The Department for Transport’s Active Travel funding grant has enabled us to create a new walking and cycling facility in Chesterfield.

    [Music] [Music] a619 Chatsworth Road basow Road Chesterfield B directional cycle [Music] Lane Sparrow Crossing at this crossing point which allows pedestrians and cists to cross separately cyclists can join or leave the cycle [Music] Lane zebra Crossings there are three zebra Crossing points over the cycle Lane each serving bus stops at transition points such as this cyclists should give way to pedestrians using the zebra Crossing carriageway Crossings green surfacing means a crossover between the cycle Lane and the carriageway vehicles must give way all users should be aware of each other’s presence red surfacing highlights that a pedestrian is more likely to be Crossing at this location cyclists should look out and be prepared to [Music] stop puffing Crossings [Music] at the two traffic signal controlled Crossing points cyclists and vehicles must stop to allow pedestrians to cross when indicated to do [Music] so Chatsworth Road stores Road Linden Avenue Junction cycle only stage at this Junction there is a cycle stage which is called by pressing the button cyclists should wait for the cycle green symbol before proceeding cyclists can also access the cycle lane from the Eastern approach they should wait in the right turn lane until the Green Arrow comes up before proceeding or for lyen Avenue use the leftand lane from the stores Road approach they should position themselves to the right of the advanced cycle stopline and go on the traffic green light [Music]

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