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    yo hi everybody this is AB so yeah I’m here today in slow outside this uh company slow multifuel oh bloody head I near broke my ankle it keeps happening to me twisting my ankle I hate that yeah anyway we just arrived here uh obviously you cannot avoid the that huh we’re just going to get to the front and uh see what happens yeah morning yeah you can’t go any further than that hey let me see morning huh what are you doing sir nothing nothing brother sorry you can’t take photos oh why not because it’s you can’t take photos just take a just take a no sir why brother no why not brother I I’m saying with the security reason you can’t take photos please with what for security reason you can’t take photos what what security reason is that if you I can report no no no brother come back man what are you where you going no no no no report no okay okay no don’t report no report okay you know all right you are coming in the camera I’m coming in the camera you want me to come in don’t report you can go you want me to come in brother brother relax relax relax relax relax I said Relax photos you’re from where huh you’re from where why you taking photos from a company called The Av yeah but why you taking photo it’s not allowed here no no it’s allowed it’s allowed why what just a cap no it’s not allowed why why why it’s not allowed not allowed yeah from this from our company not allowed not allowed I never heard it twice like this that’s the first time no no a coule I take a coule pictures and then I’m gone that’s it is it not loud not loud not loud not loud once or twice how many times I’m not yet for joking with you I’m not joking brother you’re joking no no no see it HCK yes I’m not joking where’s your beard Have you shared your beard you used to look very nice with the beard sir you’re not allowed here to take any picture no I just trying to take all the pictures like around here and then I’ll be gone can I ask you uh this place where what do they you don’t ask I don’t ask any I don’t give any you see over there it says CCTV in operation brother can I ask you why you follow me you’re not allowed to do picture why why are you so close to be like that brother if you can be close I can be close to you but you are close you’re coming to me you’re coming my are you sure about that I actually walked that way and you followed me brother you see you follow him oh brother listen you com to my uh I’m not coming you know I can defend myself right now defend yeah but you coming to my personal space no you you coming to my personal space this are you sure I’m the security guy here so I’m going to step back yeah I will ask you not to step this close again this is my security you’re stepping to our area what do you mean yeah this is thead not allowed yeah you you see that gate over there don’t make contact can you not make contact can you see that gate over there there’s where you that’s why you supposed to brother listen I don’t want to aggravate things but stop coming so close to me man so I’m going to step back I will ask you not to step too close to me especially the fact that you’ve got something in your eye you might infect me yeah all right I’m going to step back so you you better leave oh he’s stepping forward again what’s wrong with you you better leave leave where yeah leave I said you’re not allowed here I am allowed here you’re not allowed why because you’re taking picture I’m telling you not to take picture you’re not uh obeying you’re not obey you’re by force you’re doing this thing by force you’re not allowed listen you don’t know this place outside you’re not allowed to take pictures hey who’s baly over there you know what I just don’t want to aggravate things I I can actually push you right you’re going to end up on on that metal in a minute I just don’t want to aggravate things I’m not here for that I’m not here for that you’re doing what how you want well you actually gave into my personal space and I could actually push you you you are in my personal this is not yours are you like stupid or no that’s not yours to to take control here you’ve been hired to act like a an idiot like that not allowed not allowed I mean an idiot of course you’re an idiot if you act like that yeah look how close this guy is is what’s the what what’s the point of being so close to me I can smell your breath man oh all right I’m going to walk up look at this guy you have to leave my dear you have to leave you’re not do you own this as well you’re not allowed to take any pictures here all okay might as well stay in the shadow this guy looks like Mr Bean with a mustache what what’s happened now what’s matter with you nothing matter you’re not allowed I’m security guy I’ve been given permission to stop people why are you getting so close to me man I’ve given permission to stop people doing this come too close like that no you’re now sping on me because you’re too close to me back up I’m telling you to leave obviously if you’re this close to me I’m telling you to leave but you’re not leaving that’s you don’t have this place you have to leave I don’t have to leave yes you have to leave listen you’re coming too close to me what do you want to do police look at this guy how yeah we calling police now call the police and back up yeah yeah back up you’re not allowed go go from here back up you go you back up you’re my area this is not you you don’t own this look at it it’s it’s public you don’t own it you own inside this is public this is public this is not public is this public this is not public this is Itachi it’s not public the other road is public you need to back up you will back up you will leave before me yeah you know that you will live before me for sure I don’t want to aggravate things otherwise you buy the wall by now I just don’t want to aggravate things a very little little guy like you you think he’s scaring me you know I just don’t want to aggravate things that’s all it is yeah you have to live because what I do is not worth me getting physical you understand that I ain’t living nothing leave from here I’m not leaving you’re going to leave first swear leave get this guy off me man leave yeah go away just go did you hear what he said leave him idiot I told you you’re going to leave before me you’re an idiot man you idiot why you no he’s he comes too close to me like that in my face what are you doing here filming why you filming now you going to start on me now you take permission to filming this filming this road you can go go straight to the central London filming Central London yeah you take me to Central London filming you can do filming come on let’s go to Central London yeah you can go yourself I more like I here I London I take the filming with SC okay you can all stand here and filming no worries okay yeah that’s what I’m doing you filming okay that’s what I’m doing why is he giving me headache private property you can’t film here do you own it yeah oh we work for him you work for him yeah who’s him this company oh what is this company you don’t even know it’s not important to tell you it’s not important yeah it’s not I’m not important or it’s not important theat huh you’re not important that’s why you on the seat that’s why you’re not important who and you think sitting in a stupid security hat you are important you’re stupid man hey get back to the H get back in the H whoa just swe I me I guys I got to the phone he just s i me [Music] yeah sorry guys I had to answer the phone there and as I was doing that all three of them just came out running from that Hut towards me I honestly thought they were they were going for me for a second but luckily uh well luckily I didn’t try and hate any of them to be honest but they just went past me and they just went to the other s side and back in the video my God ah I stopped recording and then I saw them coming out running from the hood I actually thought they were going to attack me but they just ran past me I had to hang up on the person I was on the phone what he going running for I swear I thought I was going to get attacked but for alert for alert I’m not being attacked there is the guy told me to e hey what’s happened what’s happened theft huh theft theft yeah really yeah did you catch him do you need some help no theft oh cuz when I saw you running I thought you going to attack me I got scared nothing else happened no is it worth going over there me no no movie we have CCTV oh yeah yeah CCTV yeah yeah well today we’ve got extra CCTV extra anyway you take care brother and tell the idiot to not come out again in public thank you anyways oh not him again please he’s not coming to me again is he oh Mr the comeb back alert maybe not this guy really think is against oh here’s another scoty guys what up boss you like for these guys oh are different people oh see EX for o all right that I just wondered about this little gangster there I said I just wondered about this little gangster there yeah that one there he’s a ganger well he attacked me man going attack he’s acting like a gangster I swear look at you he attack he thinks he’s done in the Vito or something what you mean he attacked him he he he was this close to my face what did you say huh you just say go away go away go away do do you want stop your building sorry stop your building well I know but you know he was trying to from can’t stop no exactly he saying this is my property all that he was this close to my face I know no notop a public favorite yeah yeah film good man good man well if you ever speak to him set him straight I don’t think he’s going to listen to me today he should know huh he should know he should know I know I know he should know I don’t think he will listen to me today so it’s waste of time fcking that’s it that’s it brother anyway all right top man top man thank you very much have a lovely day yeah there’s a good security guard oh yeah he’s going to have word as well jaob hey good guy he go in [Music] anyway I mean really you can’t take a picture of [Applause] that uh yeah ooh look at that [Music] morning how are you huh you yes I’m fine thank you how are you I’m good good good good what’s going on here sorry sorry I can’t hear oh we’re not allow no why I just need a couple of pictures that’s huh it’s a waste of energy all right so there’s nothing wrong with filming it no but we’re not allowed to oh you are not no I am hey look at gangster over there gangster following me now I got to cover my fish in this heat huh where not huh DCT area it’s a what restricted area restricted restricted area oh restricted yeah all right okay you are not allowed to take pict you’re not allow I can’t hear you one second you’re not allowed to take picture I just want to tell you that why why you I’m covering my face why you I will tell you why I’m covering my face now because that idiot over there he’s taking pictures tell him not allowed why why you taking Pi why is he taking pictures look he’s taking pictures of you yeah he’s not allowed because you’re not you’re not protecting yeah but he’s taking pictures because we have security because you you not not not permission you without permission you take picture huh without permission you take picture yes I do have permission so that’s why he take Tak picture yeah but he’s not allowed it’s not allow without permission you already take picture from inside yeah but anyway this is why I’m covering my face hey gangster boy why you following me gangster why you following [Music] me anyways she’s on the phone be calling the police he’s on the phone filming me it’s so hot and I’m having to cover my face oh my God hey you’re not allowed look at him not this why is a hey brother brother hey this is discrimination yeah but why is he taking my picture there without information take all right all right tell him to stop taking and I stop taking tell him he’s not allowed look at here tell him [Music] without any any any permission take already take picture from inside I only took a couple I took one or two that’s it why is he filming look hello brother he’s laughing now why is he filming look without any any without any ask any the video from inside she she she she she look she she already she already look from the inside she who is she anyway she who is she I I my life are you like a big boss or something all right then what about you who are you sorry who are you I’m the security security yeah okay Mr security tell that guy you’re not allowed why you telling me ask he’s not [Music] talking OH police [Music] look look look at him look he’s police are here you’re joking me please don’t need enough of me no it can’t be this guy has got some manga issues look at you that’s the place I here for me surely yeah [Applause] bye got [Laughter] this well what did you tell him tell stop filming huh cannot stop him filming from fway he was abused was all I’m telling you is if you filming five yeah yeah you cannot stop him sure sure sure he came back with the camera I said and you can’t do that NE who he can’t film you he can’t film me where well you can’t you can’t you can film me yeah yeah yeah I can’t film you I’m working true true you’re a member of the public if I film you gdpr comes yeah yeah yeah you can’t publish it basically uh if he used his private phone then that’s a little bit if I request it then his pH is going to end up with the boss no worries thank you very much disase security so I’m different than them pleasure meeting you anyway I know the go know what what so no problem take thanks anyway see well how was that he told him we can f for public so he came back with the camera it’s not allowed not allowed


    1. A lot of the people commenting are thick you think people who talk two languages are stupid 😂 and forget AB is a foreigner himself

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