In May I had the pleasure of heading off to France to Overcome Challenges at Ironman 70.3 Aix en Provence 2024, second time for me at this iconic race in the beautiful countryside of France. A flight to Marseille, a bus to Aix and then an incredible Ironman event. Come and see how it all went down.

    [Music] with me [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] so I’m going to catch him by surprise now this is DJ Sam there he is what uping Sam are you good good good you got the tunes ready music is ready is ready the sun is shining which is good yeah are we going to have a good day on Sunday yeah a good good weekend will we dance the whole day yeah your music music of course yeah thank you S have a good race man happy okay so this is the world board where athletes can stick their countries that they’re from as you can see quite a few from the UK there’s one from New York there’s some from France painting from France and then there is Dan from South Africa well done Dan don’t one some cool unique features this is the photo selfie photo you can take a selfie then next door you’ve got the iron fan area this is pretty cool where guys can design their own posters iron fan I like that that’s pretty cool and these are the ladies that’ll help you you can design your own poster and then for the kids there’s the iron kids area which is really cool there’s balloons there’s face painting and they can color in their race number which is amazing on the other side we’ve got some of our exhibitors the tourism boards in cycl the guys from Nirvana that help with all the travel these guys are amazing they do such good work Mor guys are here as well cuz that’s the energy providers cycling shop ah Co and then masses love it crazy AC legary [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] h think [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on come on IO [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like fore come on [Music] you super [Music] [Music] beautiful like he’s walking the we [Music] [Music] the final finishes less than 100 me to go Natalie and Philip are on the way come on sh come on make some noise the final finishes that’s the end there we go come on let be here you [Applause] [Music] hey thank you for watching this YouTube video and thank you for sharing the video as well if you haven’t subscribed yet click the link down below click subscribe and share it with your friends always striving to bring you some great content and there’s more to come if you enjoyed this video check out this one next [Music]

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