In this video, we dive deep into the mystery of Long Covid. Despite extensive research and numerous theories, the true cause of Long Covid remains…. elusive. Why is it so challenging for science to draw definitive conclusions about this condition?

    Join me as we discuss the complexities of diagnosing Long Covid and why the medical system struggles to understand and treat it effectively.


    *Different theories causing Long Covid

    * Spike protein causing damage in the body and causing long covid

    * Mitochondrial dysfunction- Study showing

    * theory of endothelial dysfunction

    * Theory of platelet hyperactivity (blood clotting)- Anticoagulants

    * Crucial Nerve damage theory

    * theory of immune abnormalities (autoimmune)

    * theory of interaction with subclinical viruses

    * Dysbiosis theory- trying different antibiotics to prevent neuroinflammation and neuroimmunology…instead of looking at stress

    * theory of aggravation of chronic diseases or de novo appearance of chronic diseases

    * Viral persistence

    List of long covid symptoms
    * Gupta Program- Amygdala and Insula hypothesis

    * Mind body syndrome (founded by Dr.Sarnos)- somatic meditation, self talk, emotional processing, personality type

    * Cell danger response
    * cell danger response

    * polyvagal theory- polyvagal exercises to calm the nervous system

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    The way I fully recovered from LC
    byu/Early_Foundation6468 inLongCovid


    THE SELF LOVE EXPERIMENT by Shannon Kaiser –
    THE COURAGE TO BE DISLIKED by Ichiro Kishimi –

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    WHO AM I?
    I am a recovering people pleaser and perfectionist. I became a nurse to serve others, so I thought, but in reality I did it to please my parents. Now I am starting my life over. I have a beautiful wife who is also my best friend. I have a daughter who is teaching me more about myself. She is teaching me how to live a better life and she has no idea. I am creating a new life, a life that I want. Not what society wants, not what my parents want, not what would get me admired by those around me, but what the inner child Rob wants. Tag along…..maybe we will both learn lessons along the way.

    0:00 INTRO
    44:10 CONCLUSION

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    have you ever wondered what is the true cause behind long covid today we’re going to look at what the science says we’re going to specifically look at research articles on what long covid possibly can be the cause and we’re going to approach this with a common sense perspective so let’s get right into it the medical system that we currently have does a horrible job at understanding the Unseen things that you cannot see now why do I see this when you go through the emergency room Urgent Care Primary Care to any of your doctors what do you get you get a x-ray a cat skan an MRI blood work and within that blood work they try to measure certain levels cholesterol triglycerides your hemoglobin your hematocrite the coag ability of your blood they try to measure they try to look observe if something is off or broken but for example something like etsd or certain mental health illnesses they’re extremely hard to diagnose why because they are unseen for example you can be having panic attacks every night talk to a psychiatrist maybe it’s the first time you’ve seen one you know they don’t want to diagnose you with PTSD they’re unsure they want maybe weeks or months to evaluate you before they can diagnose you with PTSD why because it is hard in the scientific framework that we live in to diagnose the Unseen things that you cannot see selfhealing is not really promoted and it’s not really researched well most of the treatments and the medications you get are just there to really support your body to do the healing it usually doesn’t do the healing in your body but the medical system that we currently live under most of the time they tell you you need to take this you need to take that so that you can heal I’ll give you an example for this if you go to your doctor’s office and you have some sort of bacterial infection what ends up happening your doctor will prescribe you a antibiotic now does that antibiotic cure whatever bacterial infection you have no it doesn’t what the antibiotic does is reduce the bacterial load in your body meaning if I’m giving an example of this if you have a 100 bacterias in your body the antibiotic kills 30 bacteria particles in your body and your body will do the rest so all it does is reduce the bacterial load so that your body can have a easier maybe even a faster chance at defeating this bacteria but your body is the one doing the work when we have a fever we tend to take something like taleno or Advil but do they cure your fever these medications just stop the enzymes from being produced in a certain process and it stops from your own own body creating the fever doesn’t cure you what you can really notice a flaw in the medical system that we currently have is take something like type two diabetes if you ever go to your doctor they they’ll tell you there is no cure whatsoever if you do a quick Google search you will notice there is no cure for type two diabetes yet people are well aware that if you eat a healthy diet you can reverse type two diabetes for example you look at my father he eats extremely healthy and he will get rid of his type two diabetes and then he starts eating horrible and his type two diabetes spikes up his blood work shows up that he is diabetic and then he’ll just go back on a diet and he’s just going up and down his diabetes disappears and it reappears but under the medical system it says that it’s impossible there is no cure let’s make something very clear the pharmaceutical business is a business most of them are public treated companies meaning that they have shareholders so they invest in research that will support profit that will help them create a medication that they can sell and create profit for the company that is its job it is a business it is not a charity organization if you go to any of the websites of these big pharmaceutical companies or you go to the doctor’s office and you say hey this pharmaceutical company have they been promoting meditation yoga breathing exercises living a less stressful life learning to incorporate joy in their life we can agree that these things would be beneficial for the whole entire world and these businesses are made of billions of dollars billions and billions of dollars yet they don’t promote those things why if these pharmaceutical companies first interest was the people and your health then they would probably promote those things but they don’t why because again it is a business now don’t get me wrong I’m not here to start a revolution against the pharmaceutical companies I’m very grateful for the pharmaceutical companies they have created life-saving medications and treatments so I am 100% grateful for them but they have their place but the point I’m making is that it is first a business and your business is your health you know honestly I was a little naive before I got sick and I thought well these pharmaceutical companies they must have my interest in first place is that true are these pharmaceutical companies putting their patients first well let’s take a look at this Wikipedia page and you can see here the list of largest pharmaceutical settlements and if you look down the page you’ll see these big pharmaceutical companies you’re looking at GSK fizer Johnson and Johnson Abbot Eli Lily and you can see the whole list of all these different pharmaceutical companies and you see that they have been sued and they they lost 3 billion 2 billion 2 billion 1 billion not million billion why well let’s take a look it says here criminal off Lael promotion failure to disclose safety data civil paying Kickbacks of Physicians making false and misleading statements concerning the safety of avandia reporting false best prices and underpaying rebates owed under the Medicaid drug rebate program so they’ve been criminally charged and they have off Lael promotion and kickbacks let’s look at what that even means off Lael promotion is also referred to as off Lael marketing which is the unlawful practice of a company marketing its Pharmaceuticals or medical devices for uses that the FDA has not approved so for the pharmaceutical company to ignore the FDA and not get approval for a certain use is a big deal another charge they have is Kickbacks and what is that let’s take a look it says it’s rewarding or inducing providers to prescribe certain medications by doing what by providing drug samples expensive meals travel tickets to sporting events golf outings or other entertainments or maybe even certain gifts so the pharmaceutical companies are in a sense paying certain providers so that they can prescribe certain medications if you want to dig into this more I would let you do your own research at your own time you can see that these companies thinking that they’re extremely ethical well as we can see maybe the people in them aren’t ethical my next question is why are these companies looking for cures and medications only there isn’t money in suggesting meditation living a peaceful life learning to reduce stress yoga breathing exercises changing your diet there’s not much money doing that please keep in mind I am not a doctor a medical doctor I’m not a medical researcher I am just a guy on the internet please speak with your healthcare provider if you have any questions well now we’re going to get into the nitty greedy let’s look at certain theories of what is the cause of long covid so there’s a study in the world Journal of orology and it’s called idiopathic theories about long covid idiopathic just means that they don’t really know it’s a spontaneous cause they don’t really know the cause of long covid so it’s these idiopathic theories ideas of what long Coter and the cause of it could possibly be and let’s take a look there’s a list of possible ideas these scientists and doctors have so please let’s go down and it’s going to be the number one is going to be theory of endothelial dysfunction so I’m just going to explain this to break it down for you guys so it’s easier to understand so endothelial dysfunction endothelial is just the name they have for what’s inside your veins and arteries so they believe that one cause is the dysfunction of your arteries and veins that there’s too much of a constriction and that’s what causes fatigue and all these long covid symptoms so they’re saying that’s one theory that the lining of your arteries and veins are somehow dysfunctional that they’re not constricting and dilating correctly they’re just staying hard and constricted the next one is the theory of platelet hyperactivity this just means that when you have too much platelets it’s really looking at the coagulability of blood meaning how does your blood coagulate or how does your blood start CL if your blood starts clotting too quickly and there’s too many platelets what ends up happening is that you have blood clots and we know that blood clots are very dangerous because if a blood clot travels to your lungs or to your brain or to your heart that’s considered a heart attack if it’s in your heart it’s considered a stroke in your brain and it’s also considered a pulmon emilii it’s when it goes to your lungs and it can kill you any of these can kill you and really affect your life so blood clots are extremely dangerous so they’re saying maybe there is this plate hyperactivity people with long covid tend to have more blood clots or their blood signatures like their dher or comes back high or there’s just too much quag ability or hyperactivity of your platelets I hope that makes sense crucial nerve damage theory is just taking a look at your Vegas nerve and seeing if it was somehow damaged in some wave shape or form theory of immune abnormalities this really is meaning that your immune system is just everywhere it’s not not behaving correctly maybe even autoimmune your own immune system is attacking itself theory of interaction with some clinical viruses just means that they believe that some viruses are dormant in your body and they come back out and we have other viruses in the past and they’re still on our body and there’s some sort of interaction with past viruses and it’s causing L Co this biosis theory is just pretty much the gut brain connection so they’re saying that your gut somehow maybe it’s damaged or the microbiota is somehow imbalance and it’s causing your long covid symptoms theory of aggravation of chronic disease or the noal appearance of chronic diseases this just means that you’ve had chronic diseases or cor morbidities before getting covid before getting long covid and that all of a sudden when you get Co or long Co now it comes together and with these different types of chronic diseases they add together they stack up and now they cause long Coen let’s look at what this study says there people are trying to scientists doctors are trying to do to cure to find the cure for long Co let’s take a look so here Dr iwasaki from Yale University leads a clinical study using Pax Pax that’s real let’s take a look at what Pax is oh Pax if it’s co paxette that’s catchy so Pax is owned by if you scroll down by fizer great so here let’s look at that research study it says that they’re trying to give Pax it for 15 days and seeing if it works so they’re giving a medication and trying to see if the medication is curing the disease let’s look at another researcher Dr aesia pretorius sorry if I’m messing up her name are addressing the theory of amuno thrombosis amuno thrombosis means your own immune system is creating thrombi thrombi or thrombosis is just blood clots so they’re saying that your own immune system is creating blood clots and what are they doing to find the solution for this it says that they’re using special therapy called triple therapy which uses oral anti-coagulants medications dual antiplatelet therapy medications and gastric protection from which encouraging results are expected great the next one Tamara ramano and Al Frost who addresses the theory of disbiosis and what are they using if you look down it says they’re antibiotics medications of Doxycycline and amoxicilin with claval unate May believe this is due to to neuroinflammation and neuroimmunology so they’re saying that somehow in your gut if you’re using these different types of antibiotics that somehow it will prevent the inflammation in your gut which is weird because if you look at gut brain connection you want a healthy bacteria in your gut and these antibiotics would is a nuke it would destroy the bacter the healthy bacteria and the bad bacteria in your gut is this the way in Spain researchers address the theory of damage to the veg nerve and pretty much what they do is they’re going to take uh ultrasounds of the Vegas Nerf and see if there’s some sort of shape difference if they get smaller if there’s some sort of uh damage physical damage to the Vegas nerve in Switzerland there’s a research protocal protocol being done with monoclonal antibody called tab I can’t even say that so this is a medication they’re testing to see if there’s a medication I can cure long Co in the conclusion I want to read something to you guys it says there is still much to be cered in the idiopathic or the cause and pathophysiology pathophysiology just means the understanding the mechanism of how the disease works so it says that the they’re still having trouble with the idop paath Genesis and pathophysiology of long covid in other words they’re telling you no one understands the cause of long covid I think the biggest doubt most people with long Co have that poly vagal Theory or Mind Body syndrome or cell danger response all these different things that the biggest doubt they have is the one that I hear the most is Spike protein the reason I have long Co is because of Spike protein let’s look at a 2022 article about Spike protein so this is on Scientific American there’s an article it says people at long Co may still have Spike protein in their blood and they’re saying that this is maybe a biomarker indicating that there’s some sort of infection in their blood so let’s go down to this paragraph the paragraph says the intact spikee protein found in patients blood could indicate that infected cells missed by the immune system are to blame for long covid our main hypothesis is that the spike protein is not causing the symptoms but it’s just a marker that is released because you still have the infection of some cells with SARS K2 the spike proteins do cause inflammation in the body and these different types of Damages in different parts of your body but we’re not talking about if proteins are causing inflammation or damage in your body we’re talking about is it causing long covid here the scientists are saying that they don’t believe actually that the spike proteins are actually causing long covid they believe that these Spike proteins are floating in your blood and that your immune system is attacking these Spike proteins and that is the idea or the hypothesis on why they believe it could be long covid the cause for long covid if you believe that Spike proteins is the cause you truly believe this is the cause of long Co just know that there are studies coming out with different home remedies in a sense there’s different supplements you can take to get rid of these Spike proteins from your body and it’s been shown it’s been shown to reduce the spike proteins in your blood something like this study here the degradative effect of nines on Spike protein of SARS K2 that’s a study Broman there’s another study showing brolene I think there’s another supplement that you can take please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider before you start doing this this on your own so you can take these medic these supplements after talking to your doctor and if this theory is true then if you take nines for a few months maybe a year you would be cured from long covid if this was true another paragraph in this article it says this hypothesis lines up with an with other evidence that covid infects more parts of the body than just the lungs including studies that found SARS K2 in deceased patients organs this pre-print study doesn’t rule out other possible causes of long Co however particularly because not all of the long Co sufferers had the spike protein in their blood so in this study it shows that not everybody that suffers from long covid had Spike proteins in their blood so if you’re one of these people that truly believe that is the spike protein you really need to think about this how is it that it’s possible that there are people along Co that do not have detectable levels of Spike proteins in their blood another possible cause many people tell me is my mitochondria is not working they’re damaged that is what’s causing long Co well let’s take a look at that there’s a study here understanding long covid mitochondrial health and adaptation old Pathways new problems this is a study just evaluating are the mitochondria damage is that the cause for long covid well let’s it’s a long article beautifully made you can take a look at it I’ll link it in the description below but let’s go to the the conclusion scroll down to the conclus let’s see what they conclude from their own study as a generalization it could well be that many people can be tipped into a chronic dis metabolic inflammatory cycle so they’re saying that when you have these diseases somehow it tips your immune system to somehow kind of break and all of a sudden your immune system is causing all these long Co symptoms they themselves are not saying that the cause of long covid they have not found that the cause of long Co is because of your mondria that’s why when you take certain supplements to boost your mondra it does not work I’ve tried it let’s look at another interesting story that has to do with your mondra this study was done in 2018 psychological stress and mondra a systematic review and let’s look at one of these paragraphs here it says here first chronic stress induced through a form of Psychosocial stressor decreases mitochondrial energy production capacity and Alters mitochondrial morphology if you go to the next paragraph says second acute and chronic chronic stressors have different and in some cases opposite effects of mitochondrial functions acute stress may damage mitochondrial structure within hours and enhance certain aspects of their function doesn’t this sound familiar if you think about the fight ORF flight whenever you’re in acute stress you have so much more energy meaning that your mitoch condra has to go into high gear that’s what it’s saying here but it can also hinder you your mitochondria function if you’re under stress for too long can this be what’s causing and affecting your mitochondria Health in your energy production in your fatigue I don’t know I’m not a doctor another theory is the endothelial dysfunction it’s the cause of long covid well let’s take a look can there be another explanation let’s look at this article from 2011 how mental stress affects endothelial function it says here acute mental stress by a variety of tests impairs impairs causes dysfunction endothelial function in humans although the opposite results have been reported by some investigators chronic stress always deteriorates endothelial function in humans and experimental animals and it says in the bottom paragraph inhibition of cortisol cortisol is released when you’re under a lot of stress that’s the stress hormone so it’s inhibition it means preventing uh being released uh the stress hormone cortis and endothelin one production prevention of pro-inflammatory mediator accumulation hypnotics mfula humor orientation and lifestyle modification would contribute to the prevention and treatment for stress related endothelial dysfunction and future serious cardiovascular disease I’m going to read certain points that I feel like are very important it says that hypnotics or mfula humor orientation and lifestyle modification would contribute to the prevention and treatment of endothelial dysfunction that is caused by stress or fear or Panic what is mirthful laughter that’s what we call nowadays laughing yoga purposely making yourself laugh without any stimulus from the outside just making yourself laugh so they’re saying that making yourself laugh having humor in your life and certain lifestyle medications can help you prevent endothelia dysfunction or impairment let’s look at another article here it says body’s response to repetitive laughter is similar to the effect of repetitive exercise study finds it says here joyous or mfula is consider a positive stress that involves complicated brain activities leading to a positive effect on health Gomen cousins first suggested the idea that humor and the associated laughter can benefit a person’s health in the 1970s he said he was diagnosed with Audi immune disease documented his use of laughter in treatment treating himself with medical approval and oversight into remission he published his personal findings in the New England Journal medicine and considered one of the original architects of mindbody medicine he cured his autoimmune disease through laughter very interesting the next theory is the theory of platelet hyperactivity and just to make it simple it’s pretty much the theory of blood clots they believe that having blood clots in your body is what’s causing long covid if you have long covid I’m pretty sure you’ve already looked up uh things about blood clots you’ve heard about it you read about it and there’s some people even I think it’s in Germany and other countries that have done something called apheresis apheresis is when they take your blood out of you through a machine and they filter out the blood clots and they return the blood back to your body pretty much they’re filtering out these blood clots the person that reached out to me and told me that they went on this machine they said that they felt great after after a few days and within a week they had all their normal symptoms back so what can possibly causing these blood clots let’s take a look this is a study done in 2008 anxiety linked to blood clots fear that freezes the blood in your veins I can’t find the original study but this is sort of a summary of it as we can read here it says for it turns out that intense fear and panic attacks can really make our blood clot and increase the risk of thrombosis or heart attack earlier studies showed that Stress and Anxiety can influence coagulation in the study they took 31 healthy patients and 31 patients that suffered from anxiety disorders and pretty much they made them take a test and in the end the conclusion was this the group of anxiety patients showed a much more highly activated coagulation system than the healthy control group meaning that if you have more anxiety more fear more f flight that your coagulation factors increase according to this study can that be the cause of people with long covid having blood clots well let’s look at another study here there’s a study from 2020 impact of acute and chronic stress on thrombosis remember thrombosis is just another word for blood clot in healthy individuals and cardiovascular disease patients let’s read this parag it says here the autonomic nervous system is divided in the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system remember they’re not uh aware of the polyal theory so right they’re talking about just a a b the B vagal Theory which is two but just let’s continue reading it says there which promote opposite effects the SNS stimulates the body’s fire flight response while the parasympathetic activates the body to rest and digest under normal condition a stressful experience triggers the activation of the sympathetic nervous system that in turn promotes the production and release of cacam Mines from the Adrenal medulla catacol mines are just things that cause inflammation in your body on the other hand the parasympathetic nervous system is activated when the stressful situation is diminished and by releasing mainly acid Coline it plays a key role alleviating the stress response by inhibiting or preventing the sympathetic nervous system and HP access not going to get into that today about the HB access however during chronic stress the sustained sympathetic activity and reactivity which is not counteract by the parasympathetic nervous system results in enhanced cardiac tone plat activation and aggregation and coagulation endothelial dysfunction and inflammation meaning that if you are too stressed and too much in the fight or flight your body starts increasing its platelets which causes blood clots increasing coagulations which is blood clots it says here causes endothelial dysfunction which we just read studies on those and increases inflammation that’s weird can that be the cause of long Co I don’t know I’m not a doctor so there’s another study done here by the British medical journal says long covid patients seeking experimental blood washing abroad so these are the people that were doing the apheresis or the it’s sort of like dialysis for the blood they’re filtering out the blood clots from patient’s blood and seeing if it works keep this in mind why is this being studied well according to this paragraph says after visiting the long Co Center in Cyprus to receive the treatment at a cost of more than 15,000 pound or $155,000 according to this paragraph says she she returned home with no improvements to her symptoms she received six rounds of apheresis as well as nine rounds of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and an IV vitamin drip at the private clinic and if you go down another paragraph it says there it’s unsurprising that people who were previously high functioning who are now debilitated can’t work can’t financially support themselves would seek treatments elsewhere it’s a complete rational response to a situation like this but people could potentially go bankrupt accessing these treatments for which there is limited to no evidence of Effectiveness and the last paragraphs end with if we don’t know the mechanisms by which the micr clots form and whether or not they are causitive of disease it seems premature to design treatment to take the micr clots away as both apheresis and triple anti coagulation are not without risks meaning that in this study they are not sure what is the cause of long covid people have spent thousands and thousands of dollars filtering their blood with no results well let’s look at another theory The crucial nerve damage Theory which just means that they believe that maybe there’s some damage to the actual Vegas nerve let’s look at this study here it’s called Vegas nerve inflammation contributes to disautonomia in covid-19 in the second paragraph you’ll see here it says says the Vegas nerve is an essential component of the autonomic nervous system and regulates critical body function such as heart rate digestion and respiratory rate disautonomia is observed in long covid and other neurological diseases which might be explained by vagish nerve impairment so they’re saying that this autonomia what does that mean a disregulated autonomic nervous system I think that’s what it means I wonder if there’s a theory out there talking about this they think that there’s possible impairment damage or just a lack of functioning incorrect functioning of the Vegas nerve that can be causing long covid let’s look at another theory the theory of immune abnormalities or pretty much autoimmune well let’s look at this article done by jamama which just stands for the Journal of American Medical Association but the study is the name of it is Association of stress Related Disorders with subsequent autoimmune disease and again we’re just going to scroll down we don’t want to read this whole thing the conclusion made in this Swedish cohort exposure to a stress related disorder was significantly associated with increased risk of subsequent autoimmune disease compare with match unexposed individuals and with full siblings further studies are needed to better understand this mechanism it says here that people with increased stress related disorder are more likely to have autoimmune means that stress affects your immune system let’s look at the study done by biological psychiatry it’s a study uh evaluating veterans American veterans that went to war in Afghanistan it’s called elevator risk for autoimmune disorders in Iraq and Afghanistan veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder again we’re going to go to the conclusion here it says here our results indicate that Young Veterans diagnosed with PTSD have significantly increased risk for diagnosis with autoimmune disorders with definitive diagnostic criteria so they’re saying if you’re in a panic if you have a panic disorder an anxiety disorder that you’re increased risk for autoimmune meaning that your immune system will get confused and start attacking itself interesting let’s look at this article done by Harvard and the name of article is autoimmune disease and stress is there a link and let’s first see what they Define as stress it says a common definition of stress is any experience that causes tension whether physical psychological or emotional especially if it sets off the fight or flight response during which the adrenal gland releases adrenaline leading to Rapid pulse and breathing and increased blood pressure this serves as well if chased by a lion but it’s theorized that persistent stress could lead to chronic disease such as high blood pressure or autoimmune disease if we keep going down and it says that the connection it’s made in a specific research article it found that people with a stress related disordered were more likely diagnosed with autoimmune they were more likely to develop multiple autoimmune and and had a higher rate of autoimmune diseases if younger so Harvard is saying that if you are more stressed in life you are more likely to have an autoimmune disease can that be the cause of long covid I don’t know I’m not a doctor another theory is the theory of interaction with subclinical viruses so this Theory just believes that certain viruses even old ones when they’re together and mixed up they they’re dormant and they wake up I didn’t even bother looking into this um I just don’t believe it’s a one of the causes of it at all um so I didn’t even bother looking into it but that is a belief they have they believe that the Epstein bar virus or the herpes exhauster virus somehow can be reactivated because of covid and causing long covid symptoms that’s something you can search up if you want another theory is that disbiosis Theory the theory that our gut bacteria is somehow involved in causing inflammation neur neurologically and somehow causing long covid symptoms uh when I was on my recovery journey I tried taking all these different types of brands of probiotics and eating a special diet hoping that maybe that was the cause for my personal experience that was not did not help me at all the studies that they are looking into are feal transplant and you can see here I wonder why they’re looking into feal transplant as an alternative or as a cure or a treatment for long Co well here you can see that according to Michigan medicine the cost of one unit a FAL transplant is $1,695 almost almost $2,000 for one unit you will need a few units for a fe correct FAL transplant to have the correct effect is that The Cure of long covid I don’t know I’m not a doctor another theory is the theory of aggravation of chronic diseases or denovo appearance of chronic diseases this just means that there’s different cor morbidities chronic illnesses together and that’s what caused all covid to me doesn’t make much sense but that is a theory another theory is viral persistence and this is why they are uh creating the medication or they’ve created the medication and doing studies on Pax lovid which is a website we’ve showed you before and it prevents the virus being replicated and so they think that maybe this is a viral persistence causing long covid there are people that have taken I know paid and did not improve at all some of you are probably watching this so in the end of watching and listening and listing all these different theories the one conclusion that we can all make is that no one knows the true cause of long covid no one so do you think that the medical community will ever find the cure for long covid I hope I’m wrong but I’m pretty confident that it will be a long time time or we will never get the cure for long covid and why do I say this well let’s first look at a list of symptoms of long covid wow yeah have fatigue post exer malce headaches sleep disorder impaired reasoning impaired memory impaired attention which is pretty much brain fog secondary depression secondary anxiety reduced activity myalgia muscle weakness hot and cold spells poor appetite orthostatic intolerance or some people may call it pots pal ations breathlessness nausea and diarrhea chills cough painful lymph noes chemical sensitivities tentis isn’t it so funny and weird and coincidental that long covid has similar symptoms side by side to chronic fatigue syndrome so let’s say that chronic fatigue syndrome is the same as long COV let’s just say is there a cure for chronic fatigue syndrome cuz long Co is new so maybe we haven’t found a cure for for that reason CU it’s a new disease but what about chronic fatique syndrome since when has it been around well according to the NIH The Chronic fatique syndrome it’s been around since 1988 1988 that’s 36 years since this diagnosis and there’s still no cure are we even close to a cure well let’s take a look Columbia University says there is no cure NHS says there is no cure CDC says well there’s no cure WebMD says well there’s no cure Mayo Clinic says well there is no cure Healthline says well there currently is no cure wait wait wait a minute hold the phone if you go on raan’s channel on YouTube and if you watch me you watch railin already go watch her Channel railen angle how is it possible that on raan’s agle’s channel there are a whole bunch of recovery stories from chronic fatigue syndrome and long Co how is this possible hey railen have uh have any pharmaceutical companies called you to see that you know you can help them find the solution to cure for long covid or chronic physique syndrome oh they haven’t called you wait none of them has any doctor called you researcher no they haven’t oh that’s weird by the way I made that up I don’t have railin number I’m just kidding these pharmaceutical companies are that they are companies they’re businesses they’re worried about their bottom line and that’s their job I’m not going to be upset at them they’re just doing their job if they can’t profit the solution why would they sell it to you why would they invest millions of dollars into art research studies to find the solution for this they wouldn’t because it wouldn’t make them profit and that is their main job to create profit for their shareholders so what is the cure for long Co how did I and a whole bunch of people healed recovered fully recovered from long covid or chronic fatigue syndrome how how did they do it well according to the medical community and to doctors there is no cure so then you really start wondering well the people that did cure themselves or heal themselves how did they do it so before we get into the solutions I want to talk about this Parable you’ve probably heard about this Parable it’s called The Blind Men and the Elephant so there are these six Blind Men that walk into a village and in that Village there’s an elephant and one man touches the elephant and says wow this is like a wall we have here the second touches the Tusk and it says wow there’s like a spear it’s sharp a third blind person touches the trunk and says wow it’s like a snake the fourth person touches the knee and it says it’s like a tree the fifth person touches its ear and it says like wow it’s like a fan the sixth person touches its tail and it says wow it’s like a rope they all argued about what really is this elephant like a wise man walked by them and said hey you guys are all right stop arguing you guys are all right you guys are just touching different parts of the elephant if you put all your parts together you will get a better understanding The Blind Men stopped fighting and stopped arguing and they put their insights together to find out what really is the elephant like the moral of the story is that we all have different perspectives and when we combine that perspective when we listen to each other we can combine that together and get a better understanding of the problem sadly our current medical system are like the Blind Men in the story they all have their own perspective and they don’t want to listen to outside perspectives so let’s look into the different cures that there are so there’s different theories of cures as well so let’s go through a few of them one is the Gupta program and this really the the the theory he kind of preaches is the amydala and insula hypothesis and I’m going to put a graph up there and pretty much this is the hypothesis behind the amydala and insula and these are parts of the brain that has to do with fear uh it also has it’s connected to the nervous system and he believes are three things that causes someone to have CFS or long covid that’s acute psychological stress predisposing factors viral bacterial or other trigger and somehow those three combined together causes disautonomia Gupta believes in the brain retraining process says he believes in retraining your brain so that your migdal and insula aren’t so sensitive and believing that everything is dangerous and pretty much calming your nervous system back to Healing another theory of healing is mindbody syndrome founded by Dr Saros and another person really well known is Dr Howard Schumer and their cure in a sense is somatic meditation positive selft talk emotional processing processing certain past traumas and looking at your personality type as a trigger another healing Theory there is is the cell danger response they believe that when you believe you’re in danger your cells believe they you’re in danger the mitochondri will start dysfunctioning will start slowing you down the theory that really resonated with me was the polyal theory this Theory says that we have three branches in our nervous system that we have a shutdown phase fight ORF flight and a social engagement mode which is the safe mode and once I understood that in poly Vago it just I just understood it it reached my heart I was like this makes so much sense and so you have to look at what makes sense for you so remember these are all just ideas these are all theories you really have two choices here one you can wait till the medical system comes up and finds a cure for it or two you can do your best take control of your own life look at the people that are successful are in the places that you want to be in other words reach out to those people listen to those interviews of people I’ve healed listen for the pattern concern people have different things I’m not a big believer in dieting when you’re healing some people believe in dieting and that’s okay that’s two different things but when you’re listening to these recovery stories what are the same what are similar stories what are the patterns that they all have and experiment yourself the people that have healed are the ones that experimented over and over they’ve tried different supplements they’ve never given up and it can be very discouraging because in the middle of your journey you try these supplements you feel like it works all of a sudden a week two weeks later you’re back to your normal long covid chronic ftig syndrome self and it sucks you get discouraged that’s normal don’t give up keep experimenting this is your life if you’re skeptical about all these different types of theories then test it out yourself talk to your doctor try certain supplements if they don’t work wrong cross that off your list if you believe it’s disbiosis and you need to be on a healthy diet try a healthy diet the healthy diet and probiotics don’t work or maybe get a feal transplant that doesn’t work cross it off your list if you believe it’s blood clots causing long covid or chronic fatigue syndrome then talk to your doctor see if they put you anti-coagulant or on airesis and if it works or if it doesn’t work and if it doesn’t work cross it off your list if you believe it’s autoimmune then talk to your doctor see if they could put you on some um imuno supressant medications or imuno modulators and if it doesn’t work cross it off your list if you believe it’s viral persistence then talk to your doctor see if they can put packs of it and if that doesn’t work cross it off your list or you have another option you can go on rail’s Channel or on YouTube and watch all these recovery stories you can listen to how people have recovered from long Co and chronic fatigue syndrome 100% I’m 100% recovered you can watch my interview on raan’s channel you can watch my YouTube channel you can watch other people’s channel on listening to these people that have recovered look for the pattern these people have a pattern I noticed between all these people that have been interviewed is they have self-compassion selflove they talk about reducing stress they talk about personality traits and not being self-critical of yourself not being type anymore not being a people pleaser or perfectionistic meditation breathing exercises laughing Yoga Yoga brain retraining of some sort being happy and accepting where you are despite your symptoms being annoying being happy and extremely grateful going through the grief process and you know going through that process of being angry sad depressed and then just accepting where you are if you find a coach that you resonate with reach out to them or watch their binge watch their YouTube videos there’s a stud guy on YouTube his name is Roberto Escobar he’s a stud I recommend you to watch all his videos seriously find somebody a coach that you really resonate with just watch your stuff you don’t have to necessarily pay for a Ono one but just watch stuff and find a coach that you really resonate with you want to resonate with their message and with the messenger and if you have the money I remember I bought several courses and to be honest with you there’s not one course I found that was magical was this amazing course it’s really a combination of different courses and free information that helped me recover so if you don’t have the money you don’t need to buy a course but if you have the money and the resources maybe it’s worth buying a course thank you so much for watching Remember I am not a medical doctor I’m not a medical researcher I’m just a random guy on the internet I’m a guy that was frustrated with the medical community personally I am a nurse I understand the medical community because I’ve worked in it and after getting long covid no one had answers for me no doctors no institution no hospital no one had an answer I was frustrated and if I waited for them I would have never been healed or cured in a sense so I’m just a guy who’s sharing my personal experience on how I healed myself how I’ve helped many people heal from long covid and I hope you don’t give up on this journey I know it can be frustrated discouraging don’t give up that’s my message in the end of every video I tell you guys not to give up not to give up because if you don’t give up and you keep going and you keep trying these different experiments you keep trying these different things it’s going to be so sweet the day you recover it’s going to be so sweet when you can drive again it’s going to be so sweet when you can hang out with your friends and have no symptoms and get no post exertion on my L it’s going to go be so sweet when you have your cognitive abilities back it’s going to be so sweet when you can read when you can watch TV play video games do whatever you want live your life is it be so sweet to say my God I can’t believe I had that nightmare of a life one two three four five six years whatever years but I got my life back there’s nothing sweeter than that so don’t give up on yourself


    1. So true , never give up ! And be sure to take enough breaks during the search whats fits you.
      Because you want so very much to heal that it can become an "obsession"( what happened to me).

      It is a bumpy road so confusing with good and bad days .
      Get inspired by others recoverystories but if you need a little bit longer to recover do not think it's not going to happen because others recover faster .
      Your body is programmed to bounce back no matter how long it takes

    2. I first heard about laughing yoga from you. What a hoot!! I've shared with friends and family. Thank you for all you do to get the truth out! ❤

    3. thanks rob! btw. no one who got jabbed, should conclude, they caught 'long covid' just by the virus – which was lab grown anyway..

    4. Roberto, thanks from my heart for your videos, gives me hope. I got tears in my eyes at the end of the video and I'm 60 years old guy that before 2020 used to climb mountains on my bike, surf and had fun&success…now I just want at least 30% of that back…We have to keep on fighthing, but there are many days of despair and hopelessness.

    5. Great video, Rob. I am almost 8 months into my own recovery.
      I was desperately looking for a medical solution for so long. I have a cupboard full of supplements that did nothing noticeable. It was only when I started looking at it through the lens of nervous system disfunction that I started to get somewhere.
      I have accepted that what I have is temporary and practice breath work, yoga, cold therapy and meditation every day.
      Slowly but surely, day by day my symptoms are lifting. I haven’t had to spend extended periods in bed for weeks now, my anxiety is very low, my brain fog has improved massively.
      It has been quite a voyage of self discovery and I feel grateful for the glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

    6. I really believe that long covid is basically the same thing as other conditions caused by a sensitized nervous system like panic disorder, especially when people with panic/anxiety have "hyperstimulation". The descriptions are identical and the cure is also the same: meditation, breathwork, patience, acceptance and so on. I had panic disorder before covid was a thing and recovered. My long covid symptoms were basically the same just more intense. The anxietycentre site has a recovery program for hypersimulation and it's basically exactly what you've done to recover.
      Sadly, I think those people waiting for a purely biomedical solution to long covid are going to be disappointed, but if you go to the forums or facebook most people get furious if you suggest that long covid is anything but purely physical. They see it as blaming the patient if you suggest there is a psychological aspect to it that can influence symptoms and recovery as if the mind and body are totally separate from each other. Which is foolish if you think about it. A panic attack which can occur when under stress, sometimes from just thinking about stressful situations, can cause intense measurable physical symptoms including "hypertensive crisis" blood pressure levels even though panic attacks aren't actually dangerous. But those intense physical symptoms start with the mind so how could there not be a huge interaction between the mind and body?

    7. Don't say, 'I don't know, I'm not a doctor.' You probably know WAYYYY more than most doctors when it come to LC and don't have the arrogant attitude that a lot of doctors possess, in my experience. And you have such great down to earth style. Roberto the Stud! Btw Chronic fatigue syndrome has been around for years. Florence Nightingale and Albert Einstein had it.

    8. Why you, don't outsource your health to these big companies that really don't care about one's health. It's all about money, and having guinea pigs for them. 💯

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