I gave myself a week of preparation to try beat my PB at Swansea Half Marathon!

    I actually set my PB on this course last year in the blistering heat, this year was an opportunity to try beat my previous time of 1:28.30…especially 3 weeks after Ironman 70.3 Mallorca!


    Half marathon PB!! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ

    Swansea Half Marathon- 1:23:32 (93rd overall)๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿป

    Itโ€™s certainly harder knowing the course and entering six days ago didnโ€™t help! Luckily, the weather was certainly better than last year and felt very good considering I havenโ€™t run anywhere near the distance.

    Itโ€™s probably the first race I actually paced myself well and not going off like a rocket ๐Ÿš€

    Congrats to all the 3,800 runners and thanks to all the support out on course, especially the Ferry Flatliner’s support group ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

    Thanks to my partners:
    Ribble Bikes
    Ribble Collective – https://www.instagram.com/ribblecollective?igsh=dGFuNXZvOTJ5bjVh
    SBR Clothing
    Skratch Labs
    TopstepTri Coaching
    British Triathlon

    Follow me on instagram here:


    Fancy an EZdisk like mine? Follow this link for 10% off:

    [Music] morning guys welcome back to another video we’re here in sunny Swansea yet again uh decided to last minute end to Swansea half marathon so I gave myself a week’s prep to uh get ready for this event I’ve done one Club run a nice 45 minute short and sharp Tempo with efforts and then a a warm up yesterday so uh really good prep as you can tell but uh no I haven’t run this distance since uh I am on 753 and I thought there’s a bit of a way to to get back into it to get some training done and basically just enjoy another really good event in Swansea so I came down last nearly just to pick up my number cuz I know that last year was actually chaotic speaking of last year I did my PB uh half marathon here 1 hour 28 so if I can get under 130 today I would be very happy but uh just going to enjoy it looking like it’s going to be warm it’s going to be really nice day so let’s go get ready [Music] [Music] okay so we just done the photo all signed on had a massage thank you to mark for doing that bit of a saw back that was lovely uh the flat Lin is all here we’re just going to get warmed up and then we’re going to head over to the pen so sun’s coming out it’s going to be pretty warm there’s not much wind which is great so um should be a good race I’m not going to go off hard this year which I did last year but uh if I can get around my PB which I did last year that’ be fantastic so let’s go [Music] [Music] [Music] feel all right just got a fingers crossed I feel uh all right when we start going but uh it’s starting to get warm now so we see but uh lovely day just going to enjoy it I think it’s just uh no pressure just go out see what I can do and enjoy the sushi uh meal we’re going to have later so good times wo [Music] wo 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and they are that s of sound we under way in the air we are underway forly now for the 2024 edition of the SP spy water so many covers so the bestest from clubing in and around South Wales and Southwest Wales but also [Music] go woo l [Music] [Music] oh everything will turn [Music] down oh everything turn down 5 minute PB oh my God it’s actually all right I actually felt comfortable all the way through so yeah they cook now warm at the end uh yeah I to go have a massage have a rest and then we’ll have a deep brief afterwards you okay [Music] [Music] everything will turn [Music] down everything we turn down [Music] I just did my half mouth on and I’m so fun what you ra stuffed yeah that’s all I can say

    1 Comment

    1. Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ I got a PB yesterday also. Conditions were alot better than last year that's for sure. The tailwind to the finish was great.

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