Save the date! Joins us on Tuesday 11th June from 07:45 AM to 12:00 PM (Helsinki time) to follow the Architecture Student Contest 2024 Projects Presentations!

    e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Applause] good morning everyone good morning morning I hope you had a good first evening yesterday thank you so I’m Claudia and I’m external event coordinator at sangoan and this is my colleague Mikel yes good morning everyone I’m mik I’m a sales manager at San Finland and I’m based here in Helsinki so here we are all I hope you had a good night’s sleep and that you were not disturbed by the bright light which you might have noticed because the sun does rise very early here in the summer time so at what time did it rise uh this morning nobody or somebody knows maybe yeah you got up to a 356 that was early wow that’s really really early but maybe you use this uh extra hours to uh get uh ready and uh to relax we hope so and uh uh I know that or we all know that having a presentation can be a bit scary but just relax we know that you are well prepared and you will do just fine yeah so um here’s the reminder of this morning’s agenda we will have the first session of the project presentation from now on until 9:50 then we will follow with a 20 minute break and then we will resume with the remaining teams from 1010 until 12:00 and I just remind you that each team has to attend both sessions yes and here in the front row we have the international jury which you were introduced to yesterday [Applause] evening at the welcome ceremony but we will call out each jury member’s names so you can put faces to the names again so let’s start here we have uh Thomas we have Carl [Applause] Alicia Pascal we have Francis we have Carell and last but not least [Applause] Riner now a few important rules uh to help you each team has five minutes for their presentation you will have a timer here on the on the screen in front of the stage that will help to keep track of your time after uh when the time is up the microphone will switch off but please after your presentation stay on stage for a quick team photo and then we will continue with the next team yes and uh once more we remind you that there will be no Q&A session after your presentation but tomorrow morning there will be a mandatory feedback session from 9 to 12 in the hotel and one more thing see cameras back there this session is live streamed on Facebook and YouTube so your family friends and classmates can follow you and cheer for you so let’s raise our hands and give a big wave to the camera yeah and uh then we go to the presentations so here is the order of the presentations and uh we will call each team up on stage there will be a rotation in the room so you come up on this side and go out on that side and in between there will be after presentation some photos and certificates yes and uh keep track of the team that present before yours when that team goes on stage please go and see uh Justine over there to get ready for your presentation yes so timing is important as usual so respect the timing take a deep breath and smile you’ll do good yes and are you ready good luck then and we will start with the first team team number one our finish host welcome [Music] ladies and gentlemen good morning my name is Ru repo and here with me is my teammate Viet rala we are from University of Olo Finland and it’s an honor to be the first presenters here today and we’ll be presenting you our proposal Urban Harvester the project site is located on the southern side of veg there which splits the surrounding area and two uh the future development of the area will be on the Northern side making it even more dense new and urban but the southern side will say say SPS and Rural with its farms and Fields Urban Harvester takes notice of its surroundings and attaches to the farm like state of mind making the spirit of the area even more stronger the project takes inspiration from the neighboring VII research Farm then the whole concept of the plan is based on an idea of farm buildings with a futuristic twist the new construction stretches across the site it takes an object like form joining the mismatched group of gardinia the old Museum and the Ark building the center of the site is a vertical Farm building resembling a silo in addition to giving the residents an opportunity to harvest food it functions as a seasonal thermal storage and with its positioning it creates a center point to the surrounding buildings and the connecting Bridges provide easy connections and they contribute to overall Aesthetics communal and Commercial functions can be found throughout the area making it easy to do everyday chores and to meet other people now let’s continue with the renovation the renovated building has been designed to meet the communal needs of entire area the building is divided into three functional zones for working eating and relaxing the first and second floors are connected with a large opening which allows daylight to enter it also enhances the interaction with with the spaces uh the building’s exterior architecture has been preserved maintaining its historical and aesthetic value now let’s move on to the new construction uh the new construction combines elements from farm buildings and the high-tech architecture of piki red different Shades of Gray and glass appear traditionally in farm and cultivation buildings implementing these elements into the design the complex makes a new distinguishable Landmark for VII and here you can see the plan layout and it’s very simple the apartments are located along a central Corridor and on the second floor it is possible to walk through the whole complex using these corridors and connecting Bridges this enables everyday encounters between the residents the second floor of the vertical Farm building functions as a community Hub the other floors are dedicated to Growing food and about the construction the residential building’s loadbearing framework consist of wooden columns and CLT slabs the this design enables flexible changes in use such as converting the apartment building into an office building additionally modifications to the apartments are feasible and wooden structures also serve as effective carbon storage contributing to environmental sustainability and same combin products are used extensively across the building and due to the cold climate of Finland most of the energy in the buildings is used for heating in urban Harvester the heat loss caused by high amount of glazing is compensated by utilizing active and passive solar energy the energy is being harvested with a large amount of solar thermal collectors the other Energy Solutions include a wide range of efficiency boosting Technologies and in the calculations the building performed remarkably well and let’s finish with the old Museum the museum is transformed into commercial Sona due to the status of the museum building the Sona is made with a space within a space idea the interior of the building is tripped to the frame and converted into a cold space the exterior remains intact and the building continues to stand as a landmark the whole project area aims to offer climate wise living and self-sufficient solutions for everyone living and visiting the area together with longland Ing and carbon wise Building Solutions Urban Harvester strengthens the identity of Vicki as a creative and Innovative forward-looking part of the city thank [Applause] you photo photo and there’s our certific [Applause] so thank you team Finland and next up is team number two from Estonia [Music] welcome we are team Estonia from Talon University of Technology I am marit I am anit and we have presenting a project Lego talo describing a modular system built as Lego houses our contest area is situated in a Mii campus where busy City life meets with nature the site is divided into mixed areas connected by main pedestrian street the buildings are oriented by sunlight as surrounding areas higher six-story buildings are located at in north and all the buildings levels decrease towards the existing Museum and green areas our concept started from a simple optimal apartment volume from modu system creating a more open connection to the public space taking into account good living environment aspects and using local materials adaptability helps to accumulate changes in news and needs over time during the building’s lifetime it is possible to change the modules according according to needs for example from balcony to kid’s room or change the function all together at the end of its lifetime the modules are easily deconstructable and materials can be recycled the module system is fast effective and provides high quality building with less waste also allowing adaptability our modules are made from local sound timber frame which is fully reusable material frames length and width are are 3.6 M and frame with 150 mm of cross-section gives the opportunity for the most rational Timber usage all two modules are made in Factory controlled environment and are easily connected by Steel plates on site we created a module system where one side fits all functions allowing variability and simple structure 13 square m Pro to be carefully optimized module size connecting the modules create different sized Apartments the Main pestan Street creates good connections and is a part of public space commercial properties are located in Northern quarter to create a good connection between the campus and gardania Commercial properties include restaurants Cafe gym and take care in between we integrate the playgrounds and Gathering areas we want to wanted to create a diverse Outdoor Living environment so throughout the blot there’s a learning path including the existing Japanese garden the learning path ends with an open air museum where nature inspired exhibitions and workshops are held new buildings are divided into two types A and B module quantity dictates the size of the apartments from small to extra large our system leaves a possibility for open or closed room composition as the building Rises it steps back allowing sunlight access and creating room for balconies our building minimizes the use of conrete and instead the main construction is made from local sound timber roof construction carries the weight of the solar panels to maximize the use of renewable energy all the exposed frames are made from glue laminated Timber which is more durable to moisture to extend its lifetime all the horizontal areas are covered by Steel plates the underground parking structure carries the weight of the building we achieved the best results regarding the LCA and Energy Efficiency analysis one building produces 301 kg of CO2 equivalent per square meter our reconstructed building’s original volume is long narrow and arched changing its function to dwellings we wanted to avoid long narrow hallways therefore we added three new extensions creating spacious luminous stairway towards the inner quarter we add the balconies integrating the module system to create the cohesive design between the reconstructed and new the reconstructed building includes spa and SAA complex on the ground floor and apartments on the upper floors a look throughout the spacious Atrium in the building our project creates equality and cohesive environment for all age groups using sustain aable approaches thank [Applause] you thank you team Estonia and next up is team number three from Czech Republic welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone my name is Teresa dudova I’m from Czech Technical University and I would like to introduce my project the meetpoint why meetpoint we are in a very diverse location uh we are in the middle of three different uh social environments uh with three different groups of people sorry yeah um these people have different uh different uh ways of living different ideas different uh interests so in my design I try to create a space that would enable and easy movement between one place to another but also to make some connection and to create the environment for people to connect and to to be in one place uh so these were my three principles that I use in my design speaking about the site itself I uh created all these access points uh which I connected with pads and also uh Remain the the two main corridors and combining that with uh places uh where I saw some human potential poal or some potential for human interaction I create a space full of opportunities for sport activities for social events and in the middle I created a vertical element that will be used especially during uh the winter months for better orientation and the circular space for some social events uh spaces for Gathering cultur events were placed more on the southern part of the location so the residential part above is like more qu quiet and this place is designed more like a park the main building is uh built as a as a sound barrier between the main road and the and the uh public space uh I used also a solar energy when uh solar sorry solar analysis where I found that between 11:00 a.m. and 6 p.m. uh the vertical element in the middle uh show cast uh on some of the parts of the buildings and in these parts I created a vertical glazed glazed uh cords and based on the surroundings I created a rectangular shape of the of the building uh this building should be enough High to provide a nice view to its surroundings so I created a green roofs uh covered by uh by Steel shelters and roofs um uh the first floor of the building uh is especially for commercial use and individual entrances uh the rest of the floors uh have rooms for long long-term accommodation for students and young families uh the rest of the floors have common spaces such as uh uh main corridors uh lunder rooms uh Sher kitchens and last three uh floors have uh these vegetated roofs as several buildings uh in that area are being demolished I will use uh that uh construction Rubble to be used uh as an ad mixture to the concrete which will be used in uh in the underground floor and first floor and the rest of the floors will be from CLT panels with low carbon uh footprint and uh that they can be easily prefabricated and the rest of the rest of the building is uh uh with balconies and the steel steel roofs the curent office building has been changed into short-term accommodation uh for uh teachers and visitors of the University um as in the first building the first floor is considered as uh for uh commercial use and the rest of the floors are mainly for rooms uh the load bearing structure of the building is from concrete or reinforced concrete and uh the facade one consists of concrete panels in the first floor and white Plaster in higher levels the energy and power concept of the building uh consists of controlled vation uh with also with use of solar energy uh drowning energy from ground by water heat pump and the project use uh the Water uh rainwater harvesting system and both buildings have been assessed uh for uh day lighting overheating uh also Dividing Walls and ceilings were designed to require their specific uh thermal acoustic and fire Comfort uh by using appropriate and Goen materials and uh systems and finally I would like to uh I would like to show you the transformation of B Museum thank you [Applause] thank you team Czech Republic and uh let’s welcome on stage team number four Poland [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone my name is Alexandra and my name is Magdalena we are very excited to share with you our project rban habitat um one second Alexandra rubban habitat but what does it mean Magda is very simple let me explain rubban entwines both rural and urban qualities it’s a step back to what’s familiar but forgotten over the years that’s why we also Revisited our own experiences growing up surrounded by Nature I value the Beauty and the Simplicity of the countryside in modern living spaces I on the other hand grew up in a city I see it as a space filled not only with buildings but with people who bring it to life okay but how it’s connected to Helsinki it’s simple half of the Helsinki consists of greenery and we are on the French of the city in the former Vicki Village our site is located between the dense Urban dis of the university and the scattered ra buildings and the Nature Reserve that’s why our first goal was research which means understanding the existing context in conclusion the love and respect towards nature shapes the identity of the Finnish Community our architecture is also open to the landscape we designed a modular form that follows the natural conditions such as the sun paff existing Greenery and the key views we saved all of the 115 existing trees and added new ones the form enables maximized access to daylight which is crucial in finished conditions it also increases the Visual Comfort and trees provide an acustic buffer while reducing carbon dioxide emissions the outer space is connected by the sport and recreational puth which leads us to the old Museum it was repurposed into a multifunctional court within the existing walls the whole area is complemented by Craft and local Services managed by the residents sauna is a space that integrates fence as you can see you can turn anything into a sauna in the center we’ve created an auditorium connected to the water Zone and sauna in summer the water cools the area and in Winter it can be used as an ice ring because as the saying goes there is no such thing as bad weather only bad clothing our research proved how fast inhabitants needs change and how fast architecture must respond to those changes following the open building approach we designed a core housee which is a two or three bedroom module connected by the core a bioclimatic community Greenhouse we predicted possible adaptation scenarios separated kitchen additional workspace or making the module more accessible in the future the building can readapt into cing the building a underwent adaptive foruse fully utilizing the existing circulation course we added vertical and horizontal extensions and making the building most efficient in the ground floor we proposed a fablab as to continue the university tissue it’s an Innovative space where you can exchange knowledge by physical experience and integration and above we propos dwellings for researchers while maintaining the existing layout in the site extension modules we propos integration areas and above Co living Studio dwellings wooden construction was always present throughout the finish history and look how easily it’s built that’s why all the new structures are designed using the prefabricated CLT construction um local Source materials along with recycled ones significantly reduce the carbon footprint our habitat is a place where the old and the new coexist in harmony so now it’s time for reduce both new and existing structures have well insulated building envelopes we double the external walls to create traditional casement windows blinds allow for healthy sleeping conditions during the wide nights and the noise is reduced thanks to false ceilings and floating floors and it’s time for reuse which means the use of heat recovery and water recycle system produce means using the Renewables geothermal heat pump and photovoltaics it all led to creating passive buildings in in the future our building can integrate with the wider GD and redistribute the surplus of energy ruran habitat entwines both rural and urban qualities it Embraces vernacular architecture and Sustainable Solutions is a place where a conscious Community architecture and nature align and create a vibrant and healthy place to live okay so rural or Urban in Vicki you don’t have to choose [Applause] thank you team Poland and next up let’s welcome team number five from France [Applause] [Music] hello it’s with great pleasure that we’re going to present our project ecotone imagine living in harmony with nature while being in the Heart of the City could this be the future of our profession this is what we sought to explore in our project Proposal with a site that allows it in every way it’s interaction between the university in the lamasi orological park and the resulting a change that form the basis of a research indeed this Urban seting is highly conducive to creation of a none a neon is a transitional zone between two ecosystem where environmental condition are distinct it’s for this reason that we introduce a new main ax in our project directly linking the university to lari that we aim to dynamize throughout the journey R incorporating ter spaces and a network of secondary paths then a new Botanical composition with with high layer for trees a medum for shrips and a low for flowers it’s with this framework that our building take shapes and will subsequently be green up to with the wtps aiming to create interaction between the inhabitant of the district and the funa while preserving a maximum of a Watson sites with the least possible of the existing trees all the s sites topography first building a a multifunctional rehabilitation benefiting Vicky’s University researchers with a cafeteria and library on the first floor offices and laboratories on the second and functionary housing on the top floor we’ve based our Rehabilitation on three main principles first using the maximum of the existing structure while improving insulation then maximizing external inputs by placing double skin facades serving as Winter Gardens in the most exposed areas and finally placing in symmetry inhabited walkways the few parts we must deconstruct will be directly repurposed on site or recycled such as a portion of the main glass structure the new walkway spaces offer an enhanced relationship between the interior and the exterior improving the building’s Quality of Life by Shifting the circulation spaces this allows us to connect humans fauna and Flora within a unified architecture our entire project is designed as a journey between urban and vegetal environment with a thoughtful flow and composition offer offering various benefits such as wind bres Botanical event throughout the year or EV a sensory journey through test and smell our new building directly linked to the context with building B1 facing the garden and building B2 and B3 placed at the label of the former lsh building with ground Lev services and residential units on the higher floors Building B one is reserved for gym or climbing with a careful consideration for acousting Comfort or insulation with a eone baffing networks for example building B2 and B3 preserves a maximum of the all loadbearing structure of the former commercial building on site therefore saving 177% of emission from structure where would we would need it to add it instead we reinforced the concrete structure with metal allowing us to envelop the existing with a new annexed wooden structure the building follows the same double skin and workway Principle as building a adding works with thermal inertia using raow Earth brick made on site through the excavation of exterior or underground amenities such as the parking or SAA all of these Construction principles allow us to have cross ventilated accommodations with a thoughtful ceration for the spaces to connect the interior and exterior and south facing facades for an optimal winter Comfort we’ve maximized the use of onsite natural resources such as geothermal solar rainwater Etc all the rainwater colllection netw both on the rooftop and through the ground is also connected to a feature purification system allowing us to re inject all of the Ed and recuperated Waters directly into our Network supplying water and a new building and the main new features the seasonal Vera Square this is a space that will evolve according to the seasons to offer various uses a Leisure space most of the time an ice rink in Winter and a cooling space during heat waves it is accompanied by scattered amenities throughout the site such as a barb area or a children’s park all of our project is interconnected through vegetation and knowledge with explanatory panels on urbanism and biodiversity in Helsinki the cultural joury Community Buc the former museum is specially demonstrated to accommodate an experimentation area for researchers in an exhibition space all in all this project allows the creation of a nak turn for the healthy and sustainable cohabitation of the different spaces on the sides following the defense season and daily lights thank you for your attention we are orian Ma and N from University in France in Bordeaux working in relationship with the isab of anglet [Applause] thank you Team France next up let’s welcome team number six from [Music] ltia hello it is an honor to represent ltia with our project concept symbiosis we’re having some technical problem problems I believe I’m not able to switch the slides okay uh so we are second year Master students in architecture me Paula and my colleagues IA and AD our concept grows from the site nature of Vicki it consisting of both rational and circular geometry an knowledging the nearby Reserve as a birdlife paradise we aim to integrate the site with its surroundings fostering both educational and environmental enrichment our vision respects the side score seamlessly blending in with the existing built and natural environment we encourage walkability creating pedestrian paths that connect the entire site while preserving a large percentage of the trees we aim for a connected yet if necessary privacy providing environment we encourage an elevated pathway connects the site linking Zone B to the Historic Museum structure the path is access from Zone b as well as two points along the path by stairs and elevators for accessibility we have completely eliminated the road that split the site therefore unifying it and created a pedestrian road which connects to the Vicki pedestrian and bicycle path we have designed various Community spots throughout the site including outdoor dining areas for social Gatherings and an outdoor integrated bicycle storage the solar analysis proves that the site is well lit throughout the year the building a fluently fits into the landscaped area from the building a we take off the glazed bicycle shed and make the building as a gallery type building with two-sided apartments inside in the building a we Sav the existing three floors on the first floor we planned offices on the two upper floors there will be one to three bedroom apartments for short-term rental mostly we change Northwest side there’s an outoor gallery from which people can get into their apartments and staircases which are designed like Winter Gardens the board watching pathway is designed considering the curved shape of the building a and the reaches a high up to two floors The Building B is like a boundary that connects the city and the nature in the building B there will be two different functions for public use and for residential purpose in the building B we created Dynamic silhouette so it fits into the existing environment and makes a proportional distribution of apartments in the building on the Underground we plan parking lots and storages on the first floor there will uh be some commercial areas well on the upper floors there are four different types of Apartments half of the apartments are provided with private balconies which highlight the facades the first floor is higher than others and on that there’s planed green roof Terrace the old Museum will be preserved as the basis for raised board watching platforms idea of the Japanese garden will be continued in the renovated area creating an organic network of walkways for project Technical Solutions we use Sango Bain’s guide for design of cility buildings to lower carbon emissions and shorten construction time this provides needed construction U vales and other building physiques multicomfort house creates living space to Pro provid comfort in various aspects acoustic Comfort is ensured by using proper construction materials and the natural sound absorption of existing and new trees to improve daylight Comfort living rooms and children rooms are mostly located on Southeast side with bedrooms are on the northest side to ensure thermal Comfort living rooms are heated with radiators but bathrooms and kitchens have heated floors to create an efficient ventilation system a mechanical recuperator provides heat exchange combined with Lal ventil ation rainwater collection system gathers water from the roof and are used again for watering plants and toilet water buildings meet fire safety have a small footprint and are pleasing to the eye project offers Solutions addressing reduction of nonrenewable resources and suggest ways how to reuse and recycle building materials at the end of their life cycle according to LCA this project is showing high level of Energy Efficiency and fits the passive house standards we believe that simp is between nature and the city is the key to better future thank you for your [Applause] attention thank you thank you team laa so we’ll continue next team team team number seven from the UK welcome on [Music] stage hello we the team behind Ela I’m Rahul kimji and I’m the architect and I’m I’m is McDonald’s and I’m the engineer we’d like to invite you into the world of ela come on we’ve only got five minutes so if you leave today only remembering one thing we kindly ask you take this part into consideration because it sums up the entire semantics of our project so what we’ve tried to do is create an architectural typology in form by finished building Traditions led by Innovative design at once we’ve tried to be socially responsive and environmentally regenerative we’ve created a systematic approach that’s ready to evolve with you what we’ve done here is we’ve began by studying various different structural systems we found that glue Lam and CLT construction is one of the most efficient and sustainable systems out there we’ve then further found out that creating a tight 6×6 uh grid system creates a very efficient and um low embodied Energy Solution we’ve developed a tectonic system that’s open-ended can be integrated both horizontally and vertically and is ready for pre-fabricated elements to be slaughtered in there’s a focus on sustainability throughout our project and since Timber is the biggest material contributor we’re leasing Timber from sustainable forests nearby from raw Goods right up until the disposal following this is a focus on the building’s whole life cycle carbon with our route to Net Zero from extraction to deconstruction here we have our tectonic system what we’ve tried to do is take a bottom up approach and be sustainable from its core we’ve used standardized materials for Effective reuse created a tight grid and our structur is almost created entirely from Timber this shows the master plan of our project and with the site view we have the EA living and accommodation which is been retrofitted as well as The Pavilions which addresses The Duality of finland’s summer and winter clim plan Ela adapts a modular approach we’ve created three room types unit one which is a two-bedroom uh flat unit two which is a studio apartment and unit three which is a three-bedroom uh for flat share or small families um these op uh these various different room types allow flexibility and with the Sip panel separating each of the rooms can easily be combined to create larger living units and facil facilitate different dynamics of living here we have a typical floor plan showing unit one and unit 2 the interior view shown here shares shows the integration of our shared semic communal and private spaces here we have the ground floor which is a permeable series of blocks that contain social and recreational functions of the building for example we have our social Space Wellness Center Works Space and Lobby here we have the um basement floor of our building which houses the parking as well as Building Services and of course our Wellness Center with a long pool and SAA here we have um our passive technology system which we’ve introduced to our building and most significantly we’ve introduced a series of sliding screens when these lighting screens are shut they achieve um a thermal barrier and a u value of 0.7 when they’re open they allow optimal daylight to enter the building and the beauty of this system is the users can uh easily change it and have a autonomy over their space for the materials we wanted a tie envelope to ensure occupancy and comfort so we implemented a thick insulation layer which wraps around the whole building with an additional layer on the green roof and solar panels with the interior walls and Floors having a noise reduction so here we have Ela Square so Ela square is designed to connect the Vicki campus with a wider Helsinki community we’ve created the space for outdoor events um and Market places adjacent to the gardania center to create a very integrated scheme with the wider Community the accommodation for researchers is our retrofit we’ve kept the exterior structure whilst adjusting the interior layout to include studio apartments whilst also tightening the thermal envelope to to optimize occupancy Comfort the pram for this includes the social space on the ground floor as well as living units and common rooms on the further up floors here we have our summer Pavilion the summer Pavilion connects the existing Japanese garden with the new Amphitheater that we’ve created the amphitheater is beautiful space for students to be enjoyed outdoor um and the main attraction of this Amphitheater is a beautiful stone building which acts as a Monumental backdrop uh to the ELA performance stage we strongly believe the future is systemic the future is Ela thank [Applause] you come here thank you team UK you go [Applause] and uh let’s welcome on stage team number eight from [Music] Lithuania hello everyone good morning my name is waldes and on behalf of the team I will be presenting our proposal called Vicky 3 uh the intro slide sorry uh so in essence this project positions history as an element we reinterpret with contemporary significance our aim is to find a meaningful connection between the past present whilst also thinking about a possible future or a strategy for the future so from the outset We examined the site through a historic lens to understand its Urban condition and a key finding for us was the fact that the site had a mixed character of on the one hand a kind of uh modern University campus with contemporary buildings and on the other hand a kind of rural character of mainly kind of farming buildings that are of smaller scale with slow proof uh kind of forms so that context became the basis for the urban concept which in essence is about connecting these two sides of the campus and its built Heritage by creating a new link a network of pedestrian Pathways uh and public spaces of different character and blame blending that with natural elements so this is the kind of axonometric view master plan kind of showing this relationship of the different parts and building a uh in its present condition is an office building so the brief was to transform this building into a temporary housing for researchers and as well to have some research facilities so the idea was fairly simple for us we wanted to have bigger housing units so we opted for a decision to move the circulation path by creating a gallery structure on the Northern side and to propose a logia structure on the southern side which would serve as a sheltered outdoor space to accommodate additional programmatic requirements uh we decided to do an extension and uh that’s where the research facilities are and it’s an autonomous part of the building in terms of strategy for sustainability uh we propose developing an improved building envelope and the introduction of Renewables such as PV cells mechanical ventilation with heat recovery geothermal heat pumps and these are of course of high significance to achieve a higher sustainability standard so the elevations yeah and the kind of character we aim for so Building B well the idea of the composition was to arrange it in a way that the volumes allow to see gardania from the main axis at the same time emphasizing perimeter lines and uh creating public and semi-public spaces which are part of this wider Network the program is arranged in two Wings connected by a see-through volume and the construction the idea for the construction was to have a mixed construction of CLT and concrete but we also thought of other kind of passive Design Elements which could enrich the design and one of those is this Atrium on the one of the volumes which works as a light well and also a kind of passive design element so a regular regulatory uh system for the interior spaces the materiality of the facades again and of course using this mixed construction has greatly improved life cycle assessment data of course there are certain peculiarities but um one of them is of course the fact that you have to substantially insulate the CLT facade but yeah this is the kind of character we aim for and yeah kind of collage showing this relationship with the pre-existing buildings gardenia particular ly area C is currently empty and the existing agriculture museum is not used with its collection moved to another building so the idea is to turn this area into a Vibrant Community space that could progressively change according to community needs and hopefully serve as a catalyst for further development and the eventual reconstruction of the existing Museum building thank you [Applause] thank you thank you team Lithuania next up let’s welcome team number nine Italy [Music] good morning everyone in Italy they say it only takes five minutes to enjoy a perfect expresso will it be enough time to make you Sav our design project we are Marco Barbara and de Manu and today we are presenting you V it means Green in Finnish but it also stands for Vicky inclusive housing regeneration of a Nico based area a sentence that emphasizes our goals two key elements stand out in Vicki District the University campus and the Nature Reserve indeed natural phenomena were a source of inspiration to us especially the sinuosity of the Northern Lights three concepts together form the form of the building inclusivity permeability and modularity we can see how the volume fits into the lot by creating an urban frame that communicates both with the neighborhood and the natureal Reserve at the center of the square we have an open air theater going south we reach the X Museum converted into an equestrian center next to it is located a new Co a new Greenhouse that serves also as cover path in Winters from here you can take a pick of the new residential building by the steps of the open air theater starting with the renovation project we focused on saving as much as possible by maintaining the concrete structure we avoid producing additional carbon emissions so we redesign the internal walls and Main facades the ground floor features a kindergarten and private sonas for the residents while in the upper floors there will be 12 duplex Apartments as we can see from the facade glass is the main character of the composition as it brings natural light into the building moving to the new construction uh it is composed by four residential floors and two public floors that feature co-working spaces food courts a gym and sonas from the first floor plan it is visible that all these spaces not only face outwards but also to the interior Greenhouse the public spaces are indicated both in section by the double Heights and in the facades by the carton wall that contrast with the opaque upper portion of the envelope the facade is characterized by a photovoltaic coding uh but we will analyze it later in the energetical insights now going back to architecture the residential compart is uh presents different types of units that fit together like a Tetris p from each floor plan we can see that there are paths crossing the central void and defining common areas each unit can have three different setups thanks to Sliding panels that ensure flexibility of private and shed spaces from uh the lighting analysis we conducted we showed the benefit of having a double exposure uh as a matter of fact the greenhouse serves as a secondary lighting source that improves illumination uniformity in each room now we’ll show you all the apartments we have the three room one designed on two different levels the studios uh so standard and Deluxe according to the floor area and the accessible Studio specifically designed to be barrier free all the units face the central Greenhouse that becomes the Beating Heart of the building let’s move on to the energetical analysis we identified five passive strategies that promote the Energy Efficiency of the building such as a green roof system or a parto dnamic facade as AC active strategies we have a photovoltaic coating and a geothermal system that will cover the heating and cooling demand of the building going into the envelope details its elements are entirely prefabricated and feature wood as both loadbearing and insulating material as M their fact that the external ethics is made of cork panels the structure is composed by a frame of Glam columns and beams with an external timber frame shell and cross laminated Timber slabs we decide to use this type of solution thanks to the benefits given by this biogenic material the parto dnamic wall is able to take advantage of the Gap in the ventilated facade to regulate the temperature both in winter and summer we design the photovoltaic the photovoltaic facade will supply more than 60% of the annual electric demand of the building in the end the LCA show that we are in a class A of carbon Heros Benchmark and getting close to carbon neutrality thanks to the balance of footprint and print we hope you could see our our vision for V thank you thank you thank you Kos thank you team [Applause] Italy and uh let’s welcome on stage team number 10 Bulgaria [Music] ladies and gentlemen my name is Christo zov and I have the pleasure to present you my Project Unity Zero Energy prefab habitat the project site is located close to the city center of hinky in the University District Vicki nor North from the Nature Reserve known as bird paradise in the center of the city the site analysis observes a lack of connectivity in the context the goal of the project concept is the unity of the surroundings the composition strategy follows the the continuations of the existing buildings creating a distinctive volume that Embraces the whole Space here you can see how it looks like on the on the axonometry are visible all the elements of the context the street crossing the complex is converted into a pedestrian street with restricted vehicle access which unifies the space making it making it more pleasant for rest enable to be a transition between City and nature the new building is at the northern part of the complex its South vad is open facing the Nature Reserve its North faad is glazed forming big public space in front of it and connecting to the existing building of gardania by using the same exterior materials the new building consists of five residential floors and a commercial ground floor connected to an underground parking the res the residential part has three types of apartments with three with two bedrooms and single space Studios the shape and the exact angle of inclination of the building are a designed result of the sunpath in Helsinki which means that every apartment has optimal daylight and even more on Terrace with on garden and a South View towards the Nature Park the common spaces look to the city and the square in front of the building one of the sustainable strategies of the building is the zoning of heated and unheated spaces the heated volume is much smaller and the unheated one serves as an additional insulating space the floor slab made of CLT panels and the installation detail of the windows prevent thermal Bridges the combination with sand materials complies with the requirements for acoustic thermal comfort and air tightness the South facad has building integrated photovoltaics which contributes for architectural presence and combined with the geothermal heat pump the pass and the passive ventilation make the building Zero Energy the construction of the building is made of prefabricated glum elements forming fixed connection between each others this enhances the structure efficiency and has a lot of advantages such such as precision speed building process and lower cost on the structureal Prototype you can observe the structure of Timber frames the joints between the elements and one of my favorite things NOA the building complies with the requirements for Energy Efficiency and lightning autonomy and has class A for life cycle impact the renovation of the existing office building is part of the unity concept and respects the already existing the annex follows the continuation of the existing volume keeps the facade Rhythm and increases and increases the height in the verticality so that they flow into the new building the the the the maning corporations are minimal and mainly interior in order to preserve the facade and adapt the function the renovated building has four residential floors and a public ground floor provided for students and visiting researchers the residential part has 32 Studios of 45 square m with all accessible bathroom and kitchen the meeting rooms have adaptive distribution natural daylight view to the garden and sound absorbing walls the material usage provides acoustic and thermal Comfort the building has passive ventilation rainwater usage system and G geothermal heat pump and Class A for life cycle impact part of the green zone of the project is the Museum of Vicki which has very strong relationship with the nature due to its location the concept for its renovation is to be converted into a transition between City and nature a place with room for all this way the museum is going to be part of the bird Paradise in the center of the city stimulating the beod diversity and will preserve its function of a museum a museum for live free migrating boats thank you for your attention [Applause] this way thank you thank you team Bulgaria and next up let’s welcome team number 11 from [Music] Portugal so um good morning everyone thank you for having us we are team number 11 from PTO Portugal I’m ped alongside me are Francisco and well and we are happy to present Cen Park a project built upon the principles of Simplicity Innovation and sustainability our process started with a simple question how can you create an urban space that harmonizes with the natural beauty of VII while effortlessly linking nearby homes workplaces and the University campus that’s a great question by strategically positioning a new compact building along the street we create a design concept that is both simple and impact F offering welcome out areas enriched by multifunction wooden structures known as T these structures inspired by the organic shape of a mushroom act as hubs for Park activities such as a coffee shop or a study center promoting social interaction and fostering a strong sense of community sorry their Innovative design in glue lame and recycle materials includes a rainwater collecting roof for sustainability a key aspect of the renovation is the addition of a new C faad with moving solar panels and a green roof which reduces the building’s carbon footprint and unifies all the elements of the park under one coherent design language from the existing building we kept its original Street facing facade and its structure while making minor changes to partition walls to better accommodate the new program from the entrance we agre by the view of c and park the lower floor features common areas such as SAS and korky spaces while the upper uh floor houses the studio apartments the studios are compact prioritizing natural Crossing ventilation and natural light prival light class walls offers the residents flexibility to choose between privacy or openness to the corridor and the use of Greener walls and extensive green roof and solar panels on the CT facade they move to shade the corridor further enhance the building sustainability and functionality with the creation with the position of the new building we created a filter between the city and the park and through the use of the mushroom shapes in the facade we ensure the connection between the green and urban environments here the C are reimagined as pillar that support the building simple and easy to assemble cty structure the building composes of five blocks with three apartments and a private s per floor shared amenities like a yoga studio and a gym are located on first two floors and in the roof there are two paros accessible to all residents that offer wonderful views over elsi even with different typologies all the apartments follow the same design principles each is a generous balcony with a glass enclosure ensuring it’s used even during Finland asist Winters and as a general rule the apartments have both Eastern and Western facades in order to assure cross ventilation and better natural light for greater flexibility and future proving the walls between dwellings align with the building structure and in three bedroom apartments layouts can be changed through the use of retractable walls making it easy to accommodate different types STS given the abundance of natural light we use highly efficient glass and then a facade system that regulates the light enter in the apartments uh developed with folding and rotating panels this system creates an adaptable facade giving the building a dynamic and everchanging appearance what this one uh all the walls and slabs are chosen to guarantee maximum acoustic and thermal comfort and adapted to include under floor heating um obviously guaranteeing a high level of fire protection furthermore we have a comprehensive sustainability strategy we use solar panels on the roof to that give more energy than the building consumes so the surface is given to the city between the solar panels there’s an extensive green roof that retains water for the residents to use a passive ventilation and heating system eliminates the need for polluting Solutions and the geothermal energy system uh coupled with under floor heating warms the building naturally all these systems work in harmony to create an eco-friendly and self-sustaining building that uh complements our holistic approach to the design C Park sets an inspiring model for sustainable Urban Development in fil and uh showcases architecture’s crucial role in building a Greener and more resilient future through a human- centered approach thank [Applause] you thank you team Portugal uh let’s welcome team number 12 from [Music] Romania hello three of the northern greens is about creating a sustainable and harmonious Urban space hosting a Vibrant Community and connects people with nature the keywords of our project are connectivity sustainability and integration urbanization ination strategy was to create a dialogue with the existing natural and build environment providing a new Landmark with a district visual identity the emble connects seamlessly with nby points of interest like the campus arus gardinia Museum and the Japanese garden the Museum’s identity is preserve and integrated into the project without alteration as the project brief demanded by using Finland sound product products and with natural elements like Cardinal orientation Sunland and wind our design minimize its environment footprint integration into a site also means respecting the historical and cultural heritage our design represent a modern interpretation of traditional Finnish houses bringing a cultural connection to the urban ruler landscape our concept focused on building a dwelling dedicated and assemble on a commercial and co-working base facilitating a gradual transition between public and private spaces the emble opens to gardinia with an Urban Plaza and connects to arus and Museum via pet ways and Gardens generous Rams ensure smooth transition between the street and the inner Plaza encouraging exploration of the public Terrace which extend the co-working spaces the upper floors uh up the Upper Floor are dedicated to Apartments offerring privacy and comfort to Residents our building combines natural light solar panels and sustainable Waste Water Management and high performance system to enhance comfort and Energy Efficiency for ensure Visual Comfort we prefer natural lighting and energy efficient LED light lighting acoustic Comfort is achieved through strategic building planning and advanced acoustic installation such as is over acoustic and we Comfort light thermal Comfort is improved through under floor heating system geothermal heating pumps and photo voltaic panels we have integrated mechanical ventilation systems to maintain Superior air quality green SPAC act as noise and pollution barriers while offering Pleasant views we used the range of San products such as fire resistance plaster board from jeo to ensure long fire resistance eyes over premium 33 and S B cool light extreme for thermal performance requirements our building prioritizes circularity and sustainability by using low impact materials such as um cross laminating Timber which is renewable and has a low carbon footprint also we used local materials to reduce transport emissions and uh support local economies the demolition materials were used uh with Aggregates repurposed um for new basement concrete minimizing waste and reducing further econom environmental impact uh the rehabilitation building of the the rehabilitation of the building in zone a started from the careful conservation of the pre-existing elements with a contemporary approach to integrate the building into the urban context uh we preserved the origional curon facade and added an additional uh floor as an adaptation of the existing building to the general character of the assemble at all element was integrated to serve as a new visual reference point and we integrated also for smaller buildings to diversify the space uh usage uh two key features were preserved uh the curved shape which creates um a welcome welcoming feeling and a curon facade which provides visual permeability between the interior and the exterior the building has become a cultural and educational Hub hosting very ious events and functions and to enhance the building overall of efficiency thermal efficiency and more aesthetic we used high quality high quality windows from sanaban the building double ventilated facade shading devices control ventilation and well insulated low U value walls enhance year round Comfort thermal efficiency and sustainability uh Tre of the norn greens isn’t just a vision is a commitment we are dedicated to a feature where our community tribes and environment environment flourishes uh with sangan products we are promoting eco-friendly futureproof development our project seemlessly integrate build spaces with nature fostering a Vibrant Community thank you thank you [Applause] thank you thank you team Romania let’s continue with team number 13 Croatia [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome hello everyone we are Eva and Carla from Croatia and this is a presentation about our building 6 * 6 living we are going to begin by talking about our idea we try to understand what are the new needs when it comes to Living Spaces also climate change is are a big factor in our everyday lives so we gravitate and store renewable buildings and materials with that in mind we designed a complex that that is modern flexible and and uses reusable materials it was made from from Cross laminated timber in 6 time 6 modules 6 time 6 meter modules these diagrams shows our thinking process while designing the site there was an emphasis on a flow from residential T natural the new prominade connects buildings with green areas including gardania with Japanese garden and new Botanical Garden in the old Museum first is the the building in zone a we transformed the old building into the modern residential building with commercial and other functions on the ground floor we used loadbearing structure from the old building and improved it with CLT extensions here you can see a dynamic envelope that corresponds to our new building in zone B apartments are bright and comfortable while the site is while the site is designed as public with lots of greenery this leads us to Building B here we designed a five-story building with underground parking and public and Commercial spaces on the ground floor as it is seen on the screen our building geometry is marked by Terraces allowing each floor access to an outdoor space each our apartment is made of multiple CLT structural units and there is possibility of adding more of them in the future Our Living Spaces are flexible and user friendly so every resident could make it their own as already mentioned our our main material is CLT because it has a lot of advantages such as carbon storage fast installation and here you can see two structural details of our building we used ESO rigips and weever solutions to achieve passive house standard as you can see our uh Energy Efficiency rating of the building is A+ with a heat demand of 11.86 so it is our uh life cycle assessment finally there is Zone C here we preserved Museum stone walls and design Botanical Garden it features Mediterranean Evergreen domestic Orchid an exotic garden and it is a meeting point at a new prominade thank [Applause] you thank you team Croatia [Applause] next up team number 14 Spain [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome good morning I’m UK and I’m Mina and we’re going to present our project white light The Proposal is located on the outskirts of Helsinki next to a bay and a natural reserve where the urban space is touched with the natural space that is why our proposal seeks to merge these two elements the new building seeks to follow the logic of the current existing buildings extending the curvature of the current office building and repeating the glacet facade of the ganian generating a cohesive combination the central space is dominated by a large Sea of Grass that between the buildings and a large mass of tree that blend into the Japanese garden the tun buildings are B are spaced just apart enough to avoid shading in Winter they are stretched on the side to create a buried commercial area and a car park on the North side in Helsinki in the buildings are curved to the South to have the maximum surface sposed to the sunrise where the apartment open UPS in Helsinki the lack of natural light is one of the most the main causes of depression so we aim to make the most of what light there is these rooms are formed by a core where all the common spaces are located and then this is extended with one two or three private rooms such as bedrooms or offices the cross structure of CLT defines a space leaving uh large openings that all allow to enter through the building and all the space is connecting is connected by a sliding doors giving freedom to distribute the activities to suit up the residents the south north are extensions of the common Aran during the days and at night they are closed off to become bedrooms alongside the common areas um are common spaces such as laundry a meeting point or a co-working space the building is a termal isolated silty box which opens to the South to let in as much light as possible en close hermetically to all other directions the South facade grows with a glazed Gallery creating a bright space with excellent VI for the residents and this architectural f f will also serve to minimize heating needs in Autumn and spring months on the North side there are access corridors to the flats giving a double skin that protects the building from the cold wind and the arrangement of cap BS will produce a storage space and thermal cushion at the same time where the resident can leave all their outdoor clothes keeping the snow outside of the Interior on the roof there are a thick layer of vegetation giving a high level of isolation inced in Winter by the snow and in the lower part there are a underground commercial area as we see in Winter the solar radiation can cross all the flat lighting all the rooms and in summer the cross ventilation H refresh enough the building we propos two systems a ventilation grown heat changer and a geothermic head pump that plac it below the sea level will increase greatly their efficiency this combined with a Wastewater heat recovery and a ventilation heat recovery will minimize the energy needs of our building and in the the existence of this building is renovated adding two new grounds and accentuating the characteristic glazed facade inside the same strategy is applied uh in the same strategy is applied as in the new buildings uh um a capsule isolated surrounded by two Galleries and in the lower part they are worship space for the community and we use a lot of sangoan products in our building to achieve a termal and acoustic isolation go the exterion Hing so cold and we are next to a tram line and we we use different sangoan glasses in each enclosure according to their specific needs of light Rion or or or termal isolation and finally thanks to the construction with wood the products of sangan and the implementation of passive system we managed to reduce at maximum the carbon footprint and climati AIDS or Building without needing fossil energies thanks for listening to us [Applause] thank you thank you team Spain we have one more to go before a break so let’s welcome team number 15 Serbia [Music] so anybody remembers the story about the city of streams I believe it was in Finland Hil sink or should I say Hil sink Force because it literally means City on streams I will tell you that story but first let me introduce myself my name is Luca and this this is the stream first let’s talk about history we have two parallel timelines one is about citizen population from which we can assume future city capacity and the other one is about structures from which we can conclude the main identity motives and those are monolith structures and human scale architecture in Wiki we had a few different structures so we decided to preserve as much entities possible but put everything under the same roof so he Force hinki streams the original idea was to implement the biodiversity into the structures like the stream goes throughout the canyon so we put everything under the same roof and make one coherent story so we can see on the perimeter how we use the monolith structures to some kind of biodiversity shield for the inner sensitive content of course nothing was accidental there was a lot of prop tests so the final result is a semi-public area that goes throughout public and private units and make everything blend together with a few simple steps demolishing the L object on the corner nature addition and unit tank structures the final form is then physically tested so statically we had no problem planning was of course subordinated by the users and their movement so that’s why everything is so easy accessible and easy to use and what’s most important it can be built throughout phases let’s renovate the roof of the curved object and place the very well-known function of geological biological experimentation so now it looks like this what about the old Museum so we Revitalize it and put the easy removable market for the products from Urban farming in the park so now we can implement the Finnish famous oats barley rye and wheat this dominant copperish structure is much more than Sun shading system it’s actually also water collecting system that drains the water throughout the columns all the way down to the garage and collect it and purifi it then that water is later on used for plant irrigation for heat pumps and for sanitary water of course the complex has its own bar Library kindergarten where we can see the children from our own home of course there’s a restaurant and a gym but what’s Most Fascinating about the complex is its construction made from recycled concrete terazo and CLT cross laminated Timber first because the demolished object was partly main of CT and the other reason is that Finland is the most forested country in Europe so the program has one room apartments two room Apartments three room apartments and of course some resting and working area on each and every floor with living and sleeping areas kitchen and bathroom of course every apartment has the storage because Scandinavian style is not the same if you put the vacuum cleaner in front of our TV right if we talk about sustainability and Technical system we have uh vertical ventilation channels recuperations of air solar panels um and much more sangoan products that helped us achieve the a class in LCA testings using these products we achieved that and I was frankly very very amazed with the sangoan products so at the end of the day we can feel see here and live better my name is luuka and this is the [Applause] stream very much thank [Applause] you that was the last team for Session One we will have more uh but what do you think do we deserve a break what does the jury think yes yes we all agree we deserve a good break [Music] and e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] okay welcome back all I think we have everyone back in their seats so welcome to session number two uh some reminders of the the presentation guidelines for our next 14 teams each team has five minutes five that is five for the presentation and you will have a timer over here in front of you on the stage to help you keep track of time and when the time is off up the microphone will turn off and after your presentation please stay here for a photo and you will get your certificates as well and then we will continue continue continue with the next team right right yes yes but I think uh you forgot uh to mention uh the Facebook and the camera ah once more yeah sorry good reminder so in the back of the room we have the the cameras which are filming all of us and you presenters streaming live on Facebook and YouTube so here we are hello and here is the order of the presentations so you can have a look at it but anyway we will call you on stage when the team before yours goes on stage please go and see Justine here in the corner to get ready for your presentation ation yes and once more we remind you that there is no questions and answer session after a presentation but you will have this mandatory feedback session from the jury tomorrow morning from 9: to 12 so yeah that’s it yeah that’s it so CLA Claudia will call you on stage for this session yes yes but uh before take a deep breath and smile yes and good luck to everyone of the session two two and we will resume with Team 16 from [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lebanon Hello I’m Ral and we come from the Lebanese University in Lebanon obviously um and this is our project EAB recog um recognizing the fundamental role of nature in our well-being we embraced this concept and try to integrate it in our spaces at the edge of one of the green fingers of Helsinki the site stands between scattered traditional farming structures and agricultural fields on one side and the contemporary Urban Fabric and the University campus on the other side this contrast inspired the concept for our project so conceptually the form and the color are both are both inspired by traditional farm houses in Helsinki with a garden at its core covered by a greenhouse a comfortable microclimate is created living zones extend blending the indoors and the outdoors in the winter the greenhouse work as heat catchers while in the summer the roof windows open up to allow natural ventilation transparent solar cells provide energy and rainwater is collected and stored the units disposition follow the periphery of the site Community spaces are located around its Center instead of us working for our home we envision a home that works for us two principal AES Branch out from the University campus and spread into multiple smaller ones to help guide through the project the landscape is a series of pzas Gardens and an ice skating arena around its Center five ecological units are placed and created for the so-called circular economy to match the new construction the same approach was implemented on the Adaptive reuse building on a conceptual functional and visual level by adding two green houses changing the northern facade with minimal impact on the Southern facade on the ground floor we created one big common space hosting many activities and the roof’s building became one public terrist for the residents to enjoy moving on to the new housing units the volumes were purposely more slanted towards the South allowing more sun exposure however the openings were limited on the Northern facades every Greenhouse has a particular form so each apartment is one of of a Kind the glass the glass Courtyards are separated yet strongly linked functionally through the underground and the landscaping and Visually through the continuous disposition of the greenery throughout the units creating an un uninterrupted flow of space and circulation a courtyard was implemented in the parking functioning as a central access to it and making the space less repelling forms create multiple levels of gardens a common cour yard on the ground floor we start discovering private Gardens and Terraces as we go up access to Apartments varies so does the relationship between them harvesting spreads through the units so consumption and production coexist each apartment is crafted into a specific atmosphere exploiting spaces into full potential all units have direct contact with the courtyards and the outdoors the common spaces circulation layout and the overall logic of the greenhouse enhances bonds and social interactions among residents moving on to the cultural spaces a bird Watch Tower stand on the limit of the Japanese garden overlooking the neighboring Reserve after removing the roof the museum that once was the host become the subject of admiration through placing a light structure Library within its walls alongside the green houses a resistive Heat gener Ator and a geothermal system were installed to help the units withstand the harsh climate condition to eliminate traffic noise a green buffer zone sits on the limit of the site the construction is entirely wooden except for the concrete foundation and the glass skin most of the materials are roally resource ecologically produced with a low carbon footprint rendering the LCA of the project to 193 a Class A sustainable eco-friendly building the details of the uh the carbon footprint of such construction method is 65% lower than common Concrete Construction the details of the building are covered in our study all while using sangoan materials this project envisions a model that not only hosts environmental and financial benefits but also Fosters a genuine sense of community it aims to reconnect people with nature and shift the model from consumption Centric to production oriented it strives for sustainability on the long run and serves as a blueprint for future construction projects thank [Applause] you thanks thank you team Lebanon thank you team Lebanon and now welcome on stage team 177 from [Music] China okay good morning we’re incredibly honored to be here representing Toni University from China and to present our project minimal app but why minimal you may ask well for us it’s because we had enough now days buildings are often torn down before they reach their full potential but our approach is different through reuse recycle and remanufacturer we aim to maximize satisfaction with minimal intervention after the analysis we decide to keep building a and the size five the new building rises from existing curves horizontally it links up the existing buildings and vertically it provides a transition from Urban to Nature two strategies were applied on site with different focuses minimal waste for this part and minimal intervention for the more natural areas so what exactly is minimal waste well let’s dig into this strategy first up building a gets a makeover not a tear down we’re saving all the structures while uh updating the functions for the meet the needs of the uh visiting researchers as you can see in the plans everything in red was kept while everything in blue could be easily recycled afterwards however Building B is a different story it needs to rebu but we are not tossing everything while deconstruction we’re sorting materials into reuse and remanufacture formal ones like wood windows and clens are directly reused on site while steel gypsum and concrete are made into something like Haven stones or interial Walls by this mean of urban mining we’re turning something old into something new and valuable so in the plants everything in red was directly reclaimed and everything in blue could be easily recycled afterwards just check out the elevation those windows and clins yes they’re directly reclaimed on site and shining in their second act of life we don’t stop at materials our strategy for insul a and energy use is smart so that we can cut cost and carbon the strategy also varies differently according to the seasons moreover with the help of the Bim system we are able to build a digital twin of building so that we can monitor and adjust the entire building’s energy use just with our mobile phone when it’s time for the building to come down again thanks to the BM system we are ready to sort all the materials and reuse them all over again this could keep our commitment to sustainable Le strong from start to finish with all was mentioned we are able to create an atmosphere that respect the past embrace the present and support a sustainable future whether you’re cooling off in summer or cing up in Winter our building could be enjoyed all year long so what’s about the natural areas well let’s switch to our second strategy the minimal intervention on the landscape this strategy helps us to preserve the nature as well as size history which is mainly about the stone wall we use architectur leftovers to build a new Pavilion alongside the wall it not only enhances view but also it can support the old structure it looks like this and also with architecture leftovers we build several wood tents to encourage people to dive into nature with full respect to local wild lives you can see the tent opens top for birds and it is lifted up for land creatures so in short our minimal intervention is diverse biofriendly and sustainable without the methods mentioned above we made the Vicky Community a laboratory with see all buildings like material Banks and with our method of reuse recycle and manufacture and with the help of the beam technology we can make these material Banks even smarter and more precise and of course the LCA calculation of our solution is much better than the Bas even reaching the first class so to sum up we created a new multi-functional community which could also fulfill its social respons responsibility to accommodate different types of tenants and even providing jobs for them while maintaining a sustainable and creative lifestyle in wikii we have established a minimal waste community and implemented minimal innov ideas in the landscape thus we have created a solid Manifesto the minimal La thank Youk thank you very much thank you very much team ch China and now welcome on stage team 18 from [Music] Slovakia so let’s start hi my name is Adam and I’m from Slovakia and I would like to present you the garden year residence starting with Zone B the Entre project is uh designed to unite University campus and Research Center into one United area the main aspects of the project was uh transparency accessibility to the public and connecting new structures to existing urbanism the project also brings new qualities into the area such as uh new Trum station uh workout retail stores or Multicultural Center uh all the green spaces and public spaces are seamlessly connected into the one uh inside the city block uh is loc are located the by uh for the residents and uh whole uh Park is connected to the Japanese garden using the small small Islands um parking in front of the gardenia was relocated to the side so it made place for a new building underground par parking is divided into two separated objects placed under the buildings so it’s the its footprint was uh reduced to allow growing uh trees inside the city block on the ground floor are mainly located uh uh small commercial activities such as co-working uh retail stores fitness center or SAS from the up or second floor are located the apartments on the smaller floor are mainly located uh smaller apartments and on the upper floors are the bigger ones um entire residential area has a modular CLT system which allows to modify the sizes of the flat changing the flat mix basically uh on terms of uh lightning requirements or investors needs uh on the Upper Floor there’s even possibility to create two-story Apartments uh as you can see here and with a huge living area uh in the building there are located various eco-friendly Solutions such as photovoltaic panels or uh gray water recuperation intire acoustic and thermal requirements were achieved using uh mainly s Sano main products and here we can see the results so now we are moving to the Zone a uh entire administration building was cleared to its uh to it supporting skeleton which allowed me uh unlimited redesign of the building there were placed uh CLT wooden panels uh which greatly reduces carbon footprint of the building inside the building there are only two types of the apartments uh on Lower floors are apartments with u front Gardens and the upper floors are apartments with logas both types of the apartments are two story apartments which greatly improves the economics on the building because there’s only one horizontal communication on the second floor so the building features uh residential green roof and attractive public spaces in front of it for example kids playground and workouts and now we are moving to uh Museum building which was uh recreated into multi multifunctional cultural space um the new structure was inbuilt inside the existing uh building preserving its exterior walls uh new structure has glazed facades so the visitors can enjoy their event while feeling the old Spirit of the stone structure and this is how it looks thank you for your [Applause] attention Slovakia thank you here this this way yes thank you thank you very much team Slovakia and now welcome on stage team 19 from [Music] India good morning ladies and gentlemen Namaste uh it take gives me immense pleasure to be presenting my country today at the AC 2024 uh I’d like to take you through my project the cohab uh which intends to be a student District in the Wei Precinct uh I am shz from India and uh I represent my college LSR every design U I think is a culmination of a process uh that still is undergoing for me I feel and I would like to take you through this design in the in in the aspect of a process rather than just the final outcomes uh for me being from India not knowing much about Helsinki was a whole learning experience uh getting to know the culture of this beautiful city uh made me to realize how can we relook at this Urban experience uh that a Helsinki uh City for its futuristic prospects requires so that’s where I look at uh integrating this aspect into the site of the heritage of Helsinki uh the culture of Helsinki and the people who are going to inhabit the space eventually uh the broad context of where the site is situated it’s it’s a very interesting place uh of a man-made environment culminating with a natural uh context and the site right at the threshold between both of these so why ignore all these aspects when you can integrate them so similarly considering that aspect uh looking at this site as that precipice of development for the future uh as well as a student District given the wiki campus in the proximity uh becomes important and when we talk about students we need it to be Lively so that that was the whole idea of how the site could be activated with multiple ideas uh obviously the another layer of understanding was the climate uh and that is what I tried understanding because it’s it’s it’s very different and then um it helped me uh you know build the structure accordingly uh further giving you an overview of how the design sits on the site the four prominent zones are predominantly there uh with minimal understanding or minimal interventions of what exists considering the limitations of the site uh you could always design uh the idea was to design with that and create a space that activates all the four corners of the sites in multiple ways so people and students visiting the campus living there can all use it at multiple times for multiple different activities and different seasons at the same time it aligns itself with the vision for 2025 that the Helsing city has and that also talks about how the blur edges of the site or the boundaries of the side blurs itself with the larger picture that you know we are intending to paint taking you through a brief understanding of the design the site a that is the commercial building which had to be repurposed into a temporary housing accommodation uh minimal interventions have been done uh to the existing floor plate to achieve the kind of habitable spaces that were required at the same time um making overlooking spaces to the outdoors and creating that kind of interaction be it physical mental emotional was the kind of understanding of me uh sensitizing one to the surroundings given this Rich of a context uh just an overview of how the site sits and how the building Works uh quickly moving on to an extension of the site a becomes the site C which is the museum I looked at it as an extension to the building a uh wherein this becomes the cultural core of this whole site uh which is intended to be that point of interaction for different events cultural uh congregations and you know students so a lot of parties so yeah that’s about that and uh the museum then becomes that aspect of memory and a backdrop that serves as a virtual uh like a outdoor Art Gallery which surrounds a trail and takes you towards the woods as well so it’s like um you you create paths uh with the context and what you have on the context thus connecting and activating different aspects uh next moving on uh to the building that is the new construction that is a site B uh the idea here was to you know use around 30% of the construction of the side so that I keep the building as compact as possible to achieve the efficiency in it uh the planning happens such that green Open Spaces Drive the lower floow and the modules that are created have the uppers overlooking these green Open Spaces uh the lower floors become the common areas which have a lot of functions like supermarts uh sauna common recreational spaces you know Lounge areas where people could always you know meet and greet given the weather that we have here so not always you can go outside so that’s kind of a paracity maintaining at the lower levels but as you go further uh you can always Overlook into these Urban spaces created around these parts uh while the building still you know somehow remises the culture that the helsink city has to provide uh different modu typologies were looked at as single bedroom uh double room triple room uh based on different kinds of user accommodations that were intended and the planning has been done such that there’s a grid pattern so that the floor plate configuration could be for each wing and not like a generalized floor PID so that gives some amount of modularity in the design and lastly moving on towards uh the central core and the overall envelope of the design uh so using [Applause] thank you Team India here this way this way this way this way thank you very much Team India and now welcome on stage team 20 from [Music] Ukraine hello dear J members and contestants we Ukrainian team this is Anastasia this is Camila and the other team member Tom couldn’t be here today as a result of the urban planning analysis of the site it has been established that the site is directly inent to the main streate which provides comfortable access to the territory for vehicles and pedestrian the existing streate has been transformed into a pedestrian Zone they were organized various functional areas um Recreation sport grounds um there bicycle tracks a green fature with minimal inference uh with exist Landscaping due to the location of the underground parking it was possible to separate Transportation routes um from pedestrian one of the main tasks tasks was to preserve the existing landcaping and do new planting building a renovation building a is designed for 20 Apartments which are located on the second and third floor uh four apartments are designed for low Mobility groups which are located specifically near the elevator the public the first floor is for public uses during the design process we decided to keep the uh basic framework of the building a gallery was added on the western facade uh to which all the apartments are adjacent to the ground floor includes a cafeteria for 50 people a conference room for 20 people a library an arcave and Technical facilities the architectural solution for building a uh is to improve the OU uh the exterior with a new outer facade solid glazings on the side stairwells and vertical wooden elements the Interiors were built in a Scandinavian style all the colors were chosen based on the color scheme of the surroundings moving to building the AR shapes um of which Services support for the existing building a this create a dynamic composition position thanks to the rounded ships on the ground FL there are public spaces the gym Bakery uh K spaces Pharmacy dry cleaner and wondom on the um Building B has 64 Apartments of which 31% are one room apartments 54% are two room apartments and 31 133% are free room apartments 133% for low Mobility group each apartment was designed in accordance with design specification with noer set of rooms due to the different earli a Terrace was designed on the side the courtyard uh the parking lot is one story located under the courtyard designed for 50 cars ESS to the parking clot is from Vin natural ventilation is achieved by maximizing the area of Windows optimal a exchange is maintained by CO2 controller partition have additional sound instulation 885 Pro and Living Spaces receive at least 3.5 hours of insulation the slide shows all the necessary components to rieve the technical conditions namely sound proving balcony waterproofing the absence of therminal bridges therminal insulation the main elements of the facade are wooden vertical elements and polygonal pre-fabricated fiber cement modules the life cycle assessment reaches level a the main part of carbon emissions is influenced by the building material component to increase the building’s uh autonomy solar panels were added uh the energy generated is used by both the buildings and the parking the Energy Efficiency rating reaches level a during the calculations finished regulations were taken into account choose we manage to develop a comprehensive solution to improve the quality of the existing enironment and expand for the the functional areas within the site the project provides the resence of the complex with the all the necessary infrastructure uh for a high standard of living and the creation of a unified uh Community thank you so much for your attention [Applause] thank you very much thank you very much UK thank you very much and now welcome on stage team 21 from Japan [Music] hi we are team Japan I’m J K Anda I’d like to introduce our concept green rers we expand the green that already exist in biki to various scales our first step was to analyze the environment Helsinki has little sunlight so the ra plan and volumes need to be carefully considered the wind is blowing from south or Southwest in night with incoming sunlight the site is surrounded by diversity facilities hosting a wide range of people from students to professors who will need a various spaces such as meeting spaces based on these analysis we propose concept green rers we keep the greenery as much as possible while creating a spaces for human activities green planning green zoning including existing trees creates spaces for humans arm Natures to coexist now let’s look at the specific plans for each Zone first building a while making the maximum use of the existing concrete frame the living environment will be improved by adding an extension on the outside with Timber we propose a large Atrium connect to the outside the composition of the ding unit is quite simple and the loom layout is designed to connect the greenery from inside to the outside the Looms are Loosely separated from each other by adding an extension we created a we created a coexistence with Greenery and provide large teres for inhabitants Building C was disconnected from its surrounding however by adding an extension we created uh coist uh various spaces and for i showing the exterior Awards all right let’s move on to the new building from the existing Foundation we eliminate the area which is in the shadow cast by the building in Zone A and A lar of light to reach each building unit equally uh this allows us to reuse many foundations and reduce carbonet emission the ground for is open to public including SAA and Library the entrances and exits are carefully shielded with plenty of sunlight shines into the various rooms the gaps between theing unit is Gap uh share spaces for residents which is to be alone aware from their home and then to walk with Greener views on a step volume this is Garden accessible to the residents which is uh outdoor opportunity for them of the relaxation and interaction the trees around the building will control the heat each unit has a sun room which will B on of Traverse Greenery of space so you can enjoy a multiple layers Greenery from a wooden space like this with no obstruction this is because the sun room and CLT wall structure ensure the large Frontage and sufficient daylight autonomy and Sun heat the rooftop will house the garden which is the test Farm of the university and reaches the agriculture research of bigy Campus air carrying the scent of nature passes through the common space and Atrium and then main structures Co with appropriate detail of the S ban product which is which can be sold from within Finland that can transport that will reduce Transportation energy as well LCA shows that the proposal can be effectively worked because uh based on compared to the Baseline and moreover we believe the high energy ratio of the future replacement and square can be improved by adding and exposing facility Pyon saving of the CLT so this is a proposal for Green Leg ERS a future Vicki moving with a green Alle which is friendly to both human beings and environment thank you for your [Applause] attention Japan thank you very much team Japan and now welcome on stage team 22 from Colombia [Applause] [Music] hey the future isn’t a place we’re going to it is a place we have to create is this the future we want or the one our children deserve hey or in English hello welcome to CIS greenhous cultivating resilient living my name istian r and I come from Colombia not Colombia and today I’m very excited to Embark with you all on reel in the essence of sisu sisu is a unique finish term with no direct translation yet it encapsulates strength of will determination and perseverance in the face of adversity three qualities proper to finish people this is why we chose cisu as our foundational concept aiming to embody not only finish identity but also architectural resilience furthermore to continue with our concept Focus we decided to make use of diverse tools to determine five key strategies to help us achieve our highly desired Comfort stage then we translated those five key strategies into theal language uppered installations with the help of sang goine Top Tire materials building orientation a blcks and hit pumps but we did in softare we continued our climatic approach with a regular solar path analysis where we determined just how important Sun and light were in our design stage then making a comparison with traditional tower building we found out that making use of pronounce loopes would make us get as much benefit from the Sun as possible furthermore it had help us with its noow management while maintaining its initial purpose passive solar heat gain while and light incursions moreover considering VII’s historical identity as an agricultural City we sought to revitalize its Heritage by transitioning from the erosion of Vicki’s agricultural Heritage to the cultivation of sustainable resilient ways of living this is why our new open museum is centered around agriculture aiming to renew Heritage once again as for our concept ethos we decided to propose five key strategies under a compass model to help us establish a new standard or Benchmark for a sustainable and socially impactful design then we concluded that cisu is sustainably vital cisu is Heritage renewing cisu is community unifine cisu is a skill enhancing cisu is resilient spirited this is cisu then we combined those five key strategies into our Master Plan called connecting cisu through uran veins in which going green was not an option but a commitment this is why we used as many green strategies as possible allowing us to reduce our energy consumption reduce our own energy and treat our own water allowing us to treat and recycle about 1 million water liters per year this is our response to having carefully considered bioclimatic from an early designed stage where multicomfort was a must because what is important for sangoan is also important for us allowing each resident of the project to feel cisu hear cisu breathe sissu and hear sissu and to ensure that multicomfort in our project was reality we decided to make use of Sovine top T materials allowing us to have well insulated spaces as well as well illuminated and pleasant living homes regarding building a we decided to propose four key renovation strategies under p m Ravi and innovo which is to keep to transform to adequate and to innovate then we combine those four key strategies to design a new activity contained in a previous space this allowed us to reduce the cost of new water electricity lines while utilizing geothermal heating this is how a good set of materials along with a community center philosophy can transform anything into a habitable space regarding the LCA our most proud achievement was being able to recycle about 128 windows and lots of concrete from buildings schedule for demolition this way we could reduce our carbon footprint significantly while exceeding the minimum requirements for multicomfort at the end we concluded that it doesn’t matter whether it’s been 10 50 or 80 years we will always try to build a better future for the people we will always try to make the world a better home thank you everyone colia thank you very much Colombia and now welcome on stage team number 23 from the [Music] UAE I’m Arena joined by Victoria and Alan from third year Bachelor of of architecture and we present to you the trellis a lest framework of interwoven elements designed to blend new developments with existing landscape creating a sense of community belonging and cohesion with nature with the introduction of the new tram line Wiki has become a highly accessible space attracting students researchers and local community hence there is a lack of connectivity between zones and a Leisure spaces therefore trellis aims to design a socially cohesive community considering the surrounding context maximizing green spaces for people to live work and Thrive the site involves entry from four zones including access from the research farm and the nature reserve the Central Community space connects to the gardania leading to the festival street with picnic spots playgrounds Sports cours and skate park we aim to create a community Centric design now going Beyond physical connectivity we aim to create a connection between both buildings by trans the existing hante Road into a festival Street um the focal it acts as a focal point for the people embracing the love for festivals and Gathering building a and Building B the existing and the new have similar facade elements to regard them as a whole for visual Harmony the native plants and coexisting vegetation enhance of the green ecosystem this this is the transformation of our side from before to after it shows how each and every zone is well connected and accessible we we curated our master plan by adding Building B in a geometrical framework that notes a link between the gardania building B draws inspiration from the structure of a trellis used to support vertically climbing plants we translated this concept of a diagonal lce onto our build form featuring a diagonal void throughout the structure bringing the outdoors in climate change is a globally affecting phenomenon considering this we have involved insulated glass lures that can be adjusted manually depending upon the climate such that it can be closed during the Winters and opened up during the Summers each floor has been carefully designed with a particular function catering to the needs of the people from Indo Gardens to play areas reading nooks and games these act as an interaction point for the people the ground floow has been activated towards the public on the rooftop residents can enjoy a beautiful sky sauna indoor pool and Lounge our housing typologies include Studios two bedroom and three-bedroom units in our project we have utilized various sangoan products renowned for their innovation considering the nearby tram line we’ve used echophone acoustic panels to reduce noise and create a better environment jck tips and plaster boards have been used in internal walls and partitions for their thermal insulation additionally we’ve also involved Weber waterproofing and ISO insulation for the thermal resistance and water resistance our building features two main services such as the Mechanical Services and um duct to do convenient waste disposal our main structure is made of CLT with de in our carbon footprint while our basement is made on reinforced concrete the sustainable construction of CLT towards the carbonization aligns with the 2035 um Net Zero plan for the future of Finland we have used um ventilation for our termal comfort with energy efficient windows for the Visual Comfort we have considered natural ventilation for the um green roof plant help to reduce airborne viruses while for the Acoustics we have taken insulation we have achieved an a grade system also say forther more to improve our Energy Efficiency we have installed transparent solar panels ruc see Energy Efficiency by 30% now coming to building a our Focus has been on making it Community friendly energy efficient and birth stle we’ve kept the glass forat uh intact to preserve its original character and have minimal demolition in the inside the building this ensures that the renovation respects the building’s history while incorporating a sustainable feature to benefit both the environment and the people to use space the ground floor caters to the researchers and the public with research labs and recreational areas the housing typologies include studio and one-bedroom units we have embraced sustainability by creating geothermal heating solar panels and sang triple Gates Windows furthermore we have also used secularity to improve our um recycled materials so I used vertical glass L we use the recycle glass for other Pavements we use the concrete for other s benches we use the um plywood clading our Museum our proposal for our Museum was inspired by Japanese garden to um get inspiration from the historic storm was also preserving it we have used bed watches to maintain the love of finish now Us Journey this is pce are each and every space have been designed for them cing the love for communal engagement integrating the indoor and outdoor spaces in conclusion the project TR is considers the people and communal engagement thank you [Applause] thank you very much team of UAE thank you thank you very much thank you very much team of UA and now welcome on stage team number 24 from South Korea [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning we are team 24 from Korean University Jani it’s honored to be here beginning with the site analysis the site is located on the boundary between between the city and nature and this nature is a good place for Citizens and there’ll be more people living and visiting nearby due to the new housing construction and the new trim line so we aim to make a Gateway for these people bringing nature closer to the life of residents at the same time for this currently fragmented flow and green of the site will be improved by creating Pathways from the main access point to Nature along these passes buildings green and activities will be placed so this comprises three new buildings and one renovated building additionally we aim to reflect the Finish attachment to nature which is evident in their architecture IT impath sizes interaction with the natural environment and the use of natural light this approach was aded by a just called Baco it is a gateway where light in nature become part of everyday life transforming flat surface into bony Skylight and pavion another key point is lifespan maximizing utility core system the utility cores are placed at regular interpers and preped passes are connected to them organizing spaces especially in the long term this offers substantial benefits for instance if the campus needs more op in the future it can be easily transformed without complete demolition as you can see it allows for various completion in terms of unit types and ratio even with the same structure at the same time each housing unit will have Bona spaces where people can enjoy personalized activities with light and nature meanwhile there are common spaces throughout the building the double height community space between the housing units create a sense of openness and brightens the inside and the basement Community spaces are read by the bakur Skylight for the renovation as we previously mentioned the connection between people and nature is important so we created a Passage through the existing building to overcome the height barrier and disconnections between the two sides of the campus additionally we replace the existing glass facade and added new space including public area on the first flooor and the residential area starting on the second floor the greenhouse is HED by waste it from the basement data room reducing energy consumption and it improves in indoor a quality the extra heat will be used in special activity spaces on the roof the existing level difference is not a barrier anymore for shapes and an interactive space between people and nature to the housing units the same strategy with B acur was applied maximizing boew to the outside garden and the exposed original War of the event part revers its historical layer the side is the starting point of nature which is full of outdoor activities we changed previous deep steps into a gently sloped garden and Amphitheater where various performances and events take place in the SLO next to Japanese Garden pilion were naturally blended with topography and the ex and the outdoor exhibition is used in the like oh in the old Museum the exterior wall of the museum will guide people to the southern beautiful nature in technical part high performance class of Glass Solutions and recycle Lu insulation improve the thermal Comfort lightwe aggregate from black car are used on the rooftop instead of soil so thatly overweight both interial walls and ceilings have the layer of AC acoustic insulation of Sango product for better living condition when it comes to materials we use low carbon concrete reduces emission up to 50% of producing steps and fossil F shows 56% of a high recycling rate in Fant and construction waste of the original building were reused as pavement on the site to thermal energy and waste heat from underground data center help with the heavy heating Lo in the project to reduce heat loss mechanical ventilations with Erv and ufad are used with IND the system ow and Barnacles let the sunlight deeply inside the room so that every room can get enough daylight rain water and melter snows recycled for the greenhouse thank you for the [Applause] attention thank you very much team of Korea South Korea yes thank you very much team South Korea [Applause] and now it’s time for Team uh 26 from Egypt we regret very we regret very much but uh the team from Egypt cannot be with us uh this morning as they had some Visa issues but they recorded uh their five minute presentation for us and we are going to watch it now all together [Applause] hello we’re introducing our project the green fingers were team Egypt R mammad and N we really wanted to be with you all here tonight but unfortunately there were some complications starting with a shot of our project as we all know our location is Vicki Helsinki in Finland we were inspired from helsinki’s Green fingers and we started integrating green spaces throughout the building cultivating communal areas that seamlessly blend with the natural surroundings here we can see our relationship between the artium and our site in the form generation we made a continuation of the old building extruding an extra finger recessing the masses in this extra finger to maximize sunlight intake the green fingers were created by the extruding and recessing of the residential units in the building here we can see our surroundings inside the trm line and we took the street and made it our main pedestrian path connecting with the museum this shot shows our existing building and the Open Market at the start of the building the master plan the vo that were created in the three fingers overlooking gardinia and Museum creating an overall connection between the complex we took the area around the museum made it an Amphitheater showcasing the item are once showcased in the museum outside by using Holograms and screens we treated both masses as one building uh by keeping the the ground floor for the general use and the semi-public spaces uh and for the other floors for the residential spaces when we started renovating the old building we kept the exterior of the building as it is and then we changed the interior spaces to accommodate to the new uh use for this building then we added an external Mass this external mass will act as the commune spaces for this for users in this building in the uh in this elevation you can see how we treated the ground floor plan for the general use and the communal spaces for for all the users in this uh building in the ground floor plan you can see that we added an an empty spaces in landscape to uh allow the extension of the indoor activities to the outside in the first floor plan you can see the uh extensions that we added in front of the uh residential units to allow the communal spaces to accommodate a communal activity in this area we also used CLT uh CLT material to uh to build this new extension to uh enhance this thermal comfort and air infiltration in this units we also uh changed the glazing of all the glass around this building uh to enhance the thermal Comfort inside the residential units you can see here an interior shot from uh the extension Point overlooking our new building and the landscape for the outside of the building moving on to the new building we can see here the courtyard engulfed by the two residential fingers we’ve added playground which is provided with natural surveillance provided with the surrounding residential units and we’ve added seatings in the courtyard for the commercial and communal spaces present in the ground floor we’ve also added a co-working space with Urban steps uh to connect our project with the existing gardinia and other parts of the project as well uh We’ve added triple bedroom units on the uh main residential finger and single and double bedroom units in the secondary residential finger and we’ve also added an underground garage which will be placed beneath the main residential finger in the sections here we can see the main green vertical spine which we’re going to explain later on in the presentation and the Ste roof teres uh we’ve used modular unit types for the residential units and we can see here some proposals for the single and double uh bedroom units we’ve placed exit Roots strategically throughout the entire plant and uh for the facade analysis we’ve created the protruded teres to provide shading for the flushed units beneath them and for the flush units with no Terraces above them we’ve uh used Timber uh to be uh plywood to be reused from the ex demolished building to create shading for these units and we’ve also created resist communal spaces as we can see here in the shot uh We’ve implemented a rain water collection system throughout the entire project will we collect uh collect rain water filter them and repump them to resupply the toilets and re irrigate the green uh roof teres as we can see here for the green vertical spine we’ve used operable Windows where in cold conditions during winter the operable windows will closed alongside with Greenery to create greenhouse effect therefore heating up the entire building while in summer the operable windows will open to create cross ventilation therefore cooling down the entire building and enhancing the thir thermal comfort and air quality throughout the entire building we use box structure over uh the entrance to carry the coing space and digr structure to carry the vertical spine in our building weuse we also use Leica roof Gardens in the roof Gardens and uh Weber for thermal insulation to enhance the thermal quality inside our building we also use isover acoustic installation in the in the TR direction to enhance the ther the acoustic quality inside the building from the TR Direction thanks to sang ban materials we try to achieve the least carbon footprint possible and a 1598 eui which is the average eui in Finland this was our project the green fingers thank you for your attention yes thank you very much Egypt I’m sure you’re watching us on our live stream so thank you for this video and now it’s time to call on stage team 27 from Malay [Music] Asia the world is changing but this our architecture changing with the world Vicki is home to the Natural Science faculties of the University of Helsinki where nature is of great importance for Vicki the Vicki Nature Reserve is a bird sanctuary filled with FL T Forest Al the marsh and Coastal Meadows hence inspiring the concept of a living education and educational living to create the scheme entitled Vicki the Adu buan City a pilot study on the climate and geography of Finland reveal a phenomenon of flood caused by Coastal winds and rains rapid melting of snow and overflowing of rivers even though the situation in hinky is not as bad as other regions climate reports claim it is bound to worsen therefore the concept of urban buoyancy is introduced whereby buoyancy principles are applied to achieve balance equilibrium and a bounceback mechanism to constitute a social hydrology educational heart for Finland urbon buoyancy inspired architecture emphasizes on eco-friendly infrastructure including storm water management systems and sustainable construction methods allowing buildings to flood or rise with changing water levels Urban Bucy is also incorporated into the edges of the site through open Bo Street Scapes combining Lama sari vaha pilati Bay and the mouth of river vanta as ecologically driving water bodies in redesigning supported by several presidents that have been proven to be flood proof the ad boan city is powered by buen foundations with innovative solutions to address issues on engineering and sustainability in redesigning the student residence the students of the University of Helsinki are likened to Urban nads much St to the historical Finnish nads they travel independently in Exploration build shelters towards nature necessity and flexible in a life that is perpetually circulating around motion fusing characteristics of sporic settlement a lifestyle of unfolding expendability is formulated the residential units are designed as multi-purpose communal Chambers bridged together by a facade system of mobile balconies each student chooses how much space to occupy to expose and enclose as well as the facade systems in terms of light and ventilation privacy and accessibility to the outdoors via two types of mobile balconies one which provides an external track to which the balcony functions as a vertical elevator or a horizontal vehicle while the other is an inbut tray that fans out radi into the external facade studies on maturity you value impacts and daylighting are also made to ensure maximum living Comfort within the residential units the new Master Plan similarly connects with the existing student residence functions allowing students to engage in voting activities and crisis planning participate in water management systems and Agriculture and Harvest fish and PRS to Aqua bonics which are harvested and processed into Luther fish the traditional finished dried fish so and the community market the existing wall structures for the faculty are retained with newly built bathrooms and toilets with newly buil bathrooms and facade systems for the new student residents evidently the aim is to Adaptive reuse while still linking back to the pre-existing building programs and Community using the SG safei plugin energy calculations are made and the data is used to perform a comprehensive life cycle assessment based on the priority and needs of each space SS very Construction products are uted into each corner of the project with sustainability objectives to build better create healthier spaces achieve natural Acoustics and produce sustainable insulation that come together to improve the build environment eventually creating a better living space for all members of the ecosystem and finally achieve the goal of making the world a better home therefore by implementing modularity into both the Old and New Student residences and by injecting new life into the concept of the master plan via The Bu City the Vicki campus is transformed into the ad buan City a model of residence for Vicki and Finland ultimately the nomads of the Vicki Community find his or own habitat in an architecture promoting manifold movement around people nature and the city upon boan Foundation and vessels that float over the manmade Lake circulating water resources and other beings trout all seasons of the Year seasons of Bloom and harvest and seasons of Crisis and Recovery in Vicki the all [Applause] new thank you very much team Malaysia thank you very [Applause] much and now welcome on stage team 28 from South [Music] Africa hello we are representing South Africa by myself delin Shar and Keegan de from the TR University of Technology um our project based around a central Courtyard enclosed to include where we where our of uh inspiration was the green fingers of of the development of hinki our our project was to enclose the the greater the greater site to uh blur the lines between the indoor and outdoor environments our concept involved maximizing the site for the both the new and the existing building creating the central Courtyard between the buildings and the courtyard within Building B then we opened up the the site to the light to allow natural lighting into into the courtyards the public access between the the the um the new tram line the existing Museum and the university buildings and then to incorporate the greenery back into the site to have these green fingers coexisting back onto the exist the courtyard and the green roofs then having a look at the at the side plan itself or the master plan as many young practitioners or aspiring Architects or even practicing Architects with experience tenting neglect the value that a courtyard or Landscaping has to offer for a building what is a building on its site without Landscaping how can we connect buildings how can we SE how can we distinguish the difference between separating structures and allow Landscaping to be the element that brings everything together so very much like an agricultural community in which Vicki finds itself what we aspired to do over here with this site specifically is Bring Back in the symbolic remembrance of a um a crop field and how that through linking in the structure itself can be the path between each structure on the site itself so when we have a look at this master plant to the north to the Northeast facade or site we have got the new development the new structure housing um the uh multi-residential space and then on the southern uh site we have the extension of an existing office space that has then been rehabilitated into or reused as a accommodation space or a hostel then having a look at these Bays that have been Incorporated so the pathways distinguish um these Bays that have been created uh patches of grass that could also be for a market space so a lot of Social and economical activity can take place along these routes this also acts as a linking between these structures and then looking at the importance of social factors that can bring life back to a site having a look at the Flor plan we started having a look at bringing in academic spaces as well as Living Spaces to maximize the social and economical aspects of the building itself we started having a look at uh the structure of the building incorporating and keeping this um the height of the building consistent as we know that in Winter the sun ASM Earth can be quite low so that we can allow for enough daylight to reach the courtot itself so we started to emit a slab on the inside to actually allow a light to filter through as we look at the new exhibition space that has been provided this is now the exhibition space itself that can also be used to as we see to filter light throughout the the building into the courtyard have look at the um the dynamic facade that we’ve decided to incorporate the lunar Timber facade that will allow for people to actually uh tackle the difference between or daylight as we see distinguishing day and night so we can actually give back uh to the people and as this uh structure is also uh in itself um managed um manually that can give ownership to the occupant of that structure as well this is now the dynamic facade in use as we can see it’s an everchanging facade giving more Dynamic ability to the facade itself this is the site as a whole and we start having a look at the new structure with a basement as well as um the occupancy we had a look at 28% of the building uh Incorporated for uh Single Living uh or yeah for uh Single Living and then we have close to 50% of that catering for double units 80% and the ground floor being commercial and economical uh um use and then we started having a look at the different room topologies ground floor with a quard that is then used to to manipulate and control the um uh microclimate within and around the building and basement parking that can provide for the S itself as well then we have a look at the Roof Garden as well that could also start looking at spaces for horiculture as well as the sun roofs on or the skylights that can naturally allow light to filter through uh heating up the spaces on inside of the building and also the housing of solar panels for sustainable strategies then the strategies that have been Incorporated with also the architecture of the Luna facade that can then start forming uniformity throughout the building bringing back to the architecture through these um different structures thank [Applause] you thank you very much team from South Africa thank you very much and now our team from Mexico team number 29 welcome on [Music] stage honorable audience members what could be even more more natural than embracing nature itself arancha Diego and I Sophia developed the idea that reflects this harmony lonti translated as natural home it is the blend between nature and urban life that symbolizes the coexistence between architecture and the natural context the project nurtures an Embrace of nature as a bird’s nest Lon C creates a shelter where individuals can engage with environment to enhance a comfort and wellbeing of all inhabitants Lon cot Blends into Vicki’s master plan by linking key urban areas to its proposal a bridge over the existing roundabout for pedestrians and cyclists the extension of green areas and the direct linkage between two new Light Rail stations proposed by the district the existing building structural Rhythm determined the modulation of the new building extending to complete a circle subsequently the design was adjusted to integrate the gardinia Japanese garden and existing trees through a bridge to lighten the construction Mass afterward Urban connections established vertical circulations finally climatic conditions were considered by locating hallways to the north as thermal buffers Living Spaces facing south for thermal gains and a roof twist to maximize solar radiation for clean energy generation the exterior area aims to unite residence with nature an urban connection is reinforced through through a Bridge Crossing from the roundabout towards the gardania the multi-purpose nests serve as a shelter alluding to the bird reservation area as well as a sculpture wall around the old Museum the central SAA is a reunion spot connected to a swimming Pond for cold baths and temperature changes moreover everything is linked through paths a bike lane and a CrossCountry ski rad leading to each activity the project adapts to the Natural Topography of the site located commercial areas and public spaces on the ground floor and first level from the second floor to the fifth floor there are apartments and hanging Nest cabins offering shared Leisure and starting spaces able to connect with nature additionally there is an underground parking lot and a rooftop garden based on an analysis of the site’s most relevant climatic conditions such as wind solar incidents and temperatures noise disturbance and connections with the context and the results of the pyromatic chart energy efficient and sustainability were achieved the main passive strategies are solar gains maximizing thermal Mass insulation and The Elixir geothermal air system active strategies such as ventilation systems under floor heating systems heat pumps and photovoltaic panels are also implemented moreover there’s rainwater treatment and heat recovery from Wastewater as complimentary measures the facet exhibits a pattern of three types of Apartments Studio dble and triple each apartment has a flexibility to be modified since all the interior walls are adjustable allowing for adaptability in each unit extending the lifespan of the entire building the structural system is built by CLT panels following the existing building structural model the facade consists of recycled triple low E glazing and dark tone wood cladding both CT slabs and walls contain a therm acoustic insulation called isocon which is made of recycled clothes as well as a layer of phase change materials used to stabilize in their temperatures finally a large amount of energy is produced through the solar panel roof the building a remains for retrofitting additionally both buildings elements such as doors windows sanitary fixtures and claddings are relocated also through sangoan recycling system glass and GPS and board are recovered finally demolition waste is used for exterior furniture and pavement based on an energy modeling analysis Lon C is an nure project due to bioclimatic design strategies and photable take panels the building produces more energy than it consumes offsetting the EMB boded carbon footprint through its life cycle therefore the project is designed for the future flexible replaceable repairable disable and easily maintained Lon cot represents the power of proposing it is not just any project but a place that adapts to to finland’s climatic conditions integrates with nature and contributes to Vicki and its people through Innovative and sustainable Technologies aiming to mitigate climate change let’s reciprocate Nature’s Embrace with our own gracias [Applause] thank you thank you thank you very much team Mexico thank [Applause] you and now it’s already time for our last team of this session to the team from Indonesia welcome [Music] check okay good day everyone my name is daa from Indonesia I will be presenting our project called centered so as we know the site is located in Vicki Helsinki around the educational area with access to public transportation in here the people in hon likes to read books walk and also exercise in nature then we also use grasshopper proper to analyze the solar radiation and wind speed on the context as the numbers shown so how far can we harvest the existing conditions in hen key we use the Bolis principle for the building’s uh form to maximize the wind speed and also uh enhance its energy by using a wi facade that is implemented also in building a so why cented and a macr level centered is this area is centered to trigger social interactions for multiple programmatic layers and also in a micro level uh each building we own has its own centered Focus as shown at the slide this is our master plan we use the NES vegetation that is often used in research for the researchers and the students on their studies and we also added an Ampitheater park for visual access uh for the building a surrounding the area this is our Museum we areed a bird watching uh M program existing connecting the existing ium to the museum this purpose is to revive the museum uh as is shown with natural surroundings and cultural heritage buildings this is building a building a as shown uh this is the demolished addition and new our proposal is to minimize the demolition of the existing walls while accommodating residential and also communal space needs here is the second and third floors we added openings in the southwest area for light access to maintain comfort here are our perspectives okay next this is Building B as shown Building B is a new construction harvesting the wind conditions in hson key previously mentioned to further verify that the building form does affect the wind speed we conduct an optimization using Anis for existing and also proposed building the result shows that the proposed building could speed up the wind process enhancing the energy that could be harvested this is our basement for underground parkings the ground floor acts as a Al space for the area with facilities such as gym Cafe and also coring space this is the first floor and this is the second floor our floors uh have communal laund room and Sona and also uses a same typology design that is uh further use this is the building B the four we have four units in total this is uh our perspectives yes and we have a rooftop garden for communal use for the building B in emergency we have a fire escape stairs uh with core areas and also the fire escape stairs using fire resistant materials for the building here we provide our building sections and this is the detail of our floor and wall this wall is a combination of Le that create lower U value to reduce energy consumption while maintaining the ecycle needs this is the detail of our floor to floor and rooftop and this is the detail of the wind facad uh where each model has its own generator to convert wind into electrical energy so the wind facad uses a mechanical energy that is converted into an electrical energy in the generator it is then converted into a DC current through the charge controller and then converted back into a singlephase AC power uh from the off-grid inverter used suitable for household and commercial use it rotates and the facade is used to supply the electrical needs for the building minimizing the the grid consumption of the Grid electricity this is our heating we use District Heating and also geothermal collectors uh so the energy is then pumped from the ground heat exchanger then into distribute it to the heat Recovery Unit this is our cooling diagram and this is our water management we have a rainwater tank and also the ground the gray water in area is also uh utilized for the landscape in the area as well this is our natural aing we use the S Goan products triple glass Planet room from s Goan uh responding both to winter and summer sun this is our cooling Heating and Cooling needs and also the D anatomy of ground floor is an energy plus and also for the units in summary uh centered in recap can contribute a lot great deal for the electrical needs of the building and also the sustainability of the building here is our life cycle analysis thank you for the attention to our project Center the sustainable design for you for us and for the future thank you so much [Applause] thank you very much for thank you very much Indonesia maybe a little bit thank you very much [Applause] well I think uh time was flying that closes already uh session two of uh the project presentations and uh I must say the the hard part is done now for the [Music] students and really you all did really great yes I agree we would like to thank all participants first to the teams a big thank you you have shown creativity you have shown energy and you have proven uh teamwork so that’s really impressive and to the jury we would like to thank you all for your time and engagement thank [Applause] you so now a little bit uh information on what is uh going on uh this uh afternoon so first we will uh have lunch at 12:00 for everyone just outside the door here in the AA fer and we have more than one hour to enjoy uh our lunch but at 1:00 you have uh to be ready uh to go for the city tour and as we are going to uh do some walking around please wear comfortable shoes wearther appropriate uh clothes and uh remember also to pack your water bottle and your cap for the Sun and uh be careful um the the session the teams from session one they will depart from the lobby at 1 120 Sharp and the teams from the session two will depart as well from the hotel lobby at 1:30 so please don’t be late yes it looks like we are blessed with our very nice weather the best we can have at this time of year but uh we have a small quiz also in the afternoon so pay attention during the city tour because when you come back to the hotel at 4:40 there will be a quiz on the app which you have probably all downloaded to your mobiles and there will be prices for the top three teams who comes up with the quickest and best answers and after that you will then have time to get ready for the gala dinner the festivities we have tonight yes and please be ready because the transfer to the award ceremony venue will depart promptly at 605 from the hotel lobby yes that was the program for today and tonight and let’s have a look at what we have coming tomorrow you might forget this of course by tomorrow but let’s go through this and don’t worry you can find this information in the app as well so we start with breakfast from 7:00 at the hotel as we did today then we will have the feedback sessions for all teams uh and the timing and the rooms where you will meet with the jury members will be announced also on the app after the award ceremony tonight so quite late and please note that you must attend all teams must attend the feedback session and those will continue until 12:00 but by 11:45 you need to check out from your rooms and don’t worry about your logage AG we have reserved a luggage room it’s named Key West and it’s at the first floor of the hotel right and then um we will go uh walking um to lunch to a surprise venue at uh 1210 we have to meet in the lobby in the hotel lobby and then uh we have uh the architecture conference from 2: to 3 for all those who have registered but uh it’s still time to to register to the conference uh we have the list uh where where you can put your name uh at the reception desk so that was all now it’s time for lunch 1 hour well deserved so enjoy it and see you all later thank you yes and thank you very much we enjoyed very much this morning [Applause] yes right don’t forget to vote you can vote until 2 p.m. it’s not open when will it open [Music] [Music]

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