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    welcome to beyond the coverage I’m Chris horer today’s edition well we covered Primos R good yesterday so we might as well cover Remco evop dolphin a experience here in 2024 the race is over as we all know the Belgium kid he went top 10 on General classification one the individual time trial on stage four now when he won the individual time trial I told you guys on the butterfly effect that Rimco AV theol is a time trial specialist so him winning the individual time trial got a lot of people excited in the comments saying he’s going to the overall classification and such and R really good he’s on top form I remember telling you guys on the butterfly effect that Rimco evop a pure time trial so him winning the individual time trial did not surprise me it did not mean that he’s on his spectacular top form I told you guys that same day that when you’re a pure time trialist you can time tral all the time you go into that stage four individual time trial you’re fresh your legs don’t don’t have 150 km of riding in them then you do another 10 going up three four mountain passes you hit the last climb and then you got to be good on the last climb after doing three or four mountain passes before and you’re doing 180 kilomet the time trial you wake up you warm up you get recovery sometimes you take a nap sometimes you warm up in the morning you’ll take a nap you’ll get back on your bike you warm up right there at the bus team bus then you’ll go hop on your TT bike bam throwing a ton of power on the pedals Rimco having to pull super aerodynamic he’s because he’s a little bit smaller in size and height wise but he’s got a lot of power to him he is the pure time trial specialist out of all four guys when we’re talking T Pacha Primos wellos Jonas Bingo and REM coipo he is the pure time trial specialist so that individual time trial win on stage four didn’t mean or didn’t tell me that he was on his best form just told me that he’s a pure time trials he should win that’s what he did we saw him going into the next Mountain stages and if I back the film up into stages two and three we saw then at those stages when they had well we call them some of finishes but they’re category three climbs they’re not super difficult but we know with Primos rogish that he’s good on that kind of finish and we know with Rimco adnipo that normally when both those writers are solid on their form those category three climbs to the Finish if I take you back to last year at Catalonia it was pretty most roog glitch and rim Co pull battling out with each other and we didn’t see Remco up there even trying to win the stage now on stage three he said he had a slow leak in the back tire but we saw on stages two and three ilon Van Wilder was doing his own thing which told me right away that Rim coab theol was not on his best form even though after stage four individual time trial he won that okay we go into the mountain stages when we’re talking about six seven and eight we see right away Rim Co the pool’s getting dropped on those stages played around a little bit suffered some set Tempo but in general each one of those three Mountain stages when they came repetitively at looked like he was using him for training the first Mountain Stage he went deep into trying to stay CU he’s got the jersey and whatnot but after that after land was pacing him up the climb the next two stages he took the way I would have done it the way I told you guys at the beginning before dolphan a started you don’t have to be exceptional at Dolphin 8 you just have to be with the front group when you’re starting the last climb after that it didn’t matter to me if he’s getting dropped but it looked even better and gave me more hope that between the tour of between dolphin a before the Tour of France that he has enough window of opportunity there with those 20 days between one finishing and one starting that he’s got 10 solid days of training he’s can diet a little bit after dolphin a he can diet just a hair before the torto France on those last few days when he wouldn’t be training so much I believe as he said he can drop a little bit more weight he could get a little bit sharper in form and then he’ll be ready for the torter France keep in mind at the torter France he has to solve he has to be able to survive not salt but he has to be able to survive stage one attack from UA member C pachar and the director spores at UA team Emirates they’re probably thinking we don’t know exactly how good yonas is after his crash at the bass country we saw REM cool getting dropped at dolphin a we saw Primos rogach suffering on the last stage of the dolphin a big time where he lost 48 seconds to Jorgenson and to Carlos Rodriguez so UAE team members are probably coming into stage one of the torto France thinking if there’s any chance that we can catch the other three favorites here at the torto France off guard we got to light it up on stage one we got to make it as difficult as we possibly can so Rimco evip has to survive that onslaught of attacks from UAE te MERS either a vicious Pace setting from all the super Domo staks on UAE team members for T bagaja and then the acceleration attack from the Slovenia and T pagach on the final climbs on that stage one if Rimco Evol can get through that stage one then I’m thinking okay REM cool is a little bit more in a better position now he could still continue to ride and gain some more Fitness during the first week of the tour to France all the way up until that stage seven individual time trial but again when we’re talking about REM Co theol and we’re talking about stage seven torto France time trial it’s a time trial it’s 25 kilometers long just like at Dolph and will will be almost identical scenario at the Tour of France it’s 25 km long so the slov so the Belgium kid where he is a time trial specialist if his form’s not 100% he can still at 98% put in a fabulous time trial on stage seven of the Tor of France and survive that then the next obstacle is of course the gravel stage on stage n of the Tor of France then he gets a rest day after the rest day the Belgium kid REM cool has to be riding 100% so when I look at DOL a I’m giving him an A+ a solid A+ for the way that he has recovered from the crash at the bass country where I pulled up his straa records and such and we saw that he had some 400 350 mile weeks from 400 mile weeks one week at 530 he didn’t have that spectacular training coming into the dolphin a so when he wins the individual time trial when he’s able to follow and only lose a minute on the last Mountain Stage believe he lost 58 seconds to the leaders only 10 seconds to Primos rogach up there who bonked or blew up or was feeling the effect of the crash I don’t know the exact reason for Primos Ro glitch blowing up but I know Rimco the pull was looking solid on that last day and always getting better and better he’s going to have a rest day for sure on Monday after dolphin a finished probably another easy day on Tuesday probably an easy day on Wednesday then he’s going to go back into his training mode he has what I believe will be about a 10day period of Some solid training to do and then you have that 3-day maybe some Riders like four or five days rest before the FR starts proper I’m I’m not privy to his exact training program for Rim cool so he may like five I’ve seen guys like a week off before the tour France not off but not heavy loads of training not six hours of training so it could be the Belgium Rider has at least 10 days of a solid block of training maybe a little bit less depending on how he likes to get ready and how much rest he needs for the torto France afterwards so it’s not a big window but you add in the four decent weeks of training before dolphin a started you add in the eight stages of dolphin a which would be a solid week of racing and training and getting your legs motivated a little bit of break now a solid 10day window of training you’re going to see Rim Co the pool is going to be very good at the torto France same I believe with Primos roll glitch same thing I believe with r coiple they’re going to come in with that 10day block of training plus the rest and recovery from Dolphin they’re going to be good at the torto France spectacular on stage one I don’t know about that that’s difficult to say but we know T Pacha will be right when is he not and we know UA te members will go deep now the biggest worry that I see from Rimco Evol leaving the dolphin a and this is a big time worry this is the biggest thing that Rimco EV theol and sudo quickstep all have to worry about ilon Van Wilder went down in the crash on stage five did a couple more one or two more stages I can’t remember at dolphin a then dropped out I think he did two maybe even three stages but it dropped out before the last stage that’s a worrying thing there for sudo Quick Step because Remco have the pull on the list they have seven Riders right now on the list for the tour to France I don’t know what’s factual and what’s not but these are the seven Riders list on procycling stats when you look at this list they only have two climbers we got Mel Landa as the super do myque of course and then you have Anon Van Wilder you start looking at the other Riders on there the other four none of these guys are climbers now they have one spot open still the eighth spot so you could fill that spot with the Julian ala flee maybe the Frenchman after doing the jro DEA where we saw him win a St agage there maybe he gets put back on the list for pseudo quickstep because it’s a question mark right now for pseudo quick steps Rim Co pulls two super Doma scks Landa looked good enough to where I was happy where how he came out at dolphin a Elon van Wilder’s crash we don’t know exactly where he was now remember he wasn’t on any kind of Stellar of you know Stratosphere out there kind of form at dolphin a before his crash but of course we didn’t get into the mountain stages so it’s not really fair either way though the question mark the biggest thing that I see out of pseudo quick steps when they’re leaving dolphin a right now where is only their second climber for the torto France that’s listed right now where is his form how much time will he need to recover after the crash is stage five of the of Dolan that’s the big question mark for for REM Cole and one that he can’t fix that right only ilon Van Wilder and the healing powers of ilon Van willer’s body can fix that in time for the torto France to be ready so when you’re looking at the rosters for the Tor of France as they start to change when we build up to these next two weeks going in at Tor of France keep an eye on whether or not if ilon V Willer is kept on that roster or left now if they have to remove Elon van Willer remember he was one spot they have to remove but they were still missing that eighth Rider so as I said Julian Al ofle maybe they bring him in when we start looking at other Riders katano we could see katano get put on there but he’s not a pure climber can get through at least through the first two and three mountains of each of those stages and then maybe Mountain four Mountain 5 is a little more question for katano depending on how fast the pace is going but Mato katano he is a solid Rider so possibly they’re bringing him in I haven’t checked the schedules on what matelo katano has been doing but we do know with Julian Al FIP that he did the jur left so that could be the next spot of one of them but they still need another spot maybe we’ll call it James Knox James Knox when I look at their list of writers there for climbers is about the only guy not listed on the tour to France right now that can get through the mountain Mountain stages and at least start the last Mountain climb of the tour to France stages alongside Rim coiple because the last thing you want you do not want Mel Landa going over the penultimate climb and having to drop back to the team cars I know that for a fact because I was the last Rider riding for cadel Evans when he was trying to win the torto France on the lotto days when we’re talking about 2006 and 2007 I was the only guy that was the climber that was the Super Doma steak that was next to cadel Evans for team Lo many times we would go over the first climb we have a whole team together we go over the second climbs maybe we have van Suman with us but then he gets dropped and then we’re going over the third or fourth climb and it’s only myself and cadel Evans that means I had to drop back before the summit of the penultimate climb grab bottles come buy four five six cars back there get back to the back of the group when they’re going full gas on the front then I had to pass 40 50 Riders cuz cadel Evans never left the front that guy was all pro in all seriousness he never messed around he never rode the back of the Pelon so every time I drop back to the cars I come in through the cars I coming through the whole strung out pelaton of 50 60 Riders of the best Riders on the best form of their life and I’m having to come come by them single file as we’re coming up a category one or an HC climb the penultimate climb of the Tor of France bring cadell Evans bottle gels anything that he wanted I bring I hand it to him we go down to descent when we get to the bottom of the Descent in between the penultimate climb and the last climb guess what I’d have to go back to the cars again and there is no other time going faster than when you’re leaving the penultimate climb on The Descent going into the final climb of the Tor of France and then have to go back to the cars that period between the penultimate climb usually going up the penultimate climb but for sure at the bottom all the way into the final climb of the Tor France it’s wicked fast strung out everybody’s going eight back there and I’d have to drop back to the cars and do it again so REM coipo does not want Mikel Landa Happ to do the job that I did in 2006 for kle Evans otherwise Mel Landa’s legs are going to be done right when the climb starts I remember those years with Lotto I would probably be able to do three maybe four kilometers of the last climb of the tour to France and then basically hand Cel Evans my water out of my out of my bottle that I carried up the first part of the climb that I didn’t touch and I’d hand that over to him and I’d say good luck and I’d drop off on that climate and we’re 5K 3K into it cadel Evans had to do the last 17 or 25k depending on the length of those climbs so you don’t want Mel land being in put in that position where I am which means once Dolan finished Elon Van Wilder was the big time strike that was going against Rimco EV thepool when he starts to tour to France now keep in mind if they can’t if they can’t replace the ilon Van Wilder they only have James Knox if Julian olle is not perfect Ram coav the pool has to start playing tactical games different if he went in let’s say and took the race leaders yellow Jersey let’s say he started at Tor France in magnificent form you’re like Chris it’s all T paga yes I understand T paga is the BigTime favorite let’s say for Giggles that we go into stage one REM coab pulls on fabulous form they have some tactical games he puts himself in the race leaders jersey he does not have the team to be able to control the torto France race he does not have the team like UAE team em have where they can ride all day long and go into the penultimate climb without having help for REM coipo with no Elon Van Wilder there to be able to set Tempo up the penultimate climb or to help Mel Landa and rim KB to pull up the penultimate climb they’re in serious trouble so when I look at do Dolph a again the biggest strike ilon Van Wilder missing that is a catastrophic thing for this year’s Tor of France now one other thing I want to talk about because I don’t want to do a whole show all on its own it’s going to be have to be the UAE team members crash of Wan Uso he crashed again stage five just like we saw again from pseudo quickstep where REM Co and the pool went down of course where V Wilder went down AO went down in that same crash later abandoned at Dolan what does that mean for UA team members well when we look at T Pacha it doesn’t mean a whole lot they have five solid Climbers on that team backing up T Pacha when we’re talking about the seventh Rider Tim wellin Tim wellins can climb when we’re talking about their eighth Rider Neil pet he’s the only guy that really can’t climb on that team Tim wellin is not a climber but he can get over the climbs all the other guys listed on UA team members are pure climbers so let’s say you take a USU out I don’t even believe he was the main Lieutenant I think that will be Adam Yates will be the last guy doing the work for T pachar because you have Almeida still up there you have Mark Solair that’s in there and of course you have civico that’s still in there so if they lose AO it’s not a catastrophic thing but when we start looking at Replacements for AO the first guy that Springs to my mind is the American Brandon magnoli he has the experience of working for T pachar during the tour to France he has been training in Arizona I see his stve of record saw him do a 130 mile ride he averaged magnificent power at 280 Watts thereabouts I don’t know if it’s normalized or if it’s regular average power there but either way when you look at his time at 5 and a half hours to ride 130 miles the big boy put out some power Brandon mnti is training to to do the Olympic individual time trial so he should be 100% on form anyways so if I Uso is leaving the torto France roster for UA e members I see that you could put Brandon mnti in there they have the option of course of of replacing IO with Del Toro who’s overd doing tour of Switzerland right now he crashed in the prologue the first stage one of of tour of Switzerland and missed some turns and stuff he had all kinds of problems I love the ability and what Del Toro has been doing in this 2024 season I have never mentioned a neopro name over a European Pelon up here on the butterfly effect and Beyond the coverage more than I have Del Toro I have nothing but respect for D del Toro’s ability to Pedal the bike but I do question whether or not if he can get himself into a good position at The crucial moments and we have seen that already we saw it many times at Tor down under we saw it later at Milan and Remo and nothing at those two races nothing that any race that Del Toro has experienced throughout the 24 season will anywhere near what the battle is like at the Tour of France before the crucial moments so I want Brandon mnti on my team if I’m T pachar and AO says I can’t make the tour to France I’m calling up the director sportifs and I know they could possibly come up with the name of Del Toro but I’m saying nope I don’t want Del Toro I want the American kid Brandon MCN because I know he’s in Arizona I know he’s training in nice weather there I know it’s been perfect I look at EST straa records he looks like he could be ready for the tour to France and no no time at all so I’m making the telephone call to Brandon mnti the American writer to get ready for the tour to France so long as I Uso is not back to his normal training schedule at this moment in time right now cu the T France is very close all right guys make sure you guys like And subscribe I’ll bring up a little bit of topics some more of course and Beyond the coverage we’ll have some Butterfly Effects coming back for the torto France I’m not going to cover any real races coming up between now on the Tor France that I believe anyways maybe something will pop up on the radar and I’ll do a special day for that but in general it’s beyond the coverage it’s getting you guys ready prepared for this year’s 2024 tour to France make sure you like And subscribe I’ll see you guys on the next Edition real soon


    1. Can you help us understand how every year races seem to get faster than the year before. It seems that after years of grand tours being around the same average time, they are now faster every year. (Minus the EPO era)

    2. The moment I saw Ayuso abandoned, I thought McNulty. I think he is a better choice. He has the experience as a support rider, and can do flats and mountains.
      Also, can you do a preview show of the Americans for the TdF. Some never get any attention, even though they are at the big show.

    3. In my opinion, Remco is a rider who will have to be “content” with winning a tour of Spain or Giro at most, but never the tour. He seems to have too many flaws in the climbs where boys become men against the guys who are pure climbers, even in 1 week races, can’t imagine the things that will happen to him in the tour 🦋👊

    4. As a Mexican-American as much as I would love to see del Toro in the TdF I agree that he needs a bit more experience before entering the biggest race on the calendar. UAE has enough climbers to pick from. If he was on Quickstep on the other hand….

    5. IMO Soudal's team tactics are as knuckleheaded as it gets.
      Other teams ride as a tight group-glued to each other.
      Not so Soudal, they're always scattered all over, never riding together.
      They aren't at a Grand Tour level at all.

    6. I think Remco will be solid for the Tour, but I am concerned about that Stage 1. Pogacar will use Stage 1 to put everyone to the sword. If the other teams are not prepared with riders on form and smart tactics in hand, we could potentially see Pogacar secure the GC after just one stage.

    7. with the way McNulty has been riding this year he should be going to the tdf to help out on the flats and maybe try and win a TT. but he wasn't even on the giro squad. maybe he'll go to la vuelta

    8. In this day and age there are people stationed at the side of the road to give out bottles and gels, no need to drop back at the top of the climbs anymore like in 2006 right?

    9. Asked about Ilan Van Wilder, DS Tom Steels said in the Belgian press that he would need a day or two to recover. He had some painful bruises on his butt, which made his position on the saddle difficult and that’s why they decided to take him out of Dauphiné to save him for TdF. So I would change the title here as there is no trouble and you give Remco an A+.

    10. Remco is learning quickly as a rider who must recognise his condition and adjust accordingly. He sat up and minimised losses in a way that shows maturity and humility. Particularly impressed with his strength on Stage 8 where he seemed to close the gap to the leaders on the road by perfectly pacing his last kilometres. I have really enjoyed watching him mature as an athlete, and maybe as a person too. I found him a little brash for my tastes. Cycling was full of young guys who showed a lot more humility and were more relatable around the time he came to prominence. I think he has changed for the better across the board. Good luck to him at the Tour.

    11. I feel like remco should concentrate on TTs and winnings stages/one day races. At this stage he may not be ready to bang for GC. I guess that depends what he wants to do / management want him to do etc.

    12. Jan Hirt said on some czech radio that he was supposed to go to Tour de Suisse but they put him on hold to be ready for TdF in case another climber would be needed.

    13. You guys really need to take Remco off the favorites for a Grand Tour. The record shows he has not finished any (that is zero) stage in the Alps in the front group. Need more data?

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