Join myself & ‘Ringo’ for 2 night Solo Lavvu camp. I share a couple of tips for cooking with the Zebra Billy Can and all in all have a quiet chilled camp between the Silver Birches. Thanks all for stopping by.

    Intro & Outro music by Rough Timba

    Check out my website roughtimba .com for Coal Trays, Zebra Billcan & more

    [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh oh wow that’s a is I need a name for it I need a name for it I need a name for the bike I need a name for the bike um I think it’s a well you got to be politically correct these days aren’t you but I think it’s a I think it’s a male I think it’s a h um yeah I need a name for it don’t know what I needed to do a bike camp and looking like the weather’s going to be great this weekend considering what we’ve been through considering what we’ve had recently weather’s going to be good I managed to get on here I was supposed to be coming with someone else but they couldn’t make it um so I decided to just do it come on my own and um here I am finished work this afternoon packed up and came out to be fair I was a little bit worried because the amount of weight I’ve got on the back I was a little bit concerned the lau Northern Outdoors Sean thank you mate banging job that weighs enough in itself plus you know drink drinks food everything else that goes with it it’s a lot of weight on the back and I got my lk35 as well which was fully loaded so there’s a lot of weight on the back of that bike but the old Royal Enfield made like a gun so I’m pretty much all set up now I don’t even know what time it is 20 6 20 plus 6 those of you know me um I’ve not had a drink for 3 and a half years and I was at the Bushcraft show two weeks ago and thought you know I’m I’m just going to have a beer and it’s a it was a bit of a milestone to be honest with you um in terms of you know putting a lot of effort into rough Timber my shop and invested a lot of money into it and I thought it was a bit of a momentous occasion and um I thought you know what I’m going to I’m going to have a beer so I had a beer and uh it was just enjoyable with friends and um yeah I’m I’m enjoying I’m enjoying AER I’m pretty much set up titivating as you do um I’m going to get a fire on just got a boil in the bag for later so I’m going to get a fire on and do that I’ve got this whole Woodland to myself oh the whole thing about rough Timber the two birds I used to carve them on my spoons and um it’s about being free away from the stress and strains of life and um I’m in that moment right now go into the woods and find peace got to do it man life is so stressful get out there sit in it and be free be free from all the crap that’s going on in the world [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] Fire’s on post andmade get some water on get some grub just thought of a name in the ’90s I was a massive uh Beatles fan got really into the Manion scene and Oasis and um from that I got really into the Beatles Ringo Ringo [Music] Ringo for for all for [Music] for [Music] it’s about quart to 10 no wind couple of song birds still around for it’s great you can there’s some horses in the next field you can hear them Galloping around so I didn’t sleep too well last night got to be honest I’m not great on an air mattress don’t know why normally when you’re car camping you’re taking the uh you know some sort of folding bed or cop bed military cop bed with a um you know substantial foam mattress but yeah I think I must have got about 3 hours sleep all together just couldn’t get right never mind it’s all part of the fun right um I’ve had me spam got a cup of tea um i’ got a couple of little bits I need to do today but uh by old accounts it’s going to be quite nice later weatherwise oh sorry I just been inhaling a lot of smoke life is good I also want to just take this opportunity to um say thank you for everyone who came to see is at the Bushcraft show everyone who supported me purchased had a chat you know it it was the second year I’ve traded there um but yes it was is I mean I didn’t get to see any of the show at all to be honest with you CU you sort of confined to your little area for four or five days um but yeah just thank you to everyone thank you to the organizers this year as well for for uh increasing the security um cuz I know I was in a bit of trouble last year and yeah thank you so what I’m going to try and show you is the zebra Billy this is a 16 remove the plastic Clips um now one thing that I found out is you can use a a fish mouth spreader to if you’re using it as an oven you can use a fish Mouse spreader to keep the lid on sort of that effect can’t show you cuz I forgot my one uh but the other thing you can do is must remember the old bulldog Clips they come in various sizes but if you remove if you remove the clip that also works a um that also works as a clip to keep the lid on so going to try and attempt to fold it over I only got my Leatherman I’ve only got my Leatherman to show you really could do it do it in a vice but everything was last minute like that there we go so now if you’ve got it as an oven lid stays on cook some beef in there tonight hopefully got tip do you like n tea I do got amazing properties I believe just had a massive Wind come in just bits of rain and uh massive Cloud covering the wind was coming in this direction so I thought I’ll move over there stick a tarp guess what the wind changed Direction always does with me but yeah it’s a bit blowing now I don’t know what’s wrong with this GoPro says 45% battery and it’s just just turned itself off low battery they crap honestly anyway cup of tea time General time right Journal pretty much every Camp I go to as well as try and document it for you guys good oldfashioned paper coffee ah yeah it warms you up don’t it twice Sun’s come out now as well I said it was been new this afternoon right I need need a lot more wood though for tonight’s Shenanigans so best’s get S let get choing Sun’s back out so I’m having I’m having so much trouble with a GoPro you’re saying batter’s enough on the actual camera then I’ve got the you know the 4our stick that’s supposed to be 4 hours uh it turns itself off it doesn’t record it records without sound about enough of it but I like the compactness of it and you know no messing around with focus and whatnot if anyone’s got any suggestions of um what what’s what’s the best camera to get you know for this sort of stuff vlogging and youtubing and whatnot let us know cuz I’m just about ready to throw this thing on the fire quite frankly I’m actually going to email GoPro and see what they say so I’ve just figured out something 16 mil zra Billy C British Army mess in the smaller one m in beef I got no um got no rubs or salt or anything so just going to stick it on see how it goes experiment lat on stick it on the fire 16 cm Billy can C tray available on my shop new website just slits in there the Coal’s go on top don’t know see how it goes well that’s half an hour so think we’ll give it a bit more seems successful it’s gone for about 40 minutes sounds like it’s cooking do it let it cool down a bit let it rest for 10 minutes and give it a go just like comeing sit in the Sun a bit just com through the little setting areas through the trees right let’s see if this pupp is cooked then shall we I mean certainly smells like it not so bad eh oh yeah oh I’m going to crack on with this [Applause] no veg [Music] terrible this is a song that Springs to mind heaven I’m in [Music] heaven you know what it needs though right tell how old chaps that was divine um we have to save that for breakfast so not nothing for breakfast so save it for breakfast honestly I will okay so I took the top down I’ve done all the admin washed up stoke the fire um yeah just out a general tidy up really and sit down and chill out for a little bit no [Music] good morning looks like today’s going to be a better day to be honest how well it’s glorious out there I’m pretty much packed down just uh drying out the basil of the thank you Sean northern northern outdoors UK thanks for the mod mate looks awesome works perfect um so got that throwing bike have a brew and see about getting off thanks all for watching see you on the next one [Music]


    1. Hi Tim started watching this morning. Great camp and I have also been blessed with being alone there, amazing. Been a bit sidetracked by naming your Royal Enfield 🤦🏼‍♂️ You could go for George as George Townsend started a company in 1851 that eventually became R.E.
      Leonard Riley is an anagram of Royal Enfield. And Finley can also be made from R.E. Hope that helps Tim and clearly shows I need another camping trip 😂😂👍 Love the Lavu in the video too. 👍 All the best.

    2. Ca I ask you what ax you use as yours looks very good quality also I haven’t bought my stove yet, like you I have an Enfield 350 classic, just running it in so I’m only just starting to buy all my gear for camping and accessories for the bike . I’m 65 so it got to be easy gear and light for the bike so any advice is appreciated thanks 😊

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