Jeremy Kyle and former Metropolitan Police detective Peter Bleksley discuss the conviction of two 12-year-old boys for the brutal murder of a teenager.

    The youths are believed to be the youngest defendants convicted of murder in Britain since Robert Thompson and Jon Venables, both aged 11, were found guilty in 1993 of killing two-year-old James Bulger.

    Shawn Seesahai was left dead on the ground after being attacked with a machete in Wolverhampton last November.

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    Peter Bley welcome to the show we’ll start with this I mean it’s really difficult to put into words because I was talking to somebody who lives in another country today and he was saying to me it’s not going great for the UK is it and I said no he said the election and and the arguments and crime and and yesterday um this story of two 12-year old boys who shoulder barge a defenseless Strang in 19 before punching kicking stamping and stabbing him to death with machetes become Britain’s youngest knife Killers both guilt of murder at 12 can I just without swearing what the hell’s gone wrong man do you imagine being 12 with a machete or have I missed the point at the age of 12 all I had was a football tucked under my arm absolutely and going down a park to meet my mates and have a kick about completely it’s absolutely staggering I think they should be named there there there are other media Outlets that are pushing for that and I think they should be named because and Justice is supposed to be a Cornerstone the 12-year-old that’s a machete wielding murder do they go to prison you’re the you’re the police yes yes they will and and because they’ve been convicted of murder they can only receive one sentence which is a life sentence that does not mean they will spend all their lives incarcerated of course it doesn’t um I’m not going to speculate about what kind of sentence they’ll get but some will agree with it and many might be outraged however they will remain on life license for as long as they live so even if just for example they served 20 years inside so they came out at the age of 32 and they live to be 102 they would spend those 70 years on life Li what does that mean Pete it basically means that the probation service can uh apply any conditions that they want on them about where they live they could wear a tag about conditions in terms of where they could go curfews and the such like was was the I was reading the story it was the sort of bragging and sending messages and appearing I I I I honestly I I I I’m out of explus I’m out of things to to honestly say when I think of a 12-year-old I I I spent the weekend with my 15-year-old son I just find it somebody three years younger than him murdered somebody and the deception because one of these boys the boy who cleaned the weapon with bleach before then hiding it not under his mattress but within the frame work of his bed so quite an effort to conceal it of course it was am I the only one thinking where his parents Miss in the PO oh I’m sure we all do I think that’s another reason why they ought to be named I think there’s a huge public interest in knowing the background to these children where did they go to school how did they perform well I don’t know you you would know this more than me but I’m pretty sure and Ryan could help me out with this there was a case recently in America where a youngster committed a murder and in the first ever judicial moment the parents were both found guilty through irresponsibility or whatever of being part of that process is that something you could ever see happening in the United Kingdom we would of course need new legislation and it’s very interesting because I posted something I retweeted something on X the other day about a really feral vile young woman smashing up a mobile phone store and it had a huge amount of responses and many people were saying hold the parents responsible I think there’s a growing I’ve just information James and Jennifer crumbly became the first US parents to receive prison sentences for a shooting rampage committed by their child they were each sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison on involuntary manslaughter charges that’s interesting and it was really interesting this response that I got on X about how many people were saying hold the parents responsible who’s raised this person they need to be punished but of course if you’ve got poor parents that were raised by when I say poor I mean bad if you’ve got bad parents who have only ever experienced bad parents in when they were young when does somebody step in and teach them how to parent properly I’m probably going to I’m probably not going to be the most popular person I that cycle can be broken by individuals that’s like people who say if you come from a poor brat G and you can’t make anything rubbish it’s if you come from a poor barram you’re going to commit crime absolutely not it has to be you can’t tell me that a 12-year-old because he’s got rubbish parents who aren’t interested is gonna not every 12-year-old is going to go out with a machete and plan to murder somebody I think parents absolutely should have more responsibility million percent and I see your point but 12 years of good parenting up until that point would would have undoubtedly meant that that child would not have sought well well here it is this will go down like this will go down like a l balloon I believe certain people are just evil certain people are just not good and it doesn’t matter about parenting or Society they shouldn’t be in society but 12y old or 22 year old or 42 year old can do that in my mind they shouldn’t have any Liberty at all not in a million years I am as you know a big fan of longer jail terms I’m not a big fan of short jail terms at all in any way shape or form we need deterrence I think naming them would also be another potential small deterrent but a deterrent nonetheless because the families won’t want to be named the horrible story we’ll keep you updated want your response Pete just to two other stories uh King Charles’s first official portrait is vandalized by animal rights activists yes if you go to an art gallery yeah and I do from time to time not that I understand much about but I do know what I like and what I don’t true and if I come across a painting that I don’t particularly like I walk on until I find one that I do and then I might stand there and have a little stare at it and enjoy it and think oh yeah I can see what that means to me I don’t then deface it these entitled people from whatever kind of demonstrating standpoint they come from just really sickeningly show this entitlement this privilege this attitude whereby people think they can deface damage whatever they like because they don’t agree with it and then of course when they get arrested I know my rights they pathetically shout well they should know their responsibilities could not agree more don’t um and the last thing um very serious today and a lot of people making a joke and they shouldn’t rocks thrown at Nigel farage in Barnsley campaigning we’re not political here anybody putting themselves out there as a candidate milkshake people were laughing have been acid rocks I throw the force the law at that blow but he’ll probably be full of anxiety and get a court order or something won he I don’t know yes well I hope the police embar today arrest charge CPS put it in front of a court and a suitable punishment is handed down those people who enter public life whether we agree with them or we disagree with them it’s same like going into the art gallery isn’t it is if you don’t like them Walk On By find something you do like exactly but people just this is symptomatic of this slippery slope that we are rapidly traveling down towards lawlessness if we’re not already there in many areas and quite simply a breakdown of the social fabric could not agree more love having you on the amazing Peter Blacky there on to drive it is 10 e


    1. These monsters definitely should be named just like James Bulger,s murders who were only 10. Its getting worse with kids with knives, will be getting where you can't look at anyone the wrong way. The parents don't seem to care where their kids are these days.

    2. As in other countries.. unmasked, named and shamed!! Too much of this coming from other cultures!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿✝️🇬🇧🙏🏼We want our country and culture back!!

    3. When I was that age, I used to walk around with a saw, hammer, knife and nails. Never in my mind I would have thought of using it against people 😅
      No one is to blame but social media, films, rap music and most of all GAMES.

    4. They need to stop letting different ideologies into our countries where crimes like this they grow up with. It passes down to their kids. Government has ruined our country !

    5. Gosh when I was a twelve year old I’d be playing football and cricket on the street , I’m old school times sure have changed . Fast forward people in charge of society said, you cannot smack your kids. What’s the result ? Twelve year olds walking around with machetes. Of course they should be named ,but doubt if they will be named. They will probably claim ,mental health issues. The get out of jail card is no longer, I heard the voices or being sexually abused but mental health issues.


    7. Society here is breaking down slowly but surely.
      Everyone knows why but the people in charge are too afraid to address the real problems here out of fear of upsetting people. Allowing a country to spiral into smaller and smaller circles of decline/ violence/ hatered/ murder is preferable to parliment than tackling and exposing what is wrong.
      Now we are at a point where being British and proud is seen as being an inflammatory troublemaker…….within 40 years there will be no England as we once knew it.

    8. If there the children of immigrants they should be deported. This drill rap which has influenced the black community for years is to blame along with cultural differences.

    9. Look, it’s all cyclical. There’s been a 20 year period of children growing up in poor conditions around violence and criminal activities and out of every 10 I’d be willing to say that 7 out of those ten will continue to have children and raise them in the same conditions.
      I’m in my mid twenties and I’ve been in a decent place growing up, on the cusp of having internet and also living a great deal of my youth without it.
      It should be said that we’ve always had influential material that has children in a chokehold but while it used to be limited to televisions, magazines and radio; it is now everywhere all at once. There is no escaping it. If a child is in with a crowd of bad actors, it will act as that crowd expects. It will go online and see how they dress, the grey sweat pants and the balaclavas and think “I need that uniform to be a true gangster”. In pictures, at home, on the street their preformative nature is shared until its role is put into question. It is then when they take up an attitude and defend themselves in order to hide from any visible vulnerability.
      They become the act and start living it because that is all they know. Parents need to start taking responsibility but I think we’re past that at this stage. I’m never for total government intervention but I do think a drastic change needs to happen because there’s an inevitability ahead of us and I don’t want to see it through

    10. " At the age of 12 all I had was a football tucked under my arm ". . . Really ? Well in 1962 as a twelve year old I , and just about every other boy I knew, had a knife .Usually a Richardsons pen knife that cost 2/6d from the barbers . In fact I remember when we went on a school holiday to Thun in Switzerland ( No , we weren't "posh" ) we bought sheath knives to bring back . The difference back then was the last thing that would have entered our minds would have been to use them to injure or threaten someone . We used them to play "splits" with and do stuff in the woods . Boys have always been fascinated by knives , air rifles etc etc . But todays kids have been brainwashed , they see a knife and the first thing that enters their heads is violence and danger . It must be said however that sensationalist media coverage is just as responsible for that mindset as anything else .

    11. The parents of today is where its all going wrong i mean where did a 12 year old get 40 quid and bought a knife but the parents didnt know ,shame the parents of this generation when it comes back to bite them just maybe they will actually start being an adult and dealing with the shits.

    12. Single parenting has ruined this country.If it's proven that these kids are not from a broken home, I will not eat for 2 months.

    13. See what the prime minister has done in Elsalvador,he doesnt hold back on anything like this,look at the prisons he has built, see how the prisoners are treated and it works….its time this nation got tougher with criminals in the law courts ect…also children need disapline the worse thing our gov said no smacking ,in the old days it never hurt them and kids grew up with respect or knew the consequences from parents.nowadays they just do what they want alsi turning on their own parents ect the list goes on …

    14. What do we expect.Just last year ,this 7 years old child was bullying my child at school,calling him names,and pushing him over on a daily basis. I had a word with the child's mother about this.This kid comes back to school the next day to tell my son that his "Naan says she will beat me up" ! How do you win with these parents these days.

    15. They SHOULD be named!! Parents will need to know if their child has ever had anything to do with these horrible children. It's a fact Parents do NOT know who their kids are mixing with.

    16. You can’t hold the parents accountable. Hold the system and the Government accountable because these kids have no respect for their parents because the White Governments don’t allow corporal punishment. 😡😡

    17. Bullies who scav off children, they publish articles from children showing a death or murder and push people into the belief everything they publish or speak of is 100% fact, true and impossible of being wrong. We never heard them say that 'story' or chat ball that went on for over a decade was wrong. But they would rather pretend to be other people than play by legal rules.

    18. Its not just poor parenting, it's also teachers being stripped of any power in the classroom. The dynamic is drastically different from even 15 years ago. If an unruly child disrepects them or another child, they practically just have to accept it. So there is no accountability for actions. Neither in the home or at school. I remember when i was at school, a bad kid once threw a whole table table at a teacher. Nowadays that would be a knife, so its not really worth losing their life over. No wonder nobody wants to teach atm. Parents have gone through a similar thing in that they arent allowed to discipline children in any meaningful way. Teenagers must be shown boundaries and limits as that is when they are most likely to push things too far.

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