🅽🅴🆆 Police Interceptors 2024 💣 Ss 23 Ep 02 💣 A member of public knocks out a burglar. 💣Cops 2024

    stop Manchester Road a bumpy Pursuit through Huddersfield Collision Collision an early morning game of hide and seek you there with the green track suit on I can see you come here and stand by har a struggling suspect gets a face full of pepper spray give us your arm now stop resisting stop resisting now [Music] it’s the night shift and interceptors in an unmarked car are letting a white van pass but when the driver pays them a little too much attention their suspicions are raised they run the plate and it’s clean but as they were being eyeballed they decide to have a word the driver doesn’t respond to the blue light hello perhaps understandable as they’re in an unmarked car so they decided to give him a much clearer message the blues and suos do get a response but not the one they were hoping for Manch Road White banman in a two-ton Transit decides to try his look against the cops 3 l BMW 34 speed is 40 mph traffic is uh calm all units in the area have been called in to assist including fellow interceptors Mark maiden and Dwayne louther 37 on RAD where are they other cars are pulling over for the blues and twos but vanman mounts the pavement in his bid to escape 340 is left left left stand by for rad the triangle down towards the triangle Speed 3 0 it’s a wi panel van I believe a Transit the van’s headed off the main road and its driver is taking more and more risks he clearly has something to hide and left we are left left left onto Beach Street Beach Street speed for zero the van barrels straight across the road without checking for oncoming traffic it’s hammering over the speed bumps in these residential [Applause] streets it’s a mismatch of epic proportions and unable to shift his police escort he hangs a tight right and takes out a park car Collision Collision the passenger jumps out and runs but the interceptors are straight in to Nick the driver Mark and Dwayne arried moments later Dwayne has a chat with the other passenger who stayed put while his colleague talks to the driver your my work but obvious crashed it you didn’t stop why pic the passenger shocked to have been involved in a Pursuit and he’s not a happy chappie and I said said what you doing you for y you done nothing wrong with driving off CL he had a friend in to little his friend’s done Runner this man’s done nothing wrong apart from getting a lift with a dodgy driver so he’s on his way we’ll see that’s a lot the same can’t be said for the 19-year-old driver who’s in his work van keep going keep going keep going keep going they have suspicious why he may have made off and run the usual tests zero thank you he blows zero so they give him a drug wipe thank you officers searching the van have found something which might explain why the other passenger legged it unfortunately front seat passenger has run off which I believe that’s probably his uh cuz it was found on this side of the van the Vans taking a bit of a beating inside that D here look just scraw along side here along with the car it crashed into he pushed his wheel in and I think it as it’s come out car it’s clipped it I don’t think it’s anything else the car that is hits quite badly damaged possibility that’s a right off he’s not going to be too happy the drug wipes come back negative and the driver’s fully legit it turns out he didn’t have anything to hide after all no issues regards to drug driving drink driving it’s just now i’ just lost my CH it whole get away just buffles why people will te Chas for unknown reasons he looks like he’s regretting his decisions he’s sting back at [Music] car yeah that’s what I mean it’s my no me neither with the remorseful driver off to the Nick they decide to have a look around the area to see if the runner is hiding out saw a pair of Wheels disappearing down that there yeah but then when it gets to there there’s about four different so I just took a guess at one and I could find him could only imagine that passenger the lad was run off has got some drugs on him and I don’t know whether to try to get away or what but we’ve got all the evidence we need it will be reported and go to C car the driver was later convicted of dangerous driving he was given 250 hours of unpaid work a 36-hour Attendance Center requirement ordered to pay a £170 and banned from driving for 15 [Music] months you don’t know when you get behind a vehicle and you put your blue lights on what reaction it’s going to have on the driver 19 years old is it worth it probably just not long P his test and got a decent job he’s going to lose it and he’s going to lose his wage and he’s back to square one lose his license just don’t do it it’s not worth [Music] it still to come is he in the house now the interceptors out stay their welcome get well go get now we’ll stay we get no no a stolen car driver legit 61 Chase on for down toward south Road it’s the blue p over the wanted male and where ready go he down a standoff with a suspected heroin user get your out what are you doing put that that bag down now oh there is there we go no um Bradford Bradley that’s where I thought he’d gone the first time see interceptors Bob Hy and Dan Bell have had to take a quick detour through a petrol station forour a car linked to a man suspected of being involved in an assault has just been spotted a couple of miles away uh we’re looking for a blue Mazda 2 we don’t know exactly why it’s come towards where we were uh but it seems to have done a big loop and disappeared in the middle so we’re taking a bit of a gamble now that it’s gone back towards hoodis field which is this road we’re on now veteran Interceptor Bob is close to celebrating his silver jubilee as a copper as he knows the roads on his patch better than any satnav but it’s not helping them spot the suspect motor right well if I show it I show it now there’s not a lot more we can do here no there a well this is frustrating isn’t it it would have got this far down from Bradley now no that’s unbelievable isn’t it but interceptors don’t give up that easily I’m just going to have a look at the home address the car’s not on the roads their guess is that the driver’s gone home and as they drive down his street they spot the blue ma the vehicle is outside his home address probably at home right now give him a moment to see what’s crack his but lights on an house out they yeah we’re just trying to see if a divisional unit wants to come and meet us in we’ll maybe go and assist and see if he’s in there and get him arrested Bob and Dan aren’t the only ones on the lookout the curtains in the house have been twitching as we’ve driven past he’s obviously clocked us um cuz there’s been mov we think he’s clocked as there’s move been movement up in the top window we obviously don’t know what what routs there are out of the back but let’s see they suspect the man could turn violent so wait for other officers to arrive before going [Music] in there’s a m at the top looks familiar so could be in eventually a woman comes to the door who’s mail up at top Mar how is it can we just make sure that he’s not in here because obviously his car here and’s we know he’s just been driving it last s 10 minutes come in no well we do have the power to come in you have not got the power to come in no you Haven the camera’s on the camera’s on the woman’s now joined by a man who’s filming on his phone but he’s not the man Bob’s looking for is he in the house now cuz we suspect if we suspect he is we’re going to just come him in and search whether he want us to or not we’ve got a power to enter under Pace okay so if he’s in we’ rather stop all the hassle and get him to come down if nobody’s going to come in and search anyway you’re not engaging with us you’re not telling us anything so we’re going to come in okay take your shoes off then with the officers inside the woman makes an admission just come out of M I’ll get she’s admitted that the suspect’s inside and wants the cops out get out of M well go get now we’ll stay go no no now we know that he’s in here we’re going to stay here so he either comes down now or we’re coming in we have no interest there search in your house if you just get him to come down is he upstairs have a look the officers oblige and search the house and Bob notices something strange in one of the bedrooms Del it’s an heavy bed H heavy bed no that’s my bed yeah just saying it’s a heavy bed it’s a heavy DED mattress is it okay right so that’s heavy duty that side it’s not heavy duty this side there is it the reason why the mattress is heavy on one side and not on the other is because someone’s hiding under it come on fella there yeah righty just come out for come on let’s just s out buddy come on we don’t want anyone else getting arrested do we but the suspect isn’t coming quietly and starts struggling hurry up St by har spr they’ve deployed parver a pepper spray used to incapacitate suspects give us your arm give us your arm give us your arm now why you being like this getting get a van right stop resisting stop resisting Now cal me down all right can’t bre that ask me right well calm down just open the window do you want to do this popular or not him I love this why you kicking off then I’m not I Tred get out the no you’re not the bed was squashing me right we’ll see then don’t you you don’t try to fight your way out do you r on no we didn’t we try to put cuffs on you let me get we’re going to put cuffs to your back all right they finally got the man secured and he’s not happy so my face is burning we LIF you in a minute let me open face is bur calm down we’re not going to left you up we’re going to take you out fres it’s taken four coppers and a blast of parver but the interceptors have got their man but it could have been a lot easier we had a good idea in the house is’s a big lad so we got other other units to come just just to in case you know we didn’t know it were going to be like as soon as he started coming out he started kicking off strong lad we’ve had to P him subdued him we managed to get the cuffs on and he’s been arrested so I think overall good job well done I think the man later pleaded guilty to resisting arrest he was fined £195 including costs no further action was taken in relation to the alleged assault his parents all right they were initially obstructive but there’s no point alienating them too much annoying them just speak to him like that once you got it under control speak to him all right I ended up shcking both hands at the end and he his dad was right as rain with me I explained exactly why after it all came down exactly why we all individually bath like we did I think he’s happy with people need to realize it’s not all um you know unicorns and rainbows is it magic lands in the policing sometimes it’s a bit mean and horrible yeah right let’s go [Music] paperwork it’s close to midnight an interceptors Chris Harding and Chris bastau are out on patrol when a DOD looking motor pings up a stolen on their incar [Music] computer got camera they’re quickly behind the Fiat which was stolen a day ago it’s driver soon realizes he won’t outgun the BMW so drives down a dead end and bails out the ladden joggers and trainers shows Chris a clean pair of heels 61 Chase for down toward south down Road it’s the blue P the wanted male Chris H gets ahead of his colleague in the car but as he gets close the runner disappears into some Gardens can you grip me please an unknown Street White M he’s run through the back Garden is there a dog our empass the runners managed to evade the interceptors and vanished into the darkness dark clothing dark joggers like um a shiny dark puffer jacket white male black hair really small while other units search for the suspect Chris and Chris head back to the car indeed stolen stolen out yesterday yeah we see that match is in what um MPR car’s flagged up it has initially made off from us um and it’s crashed into some railings when the all made off the motors’s made its mark on the railings and it’s taken a fair bit of damage this evening’s events have also had an impact on Chris my head hurts got steam coming after it hard work all that running it’s a shame cuz like I said you probably see some footage he were quite nicely pinned in on just that rear corner and he managed to slip through it otherwise would have had him but it’s going be a bit of exercise for night I suppose looking back at the footage from their incar camera it’s clear how close they got to catching the driver it’ses that curve well don’t it oh just out corner of it I should have gone more in at an angle I just wanted to I knew it would up it down I wanted to get there is you don’t right thing though cuz I’ve used my daughter me to get out if You’ have got too much I’d have been stuck in The Runaway isn’t the only thing Chris has lost I don’t particularly take it well when we lose people but it’s one of those things is it you’re not going to catch everybody all the time um I’m just now looking for my pen I’ve lost my favorite pen and I I remember it falling out around here somewhere or maybe it didn’t ah there it is life as an Interceptor usually has its ups and downs all in all it’s good result got the car so I’m happy with that have me a pen [Music] brok them though Happy Days the car was recovered and later returned to its owner the driver who ran off was never found and Chris managed to get himself a new [Music] pen it’s Saturday night and interceptors Nikki Webster and Chris brumfit from the Operational Support Unit are heading into the city center tonight is probably just a typical Saturday night it’ll probably be very very busy a lot of drunk people around and from my point of view that makes them easy targets as the plan is tonight we’ll just get out there deter crime and hopefully catch offenders just over an hour into their shift they get a call from one of their colleagues what’s up Jay [Music] officers that are in playe closes just ask for us to come around Street on the radio but they haven’t given us any more information just straight now their colleagues are outside a block of flats he’s pointing some do you want us in do you want us in Dev two suspicious looking men have just gone into the building one of them is in the hallway but the others disappeared where your down he down there someone Chris and Dave head into the basement they don’t know what they might find what are you doing what are you doing get your hands out what are you doing what are you doing put your needle down camer on Min is two put your needle down kid stand up for us and just keep your hands out keep nice put that that bag down now right I’ve asked you keep your hands out put your hands out put your hands out don’t mess about with me no M about all right I’m just going to CU you while we Asain what’s going on what you’re doing in here cuz you shouldn’t be in here should you no you got permission to be in this building no no all right so what you doing in here you scoring no no you know where’s that needle gone then you put it inside that bag you got any gear on you all right we’re going to be searching you so if you got it just tell us cuz we’re want to find our way I a got anything on me all right watching him Chris suspects the man is a drug user who’d entered the building to inject himself with Heroin right we’re going to find any drugs on you cuz we are going to turn you over so in that needle there’s no drugs no what we doing with the needle then um just literally finished finished cuz it looked like you’re about to start along with the needle Dave has found three wraps of what looks like heroin it’s class drugs AR it along with two bank cards what’s this L called your name say again what’s your full name who are there then M I don’t know just wondered all right well you carrying bank cards around other people’s names it’s not going to it don’t look particularly great does it he’s now going to be searched Chris needs to be careful to avoid coming into contact with a dirty needle right you got an uncapped needle in there aren’t you yeah he’s also found two more bank cards all right M so at this moment in time we’re looking at we’ve got a couple your arms up for us got a couple of wraps of what I believe is going to be class drugs and we’ve also got a number of bank cards that are not in your name which you’ve not accounted for that’s more than enough to Warrant a trip to the Nick we’re resting you on suspicion of possession of a Class A drug uh those three wraps there and also suici of effect for those four cards are in your name so you do not have to say anything but mayam your defense you not mention when question something which you let Line Car anything you do say may be giv an Evidence I might have us SM before I go they are wellknown drug users to us and sleep rough in the city center they’ve been observed to gain an entry to a quite a decent block of flats and then when we’ve um gone in and search of block of flats we found one in the main doorway who effective was open the door for us one downstairs um and when we’ve enter the toilets he’s got all this stuff off his preparing his needle he’s clearly about to inject some some heroin so we’ve look at three wraps of heroin on him and then also a number of bank cards that aren’t in his name so at this moment in time he under arrest on suspicion of Class A possession of Class A drug namely heroin uh and also on suspicion of theft of these bank cards but back at the station it was decided to take no further action against the heroin user or the other man found in the building coming up you were driving it I’ve just seen you right I wasn’t driving though just seen you so a suspected driver in denial a number of officers have seen you right I’ve seen you and the cameras have seen you okay and spenner goes undercover I’m invisible now to NAB a drunken motorist he’s going look at that timing there it is he’s got seven points allegedly being told lies is as much a part of being an Interceptor as putting on your uniform or getting behind the wheel of a car watch your date of birth date of birth 1966 when’s your birthday 1966 how old are you about 42 seems to be a bit of a spot try and tell us that we we’ve a Web of Lies as much as it’s a spot for to try and weave that wether lies it’s a spot for us to try and uh you know pick them up on it and and point out that they’re lying um so there’s not not that many that’ll get away with it just pass M redge again please Dawn isn’t far off breaking an Interceptor Steve suit is on the hunt for a car that’s made off from officers earlier so there’s a a uh vehicle a blue golf which is uh possibly being driven by a disqualified driver it’s just been seen in this area so we’re just going to make an area search for it Sergeant Steve is in the unmarked car which means he can get up close and personal to the suspect vehicle without being spotted chances are that it could be just parked up around here somewhere now so we just having a quick straight by straight look for it the car isn’t at the registered address but Steve continues his hunt for the golf and less than half a mile away he spots something this is [Music] it a golf’s come to a stop and two men have got out what lads bads come here go we’ll go in the house I’ll come in after you see 41 I’ve got two that have run into a house NE in the way out come here you come [Music] here I know who you are come here yeah they’ve locked the door in they uh come here the men have gone into a house and locked the front front door Steve’s on his own and can’t cover the rear you there with the green tracksuit on I can see you come here yes yes he’s got a grin track so he’s he’s still in and out of the living room and kitchen he’s just Bing around with the lock the door door’s opening get your mate to come here I want to chat with him go outside man get out my house please come here watching in the suspected driver come out and he’s quickly in coughs where’s the C key I don’t have the key where’s the car key I don’t have the key it been I sh phone I’ve got one mail to turn you were driving it I’ve just seen you right right no I wasn’t driving though just seeing you so you can tell me where the car key is have you got the car key I wasn’t driving where where is the car key I don’t have the key open your legs up take a say over [Music] there yeah it’s pulled up got out and his mates got out from the other side and come around just keep an eye on him for us Steve has a look around the car and finds the key yeah this is it is it but with nothing else suspicious in the car I know oh is Steve wants to find out why he’s been so Keen to keep away from the cops who does the cow belong to I’m not sure why are you driving it then I wasn’t driving right a number of officers have seen you right I’ve seen you and the cameras have seen you okay so you’re not drink driving right so what’s the story have you got a license yeah check right okay have you got insurance to drive this car I wasn’t driving I’ve seen you seriously I wasn’t he’s denying being behind the wheel despite Steve seeing him pull up and get out to the driver’s door are you telling me the other lad was driving what are you telling me I’m just telling you I wasn’t driving I’ve seen you right see me driving no I’m not lying to you the softly spoken suspect isn’t giving much away I wasn’t driving I was G from my other car I got my phone that’s all from the driver’s side no you were stood at the driver’s door there when when I pulled up here you were getting out of the driver’s seat I wasn’t getting out of the driver’s seat I’ve seen the car pull up here I’ve seen the car stop right I didn’t get out the driver seat I was getting my phone I was where did you get out of themo the bu there were only two of you huh there were only two of you no no the what no one with excuses like this he’s probably better off keeping quiet so if you got something to tell me you need to tell me now hurt you there nothing I I wasn’t driving so who was driving the L was my mate pardon my mate which one which mate he’s gone no he hasn’t I I I pulled up here right behind you do you remember me getting out of the car and telling you to stop and you went in the house and the door got locked do you remember that bit you you don’t need act all Daft just tell me the truth what happened I wasn’t driving I wasn’t driving you keep you keep telling me that but are you going to tell me who was driving if it was me in your position I’d be saying I wasn’t driving because the driver was yeah but you’re not because you were the driver you’re telling well but you’re not telling me who what and that’s the thing that’s a strange thing they’re getting nowhere fast have you got insurance to drive this car I wasn’t driving the car though okay right we we’re just going around in circles right are you going to tell me who was driving no Steve’s patience has finally run out okay the vehicle’s getting seized okay you’ll stand reported for driving without insurance you receive a summons in the post you understand what’s happening okay is there anything you wish to say what a surprise Okay jump out driving uninsured isn’t an arrestable offense just turn around first car so the suspect is uncuffed and sent on his way Steve’s been a cop for nearly two decades and he knows Porky pies when he hears them he looked like a kid that had been caught out and you know he’s he’s waiting to get told off for what he been you know for what he’s done he he couldn’t give any explanation he didn’t want you know he clearly embarrassed by what had happened and uh just you say played D he so he’s anyway he’ll get his day in court and he can try and explain it there if he wishes the man wasn’t disqualified as Steve suspected however he was charged with driving without insurance and he indeed awaits his day being [Music] caught give us a registration for the uh the pub in Queens I’ll go go back to a grao it’s bank holiday Monday and Interceptor Chris spenner Spencer is out in the unmarked car on his way to the pub he’s had a tip off that an inebriated punter is about to become a drink driver just had a report saying that there’s someone one at local bozes up the road there’s lading there was absolutely leathered he’s about to go drive to another Pub and see if we can uh oh catch him in the ACT driving off front P Curry loving spenner policing pet peeve is being lied to but a close second is people who get behind the wheel after having a [Music] skinful I don’t know why people do if people just if it’s lazy perhaps it’s just arrogance thinking they what get caught I I don’t know I can’t put my finger on it if I lost my license I’d lose everything you lose your license that could well be best case scenario what happens if you knock someone over and kill them people need to be able to take a bit of responsibility for their own actions to be honest less than 10 minutes after he got the call Spen is at the pub in question outside the and the car is after a gry Mondo is outside well going to park up and we’ll just give it 5 minutes give it 10 minutes let’s see if he comes out ideally spenner will catch the suspect when he’s driving so doesn’t want to be spotted we’re in a play cast is quite good I’m not very incognit in a my bright yellow top so I might Don black this I’m not and once undercover I’m invisible now spenner goes to find a spot to lie in wait I’m going to just drive around the corner see we can find to just a little bit incognit we as long as I can see the front of the car drive off he locates the perfect place around the corner from the pub but as soon as he gets out to move some bins blocking his view go he’s going look at that for timing he’s off there it is well we’ll see what the score is now he’s got seven points allegedly spanner wants to avoid a Pursuit at all costs please and thankfully the suspected drunk driver fulfills his request oh so you all right yes sir you guys just jump out and jump in our car for 2 minutes do you have a license with you yeah just a to hop in the back of my car how you doing is it your car yes what’s your name Sir Stuart Stuart have you anything to drink Stuart yes um because I can smell alcoh you Stewart I’m going to ask you to give me a sample of breath okay before the breath test spenner run some checks on the car how long you had that c St it 12 months 12 it’s not tax is it or at the minute attacks run out excuse me nearly a month ago now even if he isn’t over the limit the man won’t be driving any further what happens to you is the car is going to get seized because it isn’t taxed regardless of of what else happens with the tax dealt with it’s breathalyzer time deep breath in I’ll keep hold of this mouthpiece in your mouth and just blow till I say stop all right keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going thank you that’s it done done done and he’s blown it that re showing that you are over the prescribe limit for drinking okay so you are under arrest for driving while over the prescribe limit all right once he’s made sure the car’s secure spenner can head off to the Nick it’s not as WR as I thought it was going to be he’s born 58 at the minute the liit is 35 so he’s near he’s what 60% 70% of the limit at the minute back at the station spenner gets the man onto the intoxilizer so big deep breath in whenever you’re ready just blow until I say stop all right keep going keep going keep going there we go super sit down so it pumps out your blow name it calibrates itself again then it’ll just tell us it takes about a minute this is going to be bad news and he’s right it is bad news for him at least yeah your Rob limits to all right the legal limit is 35 but you’re 51 and 48 so your lowest R is 48 so you’re not massively over but it’s it is what it is you’re over don’t you think that it’s a bit was of the time honestly no I don’t know having seen actually a safy point having seen people dead on the road from from people drink driving I could fall out I would but if you just sign there for St that yeah just unfortunately Chris has seen and heard it all before he’s had a little comment as we’ve left saying oh maybe not got better things to do I haven’t got better things to do now at the end of the day this is why I made just just rent people down on the roads I’ve seen it before where people have killed people and the only reason is cuz they drunk the man was convicted of drink driving he had to pay £265 in fines and costs and was banned from driving for 12 months the tax andot charges were withdrawn he’s he’s over at limit so what could have happened we’ll never know we’ve stopped it today which which is good and it’s just indicative I think of this older generation sometimes that it was accepted 20 20 30 years ago drink driv was just a part of society it isn’t now it’s it’s it’s totally unacceptable and that doesn’t seem to have got through to some [Music] people still to come he mate you’re all right a mystery driver and obviously you don’t want won’t like her with a car load of kids is anything you guys need out of this car any toys or anything but no insurance so what do I do then well we SE your car it’s Friday evening and interceptors Ben Pearson and Warren Pickard are on the hunt for a white Audi driven by a wanted woman this car that we’re after now is just to trip the cameras and we leave the car’s coming towards us so if it is and it’s a female driving bada boom bada boom bada boom 17-year veteran Ben is qualified to drive police 4x4s motorbikes and even snowmobiles but tonight he’s in the standard traffic car heading towards the area where the Audi was last seen it’s white is it yeah got one of these appear nowly not white in it they’re not having much luck it’s not there not in there not in there it’s got to be not there then last chance however white a is are to a penny is an out in it this looks like it no it’s not it’s VNC 60 close but no cigar however it’s only a matter of time there there quite a new model yep 32 behind it now bottom of backer and rad Bingo time to see if the wanted woman is behind the wheel it’s two off three up in it don’t on that ‘s bubbling out can you give us the wanted person’s name please yeah it’s got a rough description uh just son as a white female but there’s a man driving hello who’s in car were you mate who’s in carik just you two yeah nobody in back a little boys in back as well yeah you just got kids in back back all right no problem when we get fruit lights it makes no to worry about when we get fruit lights we P where bus stop is right good man after you so with a man and two children in the car it’s not the person they’re after but as it’s her car they need to have a chat with the driver he mate you’re all right is it your car yeah no it’s my girlfriend’s car so what’s your name my name’s yeah all right are you want insurance for this no I’m not on this insurance but I’m insured on my car fully pumped right okay so the driver is the boyfriend of The Wanted woman but the reason we’ve stopped you is she’s wanted and obviously you don’t look like her all although he’s clearly not The Wanted woman the man still has a problem he’s not on the insurance for the Audi though he says the policy for his own car allows him to drive it so Warren needs to find out more about his car and the policy go what’s sure I need to know ex your journey is not going any further unless you could tell me on car month 6 month you don’t know regge I need to know it mate the man says he doesn’t know the reg of his own car so they aren’t able to check the insurance so Ben comes up with an alternative plan 32 what your PO card bd5 can you do as a a postcode check and see if there’s a vehicle register at that address but perhaps unsurprisingly there isn’t right there’s no with that post Cod it’s not that address so moment we think you’ve got no insurance until you can prove otherwise okay how do I prove that then that’s down to you unfortunately we’re doing the best we can we can’t search any more systems we’ve searched your address and your post card so what do I do then well we SE your car it’s not it’s my girlfriend’s yeah I know but you’re not showing up policy and you can’t give us anything to say that you’re insured driving uninsured with two kids in your car is hardly posited parenting but Warren and Ben aren’t going to let the boys suffer for the sins of their father you take this gentleman and two kids yeah home and then come back for me when you’re done right all right we don’t want to make him walk home with you no is anything you guys need out of this car any toys or anything I’ll get your dad’s shopping bag just a bag myox can’t forget Xbox M can we I can’t live without an Xbox I’m sure you can’t you’ve got no insurance you can not coming back on PNC you can’t provide any documentation that you’re insured you’ve got nothing that’s registered to that address you’ve got no emails right guys are you happy you’ve got everything yeah and now we’re going to go for R of police car are we the cars off to the pound and the man was given a traffic offense report for driving without insurance I won’t like to be in his pred predicament where he’s stuck at side of road with two little kids load of shopping that he’s got to carry we’ve acquired the car which is beneficial to everybody and I’ve also provideed safe passage on by giving them a lift uh so I’m going to stand out here without Court while uh my colleague takes them takes them home and make sure they’re all safe and sound he stood at the gate with a kitchen knife saying he’s going to stab police crime is on the rise armed with a axe and a machete trying to break into two separate houses but cometh the hour unit unit come at the interceptors get on the floor out out and running we’re riding with West yorkshire’s Elite alongside their Pursuit drivers contact contact s on target with their firearms unit your in the air with their eye in the sky off and running off and running this is the front line in the fight against Crime get on the floor get on the ground get on the ground this is police interceptors it’s just another doing Paradise coming uped 7 milph vle still failing to stop a Runway reeks havoc in Halifax accident an accident he’s going wrong way down a down a carriage away and collided with members at public you me a bloody encounter at the crack of dawn you that to me this some people’s worst nightmare is it when you’re disturbed in your sleep on the inside your house move move move and a supercharged foot race let’s out through the center of leads come here leave it with me [Music] it’s a quiet evening in the outskirts but there’s something in the air 600 horses roaring through Halifax the proactive intercept team are after an Astra on false plates we got a vehicle Stop Parking with the pit team on its bumper and a marked car behind speeds 60 MPH they need one more unit to box in the bad guy which can’t happen soon enough as the Convoy turns onto a two carriageway Road the Target Astra switches Lanes into oncoming traffic sorry on the wrong side The Runaway is running parallel to two cop cars and he’s made a break off the slip Road the Mark car cuts across the carriageway just in time to spot the Astra snaking away yeah it’s going down toward the center ofish racks this way x-ray India 20 we are now behind it speeds 47 mph can we have a end pass please a dog and teap units they need reinforcements and racing to intercept two more members of the proactive intercept team Dave Lun and Harry Jeffrey clear left clear left clear left Harry’s no slouch behind the wheel but he won’t mind Dave driving if they reach the runaway in time to box him in we got a clone asra make off from our colleague it’s gone wrong way down a down a Carriage Way Harry and Dave need to make up the numbers sharpish because 5 miles away undertaking traffic just a breaking red ATS stand by stand by The Runaway Astra is putting innocent drivers at risk he flies through a red light on a wing in a prayer and really takes off still a629 speeds 77 mph vehicle uh still failing to stop wrong side of the road above Motorway speeds this guy is an accident waiting to happen2 put his Field Road put his Field Road stand by Wrong Way Around the traffic lights Hospital wrong side of the carriageway and the wrong jumps another red light people did go there on the car they’ve got to get him stopped before someone is hurt luckily Dave and Harry are closing in carefully negotiating red lights themselves they know the threat a runaway like this can pose the shs are inherently dangerous and unfortunately members of public are sometimes put a risk um we we try and minimize that risk as much as we can apologies yes 2 miles away at the sharp end of the pursuit 6 mph minimizing risk isn’t on the Astro driver’s agenda he’s playing wrong way roulette again and interceptors decide to abort the pursuit but the runaway may have run out of Lu accident it’s not an accident get him at around 50 mph he crashes head on into an oncoming hatchback and as a stray wheel rolls down the carriageway miraculously the runaway driver is off like a shot pursued by a sprinting copper with no thought for the Carnage he’s Left Behind [Music] Lo yes yes into Woods it looks like they’ve lost it still a629 speeds 77 mph vehicle uh still failing to stop interceptors are after a dangerous driver so we got a clone asra make off from our colleagues with the risks to innocent motorists climbing cops have called off the pursuit but the suspect’s taken one chance too many accident it’s not an accident taking the wrong carriage for the third time the runaway Astra plows head on into a fear 500 at sickening speed remarkably the innocent driver only has minor injuries and the suspect somehow flees the devastation he’s left behind just remember is that correct yes priority here is making sure members of public are all right um they’re been looked after by colleagues we’re making our way to area I beening Dave and Harry arrive in total chaos the Fiat hit head on has been thrown off the road airbags have deployed and it’s a Total Wreck The Runaway Astra has had its passenger side demolished as you can see it’s quite a substantial impact this stre are going up to block it off up there right so I don’t know where they are went off chasing for that’s all yeah yeah they’re blocking Road off at top going way down P we did a b soon as he did it so he done it up there do he yeah yeah weed there somehow the suspect ran away from this and it’s nothing short of a miracle that the fat driver wasn’t seriously injured come to a scen of Carnage unfortunately thankfully everyone’s okay but people simply think there’s no consequences to driving dangerously taking a car and taking a Chase from the police this is your consequence right here members of the public damage Vehicles putting themselves at risk m to the public it’s unacceptable with paramedics confirming the fat driver is okay right steady now the dog team comes in to hunt for those responsible diesel stay police dog diesel heads straight for a canal I won’t surpose if they’ gone across you know but Diesel’s more interested in something on this side of the water good boy good boy that’s nice goodbye it’s a good boy all right well that’s that’s the jacket discarded by one of the suspects who wet through so Jess he has been in the canal there going to be wet through I’ll take that back to the colleagues under the coat there we our crack crystals what looks like a bag of class A’s the signs are the owner of this coat is involved been dealing drugs good boy that’s nice just cut this jacket two phones surprise surprise what’s the it’s like crap crystals to me or some description here somebody’s night is it load of cash someone’s unlucky night they’ve deliberately hidden this underneath the tree roots what Diesel’s indicated at um been recently touched by humans diesel found the stash but not the suspect who fled the Astra given the Carnage he caused and the danger in which he placed members of the public the intercept are determined to catch up with the driver and the investigation is ongoing this is where our investigation starts now we’ll get this vehicle back to the recovery yard have it forensically examined it don’t stop here it’s just the beginning hopefully with a good investigation we can track them down and bring them to [Music] justice an Interceptor shift can change direction faster than a runaway bad [Music] guy one minute you’re leisurely on route to clear traffic congestion x-ray Romeo 74 can we have fire please uh this Merc is on fire the next you’re facing down a [Music] fireball in this game it pays to be reactive and this morning dog handler Steve Huntington is reacting to a sensitive car then 1 and 14 year old a vehicle that’s been stolen with keys but the um the latest information is that two of the suspects are only teenagers the stolen car is a white VW polo and a shout comes over the radio it’s been spotted it’s a white drive in it didn’t look as young as 4 St they’re going down all the road toward Road playing catch up here Steve Steve’s pet haate is burglar but he’s taken plenty of car thieves over the years however he’s not happy about today’s turn of events the kids you know there should be at home in bed it’s half 4 in the morning and yet the um driving around the streets of Bradford in the stoling car 13 14 year old um it’s it’s scary it shouldn’t be out and about but as the sun rises on a brave new day Steve shift is about to take a new Direction I’m going an ongoing Bal race suspect in the house being restrained by car’s father just had a call from um occupants of the house the Disturbed two people breaking into or inside the house they’ve managed to detain one male um the second one’s run off um but it sounds like the um the mail that they’ve got is um putting up a bit of a fight and a struggle with the occupant leaving the junior car thieves to other units Steve’s got a date with his pet hate it’s the worst nightmare into it when you’re walking up by someone in your house cops from all over are descending on the address it sly gone mental AR it at 5:00 in the morning and it’s not about to get less crazy the burglar’s been handed over to the cops stay in there you my face so this is what happens to you you breaking me you breing me why you doing that to me R the burglar has already resisted arrest and threatened to spit in an officer’s face leaving him to fellow interceptors Steve speaks to the victim of the burglary you all right one I’m just likeke BKE what sort of what van is it Mercedes the homeowner thinks two men were trying to steal his fan and broke in looking for keys which doors it coming this one the back can we have a look all right then all right then but let me up then the suspect has been put in a spit Hood to to prevent him making good his earlier threat com through here okay were you when he coming sleep a bit of it seems the homeowner Disturbed the housebreaker gave him a few right hands and held him down down you going to talk to me yeah you right talking to me before tell me you’re going to spit in the face Sting them up wall you got in the burglar doesn’t look too clever after his brush with the victim you see he’s got some facial injuries where last thing we want is a him spitting and be him spitting blood so that’s why it spitt’s gone straight on I just going to change it now for a fresh one we just waai for ambulance to come the basic bit of Kit all right I’d say that’s a no it’s fair to say he picked the wrong house to break into hardworking guy decent family um salt at Earth you know the um um he’s up at Cracker down he’s got a paper shop or off license um and because of that he’s he’s sleeping downstairs so that is not disturbing his family upstairs and then things like this break into his house disturbing him and his family putting know potentially putting them all at risk he don’t know what he’s got um as in weapons and and it has protected himself and his family op the door Clos it behind him and then uh he walks in and you know five yards in there a jump him give him a few hours there him down I bend him down and it’s went Rec the police yeah he’s got injured as a result well tough that’s what you get when you’re back into people’s houses you know he’s got a right to protect his property and his family and he has done that’s off to him should p on an island leave there the alleged second burglar was never caught however the teenagers in the stolen Polo were tracked down and are under investigation the car was returned to its owner as for the man who picked the wrong englishman’s Castle to invade it turns out out he’s a career criminal with 47 convictions many of them for burglary and he’ll have time to reflect on that career because though the court didn’t put him on an island and leave him there they did give him 4 and a half years inside still to come second vehicle Che offside the Third vehicle by high stakes boxing on the m62 lights up yeah patience wears thin in lead City Center St me get some cffs here Str I don’t care and Scooter Boy run around he going a left left left onto herel Road herel Road requesting T please uh single crew requesting other units [Music] West Yorkshire interceptors police 780 square miles from illey in the north to heworth in the South they mostly Nick proper Yorkshire criminals it’s black Mercedes 250 but sometimes suspect Southerners stray onto their patch we try and put preemptive box on it to prevent it turning to and there after a car stolen this morning in Cambridge ship helicopters above so that can keep monitor of it if he does get too stupid and go wrong way down mway then everybody will back off and they’ll just let helicopter follow away just confirm he’s just alongside the blue Arctic now with the white C the 150 mph MC was allegedly stolen earlier this morning and is believed to be traveling with a second suspect in a silver citr did you say you think the uh is in Convoy with the silver car in front I think it is everything that that silver car has done the Mercedes has done yeah understood we’ve got that visual that’s also in the same Lane at the moment God’s own country has rolled out the blue carpet for this pair South Yorkshire interceptors are already on their tail Now The Best of the West are ready to receive them with open cells five behind 2011 what a Mercedes them one’s a Citroen ad Fickling is just the driver for a job like this he’s passed every test known to man and is a master of teack boxing in baddies with multiple cars Pastor just find out if this one behind me is Tac train can we just confirm that all of TAC train please I’m just going I am T trained today’s tactics call for four specialist drivers from the non Tac units drop back they currently have just three we got back car just coming through 27 behind the all their highly skilled ducks are in a row it’s over there look see it there two cars in Lane three but the suspects May have got wind of yorkshire’s finest 31 uh the Mercedes is Lane four at the moment the two cars are driving alongside each other uh don’t know if they have in the chat uh they are absolutely parallel up there yeah using a phone at the wheel is bad enough hob knobbing across the Fast Lanes of the m62 is certifiable for plus 31 the Mercedes is now pulled in front of the citen and is Lan three out of four we can only eat one car at once they can only safely teack one vehicle and with the Merc pulling away it’s decision time yes there is sufficient Gap there’s at least uh 20 cars length now they decide to put everything on black silver car you’ll be passing shortly uh the black car is probably 50 yards in front of the BQ Lobby ready second vehicle off Third vehicle side come by Steady go light up yeah Eng it’s over at the speed of blue light open the door seen from the air a pack of interceptors flies past the Citron while other cars drop back to slow traffic behind the pack closes in on the Merc like a highspeed police ES CAU and it strikes one in front one inside one outside one behind game over stop stop stop welcome to Yorkshire out stop stop no injury no damage what’s happened sir I’ll tell you in a second the driver of the stolen MK is in a marked car before you can say banging preemptive Strike Team good stop that mate meanwhile the back markers have brought the m62 to a standstill bad news for sales reps Lorry drivers and Mrs Brown scarra miniak but not without benefits for the cops from M 31 that citen is behind you as well in stuck in the traffic there’s a silver Citron that’s been running with it in Lane be is now so some of the units that are behind us can they get me secure the C while we’ve got the carway station let the reverse slowmo teac commence yeah C monitoring is in Lane to lead vehicle out of the queueing traffic how about again till the traffic gets moving I spy with my little eye something beginning with you’re nicked should have stayed in Cambridge here mate stolen should been stolen today with keys from inside so I’ve already had it I requested it’s from a bur today the Mercedes was reported stolen earlier in the day your friends bought it and you’re driving it back but the driver is pleading ignorance what insurance do you have to drive that what policy of insurance do you have to drive it uh I don’t know actually told me the insurance on the car and all the paper work so ding ding round two where did your friend buy it from donter how far past Doncaster uh maybe 50 miles 50 m past Doncaster yeah H that car that you’re in is stolen stolen yes what do you mean stolen I mean it’s stolen stolen car yes Jesus Christ can’t be stolen car why because you buy this car pay the money you sold the how much did you how much did he pay for it I don’t know action the going price for this Merc is about 11 Grand can’t expect him to remember pin money like that did he pay cash he pay cash I think so yeah transing you know I’m not sure about just cuz I was sitting it seems that this isn’t the driver’s first brush with the law why were you in prison uh I went to the court yeah and then I don’t know the D sent me to the prison because I used to drive in the car as well yeah and uh I’ve been little bit junk and then they’ve banned you from driving banned me yeah you’ve been banned until the 24th of the 5th well the lalan C give that a moment to sink in is that mean disqualified from the driving yeah you’re not yeah you’re not allowed to drive you got no insurance either no further action was taken against the driver of the citen As for the band driver who claimed that his mate paid cash for a Merc he was found guilty of driving while disqualified and driving without insurance and was jail for 4 months no further action was taken in relation to the burglary Cambridge and naughty boys nil Yorkshire United one I’ve actually stopped a driver today smaller than you I couldn’t believe it possible I could believe it I fck you haven’t stopped anyone older than you though have you no well like I say you can’t cheat it so there’s no point trying to interceptors read wrongin like a book keep going like that keep going don’t stop don’t stop I could hear then you put your tongue over in the yeah did I can hear it it stopped but they also appreciate more gential literature Charlotte Bronte Rand new Ab BR I think but was going to bit quicker and they’re expert speed readers these streets were fine for bronte’s horse and carriage but they’re a tight squeeze in a 2-ton X5 and Nick’s got his work cut out keeping up with the nippy scooter Romeo 37 which hangs a left in the blink of an eye the Beamer takes an eternity by comparison yeah 37 got SC faing to stop Curr thed Road one occupant on the vehicle helmet on speed is 5 mph the units and uh he’s weaving all over the shop sticking out a peg Speedway style to balance on Corners yeah it’s on a left left left uh bronic place no time for a Selfie by The Blue plaque end of place he going to right right right to wrong side up road heading back towards th row yes yes that’s affirmative uh Rider has got a helmet just gone out of sight now stand by West Georgia have only recently reversed the policy of not pursuing bikes but stopping them is no mean feat just approaching the double uh roundabout straight across at the roundabout continuing Thorn to Road speed 40 mph Nick has the advantage on straight wide roads and Scooter Boy soon looking nervously over his shoulder and weaving to prevent an overtake one occupant on the scooter another Speedway turn left left left onto roadway and another on the back of that one he’s doing a left left left onto herel Road herel Road confirm T Train yes yes T Train requesting T please uh single crew uh requesting other units vehicle’s gone Offroad uh through some ballards and of hsel Road unfortunately I am unable to follow 37 IED I keep M oh well never mind little bit of a Pursuit there with a scooter don’t know why um could have been a stolen one it could have been no insurance no license um was initially saw it on uh Brony Road and as Miss Brony might have put it Reader I lost him hey lost it at this time but you never know it might pop up again catching scooters is a patience game but the chance will come again as sure as night follows day you’ve got two motorbikes uh in tandem with each other no helmets going up the pavement towards Lead City Center it’s the early hours and Thomas and Wayne have just had their own unsuccessful brush with two wheelers we get leads watch Shing a look round please um we had two motorbikes make off from us uh just off Westgate coming into leads um I think last one was seen um Wellington Street towards City Center Waynes had the runaround from scooters in West Yorkshire for years he knows the odds are against them making an arrest the two bikes both two up no helmets B clavas like this you mean oh bang in the middle of leads bold as brass these balac clav Burks Bowl straight past Tom and Wayne on the pavement parallel with a pursuing cop and toms ready to go man versus scooter on the pavement Yer Juliet 67 but the eager Interceptor can save his breath get in not because the scooters had an accident they’re going to be running towards us oh yeah he out and running and the dismounted Riders have legged it move move move Tom’s itching to get out of the blocks let’s out let’s out let’s out let’s out let’s out let’s out go come comeing come here might leave it with me come here having got in front Wayne’s ready to make an entrance him but Tom makes the collar and a picture emerges oh I love to hurt me of a sorry suspects you strangling me get some cffs here you strangling I don’t care who put pedestrians at risk my car right go back you lot to put them in it they just driving Chris I want even any driving doesn’t matter can you put him in your car check him yeah Che him out it doesn’t matter how you get him as long as you get him right Tom wasn’t the uh finest exit of the vehicle tripping over myself but we got him let’s have a little action replay of the event right hand on the headlining top marks for technique a textbook drop of the left shoulder and oh school boy error it’s a fall from the judges for The Dismount but a solid 10 for end product cuz I’m willing to bet bike’s probably nicked I don’t know I don’t know don’t know you know full well you shouldn’t have been on that bike that nicked bike the mot vehicle it’s stolen you lck up left the motor vehicle dangerous driving and it’s back to cust to lick their wounds I’ve I’ve cut my leg and it hurts a lot um but you know we carried on going um and we caught him it remains to be seen exactly what he was caught for there’s a question to be asked that what they’re doing at 4:00 in the morning um with uh in the lead City Center whether they’re out committing crime or whether they are just out for a joy ride I don’t know but uh certainly for that young man is coming to an end tonight because he’s in the cells that young man was found guilty of dangerous driving as for the Cannabis which was found on him back of the Nick he received a conditional discharge no action was taken against him for theft of the motorbike still to come 31 urgent Ben and mat have the speed they need on four wheels turn off now off but a b m is a race too [Music] far he was like 20 the 15 younger than me I all this St fun never C with her it’s a gray day in Halifax but Ben and Matt are praying for a streak of purple on their patch looking for a um a purple don’t [Music] know purple 30 um8 but before they spot their purple PUO two Lads leaving a blue golf set off the spider sense Ben thinks they’re acting suspiciously hi yeah give his keys H give his keys run forest [Laughter] run Ben’s trained in kung fu and jiujitsu he’s a master at sizing up an opponent’s weaknesses I just get car yeah so rather than run with 10 kilos of Kit 3 two he zeroes in on the abandoned car [Music] 3 32 thank you on for please for an abandoned vehicle you just go have a CL I’m just going to drive R Block heading backwards to find the high tailing pair from the golf Ben leaves Matt to check it [Music] out Matt’s a former fitness instructor structor who plays squash and works out but this finely tuned Greyhound was asleep in the traps today to be honest I blame Matt he’s a bit slow getting out of car he’s an old man now what is he 34 35 and he he goes on about him used to be a fitness instructor and he’s spit as a butcher’s dog I admit I’m fat and slow and obviously I’ve got a bad chest at the moment so as I said I can’t really run after anyone at the moment there’s no sign of The Runaways so after a lap in the Beamer it’s back to the gulf at a leisurely [Music] Pace finding him W it been driving out there for last 25 minutes not knowing where you were couldn’t find you what you the car contained enough bagged up weed to point to dealing so we’ve got quite a big bag of um little bags stly dealing cannabis around ala so about 20 30 bags of cannabis so it’s about two grand probably there so good little stop the golf’s being seized but not before the interceptors recover registration documents from its glove box ah there’s a oh got him that got each person I didn’t see the passenger I saw him but I didn’t see his face but I saw the driver um [Music] descriptions last a minute yeah yeah registered owner looks just like one of the lads who ran off the person driving car we’ve got we saw him jumping out of the car SE him run off we’ve got him on our video unfor him he’s left the um the new keeper V5 in a good box with his details on it’s ins sure to him he’s known to us we got spit to you on our database which may spare sport Billy’s blushes after his noow at the races it was like 20 on the 15 younger than me I got all this stuff on never quite with if you say so it’s like an extra stone is this at least did fit lad though not as fit as you Ben you body is a temple not as f as yours my body is not a temple but your instincts are spot on because back on the road they clock another VW radiating wrongness a Shifty look from the driver aroused suspicion so Ben spins round to head him off so I’ve seen the uh B in front looks a bit suspicious they driver room on look at us what doing come on you absolute nugget a quick look at him as they turn the corner the suspect flaws it overtakes a learner driver and heads for the hills 31 urgent oh he’s seen sense turn off now off yeah I think he’s stopping SunBank what’s the keys car do you have to record me go car can you get off me I’ll get in the car not record me but they’re recording us okay I’m what we doing to get in our car right is it okay if you don’t record don’t want to be record get in car now before we put you in car I you driv like an idiot right you driv like an idiot get in the car it’s not your choice stop leaning in the car you get off no no we’re not getting off you get off me get in the car look I’m not resisting I’ll get in the car get in the car then do you this could be so much easier Hallelujah have you got a license yeah have you got insurance yeah so just explain to me them why you had a gamble at putting people’s lives at risk but for nothing I’m sick of saying that this roads like a racetrack and people don’t care uh and you just you’re the prime example of what’s what the driving standards like and why we’re out and about and what we’re doing to combat it the driver faces a section 59 warning for poor driving if he offends again within 12 months his car will be seized right I’m going to deal with you now is you’re going to be issued a section 59 warning on at police format have you got one anyway I’m not going to like to death you’ve got one unfortunately we’ll be taking your vehicle in lad I don’t know when I had one a long time ago is gone whether or not he keeps his car hinges on how long ago a long time ago was let’s that less than a year and he’s walking home when was it this year last year it was a while ago I cannot remember it’s for 12 months last 12 months I don’t know if it’s is it where a while ago was it months ago years ago I have absolutely no idea I know it’s a long time ago it’s not bringing him up for 59 cuz it be on his PNC and it’s well it might not be on my name that’s why aicle right old car why why would it not be on your name my M there it is years ago months ago oh look 13th of uh February this year ah five weeks ago it were a long time ago long time ago at least month at least month ago two months no n n months no this 59 will be harder to forget that’s for you season c car has been seized okay Mr memory has 14 days to pay 15 £50 recovery or his car will be crushed for driving without due care and attention he was fined 204b and received three penalty points as for the golf ceased earlier insufficient evidence was found to link The Keeper of the car to the Cannabis inside and no further action was taken Ben and Matt must content themselves with taking a sizable amount of drugs and a nuisance driver off the streets of Yorkshire sure I’m up up should we get some dinner yeah let’s go for it don’t get don’t need say for for speech foreign for for for bye fore spee spee for for me go okay on here got heavy you see cing here do okay for byee

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