Join the Sky News Breakfast team live from 7am, as Slovakia’s prime minister remains in hospital in a critical condition after being shot several times in an attempted assassination.

    Robert Fico was reported to be fighting for his life after being hit in the stomach on Wednesday.

    At least four shots were fired outside a cultural centre in the town of Handlova, around 85 miles northeast of the capital Bratislava, where the 59-year-old was meeting supporters, the government said.

    A 71-year-old suspect is in custody, but the motive for the shooting is still unclear… but as some label it as ‘politically motivated’. Could Robert Fico’s pro-Russia stance have fuelled his near-fatal shooting?

    Read more on today’s top stories here ➡️

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    [Music] hello everybody very good morning to you it’s 7 o’cl coming up on today’s program an assassination attempt on a European leader labeled as politically motivated could Robert foo’s uh pro-russia stance have fu his near fatal shooting we’re live in Slovakia also head saki starma prepares to draw his election battle lines in a six-point plan that harks back to the days of Tony Blair and we’re hear from one of the country’s top midwives about what she calls the government’s in action over failing maternity Services it’s Thursday the 16th of May the prime minister of Slovakia remains seriously ill following surgery after being shot several times in a case that shocked Europe police here continue to question a suspect as politicians around the world condemn the attack a show of unity President Putin arrives in Beijing for strategic talks with China’s president XI during a two-day State visit it’s a criminal cover up on an industrial scale that has gone on for decades we speak to the mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham about the infected blood inquiry in to hear his thoughts on the future of British football boxing great Tyson Fury tells Sky News there can only be one King of the Ring ahead of his box office Clash we’re both can’t have the destiny of being the Undisputed in this era so and we won’t be young enough to go into another era to try it so it’s a dday for both [Music] FS un and expanding the universe how an earth-sized planet and its Ultra cool small star tells us more about the world that we live [Music] in good morning and welcome to the breakfast show Slovakia’s prime minister remains seriously ill in hospital after he was shot at Point Blank Range in what’s being described as a politically motivated assassination attempt Robert fiso was reelected last September after campaigning to cut his country’s support for Ukraine following Russia’s Invasion this morning the Kremlin has labeled the attack an unacceptable tragedy in the last few moments we’ve heard the Slovakian government will hold a security council meeting at 11:00 local time our Europe correspondent Shon Robbins has this report the moments before Slovakia’s prime minister is shot at Point Blank Range an assassination attempt on a European leader carried out in broad daylight Robert fito was immediately bundled into his car by his security team then airlifted to a nearby hospital a flight to the capital Bratislava considered too much of a risk Witnesses say they heard at least four gunshots I was shocked what’s going on and then I saw him fall I realized that this wasn’t a joke I just saw over his head as he fell behind the bench like that the alleged gunman is in police custody this was a politically motivated attempt and it took place shortly after the presidential election I followed the critical condition of the p.m I was in the operating theater with the minister of defense I wanted to see how someone can deal with hate this way please hate should not come in response to hate as news reached the parliament proceedings were suspended I’m shocked we all shocked by the horrific and malicious attack on prime minister Roberto fito something serious has happened which we probably not yet aware of because we cannot contain it Mr fito who was reelected at the end of last year had traveled to the town of hand lover 93 Mi away from the capital and was seen meeting members of the public his political allies have urged people not to respond to hate with hate Shon with us now so what happens today Shan morning okay well Robert fito is still in hospital in the city that I’m in now uh we are waiting for official update from doctors but his Deputy Prime Minister has been telling the media that from his point of view he doesn’t believe that the prime minister’s condition is now life-threatening but as I said still waiting for official confirmation of that we understand there’s going to be a security council meeting held here but you heard in my report that his allies have been speaking outside the hospital and the message coming Now is really urging people for calm Robert fito was is a highly divisive figure uh particularly after the last election he was campaigning on a pro-russia anti-American stance and there is a suggestion that while we don’t know exactly what motivated this crime there is a fear that it could have been due to political division so uh politicians on both sides are having security stepped up here everyone at the moment calling for calm and one of his allies has claimed the opposition painted him as a monster now while this is having domestic implications there are also shock waves being sent across Europe because we’re just three weeks out now from the European elections and actually where I live in Germany recently uh a politician there was attacked who was campaigning so there there are concerns that there are polarizing points of view causing fishes in society across Europe okay for now shoban thank you meantime the Russian president Vladimir Putin has met with China’s leader xiin ping while on a two-day visit to Beijing relations between the two look to be stronger than ever and Putin’s visit couldn’t have come at a more significant time with Ukraine struggling to repel forces in the East our Asia correspondent Nicole Johnson is in Beijing uh for us now so what’s the plan Nicole good morning good afternoon where you are well they’re meeting in the Great Hall of the people for Vladimir Putin this trip is a big deal it’s a big deal every time that he steps foot out of Russia it’s a chance for him to show that he is not isolated on the world stage that he does have friends and that he has a very close friend in the Chinese president xiin ping of course there’ll be the usual talks about trade about energy oil and gas and the war in Ukraine and about China’s support for Russia in that war now China is accused of sending all sorts of items that allow Russia to continue to wage war but there’s also a much bigger picture at play here and that is really about the great power politics underway in the world right now because when you look at the symbolism of this visit we have xiin ping Vladimir Putin two world leaders that view the world very differently to the United States and Europe and they have made that clear over the last few years that they would like to see a reordering of the global world order and they’ve been forming alliances and organiz ations to do that now this has alarmed the West uh Europe and the United States are deeply troubled about this they have been putting more and more pressure on China to scale back its relationship with Russia to reig in those exports and to start potentially moving closer to the west but from China’s perspective there is no sign of that it says that it is a peaceful neutral country and it should be free to have a relationship ship with any country that it chooses okay for now Nicole thank you I’m back you’re back I’ve been on a training course I was uh it was a first aid thing battle ready so I could stop you bleeding out with a catastrophic bleed if I wanted to if I had a light cold or are you you useful or you’re only at catastrophic bleed only at catastrophic bleed let’s just go back to if I wanted to that needs more an glad you picked up on that rest of today’s stories we’ll pick up that off off air yes let’s talk actually about Healthcare shall we because one of the country’s top midwives has told Sky newes action needs to be taken now to improve the quality of maternity services around the country the Parliamentary birth trauma inquiry concluded this week that poor care is frequently tolerated as normal Donna endan told Sky Sarah J me warm words are no longer enough the 30th of March 2022 senior Midwife Donna aington publishes a warning and a blueprint for action but fast forward 2 years and 2 months and four Health secretaries and we’re still talking about maternity failures I am angry I’m disappointed on the day of publication the then Health and Social care secretary sagid Javid MP fully endorsed and fully accepted all of our immediate and essential actions we will act swiftly so that no families have to go through the same pain in the future if we just look at the issue that underpins the delivery of all safe maternity care which is funding Workforce and training we’ve made really disappointing progress they were not recommendations I don’t use the word recommendations they were immediate and essential actions they are 26 months old something that came out from your reporting to shury and Telford and also from the birth trauma report women are not being listened to do you think you’re being listened to there’s a very great difference between listening hearing and getting things done more than listening what we need now is action from government we are significantly less than halfway where we should be in terms of Finance there is a postcode Lottery not all women are getting the consistently safe maternity care that they deserve we’ve got persistent um inequality in terms of the experiences and the outcomes for women living in deprivation um Asian minority women and uh black women and it lets down and dishonors the 1500 families from Shrewsbury the 1900 families from Nottingham and the more than 1300 women who so honestly um shared their experiences in the recent birth trauma report these numbers are accounts of lives that have been changed forever warm words are no longer enough um action needs to happen and it needed to happen a long time ago Sarah jme Sky News and then usually they well responding to the Parliamentary inquiry into maternity Services the Health and Social care secretary Victoria Atkins said I’m determined to improve the quality consistency of Care for Women throughout pregnancy birth and the critical months that follow and I fully support work to to develop a comprehensive National strategy to improve our maternity Services going on to say we’re investing £186 million a year more than in 2021 to improve maternity and neonatal cap and we announced an extra £35 million out the spring budget to boost maternity safety with more midwives and better training just want to bring you some breaking news from the last few minutes the United States says its military personnel have anchored a temporary peer to the beach in a to deliver additional humanitarian Aid to Palestinian civilians trucks carrying humanitarian assistant are expected to begin moving ashore in the coming days we’ll have more on that throughout the course of the morning meanwhile the former labor Health secretary and mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham says those involved in the infected blood Scandal must be held to account calling it a criminal coverup on an industrial scale thousands died in the 70s and 80s after being given unscreen blood contaminated with HIV and hepatitis C it’s a criminal cover up on an industrial scale that has gone on for decades by by the people in the medical profession people in the pharmaceutical industry uh people in whiteall um it is appalling and it should Rock whiteall to its foundation do you think people should end up in jail yes I do uh there has to be accountability and you can watch K’s full interview with Andy Burnham later this hour where they also discuss the future of Everton football club Manchester United’s new coowner and what went on with that Coop live Arena as well meanwhile a Reservoir in Southwest devans being investigated that’s after small traces of an intestinal parasite which can cause sickness and diarrhea were discovered in the waters residents were advised to boil water before consuming it that’s after 22 cases of a water booil disease were confirmed in brixon Southwest water issued the notice to its customers in the Olsten and hillhead areas warning both of them that they are under investigation as a potential cause of the outbreak causing death or Serious injury by dangerous cycling is set to become an offense that’s after the government agrees to a change in the law under the changes dangerous cyclists could face up to 14 years in prison it followed campaigning by the Tory MP s in Duncan Smith who said cyclist should be held accountable for Reckless Behavior he told the comons that the changes to the law were urgent but not anti-cling that’s bring you our sen uh second report now from senagal uh people trying to flee in the hope of a better life Sky News has been hearing how well trodden route used by thousands of sagales migrants seeking to enter the US has become practically impossible to use that’s oneing of Crackdown which has seen the sale of flights banned and Transit visas imposed user alir has been speaking to one man who made the journey to the US a word of warning to senagal school children many have died and more will die he says they’re being educated on the dangers of illegal migration with a plea for them to stay and build their country if Africa is the El Dorado then darar is the doorway a hub of Arts culture and trade on the North Atlantic but for many a tough Capital City to survive in this is the economic center of the country and all around us are people who are working to make enough money to live in this expensive city but the young people we’ve met are working to make enough money to leave as the Atlantic route to the Canary Islands proves to be the busiest and deadliest young people here are figuring out safer options to Europe these young men are back into the car after traversing the desert to Libya then trying and failing to cross the Mediterranean Sea eight people you don’t died for my faith eight people died in front of you yes they barely survived their experience in Libya enslaved threatened and regularly beaten when I hear of senales trying to get Europe it makes me incredibly sad because they don’t know what they’re going to face you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy it is very hard even if you had $10,000 there would be no way for you to arrive I tried five times we were captured tortured and beaten all of us right here it’s impossible to tell you all the things we faced issa’s brother traveled halfway around the world to make it to the US so did this man speaking to us from his new American home what’s life like for you now it’s better here what they pay here in one week is more than a month in Sagal it wasn’t easy he says it took him 18 days and for others it can take a month the tallest statue in Africa points to the West as resentment for the West grows it’s not that they hate the West it’s that they feel like the West is plundering our resources that they’re taking from us to make over there better so why wouldn’t they also go over there and take advantage of what’s being taken from us here a city with sea oil and gas plundered for exports now being drained of its prime resource it’s young men y Sky News the car now this week I had an opportunity to return home to Wigan alongside the mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham we took a walk around the newly named brick Community Stadium where Wigan Athletic and the Wigan Warriors play I had the chance to quiz him on what he makes of the state of British football the future of his Club Everton and just what went on with the co-op live Arena look at us and we’re back at home together yeah exactly that now the reason we’re here is because of the brick Community Stadium what is it mean they’re brilliant I’ve seen them grow over the years uh from a very local organization but they just got more and more uh important they started doing a lot of work with us on homelessness but then just everything you know involved in so many aspects of community life and more recently we’ve launched a project with them where they’re recycling Goods donated by Amazon back into families and yeah they’re just a brilliant organization the uh Manchester United game y uh with K St the theater of Dreams what you going to do about trying to stop it leaking yes uh theater of stream somebody said this morning but uh yeah but that’s why you know we’re we’re looking at what we can do now to support the club so what are you going to do um it’s about uh a regeneration that could do on the west of Greater Manchester what we’ve seen Manchester City do on the East uh of Greater Manchester did you see the images from the away uh players dressing room I uh think it was literally leaking through the saw something so if Arsenal lose I’m going to blame you personally for them all getting coals yesterday well well obviously we need to keep this Premier League in Manchester that’s certainly what I would support but I think I mean let’s I’m just going to make a you know a comment on on football it’s not acceptable in my view for people to come into football clubs and just take out and I’m afraid too much of that has happened it’s happened in your own City at Manchester United and it needs to be said because a great club like this needs the best stadium in the world is that rat cliff on warning uh it’s a comment from me about football and you know somebody who loves football um I you know don’t uh like the idea of people coming in and using using our game and that’s why I’m supporting a strong independent regulator as part of this debate we’re having on football within Parliament uh right now I personally believe that the premier league has shown the season that it can’t regulate fairly because of the way they’ve treated my club Everton I think we do need that strong independent regulator to make sure that what we’ve seen in the past perhaps at Manchester United can’t be repeated you shouldn’t be able to come in to a club load your debt and then take the money out talking about the glazers aren’t you yeah I am yeah okay you mentioned Everton um I uh are you interested in trying to help to buy Everton you think I’ve got the money do just on your own but you know with the with benefit of the fans I’m working you would support that if you like behind uh the scenes to make sure the interest of Everton supporters are properly reflected in the new ownership well we just want to make sure that we get the right owners for Everton so Everton obviously as I said had a really tough uh season but we are now safe in the Premier League we got the last season at gon Park I’m also going to start crying it K because I can’t bear the thought of the last season at gison Park but it’s coming close now but then we’ve got this wonderful new future on the banks of the royal blue Mery at the Bramley Moore Stadium so Everton had a tough time but we can see light at the end of the tunnel but I I really want to make sure we get the right owners so that Everton has set up for the future see this lifts my heart when it says Wigan in the stands it looks absolutely uh amazing I want to talk to you though about I mean something that should have made you feel the same is the co-op Arena W well good question um you know we that you’re asking we well we just had to obviously um take a really firm line when it comes to the facilities for emergency services given the history uh that we have in our in our city obviously there couldn’t be any compromise uh there and it it would seem that things that should have been done weren’t done and hence you know there had to be had to be a delay Mr mer thank you thank you very much great to see you you too thank you education secretary is with us n Julian Keegan um morning good morning you used to be in health of course didn’t you Andy Burnham apart from that earlier on in the program was say saying to us that there should be criminal um prosecutions over the infected blood Scandal the report is out next week and he says that people should go to jail what do you think uh well I mean it’s not my area of expertise it’s not even what I looked at in health um but I’m sure that uh that people will be looking at that um I mean what is clear is it has gone on a long time and what is clear is that you know the compensation is something that needs to be speeded up and I know there’s a lot of discussion about that I don’t know you know what the whether it meets the threshold for that or not but I’m sure people will be looking at it on the back of the report and on the back of Andy uh calling for it okay um well before we go on to what you want to talk about today sex education in schools and when that should happen let me just ask you one other health related question and that relates um to the endan uh report about maternity care she’s saying she’s very angry and disappointed at the current state of maternity Services um do you think she has a point I I think so I mean you know we had the birth trauma review as well this week uh which my colleague Theo uh Clark um um really was was working on with the other people across party and it’s clear I think she said there was a 130 people who had given their testimonies and it’s clear that you know there are improvements required in our maternity services and I believe that part of the Women’s Health strategy and also uh that they have now committed to do a maternity strategy as well because it is clear that that um it isn’t good enough okay talk to me about um sex education in schools then um you have decided that there needs to be new guidelines what are they uh well really it’s to have introduced age uh limits so to what’s appropriate at what age um and also transparency for parents to make sure it’s it’s that all the materials can be seen um for parents and then on the back of the gender questioning guidance we’ve also reiterated that uh you know gender uh ideology identity ideology shouldn’t be taught in schools as well so they’re the three main but not at a different age well it’s it’s the difference between the protected characteristic of gender reassignment of course that should be taught and that that exists um and that is something adults can do um but that’s different from gender ideology you know there’s a spectrum of of uh gender could be 72 it could be fluid it could change daily that kind of there’s a lot of contested views in those areas so we want those not to be taught as fact and there was some evidence from some people that they may have been but the main objective here is just to make it clearer for teachers and headteachers we introduced the guidance initially in 2019 it was made statut in 2020 there was a review done to see how it was beding in in 21 and a lot of teachers said um you know we’d need more clarity on you know what we should be teaching at what ages what’s appropriate at primary how do we build on that for secondary Etc so there was some feedback on that so we put an expert panel in place it wasn’t me that did it uh it’s not my area of expertise and they looked at what was appropriate what age and how to build build the understanding uh but make sure that children weren’t being taught things that were um too complex or sensitive to be understood in primary school for example why is it not important to explore ideologies at school well it you can explore ideologies you know you can have different sort of contested debates view a view B debate them Etc but you can’t you know say this is this is something that people believe and people believe is a fact when it’s not um so what we want to do is make sure biological sex is important you know we’re both women so you know men and women we’ve also said in the gender questioning um guidance that we need to protect you know Single Sex spaces Etc so we’ve been trying to increase our understanding and just make it clearer um to teachers and those two guidance you know both of those put together hopefully have done that so you’re not saying ban ideologies then you’re saying they can be explored but can’t be protecting characteristics which is you know the with biological sex the fact that somebody can reassign their gender they can change their gender and they can do that when they’re an adult um and we’ve dealt with social transition in the gender questioning part of the guidance which is separate guidance which we published for consultation in December and we’re going through all those responses now but contested views about there could be 72 genders no we don’t want our children to be taught things that are very much contested and you know most of us when you look at those kind of uh materials you know find it find it sort of uh you know they’re just Madness really you know there’s all kinds of strange ideologies in this area and we do not want those being taught in schools now but is it important to explore those ideologies in school so that children are armed uh when they go outside of school to understand what isn’t isn’t potentially appro sure and as I say in debating and in other sort of areas where you might take a contested view about you know any issue right so there different views all over how to agree disab disagreeably how to understand other people’s viewpoints of course but this what we’re talking about here is making sure that we educate children about um relationship sex and health education and it doesn’t have a place in that curriculum okay so what guidelines will teachers be given then or which will they be receiving about how they answer questions children may ask about what they experience outside of school well of course children will ask questions and teachers are very very uh very knowing how to answer children’s questions what we’re doing here is is giving some age appropriateness for different age groups what you should be teaching and how you start teaching the basics and about relationships and healthy relationships how you take uh that forward and look at risks and how to navigate risks there’s a lot more risks than when we were growing up obviously the internet and social media and phones has changed that and that’s one of the reasons that we’ve we’ve brought this guidance in in the first place it has become more difficult but teachers this is the the high level guidance teachers uh will also um you know put lesson plans together plus we’ll have materials on the oak National Academy to help guide them as well and what role do parents have in all of this parents have the ultimate role because they are the first educators of their children so and and often we’ll have those first conversations actually about um relationships and sex education often parents will have that I’m sure you had that you know with your with your own uh son and that is that is normal that’s what most parents would do um and they are the first Educators in the primary educator is actually of their children but of course um you know schools are there to supplement that and to and to be able to um you know go forward with you know more more uh in depth in in many cases relation SE education why I um because when we did the review after it was made staty in 2020 we did get feedback that it wasn’t clear enough that there were they weren’t they weren’t clear about what age they should be SE teaching certain things um so it was a request really based on that review to look at it so we got the expert panel in place would it be helpful obviously spoke to lots of people and they said it would so it’s really just to help make sure that we have a very good relationship sex health education but the big uh thing that’s changed I think in this guidance is we made it crystal clear that parents need to be able to see the materials because that wasn’t really clear and there was some sort of cases and some disputes where people said they couldn’t see the materials because of copyright I wrote to all schools to say know that’s nonsense but um I’ve made it absolutely clear in this guidance that parents should be able to see the materials that their children are being taught in schools in this area um so that’s also something that we’ve cleared up in the guidance so hopefully that’s helpful for parents as well how concerned are we about what’s happening on the Eastern flank in Ukraine at the moment I mean very concerned I mean obviously watching uh the news uh last night I mean you know obviously we’ve been there right at the beginning with Ukraine obviously we’ve committed uh more money to support them obviously it’s good news that the US have now um cleared that hurdle and they will be you know committing to um you know send send more equipment and and uh military uh Aid and uh ammunition but it is concerning you know the reason this is concerning we know we’ve been crystal clear from the very beginning how important it is that Ukraine has a right to defend itself over this aggression and uh somebody invading their country and how important it is for the rest of Europe all the surrounding countries but for all of us it really is vital and we are crystal clear on that okay it’s good to see you as always thanks very much thank you very much thank you still to come on the program for you we’re going to have all today’s um top stories so do stay tuned our [Music] way it’s the highest number of parcels we’ve ever provided on record and we know that we’ve provided over 1.1 million of them for children with 65% of the parcels we provide going to households with children it’s um just really shocking we see variations uh across the UK but when we look over the last 5 years across the board we’ve seen an almost doubling in the number of people having to access emergency food because they simply don’t have enough money to be able to afford the essentials we’re hearing from families that they’re just not able to make their budget stretch to cover the cost of Essentials and by Essentials I mean things like food and household bills um the cost of inflation on essential items like food and bills is just such that compared to just even a couple of years ago people’s budgets can’t stretch we’re obviously relieved to see that inflation is not going up by as much as it was before but the reality is for essential items like food and household bills the cost is still much higher than they were a couple of years ago and that fundamental problem is people are just not receiving enough income to cover the cost of those Essentials and a Bedrock of of of ensuring that changes is making sure our social security system is fit for purpose I think we can all understand if you’re struggling to know how you’re going to feed your families if children are leaving home in the morning not having had sufficient breakfast it’s going to affect their ability to engage in school it’s also going to affect people’s mental health it’s going to affect their physical health we all need food as an essential and not being able to afford that is something that’s just shocking and can’t continue we absolutely share our data and speak regularly with the government and with all political parties and for us it’s really clear this has to be an urgent issue that any incoming government seeks to address we’ve seen cost of living payments being provided last year but those have now ended so I think understanding that urgent action is needed this year because otherwise families on lowest incomes are going to see next year is much much harder than the year that’s just passed [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello again everybody Nick um here with us clearing his throat and now he’s ready good morning good morning I’m ready now okay he good I’m glad to hear it the minister um interesting conversation didn’t get that far with her I don’t think no uh on contaminated blood we learned very little um which was which which is surprising it wasn’t long ago that it was kind of her brief um so we we would have liked to have had a little bit more detail about her thoughts and the government’s broader thoughts about what is actually frankly a huge story has been a huge story for a long time now and is starting to come to a to a conclusion yeah we hear from the inquiry Andy bham saying that people should be in jail yeah and as far as um sex education in schools or huge issue You’ got a view on this haven’t you I think you know I I obviously got to frame this as speaking as a game man and I think it’s also important to say that I’m not the spokesperson for the lgbtq plus Community the only thing that really brings that Community together is being a minority and often ostracized beyond that great diversity and I’m sure many people listen again and go oh our reality is being politicized and that will be their fear that concern and when they hear government ministers say phrases like strange ideologies for many people that is their reality and they will be concerned yet again that the life they’re experiencing is is entering the political Fray and what’s the impact on them in real world terms and often that is their lives becoming harder and harder and harder why they’re talking about this now is because millions of parents are concerned about what’s being taught in school and that I think is born out because a lot of parents have no idea about the detail of this kind of of the curc this part of the curriculum and when we talk about this kind of sex education contested ideologies it’s all quite complicated but people watching this now some parents will be going I haven’t got a clue what my children are being taught in school it’s not that they might not agree with it it’s the it’s the fear of the unknown and I’m not sure that whether Jillian Keegan really kind of got it across that um that that what’s what’s the is the difference between factually incorrect sex education and what might be contested I think the problem is is is that children should be able to to learn subjects where there’s an element of debate involved and what the government are trying to do now is to sort of take chunks of the curriculum away because they think it’s unpopular yeah you go to come back on that it I I see previous see previous and I think there is there is not just in this country but also we are very fortunate in this country to even be able to have these conversations and I can’t help but think of of the good fortune that I experienc and many others comparatively that we can even talk about this in schools is great and I also was looking yesterday more broadly about the fact that there was a study by the Children’s Commission for England of 16 to 21 ons last year and it found that 50% of them by the age of 13 had been exposed to pornography and the realities of what’s happening in children’s lives online whether it’s right or wrong and then also what’s happening in schools there’s potential for that disconnect and the two do need to marry up because young people are exploring the world they’re also having a lot of the world’s trust to them and just because maybe we don’t like it doesn’t mean that it’s not happening and remember how they can access information outside of the school course of course very easily indeed just a quickly Before I Let You Go um I remember the edstone uh when we had the six pledges from Ed milleran we’re going to have another one maybe not on a stone but we’ve got six pledges coming up yeah labor setting out their stall about the the big issues that they think will drive their election there’s no surprises on this list you know it’s things like stable economy nods to migration NHS NHS cutting waiting lists behind each bullet point will be heavily ped electoral research to figure out what people are passionate about these are kind of the cornerstones of what Drive elections they were the same for Tony Blair they’re not too dissimilar to what labor are offer to what the conservatives are offering and we’ll see sakir starma this morning in Essex laying out these six pledges he might do them on a credit card like I think Tony Blair did back in 97 I can’t remember okay let’s see let’s see but 2024 do it in lasers drone show drone show what a great idea rest of today’s top stor let’s remind you of those shall we the prime minister of Slovakia remains seriously ill and Hospital following surgery after being shot several times the country’s interior Minister has said the attack on Robert fito was politically motivated us officials said temporary peer to help deliver Aid to Gaz has now arrived and been anchored at the beach trucks carrying humanitarian Aid are expected to begin moving ashore in the coming days Vladimir Putin’s arrived in Beijing on a two-day State visit Russia’s president will meet president shidan pping for a series of talks in an attempt to deepen Strate iic ties with China and one of Britain’s leading midwives has told Sky News she’s angry over government in action in tackling poor maternity Services Donna endan said insufficient progress has been made in K since her review into maternity failings at Shrewsbury and tford NHS trust lots to talk about there then isn’t there with the Dr Theo zenu senior research fellow at the Henry Jackson Society it’s good to see thanks for joining us on the program political violence in Eastern Europe that’s dominating our bulletin today um thoughts first of all on the developments in Slovakia well we have a rightwing populist prime minister who’s been a very divisive figure in Slovakia ever since he’s come back into Power the temperature politically has been climbing and climbing and yesterday some random guy shut him it looks like he’s going to make it out now we don’t know who this guy is or we don’t know what his motivations are yet it seems like it’s politically motivated however and I believe that this event has to be seen in a wi frame which is that political violence violence towards politician has been rising all over the West not just in Slovakia we’ve seen this in France my home country in the UK in the US this is a very worrying development it seems like our democracies are now under attack I understand that why do you think he has particularly been targeted as you say he’s an incredibly divisive figure Pro Putin anything I’m about to say speculation it seems to me that very recently he cracked down on um State media in his country he has had anti-immigration rhetoric anti-lgbt so you have any number of political causes what he sure that he’s a divisive figure and he divided this country much like um Jo bolsonaro divided Brazil or Donald Trump divided the US uh very polarizing figures will create an atmosphere that breeds violence indeed um as I said Pro Putin Putin in China um as his soldiers aass on the eastern border with um Ukraine what is your interpretation why now as far as these talks are concerned what do you think he will hope to achieve because the sleeping dragon has remained just that up until now that’s right and Putin wants to awaken the dragon right two years ago he started his illegal war against Ukraine and China has been his Lifeline you know Anthony blinkin the US Secretary of State has said that China has sent a lot of material and and Tech and tools that have been of a huge help to Russia in its attack against Ukraine now Russia needs to amp this up is looking to deepen its relation with China right they’ve talked before of having a No Limits relation Putin wants now to push the limit the issue is Will China go along with it what do you think well I think it’s complicated because Chinese po has always been very strategic they obviously stand with Russia and they support Russia on the global stage and they share similar goals similar antipathy toward the west towards democracy and liberal regime however China is also Under Pressure right economically economically the US has just slapped a lot of tariffs on their products there’s been some sanctions against Chinese companies and and banks that are working with Russia the EU is thinking about doing the same thing so China is not going to Jetties on everything just for beautiful eyes of Vladimir Putin right so it’s a balancing act and I believe China will try as long as possible to play Both Sides to be there with Russia and at the same time to try and manage it relations with the west but the Optics of the two men standing together um is obviously sending a message to the West if we then potentially throw president Trump into the mix where does that leave us well that would leave us with potentially chaos in essence you have Putin and CH that are trying to ramp up the pressure on the west like you’ve said if Trump is elected no one knows what Trump will do to be honest I don’t think Trump knows what he will do and this is a problem Trump has a natural Affinity with strongman leaders just like Boston Aro we discussed earlier Trump could very well want to cut a deal with Putin over Ukraine he he’s a businessman you could also want to cut a deal of a trade with China it’s very unclear Trump could be a Hulk or Trump could somehow want to make peace as he would put it no Wars while he was president is the no that’s right he’s a man of Peace he’s a peac loving man that’s what he keeps telling us uh let’s wait and see what the next few months becomes but certainly um a challenging time indeed okay it’s good to see you thank you very much indeed thank you just uh hearing from the uh Hospital executive in charge of where the Slovakian president is at the Slovakian prime minister is at the moment uh and being told that he is in a stable condition a stabilized but serious condition is the latest that we are hearing about the um Slovakian prime minister after he was shot multiple times yesterday on a walkabout uh by a 71y old [Music] gun now it’s being build as one of the biggest boxing fights ever and after months of anticipation Tyson Fury and Ukraine’s Alexander usk are closing in on their Saturday Showdown the Undisputed weight Clash is dday for both Fighters and ahead of the big moment the British boxer sat down with our very own Jackie belra Maverick box office and unpredictable Tyson Fury is many things but this week he wants to be just one a winner he holds One World title Ukraine’s Alexander usk the three others and for the first time in 25 years the heavyweight division will have one Champion one King of the Ring I think we’ll find out on Saturday whose Destiny is mine or his um we both can’t have the destiny of being the Undisputed in this era so and we won’t be young enough to go into another era to try it so it’s a dday for both Fighters it’s the chance to join the greats of History Muhammad Ali Mike Tyson and the last man to do it Lennox Lewis I’m not so of much interest to me and all the Legacy and um historic uh part of it all because on Monday Sunday I’ll be going back to morom and it’ll all be a long lost dream earlier in the week here in Riad there were ugly scenes when Fury’s Father John headbed a member of the usk Entourage but there is respect between the two camps he’s a well accomplished uh boxer he’s world champion in two divisions he’s Olympic gold medalist he um his qualifications speak for themselves so I’ve never not said usk’s a good boxer I’ve called him an ugly little rabbit dosser that’s what I’ve called him but I’ve never said he boxing was bad the B should have taken place here in Riad 3 months ago but a freak cut suffered by the British fighter delayed the fight and interrupted training he says it won’t affect the outcome I don’t think the CT really played any part because I train every day anyway um so had a few months off of sparring and that was it really so it was fine but what Tyson are we going to see on Saturday night I don’t know we have to find out won you it’s not far is it but he looks in good shape looks like he’s worked hard for this one since first becoming world champion in 2015 Tyson Fury has battled depression alcohol drug abuse and serious weight game and given up several times but he says he’s key to fight on as long as he doesn’t have to wait one a bit of a role at the moment so I am if they can feed me quick and fast then I’ll take as many as I can get in the next few years but um if there’s massive breaks like there has been in the last few years before Saudi Arabia then I won’t I won’t be interested in doing it but he remains the biggest personality in the sport and will soon pick up the biggest [Applause] paycheck you’re joining us now live uh from Riad um one of the Optics Jackie who’s going to win the Optics are no one knows who’s going to win because um in boxing they always say a good bigun always beats a good little one um and obviously that’s what we’ve got here but usyk is the most inred incredibly talented fighter he was the Undisputed cruiserweight champion of the world that moved up a weight because all the money and all the sort of Limelight tends to shine on the heavyweight division so I don’t know it looks like Fury’s really properly trained for this he looks quite thin and toned and sometimes he doesn’t um and youc always looks good so let’s see let’s see who’s smarter on the night perhaps but um all the British writers here think if it’s fusic on top fury on top Fury form it it should be Tyson Fury to win this one well I’ve got you Jackie talk to me about Andy Burnham mayor of Greater Manchester massive football fan of course met up with him in Wigan earlier on this week on the club’s ground um talking about Everton and the fact that he is working behind the scenes with the fans to try to uh secure a better future for the club also saying more money needs to be invested into Manchester United and he’s sick of these big businessmen taking money out the club I think we know who was talking about there yeah talking about the glazers who’ve been um owning that club for what 20 years now but things have changed a little bit in the last few months so Jim rackliff has has taken a share um he’s already and Jim rackliff from inos by the way who used to be uh in charge of uh cycling and we know about marginal gains there and how he was the attention to detail was extraordinary and is extraordinary in British cycling um he’s gone into their training ground and said it’s not good enough it’s too shabby it’s do this it’s do that so already making a few ripples um and he will be in charge of the football side of things in terms of signing players uh and all of that sort of thing in terms of how much money they spend on the team itself um so it’ll be interesting going forward how much difference that is going to make and the fact that he’ll maybe have more connection with the fans because he is British and he is based uh in Great Britain so I don’t know in in interesting I no Andy Burnham is very much wanting a big stadium in Manchester um he really wants a Wembley of Manchester of the north and I guess he will keep campaigning till he gets up okay Jackie for now thank you still to come on the breakfast show for [Music] you planet and it’s Ultra cool small star we take a look at what it tells us about the universe at you when [Music] I’m Martin brunt and I’m Sky’s crime correspondent my most memorable story was and still is The Disappearance of Madeline mccan please please do not Hur her please give our little girl back we aim to be the best and most trusted place for news for detectives The First 48 hours after a murder are crucial in the search for Clues the public expects them to find Jill dando killer soon the British detectives are planning to meet forensic experts academics and even Witch Doctors I remember the grimmest case the SE murders of school girls Holly and Jessica I felt I can’t undo what’s happened but I can help explain it [Music] Dean Huntley was arrested and charged within a fortnight of the murders I’ve never murdered anyone I’ve ever raped anyone what am I in jail for the parole board has to decide if Bronson needs to be kept locked up for the safety of the public my biggest challenge was to persuade a jail Diamond Thief to answer my letters Martin Sky News at the Old Bailey [Music] we’ll be minding the Gap in just a few moments time before that though I just want to um flag to you left hand side of your screen uh and that is the latest that we are receiving from Slovakia that’s the hospital where the Slovakian uh prime minister is being treated Robert fiso of course we’re hearing from the Deputy Prime Minister that he’s uh in a serious condition with complex injuries and the hospital director has said that his condition is stabilized but serious so that’s the latest that we are hearing on the condition of Robert fiso after he was shot multiple times on a walkabout yesterday [Music] afternoon now Matthew tell us why we’re minding the Gap yes well it’s because we’re talking about Sycamore Gap the iconic tree of course which was found cut down in September last year and it’s because two men have appeared in court in Newcastle charged with criminal damage both to the tree and to Hadrian’s Wall which was hit by the tree when it fell last year uh Daniel graah who’s 38 and from carile entered uh not guilty police to both charges at Newcastle magistrates court yesterday and his co- accused Adam CRS who’s 31 and from wigton in Cumbria entered no plea now the two men appeared or arrived at court rather yesterday wearing balaclavas and sunglasses to hide their faces they of course removed those face coverings once the short 15minute hearing had begun uh but the court heard that the damage to the tree was set at just over 600,000 pound the damage to Hadrian’s Wall considerably less just under 1,500 pounds and the prosecution said that the trees damaged The Cutting D of the tree which frankly was one of the UK’s if not the world’s most photographed trees had caused serious distress the tree was just over 200 years old and ion part of the landscape in that part of North umberland and it was found cut d as I said at the beginning in September last year now the two men were told at the magistrate court yesterday that the charges against them were too serious to be heard at a magistrates court and they have to be heard at a Crown Court and the men were released on conditional bail and they’ll next appear at Newcastle crime court on the 12th of June okay for now thanks very much indeed just before we let you go I know you like a space story a new Intergalactic Discovery let me tell you about that here we go astronomers have discovered a new planet and its star which is expected to shine a hundred years longer than the sunun it’s called speculo 3B did you know that I did not know that did you know it’s 55 light years away from the earth and do you also know it sounds like cplay it does sound a lot like cplay actually doesn’t it I love what you did there we’re back with all the lates from Slovakia in just a moment [Music] [Music] [Music] morning 8:00 coming up on today’s program an assassination attempt on a European leader labeled as politically motivated were live in Slovakia also ahead the United States says a temporary peer to deliver vital Aid to Palestinians has arrived in Gaza we’ll have the latest on the operation and here in the UK sakir starma prepares to draw his election battle lines in a six-point plan that harks back to the days of Tony Blair it’s Thursday the 16th of May the prime minister of Slovakia has been stabilized but his condition remains serious due to complicated injuries after being shot several times show of unity President Putin arrives in Beijing for strategic talks with uh China’s president XI during a two-day State visit it’s a criminal cover up on an industrial scale that has gone on for decades we speak to the mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham about the infected blood inquiry and hear his thoughts on the future of British football boxing great tyon Fury tells Sky News there can only be one King of the Ring ahead of his box office clash with Alexander us we’re both can’t have the destiny of being the Undisputed in this era so and we won’t be young enough to go into another era to try it so it’s a DJ for both [Music] FES and expanding the universe how in an Earth siiz planet and its Ultra cool small star tells us more about the world that we live in look up at [Music] you good morning everybody Welcome to the breakfast show here on Sky News the condition of Slovakia’s prime minister has stabilized but remains serious as a result of complicated injuries he sustained after he was shot at Point Blank Range in what’s being described as a politically motivated assassination attempt Robert Fisto was reelected last September after campaigning to cut his country’s support for Ukraine following Russia’s Invasion this morning the Kremlin has labeled the attack an unacceptable tragedy the Slovakian government will hold a security council meeting at 11:00 local time let’s get more should we and shabor is standing by for us um hello to you Shor we’ve had some updates on his condition morning K yes I’m standing outside the hospital where the prime minister is still being treated and in the last 15 minutes or so we’ve had a very brief update from the Deputy Prime Minister and also one of the spokes people from the hospital what they have told us is that the prime minister’s condition is stabilized but serious and that is because uh of the complicated injuries they confirmed that there were five rounds shot and that three bullets uh hit the Prime Minister still in hospital after what appears to be a lone wolf attack here’s a reminder of what happened yesterday the moments before Slovakia’s prime minister is shot at Point Blank Range an assassination attempt on a European leader carried out in broad daylight Robert fito was immediately bundled into his car by his security team then airlifted to a nearby hospital a flight to the capital Bratislava considered too much of a risk Witnesses say they heard at least four gunshots I was shocked what’s going on and then I saw him fall I realized that this wasn’t a joke I just saw over his head as he fell behind the bench like that the alleged gunman is in police custody this was a politically motivated attempt and it took place short shortly after the presidential election I followed the critical condition of the PM I was in the operating theater with the minister of defense I wanted to see how someone can deal with hate this way please hate should not come in resp response to hate as news reached the parliament proceedings were suspended I’m shocked we’re all shocked by the horrific and icious attack on prime minister Roberto fit something serious has happened which we probably are not yet aware of because we cannot contain it Mr fito who was reelected at the end of last year had traveled to the town of handl 93 Mi away from the capital and was seen meeting members of the public his political allies have urged people not to respond to hate with hate well as you heard the prime minister’s still in a serious condition here we’re waiting to hear from the authorities exactly what motivated this attack but ministers speaking at the hospital suggested that it was politically motivated suggesting that divisions have opened up within Society here and claiming that the opposition had uh painted the Prime Minister as a monster so on both sides now politicians calling for calm and we understand that she security around politicians has been stepped up but this attack has been condemned around the world from Joe Biden to Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin saying this today I was indignant to learn about the attempt on the life of the chairman of the government of the Slovak Republic there can be no justification for this monstrous crime okay for now thank you just hearing from the hospital this is what they say [Music] information on the development of the prime minister’s condition after the uh attack from yesterday so during the night the doctors managed to stabilize the patients condition and in this moment they are working on improving his condition the situation is truly serious and later on I will ask the director and the secretary of the of the hospital to provide you with more detailed information in this moment I just want to thank all the medical staff for the doctors nurses all the uh nursing staff who spent the whole night fighting for the life of the Prime Minister and they managed to stabilize his condition unfortunately his condition is still very serious because of how complicated his injuries were but all of us want to very much believe that we will manage to overcome this situation so once again huge thanks to all the medical staff here in the Rosevelt Hospital in babista for uh Extreme Performance so really thank you very much thank you good morning the Prime Minister was transferred by a helicopter in the afternoon yesterday to the Urgent Care of the Rosevelt hospital where he uh was treated he got a CT he was transported to the operating theater uh he operated on for five hours there were two Medical Teams Surgical and traa team working on him the same time he had numerous uh gun boots gun at the moment he is stable however it is still very very serious that’s why he will be on the ICU of the Rosevelt hospital where a whole team of doctors will be taking care of him so thank you very much for your interest in the but we also want to ask you to respect his privacy thank you very much ladies and gentlemen I also want to ask you because I understand that you’re very interested in all information but we want to kindly ask you to not put pressure on the medical staff here in the hospital and to allow them to provide treatment not only to the prim but other patients as well because hi okay okay um we’ve got the gist didn’t we there of what the Deputy Prime Minister was saying uh Shor is still with us um Shor uh body language um saying a lot I think there from the Deputy Prime Minister yes that’s right and when they actually finished speaking I tried to catch him for a few words in English you could tell he is extremely shocked by what had happened uh he said he really couldn’t comment anymore but just to recap about what you heard in that news conference they said during the night that the doctors managed to stabilize the Prime Minister that they were working now to improve his condition that the situation is described as very serious uh they’re going to try and do another update later but he thanked the medical staff uh who spent the night fighting for the prime minister’s life just showing you how serious this situation is and it’s because we’re told that the injuries are so severe that they’re very complicated uh the hospital spokesperson saying that the Prime Minister was transferred in helicopter went straight into the operating theater where two different teams of medical staff worked on him at the same time in order to try and save his life they said that they operated on him for 5 hours and at the moment he is stable but underlining that his condition is extremely serious and that he’s going to be kept on the emergency Ward so that doctors can continue to monitor him okay so that’s the latest update on Robert fiso the prime minister of Slovakia who was shot multiple times yesterday as shobon uh was saying the Deputy Prime Minister saying his condition uh is complex and he is very serious we we heard from the hospital um director also speaking to us saying that he is receiving Urgent Care on the Intensive Care Unit and goes one step further and says his condition is very very serious meantime us officials say a temporary peer that was being sent to help deliver Aid to Gaza has now arrived and is anchored at a beach let’s get more with aliser should we so what’s it going to be useful alist good morning good morning well this pier had been delayed by quite some weeks it’s been sitting in ashdod Port just north of Gaza uh the delay was partly because of the sea state but also the security situation in Gaza itself but about 2 and a half hours ago uh the US Navy has successfully anchored it to the beach in Gaza now it’s not up and running just yet but could be operating within the coming days is and it would be a complicated system allowing ships mainly civilian ships uh to be able to deliver a lot of Aid to Gaza but it will also involve uh the US Military and the United Nations who will deliver it within Gaza itself and the Israeli military who will secure the landing site now no American forces we are told went on into Gaza this morning and they’re not expected to go on Shore when this is operating but it will be able to provide enormous amounts of Aid into Gaza they think that in the first 48 Hours of it operating they’ll be able to get as much if not more Aid into Gaza than all of the air drops that have taken place so far so it could be very very effective there is already one ship that left port in Cyprus that has been mowed up in the Mediterranean waiting uh to go in so that process is underway and I think at least two more ships have left Cyprus in the last 24 hours as well okay for now thank you rest of today’s top stories for you know uh I think President Putin arrived in uh China overnight yes he did going to be meeting China’s leader xiin paying he’s on a two-day visit to Beijing and relations between the two look to be stronger than ever and Putin’s visit can come at a more significant time with Ukraine struggling to repeal Russian forces in the east of the country while Asia correspondent Nicole Johnston is in Beijing for us and Nicole just give us a sense of perspective if you will as to how important the meeting is for the two countries it’s a very important meeting for Russia it’s a chance to show that it’s not internationally isolated it does have very good friends abroad in China and for China it’s about power and who has the power well from China’s perspective it is the big brother in this relationship it is calling the shots of course there’ll be talks about trade about the war in Ukraine but there is much a much bigger symbolism underway here because when you look at it these are the two leaders two of the biggest leaders in the world meeting at a time when they would like to see the global order reordered effectively they are fed up with the dominance of the United States they have been forming alternative organizations trying to draw in countries like Brazil India and South Africa to challenge to the dominance of the West and this is a big concern for Europe and for the United States but xiin ping is playing a delicate Balancing Act here he needs to maintain that relationship with Europe especially so it can continue to have free markets free trade and also a relationship with the United States so far he has been able to have it all but the pressure is growing on China to reign in its relationship with Russia and to reduce its export to Russia things that the West says enable Russia to continue to wage war in Ukraine we follow all the developments and comments closely Nicole thank you one of the country’s top midwives has told Sky News that action needs to be taken now to improve the quality of maternity services around the country the Parliamentary birth trauma inquiry concluded this week that poor care is I quote frequently tolerated as normal Donna oan told Sky Sarah J me warm words are no longer enough more than listening what we need now is action from government we are significantly less than halfway where we should be in terms of Finance there is a postcode Lottery not all women are getting the consistently safe maternity care that they deserve we’ve got persistent um inequalities in terms of the experiences and the outcomes for women living in deprivation um Asian minority women and uh black women are responding to the Parliamentary inquiry into maternity Services the Health and Social care secretary Victoria Atkins said I’m determined to improve the quality and consistency of Care for Women throughout pregnancy birth and the critical months that follow and I fully support work to develop a comprehensive National strategy to improve our maternity Services going on to say we are now investing 1886 million a year more than in 2021 to improve maternity and neonatal care and we announced an extra 35 million out the spring budget to boost maternity safety with more midwives and better training well you can see Sarah Jam’s full interview with Donna Idan on the UK tonight from 8:00 p.m. the mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham says those involved in the infected blood Scandal should face prison Mr Burnham says there needs to be accountability in what’s widely considered the worst treatment disaster in the history of the National Health Service it’s a criminal cover up on an industrial scale that has gone on for decades by the people in the medical profession people in the pharmaceutical industry uh people in whiteall um it is appalling and it should Rock whiteall to its foundation do you think people should end up in jail yes I do uh there has to be accountability well you can watch K’s full interview with Andy Burnham later this hour they also discussed the future of Everton football club Manchester United’s new co-owner and what on Earth went on with the c live Arena a Reservoir in Southwest Devon is being investigated that’s after small traces of an intestinal parasite which can cause sickness and diarrhea were discovered within the waters residents were advised to boil water before consuming it after 22 cases of a waterborne disease were confirmed in brixen Southwest water issued the notice to its customers in the olston and hillhead areas warning both they are under investigation as potential causes of the outbreak now let’s uh turn to our second report from sen GA and the people trying to flee in Hope of a better life Sky News has been hearing how a well trodden route used by thousands of sagales migrants seeking to enter the US has become practically impossible to use that’s swolling a Crackdown which has seen the sale of flights banned and Transit visas imposed HRA alar has been speaking to one man who made the journey to the US a word of warning to sagar’s school children many have died and more will die he says they’re being educated on the dangers of illegal migration with a plea for them to stay and build their country if Africa is the El Dorado then darar is the doorway a Hub of Arts culture and trade on the North Atlantic but for many a tough Capital City to survive in this is the economic center of the country and all around us are people who are working to make enough money to live in this expensive city but the young people we’ve met are working to make enough money to leave as the Atlantic route to the Canary Islands proves to be the busiest and deadliest young people here are figuring out safer options to Europe these young men are back into car after traversing the desert to Libya then trying and failing to cross the Mediterranean Sea eight people you don’t died for my fath eight people died in front of you yes they barely survived their experience in Libya enslaved threatened and regularly beaten when I hear is trying to get to Europe it makes me incredibly sad because they don’t know what they’re going to face you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy it is very hard even if you had $10,000 there would be no way for you to arrive I tried five times we were captured tortured and beaten all of us right here it’s impossible to tell you all the things we faced issa’s brother traveled halfway around the world to make it to the US so did this man speaking to us from his new American home what’s life like for you now it’s better here what they pay here in one week is more than a month in snagle it wasn’t easy he says it took him 18 days and for others it can take a month the tallest statue in Africa points to the West as resentment for the West grows it’s not that they hate the West it’s that they feel like the West is plundering our resources that they’re taking from us to make over there better so why wouldn’t they also go over there and take advantage of what’s being taken from us here a city with sea oil and gas plundered for exports now being drained of its prime resource its young men y Sky News darar left of your screen you can see the latest on the Slovakia prime minister’s condition after he was shot multiple times yesterday during a walkabout in his country uh let’s get more should we former head of the British Army’s chemical weapons unit here Mr Bron Gordon is joining us um his condition is said to be very very serious uh Moscow have got involved as well saying that it’s um a tragedy um what does it mean h how do we move forward from this how concerned should we be in the United Kingdom about what happening on Slovakian so War K yeah I think we should be really concerned um Ro fishu is a controversial figure he is pro- Russian he is prime minister of the EU and a NATO country you know right in the heart of our current defense uh he wants sanctions lifted against Russia he doesn’t support Ukraine and doesn’t think the EU or NATO should continue to support weapons now at this particular time where Ukraine is is hanging on by its fingernails with massive Russian advances around harke that is incredibly dangerous to the stability of Europe um you know they have a border with Ukraine if Ukraine did fall um then Russia would could potentially have a real grip in the center of Europe and just north of Slovakia of course we have Hungary with Victor Orban who you know seems to switch sides on a regular basis so um yeah we there is no indication uh who is um the Assassin or potential assassin but in this really challenging time when there there is a real you know in a worst case scenario um NATO could be at conflict with Russia to have one of the NATO members its leader actually appearing to support the enemy rather than ourselves it’s incredibly dangerous so yeah I think Co heads are needed to find out exactly uh what happened here and uh at the moment we don’t know but Russia no doubt will make as much of it as they can meantime we cast our eyes towards China where President Putin is on a two-day State visit um given what’s happening on the Eastern flank in Ukraine it is a very um challenging time not only for Ukraine also for the west and the United States as you were saying but he does need the support of China to go further or does he well certainly Chinese support is important uh with the Western sanctions the only place he’s getting his high tech for his weapons uh is from China um and China of course is delighting in all the cheap oil and gas that it’s it’s buying off Russia but I think you know on that side China does realize that its main Market is the EU and the US and it’s not want going to want to cut that off but look looking at Russia itself and certainly what I’ve been writing about in the telegraph today is they’ve put their economy on a war footing their new leader of Defense their new defense Chief is an economist he seems to be there to build up the industry of Russia so that it can Outlast Europe Outlast nato in the support of Ukraine and and that is hugely important I think it’s it is yet another W wakeup call to you know our own leaders in this country and Europe that Russia is really serious aim for the long term is not going to give up anytime soon and the fact they’re making head roads around H um you know we really need to do something about this because if they make major breakthroughs um and Ukraine is still waiting for all that American uh ammunition and weaponry that that has been delayed we could get more seriously involved in this and that’s the last thing anybody wants president zalinsky has canceled all his foreign trips at least for now um perhaps highlighting the seriousness of the situation what is happening uh what is your understanding about what’s happening uh in East in Ukraine well what we understand is about seven villages in the Northeast have been taken by the Russians they broken through uh the Ukraine Security Services seem to think that this was they were caught on the Hop so maybe there is an intelligence Gap here but you know if NATO is not prepared to put boots on the ground and it must seriously consider that to hold the Russians uh in Ukraine we must at least be giving the ukrainians all the intelligence that they need so this sort of thing doesn’t happen uh we know that the or we understand from the ukrainians that the Russians are massing more armored forces in that area har is the Second City you know this would be like Birmingham falling you know it’s hugely significant and I think the morale of the Ukrainian people you know would would be really fragile if harke did fall which is why you know NATO must absolutely get on the front foot here you know quite frankly if we’re prepared to shoot down Iranian missiles far at Israeli cities why we’re not prepared to shoot down Russian missiles fired at Ukrainian civilians you know is slightly Beyond me this is you know we are teetering on the edge and in the worst case it could mean another war in Europe and I think NATO and UK is a key part of that must do all that we can to support um Ukraine to make sure it doesn’t happen and if that means boots in the ground in the sky over Ukraine we’ve got to consider that because at the moment Putin doesn’t think that we’re in this doesn’t think we’ll do it which is is cracking on with such Verve at the moment and and making Headway as well okay for now it’s always great to see you thank you pleasure still to come on the breakfast show for you here on Sky News we’re going to be hearing more on Labor’s pre-election pitch to voters with the party’s Chief campaign coordinator Pat mcf and Tyson Fury gears up for dday with Alexander usk in Riad [Music] it’s the highest number of parcels we’ve ever provided on record and we know that we’ve provided over 1.1 million of them for children with 65% of the parcels we provide going to households with children it’s um just really shocking we see variations uh across the UK but when we look over the last five years across the board we’ve seen an almost doubling in the number of people having to access emergency food because they simply don’t have enough money to be able to afford the essentials we’re hearing from families that they’re just not able to make their budget stretch to cover the cost of Essentials and by Essentials I mean things like food and household bills um the cost of inflation on essential items like food and bills is just such that compared to just even a couple of years ago people’s budgets can’t stretch we’re obviously relieved to see that inflation is not going up by as much as it was before but the reality is for essential items like food and househ bills the cost is still much higher than they were a couple of years ago and that fundamental problem is people are just not receiving enough income to cover the cost of those Essentials and a Bedrock of of of ensuring that this changes is making sure our social security system is fit for purpose I think we can all understand if you’re struggling to know how you’re going to feed your families if children are leaving home in the morning not having had sufficient breakfast it’s going to affect their ability to engage in school it’s also going to affect people’s mental health it’s going to affect their physical health we we all need food as an essential and not being able to afford that is something that’s just shocking and can’t continue we absolutely share our data and speak regularly with the government and with all political parties and for us it’s really clear this has to be an urgent issue that any incoming government seeks to address we’ve seen cost of living payments being provided last year but those have now ended so I think understanding that urgent action is needed this year because otherwise families on lowest incomes are going to see next year is much much harder in the year that’s just passed [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello again everybody we’ll be speaking to Pat mcfaden for labor momentarily it be interesting to see what you have to U think about all of that before that today’s top story yes let’s remind you of the headlines this hour the hospital in Slovakia treating the country’s prime minister says he is in a stable but very serious condition after being shot yesterday us officials say a temporary peer to help deliver Aid to Gaz is now arrived and been anchored at the coast trucks carrying humanitarian Aid are expected to begin moving ashore in the coming days Vladimir Putin has arrived in Beijing on a two-day State visit Russia’s president will meet president shijin ping for a series of talks in an attempt to deepen strategic ties with China mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham has told this program that those responsible for the infected blood Scandal should face prison the Scandal is widely considered the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS okay let’s get more should we now on Labor’s U plans today we are going well let’s join uh Pat mcfaden should we a national campaign coordinator Shadow Chancellor of the duy of Lancaster um we’ve got some pledges from K stama later on how do they differ from the edstone pledges well they are first steps for today’s Times uh and they are uh policies for us going into the next election to answer the question from voters what would labor do very often I come on programs like this and people say Don’t just criticize the government tell us what you do you would do and that’s what we’re doing today through everything from economic stability and growth through cutting NHS waiting times through hiring more teachers more security at the borders cracking down on antisocial behavior and clean power a public owned clean power company to help get people’s bills down it’s a great set of policies and it’s something that we want to launch today and to campaign on between now and the next election not very Cutting Edge is it I mean obviously you want a strong economic Foundation obviously you want higher living standards for workers and families obviously you want to improve the NHS well if people say uh that this is not cutting edge as you put it I would say this would make a real difference to people’s lives if you are someone who’s thinking of buying a home and you want to make sure that you’re going to avoid the economic recklessness that put a a a sort of Skyrocket under mortgage rates with Liz trust you’ll know that we will not repeat that mistake if you’re waiting in pain for NHS treatment you will know that 40,000 more appointments a week will make sure that we start to uh eat into those waiting lists and those High waiting times to get your treatment sooner if your hometown is plagued by antisocial behavior and you don’t think there’s enough of a response to it and it’s degrading the quality of life in your area you’ll know that we take it seriously if your child is being taught by Supply teachers rather than permanently emplo employed properly qualified teachers this will make a difference to your life These are policies that are worth having and worth voting for okay you’re going to put them on a headstone like you did with um Ed millerand we’re going to we’re going to take out advertising in some newspapers today they’re going to be on campaign materials around the country uh if you live in a a constituency that’s at the heart of the election whether it’s a sitting mp uh we will um we’ll be out there campaigning with them and we’ll be unveiling some of those campaign materials today okay no headstone though like you did with Ed Millan because that didn’t really work out very well did it uh well this is these are policies for today’s election and the campaign materials will be very much from 2024 they’re very similar at least three of them are identical out of the six so 50% well we believe they’re a good package for the country I could run through it again if you wish on health education no need I can see them on the screen we’re Ching to you you’ve got them on the screen there I can’t see the screen how they difference has to say and his fivepoint plan except there obviously one more he’s failing on his fivepoint plan he said he would get debt down debts going up he said he would get the NHS waiting down uh and it’s higher than he was when he made that promise and so on and so forth are you fully committed economy gr00 a person less than okay okay you know we’ve only got a short amount of time there’s no point in us talking over each other are you fully committed ending tax rates for uh private schools yes okay I was chatting to someone yesterday who said that they were thinking about voting labor for the first time but because of that they are going to vote conservative what would you say to him to change his mind I think this is a policy that’s fair to the whole country um we believe uh that it’s every Parent’s Choice to send their child to private school if people want do that that’s absolutely their choice um but we do believe it’s right to pay pay VAT on that and the proceeds from that will be used to benefit the education for the whole country for the 93% of children that are in the state system two more things before I let you go a fair way to do this Andy Burnham who you’ll know very well indeed I think you’ve probably served with him previously uh he says uh the infected blood Scandal is an absolutely National scandal and people should go to jail he called it a criminal cover up what would you say well we’re expecting the final report in a few days time it’s important that we get compensation to those affected that’s something we’ve been calling for for some time and something that we’ll be seeing again when that final report is published next week people need to go to jail that’s a decision that’s a decision for prosecutors um but if the prosecutors have the evidence to make that decision then of course they should use it this is indeed a national Scandal and it’s right that we draw a line under it make the proper apology and get the compensation to people who were affected right Pat tell me what’s going on with your properties I’m reading about it in the um the telegraph this morning talk to me about your living arrangements why did you claim £40,000 on expenses for a rent on a constituency home despite owning the home next door well the the rules were changed about uh 10 12 years ago uh and I complied with the rules I no longer own uh that property it was sold six or seven years ago uh at a loss which I covered uh personally this was in response to what was in many ways a retrospective changing the rules and I’ve always complied with the epsa rules I complied with them throughout epsa is the authority that governs all this for MPS so I’ve always stuck to the rules uh and they have never said and there’s anything wrong with my living arrangements should taxpayers be subsidizing MP’s property portfolios well uh this goes back a lot longer than me it’s always been the case that if an MP is in two constit not my question Pat should taxpayers be subsidizing MP’s property portfolios uh well there was no subsidy of a property portfolio I don’t have a property portfolio you had two properties next to each other that the the rule the rules used to be that MPS uh could have a property in their constituency and a property in London it used to be that that was through paying uh interest only mortgages that was changed about 10 or 12 Years sir alist gram a former chairman of the committee on standards in public life says MPS have a strong responsibility to ensure they keep to the minimum amount that they need to claim from public funds uh you owned two properties next to each other do you think you abided by that I did I didn’t own two properties next to each other you’re you’re wrong about that okay what did you do what happened here was I uh what happened here was I complied with the rules at all times and because of a Chang in the rules had to sell a property and cover the loss personally and financially myself so that’s what I did I covered the loss personally and complied with the rules at all times do you think that you be be okay perhaps you did well you’re saying that you did absolutely comply by the rules I put again to you alist Grahams who is the former chair of the committee on standards in public Liv saying MPS have a strong responsibility to ensure that they keep to the minimum amount that they need to claim from public funds given that there were two properties next to each other that were uh that you had whether you owned them explicitly or otherwise do you think you were abiding by those rules yes yes I do I think I’ve Abed by the rules at all times okay and what would you say to Sir aliser Graham then when he was saying when he was suggesting that actually you know you’re clim I think it’s quite an old quote from I think it’s quite an old quote from about difference does it make how old it is um so but uh you know I would say to him I’ve complied with the rules at all times the same as what I’m saying to you okay good to talk to you thank you for taking the time to join us good luck with your uh very much events today thank you thoughts well on on the points plan this is a big day for lab to try and simplify their offering to the electorate uh we heard Pat mfin going through why labor thinks this is important I think you’re right to point out that a lot of these are the the sort of cornerstones of the election promise whatever the political party it’s hard to argue isn’t it K against wanting the economy to grow we we need Cher borrowing we need people to buy houses we need businesses to invest in Britain we need people to wait less for the hip operations we want more teachers in the classroom interestingly labor put a figure on that 6 a half thousand teachers we’ll see whether that comes uh to fruition um antisocial behavior is still a big issue for people they’re constantly calling the police and the council and no one turns up so these are all big issues no one’s arguing with that but also the conservatives are treading around in the same territory as well migration economy and things like that these are promises but there’s a lot of policy we’ll have to wait for the manifesto to get into the nitty-gritty of it all but this is a big day for their message into kind of the essence of what Labor’s about as they head into the polls and interestingly labor in Essex today they’ll be wanting to win over not just those former red wall seats that they lost in 2019 but temped over some of those Tory Target seats and these are the this Sixpoint plan is appealing to the broadest Church isn’t it is he going to find himself in a sticky position over this property thing yeah and and and this has hounded MPS ever since we go back to the sort of expenses Scandal which opened this whole world up and more recently Sky News is investigation into money flowing in and out of parliament we often hear that MPS abided by the rules or that they were in the rules there’s also a kind of moral ethical should we be doing it in the first place debate which was very hard to get into there MPS the rules are set out before them they’re quite lucrative in some cases not necessarily legally wrong but there’s an ethical question about whether MP should be benefiting from having multiple properties and we have seen a lot of that expose over the last few years haven’t we okay for I thank you I also asked him about Andy Burnham actually and um the infected blood Scandal Andy Burnham suggesting uh that people should go to prison he’s thinks that it was absolutely uh illegal actions by some you can catch more about that online uh but I also asked him um about uh the Wigan uh stadium and that it was being renamed and I also asked him about football more generally particularly in the Premier League this is what he said look at us and we’re back at home together yeah exactly that now the reason we’re here is because of the brick Community Stadium what does it mean they’re brilliant I’ve seen them grow over the years uh from a very local organization but theyve just got more and more uh important they started doing a lot of work with us on homelessness but then just everything you know involved in so many aspects of community life and more recently we’ve launched a project with them where they’re recycling Goods donated by Amazon back into families and yeah they’re just a brilliant organization the uh Manchester United game y uh with K St the theater of Dreams what are you going to do about trying to stop it leaking yes uh theater of stream somebody said this morning but uh yeah but that’s why you know we’re we’re looking at what we can do now to support the club so what are you going to do um it’s about uh a regeneration that could do on the west of Greater Manchester what we’ve seen Manchester City do on the East uh of Greater Manchester did you see the images from the away uh players dressing room I uh think it was literally leaking through the roof saw something so if Arsenal lose I’m going to blame you personally for them all getting coals yesterday well well obviously we need to keep this Premier League in Manchester that’s what I would support but I think I mean let’s I’m just going to make a you know a comment on on football it’s not acceptable in my view for people to come into football clubs and just take out and I’m afraid too much of that has happened it’s happened in your own City at Manchester United and it needs to be said because a great club like this needs the best stadium in the world is R cliff on warning uh it’s a comment from me about football and you know somebody who loves football um I you know don’t uh like the idea of people coming in and using using our game and that’s why I’m supporting a strong independent regulator as part of this debate we’re having on football within Parliament uh right now I personally believe that the premier league has shown this season that it can’t regulate fairly because of the way they’ve treated my club Everton I think we do need that strong independent regulator to make sure that what we’ve seen in the past perhaps at Manchester United can’t be repeated you shouldn’t be able to come in to a club load your Deb and then take the money out talk about the glazers aren’t you yeah I am yeah okay you mentioned Everton um I uh are you interested in trying to help to buy Everton think I’ve got the money to do just you on your own but you know with with benefit of the fans I’m working you would support that if you like behind uh the scenes to make sure the interest of everon supporters are properly reflected in the new ownership well we just want to make sure that we get the right owners for Everton so Everton obviously as I said had a really tough uh season but we are now safe in the Premier League we got the last season at goodison Park I’m also going to start crying K because I can’t bear the thought of the last season at Gerson Park but it’s coming close now but then we’ve got this a wonderful new future on the banks of the royal blue Mery at the Bramley Moore stadium so Everton had a tough time but we can see light at the end of the tunnel but I I really want to make sure we get the right owners so that Everton are set up for the future see this lifts my heart when it says Wigan in the SC it looks absolutely uh amazing I want to talk to you though about I mean something that should have made you feel the same is the co-op Arena what there well good question um you know we that you’re asking we well we just had to obviously um take a really firm line when it comes to the facilities for emergency services given in the history uh that we have in our in our city obviously there couldn’t be any compromise there and it it would seem that things that should have been done weren’t done and hence you know there had to be had to be a delay Mr May thank you thank you very much great to see you you too thank you still to come on the breakfast show for you Tyson Fury prepares to go knuckle to knuckle with Alexander usk in wead [Music] I’m Martin brunt and I’m Sky’s crime correspondent my most memorable story was and still is The Disappearance of Madeline mccan please please do not harar her please give our little girl back we aim to be the best and most trusted place for news for detectives The First 48 hours after a murder are crucial in the search for Clues the public expects them to find Jill dando’s killer soon the British detectives are planning to meet forensic experts academics and even Witch Doctors I remember the grimmest case the SE murders of school girls Holly and Jessica I felt I can’t undo what’s happened but I can help explain [Music] it Dean Huntley was arrested and charged chared within a fortnight of the murders I’ve ever murdered anyone I’ve ever raped anyone what am I in jail for the parole board has to decide if Bronson needs to be kept locked up for the safety of the public my biggest challenge was to persuade a jail Diamond Thief to answer my letters Martin brunt Sky News at the Old Bailey [Music] hello again everybody welcome back to the breakfast show coming up we are going to be telling you more about that new planet that we were talking about but first is being built as one of the biggest boxing fights ever and after months of anticipation Tyson Fury and Ukraine’s Alexander usk are closing in on their Saturday Showdown and uh Jackie’s with us she’s actually in Riad um Jackie you had the opportunity to speak to Tyson Fury how’s he feeling well he was very nice to talk to us because he’ done his media already and this was especially uh for us and he was very chill very laidback very much in you know in fight mode um fighting usk it is the richest fight in boxing history each of them earning upwards of $120 million according to Fury’s American promoter tough fight uh usk’s got three belts Fury’s got one so for the first time in 25 years you have got one world champion it will be historic for the Sport Fury says doesn’t care Maverick box office and unpredictable Tyson Fury is many things but this week he wants to be just one a winner he holds One World title Ukraine’s Alexander usyk the three others and for the first time in 25 years the heavyweight division will have one Champion one King of the Ring I think we’ll find out on Saturday whose Destiny is M or his um we both can’t have the destiny of being the Undisputed in this era so and we won’t be young enough to go into another era to try it so it’s a D-Day for both Fighters it’s the chance to join the greats of History Muhammad Ali Mike Tyson and the last man to do it Lennox Lewis I’m not so of much interest to me and all the Legacy and um historic uh part of it all because on Monday Sunday I’ll be going back to morom and it’ll all be a long lost dream earlier in the week here in Riad there were ugly scenes when Fury’s Father John headbutted a member of the USI Entourage but there is respect between the two camps he’s a well accomplished uh boxer he’s world champion in two divisions he’s Olympic gold medalist his um his qualifications speak for themselves so I’ve never not said Us’s a good boxer I’ve called him an ugly little rabbit dosser that’s what I’ve called him but I’ve never said his boxing was bad the bout should have taken place here in Riad 3 months ago but a freak cut suffered by the British fighter delayed the fight and interrupted training he says it won’t affect the outcome I don’t think the cut really played any part because I train every day anyway um so had a few months off of sparring and that was it really so it was fine but what Tyson are we going to see on Saturday night I don’t know we have to find out W you it’s not far away is it B he looks in good shape looks like he’s worked hard for this one since first becoming world champion in 2015 Tyson Fury has battled depression alcohol drug abuse and serious weight gain and given up several times but he says he’s key to fight on as long as he doesn’t have to wait on a bit of a role at the moment so I if they can feed me quick and fast then I’ll take as many as I can get in the next few years but um if there Massy breaks like the has been in the last few years before Saudi Arabia then I won’t I won’t be interested in doing it but he remains the biggest personality in the sport and will soon pick up the biggest [Applause] [Music] paycheck he also said to me that he won’t be fighting in Britain anytime soon because the Saudis are putting so many fights and so much money his way in fact it’s all part of their Vision 2030 to modernize the country some people say it’s sportswashing they say this is about our people about sort of bringing us up to date and getting more visitors in uh turkey alash Shake is the man who’s the head of the entertainment ministry here he loves boxing and mixed martial arts and he has just gone Gang Busters to make sure that the heavyweight division is really centered in Saudi so that’s what we’re going to see on Saturday night he’s managed to get the biggest fight together and interestingly there were actually women out looking at the public workout last night when we were in the M watching it uh lots of young families who’ gone to see him work out so things are changing okay Jackie we’re going to have to leave it there thanks very much indeed almost um out of time are you are you into boxing uh no not really no it’s not your thing I try and avoid being hit in the face but for that money that money would change things I could be persuaded yeah let me tell you really quickly about a new Intergalactic discovery which has been [Music] made discovered a new planet and it’s star which is expected to shine 100 years longer than the sun speculo 3B is 55 light years away from Earth was on the tip of your tongue wasn’t it uh its host star is an Ultra Cool Red Dwarf that is half as hot as the sun and aund times less bright what does that mean no idea you always do that to me taking my opportunity still quite warm it’s very warm is what it is uh we’re back in just a few moments time with all today’s top stories including the very latest from Slovakia and also what the politicians have been saying to us this morning that to come in just a second [Music] [Music] [Music] morning it’s 9:00 coming up on today’s program an assassination attempt on a European leader labeled as politically motivated we’re live in Slovakia I’ll let you finish the sentence also ahead the US SS a temporary peer to deliver vital aids to Palestinians has arrived in Gaza we’ll have the latest on that development and here in the UK saki starma prepares to draw his election battle lines in a six-point plan that harks back to the days of Tony Blair it’s Thursday the 16th of May the prime minister of Slovakia has been stabilized but his condition remains very very serious due to complicated injuries after being shot several times police here are continuing to question a suspect as leaders from around the world condemn the attack show of unity President Putin arrives in Beijing for strategic talks with China’s president G during a two-day State visit we speak to the mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham about the infected blood inquiry and what he thinks should happen to those found to be at fault it’s a criminal cover up on an industrial scale that has gone on for decades boxing great Tyson Fury tells Sky News there can only be one King of the Ring ahead of his box office clash with Alexander usk we both can’t have the destiny of being the Undisputed in this era so and we won’t be young enough to go into another era to try it so it’s a dday for both Fighters you you are Universe in the universe how an earth-sized planet and its Ultra cool small star tell us more about the world that we live [Music] in good morning the condition of Slovakia’s primee Minister has stabilized but remains very very serious as a result of complicated injuries he sustained after he was shot a Point Blank Range in what’s being described as a politically motivated assassination attempt Robert fiso was reelected last September after campaigning to cut his country’s support for Ukraine following Russia’s Invasion this morning the Kremlin has labeled the attack and an unacceptable tragedy the Slovakian government will hold a security council meeting at 11:00 local time you can keep up to date with the panel on the left hand side of your screen as we bring in our Europe correspondent Shor Robbins hello shobon we’ve had two updates on his condition this morning yes that’s right the hospital spokesperson coming out with the Deputy Prime Minister to tell us the latest on the prime minister’s condition and it is extremely serious the hospital spokesperson saying that surgeons worked for five hours on him through the night in fact two teams worked at the same time in order to save his life it was confirmed that he was uh that five shots were fired and that the injuries sustained were extremely uh serious which has made the the situation more complicated he’s now being cared for in the Intensive Care Unit this is what the Deputy Prime Minister had to say they managed to stabilize his condition unfortunately his condition is still very serious because of how complicated his injuries were but all of us want to very much believe that we will manage to overcome this situation so that’s the latest on the prime minister’s condition what we understand is that a person was arrested at the scene and continues to be questioned now police haven’t revealed any official information about the ident identity of the alleged attacker however local media is saying that it’s a 71-year-old man who had a legal license to own a firearm and was a former security guard and ministers when they were giving an update yesterday outside this Hospital claimed that they believe this was a politically motivated attack Robert fito is a highly divisive figure he campaigned on a more pro-russia anti-American footing and the suggestion is that there are deep divisions within this Society but the attack has caused shock waves not just across Slovakia but around Europe and around the world and has been condem condemned widely from leaders from Joe Biden to President Putin okay for now thank you well the Russian president has met with China’s leader xiin ping while on a two-day State visit to Beijing relations between the two look to be stronger than ever and Putin’s visit couldn’t have come at a more significant time with Ukraine struggling to repel forces in the East let’s get more should we uh with Nicole who’s standing by for us in Beijing so what’s planned as part of this tway visit and will there be any statements um at the end of it well so far they’ve been meeting in the a great hall of the people they’ve been signing documents there has been some statements given to State media where they’ve reaffirmed how friendly they are of course this conversation will be about trade it will be about energy and it will be about the war in Ukraine but it’s also about much more than that these two men effectively want to see a reordering of the world so in the great power politics of the world they want to challenge the United States and its Global dominance and this has been clear for the last few years we’ve seen Chinese president xiin ping forming all sorts of alliances and different organizations trying to be bring in countries like India like South Africa and like Brazil so this is what is going on behind the scenes here and the symbolism of it is very strong you can see those incredible pictures of the scale of this state visit but xiin ping is also under a great deal of pressure from the United States and from Europe he is having to try and strike a delicate balance here because he wants to continue to trade with Russia now China is sending all sorts of Jewel use items uh electronics and Machinery tools to Russia which the West says enables Russia to continue to wage war in Ukraine it’s also getting cheap oil and gas from Russia but at the same time China needs to trade with Europe trade with the United States try and keep that relationship stable and consistently the message has been from the West that Shin ping can’t have it all he needs to reign in that relationship with Russia but here in China there there is no sign of that the Chinese president is adamant that he should be free to have a relationship with any country that he chooses okay for now thank you of course we’ll update you with what’s happening with the Slovakian uh Prime Ministers while keep saying president today um throughout the day here on Sky News what’s happening in Gaza yes developments there with regards to Aid delivery This Is Us official saying a temporary peer that was being sent to help deliver Aid to Gaza has now arrived and is anchored at the coast let’s bring in our Middle East correspondent alist Bunko who’s live in Jerusalem for us and Alistair how much of a real world difference will this make to the the delivery of Aid into Gaza well when it when it’s properly up and running and that could be in the coming days and by that I mean when when ships are actually docking and using this new facility then I think it could make a real difference assuming it runs smoothly and I think that’s quite a big assumption to make at the moment given the security U potential the potential security implications of of what’s happening but there’s an estimate that within the first 48 Hours of it being up and running they could get as much Aid in as all of the aid flights put together so I think that gives you some indication of how much Aid could be taken into Gaza and um the the theory is is that the more Aid you get in uh the less desperate people get and therefore of course the security situation uh could become much better particularly in the north of Gaza where there is a real acute need for it so what has happened this morning is that finally it’s been delayed by some weeks uh finally the the pier has been anchored into the beach in Gaza and now the the rest of it has to sort of come into place before the first ships ared there’s already ships that have have left laner and Cyprus which is the staging post uh there’s one that has left about a week ago and has just been waiting in order uh to make the move and go in two more I think left within the last uh 48 24 48 hours and so they are starting to get get the ball rolling and so we might see movement on that front in the first aid arriving in the next couple of days Al for the moment thank you we’ll follow those developments closely the mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham says those involved in the infected blood Scandal should face prison Mr Burnham says there needs to be accountability and what’s widely considered the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS people were knowingly given unsafe blood products okay do you think people should end up in jail yes I do uh there has to be accountability because you know often with these things in this country they go on for so long and nobody is then held accountable people were infected and they weren’t told I mean how can that possibly be uh allowed to happen in a country in a country like ours but that is what happened you know people were H uh HIV or hepc positive and they weren’t told their diagnosis that is scandalous there needs to be a duty of cander on all public servants and that is to tell the truth at the first time of asking nobody should be left in the wilderness well you can watch K full interview with Andy Burnham later this hour also discussing the future of Everton football club Manchester United’s new co-owner and of course what on Earth went on at the co live Arena meanwhile one of the country’s top midwives has told sky newes that action needs to be taken now to improve the quality of maternity Services ACR the country the Parliamentary birth trauma inquiry concluded this week that poor care is frequently tolerated as normal Donna endan told Sky Sarah jme that warm words are no longer enough more than listening what we need now is action from government we are significantly less than halfway where we should be in terms of Finance there is a postcode Lottery not all women are getting the consistently safe maternity care that they deserve we’ve got persistent um inequalities in terms of the experiences and the outcomes for women living in deprivation um Asian minority women and uh black women in response to the Parliamentary inquiry into maternity Services the Health and Social care secretary Victoria Atkins said I’m determined to improve the quality and consist consistency of Care for Women throughout pregnancy birth and the critical months that follow and I support work to develop a comprehensive National strategy to improve our maternity Services adding we’re now investing 186 million a year more than in 2021 to improve maternity and neonatal care and we announced an extra 35 million out the spring budget to boost maternity safety with more midwives and better training well you can see Sarah J me’s full interview with Don oan on the UK tonight that’s from 8:00 p.m. a Reservoir in Southwest devans being investigated after small traces of an intestinal parasite which can cause sickness and diarrhea were discovered in the water residents were advised to boil water before consuming it after 22 cases of a water Brawn disease were confirmed in brixen Southwest water issued the notice to its customers in the Austin and hillhead areas warning both areas are under investigation as a potential cause of the outbreak and some breaking news to bring you now from the last few minutes police in Scotland are investigating a fatal crash outside a church in balmi in abadin Shire the incident took place at around 7:45 last night involved a Land Rover and a one-year-old female child the child was taken to abdine Royal infirmary however was sadly pronounced dead a short time later the 40-year-old man driving the car was uninjured we’ll have more on that as it develops let’s bring you our second report from Sagal now and the people trying to flee in Hope of a better life there Sky News has been hearing how a well- trodden route used by thousands of sagales migrants seeking to enter the US has become practically impossible to use that’s fting a Crackdown which has seen the sale of flights banned and Transit visas imposed usra aler has been speaking to one man who made the journey to the US a word of warning to sagal’s school children many have died and more will die he says they’re being educated on the dangers of illegal migration with a plea for them to stay and build their country if Africa is the El Dorado then darar is the doorway a hub of Arts culture and trade on the North Atlantic but for many a tough Capital City to survive in this is the economic center of the country and around us are people who are working to make enough money to live in this expensive city but the young people we’ve met are working to make enough money to leave as the Atlantic route to the Canary Islands proves to be the busiest and deadliest young people here are figuring out safer options to Europe these young men are back into car after traversing the desert to Libya then trying and failing to cross the Mediterranean Sea eight people you don’t di for my face eight people died in front of you yes they barely survived their experience in Libya enslaved threatened and regularly beaten when I hear senales trying to get to Europe it makes me incredibly sad because they don’t know what they’re going to face you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy it is very hard even if you had $10,000 there would be no way for you to arrive I tried five times we were captured tortured and beaten all of us right here it’s impossible to tell you all the things we faced issa’s brother traveled halfway around the world to make it to the US so did this man speaking to us from his new American home what’s life like for you now it’s better here what they pay here in one week is more than a month in Sagal it wasn’t easy he says it took him 18 days and for others it can take a month the tallest statue in Africa points to the West as resentment for the West grows it’s not that they hate the West it’s that they feel like the West is plundering our resources that they’re taking from us to make over there better so why when they also go over there and take advantage of what’s being taken from us here a city with sea oil and gas plundered for exports now being drained of its prime resource its young men Sky News darar more of that online of course as well meantime let’s talk about uh a national outrage when uh the Gap tree was cut down two men have now appeared in court they have two men at Newcastle magistrates court yesterday charged with criminal damage both of the Sycamore Gap tree the iconic tree but also of Hadrian’s Wall which was hit by the tree when it was felled last year uh Daniel Graham who’s 38 and from carile pled not guilty to both charges at Newcastle magistrates court and his co- accused Adam CRS who’s 31 and from wigton in Cumbria uh said he entered no plea and as you can see on screen there both men arrived at court yesterday wearing balaclavas and uh sunglasses to hide their face they of course removed those once they got into the short 15minute hearing the court was told that the damage to the tree was set at just over 600,000 so quite considerable the damage to the wall much less at just under 1,500 pound and the prosecution said that the when the tree was was fell iconic tree of course I think probably one of the most photographed trees in the whole world it had caused serious distress it was over 200 years old and it was really as I say an iconic part of the landscape in North umberland uh the two men were were told at magistrates court yesterday that the charges against them were essentially too serious for the magistrates court and would have to be sent to a Crown Court so they were both released on conditional bail and they’ll appear again at Newcastle crime court on the 12th of June okay thank you still to come on the breakfast show for you here on Sky News Thursday morning sausage dog walkers are attempting to set a new record this weekend we’ll speak to TV personality Jody kit and tyon fury gears up for D-Day with Alexander sick in [Music] Riad it’s the highest number of parcels we’ve ever provided on record and we know that we’ve provided over 1.1 million of them for children with 65% of the parcels we provide going to households with children it’s um just really shocking we see variations uh across the UK but when we look over the last 5 years across the board we’ve seen an almost doubling in the number of people having to access emergency food because they simply don’t have enough money to be able to afford the essentials we’re hearing from families that they’re just not able to make their budget stretch to cover the cost of Essentials and by Essentials I mean things like food and household bills um the cost of inflation on essential items like food and bills is just such that compared to just even a couple of years ago people’s budgets can’t stretch we’re obviously relieved to see that inflation is not going up by as much as it was before but the reality is for essential items like food and household bills the cost is still much higher than they were a couple of years ago and that fundamental problem is people are just not receiving enough income to cover the cost of those Essentials and a Bedrock of of of ensuring that this changes is making sure our social security system is fit for purpose I think we can all understand if you’re struggling to know how you’re going to feed your families if children are leaving home in the morning not having had sufficient breakfast it’s going to affect their ability to engage in school it’s also going to affect people’s mental health it’s going to affect their physical health we all need food as an essential and not being able to afford that is something that’s just shocking and can’t continue we absolutely share our data and speak regularly with the government and with all political parties and for us it’s really clear this has to be an urgent issue that any incoming government seeks to address we’ve seen cost of living payments being provided last year but those have now ended so I think understanding that urgent action is needed this year because otherwise families on lowest incomes are going to see next year is much much harder than the year that’s just passed [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know it’s great is J kid is here with sausage with I had to think long and hard about naming him that but he came with the name Bongo which and he wasn’t quite a bongo um so I tried Frank the Frank furter didn’t quite suit Frank so he sa his sausage fine tell me why here so basically we are doing I’ve been part of this charity dog walk for a number of years um and this year we’re doing we were like right how do we raise even more money and we thought well why don’t we try and break a world record so obviously I’m an owner of a daxon and so I thought I wonder how many daxon have been walked at one time and it’s not that many which is 250 right so we’re going to go for if we get 251 we are going to break a world record right so we’re doing it on Sunday at the uh Sunday the 18th and we’re doing it at Marble Hill House which is in Twickenham so anyone that’s got a daxon please can they come and support us but because it’s a charity day our gria pet insurance are going to be donating 5 uh for every dog that turns up to charity yes I know that’s it I’ve lost you already yes why why daxon well I love daxon they’re just such lovely gorgeous dogs they’re you know they’re really active when they want to be but then if you want to kind of cuddle up on the sofa they’re literally like the best hot water bottle ever and how far are you going to walk I’m guessing they can’t walk very far no no no very very little legs so we’ve got a little 1 kilometer route and that would be the route for us to break the world record um but yes so there’s three different sites that people can go to around the UK if they haven’t got a dactor and you can walk any dog um so they are Kennelworth Castle in warshire Bel Hall in North umand and then our um down at marble Hell House which is where we’re going to try and break the world record okay but people can come along and bring any dogs or if you can’t come to one of those sites if you just take a picture of you taking your dog for a walk on on Saturday um and you hasht arrea dogwalk 2024 and tag agreer pet insurance they’ll still donate £5 on your behalf okay and what’s going to happen to the money oh they go to three different dog Charities so we’re obviously uh supporting daxon beagles and poodles okay tell me about daxon I don’t know much about them well they’re just lovely I mean they are they they’re designed to be um kind of uh hunting for Badgers and going down holes yes we you call them a gun dog no no they’re a little bit but they’re you know they’re proper working dogs but I think now that they’ve become little bit more um kind of like uh show dog should we say or kind of like um just proper pet and family dogs um not so much hunting going on but they really are just lovely if you as I said if you want to cuddle up and relax they’re just so gorgeous hot water bottle or when you take them for a walk they’re so active yeah they really are are they they don’t look it yeah they love it absolutely love going for a walk but they have problems with their backs they do occasionally if you got to keep them um with not so much weight on right so that’s the thing when they get slightly kind of tubbier then it puts pressure I mean I call them like a long wheel base it’s like a 110 you know Land Rover 110 rather than a 90 so yeah it does when they put some weight on it puts a bit more pressure on their M that’s your other passion coming out there that’s my other passion yes exactly love my cars he thinks he’s on the vet’s table he does that’s why he’s absolutely petrified he’s waiting for a thermometer go up his bottom at some point oh no so where where can people find out more so they can go on to the uh www. arria pet. or follow any of their social um but please anyone that’s got a a daxon please come and help us break a world record it will be a fantastic day to see over 200 I know millions of them everywhere be hilarious will you take pictures and send them 100 million per fantastic bye sausage say bye bye we’ll get off the table now bye bye sausage thank you gorgeous thank you very much thank you still to come on the breakfast show for you should sex education be taught to children under the age of nine we’ll talk about it [Music] [Music] Julian Keegan the education secretary was on the program at today um talking about sex education which we’re going to discuss in just a moment or two did you make of what she had to say about teaching it’s a very complicated and some would say contentious issue um I mean the Nob of what they’re announcing today is that children under nine won’t receive sex education other than a kind of scientific basis um parents will be consulted before their children get sex education but the section of it that’s got the most attention I think is that one of gender identity uh the idea that children can change their gender by using different names and pronouns or where close of the opposite sex the government are calling that contentious and when we asked Jillian Keegan about the government’s plan which quite radical change as to how we offer sex education this is what she had to say on that issue contested views about there could be 72 genders no we don’t want our children to be taught things that are very much contested and you know most of us when you look at those kind of uh materials you find it find it sort of uh you know they’re just Madness really you know there’s all kinds of strange ideologies in this area and we do not want those being taught in schools you had a few didn’t you yeah I I do because I am a 6′ two white gay man so I have a pretty easy time of it but even I when walking down the street holding hands with my husband have had all sorts of stuff thrown in my direction I’m fairly fortunate that it’s kind of water off a Ducks back cuz I also work in the public high and I get a lot on social media but there are lots of people who’ll be looking at yet another sentence in the soal conversation that uses phrases like strange ideologies from government ministers and we’re thinking that their identity their realities are being increasingly politicized and many of them get far worse daily experiences than I do and they will be looking surely to governments and people in power to try and protect them and that isn’t necessarily the sense that people are getting yeah I mean Jillian Keegan In that clip said a lot of a lot of what’s being a lot of what people want schools to teach it she called it Madness um and I think some of this is a fear from government that there are some a lot of parents out there who are concerned about what their teachers what their children are being taught but I think this is a this is a complex picture and I’m not sure whether I don’t know what you think whe the government are being quite clear about what they are proposing and what they’re not for example children will be taught about gender reassignment for example that people can legally change their agenda from 18 years old but they will be told that they cannot be legally classified children cannot be legally classified as members of the opposite sex it’s very very complicated but there are um that there is a I think a growing demand for for people to have some clarity on what schools should be teaching and what they shouldn’t be teach and if you saw the interview this morning you can make up your own mind whether you had any further Clarity or not you can clear up the headlines for us certainly can let’s remind you the top stories this hour the hospital in Slovakia treating the country’s prime minister says he is in a stable but very serious condition after being shot yesterday us officials say a temporary peer to help deliver Aid to Gaza has now arrived and been anchored at the coast trucks carrying humanitarian Aid are expected to begin moving ashore in the coming days Vladimir Putin’s arrived in Beijing on a two-day State visit Russia’s president will meet with President shiin ping for a series of talks in an attempt to deepen strategic ties with China and the mayor of great Manchester Andy burnhams told Sky News that those responsible for the infected blood Scandal should face prison the Scandal is widely considered the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS that’s our debate about sex education in schools should we Molly Kingsley executive founder of us for them and Dan all Church CEO of talk consent good to see you both where do you stand on this ladies first thank you um I’m relieved you know I’ve got to 7-year-old and a 10-year-old and had been getting increasingly worried about what they’re going to be taught in school I mean we’ve heard the horror stories that are coming out about this very sexualized content about this contested gender ID and I think the new guidance is to be welcomed it’s clear it’s UNAM unambiguous and it’s desperately overdue yeah I think I I completely understand the the views coming around about this issue I think in general it feels a bit unnecessary the the blanket ban on sex education certain ages because by and large there’s no evidence of widespread inappropriate content being taught in schools obviously there are some stories coming out here and there but as as an organization we’ve been to over 300 schools in the last two and a half years and there’s no evidence of them trying to push inappropriate education to younger age groups well raised your eyebrows then yeah I did I mean that doesn’t Accord with reports from so people like the policy exchange which is an Evidence back freedom of in Information Act backed um Rapport which I think they did 3 UND fois and the responses were absolutely shocking so shocking I knowed few down so we had you know 70% of secondary schools this was a year ago were teaching that people can have a gender ID different to the body they were born in um four in 10 secondary schools um were operating a policy of gender ID and to those of us with kids coming up the system this was just a safeguarding flag like you know out of absolute proportion to anything kids would come into contact with at home it was really really scary and I think many of us were beginning to feel that school had become you know genuinely an unsafe place or at least we didn’t know if school was safe because of course the other thing that has been changed by this week’s guidance is that parents weren’t allowed to see what was being taught which was insane and the guidance changes that so third party providers will now have to show parents what they’re teaching kids it’s entirely reasonable yeah so a couple of points on that one I guess is on the last one again the guidance for showing materials came out in December last year and when that came out everyone in the sex education industry said said we’re very happy to share our materials and we’re always happy to send our stuff to parents we do parent workshops we want to engage parents in dialogue and every organization sort of on the same level that I think what we we’re really trying to do as talk consent and as other sex education organizations is we just want to make sure that young people feel safe they’re protected as they grow up they have enough education in order to keep themselves safe and keep each other safe like not harm each other and that’s really what we’re trying to do is provide Effective Education at the right age talk to parents to involve them make sure everyone’s on on the same page with that I think so look I mean I entirely agree with that but I guess you know at the right age is key so my seven-year-old why does my seven-year-old need to be C taught sex head she doesn’t she she needs to be taught I would say about basic biology you know parts of the body they are going to be taught that still you know likewise I think the teaching about periods about puberty that can still go ahead at eight quite young but fine but I think the more contested stuff particularly beliefs about gender and you know that these views are very contested we need to get those out of schools and I would say that actually you know even just basic sex education like let kids be kids let’s preserve some innocence here the argument we’re here against that is because well kids come across it online and you know it’s a very dangerous online world but then the answer to that is to make the online World safer it’s not to bring it into the classroom that’s insane so again I just really would want to clarify that sex education isn’t being taught a wide level to Primary School students the guidance before what’s just come out says that primary schools can teach it if they need to but in general it’s it’s not recommended and we’ve been delivering in primary schools since sort of June last year and again we don’t talk about sexual activity or sex in those settings it’s meant to be age appropriate schools are really trying their best to make these materials age appropriate the worry is I suppose that if you ban schools from talking about certain topics at a certain age let’s say you’ve got a group of children in a year year group who are maybe looking into different things earlier than expected and then the school doesn’t really have the flexibility to respond to that and then if we get onto the other topic of of gender identity I think what we want to be really careful of we’ve just heard the different guests talking about that is denying people that they essentially exist and we want to be I think we link that to like the section 28 law which we know has done so much harm to lgbtq plus people people we really don’t want to be sort of saying no your identity isn’t a thing or being ridiculous it’s sort of like you wouldn’t you wouldn’t talk to someone at school who says to their parent oh I think I might be gay or I might be lesbian say oh no like that’s contested that’s that’s not realistic and I I think we want to be really careful of not shutting down the fact that transgender people do exist and and they deserve education and all that kind of stuff yeah Molly you know look I agree with that and of course we have to be sens it but I think many parents would say it has gone far too far in schools and actually you know just because we can do something doesn’t mean we always should and of course we’re seeing things like the cast report now which represent a real rowback on some of what has happened over the last 10 years and I think you know there’s we’re in this period of flux I think getting it as much as possible out of the classroom back into the family you know parents have a role here get it out of the classroom back to the family and of course be sensitive as to what’s happened okay we started with you so we must finish with you um Dan final thought I just I just think we want schools to have support on this rather than blanket bands and also I don’t I think we need to be very careful about the suggestion that schools are bringing in vastly inappropriate and unsubstantiated material into schools like it’s it’s not happening at widespread level we we deliver in so many schools I talk to so many teachers all the time and it’s it’s just not really the case Okay um thank you both very much indeed for joining us and making your points appreciate it very much thank you now this week I had the opportunity to return to my hometown of Wigan along the alongside the mar of Greater Manchester Andy burn and we took a walk around the newly named brick Community Stadium where Wigan Athletic and Wigan Warriors play had the chance to quiz him on what he makes of the state of British football the future of his Club Everton and just what went on with the co-op live Arena look at us and we’re back at home together yeah exactly that now the reason we’re here is because of the brick Community Stadium what does it mean they’re brilliant I’ve seen them grow over the years uh from a very local organization but they’ve just got more and more uh important they started doing a lot of work with us on homelessness but then just everything you know involved in so many aspects of community life and more recently we’ve launched a project with them where they’re recycling Goods donated by Amazon back into families and yeah they’re just a brilliant organization [Music] the uh Manchester United game y uh with k d the theater of Dreams what you going to do about trying to stop it leaking yes uh theater of stream somebody said this morning but uh yeah but that’s why you know we’re we’re looking at what we can do now to support the club so what are you going to do um it’s about uh a regeneration that could do on the west of Greater Manchester what we’ve seen Manchester City do on the East uh of Greater Manchester did you see the images from the away uh players dressing room I uh think it was literally leaking through the roof saw something so if Arsenal lose I’m going to blame you personally for them all getting coals yesterday well well obviously we need to keep this Premier League in Manchester that’s what I would support but I think I mean let’s I’m just going to make a you know a comment on on football it’s not acceptable in my view for people to come into football clubs and just take out and I’m afraid too much of that has happened it’s happened in your own City at Manchester United and it needs to be said because a great club like this needs the best stadium in the world is that rat cliff on warning uh it’s a comment from me about football and you know somebody who loves football um I you know don’t uh like the idea of people coming in and using using our game and that’s why I’m supporting a strong independent regulator as part of this debate we’re having on football within Parliament uh right now I personally believe that the premier league has shown the season that it can’t regulate fairly because of the way they’ve treated my club Everton I think we do need that strong independent regulator to make sure that what we’ve seen in the past perhaps at Manchester United can’t be repeated you shouldn’t be able to come in to a club load your debt and then takeing the money out sorry about the glazers aren’t you yeah I am yeah okay you mentioned Everton um I uh are you interested did in trying to help to buy Everton you think I’ve got the money to do just on your own but you know with the with benefit of the fans I’m working you would support that if you like behind uh the scenes to make sure the interest of Everton supporters are properly reflected in the new ownership well we just want to make sure that we get the right owners for Everton so Everton obviously as I said had a really tough uh season but we are now safe in the Premier League we got the last season at goodon Park I’m also going to start crying at K because I can’t bear the thought of the last season at goodison Park but it’s coming close now but then we’ve got this wonderful new future on the banks of the royal blue Mery yeah at the Bramley Moore stadium so Everton had a tough time but we can see light at the end of the tunnel but I I really want to make sure we get the right owners so the Everton are set up for the future see this lifts my heart when it says Wigan in the stands it looks absolutely uh amazing I want to talk to you though about I mean something that should have made you feel the same is the co-op Arena W there well good question um you know we that you’re asking we well we just had to obviously um take a really firm line when it comes to the facilities for emergency services given the history uh that we have in our in our city obviously there couldn’t be any compromise uh there and it it would seem that things that should have been done weren’t done and hence you know there had to be had to be a delay Mr May thank you thank you very much great to see you you too K thank you being build as one of the biggest box uh boxing fights ever I should say and after months of anticipation Tyson Fury and Ukraine’s Alexander usk are closing in on their Saturday Showdown uh he Fury has been speaking to Jackie who’s in rad hi Jackie tell us more morning Kay yes it is the richest fight in boxing history both Fighters taking uh we’ve been told upwards of $120 million each home after this fight win or lose um usk Ukrainian feels like he’s fighting for his whole country to bring back some good news to them also an absolutely brilliant fighter has three of the belts Fury one of the belts just wants to get in get out get the job done get back to morham walk his dog and take his seven kids to school he says history joining Muhammad Ali in the history books or Tyson Fury Mike Mike Tyson does not matter to him in the slightest it’s all about the cash Maverick box office and unpredictable Tyson Fury is many things but this week he wants to be just one a winner he holds One World title Ukraine’s Alexander usk the three others and for the first time in 25 years the heavyweight division will have one Champion one King of the Ring I think we’ll find out on Saturday whose Destiny is mine or his um we both can’t have the destiny of being the Undisputed in this era so and we won’t be young enough to go into another era to try it so it’s a dday for both Fighters it’s the chance to join the greats of History Muhammad Ali Mike Tyson and the last man to do it Lennox Lewis I’m not so a much interest to me and all the Legacy and um historic uh part of it all because on Monday Sunday I’ll be going back to morome and it’ll all be a long lost dream earlier in the week here in Riad there were ugly scenes when Fury’s Father John headbed a member of the usk Entourage but there is respect between the two camps he’s a well accomplished uh boxer he’s world champion in two divisions he’s Olympic gold medalist he’s um his qualifications speak for themselves so I’ve never not said usk’s a good boxer I’ve called him an ugly little rabbit dosser that’s what I’ve called him but I’ve never said he boxing was bad the bout should have taken place here in Riad 3 months ago but a freak cut suffered by the British fighter delayed the fight and interrupted training he says it won’t affect the outcome I don’t think the cot really played any part because I train every day anyway um so had a few months off of sparring and that was it really so it was fine but what Tyson are we going to see on Saturday night I don’t know we have to find out it’s not far or away is it but he looks in good shape looks like he’s worked hard for this one since first becoming world champion in 2015 Tyson Fury has battled depression alcohol drug abuse and serious weight gain and given up several times but he says he’s key to fight on as long as he doesn’t have to wait on a bit of a all at the moment so I am if they can feed me quick and fast then I’ll take as many as I can get in the next few years but um if there’s massive breaks like there has been in the last few years before Saudi Arabia then I won’t I won’t be interested in doing it but he remains the biggest personality in the sport and will soon pick up the biggest [Applause] [Music] paycheck he also said that he’s not going to be fighting in Britain anytime soon he’ll keep coming out here to Saudi for these big fights big payday and uh and they will keep coming because the Saudis have a thing called Vision 2030 to modernize their country and bring so many sporting events here they’re obsessed with football very young gen generation about 75% of the population are under 30 and they are obsessed with sport so that’s what they that’s what they say they’re doing this for is to modernize their country and open it up and and he loves it here he said I’ll come here on holiday with my seven kids and my wife so he doesn’t want to fight in Britain he’s going to stay here it’ll be interesting to see what happens on Saturday because they always say in boxing a good big un beats a good little one and he is certainly a very good big fighter thanks Jackie um you’re going to be talking to us about Kia stammer a Sixpoint plan in just moment is he going to put it on an edge stone something smaller your pocket back in a set [Music] I’m Martin brunt and I’m Sky’s crime correspondent my most memorable story was and still is The Disappearance of Madeline mccan please please do not Hur her please give our little girl back we aim to be the best and most trusted place for news for detectives The First 48 hours after a murder are crucial in the search for Clues the public expects them to find Jill dando’s killer soon the British detectives are planning to meet forensic experts academics and even Witch Doctors I remember the grimmest case the SE murders of school girls Holly and Jessica I felt I can’t undo what’s happened but I can help explain [Music] it Ian Huntley was arrested and charged within a fortnight of the murders I’ve ever murdered anyone I’ve ever red anyone what am I in jail for the parole board has to decide if Bronson needs to be kept locked up for the safety of the public my biggest challenge was to persuade a jail Diamond Thief to answer my letters Martin brunt Sky News at the Old Bailey [Music] [Music] here stor is making six new pledges none of them are groundbreaking because we know basically what he’s going to say because they said it with the edstone however long ago that was um K’s got a job got to try and convince people what he stands for because if we’re being honest over the last few years even Kier starmer’s Miss message discipline has been all over the place we had the last conference that was all about planning couple of conferences before that was about green energy and borrowing 28 billion and they put that plan in the bin then there were missions you might remember those and today all of that seems to have been boiled down into one sixo plan that could be put on a pledge guard and as you say the promises aren’t new what’s new is that that K starma is trying to give the public something that they can remember promise that he says he will meet in 5 years time so let’s go through them because they’re interesting number one to deliver economic stability that’s rather in the eye of the beholder is he just promising not to have a financial crash number two to cut NHS wa waiting times against what data that’s probably the most specific one there is number three to launch a new B border security command now that’s all about means it’s not about ends does he want to stop the boats number four he wants to set up Great British energy again he’s promising to do some structural change but what kind of reduction in people’s bills does that mean number five Crackdown on anti-al Behavior note that word K Crackdown not cut there’s no promise to cut the numbers just a Crackdown we have crackdowns every week some people think and number six to recruit 6,500 new teachers that sounds specific but to my ear that’s net not gross in other words that’s the number that will increase but maybe not taking account that those are leave but at least three of these we heard previously when Ed milleran stood in front of a headstone um and said the same thing and and several of them are quite similar to to targets roughly that the government want to do and that is just simply that’s what the poll suggest the people’s priorities are and and to me that’s less of a surprise yes there is uh some continuity with Ed Milan who happens to sit in Karma’s Shadow cabinet I think the challenge is different it’s about getting noticed it’s about expunging doubts amongst the public who don’t know what K sta stands for but the question is how much confidence we have that will we have that this cuts through when they’ve had several other goes at kind of trying to convince the public of the concrete things that they might do and that hasn’t worked will this be substantially different what do you think the conservative party have been accused of using wedge issue politics and policies to try and create dividing lines are we seeing that at all with are they picking things that potentially going to be controversial to try and force people in One Direction or the other or they taking more Centrist approach um actually I think the approach of the labor party today in this document is to shut down dividing lines I mean delivering economic stability is about proving they can be trusted with the uh economy cutting NHS waiting time that’s something that the Tories want to do and on and on and on to answer your question what’s really interesting is what’s been left out I’ve got a list of those uh workers rights that’s a wedge issue between the parties that’s not on here rationalizing the railways they only announced that two weeks ago that’s not on this pledge card um breakfast clubs a big pledge that many in labor are fond of it’s a wedge issue however it’s not being talked about uh changes to the P to um priv so that that is that is part of the plan to recruit 6,500 new teachers and depending on which version of the advert you look at that is actually the bigger one um but they spent a long time talking about borrowing 28 billion to uh invest in the grin economy they then junked that and replaced it with a plan to borrow 7 billion a year uh or 3 billion a year to invest in the grin economy all of that feels like a stain that they’ve just decided to to to park so the toies might end up wanting to talk about that more than labor labor I often mean accus not revealing any plans because they wanted to keep that lead in the polls is this going to change where they stand do you think the Gap that 20 25 point gap between the two uh they going to lose voters uh I I think we’re going to have to wait and see um uh Mich question about this is not uh really about the contents it’s about whether labor more successfully than they have done in the past use this moment to land a message with the public because let’s be let’s be honest it’s a mini Manifesto basically it’s a mini Manifesto but are the public going to listen to this they don’t listen to everything in politics as much as they want them to listen to me every single day do they don’t the thankfully some do but but the public only have a limited attention band will this thing that you’re looking at in in this screen with a very very large kind of Deputy head Master kissed armor on the left hand side uh be the thing that uh that sort of that’s a Superman pose isn’t it I mean that’s what most Deputy head Masters are this party the period of Superman poses remember those the legs of Kimbo no more of that yeah if you’ve ever watched Gray’s Anatomy you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about uh we thank you we are back uh tomorrow morning at the same time see you soon [Music]


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