds depending on the species The Nest can be located on the horizontal branch of a tree on a post or on the ground The Nest is constructed of mud with plant fibers mixed in for greater strength these materials are carried in the bill the Dome is about 12 in in diameter can weigh about 9 lb and is klik in shape with a deep narrow entrance there is an inner waloff nesting chamber lined with grasses although old nests physically last for several years oven Birds construct a new structure for each brood some species of oven birds nest in an underground burrow or in a tree cavity the rofus fronted Thorn bird builds bulky communal nests out of thorny twigs and trees with each pair having separate entrance and nesting cavity tro weave a basket out of grass or Palm frons it’s a bit difficult right takes a while to get the hang of it well what if you tried to weave of a basket using just your mouth and starting out with one piece of grass it’d be pretty tough right but that’s nothing for the weaver bird you might see a weaver ant nest but have you ever seen a weaver bird nest Weavers are small birds related to finches they are an incredible 57 species of Weavers and all have their own style and strategies for building elaborate nests but no matter the various Styles or materials you used all are mind-blowing typically it’s the male birds that build these amazing nests as a way to woo females the better the Builder the more likely he is to find a mate many species start out with just a single strand of plant fiber and begin the seemingly miraculous project from there this is one of the structures built by animals that you might see caught on tape on the animal world channel many species weave very fine nests using thin strands of leaf fiber though some like the Buffalo Weavers form massive untidy stick nests in their colonies which may have spherical woven nests within the sparrow Weavers of Africa build a apartment house nests in which 100 to 300 pairs have separate fl- shaped Chambers entered by tubes at the bottom species weave unbelievable nests that have narrow entrances facing downward Hammer cops are esteemed for their most amazing nests which may contain material including sticks 1 and 1/2 m in length and assortments of human debris such as bicycle tube tires the nests are usually built in the main Fork of a large Tree near water which is where the hammer cops earn a keep specializ Ing and feeding on frogs and tadpoles the giant siiz mansion is constructed as a territorial marker to indicate to Intruders that the region is occupied since it is constructed in a team effort by males and females it may also serve to reinforce their pair bond the animal home begins as a v-shaped cup in the fork of the tree and the sides are gradually built up basket likee around the internal cavity the roof is a real Masterpiece and is constructed with one bird inside and one bird outside the nest sticks Reeds and grass are added vertically and horizontally until the network is solid and a meter thick so expert is the roof construction that it can support the weight of a fully grown man let alone the usurpers such as verao eagle owls and often occupy the roofs of the hammer cop’s Nest using them as their own nests this most amazing animal home is made of a Slender often descending Branch usually of deciduous trees like Oak hornbeam Birch popler or Hackberry sometimes P nests are usually 10 to 40 ft above the ground nests have also been found on Loops of chains wires and extension cords The Nest is the size of a large thimble built directly on top of the branch rather than in the fork it’s made of thistle or dandelion down held together with strands of spider silk and sometimes Pine resin the female stamps on the base of the nest to stiffen it but the walls remain pliable she shapes the rim of the nest by pressing and smoothing it between her neck and chest the exterior ior of the nest is decorated probably camouflaged with bits of lyan and Moss The Nest takes 6 to 10 days to finish and measures about 2 in across and 1 in deep these animals are found in every US state except Hawaii and much of Canada and Northern Mexico these adaptable birds have been studied closely for centuries and their nests are of particular interest given their colossal size and weight these animal built houses are constructed with care and attention over the course of 1 to 3 months nest building is very much a Cooperative process though the female often takes the lead in building the nest while the male supplies materials the standout feature of a bald eagle nest is size the average Nest measures around 1.2 to 1 1/2 m in diameter and 60 to 100 cm deep bald eagles add around 1 to 3 ft of new material to the nest every year the largest bald eagle nest found in St Petersburg Florida 2.89 m in diameter 6 M deep and weighed almost 3 tons despite their Majesty bald eagles are pretty lazy and spend a lot of time in their nests as the name suggests the swiftlet builds a nest that is not only edible for humans but is considered a rare delicacy The Nest which is built out of the bird’s saliva solidifies into a 6 cm long 1 and 1/2 CM deep dish-like structure that eventually holds two eggs each pair of swiftlets spit about 10 G of saliva to build the nest the salivary glands en llarge during the nest building process when exposed to sunlight the white Nest glends a golden hue because of this The Nest is often referred to as white gold it is also priced like it at a whopping $4,000 per kilogram The Nest was discovered to be an aphrodesiac and a delicacy in Chinese Cuisines soups made from The Nest is considered to be especially tasty this very unique feature of the bird has led to its downfall too leaving aside all natural Predators the biggest predator for the edible Nest swiftlet turned out to be humans who went on an unbridled harvesting spree sometimes not considering the size and age of the chicks the nest are harvested for profit in the ’90s illegal Nest harvesting resulted in almost 80% of their population being wiped out the swiftlet was eventually added to our endangered species list there are amazing animals who build amazing animal homes and got caught on camera for their Splendid work the European bee eater builds a nest by burrowing into hillsides and slopes these birds are approximately 1T long and about 4 in high the European be eaters call is a high-pitched and fast-paced trail that has a very sweet [Music] sound the call may also includes some scratchier notes their migration takes them as far as the Tropics of Africa the European bee eater call may sound like a cacophony of preps as they forage they tend to be more vocal in colonies like all birds they call to locate and communicate with each other during courtship the call takes on a more melodic tune aside from adding the touch of color to our lives these beautiful near passerine Birds play an important role as ecosystem Engineers especially in arid regions during their nest burrowing activities they can remove up to 12 kg of soil this biot turbonation has a major effect on the ecosystem as it Alters the environment for other species nutrients from the removed soil are made available for other organisms abandoned Burrows are often used by other species for nesting roosting and shelter high up in the Andes of Chile and Bolivia at altitudes of 12,000 to 14,000 ft lives a bird known as the horned coot nest in the absence of vegetable matter for nest building this cot does something quite remarkable it builds a pile of stones nearly to the surface of the water and on top of this it makes a nest of a few water plants that it can find in these salty Lakes this is an amazing feat because of the size of the the pile it is in the form of a cone about 12 ft in diameter at the base and rising to a height of 3 ft moreover all of these hundreds of stones must be collected from the land or from very shallow water at the margin of the lake carried to the nest site and dropped into the water the stones are carried in the bill the bird swimming from the lake Edge to the site it has chosen for the nest the most astonishing thing is that some of the stones weigh as much as a pound the size of a man’s fist the largest falcon in the world the ghostly guy Falcon is a fierce predator in the high Arctic where it chases down tagin in flight or plummets from the sky at breathtaking speeds to strike prey on the ground nesting on remote cliffs in the far reaches of Canada and Alaska guy Falcons in North America are safe from most human disturbances but face challenges from a warming climate The Nest site is usually on a cliff ledge sometimes in the Hallow or broken off tree snag or in an old stick nest of another large bird in the tree in some areas many nest on the ground of hilltops also uses Ledges of buildings Bridges other structures the only natural predator of guy Falcons are golden eagles and even they rarely engage with these formidable Falcons guy Falcons have been recorded as aggressively harassing animals that come near their nests although common Ravens are the only Predators known to successfully pick off guy falcon eggs and hatchlings even brown bears have been reportedly dive bombed humans whether accidentally or intentionally are the leading cause of death for guy Falcons once the birds have paired up they exclude other greps from the area which becomes their breeding territory defending against Intruders the little GRE nests on a floating platform anchored to the submerged vegetation both adults feed and rear the chicks outside breeding season it moves to spend the winter in a more open or Coastal Waters it is migratory in the parts of the range where the water freeze this species is resident dispersive and migratory according to Winter conditions on the breeding grounds the Nom mate race has been recorded in Norway azors madaria and Canary Islands The Nest is placed at the water’s edge because the GB cannot walk easily with its legs set very far back it is a floating structure made of decaying plant material it is anchored to the aquatic plants or sometimes anchored to branches of Waterside bushes the common tailor bird is a small bird with an upright tail green upper body and rust Red Crown for the next few months observing the tailor bird became my new hobby the tailor bird usually prefers trees with bigger leaves for nesting The Nest is a deep cup lined with soft materials and placed in thick foliage and the leaves holding the nest make it difficult to spot the piercings that are made to the leaves while stitching is quite minor which is why the leaves don’t Brown overall it makes for a perfect defense mechanism for the security of the nest as the tailor bird finishes making the nest many others started flocking around the tree in a bid to it attct her attention for mating normally males and females do not have any kind of sexual dimorphism but during breeding season males sport extended Central tail feathers and more vibrant green doubling up as a mating platform the Jak’s Nest is a fragile floating pile of vegetation the bird makes several and chooses one for laying eggs The Nest is Loosely anchored and Glides precariously over the water sometimes it sinks while the bird is incubating its eggs the parent that forms the part of the harm is constantly the one that ends up caring for The Offspring in this case each male jakana incubates and Rears a nest of chicks in an actual sense they lay their eggs in a floating nest and eggs can be equally well incubated and cared for by a parent bird of either gender nests are actually built on small loose floating islands of marshy vegetation over deep water the male jakana tends to all nesting duties from nest building to bringing up the chicks they have evolved a remarkable adaptation for Parental care such as the ability to pick up and carry chicks underneath their wings thus making them expert single dads for they care for their chicks alone woodpecker nests are in Hollow trees rather the Woodpecker makes the tree Hollow by digging into it known as excavation it takes about 3 weeks for a mated pair of woodpeckers to build a nest eggs are laid and they are incubated for 7 to 10 days baby woodpeckers stay in the nest for about 3 weeks after hatching and both parents care equally for the young a typical Nest has a round Ed hole that just fits the bird leading to an enlarged vertical chamber below no nesting material is used apart from some wood chips produced during the excavation other wood chips are liberally scattered on the ground thus providing Visual Evidence to the side of the nest many species of wood peers excavate one hole per breeding season sometimes after multiple attempts it takes around a month to finish the job and abandoned holes are used by other birds and mammals that are cavity nesters unable to excavate their own holes in general Cav gravity nesting is a successful strategy and a higher proportion of young is reared than is the case with birds of nests that are open in Africa several species of honey guide are brewed parasites of woodpeckers horn bills are secondary cavity nesters and choose cavities formed in large trees for nesting also they are monogamous and the female after culation seals herself in the hole until the initial breeding period for 2 to 4 months is over during this time the female and the young ones are fed by the m bird with fruits such as figs and animal matter Great Horn bills May adapt to Habitat modification provided that their key requirements for food and nesting or fulfilled in habitats like coffee and Forest fragments considering that horn bills used the same nest over years protection of these known tree nests and retention of large trees that can be potential nests is absolutely essential in addition it would be necessary to have a diversity of native tree species particularly figs Laurels and other food plants to study concludes yet another water dweller the purple Moen is easily recognized by its very large and colorful triangular shaped build the bird also has a bulky and curved upper mandible which gives it a strange appearance the bill extends to the top of its head and a bright red shield and it has unusually long legs slender toes and fine claws the Moren is also known as the water hen or swamp chicken it lives around well vegetated marshes laks ponds canals other wet LS and even city parks their nests resemble weaved baskets that are built on the ground in dense vegetation laying begins in Spring between mid-march and mid-may in the northern hemisphere with about eight eggs laid per female in the season if they lay later in the season there are fewer eggs more hens incubate and feed their young in pears with the chicks becoming independent after 3 weeks can you imagine if human babies did that and make life interesting one of Australia’s curiosi is the male foul does not build a nest like most other birds instead it uses its strong feet to scrape large amounts of leaf litter and sand from the ground and into a large pile the eggs are then laid into a cavity on top of the mound and covered over as the leaf litter begins to compost it generates heat and this is used to incubate the eggs rather than sitting on them the male male fowl checks the temperature of his breeding Mound regularly and scrapes material onto or off the mound to keep the temperature just right the male foul is a large ground dwelling bird with strong feet and a short Bill the head and neck are mostly gray with a dark stripe extending down the for neck and the throat to the upper breast and the underp parts are mostly creamy colored but it is the upper parts that are most striking the upper wings are a complex combination of models bearing with vegetations of gray cream black and Rufus the bill is blackish and the legs and feet are a pale grayish the Sexes are similar breeding behavior is not well known male defends nesting territory with the song of the monotonously repeated whistles mostly at Dusk and Dawn also at night sometimes by The Day The Nest site is in the cavity in a tree or in a giant Cactus usually an old woodpecker hole but sometimes a natural Hollow in a tree typically low 10 to 30 in above ground the fungus Pygmy Owl is the most numerous and widely distributed Pygmy Owl species found in the southwestern United States through Central and South America it makes its home in a variety of lowland habitats ranging from deserts to rainforests fungus pygmy owls call during the day but are most vocal around sunrise and sunset their main call is the staccato series of hollow sounding whistles this call is easily imitated by bird watchers who often use it to attract smaller bird puffins nest in Burrows in the ground the mates dig the burrow using their bills and feet to push the soil out out from behind them puffins often use existing Burrows made by rabbits puffins will defend their nest and reuse their Burrows in the following years puffins take grass and Feathers into their nest to make a comfortable bed for their chick Burrows are 1 and 1 1/2 M long with the nest at the far end in the toilet at the first Bend in the tunnel to keep the bed clean as the chick grows the toilet is moved closer to the burrow entrance helping to keep the chick clean if the chick became too dirty this may damage its waterproofing Bush tit nests are constructed of spider silk and plant material and during construction The Nest stretches into a long hanging loose sack the interior is heavily lined with soft insulating material such as feathers fur and/ or dowy plant material when finished it resembl a pendulous gourd with a small circular side facing that often hooded entrances near the top The Nest is tightly woven and includes a secure pouch near its bottom to hold the eggs and Young when the young are almost ready to fledge nest obser can actually see the sides of the nest pulsating with all the activity inside various species including some warblers and viros will often steal nesting material from Bush tit nests causing significant damage or even Nest failure some gold finches are notorious Raiders of bush tit nests its name penduline refers to the hanging bag Nest that the bird builds for its eggs while the shape and form of the nest are quite impressive just by themselves it also has a very unique important defense mechanism a hidden entrance but first do us a favor click that like button to inspire us subscribe to our Channel and click the notification Bell and you won’t miss any interesting videos done then let’s go this is one of the most amazing homes built by animal Architects these skillful animal Architects build incredible pear-shaped nests on the branches of Willow or birch trees first the male Begins the construction by The Nest by attaching plant fibers and fluffy seeds to the twigs and branches then with the help of the female they vow the other parts of the pouch-like nest with spiderwebs wool wild animal hair and other soft plant material the result is a very elaborate Nest that is suspended from the tree in order to protect themselves at their eggs the penduline tit has developed a very clever design their nests incorporate a fake entrance right above the real opening this false entrance leads to an empty chamber the birds can enter the real nesting chamber by opening a hidden door since this flap is partially composed of sticky spider webs they can easily close it from the inside after they enter or when they’re leaving the nest any Predators like snakes become fools when they try to enter the nest the soft but sturdy Nest is not only Built for raising the chicks after the breeding season it also shelters the whole family sometimes more than 10 cap penduline tits spend a night tightly packed together in the safety of their nests but unfortunately people like to use these nests for decoration purposes it is important to refrain from taking them from the trees so that the tiny birds can seek shelter throughout the year in Africa’s Kalahari Desert sparrow-sized birds called sociable Weavers create enormous nesting structures that act like Aven apartment complexes housing Weaver families by the hundreds according to scientist Robert Thompson of the University of Cape Town South Africa the weas are also ecosystem Engineers because their communal Nest colonies support a range of other Wildlife over the years the birds droppings enrich the soy with nitrogen phosphorus and potassium resulting in the tree growing more leaves which giraffes eat and providing more shade which antelopes use In the Heat of the summer than trees without Weaver’s nests the social Weaver nests themselves do an amazing job of staying cool in the summer and warm in the winter which may be why a half dozen other bird species V for unoccupied Nest Chambers The Interlopers include barbits tits love birds finches and the pygmy Falcon which sometimes eats skinks even cheetah’s CL climb into the trees to sprawl over the doed roof of the nest and soak up the sun the effort and Ingenuity that birds put into their nests have value for many other creatures and ornithologists should pay more attention to them as Engineers which bird nest is best which bird nest stole your heart don’t forget to comment below like always if you enjoyed it be sure to give us a big thumbs up and leave us some love in the comment section to keep up to date with all of our awesome videos be sure to hit subscribe and turn your notifications on to never miss a thing until next time do take care of yourself


    1. Despite their majesty bald eagles are pretty lazy and spend most of their time in their nest… yeah that sums up the U.S people makes sense why its the bird for the USA

    2. العجب كتهضروا على الطب بالعربية وهو شكون لي بدع فيه أصلاً مشي فعهد الدولة الإسلامية لي كانت قمة فالطب خصوصاً وباش كانوا كيتواصلوا هدوك راه الآخرين لي ترجموا المصطلحات العربية لعدة لغات وبعد ما جا الإستعمار أو الإستخراب لي باعوا البلاد طمسوا الهوية ديالنا لا أمازيغية ولا عربية ولينا لي نطق فينا بالفرنسية قبل هو ولد العائلة الباقي أوباش ودابا عاد غتفيقوا خاصكم سنييييين طويلة وبزاف حيت مع الأسف الشديد العربية تفرنسات والفرنسية تعربات دخلت فبعضها بعض ولاكن مشي مستحيل غي أصحاب القرار يلا مزال فيهم شي نخوة وخا أنا نشك يلزموها كلغة طب وليدة أو عائدة من العدم وصافي

    3. I once was taking the bins out and saw a very large hawk, blood was all over the garden upto the bin shelter, at first i thought the hawk was injured so i went to it slowly to assess if i should call help, just as i got near it hopped of a rat whos head was missing, i dropped the bags of rubbish and ran into the house screaming for my son, i held my knee while screaming "aaaahhh i sprained my leg stop playing video games and put the bags in the bin" i then ran to the window to see how he would react but the hawk took off with the rat before my son went out, lol i know i was cruel but i had to make him a man lol

    4. You think it ridiculously unscientific to believe that these nests are formed by natural forces but think it scientific that the birds with such skill who have a great deal more wisdom than their nests are formed by natural forces. Yes you evolutionists, please realize your mistakes and repent at least for your own sake! God is wisdom, wisdom is truth respecting, and they leads to eternal life; Satan is the father of all the liars and lies lead to corruptively eternal punishment. It is you who decide to choose between life and death. Being far from God means death while being close to God means life. Evolutionism is one of the poisons of Satan to misguide people to be far away God and kiss death.

    5. This is a nature program, so where are the sounds of nature, like singing birds, wind, flapping wings, splashing water, etc?
      You got your soundtrack mixed up.
      I've turned the sound off to be able to see these beautiful birds. Thank you.

    6. Bird's nests were only eaten out of necessity, when people were starving, but with time the poor people have managed to convince the super wealthy, that these birds nests will give them longevity and amazing sex life, and of course the wealthy people, tricked by the high prices of these nests, wanted to prove how rich they were, and they've begun acquiring them!
      They still do this now, to the amusement of the nest gatherers.
      They also pay silly prices for coffee made from the beans which have been through animal digestive system, fermented and excreted by palm civet. The partially digested cherries have to be recovered from the animal feces! Yuck!
      Tell a rich person that a sh*t is good for them, they'll immediately want to buy it! Or tell them that something is 100 times more expensive than the same product across the road, they'll want the expensive one, so they can tell everyone they've paid such high price.
      Someone I use to know said to me that he doesn't want to by this jacket on sale; he wants to pay the full price for it and he'll pay for it with real money, not some stupid card. Yes, people like that exist.
      I've read an article in The Guardian saying that people are so much poorer now as almost everyone pays for their food at Waitrose with a credit card!!!!
      This uninformed journalist was shockingly misinformed, as everyone pays with credit cards for the convenience of it, and a really cheap credit in the eventuality of forgetting to pay the balance on time!!
      I swear my children knew this from the age of 10 or earlier. They always had their cards, as it was where they would pay their earned money and the pocket money. Some shop assistants would refuse to serve them or accuse them of possessing stolen cards. But, these were saving cards. This world is full of strange people. 😮
      I'm even stranger, as I have no idea why I'm writing about this. Must be the meds I'm on. 😂 Sorry. 🥀

    7. I'm disappointed that the intro didn't mention the hilarious "nests" pigeons make with 4 sticks.

      Apparently the point is to prevent the eggs from rolling (off a cliff I suppose) so once they've accomplished that, they're done

    8. I hate it when uploaders 'provide' us with irritating background 'music', which is, like, ALWAYS.
      But in this video, it was not as intrusive and also the narrator's calm and steady voice had the effect of cancelling it out, to an extent.
      Thank you for this excellent video!

    9. Who taught the bird to build the nest?
      That's right…
      … it just happened. A mutation in a lizard made that lizard really, suddenly, WANT to use grass to weave a nest. And the bird's mate suddenly just wanted to lay its eggs in that proto-nest.
      Because she just did.
      This is called Evolution.

    10. what a surprise. the Chinese found another animal that they think if they eat it will help their centipeter stand up and nearly took out its species. all for some bird spit. i cannot stand that country.

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