In this video, the E-Zee riders take a sunny afternoon spin up to Bannerdown Hill. With fast downhills, Rusty’s new Hope Floating rotor brakes and Swiss stop pads, will be put to the test. With some action in Bath and on the classic B2B cycle track, enjoy the video and remember to like and subscribe!!

    afternoon everyone uh welcome back to easy Riders going to be going over to chubs in a minute for a little afternoon ride I haven’t seen him for a little while now I’m so busy with work CU unre H quick update on my Creo 2 I’ve had the frame um wrapped in like a clear vinyl cuz I it’s getting fed up with scratches and marks appearing on it now and when you got a new bike and spent a lot of money that’s the last thing you want and hopefully I’ve sorted my brakes out now I’ve gone for the Hope floating routers and I’ve got the Swiss stop pads fitted now I just show you them now quickly so that’s my um hope floaters they’re black and if you can see down in the caliper there’s yellow Swiss stop pads fitted and on the front the same thing ho uh floaters uh 180s and on the back they are 160s they fit on their sweet as a nut no problems at all just need to bed them in now all good going over chubs now all right I’ve just left mine heading towards chubs which which is about 4 [Music] Miles yo easy Riders back out on the bikes again got a guest Rusty now back again I’m still around I haven’t told you or anything yeah he’ been busy doing DIY and stuff busy all the time he’s got some upgrades to his bike that’s it new brakes he’s had the frame wrapped have a look at that later on sweet ass just going out for a spin got some more shout outs to do some more subscribers get me phone out later and uh can’t remember their names at the moment but thanks to them yeah Creo is looking good Rusty oh yeah game on all the frames W now they all scratches what have you got what have you got Velcro on your legs oh it’s ARS oh that’s that’s ARS that’s the win done a summer cut yeah you met a shave aren’t you your cyclist I’ll be shaving soon all day in two weeks time right let’s see what [Music] happens just coming down into y it’s about 7 miles away believe waving at us hello um yeah about 7 miles away from State Gord where I live I suppose heading towards STP at saury uh just following chub really see see where he’s taking us all right we’re down into um Shi and soy now I think just gone through y chub’s dressed up like it’s winter he’s going to be boiling oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh should have put me shorts on told you that summer night they’re in the wash B nice and clean like my socks our Brad bought me nice so clean hi just bringing Rusty down the road he’s never been down quite a cream nice ice cream so just here on the left your right is Big estate which I think is owned by Dyson the vacuum cleaner blue there’s a massive house in there this is the outside of the perimeter do you know who lives in there train there James Dyson Dyson Dyson vacuum cleaners yeah oh that’s where he lives oh he owns it biggest garden wall ever he just show it off Mr Dyson ding here we are then got like a wood a wood uh Mill or something just here home Farm in there I think is the mill this is Gates security guard on the gate then what’s going down talking about a new vacuum cleaner top secret or a new Air Dryer no good for me just puffing up this hill now it’s a long one long and steady what is it about 8° and not being funny if I didn’t have an ebike things like this do my edit wo that’s what it’s all about though when you’re doing 30 40 miles just that little extra to help you along nice so we’re trying to work out who’s nicking the stickers yeah so r went uh down the Seven Bridge the other day without me and the sticker we stuck on the bridge is gone the one at shon’s gone I think he must hey bitway stickers gone is it bit and rower yeah it’s got to be the people at the places a’t it bit grumpy really bit miserable very a bit fun my theory someone’s taking them they’re watching the videos finding the locations and taking them down taking them down but they’re not going to have the last laugh with me you remember I got ladders in my van I can higher so we’re up on the cot walls now just climed up near the tour Martin mway Junction on the M4 I think we’re going to try and swing past Castle coming in up on top of the banner down go down the banner downhill into bath rosty wants to check his fed his brakes in that’ll do that for sure definitely uh right this way up on the plane again sun’s out now lovely jubly steady climate to morish field nice views C of little poppies on the own in there red poppies probably can’t see him 13 miles 55 minutes TV Jesus [Music] that sketchy through like gravel sh oh I bet you did see in the laste oh I used my brakes on that bit there Christ seen all that grapple for C chubs going through it straighten up another Hill it’s get in turbos we’re in oh changed out did little it Marshville they do M Crossing meats here I’m M across track nice little English Village Junction coming up Lord Nelson’s in a this is lovely right there old petrol station that truck well toy I think they’ve won a few competitions it’s up here all them trophies FG bonding son going for yonks did it did it it’s nice to see somebody celebrating or remembering I should say plate a cricket there view from other countries Cricket is weird weird game even I don’t get it and I’m English if you’re enjoying these videos please like And subscribe ring the bell so you get a reminder or notification although we keep ticking up slowly the subscribers it has slowed up a bit bit of late so I am half thinking of uh driving Russ off the road into a ditch or something for a bit of entertainment but that’s a little bit Harish he’s bloody go oh here we go oh gravel in the middle of the Road it’s not good oh especially when you’re trying to hold a [Music] GoPro can’t see him want to turn him around D it’s leafy Lane you can see him in the rear view mirror oh you’re Bing your brakes in yeah so what have you got on your brakes new brakes tell to subies what you got hope is a English UK company which make big bike parts more more formatic biking so I’ve gone for their H floaters floating rotter floaters floaters um and the Swiss stop pads Swiss stop pads so uh that combination should be amazing so uh I’ll let you know I’m probably the first in the world to have hope floaters on their cre tues I don’t think you’re the first person in the world to have a Flo oh dear oh wrong gear a nice and that hopefully stop the dreaded squeaks yeah may do let wait and see when that when the water comes [Music] hopefully so here we are on top of the banner down not far from box just stopped by this little mini stonee thing I don’t know if you’ve ever seen this before no I I have no idea what it’s here for tucked away on the side of the road but just wanted to stop and do some shout outs so thanks to Kum cross ad XYZ Nicholas Malloy Carl Young all new subscribers to the channel thank you very much to you all hope you’re enjoying it Rusty’s gone for a was down there somewhere all right here’s his bike his new brakes the floaters and he’s got some wrap on there as well if you can see the loan protect the frame I think he’s had it wrapped in a few places yeah Creo 2’s looking good we’ve had a few chats with Jack down at uh satini might be doing a little visit to look at the new aluminium framed Creo 2 soon so uh trying to hook up with Jack on that we can share with you all the next offering from specialized yeah lovely chly so we’re just going to go down that way and about a mile down there is the banner down here where we’re going down it so Russ can uh bed his breaks in and his twist stops give him a good test squeaky bum time cuz it’s fast as you like down there [Music] oh [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] that’s mental coming down that Hill 39 mil hour I did did you yeah W looking I was too scared looking at the road oh dear go breaks Co Jesus they making right weird noises there we are oh there right don’t know if you’ve guessed we’re in bath again someone’s coming get over chub get over right we’re on the B2B we have deployed a sticker but we ain’t telling you where it is but we’re not going to tell anybody where it is cuz it’ll go missing so we’ll see if anybody spots it it secret you cut him up then upload no I didn’t hey no I didn’t he met a stop for him and he he has startop did he yeah he was cussing blind yeah I bet fter than my b 28 miles heading back crack Scrambler over there mot Crosser go there B2B is getting a bit overgrown yeah Rusty’s worried about getting stung on the leg by The Stingers yeah which is a Bristol term for stinging nles I don’t know if everybody else calls them Stingers but a very wellknown Bristol saying when we used to play football in the park you kick the ball through the goal into the bushes which always had stinging nals in it we used to say get in there picky Out The Stingers picky Out The Stingers yeah out is a bit overgrown to be fair needs cutting back [Music] [Music] [Music] R is on the drop droppers more sport a it sport [Music] so that’s another little ride over and done with hope you enjoyed it if you did don’t forget like And subscribe heading towards the 500 subscribers now she good yeah hopefully you like the video if you like it and goes into the avms or something you know algorithms that’s it more likes the better more likes are better don’t forget ebik miles are better than no miles see you again laters cheers all


    1. Nice to see the brakes are now silent, well did not hear them anyhow, lol. I have hit 47 mph on the Creo 2 coming down Whiteway Rd in Bath and felt good and stable

    2. I bought some frame wrap tape for my cgr ale before it arrived.. Did some of it, but didnt do the downtube…. then my bike fell over onto a rock at the top of Llangynidr mountain and put a huge scratch down it 😢 First battlescar.. Wont be the last I'm sure

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