This is a very wide-ranging and deep conversation with Emilio Ortiz in April which was posted on his channel about a week ago. Enjoy!
    Emilio’s YouTube channel:
    Sandy Humby’s websites: and

    you know we typically think of a revolution as being very loud with lots of um Billboards and shouting and potentially quite violent and clashing it’s not like that at all it’s it’s from the heart and that the force of our love our electromagnetic heart love becomes like a tsunami it becomes so powerful that we come together in coherence that because it’s so high frequency it changes the quantum wave structure for what we are attracting in our future and that’s happening already that’s Unstoppable I mean there’s no way anybody can stop that and therefore the old that you would have protested about in the old way just Falls away it just crumbles because there’s no energy to it who we are as humans who we are as Humanity I think that’s going to come as quite a shock that we are way more powerful than we ever believed we’ve ever been encouraged to believe that I think is think is going to be one of the biggest shocks that all that we’ve ever understood to be true historically may not have been the [Music] [Music] case over the weekend during this men’s Retreat that I was telling you about we we had a ceremony where that song that we just played came up a couple times and the intention of that whole weekend was to be around men and tap into our emotions and be around other conscious men the whole retreat was about shedding and it was called the shedding process so I’m curious to know from your insights what is humanity shedding right now at this time yeah that’s really interesting particularly because of the month we’re in currently in April um um and particularly as we move through the eclipse the two really big astrological um events in in April um one was the total solar eclipse on the on the 8th and the other was the Jupiter Uranus conjunction on the 20th and many people were feeling as we moved into the eclipse myself included that there was huge intensity as we as we moved into that for all kinds of reasons I won’t go into but there was a sense of weightiness and stuckness and you know people were really sort of struggling to move ahead and then as we moved through the eclipse there was a feeling of shedding of purging of karma karmic release which could have been your own trauma your own Karma it could have been um familial it could have been ancestral and it could have been you know so far back you you don’t even know what it was you you you hadn’t even tapped into it but coming out of this Eclipse there was such a feeling of lightness that you’re almost a different being and in fact I wrote a very simple social media post about it because I was aware that many people were feeling that it was almost like we’d been reborn for many people they were shedding this ancient baggage this ancient weight and you didn’t even have to identify it you just KN you felt the energy shift and hundreds of people chimed in and said yeah I felt that too I feel like a different person I feel like I’ve been reborn so that was a very big shift over the eclipse and again there was another one more like a jump at the Jupiter Uranus conjunction on around the 20th and that was just that’s just the beginning of a whole 14year cycle but yes there’s a shedding of something that we don’t even have to identify but it’s trauma based weighty slowed us up made us it made it harder to see from a clearer perspective that for many people has already gone if it hasn’t gone you’re on track you’re on your own Divine timing so don’t worry but everybody is shedding to kind of bounce up to a higher layer of light that’s what we’re doing right now so Pam Gregory officially welcome back on the just happen podcast we had a beautiful conversation the first time around and we just wanted to continue co-creating and weaving together the first question I asked you uh in our first conversation was what were you most excited about and you said that you were constantly going down rabbit holes and you were really interested in where science Bridges with spirituality the physics of creation and I also just wanted to know what rabbit holes are you exploring right now that we can open the floor to yeah that’s that’s a really interesting one because um I’m getting thank you amelo and for this opportunity to come back and speak with you again I very much respect your work with a very different audience that I wouldn’t perhaps normally reach so so thank you for this opportunity I think I’m getting absolutely fascinated by by water and the fact that um light is carried by water and we are water beings and water is everywhere in the universe plasma everywhere is has water um it’s impossible for life to exist without water you know that’s why astronomers get very excited if they find a planet that has some water on it because it suggests that life can exist and some of the water on our Earth that you and I are drinking on a daily basis is as old as 4.5 billion years old and the ancient knowledge from lamoria from Atlantis although even civilizations way before that all of that knowledge is still carried in the water because the water carries memory so the water you drink ey drink a horse drinks a tree drinks a slug a snail an African person a Chinese person we are all drinking the same water so it’s ultimately the great connector which of course is wonderful for wiping out separation polarization racism all of those things but it’s about the light because there’s a new quality of light that several people people are talking about and I’m sensing too that is coming onto the Earth and is a key ingredient for for our Evolution and this light and nany Rebecca talked about it in some detail is is silver and diamond and silver represents um the the knowledge no correction silver represents the wisdom and that’s obviously Jupiter and the diamond represents the knowledge which is Uranus and this light was going to Surge on the 20th of April when we have the Jupiter Uranus conjunction and Nancy doesn’t know any astrology so they are able to bring or that’s the archetypal symbolism for bringing this higher quality of light to the Earth and this light because it’s a higher frequency carries more information and more complex geometry so this light is a big ingredient for our even Evolution and that’s why I felt the Jupiter I’m hope I’m making sense here the Jupiter Uranus conjunction was such a jump potentially for us in our Consciousness because it is Shifting us closer to the light body with more information with a more complex geometry now there’s also something here that links in and I haven’t got to the end of this Rabbit Hole I’m I’m just stuck halfway down it at the moment that links with our hearts and the way that the heart as our largest electromagnetic organ is the portal to the cosmos because that’s the organ that really connects to the cosmos and the light and the water in the heart because of the microtubules in the heart and the vortex action in the heart I believe is one of the processes by which we can more fully access this higher light and higher knowledge to to help us merge into expand into um bigger Consciousness and our multi-dimensionality it’s all about the heart not as a Valentine’s Day card not as a pink puffy romantic love as an electromagnetic portal to the greater Cosmos so I hope I’m making sense because just I’m not at the end of this journey yet but there’s something about the light being carried by the water the water is ancient the water holds all the knowledge and and the other thing is if the water and Vader Austin’s work is beautiful with this if the water is constantly let’s say imprinted by our our thought or our emotion in the moment and Vader’s work has demonstrated that amazingly and it isn’t just a kind of mirror response there’s a there’s an intelligence that’s that’s answering whatever she’s asking it isn’t just you know you’re thinking of a a staircase here’s a staircase you know it translates her think thinking and so she is calling water God Consciousness which I very much believe and I actually think that water could be everything water could be Primary in a way that we’ve never really fully understood it before water is source and Vader talks about that too source with the capital S not just a a resource because I’m I’m exploring some experiments at the moment which are suggest in really that because water is very impressionable that when it’s in its open areas on Earth of lakes and and streams and rivers and reservoirs because it’s open to the skies I’ve never said this publicly before because it’s open to the skies it is being imprinted by the planetary pattern at the time so it’s just a thought I have that I need to and it’s actually being reinforced by by some experiments in Germany that I’m trying to dig out and if that’s the case and we ultimately drink that water as Humanity what’s actually happening here or could be happening is that the the water which is reflecting the current planetary pattern is interacting with our original birth chart pattern and that’s what I’m looking at with the birth chart and the transits but it could it be that water is giving us the physical explanation for astrology am I being clear here yes yes you know this is a big thought for me I mean I don’t if it’s a big thought for you but it’s a big thought for me so because you know when I look at the birth chart and I put the transits around the outside and and you know look at the um the interaction the two is that’s actually physically what’s happening day to day when we drink water as we do every day so it’s that interaction of the current reflection of the planetary transits and what is embedded in US permanently in this lifetime as our birth charm now also magnetite is believed around the pineal gland to be part of the explanation but other than that it’s been a kind of hermetic principle of as above so below so I’m getting enormously excited here toot all on my own this you’re the first person I’ve spoken to about this Amelia is hot off hot off the brain um but the heart because of the way that it structures the water with this Vortex action and is such an important electromagnetic vessel to connect to the cosmos there’s something about understand understanding about living from the heart in a more wise conscious and expanded way that’s going to take us on the next jump have I made any sense at all 100% because I was just talking to a friend the other day and we we were laughing because we were saying like oh our biggest ideas usually come when we’re in the shower and I just like blurted it out I wasn’t really thinking about it and I just said that’s because water is a conductor of electricity and we are electrical beings yeah so there is a definitely a relationship with water and light electricity and frequency and what does all of that have to do with the Aquarian age that we are stepping into and the Aquarius glyph is is two jaggedy lines and you know I’ve been saying for the last couple of years that anticipating when Pluto moved into Aquarius and of course Uranus is the ruler of that expanded by Jupiter about a week ago um that we would really start to understand our Mastery of our frequency of our thoughts our emotions and our frequency and and it’s very imperative that we do that because the other obvious expression of that symbolism Pluto and Aquarius is controlled by technology that’s very clear to see where that timeline’s going so that’s why it’s very important that we achieve our Mastery and it’s not hard to do it’s simple stuff hugging a tree bare feet on the grass listen to the you know all the simple stuff laughing with a friend hugging a child is simple simple stuff I I talk about that all of those little things lift your frequency but if we are living consciously and wisely and we are aware through our day you know what’s my frequency I’m checking in what’s you know what’s my vibration if it’s dipping why is it dipping what can I what can I flick what can I flick to change that in a moment um but if we also have this underpinning of a greater understanding of light and frequency and water and water bringing back all of that Knowledge from Lura and Atlantis which I think is what’s happening right now um wow what different beings are we going to become with all of that it’s a remembrance of of all those gifts and and and abilities and particularly what I love about lorian culture is everything was one it was important possible to hurt another living being I mean I have huge um Love For Animals way but it’s getting bigger and bigger My Love For Animals you know I feel with them that it would be impossible to hurt another living being if everything was one and we just felt as a fractal of of that one there’d be no more war there’d be no more polarity separation division because we’d all be humming in our divine fractal expression of that Oneness so my feeling is and I haven’t talked to Vader about this you know I blurted it out with you there Amelia I haven’t even spoken to Vader about this yet but I’d love to investigate it with her because my sense is that water could be everything water is Divinity water is everything that is Created from it there is nothing beyond the water but the water you briefly mentioned this very big conjunction with Jupiter and Uranus that is going on um just happened very recently and it lasts for about you say 13 to 14 years one thing when you brought up that conjunction is that we’re going to go through an Awakening of our Kundalini energy and you know in in the viic Sciences they teach about how we have this cerebral spinal fluid that runs up our spine which is essentially needs water salts and minerals to be able to have that Activation so water in many ways is also a huge factor in US activating a deep part of our DNA and the new species the new human that is arising you call it the homo luminous absolutely and as I understand it that um seral spinal fluid and it’s a wonderful Dr marrow who speaks about this my understanding is that fluid is salt water now that’s an interesting thing isn’t it um you know so so all of this is is leading us down some very interesting Journeys and yes I do think there will be a lot of it it wasn’t just for that weekend it was the beginning of a higher state of being a a beginning of a higher state of consciousness it’s not like the whole world on the 20th of April had a calini experience but it brought in that possibility much more strongly for us from this point on because many of us are making those jumps in Consciousness and it it’s down to your individual soul contract your your path in this lifetime so if it hasn’t happened to you yet don’t worry you’re still on track but but that kind of experience is going to become much more common from this point on for sure it’s always about an expansion of consciousness when we have that conjunction yeah and just about a few weeks ago everyone was talking about this solar eclipse on April 8th and when I was looking into what Pam had to say about it you mentioned that the last one we had was in 2005 um which again was at 19 degrees of Aries I did some further investigation of what else happened that day I know that day you left your marriage of 19 years but also it was the funeral of Pope John Paul II right and you know a lot like almost four million people attended this event um world leaders this whole ceremony happened at the St Peter’s Basilica and you know that really marks I guess a transition like something happened around religion and I think as we’re stepping more into this age of of Aquarius you call it inner Authority sovereignty I think our perception around religion will also change are you seeing many many Evolutions in in that as well in our spiritual understanding yes 100% and thank you for bringing that up um because when we have a solar eclipse in in Aries um particularly a solar eclipse often because the sun is blocked out there’s often a fall in leadership somewhere in the world particularly masculine leadership right masculine leadership Absol because it’s the Sun and it’s in Aries ruled by Mars masculine leadership so in back in 205 it was the pope but remember again that wasn’t just for one day if I’m looking down the timeline this year I think there are many potentials for Falls in leadership and the reason I’m saying that as well apart from the solar eclipse in Aries is that Pluto has been moving out of those last few degrees of Capricorn it darts back in for its final last gasp from the 2nd of September to the 19th of November and that is about power coming from um the old order the top down vertical structure the elite at the top the poor people at the bottom you know the rules the regulations we are telling the poor Ordinary People what to do so whether you are looking at um you know in ancient times it was the church it was the monarchy in these current times it could be governments corporations institutions but also the church still the church because that is a very traditional topown structure you’ve got an important leader at the top who was revered so people are are are are really referencing an external source of power whether it’s a prime minister a president a pope it’s an external reference of power as Pluto moves increasingly into Aquarius and on the 19th of November they’ll do that for another 20 years this is a real beginning of a shift of the part of the people and that’s happened every single time if I look back to historical Cycles you know it was it was interesting if I go back to the 1200s and Henry VII um you know because originally England was all part of the the Catholic church and Henry VII wanted uh to divorce his wife and the Catholic Church says you can’t you know you can’t do that so he said okay then I’ll separate myself from the Catholic church and he set up the Church of England that was a weakening of the church structure the Catholic Church structure at that point so wherever I look in history when you get a Transit of Pluto moving out of the end of Capricorn into the beginning of Aquarius it’s the weakening of top down structures and external Authority reference points and taking our power back you know whether you look at the the US Revolution the French Revolution you know things I’ve talked about out infinite in the videos there’s this sense of okay now I understand my inner power and I’m stepping into it we’re not going to do that again and when we tap into that inner power how does that you know from an astrological perspective how does that change the way we understand the higher dimensions in the universe because we would normally use religion as a sort of faith of oh there’s something out there that’s bigger than us but when we put our power within us how does that shift human understanding around what is beyond what is out there what we really are as dimensional beings yeah great question because it’s it’s really back to this hermetic principle of of As Above So Below because when I’m looking at a birth chart in the same moment I’m looking at a picture of the heavens at the moment of your birth and I’m looking at your internal psyche you know your your your the birth of your Cosmic Journey from the from that moment so I’m looking at inner and outer and as you will know amelo because I endlessly bang on about it I’m very keen to move from this fated sense of astrology planets do things to you and it’s very fated and predictable and that’s why I’m pulling back from prediction a lot to you are the embodiment of those planetary energies they’re part of your psyche you’re part of your psychology this is the modeling clay or uni unique sheet of music that you’ve been given for this lifetime so actually you know if you follow authors like Paul Levy the wonderful Buddhist author he said there’s nothing out there you know there’s nothing out there everything is coming from in here and and that’s the path I’m encouraging people to go on to have constantly the internal reference point rather than the external don’t see you know Pluto is the planet of powers being out there and controlling it’s in here and you step into that as your Center your anchor your radio dial thing no I choose the day I have the life I have I choose and Paul Levy and other similar um Buddhist uh writers would say you know all of this out here is simply are projected inner reality that we’ve created internally and we’re just putting it out and the universe is mirroring it back to us as some kind of externalization but actually EV some people would say there’s only you here is kind of weird kind of thing because I’m sure if you were sitting next to me I could poke you and you’d be solid but but they say there is only you here everything else everything’s your perception yeah and we tend to limit ourselves a lot when we’re outwardly Focus only on our five senses and it’s almost like when we go within ourselves we start training and developing new sensitivities and you also talk about how there is a development of more psychic phenomena psychic sensitivities going on in the world right now what could you tell us about how that is De V in currently oh I think a lot of people are feeling this and feeling it quite quickly and whether they’re suddenly finding that they’re more telepathic with other people or their healing ability is stronger or um there’s a greater sense of empathy or you know for me I’m getting it with nature and animals that I really feel I’m blending with nature and I’ve always loved animals but on my morning walks through the woods I meet a lot of wild ponies and donkeys and and I feel I can chat to them a little more fully than I could before I can kind of really feel really sense where they’re coming from whether they’re having a a good day or a grumpy day and so that blending as we lose density and become the light body that kind of blending with other life forms to ultimately realize we are all one is what people are starting to experience and and it’s beautiful because it comes as a result of the expanded Consciousness you know it was always there it was us that was limited um and so I’ve talked a little bit recently about about the 24th chromosome coming back online which is really exciting I don’t know if you heard me talking about that but about apparently about 200,000 years ago um two of our chromosomes were kind of spliced together number two and number seven Greg braen talks about this and and although there were benefits to that we lost some of our multi-dimensional connection that apparently is now coming back online so not only are we developing this greater psychic sensitivity which will um manifest in many very different ways whether it’s you know telepathy healing communication with animals whatever it is but our connection with the um with the planetary bodies even if they are in here is going to become much greater we’re going to develop a much greater understanding of the whole universe and dare I say both with Pluto and Aquarius and Jupiter Uranus conjunction there is very likely to be a shattering of belief systems and a shattering of paradigms because whenever we’ve had this line up before an obvious time was when Cernic’s published his heliocentric theory in 1543 that was a complete shattering of a paradigm to tell people that you know the Earth went around the Sun and not the other way around when they could see when they woke up in the morning the sun came up and it moved around and it set over there he exploded he shattered a paradigm these are the times that we are moving into with this expanded awareness and greater sense of multi-dimensionality we’re going to leave all of our beliefs our our views about the world our views about our history all of it I think is going to go to dust yeah and there’s a very very interesting phenomena right now where more and more people are beginning to to not only remember memories of this lifetime from the past that have been you know suppressed or not even allowed to resurface that is coming up to the surface and people are working through a lot of emotional woundings a lot of traumas um whether that is through breath work or other practices but then there are some people um who are able to remember the totality of their past lives and then they’re all saying that this is happening simultaneously as well so you had a very interesting past life experience which you’ve shared a little bit before um but not on this podcast I’m very interested to know how did you begin to reactivate these memories within you because a lot of people are beginning to e either spontaneously wake up to a memory that it’s of their theirs but in a different body a different time period what was that initial experience for you when you first sort of remember yeah amazing and it was also happening at the time of an inverse Luna return anybody who um invers nodal return anybody who knows anything about astrology or um read my second book would understand it but often it opens up past lives at that time becomes quite mystical and um I bought my my my mother had passed away she’d left me a small inheritance I’d always wanted to buy a house in France and so um I saw an ad in the paper paper I don’t normally buy and there was one house left on this this site that was on the edge of a 10th Century Village and it was you bought off plan as it were so I literally I flew down the next day and um I stood in the field with the sales guy and I just thought I’ve got to you know this is this is home and I actually said to him this is home you know I have to buy it and even thought it’s worn is the easiest sale i’ I’ve ever had but I bought a very small house looking out to the mountains and I just adored it I love the land I just adored it um but within a you know couple of years things started to go wrong financially typical story and it became very difficult financially and legally so I have a good friend who is a genius at clearing energy my good friend Sandy humy and so she offered to come down with me and see what she could find in terms of this and I hadn’t I’d had a sense of because my love for the land was so strong that I may have had a past life there but have I got a little bit of time to talk about this few minutes of course of course um take all the time you need it was like a 4 day Harry Potter Expedition it’s like a 4-day Magic Carpet Ride so before we got on the plane she’ looked at a local map and said Your Story begins at the shadow of term and I said well that’s really funny because that’s my favorite place in the world but it’s just a ruin you know it’s on a on a precipice in the middle of nowhere she said well it’s lighting up like a beacon Your Story begins there but she said firstly on day one we’ll go to your your French house that you’ve had so much trouble with so we were walking around the little um ancient Village and she suddenly stopped and said this is where the massacre began and I said well that’s my front door you know literally of the whole area that’s my front door and she said there was a there was a big massacre here um and you were the leader of the group of people who were who were massacred and as we were crossing a tiny stream going into that little village area she’d said to me are you aware there are about 80 people children women walking behind you said they’re not walking behind me they’re walking behind you because they know that you have come to release them from the trauma wow so she then built a ladder of light to release the people from the trauma of of the land of whatever the massacre was about and I knew and I it’ll be clearer when I explain day two um I knew that the um the houses had been built on consecrated Land There was a church there being built on consecrated land so they had to get special permission anyway that was day one but I still didn’t know the full story so the next day we we climbed up in the car and and Sandy is terrified of heights and there’s a kind of sheer drop into a Gorge and you know there’s not a soul around for miles and we’re kind of going through hairpin bends up up up up into the mountains and it make a fantastic movie actually and we we had to then clamber up we had to climb up to this ruin and she said this is where you were the perfect eye you were the priest at this shatow she had there was a Siege by the Catholics and historically I knew that I knew there’d been a Siege from August to November um 1210 I knew that from history um and The Siege had gone on for months and they were running out of water but the the biggest problem was when the water eventually came the rain came in a deluge um there was a lot of animal waste in the water tanks which were dry at that point and everybody got dentry within the the shadow complex the shadow term and she said in order to save the people you led them over hill and dale over mountains about 20 miles and found a church where you told them they would be safe and within a few months Catholics found you and you were all massacred there on the site of your house you all massacred there but with her dowsing Rod she said was Pam the head perfect eye here at the shatow term in 12 yes yes yes got a very clear reading from the dowsing rods and she actually took a photograph of in r in shark could not believe what was unfolding but I realized that Divine intelligence had waited 800 years for me to buy that house on that piece of land in order to release the trauma for all of those people who’d been massacred by the Catholics and also for me I was also buried there under the church that was that was the site of the house and so it was an extraordinary time and you know it was it just make a great movie because the Two of Us Mid November freezing cold way up this mountain um with nobody around doing this ceremony to clear the trauma and she cleared the trauma from the land at the shatow the ruin and she cleared the trauma where my house was too and I was the only person then after 9 years of legal and financial struggle to sell my house and that released it that was the clearing of the energy and that released it and how did your life change after clearing like that ancestral or past life trauma that you had yeah it was it was really it was really amazing actually because everything sort of lightened up because it often does when you have a um a lunar return a nodal return because it’s like a an opening up of your past life but also a clearing of it anything which has been leaking into this life and messing up this life can be cleared at those Pivot Point times and so it was remarkable that it linked so clearly with the astrology but um yes I mean a lot of things cleared you know I’d left my marriage and there was a lot lot of trauma a lot of trauma around that cleared all of that to big big health issues big emotional issues which I won’t go into here but yeah it cleared a lot it was like a clean slate and I also know very clearly about another past life as well that I think has huge impact on this life in a much more positive way but certainly yes there was a lot of trauma in that cathar lifetime that my good friend Sandy cleared for me and cleared the trauma for you know all of those other beings who were involved in that in that Slaughter wow thank you for sharing that um and it’s really interesting because even in this past life regression space when I study a lot the work of Dolores Canon and she talks about how some people are able to go back into a lifetime where they were off planet um different species different race some might be padian arcturian um and then giving insights through as to which you know what happen in that Lifetime and things like that and in our first conversation the energy of the arcturians was very present and a lot of people could feel that in the comments we both felt it so I was really curious cuz I didn’t get the chance to ask you when did your connection with the arterian start becoming conscious for you um where did that start I think so many people have have told me actually I mean I I can’t put it down to my own perception but so many people have said You’ got very strong octarian energy and and very kind people have even sent me readings unsolicited readings about that octarian energy and I actually sit in this room in what’s called a healing pod an Oronoco healing pod and it emanates apparently by chance um arcturian energy and so and because I understand that the arcturians were very um mathematical and analytical and that’s that’s how I’ve come up through my astrology a very kind of structured way as you would learning a language in a very mathematical way and so I think yes I really I really understand that resonance to the arcturian frequency I haven’t experienced any aruan beings myself yet but I fully expect to to have that happen that experience is as as we move forwards now I think many people will have have those experiences but yeah I feel very I feel very blessed for that I me very blessed that anybody comes in but but you know in that last conversation we had so many people played back that the Octan energy was present and so I have to credit them yeah and and you even said that throughout maybe this June July we’re going to see a lot of Galactic news and communication resurfacing so what does that have to do with with the astrology how did you come to that realization that we’re going to see more of that being exposed um into the mainstream yeah it’s part ly um because both Uranus and the sinic rules Aquarius are being highlighted right now Uranus because it’s being expanded by Jupiter and Aquarius because Pluto is in there for the next 20 years whatever sign Pluto is in it intensifies the energy it acts as a catalyst for the energy and both the planet Uranus and the sign Aquarius are to do with galactics the Foreigner the Maverick The Outsider um and whenever we’ve had strong Uranus transits we’ve discovered we’ve made greater discoveries about the out bear about the cosmos about the way the Galaxy operates um about planetary motion um the day of the moon landing and you know whatever you think about that nevertheless it expanded our Consciousness there was an exact Jupiter Uranus conjunction that day and so if I track back um it’s always been linked to some kind of out there experience um historically so and in the I’ve set up as you probably know Amia an incredibly simple 15minute meditation on the Sunday evening UK time for people just to magnetize in New Earth more and more people are feeding back to me from that experience that hundreds of Galactic beings are now joining us they’re very tall they’re very loving they’re very benevolent and they are just cheering us on on with our endeavors to bring in a more loving compassionate peaceful and joyful world and they just come in boom you know people are just saying boom within a second 7 o’cl boom on the dot they’re very prompt and they arrive in the meditation and I mean dozens of people are feeding this back now and if you think of the people who who are channeling palladian energy Octan energy I mean they’re all over YouTube AR aren’t they now it’s a much more common thing and so I think it’s very important whatever other narratives come to us that we recognize we are Galactic beings we’ve we’re made of Stardust we know that you know the iron in our blood the calcium in our bones comes from Stardust we’ve lived on other constellations we’ve lived in other galaxies so if there’s any kind of story about you know little green men and how scary they are that’s not the case we are Galactic beings and that’s another step into our sovereignty recognizing that so I think we’re going to get some very exciting um times through this year um we’ve got um an activation of Uranus yet again in mid July there’s a a Mars um Uranus conjunction I think yes conjunction in July that’s very strong and further activations as we go through this year and actually then 2526 some very big activations once Uranus starts to come into a Trine at 120 degree aspect of Pluto and that will bring in a lot I think from Galactic connection Galactic news Galactic understanding and if we look back to when those rare TRS happened to Uranus Pluto in the past not only has a lot been discovered about light we’re going back to light now because Uranus is very linked to light as well but it was an incredible time of creativity um and Discovery if we go back to those times in the 1700s so I think we have a lot to look forward to and as long as we can stay on that that pathway of excitement and Discovery and love and magnetizing your new Earth and and keeping your spiritual blinkers on to some extent saying no we’re not going to go into fear because you get more of what you think about all day long and I think there’s quite a big bicationic that’s a very different trajectory and we can still see people existing in that lower frequency of fear is more about control Etc and it’s like two trains leaving a station you can still see the other train at the moment but quite soon those trains are going to take a very different route and you will lose sight of that train on the other timeline and we’ll just be living fully in love in New Earth I mean that’s how I see it that’s what I’m working on anyway yeah in in this men’s re sheet that I was just a part of uh the first day they told us we didn’t tell you we were going to do this but we’re going to take your phones for the next 3 days and we’re like all right so we give them the phones and then on the last day we had our ceremony and the day before that they said to prepare for the ceremony we will be having a pure silent day you we were all together we took a three-hour hike no words were exchanged and that really relates to your life lesson that you had when you were 26 around my age um when you did a martial arts course and you realized that the focus is our superpower so how would you really hone that in for people yeah absolutely just just lock on well lock on to love you know point one but lock on to what you want to manifest create in the world now manifesting abilities are going to get higher and higher as we move forwards really yeah yeah absolutely it’s part of why it’s part of this expansion of our Consciousness and our understanding of frequency is everything but just 100% Focus no doubt there’s a very beautiful simple book quite funny book actually called The Cosmic ordering service and it’s quite an old book and written in the 70s by a German lady called Barbara mower m o HR and she she she uses a great analogy she said if you’re if you’re going to a restaurant you order a meal you don’t keep going into the kitchen to say is it going to arrive or or I might have changed my mind or I think I’d prefer something else you know you you put the order in and you absolutely trust that what you’ve ordered will be delivered to you and it’ll be wonderful and it was a very good analogy of don’t wobble don’t wobble don’t don’t doubt don’t wobble don’t change your mind stay yeah it’s abs and if you can take action I mean when I wanted to buy a French house I had French paintings all over the kitchen had it the kitchen decorated in that very typical um French blue electric blue and yellow I imagined myself walking in the mountains there which indeed I did and and you know within weeks it was a really short time I bought the house so it’s just a kind of locking with no doubt that that is what you’re going to manifest you’re not going to wobble you’re not going to think I’m too young I’m too old I’m too poor I’m too you know all of that unhelpful selft talk you just absolutely trust that’s going to come to you and it works and it really really does work and live it you know in your imagination because it’s the imagination that will magnetize that experience to you so in your imagination you’re walking in the mountains you’re buying French bread at the local P Etc you know you’re living it and the more you do that the more it starts to take form and color as crystalline geometry in the plasma and you you just magnetize it much faster to you and that’s what we’re doing those simple 15 minute meditations to bring in new Earth on a Sunday yeah I I’d love to go a little bit deeper on what you mentioned about the crystalline and the plasma the geometry so what what is that really and how does that affect our manifestations in our life yeah absolutely um well according to the scientists including people like Professor Robert Temple who I’ve interviewed he’s written a great book called a new science of Heaven brilliant groundbreaking book about plasma he’s an expert on plasma and he along with many other scientists say that 99% of our universe is plasma 99% so um you know you me amelo tables chairs sofas houses but also the invisible what we think of just as air and nothing is actually empty space it’s electromagnetically charged plasma even though we think it’s just empty space 99% of it is plasma so plasma is a for it’s a kind of premat form it’s electromagnetically charged it can be a gas a liquid a solid but it’s essentially a pratter template and your personal interaction with what you want to create with this plasma starts to take form as geometry now if you are in fear anger hate it’s a very incoherent emotion and you get a very asymmetrical like Masaru Emoto crystals very distorted ASM you know unhelpful geometry in the plasma the more coherent you are in your emotions love joy peace gratitude Etc the more you get a coherent geometry and it starts to appear as light a kind of architecture of light I was talking to Dr Jude caran the cosmologist about this and she confirmed this is what happen so it’s like a it’s like an architect’s plan but it’s made of light in the plasma because you’re forming a crystalline structure and Dr J caran because she’s a Mystic as well she can see it and she said said it kind of sputters initially it’s when you’re feeling really yeah this is going to come to me it kind of sputter and then we pull back and say oh I don’t if I got no money I’m too old I’m too young I’m and the light sort of collapses a bit but we do it again and we do it in a group and the coherent geometry the architectural structure of light starts to become the foundation of what you then manifest in the world whether it’s individual or Collective so it’s beautiful so it’s actually physic pH this is physics that we’re dealing with this goes beyond the astrology and that’s why it’s so exciting and because the Earth is moving through this area of space called the photon belt which is very high frequency um light essentially so it’s very it’s it’s very high frequency plasma and plasma has a self-organizing ability it potentially is coherent in itself and so we have an even that’s part of why I think our manifesting abilities are going to get so much stronger because if we can train our frequency in the ways we’ve been talking about today train our frequency to be coherent loving locked on to what we want to manifest and interact with this potentially self-organizing high frequency crystalline light structure in the photon belt everything is going to happen faster for us and better as long as we stay in coherence does that sense yes definitely and I’m almost getting the the Insight that human emotions are the vehicle to creation and 100% over the past weekend in this in this Retreat that I went to only men you know men are were taught to hide our emotions we’re taught to suppress certain things not cry not hug each other and we went into a space where we were allowed to safely feel not only the highest emotions available to us like joy and happiness and laughter but also the deepest emotions of sadness grief Nostalgia anger as well so I was getting the insight as well of we have a spectrum of human emotions and yes it is true that when we are mostly in our joy most in our love we become more magnetic beings and we’re more coherent but if we have lingering lower emotions like anger fear or grief or shame and we tend to just say oh I’m just going to ignore that and focus on Joy then we’re not fully processing the emotional scale so in this in this weekend we were able to feel the feel the lower emotions so that can be wiped and cleared from our system and then we could be in joy and happiness and love so it’s like that’s the Insight of focus on the higher emotions but also work through and move through the lower emotions so that you can um I guess upgrade your manifesting potential yeah so you’ve lost the baggage as it were you you shed that and and the shedding process yes absolutely and as which is where we started so so and if you can feel in those positive emotions as you know from love joy gratitude your heart pidal field not only becomes more coherent but becomes much larger and much stronger and we know from the work of heart method it’s 5,000 times stronger than that of the brain which is incredible so although everything begins with a thought which is the electrical impulse it then becomes the emotion do we like that thought do we not like that thought and it’s the it’s the emotion the magnetic wave which magnetizes your future to you magnetizes the next experience to you because it’s the heart that’s electromagnetic in a much bigger way than the brain so coherence is everything because it keeps every cell in your body much healthier you infect other people with that coherence of love and joy you know we infect each other with our energy like we catch a cold from people and so you can sense when people enter a room some of them you know just have this presence of Love they don’t even have to speak and that’s where we all need to to get to really I me there’s a wonderful healer I think he’s called bro or something he’s Croatian I believe and his team arranged for about a thousand people to turn up to an event if they need healing and he doesn’t speak I don’t know if he can or or can’t speak but he just doesn’t speak he just stands in his presence and his love and he heals people and that’s what we’re g you Charlo energy that’s what we’re going to get to a new scientific discovery that you posted about was that there’s a there’s even new species emerging rare evolutionary events going on in the world what is going on with that what is that all about yeah really exciting isn’t it because I sort of anticipated with the astrology with Uranus in Taurus but also hir the dwarf planet being so strong because she’s about regeneration um that we’d start to see new species and the two things that have come to light in the really just the last um few weeks one was that there was a gigantic underwater mountain range that nobody knew existed just off the coast of Chile and divers have gone down and they’ve discovered all kinds of new species in the sea moss and the algae Etc which is just wonderful and I think this can bring us new medicines and you know all kinds of things and um and also just I think yesterday or the day before I was reading about something it’s an evolutionary leap that hasn’t happened for 1.6 million years I believe and the last time it happened that produced the evolution of plants on the earth and it’s really a splicing of two different organisms to produce what scientists are calling an organel an organel a completely different species with the splicing of these two organisms and it’s something that we’re just on the brink of but I I think we’re going to see a lot more I think we are going to see so much about new species because with the the higher light frequencies New Life new forms of life have to come from that new light it can’t be same old same old because same old same old is crumbling it’s falling away you know anything that was not birthed of Love is falling away and so it has to be if you follow the science that new species will form from this new frequency of light coming in it’s you know it’s hugely exciting isn’t it and is there a possibility that those new species are filled with Consciousness to the level of humans because everything has Consciousness uh we’re not we we shouldn’t be so egotistical to think that we are the only species on Earth with Consciousness everything has Consciousness but what if these new species that are emerging because this new light is of such a high frequency are coming in with um the consciousness of of humans or greater and that also ties in with artificial intelligence which is also a new species that is emerging on the planet indeed and I I I frankly think that the the animals and nature are ahead of us you know where we’re the tayor and Charlies here we’re The Barbarians so animals um see life nature it’s it it’s it’s all ahead of us and we’re just playing we’re just playing catch up it’s very interesting about the turn of the last century um there was a French um I don’t if he was a biologist or a doctor called Renee Quenton and he discovered that blood plasma is almost identical to Marine plasma so in a rather daring move people who are very sick I don’t know how he ever got permission to do this I mean he wouldn’t be allowed today but he started to inject very sick people who didn’t have much chance of survival with seawater and remarkably within a short space of time they they turned their health around in fact even now today in pharmacies in Europe in fact you live in Europe Amelia you can still buy Quinton water which is really interesting after Renee Quinton and there’s still a sort of um I think his his organization is called Quinton um Quinton something Quinton Academy or something like that looking into um Medical Treatments using seawater so I think so much is going to be discovered about the sea in a way we’ve never understood it before in terms of medicines anti-aging Technologies healing I think we’re just at the very beginning of of that deep dive excuse me the the and not even that but also new land masses emerging on the planet I get very excited about this because I I have a really strong sense that the some of the land masses from ancient Loria and Atlantis may start to reemerge the frequency of those civilizations but also the land itself because apparently with lorea and you may know more about this than I do Amelia but with lorea some floods came and Hawaii is just the tip of the mountain that was left after the flood so people started to migrate very quickly to different geographies to um Mount Chasta to um sort Marius area to somewhere around New Zealand you know they took their culture and their frequency with them and so I I fully expect in this increased year of seismic activity that we will see some ancient land masses reemerging and just yesterday I was reading actually I don’t know when it was oops sorry I don’t know when it was discovered but I was reading some crystal pyramids um have been discovered off the coast of Florida so I don’t know when they were discovered but um that was you know that’s the whole Bermuda Triangle area I think and where planes and boats just sort of disappear and there’s a very different frequency it’s a Vortex of energy there so I fully expect popping up from starting any time now we will start to see new landmar masses emerging with much to teach us wow and I’m just getting Goosebumps because last week we had Robert Grant back on and we went on for 3 hours and he actually pulled up a a Forbes article this is on Forbes it’s called the shocking doomsday map um of the world and the billionaire escape plans and it’s all based on a prophecy given by Edgar Casey the sleeping prophet and you will see in those Maps um I will actually leave the article so people can go to it how Edgar Casey predicted how the land masses will shift um in the coming years because of the magnetic poles North and South shifting as well and right there is this new land mass to the west of Europe which was what Atlantis would have been and and many people have confirmed uh that you know channelers and also with seismic activity we can see that there was a land mass there and it’s with the processional Cycles time is moving backwards again to resurface those um land masses again it’s so exciting because one of the reasons I feel this is going to happen is because the dwarf planet hire in in one of the aspects of her symbolism she is linked to the Hawaiian goddess of fertility who was said to birth the eight islands of Hawaii you know there eight volcanic islands so she can produce Land from the sea you know there’s a kind of surging regenerative energy about her and she’s in a very strong position this year and next year because she’s Square to Pluto and Quin K sedna so I fully expect transformation in in the map of the Earth how that looks and uh yeah I I think we have a lot to look forward to you know Edgar Casey has been incredibly accurate in the past and and from from that astrological perspective how far into the future are we looking when it comes to the the shifting of of the continents of the land mass I think it’s going to start this year I think it’s going to start this year and keep rolling for the next the next few years I’d say but but this year I would say is the beginning of it because um partly because we are at the peak of solar cycle 25 these are 11 Sunspot cycles and they have a peak roughly in the middle now solar cycle 25 was supposed to Peak in 2025 but there is so much activity coming from the sun it’s it’s been pulled back in time and we are peing right now so we’re having a lot of mclass x-class players way ahead of what we’d ever anticipate in a normal Year and that is destabilizing the ionosphere and because everything is connected that is also having an effect on the iron and nickel core of the earth which is expanding and because that’s expanding the crust of the earth is more likely to crack and so everything is is connected now partly the ionosphere is more um unstable because of all the uh the emfs out there the satellites that’s so some of this is natural cycles some of it is unnatural but nevertheless whatever the cause it is potentially creating more seismic activity and you know this can be wonderful in terms of new land masses new species new health discoveries Etc but it also of course may be disruptive in some geographies and because Uranus is the planet of earthquakes and is the planet of the unexpected we can never actually predict it’s going to be right there unless you’re edar Casey so we’ll see if he was right yeah wow and I’m curious to know why you’ve said that Earth is pivotal in raising the consciousness of the entire universe yes it’s very interesting I mean that isn’t so much astrological I just heard several people now whose spiritual judgment I very much respect who have said that that the Earth is is the center um because of our particular place in space because of our resources that we are Central to the um the evolution of the entire galaxy that Galactic beings have have have said this so that’s why they’re watching us so closely and cheering us on whenever we have a a mass meditation say come on guys you know you’re you’re getting that um and and actually I think even that wonderful Channeler Daniel Scranton has has managed and mentioned that that the Earth is pivotal in this in this evolutionary upgrade and we have a super moon coming up in a couple weeks if you would like to Enlighten us what is what is going on there yeah I mean that could bring up um yeah that could bring up some new developments with the Earth because you’ve got quite a lineup you’ve got five planets in in Taurus which is the Earth and this new super moon so that means the Moon is very close to the Earth in its orbit the sun and moon always together at New Moon they are literally sort of four degrees from Uranus and Uranus is still conjunct Jupiter so potentially this can bring up um some seismic activity it doesn’t have to um it can be politically seismic it can be financially seismic there could be some developments in digital currencies that’s the other aspect of this we could see some um some more developments around food and farming and agriculture I mean it’s it’s so literal that there’s so many farmers protest across the world Uranus is the um Planet linked to Revolution and protest and it’s in Taurus the sign of food and farming I mean it could you know it couldn’t be simpler it couldn’t be clearer so we could see a lot more development in in that whole area of what’s happening with the farmers and their you know their clashes with governments across the world and what’s wonderful certainly in the UK I didn’t it’s happening elsewhere is there’s a group called people’s food and farming Alliance and they are gathering in a very Aquarian Network to basically sell food as used to happen directly to the people not via this third party of the super supermarkets and they’ve got themselves organized in a network they have they have physical shops they have online shops they have delivery um you they they’ve really progressed incredibly fast using the Aquarian Network model of coming together and communicating like my celium and um and they are you know that’s where we’re headed this is Grassroots up communities collaborations networks that’s where we’re headed so something could de velop around that area around this um around this new moon I think that’s going to be very strong and um yeah these super moons just kind of keep on coming so we will we will see what unfolds but I expect things to get really even more lively from about July onwards um cancer time yep and also we’ve got that Uranus um Mars aspect yep and then we’ve got some very strong energy in August September October November Pluto retrogrades back to the last degree of of Capricorn and we have some remarkable um aspects at the Republican convention date exactly that’s in July mid July um and also at the Democratic Convention date which is in August we’ve got really um explosive astrology round about those two dates it will be fascinating f fascinating to see what on unfolds um at those times because you the US election is a big deal whatever happens in the US tends to Ripple across the rest of the world but we’re still in that Pluto return for the US which is really a complete transformation ultimately what and who what and who the US is in values the economy Finance um philosophy politics Constitution geography which states make up the US you know everything it couldn’t be bigger because it’s the first time Pluto’s come back to its natal position since 1776 and from what I’m hearing from you big themes that are going on right now are inner Authority sovereignty breaking the patterns breaking the old habits now as we as a collective start coming back into our internal power what would you advise for people going through all these different shifts and changes and cataclysms that we might see or whatever it is how would you bring people back into themselves and say this is a great way to prepare for what’s coming y it’s um it’s dropping into the breath regularly shutting your eyes dropping into the breath and all the simple things I’ve recommended you know bare feet on the grass to connect to the Earth to kind of decompress all that frazzled energy stay away from the news there’s great potential for um mental overload and zzing so stay away from because particularly from May onwards there is going to be so much information coming at us absolute information overload it’s going to be very easy to be scattered in your energy so just keep bringing yourself back to self hug a tree close your eyes drop into your breath their feet on the grass simple simple simple stuff that you can do alone for free but also I’d suggest get into some kind of community whether it’s online or even better in person in your local area so you know your neighbors you know people around so you form a resilience with that community and also I’d say try and develop an attitude of this isn’t happening to me it’s happening for for me because we are going through this accelerated period of evolution and because things are going to be happening so quickly and there’s been no rehearsal it can give a feeling of kind of overwhelm so just try and keep on thinking this is happening for me and I’d also and it’s something I I absolutely believe in my bones that if we can stay in those very you know stay contained your your Center your anchor you don’t have to go out and be angry and shouty and violent never add at that Advocate that but if you can stay in those simple emotions of the coherence of love and joy and gratitude to a large extent I believe that you are Bubble wrapped from the worst excesses of what’s unfolding you you’re aware of them unfolding in the world but they’re not actually coming to your door and the reason I believe that is that you can only experience that which you are the frequency of everything in your life has to be a frequency match and if you’re not in fear my strong belief is that is not going to land on your doorstep quite as as violently it’s it’s almost like we’ve all had the I’ve used this analogy before but we’ve all had the experience of taking off in a plane on a windy day and at the lower altitudes you’re being very buffeted you know quite scary once you break the cloud level you have a smoother ride over the same geography graphy and so it’s if you can write you know if you substitute altit you know altitude for frequency if you can stay at that higher frequency your ride will be smoother than if you’re in fear because you’re just going to be attracting more fearful things so you I’m a very simple being in that way it isn’t complicate you know it’s really simple things and practices and simple emotions none of it is complicated but if we can hold ourselves with discipline on those higher frequencies in simple ways we will ride the wave more easily than we otherwise would have and we will attract more people with momentum onto that higher timeline that higher timeline already exists we just need to step onto it we don’t even have to create it it’s there already we just change our frequency and we’re there yeah you talked about the Saturn and Pisces representing spiritual discipline and yeah encouraging everyone to find that practice that thing that you can always come back to every single day that will Center you that’ll elevate your frequency what is that for you I’m curious about your own practices yeah I I I literally I kind of walk my talk because I you know I’m in nature every morning in the woods non-negotiable hammering rain Gales it’s barely stop ring seven months here I’m out in that every day I walk my talk because you know it still nurtures you several times a day particularly when it gets kind of overwhelmed Buzzy here because I have busy days I will deliberately shut my eyes and just drop into my breath and I’ll either imagine that I’m breathing in and out of the heart or if I’m really zuzy I’ll go into what I call the baby belly breath which is shut your eyes and let the breath breathe you drop drop the breath into the belly so you’re breathing like a baby does and very quickly you’ll slow your breath deepen your breath your cortisol levels drop your immune markers biomarkers rays and even two or three minutes of that changes your state of being literally and I will do that two or three or four times a day if I can if there’s a break in the rain I’ll I’ll go out and put bare feet on the grass and just out of the Mind get out of the mind and just drop into my heart and kind of merge with the trees and the Blossom and the birds and I’ll just have this feeling of merging with nature being one with nature so out of the head out of the the to-do lists I have long to-do list you drop into the body drop into the heart so it’s very simple things like that I also do breath work every day um I’ve done yoga from about half a century but I do Soma breath now which is a combination of bco and yoga and whm Hoff breath work just quite vigorous and I do that again non-negotiable every day and um I also when I’m falling asleep at night I go through a gratitude list trying to make it different every day and when I’m waking up I go through a gratitude list um before I even start my day to welcome in the day so I do all of those things every day and they don’t take long and they’re very simple and they’re for- free and everybody can do them you don’t have to read a book you don’t have to go in a course everybody can do them very simple yeah thank you for sharing those practices I hope that people at least one of those they’ll stick with and it’s all about breaking the habit of what we’ve been doing in the past so that we can repattern our life and when we find new patterns then we create new stories we create new opportunities and one of the questions that I know that you’ve asked many of your guests on your channel is do you see this as the biggest jump for Humanity in our history I’m curious to know what 100% I mean I sense it in my bones I asked Dr Jude caran that question because she’s a you know Visionary cosmologist and she said absolutely 100% I asked somebody else that I think it was Jim self yep yeah yeah and he said absolutely so you know I’ve asked people who I think have some Authority and greater experience than me and and they say yeah absolutely 100% and everybody I’ve heard talking about this evolutionary jump says the same this is unique so be ashamed to make a pig’s ear of you know this evolutionary jump it’s special yeah and Pam you know we end every show with a segment called the final Trio um but before that I want just to leave people with a space to find you wherever you want to send people to connect with you further we will link everything that you want to share with us in the show notes so people can go directly to you and absorb more of your bless you thank you Amelia yeah really if you go to pamg that has all of my videos my interviews my updates um and also I do a whole series of short blogs every month it’s got my books there my teaching videos so you can get those there my YouTube channel is super busy it’s Pam Gregory astrology there’s also Pam Gregory astrologer who is the scammer don’t go there I’m Gregory astrology and it’s really busy I’m putting out probably I don’t know five six videos a month maybe more um and try and make it kind of new material every every time so um and new thinking so yeah you can get a lot of free information there for sure thank you yeah I love your channel a lot so I really recommend people to go find it and for the final Trio the first one I wanted to ask you is what are the greatest truths that are being revealed right now that most of the population does not know about who we are as humans who we are as humans who we are as Humanity I think that’s going to come as quite a shock that we are way more powerful than we ever believe we’ve been encouraged to believe that I think is think is going to be one of the biggest shocks that all that we’ve ever understood to be true historically may not have been the case who really are we as humans I think we’re Galactic beings we are loving benevolent Galactic beings who have so much to offer in our infinite journey of the soul I love that beautiful second question is what does a Revolution of Love look like in ourselves and in the world wow yeah because Dr Jude Caravan talks a lot about this as well I think it’s um you know we typically think of a revolution as being very loud with lots of um you know Billboards and shouting and potentially quite violent and clashing it’s not like that at all it’s it’s from the heart and that the force of our love our electromagnetic heart love becomes like a tsunami it becomes so powerful that we come together in coherence like a tsunami of love it’s a tsunami of very high frequency electrical energy live from the heart that because it’s so high frequency it changes the Quantum wave structure for what we are attracting in our future and that’s happening already that’s Unstoppable I mean there’s no way anybody can stop that and therefore the old that you would have protested about in the old way just Falls away it just crumbles because there’s no energy to it thank you you mentioned that astrology is pure potentiality so I’m curious to know what is the highest potential that you are seeing for Humanity at this time period wow yeah I think it’s I think our our future I know everything exists in the now and there really is no future but you know we we if we’re still living partly in 3D we have this sense of linearity but what we are bringing in I think is quite unimaginable because it’s never been lived before I think it’s a state of pure love for all living beings it’s a state of total harmony with all living beings it’s living in a frequency and recognizing everything Cascades from that frequency um it’s not probably consuming anything that you have to kill to to eat because of the reverence you would have for all life and it’s just indescribably beautiful as a coherent harmonious energy of love and it’s just that you’re humming you’re humming with love and a sense of Oneness and being part of of nature that’s the vision I have and I don’t know if you remember from our first conversation we we did at a little time capsule and on top of the Time Capsule you left a question behind for the next generation of leaders which was is your Dharma acting in the highest good for all and I know that is a full yes for you um but I just wanted to let people know what is your Dharma in your eyes and your perception and how is it acting for the highest good for people well wow um gosh I I think I was absolutely meant to be an astrologer in this lifetime I’ve done it many times before um in other lifetime one I’m very familiar with um so I meant to do that and astrology will always be my language although I’m trying to go beyond that in in in in some ways spiritually but I hope to help people trust their hearts I hope to help them trust their sovereignty and I could not be doing more time given than to help them on their path to do that and and I don’t want anything in return I just want to help them in that journey and if I can help in any small way with an understanding of astrology I am I fulfilled my purpose on this Earth I fulfilled my Dharma big tick Pam you are truly on a path of service and it’s taken me by Shock by Awe by Wonder to meet such an openhearted Soul like you and also the openhearted souls that you attract we even got a glimpse of the people that were commenting on our first conversation the love that was felt and that rippled out into the field so I appreciate you wholeheartedly I would always love to continue our conversations I’m recharged every time I see you hear you learn from you so yeah with all the love Pam thank you so much for being here today and providing us with all of this beautiful wisdom and information well i’ i’ I’ve loved the conversation Amelia I’ve really loved it you are some great questions I’m constantly humbled by the amount of love that comes in but you are at a very early stage in your Journey you have decades to go and you are really rocking it um already in terms of educating um a a very different group of people and you know you’re really helping to raise the frequency every conversation you have online well probably offline as well but certainly every podcast you do will raise the frequency of your audience so just know what you are doing to help others and his time too and I’ve loved it thank you I received that Pam Aho and till next time God bless all the blessings love to you all [Music]


    1. There are tiny particles of life energy that are found in everything, soil, rocks, water, blood. They are creative, infinitely intelligent and quantumly entangled with is. For example, when viewing live blood in darkfield on the slide, these bionts create crystaline hologram structures depicting an issue that needs your attention in your body. It is this forgotten/repressed knowledge where this where the link between science and faith combined. As above to below or rather as outside so inside . Veda Austin is aware of holographic blood and can confirm this.

    2. I love your conversations together ….so interesting and inspiring …thank you ❤ What was the pod you referred to that you sit in Pam? Thank you ….i tried to look it up but may not have the correct spelling

    3. What an immensely important conversation and Emilio – you are such a loving and skilled role model for your generation and male expression. Thank you. Lots of food for thought here which I appreciate. Blessings of joy and peace to you both. Thank you.

    4. I needed to hear some good news! ❤ I’ve had the ocean on my mind. My queries led me to the fact that there is an ongoing project to have the seafloor of our planet mapped by year 2030. I imagine it will take longer, considering only 25% is mapped today! I’m sure a lot will be discovered, this is a very exciting time.

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