Everything you need to know about the French articles

    hello everyone welcome to this very important lesson the French articles from please make sure you’re paying attention give everything you have to this now in Frank there are three types of Articles the definite indefinite and the partitive Articles and here are the differences of course in English we have we have two types which is um what you call D and then indefinite articles what you call a or on an a boy an umbrella and then definite article which is the boy the girl and the rest of that unfortunately what is the in English has different forms like four different forms in French right so definite articles as the name suggest um in French or def I used to talk about specific nouns these articles need to be in agreement with number and gender of noun in English like I said it is the word d but in French has different variants can be called Low if you’re addressing a man like um L gon the boy or if you’re addressing a masculine noun all right it can be called La if you’re addressing a woman right or a feminine noun and then it can also be L apost if each one comes in front of a noun beginning with a vowel okay and then Le is when it is a plural noun like the boys so let’s get down to examples for example when we say make sure you repeat every single example in this course after me okay l l means the book that’s masculine feminine is La La Table masculine plural we have Leo Leo Leo which is depends all right and then of course feminine plural we have Lees let shares let shares which means the shares okay we move on now we have indefinite articles now with the indefinite articles or you call latic and the they are used to denote the corresponding a or an in English sometimes even some all right the indite Articles obviously I used to talk about unspecified persons or things and they used to talk about um one of so many things okay or one of something for example and rep un and which is a book all right that is a masculine noun ear on it was L which is the book now un leave means a book ear it was L the chair how do you now say a chair that becomes shares repeat shares all right then um was Leo which is depends but now is destilo all right which is pens so if you just want to say pens without saying the pens because what dtill or some pens all right same thing with the shares which is sheares okay there’s a lot for us to cover so let’s move on we have partitive articles with these ones um they refer to unspecified quantity of something they used both with tangible items like bread meat you know rice and the rest of that to even intangible things like courage and the rest of that and the partitive adjective is do or D or or do aposto in um French and equivalent to what you might call some or any in English for example D dup which means some bread forance I want to say I want to buy bread I would say that D that is because an unspecified quantity of bread that you want to buy all right that is if it is feminine all right if it is masculine is do if it is feminine is DOA in this case do salad all right then when it is plural it is the for example vegetables is plural so the legum all right or the P okay so let’s move on let’s jump into examples and this is going to to make sense very soon so these articles are used to indicate the gender masculine or feminine and number singular or plural now we about to enter into the most important part of this class and in fact one of the most confusing aspect of French for all Beginners open your ears out wide and listen to this instruction one of the most fundamental questions that Learners of French ask how do we know when a noun is feminine or masculine all this L and rest of that how do I know when it is low this or like this how do I know by just by seeing the noun that it is feminine or masculine I’m going to give you a rule right now this rule Works 90% of the times the exception for works most of the times and this is the rule most nouns ending with e are feminine While most nouns that are not ending with e that’s is any other letter is masculine again be careful there are many exceptions let’s look at this example I’m giving example number one and I want you to do the rest examples together with me the the noun here is T t t all right it is La you can see it ends with e so it’s feminine automatically La the table inable a table what if you want to say the tables becomes what do you understand now look at this next one repeat after me I told you repeat everything after me you can see it’s not ending with e so it is masculine it’s charger L don’t forget C is not in French says sh just like sh in English and then how do you now say a charer and the Char becomes what and then what about this one can see shares ends with e again feminine all right La shares shares shares shares and Le shares if you don’t know the excise we doing so far we are doing D plus the noun a plus the noun and then D plus the noun in plural form for instance L shares Le shares all right now number four we have what can you guess it is not ending in e so it is masculine so it’s low low still low still how do you say a pen all right still stillo and how do you say depends it becomes what Le stillo oh my God I hope you’re getting this if you crack this code I’m giving to you right now you’re going to crack some of the biggest problems you’ll face in future so L ano and Le what about which means window let’s go give me the three form let’s go inet which is window again look at the way ends e it’s feminine how about this next one crayon crayon let theend a and theend or the pencil I the pencil um a pcil and pencils what about can see with e that’s the point of this exercise take a look at the consistency you’re going to see exception very soon but look at the consistency too V look aha look at an exception that’s an exception over there all right ends with e but it’s a m exceptions write them down somewhere because there’s no Ru to know the exceptions when you see them just know them all right telephone telephone and telephone all right it’s not because that e with accent going forward is pronounced as a a tone all right FL this is flower FL in FL and FL that’s another exception you can see there’s not any e yet it is La FL all righta this is cat and Le photo pho in Pho photo make sure you’re repeating don’t repeat in your mind repeat out loud dog SK lamp Lamp restaurant restur restaurant restaurant okay stor look at the consistency once it ends with e e masculine or trousers trousers basically L pantalon AR pantalon Le pantalon swim po if I were you You’ be doing it before me I’ll be one repeating after you just to prove to yourself that you know what you’re doing so you can anticipate go ahead of me to see if what you’re saying is correct so Museum m is another exception massive exception again even though it ends with double e it is masculine l m m m Beach bicycle Le V now we’re going to learn something fundamentally important all right we’re going to learn how to combine preposition a a usually is like at or to with the definite article l or apost all right so I want us to I like to teach with sentences not in I want us to learn in context so that these things can stick all right so when you have a plus La it becomes what forance say is Follow by now now home so I’m going home I’m going to the house Al I’m going home and then we have a plus low changes to what o Au so that in front of plus L supposed to be l so plus low changes to become what o all right so it becomes all right now when a combines with the word thats with the vowel before that word it is L apost for example it’s not no just all right so we going to do this exercise together this exercise is which means where are you going to means where don’t forget this means where Al Vu where are you going to course you know Al means to go ALU it’s a very important question to ask anybody where are you going to now you’re going to fill in the blank first of all you’re going to tell me whether it’s Allah or is o or it is a l aposto then the second part of the exercise that is very very important is to tell why you’re going to the place please pay attention to this to this in French when you want to tell people why you want to do something the preposition to in English turns to po p in French for example I’m going to the market why to buy I’m going to the market to buy something so that’s toe in English I’m going to school to study that toe in English I’m going to school why are you going to school to study I’m going to Market why are you going to Market to buy something I’m going to the restaurant why to to eat that to before giving the actual verb is in French translated as po normally PO is for but in this context means to all right so I give you an example biot the first you check is what is the kind of noun is itbl orbl labl so it’s is not it’s notot why I’m going to the library to borrow books I want you to learn how to give reasons for doing something that’s why I’m attaching that um we also now learning how to use the verb to go how to say I’m going to I’m going to I’m teaching you a lot of things in one class I’m teaching you how to say I’m going to plus why am I going to the place all right using this articles so number number two what is it so the first question is is itl or LL obviously it is right so it is what do you put there don’t forget I also put the dash there all the dash in the second part will be po but the fact that you’re going to be feeling it to unconsciously remind you of that rule that PO can also mean to in English if it used to give a reason for something so to the be to take a walk so the next sentence is I’m going to the park to exercise so what is going to be there itac or La is l o becomes Au is what you’re going to put there so it’s not Alo no a r plus L plus becom what o can see that’s rule there that is beginning with a vowel so it’s not l apostrophe because the word the noun is beginning with what with a I’m going to school to attend classes you can learn a lot from how to form sentences here as well so what do you put there is it or AP what do you put there o cema very good I want you to be saying before me then use my voice to confirm whether you already understanding this that’s what should do cema and I’m going to the cinema why to watch a film that’s why is there and means to watch all right after P whatever fls has to be in this context has to be a verb in full form not conjugated you it’s very simple to learn train I’m going to the gym to Out restaurant I’m going to the restaurant to have dinner with my friends all right so we’re going to continue um number eight ju all right about number n just a second okay I’m going to the bakery to buy fresh bread 10y to the pharmacy to buy drugs I’m going to the train station to catch the train or to take a train another exception not so it’s an except I’m going to the market to buy fruits and vegetables what do you say I’m going to the zoo to see animals all right Jo alast noard okay is an exception as well right and then all right l apostrophe is what you have there and then number 16 now that’s the end of that part if I were you I wrot here I would write out all the vocabularies I’m learning on my vocabulary note should have a vocabulary not so we’re going to use the articles in the English translation this is another exercise let’s do together use the Articles to determine what to feel in the examples in this case read the English text first and see what kind of um what article will that noun carry for instance the first one says I’m going to I’m going to eat an apple so the word is Apple so it is an that you’re translating in this content so it is it’s not because I’m going to eat the app I’m going to eat an app how do you say I’m going to read a book I’m going to listen to music music this is partitive um article because it is an unidentified um measurement okay so mus all right I’m going to watch a movie I’m going to drink coffee will be Cafe again partitive all right I’m going to study mathematics be what mathematics you can see mathematic is automatically plural all right mathematic all right I’m going to take a picture in photo I’m going to write a letter letter I’m going to buy some fruit free free right um I’m going to play the piano again okay I’m going to draw a three continue now this is the classwork for you this classwork is what you’re going to submit in your report just based on what we have done earlier on you’re going to answer question 13 to 25 for example I want to speak a forign language translating a in this sentence use the same thing attend to all the other questions and give your answer in your report both in written form and in spoken form when you’re giving the answer I hope you have enjoyed this session so far it’s a very very comprehensive session it’s quite long comprehensive it’s going to help you massively learn out how to form sentences but is going to help you learn identify whenever you see a noun whether it is masculine or feminine God bless you see you in the next class

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