thought it’s about time we formally introduce Elliot to the vlog. We have a chat about his plans for 2019. Also, wee head to Majorca’s most famous climb.

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    [Music] [Music] today in trance antenna to get up the climb seems to work in there the drop in me haunting and welcome back to the vlog special edition to the video today we’re heading out to arguably well probably New Yorkers most iconic climb and arguably one of the most iconic climbs in the whole of Europe and that is the famous a kelabra if you haven’t ridden it or heard about that you’ve probably seen a picture of it on a wallpaper somewhere it’s one of those iconic picturesque climbs we wanted to do this climb last week but I don’t think any of us were fit enough probably still aren’t fit enough now but today’s the day are you saying sack elaborate today have you or have you written it before yeah tell us a little bit about it it’s a great descent in this is savage fine here to seat how long is it sake give you room in the vlog mate gather the vlog [Music] cycle upper is a weird climb there’s like a weird paradox to it I gotta get down it before you can come up with a second out and back road down to a port once you get down to the bottom you turn around and come back up the road that you just beam down but before you can get to it there’s a turn a half K climb just in case it wasn’t hard enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] how good was that we even had a policeman I don’t know if the GoPro picked it up what we even had a policeman telling us to slow down but yeah I mean I refer to my bike in some some pretty cool places across Spain across France in the Alps and I think they descend down to cycle opera is one of my maybe one of my maybe my favorite all-time descents even just from the scenery you know we’ve seen the switchback turns and then the good thing about it is you can see way way down the mountain see you can see if there’s any cars coming up the hill so you can use so you can use the whole road and it just goes on it’s like 9k yeah man it’s amazing but Hertz look what you’ve just done to my shoe how is the descent Vladdy College cold John another best bit about er we go back up yeah I’ve got a turn on and go back up I mean you see for that or you get a boat back I did nearly wait halfway down and now we simply turn around and go back up the exact same way that he came down it’s the sign at the box of 9.5 kilometers an average gradient of 7% so steeper than your average climb around there currently climbing it now of Elliott but the view man I mean there’s some cloud cover coming over today but the view is absolutely incredible from up here [Music] I mean I was only tapping away but look at that I am according to this drop a live segment on my wahoo hi I’m 7 minutes and 21 seconds slower than my PB what you made it to the top yeah okay so whilst I’ve been here in New York I haven’t really talked too much about who I’m here writing where that you guys have commented and asked or you said that you wanted to know a little bit more about the people who I’m with so a couple of days ago you posted a photo on Instagram in Aston or informing people that 2080 you join any to a Spanish team yeah Spanish team based in Hakone arigato just under the Pyrenees in Spain what an under-23 team but mostly under 23 there’s 18 in total and 1223 how did that come about how did you find yourself on that team who raced in Spain previously or do you know people yeah this year one there for two months yeah to try and get some results in apply for some of the better teams and and then I apply for this team then they said they wanted me so when do you move out then I’m guessing yeah I’m gonna be going out around mid-february my first races the 23rd of February here and then why stroke is in September yeah yeah so basically the whole season like what’s always copper Spanish which is Spanish Nationals like in the 23 Spanish Nationals so you get movie star watching them and yeah in Lubbock TV so yeah for a pretty heavy like Oh to up to 20 former crimes yeah I hope to twenty training over in New York is like visa then it’s good yeah really good yeah team house and you’re an accommodation why what’s the situation there gonna be a shared apartment with two other Brits on the team yeah so yeah two of my team mates Brits as well done is it just about British and Spanish really any other nationalities in the team yeah there’s Argentinians and orange there’s a Colombian and obviously Spanish and I don’t British beautiful defaulter yeah I should be awesome such a name of the team equipo whatever classes must be easier because it’s actually but then it’s got ssouri I’ll move on something on the end we just say what’s over [Music]


    1. This WILL be the most liked comment on this video. Or I will close down every coffee shop Cam even thinks of going to. And he will die. Of thirst 🤣

    2. Hi Cam great content. This is a side note, but do you know if Steve is heading to NZ this summer(winter sorry). He rode the gravel and tar classic last January in the Manawatu and our son does the filming for the event, it would be good if we could interview Steve and send you some content. We spoke to Steve last year and mentioned your channel(we are originally from Yorkshire) if you could let us know that would be good and if Steve is interested in an interview, can forward contact details. A further side note is that the organiser of the gravel and tar event here in Palmerston is the father of Robert Stanard who has just signed for Michelson Scott, having rode for their development squad and won the u23 Lombardi this year.

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