Dunderry Fair is a great day out in this lovely country village in County Meath. Everything country can be found here, from sheep, goats, donkeys, horses, cows, ducks, hens, alpacas. Vintage cars and Tractors, sheep shearing, country music and dancing.Lots of street stalls. A great day in the country.



    well hello people welcome to dundere Fair here uh this is the start of the Country Fairs here in Ireland for 2024 and uh I have a video on dunderry from from uh last year and uh didn’t really get very much views but then again I don’t mind that you know I mean but so welcome to Dunder Fair 2024 let’s walk around here and have a look at cows and sheep and goats and hens and uh old vintage cars and stuff like that okay right people here’s heish and Henry they’re always here at all these shows I love these two Highland cattle hold on here’s some kind of old cars here that’s a is that a Volkswagen’s GTI Golf isn’t it look Sun ref finish [Music] it’s another a cool little mini car look it’s for sale too they’re looking for 8,500 for it look you can pH that number it’s actually a set 1974 mini it’s amazing how small they were isn’t it imagine driving down the M away in one of them little cars a big big truck passing you by it’s lovely though isn’t it beautiful little car look at this uh trike bike motorbike here look it’s a 1970 uh motor bike sorry 1997 [Music] amazing a little Mars Miner van I think these Mars miners were in production from the after after World War II 1940 something right up to 1970 early 1970s I think you think you think I know something about cars I don’t I was just I was just looking looking up there on Google and I think it I think they’re from the 40s up to the early 70s but they were so simple look even the steering wheel is really ttin look and look at look look at even the gear handle look just the first second toward fort and reverse and it’s look real simple again look real simple look just a straight piece of metal down and even to speed armor look that’s it up to 90 90 M hour and look at even the foot pedals they’re really small look ah even the RNG mirrors yeah cool little van my friends and here is a Mercedes from [Music] 1976 and it’s for sale as well you know something out near laytown the village of ltown um there was a woman uh I don’t know if she’s still alive and our partner and she was mad into yellow and she had a yellow front door her window windows were yellow her fence was yellow and she had a a yellow Mercedes you know so there you go useless information my friends here’s do you remember these cars the Ford Capri anybody remember them they were the bees knes of a car in the 1970s before Capri [Music] look at this little car here it’s called in Anglia now I remember them cars right but at the time I didn’t really like them you know but because now they’re a vintage car now and I look at the unusual shape of it I actually like it now you know what I mean look at the stripe down the thing look so I didn’t realize that it was it’s called a Ford Anglia I didn’t know the Ford made made that type of car that’s definitely has to be 60s 7s car as well this one angly is he pretty cool and I think this car here was another english-made car manufactured car a w a woley and it’s according to this here it’s 1963 this car here right people let’s just wander around some more here right it was just talking to the man that owns this car here and he says it’s a 1972 he says say your driver he says yeah he says I’m still trying I’m still trying to keep Young [Music] so this car here right this Mars Miner was first registered in 1950 and of course has been restored and look at it isn’t it fantastic and it’s very unusual the CDs look there see the split wind screen um yeah look at the condition of it from 1950 it’s great to see see this kind of stuff that you’ll never see you know you won’t see this unless you come to shows like this you know what I mean or car shows or something it’s just great here’s um I think this this is a Jaguar is it Jaguar 385 excuse me can I ask you how old are car is 1966 wow God you got in a fantastic thank you I’m just looking at the inside of it I was in the field oh you wouldn’t like that but it’s it’s got this red leather excuse oh yeah yeah yeah and you see in those days they had um little trays here to have your cocktails on oh excuse me excuse me and you don’t have a you don’t have a cigarette lighter you have a cigar lighter oh sorry yeah cool and it could do 140 M hour oh my God what power is in this car right 3.8 3.8 wow and what’s that six Cy six cylinder straight six it’s a straight six right and she’s over she hasn’t got par that’s but she’s over matter and come here have have you got her long two two or three years wow years wow we brought it in from England okay right so what it’s 19760 60 1960 66 1966 oh wow6 God you having a printing condition oh look at the little um I know the windows oh it’s brilliant isn’t it look at that yeah oh look little catch and all in it oh I love that look at that yeah and the back windows where do you see the back window right look at the little patches on the back windows right look at these you can open these oh my God they’re amazing that’s fantastic oh that was fantastic my friends 1966 Jaguar she’s a really really nice woman there she say she she she bought that she bought that Jaguar two years ago in England 3.8 L in it uh of course there’s no Pariser in it right but uh isn’t just great like the hobbies that different people have I I I love that when I comp of these kind of shows you know there people for everything if you know what I mean look at the coming along here now look think we get you only you only need five oh yeah cool 1966 Jaguar fantastic so here’s Gypsy Laura Lee right Spirit messages from your loved ones okay step inside today I will tell you things others can’t okay so she’s born with a gift of Fortune T born the seven of seventh da seventh daughter true Roman Gypsy Pam cards crystal ball specializing in love family relationships careers Health Etc I have been responsible for many marriages and reunited lost lovers over 20 years experience good man so there you go my friends Laura Lee if you’re into fortune telling and believing in all that crap my friends check out Laura Lee [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that woman was telling me those sheep are from Switzerland they’re only relatively new to Ireland at a minute I T that all right how they W like the familiar ones that I that I know of little Cales here look a remind it in around about 10 minutes wow Isn’t that cool now look the old uh cart you pull by your horse wow I’ve never seen one as good as this B4 bring the hay in on that there now the big of hay and stuff I I presume it’s amazing he said I was asking the man there uh what type of um Timber or wood is he using he says it’s Willow so the baskets and everything there is made out of Willow and I was asking how long is he at it and he says 15 years that’s what I’m saying it’s just it’s just great isn’t it to see all the different people in hotter now here’s sheep over here I think from New Zealand look ter from New Zealand maternal sheep as seen on ear to the ground hello did you get your your Coast cut yeah your wool shared you did didn’t you wow hello what’s your name it’s your name is Susan no here’s a cool a cool seat right outside the church here in dere and it’s in memory of their lord mayor uh Eugene Smith right Lord May of done dairly from 1983 to 2017 Community activist gratefully remembered by his friends and the parish he loved and shared and there’s the man there oh people have a look at these little lambs here they’re just so cool look at this [Music] yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] there’s someone after getting PES in tree Ducks [Music] there Little Pony over here my friends let’s have a look at the Little Pony look at the rooster up in there bar look hello rooster hello you well hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] another another unique um trade isn’t it the um what do you call them uh uh GS with the N doesn’t it I’ll P it up in the video and I remember yeah I he the woman saying there it’s a fer that’s the name of the trade that the of the people who um shoe horses right hello little [Music] chickens all right I Bigg super cool little chicken isn’t it hello little chicken how are you today are you okay yeah gentle gentle that same as they lovely aren’t the little chickens look at little CS here and and the the cows the mamy cows [Music] look hello dunies do you always have a a sad looking face don’t they I don’t know why that is but I don’t think they’re sad they just look [Music] sad oh this is great my [Music] friends I’ve enjoying this stay tuned my friend stay tuned excuse me it’s that a highland cattle as well is it how old old as is that one how old is that one Co 13 months much 13 months 13 months yeah wow the’re gorgeous aren’t they that’s that’s Ros oh hello L hello all right hello it’s okay our first day at the fair so it is brilliant brilliant yeah say hi hello hello come here no we put it in the bo come on hello he well at day cool they’re there and it’s the first time at a show so a bit shy and they’re 13 months old Highland cattle and they’re gorgeous Mr Muffins here with all this lovely delicious looking buns my friends have a look at this oh yeah they look scrumptious delicious look at this oh my God I’d have to get one of them after my friends for def super cool fres how could I have what what do you have there Canon so it’s mashed potato with cabbage and onion and it’s been cooked in the pots as we speak and then we cook the fried eggs there top Lely it’s okay lovely 5 thank you would you like one your s want that one is it on top of that okay yeah just yeah is it okay if I check your change of course it ISE there beside you just call you know me great he could could I just get it get a film off off the co Canon I have have a YouTube video just for seconds right do you want to leave your there on the table okay that’s isn’t this cool look it is this is the look at them the the C and the it’s called C Canan right so it’s potatoes and it’s not cou look at the fire and um wow that’s just a potatoes that’s the potatoes right wow and so what what’s it called potatoes what what do you mix for this potatoes what’s in that part that’s potatoes in the Cabbage earlier oh you done the Cabbage earlier okay right oh that’s brilliant the onions okay that’s fantastic you have your milk and your butter the whole up together and egg egg on top girl are EG cool just get this fr the eggs oh yeah no bother this is called a COC Canon isn’t it aanon yeah right very very good okay this a tank right from scratch yeah okay isn’t it cool isn’t it so I’m going to try this my friend it’s called a c Canan while in the outdoors in a lovely Country Village my friends I see I see a little seat over here chair over here I’m going to go and sit over here for a second look I’ll probably get moved from here now you see but anyway let’s try this my friends there’s cabbage in it as well oh my God you just have to try this my friends it’s potatoes cabbage and onion oh and an egg look at the egg squishy egg look now I’m going to try with the egg my friends [Music] Oh my Jesus it’s orgasmic orgasmic my friends this is the life this is what you’ll be doing on the Sunday my friends oh only cost5 and it’s absolutely delicious [Music] wow so good so good well people that was absolutely delicious for5 and the proceeds goes to the school here in the village which is great isn’t it hey let’s Wonder around some more [Music] a [Music] [Applause] these are fantastic aren’t they look look at that bag hello do you make all these yourself I do okay no not the tapis tapis I buy it as a fac in France in Paris because I’m French but over with everything is made with my little hand in my machine so isn’t it great thank you very much isn’t it great you know something and I’m just going right here today and you meet people like yourself and I’m just thinking how creative you are oh yeah you got amazing talent thank you oh my God so yeah you know I I go so I bring a lot of fabric for my travels yes and so this for example came from Japan wow that’s from Africa I lived in Africa for um 3 years so that was I had that in my house okay and after like this is a shirt I find in Shah shop you know and U did you make this no no no you yeah yeah I did well I took the shirt and the Char the shirt oh you T it into and T it into so sleeve this is the the middle of the and it’s a jeans inside yeah and I did also the pocket with it so no I try you know I well done have you got a card I do have one yeah because um if my sisters were here now they’d be buying stuff off you can can I’m on Facebook and I’m on Instagram okay but I live locally I live in D so okay yeah know D listen thanks very much you’re welcome my pleasure very very creative thank you right so that’s a woman there she’s a French woman and she here her there she lived in Africa for three years and she just does stuff at Fabric and it’s amazing her name is Duchess Annie Annie right so she’s on Facebook my friends just check out duchess on Facebook another very creative talented human being amazing my friends just looking here all the wooden um what would you call them te here are made made from Irish ALK she’s that a woman there her name is Leona Fay wood Torin right she made every single thing there herself she’s got a wood L and stuff right um I say going to shake her hand I says because that is amazing talent she’s very very creative so check her out my friends uh Leona Fay wood working she she’s from Kil messon in County me right okay check her out fantastic creativity there that’s a talent for sure right people go into this Marquee or tent here see going to get a cup of tea he can’t last a cup of tea so he can’t fil yeah you want to be in the YouTube video is okay how’s it going Lads come on bro what’s what’s the name of it what’s the name Don’s travels and rants oh nice okay right people are have this tea and the ham sandwich and uh little bun here right ah I love I love these days out I really do they’re great out in the country my friends little village in the country outside trim in County me dundere not too far from trim between trim and Navin but closer to trim he people it’s just in the tent there right just trying to have the nice you know peaceful cup of tea this thing about Ireland here that the the man that was the Sheep sharer here right AER Jesus Christ I was trying to get away from he was talking about sheep and he he he’s a contractor that’s what he does he goes all over the country sheer and sheep he was telling me stories about he was out in New Zealand shear and she sheep and he was in America shearing sheep and um I was trying to break away from him it took me I was in there for about a half an hour more all he was talking about was sheep oh and uh I’m just trying to be interested you know what I mean but he was like a real country man you know that’s that’s the thing people about you know being here in Ireland in place like this you meet great characters you know all the time well people uh are you enjoying it B of country if you’re into country music you know what I [Music] mean these are the events to come to you know log digging is that [Music] lovely I have done at home you again you looking for an old cart now for your horse are you a horse and cart but this one here is for sale for sale there and there right there’s the phone number and all to ring if you’re looking for your old horse and cart my friends but there you go my friends for sale not a chance when I do that oh i’ say that’s some GeForce there my friends a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you even have a miniature roller coaster here now that would suit me my friends H this this this is a cool day out in the country I have to say done da fair this is the first one that I go to in the country every year you know um I love them so if you don’t like country fires and old vintage machinery and and cows horses sheep goats don’t bother watching the video or don’t bother coming to the fa now look at the size of this little tractor it’s called an international Club I’ve never seen one of these before wow and it’s got uh you see the the machine for cutting the [Music] grass I’m a tractor hav here my friends all the Vintage tractors the Massie Ferguson Massie Ferguson is actually still my favorite tractor the David Brown they were a great tractor as well David Brown and the international when they came out for these ones here this this tractor here at the time it was the fastest tractor on the road uh and they were saying there were two dangers and go something like 30 m hour 26 M hour something like that anyway and um another Massy Ferguson 1080 I’d say this tractor here is from the 1970s oh great I’ve got a brand new Massy fuson I’ll give you the key boom boom yeah it look be driving this out in the field [Music] now be great the old vintage Massie Ferguson 1080 tractor I must look up to see when this this um tractor was manufactured oh I love all this my friends just love it oh it’s very very warm here but I ain’t complaining because we had weather for a long time and we deserve this good we my friends we certainly do I’m going to go back and look look at some more vintage tractors in dundere Fair okay so stay [Music] tuned I love this uh John de here it has a kind of a 1950s look if you know what I mean but I don’t think it’s from the 1950s I could be wrong though but it’s beautiful beautiful track off have to sit in this my friends John Deere oh yeah this is for me love to drive this around this fi now I really would a Full Throttle wow oh this is great my friends this is [Music] great here’s another ticket to massive Fon 65 multi power look at [Music] this have to have a sit sit in this vintage one my friends oh this is a lovely tractor massive fusing oh yeah and look you see down here look see there’s the so over and up is reverse straight down is for second and toward and you have low that must be and then high so this this is the one to change the the speed from low to high this one here and uh yeah and that’s the extra pair you push that up and it’s when when you push that little lever up it’s like it’s like uh turbo powering away but uh yeah very good my friends very good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right people so that’s it from dundere Fair 2024 from County me in Ireland and I hope he all enjoyed it because I certainly did um so until next time my friends take care uh press the notification Bell to know when uh my next videos are uploaded they’re always up on a Sunday after 5:00 p.m. right and um didly didly I do music on here my friends right and uh if you like the video please press a like right and if you’re new to the Channel please press subscribe it’s free okay and as usual I have absolutely no idea where my next video is going to come from but it’s going to come from somewhere so stay tuned my friends okay bye [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] l [Music] [Music] [Music]


    1. Nice to see the videos of this area.
      I come originally from the Gormanston / Balbriggan area, so its nice to see the area covered so well!

    2. Great video Don! Was wondering when I saw the saw the Moris Minor with the dial that goes to 90mph if that's where the saying "Up to 90!" comes from? 😃

    3. 👋Hi there Don,
      Always good to see you getting out & about in beautiful Éire!
      These wee local country fairs, are so wonderful & so full of energy abound. I love seeing all of the adorable & furry animals & the non-furry ones too!
      The old & historic machinery abound are also great to see, so too, all the awesome classic cars.
      My sibling used to collect cars & even buy some & each time I'd visit he'd always have something new on show. It was akin to a mini car museum. lol
      I think he would have friends drop their cars off so he could work on them, others would leave cars with him to care for or to buy later & on occasion he'd buy something that he could afford @ heavily discounted prices. All these going's on were a bit weird, but equally interesting & fun! lol
      He's always been a bit of a motor head lol. He also owns a small blue Ford Capri, so that one really resonated with me.
      The stall sellers/vendors are very talented indeed & they sell some really beautiful bits & bobs.
      The French lady's items were really lovely & the cat bag was beautiful.
      One of my gf's is a huge cat fan & I think she'd so love that bag. I may buy one for her when we revisit.
      All the food looks great/yummy & in regards to the famous Irish Colcannon, that's long been a favourite of mine, as my dear late Maternal-Grandmother used to cook this for me every now & then & I always loved it.
      She was of Irish/Scotch/French ancestry & she used to make a few variations of this dish & she'd cook a French style one too, which was also amazing!
      That one was the same as Irish dish, but it differed in that she'd first fry/sauté off some finely chopped onion & freshly crushed garlic, with some fresh thyme & salt/pepper added for taste, then the rest was pretty much the same. She would also use oil &/or olive oil for the frying, then add the butter later.
      So I guess it was different, but in taste, it was exceptional. She was a brilliant cook & I so miss her cooking, but I do remember & cherish those sweet memories of her.
      In ref to the sweet Donkey's, my husband's Mother back In Éire (Co Roscommon) had some Donkey's, so my husband's always had a soft spot for these wee creatures.
      Those potatoes (my fav vegetable) being cooked in that cast iron pot, is just wow to see!! I just love to watch traditional cooking methods being displayed & I bet that would have tasted so good. Eating outdoors is always enjoyable & somehow the food just tastes better. Just like when we eat fresh fish'n'chips by the sea. So much better!
      Do check out the way Irish people used to cook underground via this method. the "Fulacht fiadh".
      They'd cook pork & other meats this way & it always came out tasting amazing & retained it's juiciness. These ancient cooking methods are similar globally, akin to the famous Māori Hāngī.
      The Hāngī, is a traditional Māori (in NZ) method of cooking food, using heated rocks buried in a pit oven, called an "umu". They use banana leaves, to wrap many of the foods, such as the many root vegetables, etc;.
      We just LOVE your videos & we always look forward to them, no matter how busy life can get. We do make time, always.
      Take care & here's wishing you well.

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