In June 2023, Rugby League Cares headed across the Channel to France for the charity’s annual fundraising bike ride – and what a challenge it proved to be!
    Over six gruelling but utterly memorable days, the riders cycled from Biarritz on the Atlantic coast to the Mediterranean beach of Canes-en-Roussillon near Perpignan.
    Along the way they crossed the imposing Pyrenees mountain range via the Col du Tourmalet and Col d’Aspin, two famous routes used in the Tour de France; rode through Lourdes, Saint-Gaudens, Toulouse and Carcassonne; made a host of memories that will last a lifetime; and raised thousands of pounds to help RL Cares continue making a positive difference to the lives of people across rugby league communities.

    [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen good afternoon this is the captain speaking please make I do hope you enjoy theight Super League Grand Final winner with BR Bulls Sydney Roosters Grand Final winner in the NRL challenge Cup Final winner With The warington Wolves first man to fall asleep on an airlan at 9:00 a.m. M take a v chion [Music] [Music] chaos Reigns as the advanced party taking a circular route makes it safely to join the support team in barits meanwhile the rear guard following one of team leader John Legend routes are lost in Paris and have to seek alternative means of transport to get to the start line day one the team Gather in the early hours to assemble the bikes and head for the start get the injuries get the injuries Jimmy Bray takes the honors of being the first casualty as his bike disassembles itself immediately and he is introduced to a French pavement 10 seconds into the ride [Music] [Applause] [Music] JY the more fool Hardy of the group decide now is the best time to have a ceremonial dip in the Atlantic before the hard work begins although this may not have been the smartest decision naked you all look exhausted from that not all together the group set off for 6 days of pain good luck guys suffering and then Mediterranean destination over 500 M [Music] away look at the cobwebs off and uh two more of them and we’re done D fantastic the leading group AR at the first coffee break and after being properly refreshed they set off for the second stage just as Nev and Jimmy arve having volunteered to check for any stray riders that may have been left behind woohoo your garment’s working a [Applause] treat come on [Music] halfway through the day and the hills are starting to take their toll so while the stragglers are still struggling the leaders have completed 96 miles on day [Music] one you looking forward to the colder terally no not really no no no I am I am I’m sure we’ll all make it uh to the very top uh because uh my friend John Ledger has promised me that it’s quite an easy ride to get to the bottom of it and then the rest of the way it’s just taking it very very slowly and surely it’s just paddling away for 5 or 600 M and then you’re there cuz cuz John always tolds me the truth the cold detor the famous 12m grueling crime from the tour def France lays ahead on day two but first the group must set off on a nice easy 55M warmup before the real work [Applause] begins Power by caffeine self-determination and Yol sh stupidness after battling the Relentless incline wild animals and their own sweat over half of the Riders successfully conquer the dreaded called toay jimy jimy going keep [Music] going [Applause] hey the reward the spectacular views of the Pyrenees at over 2,000 m above sea level [Music] followed by one of the greatest cycling descents in the world [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah as you said the only ways [Music] up h doing really well you’re making it look too easy day three opens with the slightly less torturous climb of the cold [Music] Aspen big push [Music] [Music] yeah after climbing to almost 1500 m above sea level the team plow on another 70 M stopping along the way at stad daa training ground of the famous sang Gordan Spurs first day we did over 90 miles uh a lot of Hills uh the the guy organize it John leder is a bit of a uh psychopath when it comes to planning the route so uh very very tough first day but we thought that was the the the hard one out the way but it wasn’t the second day we took on the uh the Tay which is to France routee so it’s 11 Mi of just climbing which was uh it was hard going we did a full morning shift and then then we had to take that one it was it was only uh uh it was only 73 mile in the day but there was 10,000 ft of climbing which was uh quite horrendous really yesterday was uh was uh again it was about about 77 miles and that was the C dastin which is another famous uh route and that was only 8 miles of climbing so uh there been challenging we’re halfway through now we’re just about to set off for day four uh I think it’s about 90 M today we’re g through too kassan ending up in pepon which is uh obviously all the all the famous French rugby league towns which is great happy birthday dear D happy birthday to you so as Simon dunkley celebrates his birthday he sets off with the rest of the team on the road to T in another 90m challenge on day four cheat pleas cheating I don’t care [Music] [Applause] [Music] F water boarding there with minds and bodies beginning to feel the strain keep keep L delivers some well- earned rest bite for the group with the odd exception and as morning comes day five brings another 90m ride on the penultimate [Music] stretch hold onang bloody [Music] Cy all right all right was all you guys [Music] [Music] [Applause] at the end of the day the team arrived to a warm welcome at the star Albert DC in the historic wall city of kassan where the most famous French rugby league player in history the great pu go is celebrated [Music] it has been an incredible effort by all the Riders and the support team and with less than 100 miles to go a chance to celebrate and look forward to the final [Music] stretch day six of Lon the rugb cares we’re in Kasson and uh a very special view from the bedroom window this morning as we prepare to cycle 77 miles from here down to the beach at can on r on peria thanks for everyone who supported the ride thanks for everyone who sent me nice K messages to the Riders uh thanks to the Riders themselves for a wonderful effort in getting here uh been some really tough challenges since the day we left Manchester Airport uh some of them are physical some of them mental and uh we get in there uh hopefully we can get everyone across the finishing line today it’s been a huge huge challenge for everyone involved a great experience uh lots of great memories for everyone and hopefully the money we raise will help Rubble e make a huge difference to the lives of countless people thank you cheers l [Music] [Music] this has been the hardest morning and yesterday John ler lied to us by saying it’s going to be nice and flat this morning do an easy route it couldn’t been further from the truth it’s just been Hill after Hill and someone just told me after this break we’re doing another Hill great can’t wait [Music] for the final leg of the journey a local Riding Club joins the group to guide them home and help celebrate this amazing achievement and for one final time team leader John Ledger demonstrates his unique ability to create chaos and carage at every turn yes yes very good very good that’s good [Music] what was that Steve what was that St Steve what was it to [Music] [Applause] [Music] that after 500 mil and over 9,000 M of elevation the team finally make it to the beach in Peron on the Mediterranean just to short this from the home of the Super League Grand finalists the Catalan dragons [Music] right a tough ride last day was really tough well great feeling to finish it sharing cre a bit of a bump 1K to go but uh yeah come part of the theun in it difficult best hardest hardest ride we’ ever done I think but you we done it now we’re here Sun Sam get a few beers and enjoy it a pebble from the Atlantic SE the be in barit travel with me 500 miles across France I think Wilson some HS few well nobody cares it’s made sense appreciate it I the B ready thanks [Applause] [Music] [Music] the final word has to go to Jimmy Bray capturing the spirit of the group and the very essence of the tour the rugby league curs yeah the experience is the toughest thing I’ve ever done unbelievable what some people have put the bodies through this week um it’s to the France roots for people who aren’t built like darts players but um what a beautiful part of the world unbelievable and to see Team come together again for fantastic cars doing so much good for current and former ugly players it’ll be worthwhile tonight and uh I’m looking forward to a big Li in [Music] tomorrow ladies gentlemen good afternoon Captain speak I do [Music]

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