Talk’s Jeremy Kyle is joined by political commentator Matthew Torbitt and conservative commentator Benedict Spence.

    The panel begin by discussing the incident on Tuesday where objects were thrown at Nigel Farage.

    The Reform UK leader was on top of a party battle bus in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, when a cup was thrown, narrowly missing him.

    A man in a red hoodie could be seen shouting from a construction area below, before reaching into a bucket and throwing something else, which also missed.

    South Yorkshire Police said they had arrested a 28-year-old man, who remained in police custody.

    Jeremy, Matthew and Benedict also discuss the launch of the Conservative Party’s manifesto.

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    uh today farage whatever your political persuasion asking this of everybody I think cross cross party condemnation Matthew uh rocks thrown at him whilst he was campaigning in barnesy the video on X is pretty terrifying uh I’d lock the little scumbag up mate I don’t think it matters what political party you’re on when you think of s David Amos when you think of Joe Cox disgraceful politicians should be able to go out there and campaign right safely yeah but I think we need to get a bit of perspective on this um I’ve heard all day different people you know the violence is is intolerable it shouldn’t be happening on the campaign Trail I think invoking both s David Amis and comparisons with Joe Cox is neither here nor there because they were pre-planned attacks from members who had been radicalized by the far right and had gone out and done um horrendous things I think any talk of far-left groups is is wide of the mark and that’s not from me that’s from MI5 who said only last year the far right of the biggest threat to Security in this country since I’m talking generally though with respect Matt I’m not talking about what side you’re on I don’t think that politicians on the campaign Trail should face violence like that and I’d lock the scumbag up I don’t care if he’s on the right the left or the center I think what he did is unacceptable Benedict uh first and foremost we need to correct that the far right are not considered by the security forces the biggest threat It Is by 75% um of attacks and plots that they foil are by islamists and David Amos was murdered by an Islam IST not a member of the far right uh so we need to be very careful about that I mean look it’s very it’s very sad to see that Nigel farage has lost the nandal vote in Barnsley um but you know I don’t think that they were going to be voting for him on mass anyway but I think it’s very important to say that this is an escalation on the milkshake incident and at the time far too many people were sort of laughing it off going ahaha look at niga farage doesn’t he look like an idiot well done that person but this is how it starts you sort of allow people to behave in an antisocial way because that’s what it is and to assault people because that’s what it is and people will look at that and think oh this is fine I can behave towards this individual in this manner and I think it’s really important to nip this in the bud and to come down hard on people who do this because it’s not justified protest it’s not legitimate protest or part of our democratic tradition it is assault and of farage whatever you think of him is at the moment the only leader of a political party who is regularly coming into contact with the public not with planted audiences not with controlled audiences he’s going out there to try and meet people and as you say some people as you can see some people are not keen on him at all but you know what he is doing what politicians are supposed to be doing at election time which is meeting people on their own terms uh he’s the only one prepared to take the risk and we can understand why he’s the only one prepared to take the risk because we’ve got to a stage now where people feel that it’s completely acceptable to launch projectiles at politicians and that’s unacceptable couldn’t agree more let’s just finish guys if we can I want to play you a clip of richy sunak and immigration because I think immigration will be front and center of this election always have thought that for the last five years this was richy sunak earlier have a listen our plan is clear we will har migration as we have hared inflation and then reduce it every single year uh it must just be me I’ll start with you Mathew Tobit uh the obvious question is how when why ridiculous will’ll have migration you haven’t have you none of you have none of you have given me a plan all you do is give me sound bites how you going to do it Kia says I’ll stop The Gangs Richie says we’ll send them to Rwanda there’s 170,000 immigrants I’m not going to have the argument that the legal or or legal sat because we can’t as the United Kingdom in 2024 bloody war process the Matt it’s a disgrace yeah know he’s not going to do it um he’s got no legitimacy on it because of his previous record but I think this this idea that immigration needs to be caught is one of the most dangerous things in 2024 politics because there’s a choice to be made and governing is about tradeoffs right you’ve got to meet people in the middle migrants make the economy grow faster they do jobs at homeborn people don’t want to do or reluctant to do and the No No it’s absolutely true you but but but but but but let’s just put our politics aside and you can treat me with the disdain Benedict knows what’s coming you just said something that chills me to the bone that home people aren’t prepared to do now don’t tell me they’re all disabled or mentally ill I’ll tell you the truth is they need to get off the do and be made to do those bloody jobs and trained to do those jobs I don’t understand why we are able to say there are British people on the who aren’t prepared to do these jobs well if you’re not prepared to work for a living you shouldn’t be in so how does that work well the thing is people do work for a living but what we currently have in this country is uh close to 40% of people on benefits are in work and we as taxpayers are subsidizing large corporations who want to pay poverty wages therefore actually becomes why would you want to go out and work you’re you’re receiving nothing you might you think you would if there wasn’t a a safety net of a benefit system Benedict I I think that a lot of the ult ultimately we need to remember a large part of the reason why lots of companies are very keen on migration is because it suppresses wages so when we talk about people needing to be on in work benefits that’s a large part of the reason because they’re more than happy to bring in people who will work for significantly less I don’t think there’s anything Progressive or Universalist about basically getting people from the third world to come and work on subsistence wages so that you don’t have to pay people a decent wage I also need to push back on the idea that it grows the economy it does if you consider you know .2% over the course of the last two quarters particularly fantastic growth but if you then jux toose that against the fact that GDP per head has fallen by 0.7% that shows that people are getting poorer at approximately three times the rate that the economy is supposedly growing so it doesn’t really work like that and we also need to remember whatever the conservatives say whenever they promise to half Mig ation or anything like that this is the important thing because our economy is now dependent on this incredibly cheap I would say immorally cheap labor being imported from the third world we can’t just end it overnight because actually entire sectors will collapse but the conservatives are lying about this they don’t plan on reducing it if they do get in power we know this because there’s about 14 years worth of evidence where every single election cycle they’ve promised to reduce it and they’ve increased it and if they actually get a free trade deal with India signed and across the table part of that will involv massively eased Visa systems for people to come from the Indian subcontinent to work here why because that is the condition that India attaches to all trade deals that it signs with anybody of that kind of scale so you can believe Rishi sunak all you want but he’s not telling the truth and frankly I don’t trust any members of the conservative party given their track record on this issue very quickly Matthew do you believe that K starma has a viable alternative and and could could deal with the boats and immigration or not or do you think it’s just mingas I won’t say too much I just want to be elected I don’t know to tell you the truth the proof will be in the pudding but I think if you’re going to keep voters on side regardless of figur you’ve got to build the infrastructure to absorb it whether that be schools hospitals prisons houses the lot you don’t think you need to do something about making sure that we don’t have to absorb large numbers that needs to be justifiable and right well no what what is wrong with workers from poor countries seeking out job opportunities in countries where they can earn higher wages and enjoy Better Living stand because I morally have a problem with 3 million lazy Britain sat on their backsides being paid to do nothing and allowing those people to come if there were no people in Britain I would understand that but I can’t have it that we I had this argument with a lady years ago and she said to me they’re all disabled and mentally elere no they’re not I’m absolutely sorry I I I was I’m the biggest supporter of a system that says we will help people who cannot help themselves I for one have never believe that the benefit system was set up as a career choice listen gentlemen love having you on we’ll get you back next week Matthew torit uh the amazing Benedict Spence we thank you both for coming on

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