After a winter break, I’m back on the trail! At least partially. I was recently able to spend two glorious days cycling along the Aberdeenshire coast, which completes the full 165 miles of the Aberdeenshire Coastline. Turns out because of the routes I took, it was more like 185 miles! But either way, it was a fantastic journey. In this video I’ll share the last 50 miles to complete the Aberdeen coastline and along the way show some absolutely SPECTACULAR views and my favourite castle in Scotland.

    Read the blog with images and notes about my journey:

    If you’re new here, hello! My name is Sarah and I moved to Scotland after meeting my (now) husband Shaun (aka Wolfy) while traveling in Scotland. You can hear about it in this video:
    I’m an independent artist and I make a living teaching art online as well as making videos here and on my art channel @SarahBurnsStudio

    Help me re-wild Scotland, donate to Trees for Life

    My Art YouTube Channel
    ➤ @SarahBurnsStudio

    All my links

    Music sourced from Musicbed.

    Current subscriber count: 8,511

    [Music] I’m here at Duffy Park in Aberdine about to start a 2-day journey my headed along the dside way today and then down towards ston Haven where I’ll stay the [Music] night this lovely Wooded Trail leaves Aberdine and follows the river D and goes for about 40 Mi but I was only doing a small section in order to get out of the city and then head south towards the coast [Music] I’m leaving the dside way now to head into town to a little cafe sorry I know you’re really crooked I’m leaning on my bike going up a hill um but I’m very very happy I just I went this way because my alternative was to follow the coast more closely and that involved a lot of industrial areas right outside of Aberdine it involved uh just being much more exposed to really intense traffic so this is one of the parts of the journey around Scotland that I’m just going with the flow and deciding for my own safety and enjoyment I’m going to take a little detour Inland and enjoy the views and it’s been beautiful [Music] that was a very busy section I was not a fan of that okay well the cafe that I thought I was going to uh turns [Music] out it’s at a fuel station so [Music] there was roughly 12 miles until Stone Haven and I tried to take as many back roads as I could to avoid the busier roads sometimes it was unavoidable but mostly it was just a gorgeous day off and on showers but it created the most beautiful Patchwork light moving across the fields I was in heaven [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it is such a cool view so I am just getting ready to head down to dinner but I’m looking for my wallet oh got it that always makes me nervous when I’m traveling it’s such a cute Harbor very yeah very w [Music] there was something so nostalgic about being in Stone Haven I had only been there once but didn’t really explore and it felt very familiar and yet strange like I was in a dream the town has a very old world feel but also has some Modern amenities and I definitely fell in love with the old Harbor so I stayed quite a while and sketched and although it looks really nice in the video it was really windy and cold so I caught a bit of a chill and I didn’t want to risk ruining my next day of cycling so I headed back into the hotel room for another little sketch session before bed [Music] [Music] EX [Music] after a very long day it’s nice to just chill in the hotel room and I’m having my little Waffle dessert um and watching watching some comedy show I don’t watch TV usually so I don’t even know what all the shows are called uh anyway I’m going to try to go to bed soon it’s almost 9:30 and then I can wake up early get on the Trail it took me like an hour to get unchilled from being outside and it’s really light out still so I’ve had to close the blinds because otherwise I just stay up it’s very weird this time of year [Music] anyone else what a way to start the morning who needs coffee I do and I already had two this was a very steep climb first thing so now I get to go up another Hill that’s one of the interesting things about the coast is that it is definitely not flat and boring it gives you iety and actually that keeps me excited but I need to catch my breath the next couple hours of my morning were some of the best moments I’ve had on the entire Scottish Coast I I’m just going to let the video speak for itself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s difficult to convey the emotions that flood through me when I’m walking among structures like these and especially in a location like this I have been to quite a few spectacular places in Scotland but this one it’s just so [Music] special like most castles in Scotland there’s quite a turbulent history among the previous tenants and owners and people who attacked or laid claim to it for certain times and there’s lots of cool history and plaques with information throughout the castle ruins [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on my travels I’m constantly confronted with the Sorrows of the past and while some places are profoundly beautiful they can be just as devastatingly hot haunting the reverence I feel for the lives of our ancestors and what they built in their way of life always Rises to the surface in places like this I choose to celebrate them by painting these wondrous places and reflecting on what I can learn from our shared history [Music] I think this is one of the most spectacular places in Scotland to visit if you can I felt such a roller coaster of emotions and it was the highlight of my trip I’ve stopped for a latte I got these little like energy waffles that I’m really excited to try there was a little food truck at the top of the um path leading away from the castle so I got a oat milk latte I’m going to eat my Waffle have a little rest and then I’m starting my next section which is about an hour hour long I might see something along the way and stop but yeah it’s turning really hot and sunny so I’ve loaded up on sunscreen as well I was laughing because you know I always try to wear bright colors when I’m cycling so that people can see me on the road and today I’m wearing my bike shorts so my legs are exposed and you know they’re basically white they’re reflective so you know it’s a it’s it adds to my safety I think who needs tanning oh no I crushed P it it’s a chocolate filled waffle I don’t know if you can tell tastes like a cookie I could get used to that that’s much better than an energy bar that’s for sure I’ve also got some Knack Ultra energy powder so I’m going to put that in my water bottle hopefully that’ll keep me going over the next several miles it’s quite hot today so I think I need electrolytes but it’s watermelon flavor which is really lovely let it soak in a little it’s like floating on the top for a second [Music] finally I’m off the main road and I’m headed down towards the coast let’s see if we get some better views down here and less traffic but it’s such a gorgeous day oh my goodness [Music] [Music] morning [Music] they are so so noisy oh that was an amazing painting session but I think I need vast amounts of sunscreen because I feel like I’ve been fried on the right side oh I don’t want to leave but I have a lot of miles I I have like 20 more miles to do still and I have 6 hours left till my train so I mean that’s plenty of time but I’d like to give myself time to paint along the way if I can or have a snack somewhere just enjoy it and not be rushed [Music] [Music] [Music] I think I’ve been going uphill for the last 5 miles it’s beautiful though the farmers are out in their fields sheeps and coups and all of it is just so gorgeous but I am so tired like I I just desperately need a downhill soon to lift my spirits spe [Music] it’s like straight up Boulders down here technically this is the route it says I should go which is funny because it was a nice path beautiful Coastal path and then all of of a sudden just instantly a muddy Rocky dirt path sow warning but I’m just walking for a second because I can’t really talk and and record while I’m riding because it’s so incredibly [Music] bumpy oh my God that section rattled me I feel like a martini oh my God but I’m about to hit the main trail [Applause] again oh this looks glorious this is exactly why I could never tour Scotland on a bike on a hard tail this is why I have a mountain bike dual suspension that saved me and I still struggled oh it’s getting quite humid and and heavy clouds hanging low I might get rain on but that would actually feel really good that really made my shoulders tense up if anyone has any good tips or exercises for releasing tension in your upper back or shoulders please let me know because this is painful and this always happens after a really long ride or really rough ride okay let’s see I have 12 miles left which sounds like an hour at the rate that I’m going actually that’s pretty normal no I’ll probably take an hour and a half cuz I’m moving slow now all right onwards [Music] [Music] [Music] well folks I am a couple minutes away from reaching the edge of the Aberdine CH Coast I did it oh and I think it’s all downhill all the way to Montrose to catch the train home but I did it I’m going to have to do like a recap of the whole Trail because it’s been incredible okay time to focus we’re back on the main road that bridge that crosses the river is the [Applause] [Applause] Border I made it we did it I am on the border of the aine Cher Coast on the bridge over the river this has been an incredible journey I actually enjoyed most of the aine Shire Coast Trail I think what would be fun is if I did a little recap video about the overall Journey the parts I really loved and the parts I didn’t love so much and maybe give some tips and advice for anyone else interested in doing it [Music] apparently now I’m on the Angus Coast Trail so I guess next time I come down this way this will be the trail on not a bad view Al orations on [Music] [Music] [Music]


    1. Thank you Sarah! You make me feel as though I’m there with you! I know you realize how blessed you are to actually witness the vast beauty of Scotland. At my age and circumstance, I’ll never have the opportunity to experience what you so generously share with us! Thank you!

    2. Good for you! Thanks for sharing the beautiful scenery. I’ve always wanted to go to Scotland. Thanks for bringing it to me like this and through your gorgeous art.

    3. congratulations on finishing the aberdeenshire coast!!! on to angus next! i'd love a wrap up video, looking back at your experience on this section of the coast. could also be interesting to compare it to the moray county coast, maybe talk about what you learned from each of them? ETA maybe also talk about your favorite place in each county? or where you'd like to go back to?

    4. Beautifully done Sarah. I am an old guy who loves to ride a bicycle. I purposely drop my shoulders and relax my grip to relieve the upper back and neck tension that builds up along the way. Once stationary, shoulder rolls, and some out of saddle time helps too!

    5. Gorgeous and fun and full of heart… love traveling like this with you, Sarah 💚💜🩷 Thank you for sharing! 😊

    6. It could be your handlebars are too wide. The standard theory is that on a road bike it’s the width of your shoulders. Since you’re not racing, it should probably be close to that as well on your mountain bike. You don’t need a new handlebar. You or a bike shop can just cut off an inch or two to fit. It might be the camera angle but you look like your arms are fully extended. Maybe take it into a bike shop and tell them the pain you’re feeling and they can suggest a fix. Also padded shorts helps a lot on those long rides. Thanks again for the beautiful video and taking us along for the ride.

    7. I was watching, getting lost in unbelievable beauty of it all, and it felt amazingly good! Not only because the scenery is so absolutely fabulous, but also because you are living your life to the full. Conquering new heights ( sometimes in its literal meaning), exploring, learning, enjoying every day! 👍 Having a blast, in short.
      Thank you for going an extra mile and taking us along, it's not a small feat to go by bike all that way and on top of that film all this beauty! Thank you!

    8. ahhhh! i'm so grateful that you share these experiences with us! you capture scottland so beautifully and every time i see one of your videos it's such a good reminder to get out in nature (even if the bit i'm in isn't as scenic as yours lol)

    9. Incredible photography, drawings, painting and of course scenery so ultra gorgeous. To actually do it is another entire process and to be admired for the tenacity of it all. Question: How were you able to film yourself when at greater distance than up closer? Thanks for sharing your experience on this journey. Looking forward to what comes next!

    10. Wow Sarah, Love your artwork and your video is amazing! Thank you so much for bringing us along on your journey! I enjoyed every second of it, even the up hill sections (maybe more than you). Haha. That was a beautiful cat in the video, he would be a nice addition to your painting(a cute little character). I just found your videos last week on YouTube. Shared this one with my little sister. She will enjoy your videos too. Thanks again and great job! ❤Rita

    11. Congratulations on completing the Aberdeenshire Coastline! I'm not sure if a video on this channel or your art channel would be appropriate for a segment on making time to draw and paint while traveling and deciding on what supplies to bring. Do you pre-select the landmarks/locations you want to paint before your trip and leave time for spontaneity?

    12. Beautiful! I got the brushes you designed from Craftemo Thursday. Oh my goodness! They are lovely. Excited to get my first of your subscription boxes!

    13. I’m thinking Scotland’s tourism board should pay you for these videos. They’re so beautiful. You do such a great job with them. I now hope to visit Scotland someday.

    14. Congratulations Sarah!! What an achievement. I've thoroughly enjoyed every second sharing your journey. I actually had a little tear at the end of this one. I've noticed my whole body relaxes when I watch your videos. I get taken away to this beautiful country you live in and marvel. Maybe one day I'll make it over there and experience it irl. I think I need to binge watch the whole journey again lol. Thank you

    15. Congratulations Sarah on completing the trail and thank you so much for the wonderful video. As usual the photography is fantastic as are your lovely paintings. I always feel so relaxed watching your videos and they are so inspiring. How synchronistic that the 5th subscription box was delivered to me tonight so am even more inspired to paint it.

    16. Thank you for this adventure! You are brilliant at putting these videos together. And I am always amazed that you do these trips all by yourself. The mom in me wants to say, be careful! 😍. But also, you go girl❣️ Lovely paintings. So much to treasure here, Sarah. “Guess I’ll have a waffle by a graveyard!” 🤣🤣

    17. Absolutely amazing scenery and video of all the places you went. Loved your watercolour paintings. I’m so envious of where you live. Beautiful countryside and lucky for you no rain.
      Thanks for a wonderful look at your new country.

    18. Thank you for taking me along. Beautiful paintings, scenery and a good bike ride. I enjoyed seeing what food, snacks and drinks you were having. Take it easy and rest well.

    19. Aw, I loved this. You make Scotland so appealing….well, maybe not that rocky path or the noise of all those birds. I'm surprised you weren't pooped on!!

    20. Wow Sarah, two words, THANK YOU! I always enjoy your coastal trips, but this was a special treat to see the little towns too. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed watching. Wish I could come one time to see in person what you see.

    21. I'll be visiting a friend in SW England in the fall, and these videos of yours are a large part of why I've decided to make most of that trip a self-guided cycling tour and to attempt some plein air painting in the process (not my typical subject matter or setting, but why not). Thanks for sharing!

      17:10 Looks like a stroopwaffel to me. Great with tea, or coffee, for you heathens!

    22. Sarah…such a beautiful video of the coast. Thank you for sharing your travels with us. Good choice of music…it added a peacefulness to the video. That cat was awesome. Was it a Scottish wildcat or just a domestic?

    23. Oh Sarah, you out did yourself with this video! Yes, the scenery was stunning but the storytelling and music choices were perfection 😻! It wasn’t only a scenic journey but also an emotional one. I found myself moved to tears at the beauty, laughter at the jokes (“I feel like a martini 😆”), and got chills at the castle. Scotland’s tourism board really needs to hire you because Scotland is now #1 on my travel to list! Thank you for sharing all this with us!!!! Now I am off to do your subscription box, which I was so excited to get in the mail yesterday😁!

    24. ZeeCee I feel the same way!! What’s wonderful about your videos Sarah is that you capture so much of the landscapes that even if I were there in person I wouldn’t see half of!! Thank you.

    25. so very green and expansive. I need to look on a map of scotland to see where you were exactly. i could tell you were a bit tired the second day and then you got your second wind! When you said you were catching the train in Montrose, it was so weird because the closest city to me is Montrose Colorado! I go there twice a week.

    26. I have loved taking this journey with you. This not an area of the country I know well and your stop offs have given me a few tips of where I should be going for my holiday, 👍😃🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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