🅽🅴🆆 Police Interceptors 2024 💣 Hartlepool Chase Escalates to Armed Kidnapping Standoff 💣Cops 2024

    off with a kidnapper unit call take St the females in the background shamp and he’s got knif from a cover Spike and Spud make a surprise visit hands hands over the door now over the door and doo learns a new expression Raj packet Raj packet yeah packet [Music] [Music] up Sun the interceptors sometimes work solo are we doing your eyes get on the floor and other times as part of a wider team please the the ability of the indiv idual officer can be great on the ground but if you throw another officer in there or if you throw a helicopter in or a dog um you know our capability just increases and increases it is a team effort that’s that results in people getting [Music] apprehended and tonight they’re going to be drawing on all their resources it’s 1 p.m. and the interceptors are on the tail of a black perso that’s failed to stop right on the the driver is known to police and wanted for an alleged robbery offense yeah just cring the lights but on red but more worryingly the man has phoned the police and threatened to harm the woman who’s also in the car right right right a dark Ro the interceptors are keeping their distance so as not to agitate the clearly dangerous [Music] man racing to catch up is John stockeld who along with the police control center is coordinating the operation the vehicle has been at low speed driving around but just failing to stop the occupant of the car has then contacted place and said I know the place are behind me but I’m not stopping a female’s in the car uh is threatened harm against her and we’ve been standing off and that the other two arvs have behind it now with the arvs or armed response Vehicles now behind it’s time to try and bring the car to a stop somebody want to go through the seat um get a stinger out the police Li in wait with a stinger to puncture the suspect’s tirres at the roundabout up ahead he’s about 400 m from here speed 70 Ro however the suspect takes evasive action yeah subjects wrong side of the roundabout or the Stinger he continue straight on but there’s no getting away from the eyes in the sky three teams overhead and recording visual with the police helicopter scrambled to monitor the situation from above approaching the hton Hill Road stand by the pursuing police cars are able to drop further back yes yes sir we get a bit more space the suspect has phoned the police again and there’s some disturbing news control to all unit just be aware we have been informed that there possibly a machete in the vehicle he is stating that he’s hting his got the girlfriend or wife hostage with his machete so just be aware please did you get that he’s M to kill the female in the vehicle and himself yes yes thanks very much the female’s in the background shot and he’s got a knife to my neck the incident has turned into a full-blown kidnapping situation went around un authorties gra 222 hours watching strategies to protect public and preserve life with the imminent threat to the woman’s life the interceptors urgently need to stop the car and try to secure her release happy for you to attempt to sting of it they attempt to Sting the vehicle for a second time and it’s a direct hit yeah still a black vehicle if that was the one can be confirmed has been stunk so I can get the vehicle close does look like the vehicle has been stalled it’s time for the armed response vehicles to move in and take control from what I can see he going to come to a natural St at some point prefer that than um with the Stinger doing its job the car is running on borrowed time it’s down to 5 miles hour and it G and time for all of Jones’s experience to come into play we train in hostage negotiation it’s all about making sure that the female is safe my job when I get there to work out a plan a plan that we’re going to work towards a plan if it all starts to go horribly wrong um try and cover every eventuality with the car finally stopped will John’s worst fears be realized Unit C St for females in the background sh when he’s got a knife to my cover from class A drugs to dangerous Drive-In and high-speed chases join the 24/7 battle being fought on Britain streets off the scale of dangerous and the one thing standing in the criminals way all new traffic cops on the edge tonight at 10: on Channel 5 the interceptors have been in pursuit of a black perso that failed to stop so continue straight on the driver has kidnapped a woman who was in the car and made threats to kill did you get that he’s Mak thre to kill the female in the vehicle and himself they managed to Sting the vehicle yeah blackle that was the one and it’s come to a stop the woman is in grave danger females in the background champ got nice the I’ve dealt with him before and Samurai saw he was swinging at us it’s a 10 standoff one wrong move could lead to disaster [Music] C situation at the moment is is the vehicle’s contained dogs are helicopter here left lethal I take it negotiators are speaking to him now confirmed on the phone while negotiators try to talk the man into giving himself up Interceptor John stockeld takes control on the ground want some in there just just in case she gets up and goes do you know what I’m off there preparing for a long wait in freezing conditions but The Negotiator on the phone has a breakthrough is about to come out the vehicle [Music] now just come this [Music] way s female is out the [Music] vehicle got no injuries um she’s obviously with the woman released unharmed attention turns back to the man yeah from 414 looks like the m has a blade and he’s holding the plade up to his own [Music] throat but the negotiators once again do their job and an hour and a half after the incident began he exits the car 47 it looks like is wanting to come out of the vehicle uh sha is his hands hands are both empty uh we have an arrest plan the driver appears unarmed driver side door is open however the armed officers aren’t taking any chances the suspect has threatened violence against the police before you all right son yeah you all right get started out but he gives himself up quietly 8 DET confirmed deted H fell how we feeling all right you all right 407 just put on the log mails being cautioned and arrested by PC 53 Courts for kidnapp and fail to [Music] stop the incident has involved three armed response Vehicles two traffic units one dog unit a police helicopter and six response officers but ended with no casualties and a successful arrest I’m absolutely over the moon I’m really pleased with it it it’s worked out how how we would have wanted to it’s what we trained for the eye in the sky assisted with the pursuit we were allowed to drop back not forcing into making any errors or put any undue pressure on him because really we’re treating him as as an unstable person um he’s obviously under a lot of stress and we’re trying not to back him in a corner and make rash decisions and then once he starts thinking rationally then he starts thinking perhaps this isn’t the best option to either cause her harm or or an attempt on his own life the suspect was convicted of dangerous driving driving whil disqualified no insurance and possession of a knife he received 22 months behind bars and was banned from driving for a further 36 months upon release no further action was taken on the suspected robbery and the kidnap case was not pursued i n 3T confirm we uh place to stand down yeah 32 thank you very much um great efforts and really good allies on thank you sometimes the interceptors go in or guns blazing I’m Place pleas please other times they’re behind you without you even knowing using sub auge or an element of surprise we think actually reduces the risk of of the activities that we that we carry out if we can do things proactively before the bad guys and the criminals know what we’re doing that’s got to be the best way what we don’t want in in any circumstances to is to provoke a reaction be that a car chase be that Firearms standoff be that even just a fight in the street if we could can do things first on the front foot then that’s always going to be the best way it’s late morning and interceptors Spike and Pete Spud Tate are in one of the unmarked BMWs keeping their eyes peeled for a suspected drug dealer spike is an advanced driver and his favorite patrol car even has a nickname and a Twitter account but it’s currently in the garage black Bea is p ping today Something’s Happened to it yesterday um so we’re out in our number two Silver Shadow we can still use the cheekiness of this car and certainly pull up without anyone hopefully known that we’re the police black beauty is so well known even though it’s discreet it might be seen more than this one so fingers crossed we can use the stealthiness uh of what we’re in to give that tactical Advantage Spud is a veteran cop and lists his hidden talent as being able to remain hidden which will come in handy for their surprise visit this morning we’ve received information that um a vehicle um around our area may be um dealing drugs from it occupant or occupants inside might be dealing heroin it’s a product that absolutely ruins your life I think where it affects everybody someone who’s massively addicted to warin someone who will do anything to get it they’re the ones who will break into your house pinch your Telly off the wall and they’ll turn that Telly into a tener that’s all they’re interested in where they’re getting the next tener from you know to get that next deal isn’t it it’s these dealers if if we take out that Supply fantastic the drug dealer has been spotted by another unit it’s time to intercept [Music] traveling time about 2 minutes dealers will often try to discard drugs if they see the Interceptor is coming so spike is in stealth mode right let’s just go nice and cool now not going to scra the tires in front yeah yes they arrive on scene and spot the suspect in the blue car hands hands over the door now over the door chill out M jump out the car right M you detained for the purposes of a drug search all right and see them right gives your hands where they are put these cuffs on you all right do you understand open your hand open your hand open your hand although spikes bat on Smash wasn’t exactly smashing the man was caught completely unawares wait just come out the car slowly slowly all right just slowly just stand there got him right you detained for the purpose of a drug search you understand that information suggest you might have something on that you shouldn’t have so I’m going to search you under section 23 the missuse of drugs act both you and the vehicle do you understand that all right before we start the search if you got anything on you no nothing at all there going to Har you or me I’m going to search and if there’s anything to find it wores wores all right the suspect initially denies having any drugs but soon changes his tune under Spike’s probing questions is there anything in your car that you shouldn’t have yes what is the uh you’ll probably just find us well we will just tell us what you’re not going to go anywhere just tell us what the is the drugs what kind of drugs are in your car heroin whereabouts is the heroin it’s um might be me pocket right slowly I’m going to I’m going to put gloves on we’re not going to be moving around quickly or nothing we’re going to make no sudden movements okay I didn’t like you making sudden movements for your car keys which is why we were going to put your window press the button to open the door okay right if you want to tell me which pocket it’s in just to save time this top right this top right J down pocket right the info on the man seems to be spot on there’s yellow Kinder egg in there right I’m going to open slowly kinder eggs are often used by dealers to stash their drugs as they can easily be concealed in clothes or sometimes even inside their body right right there’s a brown substance in there do you want to tell me what that is heroin yeah right at this time right the time’s now 13 15 hours you’re arrested on suspicion of possession of a classier drug nearly heroin you don’t have to see anything your hary defens if you do not mention when question something lat line in court and you do see May evidence do you understand that yeah I knew it was just that it’s a significant hall for the interceptors the bag contains heroin with a street value of almost £1,000 yes possession with intent of Supply because of the quantity it’s quite a lot there all right as right well there quite a lot it’s quite a lot more than we normally get for um possession the man claims personal use but with this amount of heroin they clearly suspect he’s a dealer you got any other mobile phones on you no just that one right when do you take it do you smoke it or do you inject it smoke it is anything in there no any residue out like that no hasn’t been used right what’s in this wallet before I open it money right are you working at all no all right so where have you when how long you had this money uh s me last here how what’ you do I’m on job Seekers right the weight of evidence against the suspect is starting to stack up we’re going to be putting a drugs dog in your car is there anything else in your car set of jigs there set of what scales and it seems this isn’t the gent’s first brush with the boys in blue are you know systems at all for anything never I’ve never met you before yeah what for um Supply supplying what but it was Supply but it wasn’t it never is and as Pete calls in a drug dog Spike turns his attention to the suspect’s seemingly unbreakable window you got cany strong window in this like good Windows took a button stke did I are the reinforced yes Spike may not have taken the windows out just put your hands down by up there on but he’s taking out something far more important no one in the world is that personal no one can use a full Kinder of heroin just for themselves we’ve took a drug dealer out today and he was right as the man was convicted of possession with intent to supply a Class A drug He was ordered to pay £170 victim SE charge and received 37 months behind bars as for Spike’s bat on work he received some critique from Spud s [ __ ] him big strong lad like you armed with the button V course I’m going have to go to the [Music] gym it’s the late shift and Damen D Stevens is on patrol in Darlington when a job comes in over the radio these two guys in here are apparently wanted for an assault that’s just come in these are two named suspects who’ve left in this car D’s been a cop for 23 years and his hidden talents include speaking French but it won’t be D who’s pardoning his French tonight hey how you doing you okay that yeah Doo arrives on scene with a local officer what’s his C’s name what’s your what’s your name interceptors can I get them out my car yeah I would want them out my car I was you like as the local officer deals with one of the suspects hey look hey how you do it Doo turns his attention to the other [Music] lot we’re getting arrested for Su of assault bag you pardon what I said on suspicion of assault it only suspicion an old Dayo wants is to have a chat what do you mean in suspicion of ass which of assault you struggling with on suspicion of assault what do you mean suspicion assault just me out right suspicion what you mean suspicion calm down calm down you’re making a fool yourself just calm down well no watch out what you doing I’m you should be thanking me I’m holding you up but with a thank you not forthcoming Doo gets down to business you’ve been named as a suspect for an assault what you can ring my mom now well how’s your mom going to know if you’ve assaulted someone just qu me out that’s why well how did you know when the assault happened well come on then when did it happen well I’m going to find that out yeah I’m going to find it out and you’ll be saying sorry I won’t be saying sorry yeah you will no no I won’t you will like so I’ll just come out house right you mean right right what right well you’re under arrest under arrest for what how many times you they tell him suspicion of assault I’m going to find out on who I’m going to find out who’s allegation oh going to get an assult when these two have just picked me up hey hey Brom finest however brom’s finest is still struggling with the meaning of Suspicion he’s arrested me on what assault assault my name is being given to what come on assault to what as I said well come on then assault to what as I said assault to what as I said right go on as I said on suspicion yeah suspicion I’m not saying I’m not saying you’ve done it I’m saying that someone is alleging that you’ve done it right but the lad’s adamant he’s done nothing wrong look the can there what’s on the roof I’ve just got that my dad’s fridge right yeah I’ve got in the back of the car he’s have followed us out of brankim so pulled back into Brank him and now you’re saying a sufficient assault yeah right it seems brom’s finest finally gets it and it’s time for some time out youever sit in my car get one right yeah give us a give us a minute honestly I just come up my house you can go and ask my mom and dad now smoke the CP chavy get us in then You’ been very childish yeah I know ridiculous you should be ashamed of the way you should be ashamed with the lad practicing his new dance routine Deo speaks to the driver you’ve got some strange friends haven’t you I know have you had a drink tonight nothing at all but Doo spots the lad on his mobile no you not going on my phone you go on my phone I’m ringing my moming my mom yeah I don’t want you with any possible I’m ring my M I don’t want you interfer no obvious not what you doing I’m getting you m’ you’re not I am right I’ll get out my pocket from get out my pocket victims it seems the lad has something on his mind as he tries to open the window with his head and he’s not finished yet Lively isn’t he what I don’t him doing is interfering with victims or Witnesses that’s why I sit in the front of him that’s why it all got a bit Larry the last thing I want is for him to start threatening people who he may have assaulted and interfering with in Justice really off it go I’ll get the can off your roof with the driver off good night see you later brom’s finest has finally worked out how to open the window and has some important information to share with the world R packet Raj packet yes pet and the man is still protesting his innocence what we been arrested for goodness me which language would you prefer whilst sto could try and use his French his look says it all goodness me yeah put this me and the man was innocent after all just as he claimed the case wasn’t continued and he was cleared of all charges the other passenger was also released without charge still to come a 14-year-old kid has a pocket full of crack cocaine oh look at that cuz you found money and C on me and what Lee is given an off-road tour of Stockton off Bo and he’s right right right along the front of the uh the houses and Jacko exchanges pleasantries with a masked motorist you look like one of the Avengers look like a nonar a day in an Interceptor work is rarely the same from surprising stops to jump spiraling out of control back off the interceptors know to prepare for the [Music] unexpected it’s the late shift and Lee will is out on [Music] patrol this Firearms officer’s favorite film is the Fast and Furious and a Land Rover gunning it along Stockton Suburban streets has drawn his [Music] attention we just going a bit quicker hello there you’re all right have you been out for a drink tonight no I’ve just been to the gun club I’ve got a shotgun in the back there it’s all covered up in the right okay the man informs Lee that he’s in possession of a shot gun so where have you just been to the spny mo Gun Club spny Mo gun club right where’s your firearm it’s in the back Lee checks the Gent is authorized to carry the weapon yeah it’s shown it’s it’s shown on PNC you got a firearm certificate I’m just going to check the serial numbers on your firearm it’s lovely is it must be your pride and joy is it yeah it is I’m the sparter I the spotter as well everything seems in order Champion appreciate your patience and stuff gun case closed Lee’s next job is literally just around the corner all right thanks very much take all right see you [Applause] later l z from Tango 422 Charlie 56 Zulu November Hotel the black Astra an Astra thrashes it past and goes lights out most likely to try and avoid his registration being clocked black Astra just made off in the estate the pursuit is on don’t know where it’s gone it’s gone out the estate though so it could have went right could have went there left towards Grey Road I’m going to go toward gr’s Road the nippy black Astra is already well out of sight Lee has to draw on all his 15 years of experience to second guess its getaway route [Applause] attention possibly just been stallen um no idea where it’s went I’m just going with the with a sense at the moment are is where I think it might make off towards the fleeing car has had a significant Head Start but this Advanced Driver has a nose for the Chase and some serious horsepower at his feet as you can see there as far as uh the job concerned you’re dealing with one thing and then somebody decides to do something else in front of you and to lead you on to another two minutes into the hunt for the black Astra and there’s still no sign of it I’m going to go over towards um the prim rosille area just have a look around there going they got Instinct at the moment and it looks like he’s got is about to deliver believe I’m behind the the vehicle uh stand by like a wrong and seeking missile incredibly Lee has HED in on the suspect yeah behind the vehicle but the driver of this Astra hot hatch is in no mood to pull over for a chat kilo Charlie 56 standby speed is 70 the pursuit is becoming dangerous stand by as the getaway car floors it through narrow residential streets he’s running parallel with durhan Road speak and if he turn to next left he’s going towards Hospital stand by the getaway driver is now hitting 80 mph in a 30 mph Zone with speed boxs he’s approaching a red it yes and it’s only going to get bump here to right to left left left across the grass road conditions are light uh moderate speed is 70 the suspect’s driving is becoming even more Reckless off side of the road he’s taking astronomical risks in a bit to escape it’s going to be a left left left Roars funeral services speed s although Lee still has him in his sights a left left left the Speedy getaway driver seems to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the local roads right right right out with Dunston road but has he finally made a wrong turn in two Clon claw dead end claxon claw dead end [Music] offb it seems like the driver also has encyclopedic knowledge off the road and he’s right right right along the front of the uh the [Music] houses the smaller Astra squeezes through a tight Gap up ahead but it’s trickier for Lee’s larger car left left left at the uh the end he’s going back roundout those few seconds delay has proved LLY at the round about temporary loss Lee once again tries to relocate the Astra he’s going to come back towards but this time his search for this slippery customer is in vain we’ve lost him pretty much just the other side of this Junction he knew the area like the back of his hand even getting through um squeeze between the car [Music] well there you go that was a bit of sport wasn’t [Music] it you know it’s got away this time but and let’s be honest if if it is a good result cuz nobody’s nobody’s got hurt nobody’s got seriously injured nobody’s been hurt so um you know sometimes we get the bad guys sometimes we don’t get the bad guys the Astra was pursued again the following week by another unit and straight it was eventually abandoned and recovered by the the police the driver is still on the Run criminals come in all shapes and sizes and it seems ages there you go how old are you from the old to the young good boy off the bike what I doing and the interceptors are increasingly dealing with kids more interested in turning to Crime than turning on their Xboxes it’s a bit of a surprise and a disappointment that there’s so many young people getting involved in criminality I think there is a lot of influence on these young people from older people who the M look up to who are you know like gangster wannabes or something but um I guess a lot of the the the lack of discipline often comes from um the home life or the their own social setting the peers who they um aspire to be like and there’s just no boundary setting it’s the middle of the afternoon in Middlesboro and CCTV has spotted a 14-year-old who’s wanted for not attending Court they’ve alerted the police and various units including Liam Su who are on their way to try to arrest the [Applause] lad he’s um Wanted on um warrant for criminal damage defense he’s actually entered an address um so we’re just going to stand nearby in the hope that he comes out the address so we get enough units and we put some conment on and then um we’ll try and jump on him and grab him get him locked up Liam’s been a copper for 15 years and prior to joining the force worked at botland he spent his time entertaining families but the kid today won’t be so pleased to see him the lad we’re looking for his um lowlevel criminal he is was I’ve come across him a few times during the car duty nothing too exciting but um it’ be just nice to get him off the streets lad’s wanted you know he’s mess the carts around not turning up it’s only a man of criminal damage he’s wanted for but he’s still wanted so we’ll do what we can to get him locked up here’s a fuel for now he’s come out the front of the house so we’re just going to see in it round and getting grabbed [Music] [Music] the team swoop and quickly gets the lading cuffs they’ve seen the suspect trying to hide something in his joggers and give him a surch which quickly bears fruit you can’t be doing that he’s and it’s not the lad chocolate fix they found oh look at that shockingly it’s a bag of suspected crack cocaine you got any more no I hav’t well it’s tucked in there it’s tucked Ines is that just his pocket and it seems there’s something else tucked in the lad’s pants had the surprise you can’t even get it unlucky yeah yeah what you doing if you can’t even get it out have a clue it’s a Kinder surprise but it looks like the boys already made the toy what it it nothing that’s how goodies are what yeah soly take your little chap c a couple of bits of drugs on him and just searching him now get the rest of the GE out of him the lad is taken to the van for a further search to the put your hands behind your back put your arms behind your back mate all right so you can’t fiddle on with stuff man relax your arms get oh what you play you trying to see you’s got anything else on you oh look at that as well oh my God it seems the lad is carrying a lot of pocket money how much is that cuz you found money and crack on me and what all M the lad is claiming the drugs and money are all his what’s this anyway M what what what’s this in your pocket but drug dealers have a habit of using kids as drug mules and this mule seems like he’s carrying a full load a bit of cannabis this kid should be in class but instead he’s got pockets full of Class A and Class B drugs you like War walking pharmacist AR and there’s another disturbing Discovery oh knife ninja up yeah sh kid the boy was facing accusations of minor criminal damage but now has a long list of major charges to contend with question he’s drug dealing you know he’s dealing in class A drugs but he’s been exploited there’s clearly someone else um up the chain exploiting a young 14year old kid who run around the street of dealing drugs um young lad’s got a knife on him I mean he probably thinks he’s a big hard man with that but if he pulls out on someone they’re just going to take it off him and use it on him AR there classic drugs is a is a serious offense and then going again with the weapon going equipped with a bladed article you know is a significant offense as well these people we need to get hold of and we need to get them in intervention in place because he’s going to spend the rest of his days in and out of jail you can see the way he’s going um he needs a quick sharp shock and hopefully he’ll put himself on the straight and narrow the young man was found guilty of possession of a knife threatening a person with a knife possession with intent to supply crack cocaine and possession of a Class B drug he was sentenced to 12 months at a youth detention center and given a criminal Behavior order for 2 [Music] years coming up a suspected drug driver can’t face up to his crimes do you ever take cocaine never ever it’s 11:00 p.m. and interceptors James Jacko Jackson and Simon kessle are working the late shift jacko’s preferred shift is the night slot and there’s no one he’d rather spend his evening with than the officer currently in the passenger seat and it’s better crack when you work working with someone to be fair isn’t it providing you’re working with the right person um a 12-hour shift can either can fly by or sometimes they can uh they can drag am I flying by or dragging I’ll let you know Simon is an ex Royal Navy Submariner whose favorite day is his day off before he takes a break he and Jacko have been asked to assist with a suspected drug driver the colleagues got a vehicle stopped where I think they’ve got concerns about the driver’s demain ask me to come down and do a roadside drugs wipe on him the officers have already found some cannabis oh he’s had that on him wow look at the size of that stuff but the suspect doesn’t seem keen on the [Music] Limelight and his fashion sense is causing Simon some minor issues how am I supposed to get this in out will you be a to lift it up when I do it just just do Muslim Son Well the man might be concealing his face Jamie have you ever done one of these before no no there’s no hiding from Simon’s drug wipe it’s becoming more prevalent that we’re catching people driving whilst over the limit for drugs and mainly due to the fact that we’ve now got these tests that we can do at the roadside um which so the numbers have increased massively over the last coule years years but that’s because it’s new legislation and we’re actually able to do something about it with these tests now the test will check for cannabis and cocaine right can you just rub it fail what right why whaton we talk what what have you talk no I’m saying it’ll fail anyways I’m not going to light you but it’ll only fail if you’ve taken something I was just asking if you’ve taken anything I have what have you taken the man admits to smoking cannabis right can you rub your tongue around get all nice and wet for us no inside your mou get all nice and wet inside yeah stick your tongue off is I’m just going to rub this around oh why I can’t get it in it fa I know it’s going to fa while they wait for the drug test results it seems the man wants his top half to be as cozy is his head okay paron back coat is there is it being searched is anything in his coat he wants to put his coat back on no yeah you have a yeah just the rest of us a Jacko now thinks he recognizes the suspect you look like one of the Avengers like a nons smar it seems Jacko isn’t flavor of the night with this masked Avenger hey I’ll told you right we’ll come here then I’m going to show you this I don’t want you think a few minutes after taking the drugs swipe the results are in so you’ve taken cannabis but not cocaine do you ever take cocaine never ever can you see that second line there yeah see there’s two lines on the bottom yeah that’s next to the cocaine one not the Canabis it appears that the driver is not only coated up he could also be coked up well do know that there works man I don’t know that there works I don’t take kind of a sure just to be sure Simon gets a second opinion don’t have a look have a it’s on for cocaine not canis is it yeah the man denies having taken Caine but the third opinion will be decisive they’ll take Bloods from him in custody and those Bloods will get sent away for testing and that shows up exactly what is in his system and this isn’t the only test the driver hasn’t passed when they’ve done the checks on the driver they’ve discovered that he’s got a revoked provisional driving license so he’s now driving around without a driving license never having passed the test and he’s got no insurance um so another good result sees the car off the road taking off the road for another day and not be crushing into anybody tonight if I give this job I should open up Al clava shop i’ be making a fortune around there wouldn’t I but uh it’s the goto headwear for the um for the unlawful driver of County dur would have fail the man pleaded guilty to possession of a Class B drug no insurance driving without a license and driving under the influence of cannabis and cocaine he was disqualified from driving for 3 years and was ordered to pay £925 in fines and costs get on the CL get on the ground get on the [Applause] ground this is police interceptors It’s Just Another Day in Paradise coming up yeah it’s got about uh half thir mile to run to the Stinger side the bed of spikes than the dead of night vehicle sto vehicle st stop robbed at the death of an epic foot chase spensive Place back to round Pass State [Applause] gold and a DeCamp in the dark with a mask sledg hammer and pass three one we’ve got one running on dri Drive dri [Music] [Music] [Applause] chasing criminals can be a solo effort but sometimes it’s a team game [Music] please and tonight the team need to be firing on all cylinders it’s nearly midnight and interceptors are mobilizing to tackle a major crime 20 minutes ago in hebon Bridge a masked gang armed with a sledgehammer forced their way into a shop are made off with stolen goods in a nicked Audi yeah Empire I think we’re visual on it the a672 coming out speed towards the Stinger side the chopper soon has the Audi in its crosshairs are any the car in front of it now it’s a race to prepare a stinger a mile ahead to take out its tires just put it over there Bobo has the honor of laying the hollowed spikes and he needs to get a wiggle on yeah it’s got about uh half a mile to run to the Stinger side the traps set Stinger is deployed Stinger is deployed the Audi is imminent and Boom direct hit vehicle Stone vehicle Stone laid across the left hand lane the Stinger is virtually invisible in the dark by the time the runaway lights it up it’s too late to avoid it pull it in Pull It in Pull It in get in the car Bobo’s done his bit 500 yards ahead it’s over to CLA and Andy watch open it it that was it 57 Blues twos and maximum War a second units ready to join in but Andy and CLA are in no mood to play second Fiddle in this Interceptor Orchestra we are behind this vehicle and we’re just going a672 General dire authori granted they’ve got permission to box the Audi in with a tack maneuver but they’ve got to catch it first speed is 70 mil hour safe to continue low risk no other traffic which is a good thing because the burglars are all over the road literally there is some little bit TI flying off it it looks like Sting has been successful and it’s they can smell the Stinger work smell burning as if it’s loing it you can just and the chopper team can see it blowing down a little bit just the minute from the air it looks like the Audi is coming apart at the scams it is relatively low speed spraying up a fountain of hot rubber as it slows down it looks like it’s losing its front upside Tire it looks like it’s losing more than that it’s losing both its front tires the disintegrating Audi doesn’t sound too clever either yeah 57 it’s on a rim front near side it’s on a rim it can’t last much longer yeah pass one you’ve got more one more oncoming vehicle and then the road ahead is clear of vehicles there goes a tire just lost one tire stand by heads up it’s de camper we got G aler and they’re off the driver’s out of the moving car over the Bonnet underway a masked man with a sledgehammer follows suit with a third bringing up the rear while body number four makes for the woods stupidly running in front of a moving X5 seen from the air the cops are all over them hammer man drops his tool one suspect is chased over a wall and it’s a Sprint finish for the other two chased down by a cop they split up the driver is nicked while Hammerman heads for a garden and pass three one we’ve got one running on dumre Drive dumre he’s doing the full with his burglar gar yeah Roger the one that we’re uh watching has uh removed his clothing and thrown it as well as a number of objects and he’s currently on dumre Avenue he’s hoping to hide among the houses but he hasn’t a chance kid can’t make up his mind what he’s doing but he’s uh basically around houses after going round and round the gardens he’s finally weeded out yeah he’s coming around the front where the dog handler is to your right now in front of that house block of four left hand house this is the bit where you assume the position four tasers and a German Shepherd usually have that effect and one thank you that’s hammer and the driver already in cuffs and with the eye in the sky just be conscious of weapons one of them had a um side jamama and dogs on the ground this one-sided game of hide and seek moves to the woods yeah we’ve got him I’ll talk you on to him he’s he’s actually up the tree by the look of it in fact he’s hugging the tree in the vain hope it will hide him from the thermal imaging camera the offender is pretty much in front of you it won’t you’ve got visual with him I think he’s sticking his hands up and the entire gang is NE any outstanding nope the whole heon Bridge Hammer gang pleaded guilty to burglary in addition one passenger pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis and possession of a bladed article while the driver pleaded guilty to car theft and driving whilst disqualified he was banned for 3 years after he gets out of prison because all four men were sent down for four years at Her Majesty’s pleasure how’s that for team Wick [Applause] still to come got vehicle failing to stop Spencer place at Chapel town in lead caught red-handed mid Pursuit have a look at that mate they’re de the spitting image of a wrong seriously spit please don’t threaten don’t do that then and dealing with a not so smart cookie there uh there’s some green vegetable matter in these can ofis cookies I’m going to hasard a guest there might be here it’s early evening in Chapel town when my dad first joined the police in 1984 this was his first footbeat area and then he retired so I asked for his call number so I’m the second generation of PC white with the call number 562 my dad retired about 6 years after I joined so when he retired I managed to get his Coler number so I’m a second generation police officer as well and uh his numbers still live on Wayne and Tom are applying the Family Trade when the old ancestral instincts kick in where’s he gone must have gone straight up something feels wrong about A Renault that’s pulled off up ahead you can’t be avoiding this cuz you want to seen us there we are BDL 41 but the sayat speeding away suddenly seems far more interesting xray we are for Urgent interrup The Runaway seat’s heading for the Hills got a vehicle failing to stop Spencer place at Chapel town in lead it’s got no rear regge plate left there was it yeah keep going on it’s seen old and immediately accelerated away it’s a temporary loss around the back streets on gay Thorns it’s a great SE I be one Asian male occupant black Air who may be the one that got away it’s a dead end is is that one it came down there did it yeah 100% might have dumped it around here then this will be a tricky fish to land it’s a clone C is this it’s on um false plates doesn’t even come back to the same model car that’s how sophisticated these people are um it’s been used in a couple of thefts um there’s no insurance well I imagine I don’t think it’ll be stolen I imagine it’ll just be what we call a pool car car used by the local criminality to commit criming it’s obviously not bother put left on left a junction you could inherit more than color numbers from the old man Tom and Wayne were handed down a strong sense of perseverance have a look at that mate they’re dealing they’re and Keen powers of observation as they turn the corner Tom clocks the driver of a VW appearing to hand something to the guy on a bike he’s just done a deing it stinks a cannabis and with a suspected major crime dropping in their laps Wayne and Tom have bigger fish to fry than the one who got away hello mate come here sec come here wants to speak to you come here and he’s [Music] off the suspect has a head start on Tom F get Tas on him plus the Interceptor lugging 10 kilos of Kit come [Music] here and no matter how badly he wants it stop he won’t catch a guy who jumps in a getaway car it jumped into Spencer Place back towards round pass out state in Gold mix race mail C uh green t-shirt and shorts where did he lose him where did he lose him he jumped into a car what was he Tom heard the suspect shout clear the car and he pretty sure why there’s load of G it C there’s a lock tip what kind of pass out state it looks like there are drugs in the car so with a growing audience put window on it there’s not a gear they have a bash at the driver’s window but with tinted film on the glass it’s a tough nut to crack move away move away on ping me move away onlookers are getting rowdy and the interceptors are no closer to the stash inside the car but you can see there’s boxes there’s a massive box of gear in front and back and the back yeah someone’s got some explaining to do then well from looking at the moment there’s at least one tub of cannabis but there’s a lunch box with a load of foil bags in there’s a large black bin bag there’s at least two mobile phones and a large box in back so could be anything really could be cannabis it could be a bit more uh bit more higher up they may not be able to break through to the goodies in the car but they have had a breakthrough with the baddy who abandoned it found him love you oh yeah it seems the registered owner of the impenetrable VW is a dead ringer for the guy who ran away let’s get his details PR Lin we’ll go and visit him first they need to deal with the stash wagon and it’s indestructible Windows Romeo 4 and back at the Nick armed with the tools to knock in the driver’s window they commence the search the the car smells of cannabis so uh I think it’s very likely we’ll find some of that in there ahuh as for the other stuff there we go ah yeah so we got a a decent amount of what looks like cannabis there I’ll just put it sort of relative to where you found it so we can remember where we got it from it certainly smells like cannabis so they’re from the passenger driver’s foot wheel they’re all driver’s foot wheel aren’t they all of those passenger foot well passenger foot well center console center console cting your seat we’re going to need a bigger Bonnet so that’s masses and masses of nitrous oxides so laughing gas nitrous oxide has been linked to 17 deaths in the last 3 years supplying it carries a maximum sentence of 7 years in prison well I’m thinking got pewits cannabis and a pewits nitrous oxide and whatever’s in there whatever’s in there turns out to be a massive stash of vacuum sealed air freshness which are fresh all right how does it smell like cannabis yeah yeah 100% sealed pots like this this are often used for high quality weed many times the price of typical cannabis and the final Discovery takes the biscuit oh it’s a box of cookies is this there uh there’s some green vegetable matter in these is it it oh yeah cannabis cookies I’m going to haard a guess they might be yeah it could be up to two Grands worth of drugs now they just need the guy who was dealing it we’ve disrupted his business but we’re also going to disrupt his life hopefully for uh for that to take place the suspect who fled a car load of drugs is under investigation for possession with intent to supply Class B’s if convicted Cookie Monster faces a lengthy stretch in [Music] prison it’s coming down cats and dogs in Halifax as Interceptor James Sanford stops at a light traic whether and unlike the driver of this corser James has stopped in the right place White Lines about you it’s not exactly the hat and garden job but the driver’s poor reading of the road has earned him a onetoone in the rain get out just check V number it cuz that R don’t look right according to the PNC something about the registration doesn’t ring true he mate how are you all right oh yeah all right just come take a seit with us yeah Nick says his hidden talent is a for losing things which is a tad ironic because he doesn’t miss a trick you hiding some down side here no no no yeah yeah yeah I’ll pick my phone up mate all right just uh take your bag off mate thanks very much how much have you got to drink tonight none why do you smell a mouth was it just to my girl house can’t fault his oral hygiene Nick last 5 47851 his vehicle registration number on the other hand no stinks didn’t think so and there’s something familiar about the minty fresh kid I chase you bloody old field didn’t they you up this is minty at the end of a recent car chase we have Pursuit with with this chap a few months ago um he’s a disqualified driver and uh he ended up being reported for that offense and obviously the courts have’t say any more and you go to jail young man it’s becoming a regular occurrence for you Le this is it me car on Falls PLS L just got the car you said that last time this is a a cloned car uh it’s just an uninsured vehicle that he’s cloned another vehicle to can drive about in uh looking as it’s insured cheap little swine at this moment in time I’m going to tell you that you’re going to be reporter for the offenses of driving whil disqualified um using vehicle with no insurance um and also having an expired mot and also using an incorrectly registered vehicle other than that you’re a model Road user have you got any cannabis on you no because ever since you’ve got in this car now the uh now the the mouthwash is worn off I can smell cannabis a saliva sample on the roadside drug wipe will show up positive or negative a bit like a pregnancy test we have the nod of Doom would appear that he is actually expeced a visit to custody so I’m going to tell you below 55 hours you are under arrest okay on suspicion of driving a motor vehicle uh on a road with a specified substance over the prescribed limit can you get me my stuff please I will get you your stuff mate yes no but can I have them now cuz I don’t I’m I’m not risking Los my St it happen to my left time right you haven’t got a lot of choice you’ve asked me and I said I will to take the bag to C right so it gets bed listen listen no who’s talking me or you cuz if you talk you won’t get anywhere if I talk you might get something out of it servant you’re doing it aren’t you right okay you have been warned what to do what to do staining care yeah yeah let’s do that back at the station a public servant work is never done Nick Ms in cleaning up after a previous occupant’s mess you might end up with a wet bomb you move before me there you go all right w i well maybe you’re a public servant and you’re pushing your look seriously look how spitting your face please don’t threaten all right don’t do that then if you’re threatening just spit in people’s faces sit there like that all right why your attitude in a little bit watch away from my why your attitude in a little bit I spend thousands of pound on clothes why your attitude in a bit well if you spend thousands of pounds with the clothes I’m wearing us tonight calm down all right if you’re threatening to spit at people mate you’re going on the floor do you understand that all right so I am going to sit you up all right and I’m going to do it in a controll manner and then you’re going to sit on the bench and you’re going to sit and be quiet and chill out all right bring your knees up yeah and then stand up and sit if you want to sit sit well can I at least body water it’s water it’s not going to kill you armor please it’s not hard is that nice one you guessing get UNC say again guessing you getting uncom oh me stay my knees all nightm if if it means you don’t spit at me spech a figure of speech I’m going to spit you in face and the F SP it please go the minty fresh kid with the foul mouth was found guilty of drug driving driving whilst disqualified and without insurance he got a 3-year bound and was ordered to pay £15 SE charge as for the Court’s previous threat to jail him if he reoffended that wasn’t a figure of speech and he got 14 weeks inside where room service isn’t a patch on custody blanket young man blanket delivery for room 13 you turn the light of course it will yeah she looky day in it all right see it still to come still the C still my car Fleet footed slow witted he’s come back wearing a black T-shirt I think we’ve got our man here it never hurts to ask right you got all you shouldn’t have any drugs any weapons any dead bodies and doubts are creeping in for Wayne I want you to have a nice hard think right now about the story you’re telling me because you are talking nonsense I talking nonsense that is go s right bring car out bring the car out nicking criminals can be hard enough they’re running up to Bull Roy they’re running up to Bull Roy making charges stick can be even harder this officer don’t have a clue what he’s doing does he it’s Wednesday evening and Steph luk is on course to intercept a runaway forward Focus we got the district unit behind the vehicle it’s failing to stop with three Lads in it don’t know why it’s failing to stop but we’re not far from the location now Steph’s a member of the proactive intercept team that means he he’s an elite driver who gets the keys to a tasty Beamer 140i which is a hell of a car I don’t know where he is but it won’t find your suspect for you we’re going back on the main load by standing by enter stage left the target focus and District are just keeping him warm for you Steph activate the heavy ride boot exra India 22 lead vehicle Tac train requesting Tac Authority please 60 MPH we’re going howth Road uh requesting Tac Authority risk at this moment in time is low vehicle is braking breaking and it’s a right right right brandwood Drive Unit to brandwood drive it’s going to look for a DeCamp Steph knows Estates like these are favorite spots for bailing out so he sticks to the focus like a 300 horsepower Shadow brandwood Road brandwood Road 40 40 mph The Runaway is weaving through tight roads and parked cars but it’ll take more than that to loose step it’s uh come out of the brandwood estate back towards howth road if the driver’s tactics are to make him dizzy it is a left left left onto howth Road 60 MPH passing the Shell Petrol Station to the the offside they won’t work the Interceptor can do laps all day or until the driver mounts a curb and decides to get off this not so Merry Go Round he’s off steal the cast steal my car a streak of ripped jeans black shoes and a gray top one cop detains two passengers every other unit goes after the driver into back Gardens who turns out to be quick enough to give them all the slip but also stupid enough black T-shirt beard on what yeah I’m sure he’s driving this guy here to double back to his car got a grip of him then minus his hoodie and his sanity never returned to the scene of the crime mate especially when interceptors pack on board video as he’s running away we’ve got a really good clear image of him on our on our in car CCTV system he’s wearing the same Footwear he’s wearing the same uh tone style jeans and color uh and he’s at the time he was wearing a gray top but underneath that there was a black T-shirt he’s come back wearing a black T-shirt quite common for somebody to change their appearance simply by discarding a top and then returning in some different clothing uh but I think we’ve got our man here think we’ve got the driver it’s a good lightness but that will be tough to prove same sort of T of jeans same same build yep it’s fine by me there a few people R jeans online they’re not all dripping with blood he’s he’s got a cut to his hand which I can’t account for it it’s got the same pair of jeans the same build and it’s got it’s got black color T-shirt which he’s got so he’s discarded that gray top a lot of driving charges hinge on proving the suspect made a cunning wardrobe change it’s no docks and it’s uh it’s got an insurance policy that expired at midnight right what’s your name why why cuz you’re in handc in the back of a police guy suspected of an offense what’s your name what’s your name you’re not telling us right that’s fine fine lock lock him up seems reasonable all right sweet but it’ll be Bittersweet if they can’t prove he was behind the wheel so he’s on the way down to custody now and for various offenses uh main one being dangerous driving and failing to stop for police oh hold on hold on I got to go boun from yeah and bags of weed means nicked hold on Fell both of them what’s going on you C the two passengers are following the suspected driver to the station you’re both under arrest what for possession of clay drug intent Supply this pair were caught in the car bang to rights but it could go either way for the driver if the cops can’t make a case and and back at the neck member of the public has pointed out to us that there’s a gray top in her garden uh so I’ve been down to have a look at this top uh and I’ve recovered it uh because on on the top itself you can see that there’s uh there’s blood on the on the inside uh and the gentleman that has been arrested who is suspect to be The Driver uh is covered in blood as well uh so that’s a great forensic opportunity for us uh to send this off to the forensic lab if he denies being the driver uh also uh it definitely matches it’s the same top that was worn by the driver when he uh got out of the driver’s seat and started running away so there’s plenty of forensic opportunities there uh all in all a good job I’m going to get this packaged up now and uh sent for forensics the suspected driver had his day in court after reviewing statements the video evidence and the Bloody gray top magistrates found him guilty of dangerous driving failing to stop driving whilst disqualified no insurance and possession of a controlled drug he could receed time Behind Bars his two passengers both received a community resolution for possession of a Class B drug proof can be harder to find than a blood soaked Hood he falling in your lap where’s he go there we are Romeo 60 60 we’ve got a vehicle at speed wbe Valley Road C and see Mak a model at the moment so she trying to play catch up a hatchback has just screamed past Wayne and rookie Ellie that’s fine I would have said it was might be a Honda Civic type of shape you know a little wing whatever it is says it’s not hanging around it’s uh black um hatchback looks something like a Leon Wayne says it was a seak lion into SE now stupid speed bumps the rookie reckons Honda Civic but they can’t settle it if they can’t find it is that it is it did it it went in there didn’t it you know I genuinely don’t know the hatchback fits the bill let me just check yeah it’s smoking like l a smoking hot Honda Civic top marks Ellie 60 yeah go yeah it’s been abandoned um yeah 12x we got to assist the Cavalry is called to comb the area can we arrange recovery please abandoned at this time there’s time for a search while they wait for the truck have you looked in the center console I could get it open is it open oh heads up hi hi it’s my car is this all right some just test drive list and then they told me they left it around there right the owner says he gave the keys to someone for a test drive so who’s who’s been driving it s some private private sale and so for it come meet him down here I’ve met him here and I’ve test drove it right and then I’ve St it come speeding back around there and I’ve come back around the gimi key and said it’s around there right come have a seat then it turns out the alleged test driver was a potential buyer who ditched the car gave back the k and vanished very likely story right at this time I suspect you are the driver of this vehicle 11% well I’m just saying I suspect that you are yeah all right first thing I’m going to do is require a breast vestmen all right it’s fair to say the 2 A.M test drive tale has met with skepticism convenient very convenient and he’s a little out of breath right nice deep breath blow steady through the tube until I tell you to stop all right keep going keep going keep going keep going set lovely the results are in I passed that AR I you have passed that however I’m still a little bit concerned about your demeanor so I’m going to do a drugs test next stick your tongue out and the drug test and your test is clear is the same story well done but it’s his story that’s the elephant in the car at this time you’re saying to me that someone was test driving that car mhm at 2:00 in the morning mhm okay then convince me cuz I’m not convinced convince you got cars up for sale of some want to buy it regardless what time I’m going to go try s it right so so you didn’t uh you didn’t go with them for this test drive no you’re very trusting then are you oh yeah it’s a test test drive what else are they going to do so so you’re willing to let complete strangers take your car for a ride are you oh yeah what else what else would you do do I look like an idiot obviously not but what else would you do on a test drive well you’d go with him for a start did they have any insurance well I I don’t know well you’ve let them drive your car so you’ve committed offenses haven’t you whichever way you look at this you’re getting done with something so start telling me the truth well that is the truth that is the god on theu right so tell me who was test driving it then I don’t know the name you don’t private guess what I’m going to be saving you papers very shortly you are going to be telling me who it was that was driving and if you don’t you’re going to end up with a lot of points on your license so I want you to have a nice hard think right now about the story you’re telling me because you are talking nonsense I not talking nonsense that D on shelf right so how many of these Lads have two what do these Lads look like if you didn’t take their name you don’t know them complete strangers well they’re in the mid 20s white short head yeah that’s it right right come on you’re going to have to do better than this we’re finding trouble with this aren’t we it’s a bit of a struggle to believe you can put me in that car just because it’s my car I have I’ve actually come to a genuine well what I thought were a genuine sale at 2:00 in the morning yeah yeah cuz that’s what normal people do every day isn’t it well it’s not first time I’ve done it that car has just been driven at exceptionally high speed okay at this point in time I believe you’re the driver however if you’re going to maintain that you weren’t I suggest you find out who was because you are going to be served with some documents that are going to obligate you to tell me who was driving so if if I can’t possibly find out name well I’m pretty sure mate that if you’ve arranged to meet someone down here at 2:00 in the morning you’ll have some kind of contact details or something so stop treating me like a fool okay what you were what you are going to be served with is an official legal document mate you will have no choice but to tell me who was driving it otherwise I’ll will prosecute you instead whether you were driving or not because it’s a separate obligation to tell me who was okay yeah but can I provide that’s for you that is for you to determine I cannot provide that not my problem and then your that not my problem wasn’t actually me as the owner as the owner you are responsible for its use yeah I understand the law I hope you do what someone else has committed I get done for yep potentially I potentially don’t think that’s right right my colleague will let you out Wayne’s early bird car dealer was reported for failing to furnish driver details if he tells the court who was driving his car at 2: a.m. then no further action will be taken failing that he could potentially be fined up to £1,000 and get six penalty points on his license still to come we do it here if we can tighten up LS when interceptors box in the charmer shabaz I can’t say it’s been a pleasure let’s not meet again they can’t big good night fast enough for you I’m going to come for excellent It’s approaching midnight and dynamic duo Nick Priestley and Steve Bobo Wright are after a vehicle with false plates yo we had a report on vehicle that’s been identified as cloned hang on a second Bobo um Carry On mate it’s coming this way Bobo is a leads fan who’s partial to a roast dinner a star bar and a smoky in the Bandit movie stra on it’s coming our way a it and tonight the Bandit drives a silver VW which is due any second this one here definitely got two meals in the plan is to box in the cloned motor using three cop cars we’ll do it here if we can tighten up Lads the trios on the Dance Floor cue the teac Tango all right get him a Nifty little Shuffle and he’s boxed in tighter than two coats of paint turn it [Music] off right leave your SS leave your SS you’re not having a Sig seat belt off jump out the condemned man isn’t allowed last cigarette what’s your name buddy zah I’m not doing all right jump in this car and we’ll s out won’t we despite his denials zahed was caught in a car with false plates right you got all you shouldn’t have anything you can ham us with any drugs any weapons any dead bodies body come on man going have a dead body precisely what someone with a dead body would say but Bobo’s more interested in the Clone mobile watch your leg a second 52 it’s a stop stop is it your cars yeah did bought it you just bought it got a license yeah got insurance yeah have you s Insurance have you got I’m not yeah I’m not sure you’ve got insurance I don’t I don’t understand how you can insure a car that’s got wrong rge plates on anyway what’s your dat by side uh 12th of October 1986 to read think that cuz I I’ve not got you coming up with a driving license for a start I’ve got a driving license I’ve got the insurance online and it we don’t know where he’s not giving us right details so I’ve got log have you seen that driving license in there no no a’t don’t met with car to be fair there’s a driver’s license on the front seat that up not maybe zahed was telling the truth after all no that’s not him maybe maybe not um it seems the picture on this license is someone else no right where is your driving license not got no right well the problem is I am checking you through and I’m not bringing up any details under zahid Hussein 121086 I’ll be honest I got I got insurance online utterly confused.com all right but I like to see you can’t of insurance on a vehicle that’s got the wrong number plates on what do you mean those number plates don’t belong to that car dramatic pause and go you’re under arrest on suspicion of driving without license driving without insurance all right we can’t prove who you are you say you are at the moment all right so you’ve been arrested so that we can identify exactly who you are so that we can deal with you for any driving offenses all right it turns out there is insurance on the car just not for him and not on fake number plates it’s on false plates we we don’t know why because it is insured uh and it does have a keeper but it’s not it’s not to him so whether he’s just cloned it to the insurance side of things I don’t honestly know but as he giving false he’s ging false details as well so um we’ll take him down to Nick and we’ll we will find out who he is what’s your name mate because you’re only going to PlayStation because we don’t believe a who you are are you giving us false details which is B obviously um a does sound an awful lot like B Nick is that rather not giveing me proper details or he may be trying to work out the difference between a and b I’ll be honest it rather you would be honest qualifi that it fine all we’ll sort it give me calling your details after fessing up to his lack of license artist formerly known as zahed was charged with driving without insurance and driving whilst disqualified he failed to attend court but was later arrested and prosecuted he got a 21mon driving ban £ 115 fine and 12 weeks in prison long enough to reflect how to thank someone all right who goes out of their way to drive you home sh say it’s been a pleasure let’s not meet again see me yeah I’m sure we will just for you I’m going to Comey up excellent look out for oncoming cars don’t get knocked down for for spee speech for for speee

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