Fort car dealers go mad the second time citizen journalists turn up. And DJ Audits and The Gwent Auditor get attacked.
    We all went in support of DJE Media.
    Please go watch the other channels there’s lots more to see and drone footage.

    We was hoping that they would talk and put there point of view over. But all we got was bad words and gestures. They painted the picture.

    [Music] right guys um you can see down in Birmingham today I’m out with scorpion audits the gwent auditor DJ Audits and one and only a why so we’re down here today because of an incident happened down at the Fort used car sales company to uh DJ e media so we’re just going to go in and have a look at the storage place where he found Refuge from being chased so we’re going to go down there and have a look just bear with us and we’ll get in there so guys a lot going on down here in the midst of Birmingham and there’s people calling through on radios but we’re not going to bother with them so going to go down here and have a look in the stories Place see see what the story is with these guys all right so the guys are on the way a wi’s got Ming down here just got to back him up see what’s going on so we’re actually under the overpass media when he ran across the railway tra jump jumped onto the containers and you yeah storage basically John it’s down there um further on so the police actually met him right down there so where that white van is where it dips back that’s where it was yeah and the police met him down there they me him there me him here well they went down there to where we were where he popped out and then they came up here when other car came up that’s that’s where he got over so raway lines just just the other side of that fence there yeah what is it good for feel [Music] uhhuh I just saw him come over here and then disappear oh they’re down there well looks like the lock the doors fair enough we’re not going in there anywhere so they just actually lock their door so they don’t want themselves bit disgusting is it they’re not looking looking after stuff locking back Gates now well coming on [Music] they don’t want to talk I think the cat’s got the tongue they’re not talking walk in the back Gates now was hs2 DJ was hovering a drone over hs2 started watching yeah it’s been happening a lot recently I think that’s that guy pleas clearly work for this company and clearly you’re breaking gdpr so we’ll put a claim in for that uh picture stop swearing stop swearing that’s a dirty mouth you’ve got did your mom bring you up that way yeah wonderful she won’t let you in now there’s mommy you can go in now mommy’s here oh stop swearing your mom’s there anyway don’t swear in front of her yeah he’s a thug you can’t run fast can you okay voice love what’s your name going to be like for work sorry yeah I se your one in London the embassy Canadian embassy yeah that was I love it I started off watching the American ones I’m press yeah um but there’s not much many them there Long Island a still big on it but Houston’s disappear but then I’ve started watching DJ media yours I’ve seen don’t say you s a bit older oh thank you I’m a smaller channel f growing yeah yeah yeah um The Laughing auditor Al Li yeah I’ve just said to the guy there’s a Scottish one he’s slightly aggressive meet the Tyrant yeah oh yeah for me just a bit just a bit’s he’s been convicted of a bit too he was on a Lobby Park this morning I was watch this morning he went to a Lobby Park and just not moving so when you’ve been passing then on the bus have you seen anybody else filming it since no no no no no we’re the first no you’re the first did you do this route daily W I just got paid out for the Canadian High commission as well I did ah excellent nice nice one I’m going to have a look in their backyard that Mead’s getting really angry is he yeah I’ve got a good shot of him yeah got a really good shot of really getting upset W it mother should have realized that before coming around and trying to trying to get funny with people right guys we’re going to have a look from this bridge straight into their backyard so this is the door where went inside and said oh you’ve got vet in oh you got welding so that’s a workshop on back and they’ve got windows and we know what happens with Windows they get dirty we got lots of cars inside [Music] [Music] obviously uh I don’t think they ask all I W suggest that the sest I mean it’s working garbage it’s highly unlikely we’re going to be sealing car hey cupcake you all right cupcake you got the direst mouth I’ve heard in a long time hey smile for camera that’ll be my pin my thumbnail you’re famous inforce Pon Junction ince Street proves and prohibited in Birmingham failure to comply may lead to imprisonment cruising yeah prostitution ah yeah that’s what that is yeah what he say I don’t know called him cupcake and he started eing it and blinding it yeah I said all right cupcakes mouth at camera I said I’ll make you famous it seems to cheered up a bit still angry Che off of I was going to ask him if he tasted the uh rainbow the uh cupcake we’re calling him cupcake back and started C all right cupake yeah this a public foot B this went down here this bit is yeah you get around here supposed to be supposed to be yeah if you can get through I mean it’s bad parking what they’ve done here don’t if I should beit get through without touching the Vans yep [Music] Sam right so DJ will flying his drone from down here over there building we didn’t like it we retracted down to this part and what happened is uh they followed him over yep right after this bik I know appreciate you alling over stopping and talking to me can I just ask what with all the cameras and what what you doing today what’s up just making a video making a video yeah we’re doing a we’re covering a little story what happened in this area oh not just at the used car place yeah uh Central reservation from then over here down this bit of area so what’s the story about we’ll keep it brief with them in citizen journalism covering a story something happened two weeks ago we’re here to cover that we’re here to raise awareness of what went right what went wrong our car so the false report five individuals obstructing a business false report yeah anything you want to do about that cuz that’s a lie well I can have a conversation with them about it like I’ve said I’m passing let me don’t let me talk I’m passing my radio operator said we’ve got a call come through this location this is all we’ve got all the information got hand so I stopped you a conversation can I ask one question the other week when they were chasing the guy did they call the police in when they were chasing him that that again when they were chasing the other auditor on his own did the ring you to say we just chasing him to catch him no you’re not aware of the EV can I just can I just say you’ve just you’ve just mentioned auditors I didn’t even know anything about Auditors you’ve brought that to my attention I don’t know exactly what you’re talking about here talking about one guy that were here couple week report it he did report it’s probably formally being investigated it’ll be is it’ll be being investigated so obviously you you don’t you might not know anything about that down here you know everything somebody was attacked okay just two seconds stand the conversation uh somebody want attack for no reason u a car drove onto the central reservation to run him over uh then the’ then chasing across the road over over some fences and a railway track on the self storage unit yeah yeah uh all we’ve done is come down to cover a story about that we’ve had a look a little look at the garage yeah yeah U we just had a bit of a look down there down here so in all honestly officer I can’t understand why loose look so we’re not what what’s been said is miles in BAC clavas uh outside of a shop and uh yeah he’s got B got B you can you appreciate that there is two people there that’s that’s what information I’ve got two out of five have got of there was no obstruction of the business so because we’re covering a story about how they’ve behaved okay what you have just said that piece of information is going to be a big part of our story now cuz they’ve lied to the police okay so now we need to go back over to tell our cameras about the new information well I’ll advise you not to do that I I will go over and another a conversation we will also be going but also but what I will ad what I will advise you on if you go over there and there is some form of altercation between the two of you whether it be verbal or not and there a breach of the pce you will be have to you will be removed from the premises you will be have to leave all and I hope hope you know you You’ stopped here you’ve spoken to me I’m 212 P police I appreciate you You’ been quite professional I didn’t have to stand and talk to but I’m nice guy we’re not here for anything it’s literally we just you covering this story and I get that in the day one of your friends is if that’s what’s happened to one of your friends of course you’re going to cover something like that a lot your colle lot your friend said journalist assistant journalist I’ll get that I’ll just tell you something yeah seem to be under maybe a misapprehension so he’s not a friend of ours he’s not even a colleague YouTuber he’s not asked us to come here so we’re not jeopardizing any you seen it on YouTube and thought we come down and like I haven’t I’ve only come here to stop we just have a conversation about what it’s all about and you stopped here you pleasantly told me why you which is a fair enough com you know I’ve got no obstruction you’re you’re in a public base you’re free to record considering the allegation would it be possible to get the reference number for the call so we can actually so we get the log number so we can actually make make a complain if we need to regarding regarding the imagine a phone call going into your call Handler saying there’s Five Guys filming the business right can police attend the call handle would say no there there’s no crime why would we attend that however if they say they’re obstructing our gates they they’re stopping us from working will the police attend yes they will so they have chosen to report obstruction to get you here okay our viewers our viewers are going to see that the camera not stop rolling we so they would also like you to tell them on camera what you’re going to do about that what I’m going to do about I’m going to go speak to the business over there like I’ve said all we’ve had is uh a call come through Mes in b clav obstructing people uh in the business so I’ve come around here and I’ve only heard one Soldier Story there’s two Soldier Story so I would then go and speak to the the business owners to call us and we’ll find out what’s going on see if there any offenses there and if there is then we’ll we’ll Julie if you saw their behavior what they’ve seen okay yeah you really wouldn’t want them knowing your identity because the way they are we’ve just had verbal abuse from a member of Staff been swart five six times by one of them they’ve chosen to lock their doors and lock their gate we’ve remained off the property at all times okay yeah doing our journalism this is the way the guy was chased down here so we’re now retracing the steps for the video you’re stopped and we’ve spoken to you appr now you’ve told us that lied to the police we’re going to go back and we’re going to continue our work if you do that that’s that’s fair enough peacefully peacefully yeah on the what I will say is if they’ve called it through and they don’t want you on their premises then please don’t want premes because we don’t any F but now that I’ve kind and spoken to you know I’ll upate the yeah and then that’s the end of that y if we go back on they’re going to look at it could possibly poten but we haven’t even been inside yeah I appreciate go down you seem fair you sto spoken to me you’ve explained me I’m Happ that just can I say something to you right us five are really nice guys as soon as we got here soon this be came out t on his starting sweing and abusing on camera need personally have not even spoken to any me and my friend walk around beside of the building on the main road and we were filming and all we did we look over at w and he came to the back door started swearing together okay and have you are you where do you are you going to report that or what if you’re asking to see the public order offence I’m willing to show youz we’ve not we’ve not made a big deal out of this but if you’re asking to see it me personally I’m not asked about because it’s pathetic you know it’s just he’ll show you when all right let’s just make it cuz it’s doing some sort of fast forward at it was around lik for five M cameras volume only sent one guy yeah but they they made a f f call to the well they said were come around this side I don’t like standing behind we’re outside not on their we’re doing ouring and he’s come out to the door swearing at us well what I’m going to do is I’m going to go show them get start of the story I will educate them yeah I’m put for their fences if you wish to report this incident that’s entirely up to you you’re you’re well entitled to you’ve got evidence there orbe it you can’t really hear what’s been said but the is you if you can get it on a laptop or something that’s your true evid so it’s entirely up to what you want to do that we’ll go and speak to them but you can see where we’re coming from here we’re we’re doing some journalism yeah remaining off their s they’re the ones that are being the aggresses to us and now you showed me the video I’ve spoken to you for them to then spin it around and say we’re obstructing the business we came here want be there minutes a chance to turn this around cuz only one YouTuber has been here now they’ve got five if they invited us in if they invited us in and wanted to turn it around and have a positive interaction with us that would have been I can’t speak on that that been B for me really if I could have just G you minut stat I can’t speak on their behalf I we’re going to have a conversation with them see what their side of story why they’ve called the police um I’m satisfied that you’re all nice guys definitely there’s no M you have a conversation you stop youve spoken to me you engag me that’s all we want I’ll speak to the court operator you get this log written off sir so unfortunately it’s ped here uh I’ll leave the guys to finish chatting got a junction but it’s safe lovely approach um cat F him Brave guy come down and speak to Five Five Guys with cameras you know how deadly cameras are absolutely spot on so guys are waving him goodbye he’s going he’s getting back in his car he’s going to disappear we’re going to continue this on so we can see where exp DJ DJ R off I’m a big believer a boot I’m a big believer no he’s not I’m a big believer in credit where credit is Du yeah and if they treat us right we’ll treat them right if they want to get out here and become a sausage we’ll tell them so this is where DJ r into into rental kill yeah they they all about P Pest Control oh yeah yeah absolutely over that little barricade there he jumped over that and then in yeah what happened then exactly yeah we just filmed over there when he managed to get inside there I haven’t got a clue what you saw you saw on the video you know where where he was went back didn’t down to far yeah but I won’t go in there oh no no no no we won we’ll be with you you’re going re you got to have need stick trousers on there needles in there oh to hear you we collect stuff from it’s all it do good so you don’t know what you’re going to pick up in there well and it could be blood related or anything what waste are you take care my friend we’re not going in we won’t going after your advice after his advice no he’s explained it know escs you have you got the power to escort the guy say l no no no we’re not coming on one minute what where I’m standing no it’s not we don’t want to upset people [Music] but about what you’re saying where I’m standing so she’s come out she’s kicking off all these people are getting upset um I think if we go down to bottom I think if we go down to bottom where them skips can not looking happy with you mate don’t get yourself into trouble for those okay cool we’re not we’re not filing this bu oh where you from all [Music] over nice marking not about cameras well there’s a sign here with some site rules which means after the sign yeah oh absolutely but I think curs I think TJ was round the corner there where the skips were that’s have a so we’ll bit a zoom in on there we won’t even have to walk on seriously what letters on I that it’s part of vent kill Intel in Intel I think the part part and parcel the same company so I think it’s in this yard where he ended up when he run out through the back of the uh building and down down towards the railway track I defends um I think it’s behind here now Scorpion’s already scoped it out and uh like me watch these videos like this and this is definitely the area I’m just saying you’ve scoped this out already this is definitely the area where we climbed over between the you see them skips and absolutely so guys going to get my going to get the phone a bit higher so he run down into this corner and he climbed climbed somewhere on that fence there where he brought the police back down so have a look so we run out of these doors I think and across there so there you have it that that’s where you entered the raway lines and that’s obviously we filmed the other side down there so guys we had a good luck down here at R kill Intel um obviously a carrying on for down there she’s not happy all we’ve done his walk down to the bottom oh dear DJ DJ DJ what’s falling out the back of his van oh dear right yeah I’m fine yeah yeah yeah we just walked down there on path looked over at the gate film that I think there’s a lady in here getting upset cuz we’re filming we’re not filming them really we’re filming outside we’ve been on path out we walked down the path to the back gate and filmed in the back gate finishing off our story but she came yeah we’re doing a story on something happened a couple of weeks ago oh okay is it like new kind of there’s there’s a a gentleman got chased from the garage over the road and he ran into the building out through the back and over the yeah yeah so we saw the video and we’ve all wanted to come down and sort of follow the story up and let people know what happened so fair enough yeah he must have recognized I I didn’t know I’ve only seen so yeah so so there the lady came out and she’s got upset with us but yeah we weren’t filming them really we just wanted to see where the guy had run and we did speak to a couple of the guys and they were perfectly fine with us right it just but she came out going no no no you’re not allowed move away and we stood on path yeah yeah she just got a little bit paranoid with us and we w we turned his cameras away and went down there I don’t know why she were getting upset you’re going to be head we’re going to finish the story off over there we were just leaving but she kept on coming out this is one of my friends story yeah I just explain we just following the story went down to back G and this lady came out with a phone shouting at us she’s pH these these guys out unfortunately show people The Wider angle cuz it was all rush rush down here speaking to the initial guys so what happened then did he come into your Warehouse if you heard about it you know get people interview people said this what we’re on right now is private property this is their land and we can’t be here so that’s she’s then brought herself and her company into our video oh I can’t believe this losing twos now where isy memory [Music] cameras sh it he then came back didn’t it and I said U she’s not ringing police is she he went no no I’ve sorted it started it have you got a camera recording at the minute the minute can I always have a conversation with you private without any cameras right guys um just picking this back up I’m just doing the outro now police officer had another chat with us um he’s had a word he’s educated the people in there they all understand what the situation is we’re allowed to do what we don’t we’re just going to um do his outr do his outr and and um finish off and then get back off home I think cuz it looks like it’s going to rain how crazy was that one so they still got the gates lock but we’re going now so if you’ve likeed this your e all the guys turned up so big thumbs up no problem and catch you on the next one [Music] what


    1. 8:25 News Now Houston is in jail. All down to some family dispute where one of his daughters and an ex-partner made some allegations and they were believed even though they were lying because the authorities wanted to get rid of him.

    2. They are really horrible people at that company I saw DJE where they tried to run him over and chased him Horrible Disgusting company and it needs to be shut down for good

    3. You can film in public when will the police get it and understand that you can film and fly a drone so stop wasting our money on stupid things like this let them do what they are allowed to do and Go Back To Work

    4. FORT used car centre AVOID. After the way they treated a member of the public, a pack of animals chasing a person doing a lawful activity – would you honestly buy a vehicle from a place that does this. Cup cake, what a fowl mouth but what would you expect from a person like this !!! Look like he’s on steroids.

    5. WEST AUDIT REPORT: "And DJ Audits and The Gwent Auditor get attacked."

      Have you got a timestamp for this attack as I cannot find it in this video?

    6. This should be a regular occurrence on these clowns, to show they cannot be heavy handed. Proper Cowboys, they should be wearing stetsons

    7. 17:25 He was doing so well until he failed at understanding what a breach of the peace is. Its when someone is threatened and fears for their safety or the safety of others. Not when there is some raised voices. If there is any violence then its not the fault of the victim, it's all down to the aggressor.

    8. This place needs a lot more publicity , to expose these scumbag arseholes , and send messages on Facebook . They will go bust in a year if done right and serves the idiots right.

    9. Oh no, better phone the police and report that someone with a camera is on the loose in Coventry filming in public from a public pathway. I even flew over the nightclub whilst it was open. 😂😂

      Credit where it is due as the staff from Kasbah, Coventry never even came over to interact at all and just let me do my legal activity.

    10. Interesting how you get a vision of how a person looks when only hearing their voice. D.J. looks totally different than what my brain created. LOL.

    11. Well done guys . These kind of people are bullies . No body should do business with this dealership.
      See how they hide now .
      Good job for doing this .

    12. For all FORT knows, you may have been visiting pursuant to buying a motor….

      This sort of effort will only have any effect if you ALL keep on returning,, showing the guts PJ displayed. A one off, sparsely attended, will achieve nowt.

    13. What a bunch of morons. If he'd of been assaulted then there would of been a criminal matter. He's saying we don't want to upset people. Which is exactly what they want to film. They're just there to cause a nuisance. Pathetic, get a life.

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