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    this week my buddy and fellow cycling content creator Mitch Boyer are going to do a little training camp we have a 5-day block of hard training that is going to get us ready for some goals we have each coming up in the back half of the Year let’s get into it leg were like wobbling I couldn’t stand up you’re good I can’t believe I did [Music] that so if you’re new here hi my name is EJ I’m a cycling content creator who started out in the crit scene here in Northern California I was a part of a show called couch to crit with NorCal cycling and I’ve since moved on to doing my own thing if you’ve been following along for a while then you know this and you know my biggest goal this year was to get my cat one upgrade if you don’t know in American Road cycling you start as a cat 5 and work your way up the ranks until you get to cat one the next stop after that is pro however for me the goal was to get to cat one by the end of this season well I got very lucky and had an amazing start to my season in February winning an Arizona and securing my cat1 upgrade so what am I getting at with all this for the new viewers I wanted to give you a bit of a backstory and for the loyal fans I appreciate you and also want to give you an update for the plans for the back half of the year so next week I fly to Washington DC to race a whole bunch of Road and crit races but after that the plan is to go do some Road events when they pop up but also transition into doing some gravel events I am planning to go do gravel Nationals in September so that’s the next big goal on the calendar I’d like like to go out there and be somewhat competitive after getting the cat one honestly I felt a little bit lost without an overall goal for my channel the content and a lot of training that I put in so I’m excited to announce this as the next step and way more details coming on this later so that’s what this little training camp is kicking off in preparation for gravel Nationals and for that trip to Washington DC as for my buddy Mitch Boer he’s never done more than a 14-hour week of training and we currently have like 22 hours scheduled for this week so it’s going to be fun he’s training for his trip to Italy where he’s going to attempt this insane climb and he’s in the middle of making a 4mon transformation video which is going to be so cool and includes some stuff for this trip so be sure to subscribe to his channel so you don’t miss it and finally this video is also kicking off a little series I am starting where I’m going to do little training blocks like this and Vlog it and do these blocks with different content creators Pro cyclists and other cyclists in the space so I hope you enjoy this new format training like a pro thank you for listening to the full backstory and now welcome to day one of training camp okay good morning day one of Camp is in full swing well it’s like what 7:30 in the morning we just got up we are still in Thousand Oaks we uh crashed here last night because we had a shoot in Malibu yesterday which was interesting training um I’ll put like the TSS and the efforts that we did cuz we were shooting for insta 360 they were doing a commercial so they had us basically doing like hill repeats so very very interesting training stimulus from that cuzz you’re basically just sitting there cold while they got the camera rigged up and then kind of went full gas to keep up with the pace and the speed they wanted for the it was it was an interesting day but today we have 2 hours on tap of endurance to kind of just flush the legs keep the legs spinning a nice little intro to the big block that we’re doing for the back half of this week so I think we’re going to go get some food get a nice little spin in before we start the 6-hour drive back to Northern California and then uh yeah we’ll start our we’ll start our big block tomorrow it’s going to be a fun day [Music] [Music] okay we’re out on our ride where we’re at where are we at we’re on Stunt stunt Road in Malibu which it is gorgeous so far cannot complain and we had breakfast at a really cute little spot called Peddler’s Fork quaint little Hole in the Wall Restaurant coffee shop in calabas it’s not popular at all not frequented by celebrities and former World Tour Pros the today on the training plan from coach Tyler for me it was kind of more of a field day so just kind of swinging Zone one to zone two as Mitch attacks me and just kind of feeling it out today because like I said earlier in the Vlog yesterday was such a weird day for training legs are a little bit tight so might do some spin-ups basically spinning up to really high Cadence but not a lot of resistance kind of flush the legs out but besides that get 2 hours and get some time on the bike and just enjoy it [Music] dude that climb was sick I don’t remember the name of the road or exactly where we are Mitch knows but either way that climb was fun and then you can see the beautiful ocean kind of it’s uh it’s quite foggy this morning but I think what we’re descending down and then are we going to go back up and over so we have one more climb no we’re just descending so we’re just descending down it’s going to be sick about an hour in training wise we did like mid zone two up the climb just kind of puttered the legs feel a lot better now that we’re spinning out and I’m starting to learn it’s been a process for me to learn how the body feels and understanding how it feels so it’s kind of nice to have days like today put in from coach Tyler where it’s me understanding how I feel and that’s how I control my day like I said we’re kind of in between Zone one Z Zone 2 with some spin-ups um and I can kind of determine where I want to be in that zone depending on how I want to make myself feel I don’t know if that made sense um but I’m just going to say it and hopefully it made sense to you guys kind of learning how the body feels is an interesting part of this sport do that make sense figure way to I think it did did it I don’t know you guys can comment down below [Music] [Applause] okay ride is done I’m coconut water post ride stay hydrated it’s getting hot Mitch has his his coffee we got everything that I feel like we needed out of that ride some spin-ups some nice um Zone one to zone two very very chill really really pretty went through multiple climates which was interesting ended up getting some heat acclimation at the end because now it’s like 80 degrees out but when we were on the coast it was probably in the ‘ 50s very bizarre ride nevertheless super fun I’ll pop the straa on the screen right here so you guys can see all the power numbers and everything but yeah very happy with what we accomplished good to get that out of the way I feel better after the ride Mitch how do you feel better post ride Mitch is getting ready to go over to Italy going to Italy I’m going to France I’m going to Switzerland wind apparently the riding Europe’s like really good or something we’ll see we’ll see clipping clipp in the title of Mitch’s video that he just posted his newest video that was a bad move let me tell you I upset a lot of people but nevertheless we got about a 7-hour drive home now so time to get on the [Music] road we made it we also picked up some burritos on the way home they and there from our favorite spot I forgot that you’re filming like where are you talking Mitch just thinks that I’m crazy and talking to myself but I’m actually talking to you guys and I just dropped my bag on the floor but nevertheless we made it we’re going to eat chill say hi to Alyssa I haven’t seen her in a couple days cuz she was house sitting when I left um so yeah it would be nice to hang out but we’ll catch you guys tomorrow for a little bit harder more intense intervals going to show Mitch around Northern California it’s going to be fun we’ll see you guys in the morning today is the spiked sustained aerobic power workout kind of like the beginning of that is for you muscular recruitment I like those onoff efforts that like kind of stimulate the other systems and then I mean the bulk but is just sitting at that high it’s like the high zone two low zone three I think that’s a great like workout for I actually find it very helpful for crit racing you actually end up sitting at a high sustained arobic power for the whole time and then doing spikes so it’s very good replic replication of the race effort okay day two of training camp had a nice breakfast this morning which was awesome I W woke up and made make eggs on some bagels for the gang got some good food in I can’t tell if you guys can see me in this camera but hopefully um so we have a spiked zap 5.3 workout today it’s going to be about a 4 Hour workout we’re going to go out and do this awesome climb here called the geysers I’m going to show it to Mitch it’s one of my [Laughter] favorite you guys can see bches sliding on the floor to get some water you were filming yeah nevertheless we’re doing the geysers I’m looking forward to it Mitch is excited um he’s going to try to emulate my workout with me and do as much as he can and it’s going to be fun he’s never done a 20 hour week before um which we just kind of calculated we got the whole week built out um we just kind of calculated he’s probably going to end up around 19 to 20 hours this week so we will um be filming that progress to see how he feels and how he goes through it as I said in the beginning of the video the next thing for me is those crit races there’s one road race well I’m flying out to Washington DC on the 13th of June to go out there and do some racing so just making sure the legs are ready for that making sure we have a good block built out um so yeah that’s the focus and then after that we’re going to go full in for gravel Nationals which I’ll probably I touched on a little bit of the intro and I’ll touch on a little bit more [Music] later there will be an ongoing feud in this video about SoCal which is where mits is from versus Northern California which is I’m where I’m from this is his first time riding here so I’m trying to convert him but might be slower than you F okay we are done with our warmup which is just kind of Zone one nice little recovery spin the legs to get going for the day we are filling up right here because we are headed to the mountains so got to make sure we’re hydrated feeling good it’s time to start kind of the meat and bones of this of this workout I got to check again what I have I don’t have it loaded on my head unit for days like today I don’t usually load on my head unit cuz not a very technical workout pretty straightforward for more technical workouts I’ll load them but also shout out little Tyler he’s starting to do some editing for me for this channel so let me let me know down below what you guys think of this edit cuz he put it all together I know he’s going to crush it but it’s really nice to have someone help with production so we can get more videos out for you guys [Music] [Music] on the recovery from the 303s first 303s we’re at like midtempo and then zone two mid Tempo zone two nothing crazy and now these next ones are at threshold and then zone two and then we’re just going to do high zone two low Tempo up the climb and once we get down the other side I’ll do the spike zaps at Tempo and then we’ll be wrapped which will be nice but Mitch had a little little scare I had an accident don’t he’s uh he’s a little grumpy you know cuz wants to keep his frame looking nice which I understand but at least it’s sealed up for now going to keep chugging along and we start our next little interval session here in 30 seconds let’s get it [Music] okay well change of plans Mitch’s tire is unfortunately not holding after a couple plugs and neither of us brought a tube which was kind of a rookie mistake but we’re going to roll back down the geysers go back into town get Mitch’s um tire fixed make sure he’s good to go dude we saw like a wolverine or something it aongus aongus we decided to turn around when we saw that while while we were pulling over trying to put some uh bacon strips in this is Tire you get bit St bit this is just how what is this place part of the fun of riding is adapting and I also want to give a huge shout out to you guys because being able to do this on a Friday afternoon go out and make the most out of my training week quote unquote train like a pro um you know I get to do these big hours like 20 hour weeks consistently because of you guys and the support that you give me and dude I would rather get chased by aongus any day we’re pretty lucky then yeah exactly so seriously thank you guys um even though like we are far from being pro cyclist it’s cool to pretend and play and you know able to maximize our gains by you guys giving us the freedom to do that so with that we’re going to roll back down the hill make a little audible we’ll see what else happens today [Music] so we have stopped for a little lunch Mitch decided to just like the bike shop put new tires on can switch both tires make sure everything’s good to go cuz they’re both kind of on their last legs set them up tubeless so that means we get a little lunch break sometimes you know the days don’t always go as you plan and that’s fine just got to adapt and overcome but again thank you to you guys that we are very flexible and have flexible schedule so we’re not really crunch on time we’re still going to be able to get everything that we need to get in today so we’re about 2 and 1/2 hours into the ride so only about an hour and a half and we got to do that second set of intervals so spiked zap Parts looking forward to that but for now I’m going to smash this uh morning button just keep this Spirits high and then Mitch will be rolling on some new rubber so he’s going to be [Music] flying we are back on the road we’ve acquired two friends we got one editor little Tyler two Taj Mitch is back there he’s got new tires on everything’s good to go which is awesome he ended up going with a 32 uh GP 5000s y comment down below what your Tire Choice is but anyway like I said we’re changing the route just got to get a workout done nice to meet up with some more friends and honestly still one of the better days I’ve had on the bike every day on the bike is a good day [Music] we’re out on mil Creek right now which is in Hillsburg the little climb out it’s like kind of roller so now on the way back I’m going to start those spikes out so I have six times 5 minutes and 30 seconds at like high Zone 2 low Tempo and then 30 seconds at V2 Max and then I have to like sit at Tempo for a second and then I got to do the same thing but minute at threshold um so it’s like 5 minutes 30 seconds on minute threshold 5 minute 30 seconds on Tempo four times and then we’re done with the workout so I’m going to be pulling the boys around cuz it’s just flat the whole way back home let’s do it [Music] [Music] all right time to make dinner real quick honestly that ride took it’s like 5:30 already M another Ketone Down the Hatch shout out Ketone IQ but yes going to make dinner I think I’m going make some raviolis some turkey meat make sure we get our protein back in get some carbs now another big day tomorrow I think another 4H hour day a little bit more little bit more intent you should have seen the look on Mitch’s face that was awesome yeah let’s whip something up real quick part of EJ’s training camp as I cook for you so got to make sure he’s taking care of make sure Mitch is ready for tomorrow let’s get it Snorlax Snorlax that what it is think so I look like a freaking Pokemon you look cool good morning day three of camp a little bit tired didn’t sleep too amazing cuz it was really hot it’s like going through a heat wave here right now and I usually don’t sleep good when it’s hot outside but nevertheless going to make some breakfast this morning we got a pretty hard day ahead of us I’ll go over it in a little bit so probably going to make some waffles good carbs a little bit sugar with mle syrup get ready for the day let’s do it okay um yeah breakfast is done dusted we got some uh waffles in us some good syrup feeling good honestly still a little bit tired but nevertheless got a chug on I got tootus today which means a lot of over under over under stuff um I’ll pop the workout on the screen right here so you guys can see and Tyler and his voice memo said that I should get the efforts done early in the ride and the rest of ride do Zone 2 just um that’s an interesting he was talking about a study that he read um which which I find very interesting they’re seeming to find that you get better muscular recruitment during doing those efforts early in the ride instead of like doing it late in the ride to replicate a race because you get better um stimulus and better what do you call it what’s the word I’m looking for you get better uh quality better quality better quality doing it earlier in the ride therefore make sure you hit your numbers all that stuff so I’m going to try to bust out a little bit earlier on the ride get kind of all those over with minimal recovery and then and do a lot of recovery in zone two towards the end of the ride I think we’re going to do another four hours today so going to be a longer day on the bike um yeah it’s going to be going to be fun and then Mitch is shooting a video for his channel today I’m not going to spoil it um so we’ll be helping him with that going to be an interesting route for today because we have to go to some certain spots in Northern California for him to get this video done but nevertheless it’s going to chug on we’re going to be vlogging it’s going to be fun I think we’re going to have a little bit of crew L is going to be out there um shooting on you know the car rig to help Mitch out for his video so it’ll be fun a lot of content from today let’s do [Music] [Applause] [Music] it all right we have the X4 on the car Tyler’s over here with the GoPro Mitch is about to go film his video it’s kind of fun to have shoot days like this we have Alysa out here got a whole crew got my camera mounted up so yeah the first part of this ride is just getting content which is kind of like doing the day job job but I’m riding so I can’t really complain and then I’m probably going to do my tatas after we cuz basically Mitch has to go to certain segments so there’s two that are really close right by our house we’ve only been riding for like 5 minutes and then there’s one that’s like an hour and a half away so I’m going to fit my tatas in as we’re going out to that segment but that’s you going to get after it I’m excited you have to watch his video when it’s live on his channel are you ready what’s a [Music] [Applause] k nice job dude [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes okay Mitch is done with his second effort um now I got to do my tatas on the way out to the next climb which kind of sucks how you feeling Mitch really good like I’ve never felt better I feel fresh feel ready don’t feel like I want to puke is [Music] [Applause] [Music] great ah that sucked minutes done 3030 is next not to we recover for a second um holy crap 303s done check those was on tell about in the minutes hit most of the target numbers felt good if anything other thing I missed was one or two of them the low was a little bit too low but CU I was going downhill well okay that was an excuse I was also really tired but nevertheless recover 402s and just done to with the boys we’re almost out to mention next effort for the video so hopefully I can sque these 402s and I’m going to have to recover for a second I’m [Music] dying okay I’ve reconnected with little Tyler we are here on the third segment that Mitch is doing for the day he’s just noodling up I’m uh about to finish my 402s and Tyler’s going to do them with me so this is going to be a lot of fun actually really excited to get this over with and just be done the nice part about the 20 seconds on these is they’re like recovery the other ones were like Tempo so that’s kind of nice looking forward to that Tyler gave me a Range it says 215 on the workout but I can go like 180 to 215 so going to be pedaling bricks after this cuz we got 10 of these but we’re going to do it up the climb all right let’s get it let’s get it over with [Music] okay um 402s are done now Mitch is doing his final effort which he is and then I can rest forever you sound so sad on this whole Vlog but yeah he’s going to do this effort and then I think we’re going to go get coffee or little snack and Ox now it’s hot as heck again out here and then uh yeah we will go back to uh back home and I have to do an hour at Tempo on the way back home so I’ll be pulling everyone again which will be I don’t know somewhat enjoyable but we’re rigging this up Alyssa’s in there she’s going to follow Mitch out this climb all right go get him tiger [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay look he’s flying close coffee shop a little bit of life back in us felt good to eat GL that I’m done with those intervals I still have that Tempo segment but we’re actually headed out to the ocean real quick to shoot some photos and to do cool enjoy the cool weather because it is already like 10° cooler headed out so this is a sick Road it’ll be fun let’s get it bye bye [Music] okay ride is done we are officially kind of cracked but just going to chill for the rest of the day got a train stimul list in everyone crushed it today M it amazing taled amazing Eed some efforts got my efforts done hit my numbers was happy with it hardest part of the day honestly was pulling into the wind on the way home but just kind of more of a mental crack and physical but nevertheless going to eat kind of just chill today we’ll see you guys in the morning got 6 hours tomorrow I’m excited but also ready for this block to be done you okay so today we are headed down to Marin California and we are going to go do one of the steepest climbs in California maybe in the United States it is it is a crazy steep climb Mitch came here earlier in the year to do a video about that and so he has to go down to finish up some stuff for his video so we’re headed down there it’s going to be like a 6our day of endurance and spinning and then Coach Tyler wants me to do an effort on the Steep Hill it’s like 10 minutes coach Tyler wants me to go full gas yeah it’s it’s going to suck but welcome to day four one more day tomorrow and then we’re done let’s get it yeah we’re about an hour into the ride we’ll PE stop real quick and honestly legs feel better today than I did yesterday which kind of nice but again got to keep it chill keep it in the pants today’s not a day to smash today’s a day to do endur endurance and just enjoy being on the bike you know a little bit of a soul ride happy fun I’m enjoying it it’s really fun this route like like I said isn’t amazing it’s kind of more Town hopping but at the end of the day I really enjoy it so that’s what matters but let’s keep it rolling [Music] we are here at Christmas Tree Hill which if you’ve watched some previous videos on this channel you might know is one of the steepest climbs around here Mitch is making a video about it for his channel so well we filmed here last month but he has to come back and revisit the climb he’s a to full effort it’s going to be sick coach Tyler also wanted me to do a full effort because in the video where I raced Tyler I completely cracked and he wanted me to actually make it up the only effort of the day besides that the day’s been pretty chill it’s been nice we’re about 52 miles in so going to be about 105 M day if we end up going the whole way back so uh yeah but nevertheless still enjoying it chill just getting some uh time on the bike having fun we’re like 10 seconds in this already sucks forgot to mention there’s pitches that are above like 35% gradient on here oh boy but t i headed up to go film for when Mitch comes up this effort [Music] [Applause] sucks coming up on the part where I always crack put the phone away push through let’s [Music] [Applause] [Music] go there come on let’s go you’re doing so good dude it’s right here okay Mitch crushed it you got to check out his video when it’s up oh boy now it’s time for one of the worst Parts descending this hill is honestly scary cuz it’s so dang steep but I’m rolling to town grab some lunch I’m like soaked from sweat so sorry if I look a little gross but nevertheless happy with it I think I ended up 9th so we got a got a trophy on this hill which is kind of cool in the eighth or ninth or something I am I’m pretty stoked with that go get some mun e lunch and then roll home what a day br [Music] good morning last day I woke up kind of late it’s like already n um I put my eye mask on like sleeping eye mask for the first time in like a year just because I feel like the light was waking me up and well it turns out it was but according to whoop we have a 91% recovery this morning so we are ready to go looks like kind of taking yesterday a little bit more chill even though it was a long day kind of worked out my legs feel good body feels good A little bit of allergies but uh that’ll clear up once to take my allergy medication last day of camp we have a 4-Hour open themed ride in the Hills doing the hills at Tempo just kind of stepping on it for the last day a little bit making sure we squeeze every ounce of Fitness we can out of Mitch while he’s here and making sure that I’m ready um because after that Tuesday I have a rest day and go to another small block and then that’s kind of it than I travel and uh yeah so let’s get after it another day in paradise last day thank you guys for sticking around for this s let’s see what we get into [Music] today okay Mitch just did his last effort of the content part of this Camp so his content is done um we still have to you know finish out the day of riding the day of training and the goal for today like I kind of hit that earlier is just elevation gain making sure we feel good on the load on climbs doing most of the climbs at Tempo Mitch now going to kind of do a little inside Challenge and try to make sure we have at least that 1: one ratio so if if you have 10 miles you have 1,000 ft of climbing that’s the that’s the one to one ratio and it and it scales up so going to have fun going to be a fun day I’m looking forward to it we just get to crawl around my neighborhood which kind of nice to be close to home but still have like 3 to four hours of riding so let’s get after it new camera angle today too by the way so comment down below what you think of it [Music] you okay first biggest climb of the day is done put Hill Ranch which is right by my house nice like 15 20 minute climb to start it out Mitch is doing so well dude it’s awesome to see he had his biggest week ever last week and then one more day to push through the day he’s really getting ready for that Italy trip that he’s going to do he has to do a gnarly climb out there so he’s really trying to get fit it’s just so motivating and awesome to see um and I’m kind of at the back end of a four- we block got one more like lower volume week next week with a little bit more intensity and then yeah before we know we fly a DC to race again so feeling really blessed today definitely a little bit tired but you know keep pushing on for you guys and I’m hoping you’re enjoying this video probably a little bit on the longer side on to the next climb we got to roll down let’s do it again oh training like a pro cyclist [Music] kill number two done that one sucked Rolling Oaks Drive here in Santa Rosa kind of a steep Street staple um steeper than I remember Haven done that one in a while I don’t think I wasn’t supposed to do located threshold efforts until later this weekend I don’t think m is going to to me again after this camp but on the next [Music] climb all right halfway up low Alamos a beautiful out here today Mitch is uh in the cave but that’s okay he’s doing really good after this we’re going to go get lunch chill for a little so I’m really proud of him he has pushed so deep and it’s just absolutely amazing to see let’s keep chugging dude nice job man oh poor Mitch can’t believe he’s putting up with me saw that dude poor guy well like I said to you guys early halfway up we’re rolling to lunch from here going to reset might just ride Mitch home cuz he has done incredible the last 5 days he deserves it put in amazing work and I’ll finish out this workout but man it it’s pretty up here I’m looking forward to this descent got code for Mitch can’t hack it anymore which is true but honestly I I’m pretty proud of the work I put in it’s like I’ve watched the effort to do anything has gone up since day one the only day of this training camp I felt good was the first day and then waking up the second day I was like oh I’ve never felt this bad and then the third day I was like oh I’ve never felt this bad and then the fourth day I was like oh I’ve never felt this bad and then today bro we did like I did one k effort then EJ very kindly took me to uh Steep Street with like 20% pitches which was just a like a threshold effort and that kind of finished me off I was like barely doing zone two up this climb and it felt like I was like in zone 20 just like I was paper going up the thing dude I’ve I’ve I’ve never dug this deep before I’m proud of you [Music] dude wow okay refilled up again we’re about 2 hours in I still have another 2 hours but like we said going to ride Mitch back to the house he’s going to pack with bike get ready for his flight home and I’m joined by little Tyler to help me finish this workout so nevertheless we’re going to get after it going to be a good [Music] day good job Mitch Mitch is done I have about done Tyler decided to ditch me to so I have about an hour and a half alone of climbing but you know what going to fill out my water at home real quick and then get after [Music] okay wow um I didn’t really film that there but the last part that workout kind of got dark I’m not going to lie um in a bit of a dark place but I haven’t gone there in a long time so it felt good to push through and I knew I couldn’t give up because this guy crushed it all week dude thanks Sam for coming out of course thank you absolutely amazing check out the videos will be live on his channel shortly um from our training camp so be sure to go subscribe to Mitch Bo if you haven’t [Music] already okay let me give you a little training update um since I’ve been back in La first couple days as back just like dead um my R was back in the shop uh at R headquarters getting some fun upgrades for my Europe trip coming up and so I just rode around on my cruiser bike zone 2 Zone one zone zero like very easy stuff Friday so this is like 4 days after I got home I just had like a Zone 2 ride I was flying on this Zone 2 ride like I was going like 24 M hour on the flats in my zone 2 I had like an extra like 10 or 20 watts and then yesterday Sunday I had some like low Cadence like threshold workout like 50 to 60 RPM my coach has me doing that to help get ready for some Steep Street stuff in Europe uh where like low Cadence matters dude my legs were tired but they were just like putting down the Watts normally for those efforts I’m shooting like around 300 I was doing like 315 320 for each interval like a piece of cake like my heart rate was in a good spot my legs were feeling strong dude I don’t know like I am flying right now my coach is really excited he’s like all right Let’s do let’s do a critical power test while you have these legs so anyways EJ thank you for the training camp it was awesome I’m glad that I’m flying man I might have to come do another one


    1. I like how my humor slowly disappeared as the week went on… but my legs have never been more powerful 🫡 Thanks again man it was a blast!

    2. Man I thought my YouTube videos were the only ones that were very shaky when using ND filters 😂 I feel better now. Good luck on you gravel journey man. I just races unbound 200 and had an amazing race. Had a bit of a dumb crash coming out of first aid station mile 70 on the road and lost the front group, I managed to get in to a nice rhythm and crawled my way Back and finished 2nd on my age group (M16-29) out of 85 riders and 7th overall out of 1300+. Have few videos from it on my YouTube channel. Brutal day but looking forward to next year again and hopefully I get picked on the lotto again. Would be nice to see you out there as well.

    3. @30:04 Guys, you didn't finish the climb – it still goes up, look behind you!

      Besides, that extra bit would have been good for your gravel training 😊

      Great content guys 👏

    4. Great stuff!! If you guys want to try a hill come up to Auburn/Colfax area, we have some tough hills here (Iowa Hill Road). Currently KOM is held by Neilsen Powless. Let me know and Team Coconut will come out support you guys

    5. A part of me is glad that my progress through the categories has been so slow. At least I always have something to chase 😅

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