Pro Cycling Manager 2024 Pro Cyclist Stage Races & Puncher | Titular Elite | EP001 S1 2024 marks a new beginning

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    pro cycling manager game 24
    cyanide studios
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    Satge Races
    Titular Elite

    [Music] hello guys welcome back to the channel my name is TI and we are here with Pro cycling manager 2024 a little bit late to the party the game just released the last Friday but I’ve been expecting a pre-order that I made so I only received that game yesterday in Sunday so let’s get started and of course let’s get started with the pro cyclist mode using the world DB for this year game and first Challenge on this game I think I will do exactly the same challenge that I did for the last year game which is choosing uh stage racer SL puncher and it’s going to be tiar elite of course but the game is okay is generating young Raiders yes creating Riders yeah I know how to do this skip this part okay let’s choose a face here this face is kind of similar to mine so let’s choose that last name last name it’s going to be elite the first name it’s going to be dlar and the country the country is not going to be German it’s going to be Portugal the region Liu and let’s put my height let’s do exactly the same like we did in the last year’s game putting my height and my weight about 80 kilos or 82 skin color about this one some facial hair and let’s click next and of course our first main access is going to be stage Racers the secondary access is going to be puncher like we did in the last year’s game Grand Champion has a potential we’ve got Mountain Hills acceleration stamina resistance and Recovery is not bad baj is not bad only the Sprint and the cobblestones is bad as we expected and of course flat as well so let’s go yes I don’t want the tutorial and we’ve got a Swiss team a Chinese team and a Brazilian team oh boy oh boy I will be first on stage races for this Chinese team really of course we are not going to T door to Continental Pro Brazil huh Chinese or Brazil I think I will choose Brazil on the Continental unfortunately no no Portuguese team which is kind of a shame next and now while the game is going to initialize the calendars and initialize the game as a whole let’s for this first episode let’s see if there is any difference in terms of this installment to last year’s game if this pro cyclist mode is all the same with a little bit more of a polished UI or something we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see come on come on game you can do this yeah that’s a lot of races 389 races for this world DB good and we should have uh we should have uh real names and for the Riders and for the fixtures the races itself so if this is kind of simil IL to last year’s game expect very soon uh a guide to create your ultimate uh pro cyclist Mo uh pro cyclist Rider like I did for the last ear’s game but I’m going to polish that video a little bit because it was long and I babbled a lot and I’ll try to to condensate the the info there and try to bring you a shorter video with some Goldies hopefully uh come on game okay welcome welcome welcome let’s deactivate this for the time being it looks like very very similar to last year’s game very similar indeed so let’s take a look at the news for the preparation of your season the trainer will take care of you you can already touch base with him for a debriefing on your winter preparation that will determine levels of fitness and tiredness at the start of the Season later on you can see with him the position key moments of the Season that we call targets but you’ll get get back to you on that okay let’s accept and we are going to start with the less starus and the less preparation possible good and Welcome to our team tlar your First Steps in the professional world at the start are the start of a great adventure our team Swift carbon procycling Brazil is delighted to be able to count on you for the coming season good luck thank you so much okay message dealt wrer data let’s take a look here yeah it looks like exactly the same results career skills yeah Fitness pick equ power training Charisma attentiveness Network information passion observation technique stealth and super leader yeah it looks like exactly the same man exactly the same so for the training we should yeah only on the next day calendar oh the calendar is a little bit more polished I see with some filters that’s cool that’s very cool okay can we we don’t have any points we don’t have that cyanide races and of course we don’t have points for this okay so let’s Advance one day do the usual stuff so I think this is very very very similar if not completely equal to last year to last year’s game yeah so let’s Advance one day and let’s take care of our training so I’m imagine I imagine that the mechanics are pretty much the same so I’ll deactivate completely the tutorials and having that said we are not going to register any oh we’ve got the fitness pck skill okay that’s cool they didn’t take the Escape bars there okay that’s curious but it’s a little bit different here zero level to maximum consective targets okay so probably I’m going to rest only about here because we don’t have a lot of races to to do to be honest but of course I’m going o what’s this General preparation weak actions oh that’s something different that’s very different what’s this copy to the active week copy to the active week and all succeeding oh that’s cool [Music] that’s a template of sorts yeah yeah yeah that’s nice that we’ve got this template so we can do this and this then and this cool man very cool and at the end of the month we are 100% brilliant indeed 100% like so and then we are going to focus on puncher our secondary attribute so next week it’s going to be this this this and this and I shouldn’t have copied to all remaining weeks so we have now to delete all of this but okay so I’m expecting the exact same mechanic and with that said I’m expecting that we can withdraw from that race without getting any points the Colombian one and then we’ll try to register some races along the way with the points that we are going to get from the level [Music] up okay we almost are 100% as well here with the punching ability if I do this and I copy this to ooing yeah we have this set already okay let’s see what it did to the following weeks but that’s cool a template of sorts there don’t know how much I will use that but it’s cool that they implemented that just the quality of life thing there okay and after doing this should I work on levels like a boss and then we’ll focus on sprinting yeah for now the first level UPS will be only focusing on our main axis and secondary AIS and then we are going to focus a lot on Sprint after level five or something we’ll see it along the way but for now let’s focus on it pretty much like so should be getting a lot of points by doing this okay [Music] cool oh one entire week where we can work our physicals this will give a lot of points but of course we’ll try to sort those things out and this is only in February so we can race the tour of Colombia and I think that’s what we’ll be doing for this first episode is we are going to race that toour of Colombia so this first episode will be kind of a long one some new music I see on this game as well never heard the music that he’s now playing I just put the music with low volume because some of these videos get copyrighted Fleck so I want to try to avoid that of course they don’t don’t have the option to put non-copyright music on which is a damn shame and I think with no music the game is not the same so let’s keep this music a little bit with a low volume there let’s do this on this week because then we are going to rest yeah and keeping 100% even on the rest week okay you still 100% which is brilliant okay and let’s set two more weeks and then we revisit the training plan a little bit later down the road because probably we’ll need to change a lot of this in the meantime but we’ll see for now it’s everything set so the next race it’s going going to be in Colombia the tour of Colombia it’s uh six Day Tour indeed and we’ve got a mountain there some hills and a mountain but for now I’m going to do a cut while I’ll simulate until there no uh not until Colombia I’m going to simulate until the 31 of January and I’ll be back there so we can get our month turn and get our first level up and the end of the month of January is here so we’ll get our first turn of the month today and let’s do it let’s advance to the first of February let’s get our first experience points and hopefully get a good good level up if the mechanics are still the same let’s see let’s see if the game is still the same 50 points level two our first level up skill point choose between Improvement of attributes or evolution of potential so oh yeah oh yeah it’s still the same as you can see man we are going to improve a lot on stage races not so much on puncher so stage races it’s going to be my choice evolution of potential we can only choose that stage racer which will decrease our cobbles which is not bad Mountain get to the max level so I don’t think we have max level there I don’t think no I’m sure we don’t have max level time TR improved a lot two points on time trial and improving on recovery as well but of course we are not going to do the evolution of potential we are going to get this massive level up one four oh 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 + three 26 level level up 26 Point level up man what a level up man what a level up so we are a beast already on Mountain not a beast but very very decent on Mountain very decent on medium Mountain on on Hills as well and a little bit more proficience on time trial and prologue and of course our physical stats here will improve a lot with that so let’s confirm we’ve got our first skill point the only doubt here on the skill point three is will I focus on technique or training that background image is ah I prefer less years to be honest because this takes a little bit of reading reading ability on this page but okay training so this training will build up our tightness is slightly reduced and Beyond the 90% preparation which is not something we want we want that level two because one extra slot in general preparation week is very good but for now we are not going to need this we are going to focus on the technique because the heal ability is very important we all know these techniques are very important so the the plan is getting the first two techniques the heal ability and the aerodynamic position and then focusing on training to probably level three and then getting the the other technique yeah that’s the plan we’ve got teammates request that we are not going to do of course and we’ve got our first points with our first points can we get in some more races we’ve got five points that we can spend classican not so much classic VAR not so much as well a tour of Alania a tour with only one stage not so much lamin lamin nope tro nope Grand PRI crion nope Sala bro vanz no Grand Prix Asian City oh that could be good the tour the [Music] S this tour oh yes yes yes I want this VTA Alima so let’s choose that so we can get some more racing going on still a little bit of nothing to do but okay let’s confirm yes I want to use all my points and we’ve got an achievement so okay which is uh we did uh a change on our calendar so now it’s 5 days away for the tour of Colombia I think we’ve got some stages here to see simulate and my potato of a PC takes a long time to simulate this so I won’t put you through all of this so I’ll do a cut and I’ll be back for the first stage of the tour the of Colombia and here we are for the first race tour even of our career and of this game procycling manager 2024 and it’s a flat Stage 52 so let’s take a look at the tour of Colombia so we can prepare our episode here so the first stage of course the final 20 km the second one o that’s big but the second one I’ll bring you the final 20 kilm as as well before this Alto malas Pinos then the third one flat the final 20 this one flat final 20 kilm and finally the fifth stage big big mountain one got that to Alto Delino I’m going to bring you the full stage of course and the last one probably the decisive stage I’m going to bring you that stage as well the full stage as well so let’s get started with this first stage flat one 152 km so I’m going to do a cut here in the loading and I’ll be back for the final 20K to the line final 20 km of this first stage and it’s not completely flat but it’s very flat to the end and we don’t have the aerodynamic skill we only have the healability there so it’s going to be tough to do an attack or sorts to try to get some Advantage here and the only Hill there which is very very shallow is still a long way to to the line so I don’t think we are going to be able to do anything here unfortunately can I check oh this screen is different okay map this profile is a little bit better to be honest and we now have the ability to check the other groups oh that’s brilliant man thank you thank you thank you game thank you nakon okay the objetive oh I never saw the objective oh God damn it that was a mistake we should have worked for our team to get some points but okay we’ll try to do that uh for the next stage I never saw that objective but what I wanted to see is who are the favorites we’ve got vgreen here okay where is vgreen can I see vgreen anywhere wer vgreen let’s try to chase him why not we are so bad at sprinting but okay let’s try to chase him nevertheless are we chasing vren yes fin is getting close the rider just pass the 10 km road sign we should be chasing him but I don’t know where it is no the sprinters are positioning themselves up front it’ll probably be a mass Sprint finish okay should we chase this hoise guy probably let’s jump to the wheel of this whiz guy he’s getting blocked like hell but he’s getting a good lead out the Finish Line K let’s K oh yes what a choice of wheel there that was a right choice of wheel no it was not vgreen is coming vgreen is definitely coming so let’s keep ourselves in the wheel a little bit longer let’s put this and who who are you gy let’s follow gfol here are we following gapol yes we are okay G is starting to Sprint 1 Kil ometer let’s Sprint ourselves why not yeah we are sprinting backwards no chance and Vol green is going to take this oh yes Walgreen is Tak well nobody Canute that win it was very well but that was a mistake not reading the manager orders I’m so used to having Riders at max level now that I forgot to do that but I’m not going to do the same mistake and another achievement finishing our first race yes we did we did just that and probably we’ll get some bonus by finishing our first race here into Continental our teammate of Lano roses did didn’t end up on third place meaning is fifth points wise is fourth Mountain we don’t care Young Riders we are 10th with the same time as the third and team we are third okay do we get some points no from the manager and from B bonus not from the bonus as well so let’s Advance one more day and let’s get into the stage number two and I 172 kilm ending on this Alto malter spinos a little bit that a little bit uh after that let’s see what we can do let’s see Michael Val green is the favorite we are not among the rivers and this time let’s take a look at our manager orders and per usual I’m going to do a cut here in the loading and I’ll see you guys in the final 20K of this stage number two oh the final 20 km here to the line and we haven’t had the opportunity to work our 25 kilom that the manager wanted us to work so I think now the pack has slowed down somewhat so let’s try to do it now can we do it yes we can good so let’s do it and he Sprints away in attack get some work done oh the p is not allowing us to work increase the tempo to 65 it’s a puncture some guys have punctured we are approaching only K left they are still working hard to catch those three guys that try to break away one of the favorites even okay that’s why the work is being very very hard okay we we are approaching the climb uhoh the pack is quick the of our guys are trying to go is trying to go okay 10 km to go we can relax the man the the team captain said so let’s try to do work a little bit more there are just 10 km left okay they are not allowing us goes he’s giving it one last go so let’s go 85 now we are are trying to get the stage okay now they are going to allow us to work I think yes indeed so let’s drop to 59 once more and here they go once more n of the favorit is giving an inch but they didn’t manage to break free brilliant so we can do some more kilometers and here they are going again yes we know okay let’s go 85 now because they want to go harder and ourselves going 85 should be more than enough to pull some kilometers again working let’s go even dot because we are using red and I don’t want to use red the finish line is getting close the Riders just K road sign the little prominade is over the group has been overhauled has we’re still going to work at 85 75% of work done at least let’s get those Mountain points I don’t think we managed to grab them but let’s try to work till the end okay we are [Music] working let’s Sprint we are out of energy and our teammate won the race indeed laan roas our teammate has won the race brilliantly and we ended up in 13 so we did some work not all the work that we were du to do 22 out of 25 but we did end up in 13 and our teammate won that race so brilliant brilliant indeed will we get some points out of this yes indeed six points okay so let’s go third stage third stage the third stage it’s another flat one so let’s go 144 km we are not among the favorites for sure our teammate is some of the favorites so probably we’ll have to do some work and hopefully we can do the work here so I’ll do a cut here in the loading and I’ll see you guys in the final 20K to the line 20 km to go here in this third stage and we did our work for the first time we’ve got 25 kilm out of 20 for the first time in our career we’ve managed to do the work that the manager wanted from us and we are still here in front with some energy trying to fight for the win of this stage it’s going to be hard without that aerodynamic positioning it’s going to be very hard to do something here but we’ll try let’s speed this up a little bit until we reach it looks like the pack SP the dust collectively there rers would seem to be okay to carry on big big fall we we are in this climb this climb features some Dreadful percentages yes it does and we’ve managed to do very well there no this one is the most important one so let’s go on the last 8 km of the stage which will most likely end up in a mass Sprint and at 85 dot we are struggling a little bit to get into the front but now we are climbing that’s what our territory like lies lies best it’s here climbing but nevertheless we lost a little bit of contact here okay 5 km to the K gel can I go 90 and use this not really so let’s drop to 85 once more and let’s try to follow our leader rzes who is doing very well here in this tour that Argentinian guy in a Brazilian team and we are following him here he goes he’s too damn blocked and of course we are spring backwards falling behind but he did manage to grab well nobody can dispute that win it was very well deserved zambelli is the winner here and we ended up in 22 but finally we did our work so I’m expecting nine points from the manager today let’s see if that’s the case and what’s the verdict General wise our teammate is first points our teammate is first Mountain we are third Young Riders we are third and team wise we are 13 okay and the nine points yeah exactly the nine points that we were aiming for good so let’s get to stage number four and I think this one is the queen stage of this tour if I’m I’m not mistaken or is stage number five I think it’s stage number five right this one should be uh another flat one indeed 178 km razas is still here being one of the favorites so I’ll do a cut here in the loading and I’ll see you guys in the final 20K to the line final 20K here of this fourth stage and we have of course we are here in front we’ve managed to succeed in doing oural so about 25% of War plus what the manager expected from us should give us full points the nine points and we’ve got a little climb there at the end where we can try to do something there in order to try to achieve something here in this stage we’ll see let’s speit to it we are at 85 so we should be in the front no problems here the Riders are closing on the last 8 km of the stage which will most likely end up in a mass Sprint final 8 kilm so let’s try to do this let’s try to punch at 85 here we are in this climb but no we are not going to be able to do anything here because the pack is working very hard 5K to the line to me we are still working at 85 still working at 85 still going still going don’t block me mates okay we are in the climb so let’s TR try to Sprint yeah it’s a hard hard hard thing to ask here T2 Elite to do yeah no chance at all we’ve got blocked massively and we could get so AR B is the winner and our teammate did not end that well as well only 10 we’re waiting for the back markers who appear to be but we managed to difficult R to do the work and that was the most important thing here able to do the work so General rise Ras is still first which is brilliant we are still 11 points we don’t appear there but roses is still first Mountain we are fourth now Young Riders we are still third and team we are still 13 the first of the last of with the same time okay another nine points is expected brilliant and now let’s get to the fifth stage which is the biggest one of this tour the queen stage of this tour big big Mountain Stage and can we do something there H I don’t know I don’t know 138 km yeah this is going to be tough are we among the favorites of course not of course we are not but nevertheless let’s see what we can do for now I’m going to do a cut here in the loading and I’ll see you guys in the full race hello and welcome and here we are day for the climbers in this fifth stage it’s day for the climers indeed and we’ve got a alone it looks the manager want us toity offers itself with but with this plus three I think we can do way better than just Workman I think think so let’s put ourselves at 59 at the front this plus three means we’ve got 73 on mountain today okay that’s something at least okay the first guys are trying to break away attack it’s a good moment to show the team colors and nobody’s pursuing them which is kind of surprising okay we are at the front at least first pursuers the first Pursuit is starting to happen and we Are Climbing already okay but we’ve managed to hold that’s nice now approaching the third category Alto Delino and then Alto Delino again yeah we Are Climbing from the from two sides the alto Delino okay that’s interesting that’s very interesting okay let’s P this things are heating up in front Okay we are almost at the dead last so let’s go 85 for this Alto Delino climb okay we should be able to cross this go go go go go there’s a breakway in the leading group okay let’s drop ourselves to 65 go go go go go now at the downhill let’s do this and 59 should be able to get that front indeed brilliant brilliant indeed let’s go let’s go let’s go we are relying on our manager to give orders to our teammates to fetch us water because we don’t have control on anyone okay we are approaching that so let’s go 65 for those little bumps another one and this one we must go 75 yeah way better now we can drop to 65 again good that’s half the race done there should be a lot more movement from now on in oh boy that mountain is going to be tough tough tough Alto Delino should be able to survive this at 65 hopefully we are dropping a little bit but we did survive so let’s go 85 now for this still nine men ahead oh boy oh oh boy this is tough to to ride okay now we can drop again to 65 I think pretty certain good should be able to get back up front using only 65 not really but we are trying at least the Breakaway is almost gone so at least that is good the Breakaway is not to everybody’s is liking the pelone has significantly increased its speed maybe the back will slow down after catching the breakway they are almost almost got let’s go 85 once more here for this climb this climb is short but very very hard and steep oh boy 6% almost seven and even at 85 we are not able to hold with those guys yeah we are very weak as a rider still Braga is our first teammate to drop oh boy we have to still go at 85 we cannot drop from that now the guys up front are asking serious questions of the riders in the rear as more of them are left in the Wake good still the nine men are holding on but we should be almost catching them another teammate of ours gone come on catch those guys man and I would like very much sell some water unfortunately we are not getting any so let’s drop to 65 since the breakway has been CAU but more guys are trying to go that would be superb if we could hold here but now we reach elino outo Delino so this is going to be hard isn’t it let’s go 85 we are not going to hold that 85 for the entire way that’s for sure can we know anything about you yeah the pace has slowed somewhat perhaps due to fatigue but I’d bet on some sort of tactical choice no water no water for us man that’s not ideal at all G ofoli is now working oh boy M burger is not that happy compared to us okay now is Kint NAU NAU is working oh boy this is going to be tough for the legs if Nido kintana is working but he’s gone I think now he’s Nelson Oliva watch out team is falling behind 35 men only here as in our leader hes cuz this is holding very nicely here but still 25k to go and now they load a lot can we recover something not really but they are not pushing that hard which is brilliant now someone is pushing again got a f with kintana we seem to be at the helm but we are not pulling we are holding position only here goes g fall with no not much energy left on him mberg is better than us now yeah he recovered a lot unfortunately we are using the other guys to go no got of Foy again pulling hard 11 12K to go but they slow right down once more 10 km remaining still got a FY Nelson oliv should be with almost optimal energy nope not really is working now 32 man now Miguel Angel Lopez yeah not Miguel Angel one of the Lopes K is working still 32 man let’s go let’s go there are just km to go let’s give ourselves the Jael now who’s going C mulberger pron and they keep on attacking anyone that’s lowas definely won’t be able to keep up it’s survival of the fittest and evolution doesn’t seem to be for those in the rear there’s a growing list of riders left behind can we catch vren probably not probably we have Riders are in a portion 10% here at 65 or else we won’t be able to sustain all this Rhythm still 1.5 kilm to go who’s going contas with cazales okay final kilometer let’s go again at 85 and let’s use this even first guy is finishing he really had to fight for that one a great Sprint finish we’re waiting for the back markers who appear to be fairly numerous in this difficult R almost the perfect use of energy yeah we did so let’s Sprint before our energy runs out and we we ended up with kamaro in P9 okay so top 10 not brilliant but not bad at all for our first tour not bad at all man ended up in front of big big names Harold Martinez Lopez Wilson Peña Oscar Sevilla yeah so pretty happy with the the outcome of this to be to be fair so we’ve not fulfilled the the manager goal of getting some work done but I’m hoping for some points because of our beautiful mind place there and good victory here for the equatorian rider kaedo brilliant work for him General wise we are six so we grabbed six places we are fifth sorry grabbing six places top five is not bad at all second place for hoses in the points Mountain we drop to seven Young Riders we are first we can take our first jersey home that would be superb if we could and team wise we are six okay brilliant first distinctive Jersey war in Continental so 20 points of bonus and what about the manager another two points because of the young rers not because of work not because of our finishing position but just because we are wearing The Young Riders Jersey okay okay not bad at all not too bad so let’s get into the final stage another one that I’ll bring you the full stage here in the T of Colombia and it’s a hilly one indeed 140 km almost and are we among the favorites probably not of course we are not but nevertheless let’s see what we can do another one that I’ll do a cut here in the loading and I’ll see you guys in the full race ladies and gentlemen hello and welcome and here we are let’s stage of this J of Columbia and we’ve got a plus one and we are the leaders okay for the first time in our career we got some teammates to work for us which is brilliant meaning we are going to use rash that’s for sure bra we know it’s a very bad one so it’ll be my Workforce this guy probably this and this guy with a plus two probably this with rosi being my protector and Braga is going to be my work uh my water boy guy okay so let’s keep going breakway so bad in the I don’t think we can leave this to the Sprint to be fair a rider just launched an ATT but we’ll see for now let’s speed this up come on come on come on come on come on yeah are riding hard already okay but we’ve managed to hold brilliantly let’s send Braga for the first time to fetch us water as we are managing to keep up here in the front we be using only 59 which is brilliant now crossing the first climb which is Alto delga yep Crossing that very nicely indeed and then we’ve got Alto Thea sizga again and Alto patios is the final one trying to give his pal the slip where we can try to do something there hopefully hopefully we can do something in that Alto de patios but that’s going to be remain to be seen at the end we’ll see we’ll see okay final 90 km let’s put ourselves at 65 for this climb out to the S CGA go go go go 1 kilm grou ised and some Riders are exp to attack yes yes yes brilliant brilliant brilliant let’s keep going at 65 only should be able to hold on hold on here go go go go go go oh we are struggling a little bit to hold but we’ve managed to brilliant let’s keep going at 65 only okay final 50 kilm let’s in Braga for the final time the pack is increasing at work r be happy with the breakway for sure in order to keep ourselves in the front bra has came so let’s go 65 once more on this down hill okay now our boys are all going to the front at 85 you are going to 85 as well okay good the pack is putting the squeeze on the Breakaway they’re moving along at a fair lick you’ve just got to hang on should be holding at 85 here with that plus one fantastic yes we are no more Breakaway but guys are still punching hard on this climb braa is gone so let’s put him on auto king turn okay let’s speed this up we are almost at the final n uh 20 kilm Oni hold hold hold hold your ground here who’s going the Riders have Tak the acceler they’re getting a bit hot or they’re saving themselves for the final Dash Russi is almost done for can he hold still can Russy hold an attack is launched I don’t think so someone is Laing an attack but not getting anywhere okay now let’s do our kind of Sprint train H is going to be the last one onale and you with a gel let’s go let’s go at 90 try to pull us to the front nicely done let’s go to this side of the road then the finish line is getting close the Riders have just passed the 15 km Road time the Jael Ur is going Mesi is going you are gone so let’s use gonzale at 90 you can do whatever you want you can do whatever you want as well let’s not put ourselves in the front of our guys a small group of riders are trying to get clear of the bunch let’s give hes the gel as well while gonzale is still working hard doing well doing well doing very well done they really are moving the out too far or it’s going to start breaking while gonzale is going to do whatever he wants let’s go let’s go let’s go hes doing well doing very well here with KES rzes is gone so let’s try to attack with Elite H can do whatever he wants El it is trying to attack is done attacking we’ve got Ryan at least and now we are not going to work still 84 guys 94 guys here to be fair the Riders are entering the last 10 K St okay but we’ve managed to hold they are still working very hard 15 men only canes attack me maybe he can 7 kilm to go okay good and I wanted to stop this but I failed miserably is off let’s go 85 withes there are just 5 K kilm Jael to Elite let’s go 85 hes let’s go let’s go let’s go we are going to be my lead out despite the fact that we are very bad at sprinting pu is doing a fantastic work here brilliant working brilliant brilliant brilliant okay 2 kilom let’s go hes a Sprint you are gone Sprint Elite watch out a team leer falling trying to Sprint failing miserably but ring and cazales mulberger and cazales will be the winners of this manaz master of his CRA he was certainly the fastest okay and we ended up in 27 not ideal but we didn’t lose any time so I think we secured our Young Riders Jersey I think oh yes we’ve got that achievement as well Young Young Riders won getting For the First Time The Young Riders Jersey so brilliant at least we took something out of this tour we ended up in top five fifth even points wise hes ended up in third Mountain we ended up in fifth Young Riders we take home that and team we ended up in six so for the first tour not bad not bad at all punctuated by the Bonus 25 points for the first distinctive Jersey War One in continental and 20 points for the first top five in Continental so we are only nine points away from the next level up and we’ve got 37 points so overshooting the next level up by 28 because of the fifth of the general classification fifth on the best clamber classification and first on The Young Riders okay brilliant so we got two level UPS yes on one episode skill point and of course Improvement of attributes which we are going to choose again stage races because look at this big Improvement once more man so one four four and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 six uh 15 and 16 17 18 19 20 23 26 man the second level is 26 points worth it so we are going to get 72 on Mountain 71 on medium Mountain yeah we are a very decent Rider now after the first tour very very decent Rider indeed so let’s get our second technique and now we have the aerodynamic skill which is brilliant which would can help us to win some stages and races hopefully and and that’s what we are going to aim for the next episode tomorrow’s episode which will be in March so we’ll get 50 points for that in the month turn but that will progress us to level three but the next time uh we’ll be seeing it’s going to be in the second episodes of this series and it’s going to be for this VTA Al Alima Alim yeah where we have we are going to have 78 points because of the 50 points at the mon turn and this walim we are going to oo loads of mountains so the first stage is final 20 km the second one which ISO a time trial is this a time trial not really 86 km I’m bringing you the full stage here the third one again the full stage the fourth one the full stage again and finally the sixth one the fifth one I’m going to bring you the final 20 kilometers of it that’s the plan for tomorrow’s episode because this one the first one of this series is done and I hope you enjoyed it if you did drop a like on the video subscribe to the channel hit that notification Bell and leave me some comments down below thanks so much for watching my name is tlar I hope to see you tomorrow for episode number two bye bye-bye and take care [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]


    1. Great first episode Titu 🥳

      Also, this is very important for you – currently in the Pro Cyclist mode there is a crucial bug – you can apply to any race in the calendar, even races that your team is not registered to, and in the WorldDB some continental teams do not have much race days, so all you have to do is to go to World -> Teams -> Select your team and check the Calendar tab to see for which races your team is registered and then go and spend your points to apply in the calendar.

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